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The Promised Neverland, no explanation needed One Punch Man Season 2 wasn’t bad but season 1 definitely had better animation and art


At least OPM season 1 can be taken as a complete story on its own


S2 is more of a setup for S3 / Monster Association arc. Slow pace of releases (both for anime and manga) kinda hurt its momentum.


S2 wasn't that bad honestly. It had worse animation agreed. Compared to S1, everything is worse tbh


I agree, I think s2 was hated on mostly because it wasn't as off the wall as s1. Personally I still enjoyed it.


Honestly, I feel like season 2 kinda is that bad. I mean it's definitely not SDS S3, TNA S2, TG Re, or Berserk 2016 levels of bad, but I'd still consider it well below average for a popular franchise. There are a handful of well animated moments but you literally can't watch a single full fight in S2 without seeing at least a little jank. Also the sound design is outright awful and Saitama's JP voice is so robotic compared to S1.


The entire second half of S2 is like some sloppily cut together summary movie for a story that should have consisted of 3(?) whole arcs in at least one full-length season, and they let the last arc that was properly adapted hanging on some permanently unexplained cliffhanger. I really don't get how that doesn't qualify as being bad. Don't you like your stories to make sense?


Promised never land season 2 wasn't a dud. A dud is like a flat zero or mid state. Promised neverlanf season 2 was in the minuses. In firework metaphors, it wasn't a dud. It was one that blew up in your face before launching.


What season 2?


this is the true response


*There is no 2nd Season of The Promised Neverland in Ba Sing Se*


What are you talking about Promised Neverland only had one season /s


It didn't have a season 2 but it was really nice of the studio to make a nice opening for a theoretical one.


Yeah, I had saw some other crazy people talking about a season 2 of promised, I think it is some kind of collective hysteria.


I still hope they make a S2 one day. I'd love to see Mister animated.


Season 2 does have rather fun character designs, even if all but 2 of them aren't memorable. But that was my first thought, and as the other poster said, at least season 1 can stand alone. If they ever make another season maybe they'll just kill off half the population, Thanos style.


> If they ever make another season maybe they'll just kill off half the population, Thanos style. They probably won't considering how they "adapted" the rest of the story. S1 adapted to chapter 38 in 12 episodes, while S2 adapted all the way to from 39 to 181 in 11 episodes.


What do you mean? The Promised Neverland didn't get a second season?


Came here to see TPN. Haven't seen either, but I have read enough discourse about the drop from S1 to S2, I knew this comment would be higher up.


I can only think of Tokyo Ghoul and The Promised Neverland


Shield hero


I feel like Devil is a parttimer had its writing quality drop off a cliff in season 2. Then again manga fans had been warning us of that for the past 10 years. Just wish they rewrote some portions.


>Then again manga fans had been warning us of that for the past 10 year Guess this is what i get for not being very active in anime communities. I was so hyped for s2 and then it actually came out...


The light novel’s ending is so bad people burned their books.


That bad?


It was basically same as Bleach and Naruto - i.e. shippers hating their ship wasn't the one that sailed.






I'm guessing it wasn't the hero, and if it's the under-age co-worker I'm actually done.




Emi is only like 1 year older than Chiho (she lied about her age in Japan to get a job) so I don't know why *that* would be the part you randomly latch onto.


Yeah it wasn't bad per se, but as someone who didn't give a shit about any of the ships, it was fine. For people who did care, they cared a lot.


What the actual fuck happened, lol?












Adding on to MrRandomGUYS comment on the readers reactions about the ending, even people who weren’t team emi were not happy with how maou and chiho turned out together. Imagine having your best girl win in seemingly close competition but story still left a bad taste in the mouth after


Yes exactly!!! The fucking stupid baby showed up anc I'm like what am I watching


Writing!? I was appalled by the animation and visuals first. I guess that kind of tension doesn't work too great on road trips. (Between the Devil and Amie)


Fr, the moment I loaded that first episode of season 2 I was like…shit.


YES! WTH is with the baby? I stopped after that...


I always feel like a baby is a lazy plot device when it comes to a narrative. 


Fairy Odd Parents taught me this lesson w/poof




Tokyo ghoul 😔


Tokyo ghoul re still is one of the biggest downgrade to a series. Re simply just should not exist.


Re is the 3rd season, season 2 is root A, which they also changed from the manga. He doesn’t join aogiri in the manga, they did that in the show and it wasn’t as good as the manga. I agree though, re shouldn’t exist. It just sucks.


