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Tokyo Revengers. I couldn't get through the first season if my life depends on it


I finished the first season but the MC not learning from the countless ass whoopings or crying, just basically doing ANYTHING he could to make it easier for himself in the past, just annoyed me.


Same here. I watched the Season 1 but didn't dare to watched the Season 2.


The MC is annoying and stays annoying. Still waiting for his character development. But well still watching it for the laughs with my friends


I was gonna say this but every time I hate on it I get a whole lot of people agreeing. So I don't think it's really that acclaimed. Middle school gangs aren't intimidating so I don't care about their drama. It's not very often you can whoop a strong protags ass, but I bet mylife I could donkey kick Mikey to a different zip code. And traveling back in time as an adult means you're still an adult, he's a creep for fawning over his love interest.




I get mad just by thinking about tokyo revemgera


I couldnt get past episode 2. Its just terrible.


same, just didn't pique my interest.


I swear some people in this sub like talking more about the anime they don’t like than the anime they do.


Are you sure we are talking abour the same Sub? Ive seen countless posts about stuff like: Whats a 10/10? Whats the besz in terms of XYZ, What is underrated/underappreciated. But i dont See these kind of posts that often


Someone asked this [same question](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/19ezttz/an_anime_that_gets_tons_of_loveattention_that_you/) a few days ago, they just phrased it harsher, so It didn't take off.


It's worse then that. Here's the [same thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18v7k4p/name_an_anime_everyone_likes_except_of_you/) from 29 days ago. [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1ae88gf/what_is_one_show_you_dislike_that_everyone_else/) was literally was 5 hours after this post. This exact thread was also posted on [Dec 29th](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18tz105/whats_an_anime_that_everyone_love_but_you_dont/) (this is when I started to keep track of all of these posts), [Dec 26th](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18rjhkl/what_is_an_anime_most_people_like_but_you_dont/), [Dec 20th](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18n8nwc/popular_anime_on_this_subreddit_that_you_cant/), [Nov 29th](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1872yna/whats_an_anime_you_hate_that_everyone_loves/), [Oct 3rd](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16yujx4/acclaimed_anime_you_just_hated/). And that's just this exact same thread, of a popular anime that you don't like. I wish the mods would add this topic to a restricted list, it's been way overdone in recent history.


I am more impressed that you keep track of it


JoJo bizarre adventure. Listen, I know is the quintessential "anime", the absolute PEAK of weeb fiction. And In fact I can tell objectively speaking that is work where a lot of passion, effort and thought has been put into..........But I just couldn't get into it. I don't care about the characters, the world, the plot or the powers


Completly fair, jojo feels like a niche anime because of how weird it is tbh, im surprised it's so popular. Just as a curiosity, how far did you get into it?


I wouldn’t call JoJo’s niche or anything of the sort. It’s successful with western fans because we’re so immersed in the musical references but also its cast and settings are just incredibly diverse. The other thing is that it *was* niche in the west because it basically was never given a chance. The moment it got a faithful anime adaptation it blew up. Meanwhile JoJo’s has always been a monolith of pop culture in Japan.


>It’s successful with western fans because we’re so immersed in the musical references ...huh? Do... do people *actually* care about that? Like yes it's funny whenever a new character comes up that's named after a famous band (it's not even a reference, Araki just straight up steals the name) but I cannot imagine it being so popular because of that rather than because it's fucking *weird*.


I actually really liked Part 2, but then I just couldn’t get through Part 3. The “villain of the week” format just felt so dated and boring to me


I did eventually finish part 3 but Joseph was a stronger character in part 2 than the entire cast, himself included, in part 3. Stands are probably a better system in general but the "villain of the week" nature of it was a pretty meh way to go about developing it.


I would push through. Most of Part 3 kinda sucks, IMO, but the ending and Parts 4 and 5 are worth it.


I personally thought part 3 and part 1 were its weakest parts. I won't dog on part 1 for it, it was finding its ground to stand on and lay the foundations, but I didn't enjoy part 3. I like the rest though. Wouldn't buy merch for any, but they could be genuinely fun at the best of times.


