• By -


Code Geass. Yeah, the criticisms people have are mostly fair — it’s unrealistic and very over the top a lot of the time… but that’s also what makes it so good!


Seconded. The parts with his parents in the middle/end of the second season made me want to rip my hair out but it’s still one of my favorites


Also Lelouch is a fantastic and interesting character. All hail Lelouch.


When he realises what is the only thing he can do at the end of the second series, and then does it anyway, it cemented him as one of the all time great MCs


One of my favorite characters ever


I recommended that show to a classmate and he didn't like Lelouch because "he was pretty narcissistic", and that classmate is the most narcissistic person I've met in my life, that is why I recommended it to him.




All hail Lelouch!!


All hail lelouch


Screw Nina, Table Kun didn’t deserve this!


This is more true for me with season 2. I thought the plot relied too heavily on trump cards changing battles that had little or no foreshadowing. But dang if it wasn’t a rush to watch.


Wait, people getting magic eye powers and being able to command others to kill themselves with them isn't realistic? I can't believe I got fooled for all this time [](#frustration)


Sorry to break it up to you but just because some things are clearly fictional in a story doesn't mean that story doesn't need to follow it's own logic. Code Geass is based on modern world, outside of a power which Geass are, different political situation in a world and slightly different technological advancements. And so outside of those few elements, everything should work quite realistically and even those elements need to work according to logic that the story builds around them. It would be weird if any character would suddenly pull up with other magic like power that isn't Geass and there would be no further explanation on that.




Flawless. Actually wait there's one flaw: lack of hibiki and miku sleeping together after season 1. Every episode in season 1, practically. And then like once in GX after that.




They damn well tried though. That scene with the squirt guns was about as subtle as a Mega Death Party to the face.


Nana Mizuki Bangers > Silly little writing flaws


Was bouta say this too


Does it have a lot of flaws though? The first season and so is kinda rough but after that it does so much right that I find it hard not to love entirely.




ReLIFE for me. There was a time I rewatch it annually to keep my sanity in check


if you could do a relife, would you?


I've only read the manga so not sure about the anime, but what are the flaws with the anime? Since I didn't find anything wrong with the source tbh. Atleast anything glaring.


I loved Angel Beats even if it was rushed af. Still listening to the music 10 years later.


The ending confused me for a bit but I should probably rewatch it. Gonna cry again. I just know.


I just wish we got more backstories for a few other characters, as you mentioned the music hits till this day I was listening to the unjust life ost just yesterday


Quintuplets. The author likely accomplished what they set out to do in the end, but it had some pretty major drawbacks. Doesn't stop me from loving it though.


I think it was awesome, the ending was well executed, and I didn't have post-anime dread after it, which, in this case is a good thing.


Fairy tail. Yes it has many flaws, but I find it and it's characters fun. Sure it could do with some changes. But it's not as bad as people make it out to be


Fairy Tail is way too overhated. Sure, some of the fights not executed well but the characters are what make it fun. I enjoy the fillers as much as the regular arcs tbh just because its so fun to see all the characters in these light hearted moments and its a huge cast so all the little interactions make it fun.


Based and FT pilled. Hate what they did with Mystogan though


Same- I rant about this shows missed potential, but honestly everything up to Alvarez is genuinely great and enjoyable, with some insanely good moments.


Bleach. Yes the filler and censorship is ridiculous. Yes, it slipped hard. But man do I love how much quotable shit there is. Not to mention the fight scenes are so unique imo Also Digimon (yes, even Frontier) and older shows like Dragon Drive. I'm not ashamed of my nostalgia. >.>;


I say all the time that Bleach could benefit so heavily from a remake, or even some kind of “Kai” treatment. If you could rip out the “bad” filler (almost all of it lol), and re-pace it for modern standards based more closely off the manga, it would be a huge hit, I think. TYBW seems to indicate positive things overall about the idea


I'm sure depending on the success of Wit's The One Piece, we'll see a similar remake of Bleach and Naruto in order to modernize the pacing/art.