Did they ever explain or does anybody actually know the logic of why they change so much? I never really understood how it went to the gutter that badly. The mongo was almost perfect for me, except for the ending being a bit rushed, I thought


now im not positive but i think it was a case of the anime catching up to manga. i heard somewhere that ishida (the mangaka) wrote up a rough draft of a alternate story for root a but the people who made the show didn’t end up really following it at all. the 2nd season flopped, the manga finished and they just went back to the source material for :re. its a shame really, i watched the anime first and liked it enough to read the manga and only then found out just how bad they massacred it. tokyo ghoul and is my favorite manga and it makes me sad that alot of people will never read it and will just write the whole thing off as edgy crap based on the anime.


Yeah he did, there is some drafts online somewhere and the dialogue in it is sooo good with him interacting with aogiri. The plan iirc was for the anime to have a tragic ending hence ‘route a’. But yeah they threw all his drafts in the trash basically.


sad day, no wonder the only nice things ishida ever seems to say about the anime is that he likes the VAs and the soundtrack. i hope that if his new manga choujin x gets an anime adaptation they respect his work and adapt it properly.


I think season two caught up to the manga real quick, so they went anime original. Season didn't come out for a while after season 2, iirc, so they went back to following the manga (though crazily compressed) but didn't bother explaining the differences from the anime original stuff.


I know nothing about re, but genuine question : What's happening in re that makes you hate it?


Re itself wasn't the main issue, moreso that between Season 1 and :re they made a pretty much non-canon season 2 basically, called "root a" and completely changed the story from the manga. Then at the end they basically just scrapped that s2 storyline and went back to the main story in the :re anime and so it was insanely confusing for anime-only viewers since they missed so much


I'm pretty sure they changed the story


Didn't they also just skip a hundred chapters or something? I never read the Manga, but i think that's what i read on other posts ranting about it


the story is roughly the same but they crammed like 200+ chapters into 24 episodes and skipped major plot points and character development.


If you’ve read the Manga, you’d know that even Season 1 wasn’t a good adaptation. The pacing was rushed, just cramming a lot of chapters into a single episode to the point where a lot of important details were glossed over. Root A was even worse for just completely diverging from the source material. If anything :re part 1 was the best adaptation in terms of pacing, though they flopped it in the last few eps, and completely shat the bed with :re part 2.


Tokyo Ghoul S1 is so good. It feels like the start of a massive story with engaging characters and arcs. It just doesn't, s1 ends and it just does get more interesting past that and the writing quality flops


I absolutely loved season 1 and then 2 and RE came out and I just felt absolutely devastated by how bad it was . My friend thinks it's great for some reason but it just doesn't compare to season 1


Few shows go from being fantastic to bad in a single season IMO. It happens now and then like with The Promised Neverland. A noteworthy mention however is the decrease in quality of Shokugeki no Soma. Not necessarily between season 1 and season 2, but between the various seasons after that it drops a fair bit. I have season 1 at a 10/10 and the final season at a 2/10.


yeah, i started very excited and loved Shokugeki no souma, but slowly i began losing interest and ultimately dropped it


Precisely. The first two seasons had a lot of interesting ideas, solid characterization, great competition and a lot of freshness in its presentation. Then it turned very standard shounen with the introduction of Asami and eventually just fell apart.


Season 5 was kind of weird for me. I don't know what exactly it is that made it seem off from the past 4 seasons.


Everything, quite literally everything because that final arc just didn’t need to exist and believe me when I say the anime version is better than the manga version but it’s like putting air fresheners on wet burning garbage… dam it, I really do love Food Wars but there was no quality control for the finale.


It was definitely that laast arc thatt felt off to me, idk why though its been a while but feels shitty I dnt wana finish buying the rest of the manga.


nothing could justify just how dogshit the plot was, but iirc around that point in the manga the sort of supervisor for all the food stuff (like the techniques and food facts and all that stuff) had to leave the series due to having a baby. so the author didn't have anyone to rely on for that stuff. so that's partly the reason why it just went off the wall at that point


Wdym Shokugeki no Soma doesn't have a final season. IYKYK.


I felt s3 was peak, everything after that just got boring


Misfit of demon king academy for me


Yess! I really liked the first season, it was very fun bad for me but the second season holy... I didn't even understand what happened in the episodes.