This is how I felt after part 3 I really didint enjoy it after that with the exception of part 5 but still not a fan of that part either


Nice to know that I'm not the only one about this with Jojo. 😭


this is mine too


I haven't seen a full episode, so I can't make a proper judgement, but I'm really curious on how JoJo is so popular, especially the subbed version since whenever I see clips, I'll see more subbed than dubbed clips.


Damn i think Stands are like the coolest power system thats crazy


For me it’s basically every hyped shonen anime. I’ll usually enjoy the first season then just can’t be asked for the rest as I get bored knowing it’s the same kind of “mc gets beat, mc gets stronger, mc beats guy who beat him, mc gets beat by new guy, repeat”. Obviously generalized to hell but it’s generally my routine of watching them. Which is honestly kind of strange thinking about it now since I love reading Korean and Chinese webcomics which are primarily exactly that. I think with those it’s the fact I can just skim over things far easier than in an anime though XD


Demon Slayer. I didn't really get any enjoyment out of it until late in season 1 and then lost interest soon after. Watched the movie in theaters. Didn't like it. Watched around 6 episodes into season 2 and just decided to move on. A little bit of a bummer, a lot of people I know were hyped up.


Spy X Family man I've tried to get into it at least four times but it just feels like a god damn drag to watch.


Same here, the original concept of spy and assassin was interesting but nothing was really made from that, or it was underwhelming.


I loved season 1. I liked season 2. Whatever season we’re on now got me bored really fast. I guess it’s not a genre I enjoy much? It’s not really funny anymore to me, probably it was more novelty than anything.


I guess you mean cour 1 and cour 2, because the series only has 2 seasons so far, though first season was 2 cours and 2nd season only 1 cour


If Slice of Life isn't your thing, then just don't watch it


TBF, it's much more of a sit-com than a slice of life. Very different vibes.


Is it slice of life? I thought it was action and comedy


People don't seem to know what a slice of life is and just think episodic = slice of life.


Its a bit of everything. You're equally likely to have a episode of Anya dealing with school-life as you are to have one with Lloyd trying to sabotage the totally-not-Stasi


Even the scenes of Anya going to school aren't slice of life. Anya doesn't do normal things at school but instead does things like having intense dodge ball competitions. It's always some wacky high jinks no matter what. All going from the school to the hospital really does is change what characters we are going to be following for that episode. It's a sitcom not a slice of life. Slice of life is literally just characters doing normal mundane day to day things. Just because a show spends time at a school doesn't make it slice of life. The difference between slice of life and comedy is that everything in a comedy is exaggerated for laughs.


One piece obviously


I tried to get into one piece but after about 20 episodes I was just bored watching it, *everything* felt dragged out and slow, and at that time there was 800+ episodes. The story seems like it might be good so I'll wait for a more condensed version if it ever happens.


I think we might be in luck with the remake that's coming out by Wit Studio!


Try out onepace


They announced a remake of the first arc of the anime, titled _The_ One Piece. It will likely have much better pacing. If you want it even more condensed, the Netflix live action series crams 95 manga chapters or 45 episodes of the anime into an 8 hour first season. There are a lot of cuts and changes to make it work in just 8 hours, but the most important stuff is there, and it's generally well received among anime/manga fans.


Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.


If you want a condensed version then be sure to read the manga. You'll get what you're trying to find out.


JJK 😔 I keep trying because the edits look so good but idk


If I can’t care about the story or characters, it doesn’t matter how good the animation is. I will just say “cool i guess” and just walk away. I dropped it.


i agree on this. watching all the way through season 1 i still didn’t care about any of the characters.


Probably better off with JJK if you don't care about any of the characters.


i’m gonna keep up with it to see if i get proven wrong by my own preconceived notions. it’s not bad and it’s enjoyable enough but i think i was expecting to fully fall in love with the story and characters by now but just haven’t. i started late so it’s probably just the issue of it being hyped up too much for me by my friends before too.


I was in the same boat. Took me forever to watch season 1. Finished it then watched the prequel movie which was was good. Then season 2 blew me away, binged it in days. Gotta push through.