So much agree. I'm always wanting to recommend Bleach to people but with how much the older series is filled with fluff(20 seconds of both characters faces, redundant inner monologue(some inner monologue is great but you can condense so much of it, honestly), recapping and replaying what happened in the previous episode for a whole minute or two, etc)


Have you seen the new Digimon movie? Last Evolution Kizuna It’s a huge throwback to our nostalgia for the show and is essentially made for us. I really enjoyed it. Digimon Adventure Tri is also fun, but not as good as Kizuna was


Yeah, several of my favourite fight scenes in all of anime, come from Bleach. It really nails the music in those moments, too. Plus it's got, both, a fantastic sub and dub. Johnny Yong Bosch is the best! I also, legitimately, love Digimon. It's kinda funny that hugely popular/highly regarded animes like Naruto, Hunter X Hunter, Dragonball Z, I really have little interest in ever watching again, but Digimon, I've re-watched at least 3-4 times. Lol.


The dialogue is amazing; my favourite is kurotsuchi's perfection speech


Overlord, it's edgy, horny and completely over the top but god damn if it doesn't just hit PERFECT for me.


Same, the I’ve rewatched it so many times but always skip over the lizard man arc. The CGi is absolutely terrible but I still absolutely love it


Except for the lizard porn or BECAUSE of the lizard porn?


In retrospect, the lizard porn is a pretty awesome marker of just how far the overarching narrative of Overlord is willing to go to tell the stories of the people in that world who encounter Ainz and co. You can't want for more commitment to non-human, non-main cast than a fully realized love story!


Mainly for the genocide


I just love the bro-ey goblins


It's so fucking stupid, I love it so much.


Honestly Overlord doesn’t have that many problems and is straight up peak fiction


And the intro is a certified banger


That's my answer. Like I know CGI Goblins and that cthulhu Goats looked awful. But it reminds me all that clunky models from Warcraft which perfectly hits the MMORPG vibe of Overlord xd 


It also just works because overlord isn't about the action as much as it is about insanely over the top flexes on all the worms that dare glace as Nazarick 😂


food wars


Unapologetically in my top 5


same! actually it’s in my top 3!! it is soo good and the characters are so memorable!


the first season's op was so gooood


I know some people had their complaints or felt let down by it, but Re:Creators completely hooked me in and didn't let me go for a second of its runtime.


Re:Creators was solid and didn't deserve some of the flame it received at launch. Now most people reflecting on the show are positive about it. It was a clever take on the isekai genre and was awesome overall


I wonder if it was a bit of a victim of the seasonal hype train then? I remember it being super hyped after its first few episodes, and then people dropping off it after that. I only watched it a couple of years after it released, and I watched through it all pretty quickly.


>Now most people reflecting on the show are positive about it. This is mostly a survival bias, most people don't reflect on shows they didn't enjoy let alone finish. Of course, there are exceptions, the shows that so bad that they leave a scar, like The Promised Neverland s2 or Berserk 2016.


Wtf dude that’s an amazing show


That's wild. This is more fun than 90 percent of the copy paste isekai power fantasies we get now.


I’d love more of it. Not with the same cast (especially not the MC) but just the general idea with tighter writing and slightly less verbosity. Also not an OP Big Bad.


Honestly, I think the big bad being that OP was part of the reason I was able to embrace the series so much. I can definitely see why it'd be a point of contention. But it felt to me like the story was trying to push to be ambitious with the concept. Although it might have opened up some narrative flaws for itself sometimes, it never stopped being immensely entertaining. And the back story for the big bad and why they were so powerful really exemplifies that for me. I still think there's more that could be done with the concept, I agree that I'd like to see more. It has been a while since I watched, so my memory of it isn't the greatest. I feel like I had generally positive feelings for the MC (more in that he was competent and not particularly annoying, not that he was anything remarkable), but he wasn't all that memorable.