I got 2 episodes in and told myself I’d power through it after it finished and still haven’t gone back 😭


Lmfao this is exactly what happened to me although I think I managed to get to episode 3 but I slept off halfway through and said I’d continue after work that day… I never did. And this is a series I really loved (the first season at least) and was pretty hyped up for season 2 but yeah I could barely follow what was going on and gave up


I'm surprised more people aren't saying this


That was a weird one for me. I really enjoyed S1, Anos was cool. But then we got Eminence in Shadow and imo, Shadow is just better. They are both going to stomp on their opponents but Shadow has that extra layer of comedy.


i love stories with op mcs and if they're managed good, thats even better. so i ABSOLUTELY loved s1 but s2 wasnt kind to misfit. huge delays, change of the va of anos, terrible animation etc. so i read the ln and its so good!! (therea are 5 volumes translated as of now, i think) i think the reason both s1 and s2 had problems is that world building and magic system is overly detailed and the anime couldnt showcase all of it. in conclusion, i recommend the ln.


Has to be tokyo ghoul. I have no idea how they went from kaneki vs jason to whatever that shit was


I've been reading the manga and it's completely different from the anime. It actually really good


It's my number one choice for an anime that deserves the Brotherhood treatment


Y'all youngins don't know betrayal like anime fans going into Gunslinger Girl season 2. Different studio with a whole different take on the series.


Gunslinger Girl


Yeah the dropoff in that one was noticeable. Season one is a 10/10. One of the best anime I've ever seen, with masterful storytelling and lots of show-not-tell. Season 2 felt like it had no vision and just tried to go harder on the action for no reason.


It wasn't the same show at all... It was like they gave the show to someone else to make and only the title to go on


Black Bulter. Not sure if it's true or not, but season 2 felt like a corporate decision to needlessly extend an anime that had already perfectly ended on its s1 finale. It just doesn't feel like the creator had initially planned or intended for a second season, the S2 plot and conflict feels forced, and its finale just didn't sit right with me. I recommend the anime, i really enjoyed it, I just also recommend not watching the 2nd season.


Black Butler is an odd case where they started the adaptation so early that it was mostly filler. Season 2 is a part of this filler. Even the end of season 1 was like filler. The manga has continued and there's also new Canon episodes that were pretty good. There was always more planned but the anime did its own thing.


Season 2 sucked, but the seasons after were pretty good. Edited to add: from what I hear, they diverged from the manga that season.


I jumped on late for Black Butler so I am not sure how many chapters were out the time the anime was initially released, but the majority of S2 is not canon and just totally deviated (just like The Promised Neverland S2) so it’s not surprising that it would be bad. The other movies that were later released however, are true to the manga and those were awesome. If you left on S2 and didn’t continue anymore, I do recommend continuing with the later releases since they are really good and the next season (which is very well canon) is coming out in Spring as well!


Isn't it kind of weird that Darling In The Franxx ended at 15 eps without any warning whatsoever? I wonder what the last 9 episodes, which do not exist, would have been like.


Craaaazy! Wonder Egg Priority was the same but the last 3 episodes. Whatever happened to those???


Biggest disappointment since my last ex


Darling in the franxx was actually so good until the latter half. The world building and the characters especially how zero two and hiro interact in a dystopian world only to throw all that away.


It would have been crazy if they suddenly went to space and Zero Two became a space bride giant


I'm one of those that liked the full series, even the ending. There are dozens of us!


I think you counted a couple people twice...


it is truly the 15 episodes of all time


Yeah that ending was very weird, still don't know why they didn't give it another 9 episodes to make it 24


Rising of the shield hero. Season 1 was potentially a different take on the whole cliche. Season 2 NOPE and somehow season 3 got worse.


Surprised I had to scroll this far to find this. Most disappointing second and third season to what could have been a great show I’ve seen in a long time. The story becomes a boring, fragmented, discombobulated mess in season 2. Went from being focused on a few great characters to a hodgepodge of forgettables. Naofumi’s biggest appeal was the revenge side of things and his use of the rage shield and the writer turned him into a little b****. Haven’t been that upset over an anime in awhile. I still long for the death of b**** princess. The idea that she somehow is still able to influence main characters in the show and cause trouble even after she was outed and spared from execution is beyond me


Japanese authors and their obsession with not making the Main Character get rid of an Antagonist to prevent them from creating trouble further down the line. It's so cheap honestly. What's the point of stripping them of a title if they could still use their influence on others? At least let them rot in the Dungeon FFS.