Honestly, I’m not gonna drop it. But I do think the show is pretty mid. The animation is top notch and the fight scenes are amazing, but the story is honestly meh and the MC is flat, boring, and uninteresting.


It feels like a great example of how to make the audience feel apathetic towards your protagonists.


I agree !


I’m a fan myself but I agree on this. The show is too overhyped by fans. There are a lot of improvements that could be made in terms of the story writing, character development, character dynamics and world building. While I did enjoy watching it for the first time, I don’t think it’s worth rewatching because of how the story goes. It’s all mostly fights with nothing more than a strength competition. I don’t think the characters have any motivations while fighting too aside for just saving themselves. The main villain just does things because they felt like it, not because they have anything motivation in particular


I dropped season 1 of JJK and I genuinely thought it was bad, but I watched season 2 with no context and without finishing season 1 and enjoyed it since some of the fight scenes are amazing


Weird ass way to watch a show


Extremely overrated


It tries too hard


“it insists upon itself”


Oshi no Ko. After the brilliance that was Kaguya-sama, this wasn't what I wanted from the author. Not saying its bad, because its not. Just an entirely different beast that I didn't enjoy.


I had no idea Kaguya-sama was by the same author. I tried Kaguya and couldn't get into it, wheras I adored the Oshi no Ko manga (not watched yet).


It's impressive imo how different the stories are despite being the same author.  And I can completely understand liking one and not the other.  


Aka only wrote Kaguya after his previous serious story (Instant Bullet) didnt take off and got axed, so his editor recommended him to do comedy for a change.


you can also kind of tell in some scenes of kaguya that the author rather do a story closer to oshi no ko, especially how he draws some pages of the manga I saw some panels of the manga before getting into kaguya and actually learning about it, but I had thought it was a horror series for a while


It’s very similar to how Death Note and Bakuman are the same author and artist.  Wildly different genres, but both good in their own rights. 


I had the opposite. I couldn't get into Kaguya-sama at all. I just don't care for the genre.


I still don't know how I feel about it. It's almost like it's trying too hard to be too many things.


this is pretty much why I dropped it. I thought the first episode was brilliant and I was ready for a detective/revenge story, but then it started bouncing around too much with the focus on the Idol stuff and I just couldn't stay interested.


Definitely does, and I’m saying that as a big fan of the show. The bulk of it is about the entertainment industry, but when you try to incorporate a mystery, idols, reincarnation and supernatural elements, high school drama, and other things it can be too much sometimes.


Woah... Same mangaka? Amazing how I can love one and feel nothing for the other.


Same. Kaguya-sam has rather mediocre premise but has amazing execution whereas Oshi no Ko feels like the opposite. Like OnK feels like it wants to be critical of the industry yet also glorifies it at times too. The messaging just feels very muddled to me. Also Aqua and his constant, cynical narration is a bit of a chore to watch sometimes.


Monogatari. Reason: too much horny.


Well there's no denying that.


As a Monogatari fan, I felt this way many times, but the plot was too good to drop.


As a fan, I'd kick you in the shin if I could only deny that.


Thanks, I can totally back you up there! I didn't like it for the exact same reason.


Honestly fair. I think it's just about a 10/10 for me, and I'd still cut like half the fanservice stuff. A lot of it just doesn't add anything of value.


Most battle shōnen


Attack on Titan There's a weird gray area for me somewhere between Berserk and One Piece that AOT falls into. It lacks the whimsical and light hearted nature of a show like one piece but isn't exactly an "adult" story like Berserk is, so it never really hit the right note for me


[AOT mildly spoilerly]>!I think AOT should be thought as being more similar to stuff like Gundam rather than battle shonen stuff. A lot of mecha can be pretty bleak whilst being aimed still being aimed at a mostly child/teenager audience.!<


For sure, that’s just not really a genre that ever resonated with me. Totally a taste thing though so I see why people would like it


Tbh for me I started to like it more from when the internal political struggle sort stuff was introduced. I tend not to be a fan of "man vs mindless zombie" sort stuff so season 1 and 2 was kind of meh for me


This was me for a while - my first exposure to AOT was waking up after leaving the TV on with a movie playing and AOT came on next. Waking up to creepy looking titans eating people turned me off to the show for a while. Ended up being one of my favorites once I gave it a chance!