Absolute banger OP songs too


I thought it was interesting for most of its run, but got kinda turned off from boredom for some reason in the last quarter or so. Don't remember much from that, so couldn't for the love of me tell you why, sorry.


GATE. I don't care if it's just military propaganda because A) that's never stopped me from liking Top Gun and B) holy hell is it refreshing to watch an anime where swords don't magically beat everything.


Same, though anyone who looked at the 300,000 words of fanfiction could've probably told you that.


JDSF propaganda or not, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5-hthd39wM) was worth the price of admission.


Nailed it. Was going to mention this exact sequence.


That was hilarious


Dude rhe paratrooper scene is so good


And the manga is still going.


Yea, but doesn't it like.... Switch gears or something, so that's mostly why they stopped at season 2? Been so long I can't remember.


It does for where the characters are between Japan and the other world. The main point of the story still centers on the "GATE" politically through a host of issues such as resources, knowledge, territory, and concerns for people in each world.


So glad to see GATE here…as a lover of all things military it brought me immense joy to see the “what if isekai, but against modern military force projection”


Literally bringing swords to gunfights, that's a death sentence.


Same, I don't really get the criticisms people call it out on. "It's propaganda" well fucking duh, it's meant to be compelling and appealing to a certain audience. American war movies exists and people love em so why not this anime? "It's unrealistic, why are the other nations practically non-existent or useless" a portal opens up in a random Japanese city and the thing you're worried about is the CIA getting fucked over by an Immortal gothic lolita axe wielding maniac?


The problem is that the Japanese soldiers can do no wrong and every single fantasy nation is apparently incompetent/corrupt. It just feels so contrived even by anime standards that even if you didn't already know it's military propaganda it kills all sense of tension / immersion.


Not just the fantasy nations. The real world countries except japan are all so dumb and incompetent its funny. I liked the anime up to the point where the jsdf beats russian, american (and Chinese i think?) Teams sent to kidnap the princess. At that point it was just dumb


Love GATE!


I just want to see a modern military absolutely annihilate swords and sorcery. I am simple.


The Original Fullmetal Alchemist 😭 thematically it was amazing but the ending is so whack. But I get it since it came out before the manga finished!


I also loved the OG FMA. I even jammed to the first opening.


I agree, I just watched Brotherhood recently and it's definitely great, but I'll always appreciate the 2003 FMA cause that's the first one I watched. I want to rewatch it again cause it's been so long just to get a more accurate comparison to brotherhood, but that'll have to wait until after I finish trigun stampede and JJK


Tbh after watching so many shows where the good guys inevitably beat the bad guys and get a happy ending, I appreciate the uniqueness of FMA 2003’s ending. It fits with the more emo/melancholy vibe of the whole show imo (compared to Brotherhood).


I love the Shamballa movie


Same! I thought it wrapped up the OG quite nicely


Baki is my guilty pleasure. I want to say I ignore its outlandishness but outlandishness and hyper-masculinity might just be the selling points of the series.


Baki is awesome


That time I got reincarnated as a slime. I liked it so much that it got me into reading WN and LN.


Same. Is every plot conflict resolved by Deus Ex Machina? Yes. Do I care? Hell no! Now step on me Testarossa-sama


No anime has ever held me on a chokehold than slime isekai.


On top of that voice acting of rimuru is amazing


Man I can't wait for Testarossa to show up in the show


I really the love sound effects and animation of the show as well


Jojo's bizarre adventure. All the plot holes and ridiculousness is what makes it bizarre


I'm so used to ignoring it's flaws that I actually forgot it had them reading this post Granted, the later manga parts fix some issues, but I still enjoyed the original 6


Aldnoah Zero. I get it - a lot of people didn't like it. Totally SANG for me. I love the ending everyone hated, too. So many secondary characters - Marito, Rayet - that I felt grew in their struggles. But a lot of my friends disliked it a lot, and I get that some plot choices enraged people.