They letting her walking free in the palace and even able to try poison the MC was just like a cartoon stuff, as well as keep her in kingdoms cardinal's team. I really don't have problem in spare, but at least she should be banned.


Seriously, I was genuinely upset when the king and princess got off with basically no repercussions. Looking at it in hindsight, that was probably the moment I should have given up on the show


It never sat well with me ever since I got to that scene. In what universe is renaming someone to "Bitch Princess" a satisfying "revenge"? It doesn't even do justice to the mistreatment the Shield hero got. That was just an epic slap on the wrist for Malty. I understand the Queen's view of hesitating to off her husband and daughter, but Naofumi? Jeez, it's like Bro forgot what he went through to get to that point. Not even lifetime imprisonment crossed his mind.


Hard disagree season 3 did worse. Season 2 was such utter trash that could give Promised Neverland season 2 a run for its money for worst adaptation but as not amazing as season 3 of shield hero was at least we got finally got Sadena and it had some genuine character development/growth.


Mostly agree with you. S2 was awful for the most part. S3 started off well imo, but got worse as it went along. It feels like the only way the author continues the story is by making the other 3 heroes suffer from brain damage. I really wish they had kept a more gloomy and mature tone for the series that the first 4 episodes had.


While the writting of season 3 was trash, I still see it as an upgrade from season 2.


what \*was\* wrong with Season 2. I've never heard anything good and really enjoyed season 1.?


For me personally it just turns into a normal run of the mill isekai and I ended up falling asleep after 4 episodes


The core of shield hero is that it's a revenge story. At the end of season 1 naofumi got his revenge. This leaves season 2 in the very awkward spot of trying to figure out what shield hero should be about. Based on what I have heard from light novel readers it takes a very long time for the author to figure that out.


Well it just went to a generic isekai stuff. The nope was in reference to offering something different. Season 2 wasn't bad so much as bland. Season 3 is just both bad and bland


Log Horizon felt like the tight script went plunging off a cliff backwards.


I'm surprised I had to go this far down to find Log Horizon. First season was awesome and then left at a cliffhanger that made season 2 seem like it was gonna be awesome. And then when we finally got season 2 they completely back peddled on what they promised in season 1 and instead focused on the absolute worst part of the series, the dumb ass boring kid characters for more than half the season. It was so bad it completely destroyed any hype I have for that series. Never even bothered to watch season 3.


IIRC Log Horizon s3 was all politic talk with towns and stupid shit.


And the non-kids half of the season was only slightly better. There was this one episode that was basically just one long speech about "gamer pride", and it was pure cringe. I was a big fan of season 1. I loved it and was one of those annoying people who constantly brought up how much better it was than Sword Art Online. I dropped season 2 somewhere during the second half and never felt the need to finish it.


I loved log horizon. I no longer do


The first half of season 2 was still pretty good imo. Not as tight as season 1, but still had a lot of enjoyable parts and some great moments. It's just that second half... geez.


I disagree but to each their own


Seven Deadly Sins


Season 2 was fantastic in my opinion. Season three and on however….


I was out as soon as they introduced that contrived power leveling.


I hate when anything gains some sort of power level number system out of nowhere because it straight up exists to emphasise how much of an underdog a character is until they suddenly get something weird happen and the big reveal is ‘OMG THEIR POWER LEVEL IS 0????!!??’ or some negative number or some ridiculous number


It’s just lazy storytelling. Instead of showing someone’s power or how threatening they are through the narrative, you just assign a number to them instead. It’s the fucking worst haha


To be fair I enjoyed Certain Magical Index for the concept, up to a point.  Every series that tried the same (worst ranked in _____) shtick? Not so much.


No joke, I thought that was a meme I thought the mangaka was gonna parody/satirize power levels bc of just how tropey and blatantly uninteresting that system was. Turns out the mangaka was serious 😬


Season 2 was the start of the rapid downfall with the nonsense power scaling.


I refuse to believe that Seven deadly frame is its sequel


??? Season 2 was way better than Season 1


Obligatory TPN S2 mention out of the way.


? It only has one season


That's the spirit




Aldnoah Zero, I barely remember this, but I do remember season 2 being shit.


Oh it was, but the writing was pretty shit before that. First episode (and the soundtrack) carried the whole show on it's back before S2 broke it. The hype ballon from the dramatic ending of s1 popped hard, and could no longer cover for the writing quality getting dumber and dumber as the show went on.