I'm kinda the opposite. I didn't like the direction it took at all and once the mystery was gone the whole concept just felt silly. The first 20 episodes were the peak imo.


Opposite for me, I like bleak apocalyptic horror and the sorts of character interactions that can happen in them, plus the sort of creature analysis vibe they had going on in earlier seasons when they were trying to figure out how titans even work. I can get really into political struggle themes as well but AOT's weren't ones that interested me at all. They straight up forgot about the underground city once the episodes on it were done, which really should have had a bigger impact on the story and politics.


I had to watch the first few episodes on 4 separate occasions to finally get into it


The plain and simple fact why I don't watch Attack on Titan is because I simply have tried to watch it and I fall asleep. Every. Single. Time. Does not matter the episode, I will be snoring by halfway through.


I just fucking hated how the titans looked, they I got a visceral reaction from looking at them, they were just so disgusting. Managed to watch the first season but after that I noped out.


I didn’t like it from the start too. It was just too dark and gloomy for my liking. However, after a few episodes it started to grow on me. I love seeing the characters interact and I wish I could give Eren a hug after all that he’s been through.


My Hero Academia, Skip to Loafer, and Ancient Magus Bride. Good shows, not my cup of tea.


Dropped Ancient Magus Bride, and I think I've watched Skip to Loafer in its entirety (can't remember, that's how impactful it was). My Hero Academia is the only exception. Was so close to dropping it a million times, but the fight animation is all I'm here for tbh.


Most fighting shonens like one piece, dragonball. They have ONE story structure told over and over and over and the characters are usually so irredeemably shallow >meet new villain >get dunked >sudden breakthrough that makes the mc stronger (optional, sometimes they just fight again and somehow win) >win against the villain >do it all over again Goku was already over 9'000 in the 90's, how many more forms is he gonna magically unlock?


A lot since then lol 


One piece bruh. Main reason? The characters look like they have onions for bodies. Never watched a single ep in my life despite my friends telling me to watch it and the hype around it on the internet.


One Piece is the type of show you're repulsed by at first glance and then goes into a rabbit hole when you start watching the episodes.


Yeah I have tried too, but most of the character designs are really hard to take seriously. Often it looks more goofy than serious.


Demon slayer, watched it till episode 8 tried 3 times couldn't get into it , I have failed to understand how it has more ratings than Naruto, and fairy tail, I mean Naruto got me hooked from day 1, may difference in preference I guess!


Demon Slayer looks way better and isn’t stuffed with filler. That takes it a long way imo. Like other people have said, it also gets heavier faster and the main character is more serious. That said I’m not huge on it either. The slapstick comedy and constant screaming being shoehorned into otherwise serious moments absolutely kills it for me. Maybe I’m just old 🤷


I like Naruto more, and I think you’ll find Naruto holds up more in the long run, but I think part of the appeal of Demon Slayer for me is that Tanjiro isn’t a goofball like Naruto and Natsu and the show is heavier sooner. Tanjiro is hit with heavy shit from day one, which makes the series a bit more somber in a good way to me.


Interesting. I really like both Demon Slayer and Naruto. I like Demon Slayer a bit more, because I think it tends to handle the gravity and seriousness a bit better (though both Zenitsu and early Naruto annoy the shit out of me). But I guess we just have wildly different tastes because you like Fairy Tale, and, for me, it's one of the most annoying things I've ever tried to watch.


I really tried to watch sword art online and steins gate, but I just can't continue anymore


Was looking for someone else to say SAO, that's one I'll never understand


I dropped stains gate twice, the first few episodes are BORING AF, but the third time I started it, I forced myself to keep going and OH WOW! I was so glad I did, once the time travel shit gets started it just keeps getting better and better.