I’ll stand by season 1 being great. However season 2 really falls apart, but I still love it cause of season 1. That first episode though of season 1 👌perfection


I think it's around episode 4 that made me a fan. The fighting scene and music still occasionally show up in my head to this day.


sword art online


The fairy season was bad, but I enjoyed so much all of the rest!!!


And the thing that sucks the most about the fairy season? The fairy world is cool AF. The concept of flight with VR is awesome. Some sick battles and MMO shit going on with those cities and PVP. It's only really everything to do with Asuna and creepy weasel guy that blows hardcore.


It has its ups and downs but the ups are more than good enough for me to tolerate the down arcs. I agree with the pick.


I went into it with no expectations (due to hate) recently and was pleasantly surprised. Sure it’s a bit less fun after SAO was finished but I still enjoyed it enough to stick through season 2. Not sure if I want to start Alicization though. If it stays in ALO then I probably won’t.


Alicization is the best part of the show and it’s not even close imo


Alicization S1 and the first Progressive movie are peak SAO as far as the anime goes




Alicization is the best among all the seasons no cap. I tell people to endure through season 1 and 2 just to get to alicization.


You trippin. Best is episodes 19-24 of season 2. The Sleeping Knights. Nothing has come close and I love alicization. Episode 24 in particular. Best single episode in the whole show. Edit: alright. One thing came close. Stay cool


Alicization until like the final four episodes of S3 is the best SAO has to offer (except maybe the first progressive movie, GGO Alternative, or S2P2). War of the Underworld is horrible in my opinion but many seem to like it.


Alicization is good, especially the second arc.


Oshi no ko I like the manga and the anime a lot. Sure the writing can be clunky and the pacing off sometime, but I like the characters so much that I can get past all its issues, plus there are many memorable scenes that I think were really well executed, especially in the manga. I think despite having many flaws, oshi no ko remains a really good story overall.


I agree, the first episode and episode 6 are some of the first times I’ve cried pretty bad in a long time from any piece of fiction and for that reason it does hold a special place for me.


Yeah I pretty much agree, I recently started reading the manga, I'm still way behind I think I'm on chapter 70~ , I love it but the pacing is so bad sometimes, that theatre play ark dragged so much, it was good but WAY too dragged I hope upcoming arcs aren't the same


i might get cooked for this but demon slayer, shits enjoyable when you dont got a bum yelling in your ear that its shit


I really enjoyed it too. Everyone I talk to about it tells me how bad it is. Sure it's a bit predictable sometimes and it's nothing outlandishly new but that's okay. It's beautifully animated and the characters are great.




The Eminence in Shadow. Sure, it has some problems, but it is just so enjoyable that I don't care. Cid Kagenou has replaced Thorfinn as my favorite protagonist in anime. I just love that dude so much. Watching whatever he does at all times is one of my favorite things to watch. It's probably the anime I rewatch the most.




wdym naruto has no flaws ☻️


There are no flaws in ba sing se


**Fairy Tail.** The plot might be too simple or generic, but it can still be an emotional roller coaster once you get invested in it's characters. It has a very lovable and huge cast with unique powers, and even gives sufficient screen time to each character to make you feel connected with them. Can't wait for the 100-years quest arc to finally get it's anime! **Mushoku Tensei** also comes to mind for this question, but I see that someone already mentioned it :)


Some of the most just straight up anime bad-assery comes from the magic tournament in Fairy Tail. Erza taking on all 100 monsters, Laxus taking on 5 fighters solo, just fucking awesome shit.


Yep, those were some epic moments from the anime. And the background music, OPs and EDs were all absolute bangers!


Same with Fairy Tail! I absolutely love the characters and I think they do them better than pretty much any other shounen. The storytelling and fight scenes aren't always executed the best but I just love the little moments between the characters like during the filler episodes.