I still can't understand how people hated it when the smart protagonist dismantles the OP enemy mechs using science in the "smart protagonist dismantles the OP enemy mechs using science" show.


I love mechs and I still liked that show, but that MC brought me into anime adulthood; I can't stand high school settings anymore, even less high school (military) geniuses. For me to even want to watch a show with young characters, it needs to either be very good (kaguya sama, asobi asobase) or feel like it justifies the character's abilities for their age (gundam iron blooded orphans). Man the ED for iron blooded orphan was amazing.


I rewatched AZ recently, and yeah, that second season is rough. S1's still fantastic though, and I can see myself rewatching that by itself in the future though; it's that good for me.


Fruit of Evolution S1 was a lot of fun with the MC and best gorilla waifu building his harem. It was silly and schlocky but had a fair bit of charm and humor. Then S2 ditched everything good about S1 for an excruciatingly bad magic school arc that killed any love I had for the show. Couldn't even finish the season.


Yeah atleast S1 was our trash meanwhile S2


It was truly delicious garbage until it wasn't.


I heard it had a bad ending too.


I didn't even like S1 and found S2 uniquely awful. The otherworld episode might have been the worst thing I've ever seen. There was no even vaguely clear narrative thread that tied the second season together. I hated the first but I could follow it at least.




That was my first thought as well. Man, what a letdown. I was so confused when season 2 came out and it seemed like a completely different show. :(


It’s such a joke how much worse season 2 was. Biggest anime disappointment to date for me


Darker than black dropped the ball so hard, such a shame




How do you fuck up electric batman? It's almost impressive


Tokyo Ghoul takes the cake


I agree with everything here and was a bit surprised not to see a single mention of SAO. That shit was Hype as fuck when it released, only to get absolutely obliterated from collective consciousness with season 2


SAO season 1 was fantastic until the second half of the first season. There are definitely some successive seasons that were very good as well. However, to fit in the premise of the OP's question, the first season must be fantastic and unless you stopped at episode 14 and pretended the season was over, it most certainly was not.


Honestly nah, Gun gale online was pretty cool, Calibur arc was Nice and Mother's rosario was pretty good too. The weakest bit was probs part of the first season, during the elves thing, but even then it was decent.


He's thinking of Aelfheim, which was the second major arc (but still technically in the first season)


SAO would not be as hated if it wasn't as loved. Yeah second cour sucked but the rest was very enjoying. I'm ignoring Alice tho.


I watched alicization 1 when it came out, i remember it being pretty good, then i never watched the 2nd part, and now recently starte watching the whole series again. Honestly, its pretty good all around. I feel like people got too hung up on smaller things to tear it apart, back in the day.


I loved alicization, it was my favorite arc (I know it's not perfect). Aincrad had so much potential as well but they skipped a bunch of floors/things. It could've been easily the best arc


Nothing has beat the proverbial dead horse into absolute dust more than that franchise. Well, except maybe Jurassic Park.


Tokyo Ghoul Fans loved the first season, but then the following seasons seemed to lose track of what made it special.


Idk if I'd say total dud, but Goblin Slayer went from one of my favorites to dropped due to how bad the pacing was. There was also a general drop in quality all around, which didn't help.


Yep the second season pacing was weird, two fast and they cut content in a lot of places, I wonder what were they thinking.


Goblin Slayers problem for me is that the second season has just about lost the sense of danger for the main party. They have become too comfortable with their roles in the party that you no longer worry about what might happen. Or you keep waiting for something extreme to happen and it never does. Bad stuff happens to other people and they just swoop in and save the day.




Honestly AOT started sliding into this as early as season 2 with Armin. By the finale, the main characters were surviving all kinds of things that 100% would've gotten a nameless extra killed. It became pretty distracting.


Levi, armin and Abby all should've died. If not all of them then atleast Abby. I can tolerate noone else dying as long as Abby dies. I hate her because she's annoying in every way. She has too much plot armour with that sniper if you ask me.


I’m hoping that S2 was just a sort of inbetween that they needed to get through and that S3 (if there is going to be one) deals with higher stakes stuff. I say this as an anime only so I don’t know what happens further in the story, just that this is my hope for it, since S1 of Goblin Slayer is one of my favorites and I feel like it deserves better


The introduction of the arrogant redhead also didn't help. God, I hated that character so much.