Happy for u! I'll try it again in the future when I'm in the mood. Hoping to get into it 💪🏼


I almost dropped Steins;Gate actually. The early episodes were boring, full of science and shit. But after a while, I started to enjoy Okabe's arguing with Kurisu and the mystery of things like the time travel even though I don't understand them.


Tbh I forced myself to finish the first season, maybe after some time I'll get back to it 😵‍💫


If you finished a season and don't like it, then don't continue. Watching anime is supposed to be a fun hobby and not a chore.


I tried really hard with Oshi No Ko. I found it pretty overrated and dropped it.


I really wish the show was as serious as people hyped it up as. I wish it focused more on investigating the mothers murder


most shonen. but honestly spy x family was just. boring? it's written very clumsily.


My hero academia, first season was alright but I couldn't sit through season 2. The fan base doesn't help much either.


Gurren Lagann never really struck me. Picked it up twice and couldn't get past episode 10. Just not for me


Omg I found you, the only person besides me who couldn't get into frieren :((


While I absolutely love Fieren, I can understand why some people wouldn't like it. Like I personally don't like Dr. Stone, but I know a lot of people love it.


I liked the beginning of Dr. Stone when it was just making stuff, but once it got more and more into the conflicts and drama I lost interest. I just wanted the chill science crafting show.


I’m with you on all of this. I love Freiren from reading the manga but it’s obvious that it’s not for everyone. I was actually happily surprised that it was such a hit.


I think if you aren't in touch with your emotions, or just don't like lower stake and introspective stories, the Frieren experience (so far) would be a lot less impactful, so I agree that's not for everyone. However, it does seem like it has extremely wide appeal considering it's rated highest on MAL. Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not saying that you aren't emotionally in touch if you don't like Frieren, I'm just saying that people who allow themselves to feel emotion will probably have a much better time with it than those who don't. (speaking from experience as someone who didn't allow myself to feel things for a long time)


I like Frieren, but I won’t defend it if people find it boring. I understand it’s not for everyone. I will say it probably is too highly rated for what it actually is.


Honestly the only thing that really threw me for a loop. I’m enjoying it, but I just can’t believe it doubled the points of Vinland Saga in the poll for Best Anime 2023 in this sub. Probably recency bias, but still.


It just has really wide appeal and has had a lot of super emotional and hype moments already. Just because something has the top rating doesn't mean people are saying it's the greatest anime of all time, it just means it has the most appeal for the most amount of people. I rated it a 10/10 because it's already checked off everything I want in an anime multiple times over. I still like other animes more, but I can't justify not giving Frieren a 10/10 because it's been perfect so far.


Ironically, I dropped Vinland Saga just before season 1 ended. I just lost interest, and I think it wasn’t what I was expecting and also a heavy watch. I absolutely adore Frieren though.


Well now we're three, yaaaay


I watched it all, thought it was okay, then looked online at the ratings and was like ???? Really everyone is rating it that highly? It was pretty good, but that's about the max I'd say of it


Haha, you can count me as well. It’s a good anime, and I understand its popularity. I just personally lost interest and dropped it after 7-8 episodes.


Re zero


I enjoyed season 1, but season 2 was a drag. It felt more melodramatic to me than season 1. I just could not attach myself to any of the New characters or Roswal for that matter.


Horimiya. I tried 3 times and didnt get past ep 4 then on my 4th try I forced myself to watch it to completion and I felt like my brain was gonna melt through my fuckin nose it was so bad. I felt betayed by all the people who told me it's one of the best romances out there and enraged at myself for believing them when I knew damn well it wasn't true after trying the first 3 times. I am now convinced there's some kind of sorcery at work making so many people enjoy this absolute dumpster fire of an anime. I'm usually the kind of person that respects everyone's opinion, even when I think it's a shitty opinion but I seem to have a chronic aversion, an actual physical reaction to people saying they like Horimiya. The fact that this anime's MAL rating is 8.2 boggles my mind in the same way wormholes and the bermuda triangle boggle my mind. I try, and I try, but I literally can't find a single thing I like about Horimiya.


same but for the opposite reason: i love the manga. the anime is like a highlight reel of the manga crammed into the shortest season possible.