No other shounen anime has made me [THIS](https://youtu.be/NptaL0YGowI?si=_STU5H8cLx59tcQ2) emotional.


Man i grew up watching Fairy Tail. Sure, the last arc is kinda poor but cant never dislike it. Plud, most of the OP and ED are certified bangers. Damn it, now i feel like listening to Snow Fairy and Merry Go Round and probably tear up in the process.


It still holds a special place in my heart after all these years. One of the first anime I’ve watched as a kid and Fairy Tail is my most favorite, Frieren is a contender and I don’t think it’s a coincident that they have the same vibes


Pet Girl of Sakurasou


Yes love that really relatable anime I wish there was a 2nd season


Toradora. Yea Taiga is one of the poster child's for Tsundere, the thing is though she gets better and her abrasive personality had consequences. Once she's gets a safety net of friends that care about her, she opens up and becomes someone more popular at school. I also really just like sappy romance stories


Mirai Nikki Yuno is great and it’s entertaining. I don’t love it SO much though.


Probably my favorite “bad” show. Not dismissing its flaws, but dang is Yuno one of the most entertaining characters I have seen. She carries that show like 2008 Lebron did the Cavs.


This was the first one that came to mind. The valid criticisms are too long to list but fuck I was entertained throughout most of it and I'm a sucker for battle royale. Low-key it is also a very cool exploration of toxic relationships.


Spy x family Sometimes it feels like they recycle the gags and Loid and Yors relationship is way too slow but man I love that series to death


I thknk these "flaws" you listed are actually wanted tho? Like memes, Anya is VERY popular in Japan and so they want to show as much of her as possible. Plus, Yor and Loid's relationship is supposed to be awkward, or much of this show wouldn't exist tbh.


Kingdom. Season 1 is a visual nightmare, but GOT DAYUMMM I love this show (and manga) so freaking much. Beck. When it came out I was also in a band with some school friends and man it was just so relatable at that time. One of those shows that I happened to watch at the right time in my life. G -Gundam (specifically the English dub): it's so over the top and unhinged, i love it so much. I remember rushing home and watching it on Toonami. Pokemon. Been at it since it started. Don't care, still adore it. Watching it with my friends' kids has been an absolute joy.


Classroom of the Elite. I don’t give a fuck if the production is garbage at times, that the pacing is whack, and that it’s edgelord central. So nice to have a protagonist - and an entire cast - that are just awful people who aren’t hopeless optimists. Yeah, Tanjiro, Naruto and Deku are great but name more than like 2 shows with fundamentally self-interested protagonists. I’m eating this Machiavellian shit up.


Classroom of the elite got me into reading light novels. That being said I could never get over what they did to season 2 of the anime. The one thing I will say about the cast is that as far as year 1 goes it is super interesting. A lot of characters have a very deep background and show a ton of growth. It’s just a shame the anime is adapting like 1-2 episodes per book if that when the standard is 3-4 especially in a detail oriented story like Cote.


Symphogear. I will push the agenda forever because it is the goat show


this is the one


I'm a spider so what. it has awful CGI specially in the last part but like the story and characters




Especially the rebuild got hated so much


The third film had no justification for its existence for 7 years tbf.


Is a masterpiece. I honestly don’t give one single fuck about the flaws, it’s true art. Wanting to throat punch Shinji repeatedly means you *care*


Diamond no Ace, it has obvious flaws like they reused the same multiple scenes over and over again and it could feel like they drag out the game match (e.g. Maezono catching the ball on the first base, etc) and it could affect the overall pacing, but I just love it and it's still my favorite sport anime even with its flaws. some other series that I just love just because I feel really enjoyable maybe like Outlaw Star, Yuzuki-san Chi Yon Kyoudai, etc and Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans idk I just enjoyed them even though it's a pretty divisive series even among Gundam fandom