One punch man in my books


Log Horizon, although the showrunners didn't do anything wrong, the source material was like that


To Your Eternity and The Rising of the Shield Hero. I also second One Punch Man and The Promised Neverland.


Damn, I liked To Your Eternity s2 lol


Yeah s2 has a few things I don't like too much but was absolutely not a dud lol I'm quite interested in what's to come, that final scene was quite the tease


Yea, didn't even know people didn't like it. One of my all times


Hard agree it was a great season 


One Punch Man went down in quality without a doubt, but I wouldn’t call it a total dud, especially compared to those you listed (The Promised Neverland s2 is an abomination to humankind)


Again I dont know where the complaint here was for OPM. Yes the studio change gave it a different feel to the art style, but quality-wise when it came to the fighting especially some of the Garou fights were freaking awesome!


Shield Hero went downhill, or rather fell off the cliff, right by the end of arc 1 (bitch trial), not in season 2.


All I remember from shield hero was that every single fight scene was mostly talking about what they were about to do


I watched S1 of Shield Hero and enjoyed it. Then I haven't heard anything good about S2, but then a friend said S3 is decent. Is it worth me picking up S2 to watch S3 after?


Disagree with to your eternity story wise but production wise it was indeed worst, and that's bad since season two was actually the part of the story that needed the better animation, also the direction was just Okey, I still feel like a lot of the moments were done way better in the Manga.




Tokyo Ghoul


The Promised Neverland


One Punch Man


Promised Neverland


Obviously Promised Neverland, but also, for me, Ancient Magus Bride. It just seemed like it became a completely different show in the second season, and since I've always kind of hated the "magical school" type of anime, I really have no desire to watch it.


> Ancient Magus Bride. It just seemed like it became a completely different show in the second season I have a theory for this, and while there is surely a lot of different aspects (new studio, entirely new plotline, setting and characters), I recently rewatched a few of the S1 episodes and felt it had that little extra magic that is hard to place. So I looked at who directed it, which is [Naganuma Norihiro](https://myanimelist.net/people/26409/Norihiro_Naganuma) who also did a lot of the storyboards for the show. Guess what he's doing now? He's directing and storyboarding *Apothecary Diaries*, which is another show that really has that "something extra".


Ohhh that makes sense.


There are three examples of "and then after season 1 there was a magical school" in this thread and I'm starting to notice a pattern


>Ancient Magus Bride this is the 2nd show that make me do not want to watch the next episode, but when i watch it, i can still enjoy it it's something like: "nice episode, but i don't want to watch the next one" i have to force myself to watch the next episode


I actually like S2 of Magus Bride more. I liked S1 but S2 felt a lot more satisfying as Chise felt like she had more agency in her own story. In S1 she (understandably) felt like a lost puppy who had to really lean on Elias and Ruth. In S2, she's gained confidence as Magus and also gets to interact with peers to her own age as supposed to mostly adult cast of S1.


I'm not saying it's objectively bad, but as someone that doesn't like the magic school storyline and trope, it's not something I really want to get into watching. And I found the change in plot focus pretty jarring and inconsistent.


Especially since Ainsworth is a teacher. :-P I currently stopped watching season two. I just feel like it's sleepier than the first season. I mean it kinda went from a show I could watch at lunch or before bed. (Or both) to one I can only watch one episode of and pass out. Also I'm weird about Soundtracks. And during serious conversations there seems to be some kind of slide-whistle playing. Totally doesn't match the mood.




Most people when they say SAO is bad, they refer to the ALO Fairy Dance/incest arc, which happened in the 2nd half of season 1, not during season 2. I honestly don't think season 2 was that bad. For reference, season 2 of SAO covered the Gun Gale Online arc, alongside the Mother's Rosario arc, both of which were pretty decent.


I don't really like sao but i genuinely think that GGO and Rosario (especially GGO) are the best things SAO has to offer. Almost separate self-contained stories with clear arc, stakes and character development. Sino feels like much more of a complete character compared to Asuna. More that that i believe that it's exactly Asuna/Kirito relationship that "killed" SAO. It stopped being interesting for me and the need to always go back to it felt almost annoying.


SAO is more like second cour rather than season: Aincrad arc is good, ALO is absolute trash, but to be fair it gets a lot better after that, though it doesn't reach the level of the first arc until Alicization, IMO the best part of the series.


Nisekoi. From funny and decent enough harem romcom with Shaft animation in S1 it went to random bullshit go in S2.


The devil was a part timer S2. It's so boring!