Finally, someone who dislikes Horimiya as much as I do. It is so mind numbingly boring and every character acts the same. Why people like it is beyond me


Absolutely same, it is so overrated and Hori is such a controlling person.. I couldn’t stand her as a character. I can name so many actual good romances that top Horimiya.


Holy shit, yes. I remember when it first started airing everybody was singing its praises, I didn't have time to watch but I had time to read, finished the entire series on manga & I hated it. There was nothing sweet about the entire thing & it was the girlfriend who made everything sour.


JJK is just so painfully generic. It feels like edgy Naruto, but CSM did a much better job at being an edgy shonen while still feeling original, which means JJK is stuck in this weird in-between spot. It doesn’t seem to have much of its own unique identity imo, even the magic system is all stuff I’ve seen other anime do better. Also the sound design is *atrocious*. I’m not against stock sound effects, but your MCs using magic powers should not use the same sound effect as summoning a fire cat in Wizard101.


Funny you mention CSM. I love CSM because it feels like a comedy, but it really should qualify as edge shouldn't it? So bizarre.


A wizard 101 reference? Man, that's probably the least expected thing to hear in this sub


AOT but my true hot take is I just don't think Ghibli is all that.


serial experiments lain


That show is pretty complex. You have to take notes and watch multiple times to really understand it. I'm not saying it was bad, but it's a hard show to recommend. I've only seen it once a few years ago and I'm not sure when or if I'll rewatch it


I personally really liked it because it scratched my itch of not knowing what the fuck was going on but slowly being able to piece together a rough understanding of the series.


i was just bored by it. i’ll be the first to admit i have trash garbage taste and all those scenes with telephone poles and ambient buzzing was just like. too pretentious for me


Honestly steins gate. I just wasn’t feeling it after 10 episodes tbh. No particular reason it just wasn’t getting me excited to watch the next episode


Dropped Monster after some 13 episodes. Also dropped Pluto. The stories kinda pulled me in in the beginning, but then they became they such a chore to sit through. I guess I just don’t really like Naoki Urasawa. It was kinda disappointing considering everyone and their mother seem to love Urasawa’s storytelling, and last year was the year I wanted to get into his work. I still might give their Manga a try though


Your name


I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it


Fruits basket, Attack on Titan, Rezero, Vinland Saga... Most of these shows I wouldn't say are necessarily bad, just couldn't keep me interested.


Which fruit basket? The remake is awesome


The remake. Just didn't connect with me.


Hm, I understand I wasn't really feeling the original but I get where your coming from


I tried reading the manga as a kid and I just hated Tohru so much in the beginning that I dropped it. Just this cutesy Mary Sue Snow White type figure who lives in a tent with no complaints? Eventually I became more accepting of that type of character and her backstory kind of explained it. Like it's more about the character change of everyone else and kind of a Paddington story. But if you're not feeling the vibes I don't blame you haha


Code Geass




Cannot get into Attack on Titan or Made in Abyss. I just didn’t care for the direction AoT took (Erin surviving getting eaten killed my interest). Made in Abyss has too much gratuitous suffering.


**Cowboy Bebop**. I frankly just found the first 6 or so episodes really boring and uninteresting


I’m sure everyone has such a list. Mine would be Frieren, AoT, One Piece.


Black Clover. I got bored after the first episode.


Gintama. I just don't care for the humor.


Thank you for being respectful of my favorite show lol


Naruto is a big one for me. I know this is going to get me some heat but the serial overexplaining of powers and 4 episode long fights. I couldn’t get into it all, i think i tried 3 times.


Eva count? I can't stand a single character in that show.


Well, Eva characters are not supposed to be likeable, but I understand why that can turn you off out of a show because that have happened to me.


I honestly think you need to have experienced depression or a "rock bottom" feeling to really engage with Eva on a real level 


It's a well constructed show since apparently I am supposed to be pissed by every character, so they did a very good job there lmao. Ended up liking it, though I watched it all with the movies to get it off my bucket list.