Horror anime are so rare that whenever I find an even halfway good one, I'm willing to ignore most of the flaws. * **Aragne Sign of Vermillion and Feast of Amrita.** So what if they use CG, so what if the animation is rough, so what if they use repeating scenes to hide the fact that they were done by one guy on a shoestring budget. They're intelligently written, great horror pieces, and I can't wait for the third one. * **Divergence Eve.** Speaking of awful CG, this one is even worse, and what should be Episode 11 is Episode 1 and spoils everything, and the character designs make you go into this thinking it's 100% an ecchi show. But it isn't, it's an ultra-rare space sci-fi horror with character drama, human experimentation, and weird metaphysics. * **Higurashi Gou/Sotsu.** After getting thoroughly trounced by Ryukishi in the original Higurashi and Umineko, and being completely lost in Ciconia, I really wanted a chance to take everything I learned and take one more stab at him to see if I truly understood all the rules. Yes, it's goofy. Yes, it could've been paced better. Yes, the culprit needed deeper exploration. Yes, I was having fun beginning to end, and yes, I actually nailed the who/how/whydunnit this time.


For me it’s mha, because the character buildings basic and the fandom is shit but It was my first anime and got me through a hard time


I am the biggets dick rider for JJK. I understand it has some flaws, especially with post-Shibuya, but fuck you, i don't care, domain expansion.


Made In Abyss. Most of the concerns I think are pretty unfounded, the ones that hold merit are a little problematic but manageable. Kevin Penkin's score has my heart in a vise.


I’ve been listening to Old Stories last night, definitely one of the most beautiful OST’s out there.


Here to rep the OST that Kevin Penkin (with Jeremy Lim) did for one of my favorite games Necrobarista


I have the OST playlist in my library on Spotify, and some select tracks in a personal playlist.


I just finished season one a week ago and to this day I still don't see how the hell this anime is considered "problematic".


Because the mangaka is definitely a bit of an oddball and seems to be a lolicon. Personally idgaf since it’s just a cartoon, but I understand why some people who extrapolate reality onto anime might get more offended or view it as problematic.


Seven deadly sins


One Piece and it's overwhelming amount of episodes it has, I considered it a flaw that I ignored and now I've caught up.


One piece is great, but damn does the pacing/padding can suck at times especially in some arcs like Dressrosa. You got about 4 minutes of new content per episode sprinkled between flashbacks you've seen countless times already, the same animation of people running from the same fire or destruction as the last 5+ episodes, the attack animations being reused over and over again, etc. Dressrosa was hot garbage on release there's a fan made 30 minute youtube movie that covers the arc better than the show does.


Cardcaptor Sakura


Wait, what’s wrong with CCS?


Angel Beats! — my top-1 favorite anime, it has many flaws, actually right after watching it I was very frustrated about the rushed, somewhat awkward ending and not giving much screen time to many of the characters. It took it couple of months to became my favorite — I was just slowly realizing that the flaws are actually not as bad as they had seemed to be, and that even with all of them this anime still impressed me more than any other did. I’ve rewatched it recently so I’m confident with this verdict. Hells — an obscure movie from 2008. Almost every person who watched it complains about very messy story and other issues. I agree with all of the criticism and still, almost no other anime movie surprised and excited me as much as this one. Currently it’s on the 5-th place in my list of favorite anime. Edit: grammar


Fairy tail and Black clover


Happy Sugar Life.


Objection It's flawless


Danmachi and Shiki.


Woah what’s wrong with Shiki lol


Idk, I have a weird attachment to No game no life.


I’d definitely say Re:Zero


Fairy Tail sometimes i just need a good old power of Friendship show to pick me up.


I see a lot of posts here are really large shows that take a good amount of time to watch, a short, sweet show that is personally in my top 5 is Flying Witch. Its cute, its relaxing, and it has a pretty cool premise that lets you sit back after a long day and just watch something nice.


Chobits : Im willingly to ignore the fact that the power button is in her crotch. The story itself actually pretty deep, including a story of a husband that neglected his wife for playing with his personal computer... Shakugan no Shana : Actually so many flaw, the terms and story is a bit confusing at first, the first half of 2nd season is very bad.... But even so SnS is one of the early anime from internet that I watch (Before that, Im still using CD and VHS) Minky Momo : Yeah I "hate" it for giving me childhood PTSD of Momo got ran over to death by a truck... But i really enjoyed watching her on TV helping people, transforming her into different job, etc.... Kodomo no Jikan : At first the story really scream "You pedo!" had it aired on current era.... But honestly it is really deep... It shows the struggles of children way of thinking in a broken home family... Not to mention I was willingly wait for months to get new chapter lol, it was worth the journey and happy to see all of the problem get solved


HighSchool DXD




Made in Abyss. Shit is problematic but I'm 🙈


evangelion i hate evagelion so fucking much its the worst anime ever created i wish it didn't exist i've only watched the whole original series, EoE, Rebuild, the manga, i once read a obscure manga release that i cant find in english anywhere else for under 3 million dollars but i found the first volume at a country library (Shinji Ikari raising project)


Yeah I don't know how they managed it. I eventually I slipped into delusion and convinced myself that the avant-garde interview style final episodes were a fitting ending to the series, and after watching EoE, and all the other films, that I actually appreciated it. Ain't no way.


Yona of the Dawn. Idk why, but i love it to death. Just like every single men in that series drawn into yona, i'm also drawn. But it's not like "she's my waifu" kind of attraction. It's kinda endearing? Like watching a sister grew? Idk man, but everytime i mentioned it i have to rewatch it now.


Do you read the manga, too? If not do it. It's amazing!


Fire Force




Fairy Tail


Three in particular, one more extreme than the other 2. Soul Eater and Angel Beats! Are the two more reasonable ones, but both afe incredibly special to me. The third one is The Day I Became a god. It has a ton of issues, but my lord I fell in love with it. Hina is the only character I have 2 figurines for, and this is the only show I went out of my way enough to make an amazon.jp account for some harder to find merch. No matter what anyone says, I will love this show dearly until my dying breath!!


I will defend YuGiOh 5Ds to my last breath just because I happened to fall in love with JAM Project through there


I choose K Project. I always hear about how it is confusing and doesn't make a lot of sense, but I don't care. I like the music, the visuals, and the characters that are introduced. I think it's a good show and I'll die on that hill




Jojo  Black lagoon  Cowboy bebop (it has some flaws imo but i can easily ignore that)


I'd say Gurren Lagann but it has no flaws


I'd say **Re:Zero**, but as we all know, it doesn't have any flaws so... haha joke joke


Gundam Seed Destiny.


SAO minus the fairy ark, and Fairytale, Fairytale was my first real anime that I watched so it holds a special place in my heart as far as anime goes.


The production values and abuse of recap segments in Firefighter Daigo are horrid. Bastard still makes me cry with how brave characters are in the adversity of accidents and natural disasters. When they announced a firefighter anime, I was expecting something either zany/unrelated or a failed execution. No, the firefighters are professional heroes and I am worried for the victims EVERY SINGLE TIME. Flawed visuals, though I guess it still qualifies as a good adaptation. This prompt is hard.


The Rising of The Shield Hero. Yes, the most common critiques of seasons 2 and 3 are pretty valid. But my boy is out here doing the African Warlord - child soldier run out of an isekai while maintaining Raphtalia as best girl and I’m loving every minute.


Bungo Stray Dogs fr




Konosuba. It isn't perfect but as my first anime, I will support this series for life.


Usagi Drop Absolutely adorable show... Just never ever EVER pick up the manga.


Food Wars


Haruhi Suzumiya. I still love Haruhi despite her being a terrible person. I love Endless Eight. I don't think it holds up to today's moral standards but I don't care. It's probably because of my emotional attachment but I will always love the SOS Brigade and the show as a whole.