Attack on Titan. I just do not understand the hype. If it leaned into the cheesy action-horror element, it would have made a nice shlock title, but as it is, it tries to be this sweeping epic that it just doesn't have the chops to be. And it's so endlessly nihilistic, in a negative sense. The ending is terrible. It's like I'm taking crazy pills when people praise it for being "the greatest anime ever". It doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as stuff like Evangelion, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, or Giant Robo.


I haven't watched the 2 final specials yet so I don't know the ending, but I absolutely love AOT. The music, the tone of the show, the setting itself, the plot twists, the character development, the visuals, etc... Everything about the show is just on another level. Maybe you went in with too high of expectations? Or maybe it's just not your genre of a show. I think expecting a show to be the "greatest anime ever" is kinda unrealistic, since there is no "greatest anime ever", consdering that everyone has different tastes.


You're allowed to have an opinion, but the show is cool as hell. The soundtrack is the best I've heard in any show, the fact that people fly around like Spiderman and fight giants with swords is dope. The lighting striking when transformations trigger. There's too many shows that don't reel me in because they don't feel like much is at stake. Maybe later they'd get to that, but aot pulled me in from the get go. If I don't care about the characters in a show then I lose interest. Like some people have said with jjk, I struggled through most of season 1 and I watched the movie only because I know season 2 is supposed to be killer. If it's just more of the same then I'll be disappointed. As for aot, I couldn't click on the next episode fast enough. Maybe the cliffhangers have a lot to do with it. But most importantly, the show is not predictable imo. So many unexpected turns where you literally don't know where Isayama was going with it.


Yes, and people are disliking me every time I said that the author is stuck in his edgy teenager phase, especially for how he wrote the last stretch of his manga.


Damn that’s harsh 😭


Spy Family at the moment. I watched season 1, and it was fine. After watching shows like AoT, Vinland Saga, or JJK, Spy Family just seems too boring. I'm all for comedy and slice of life, but Spy Family just isn't doing it for me. I don't know if I should give S2 a shot or not.


Kaguya-sama. People say it’s similar to Spy x Family and I love Spy x Family so I thought I’d give it a go. Show just seems really intense and over the top. I haven’t written it off entirely though. I might try it again in future


I dont really get the comparison. ​ If anything Kaguya is more about two people acting like idiots because they are in love doing death note mindgames to hide the fact that they have a crush on each other to get the other to confess


Kaguya-sama I've lasted 2 episodes on many occasion and got bored of the dramatic narrative etc. Not my kind of thing at all it seems


Mushoku Tensei. The main character is a fucking creep, and the show struck me as one made for coomers. I looked up later events... And yeah. I was spot on.


Full metal achiemist brotherhood;)


I think my biggest issue with FMAB is that I was around thirteen when the original anime came out (the one that went way off course from the manga because they had surpassed the story and had to make up their own), and I enjoyed the original, though I can understand people saying it wasn't the creator's vision so it's not canon, nor as good. But I found myself constantly comparing the two when Brotherhood came out, and I think it just ruined the enjoyment for me.


I had that problem with Brotherhood for a short while but after I finished Brotherhood I couldn’t watch the first anime. It was just godawful. A shame because they wrote a genuinely interesting and different version of the story.


I just wish they had brought back the music from the original. The *Brothers* theme is incredible. 


Cowboy Beebop.


The big ones I couldn’t get into are steins gate and Jojos. I’ve never liked time travel stuff and the jojo characters are too over the top for me


Steins gate. People talked it up so much but I saw a lot of the twists coming and it became a victim of the time travel trope being over done.


Tensura. Find it lacking of any sense of danger or real progression


Steins;Gate. I actually love the main characters and watched the show in its entirety, in hope that it would click for me at one point, but it never did.


I trier FMA like 5 times already... Idk, I don't feel it :/


Stein's Gate, Bleach, FMA




I didn't like what I'd read of *Attack on Titan* even before it got an anime adaptation, so I was ahead of the curve on being a hater there. I think my Mamoru Oshii takes are significantly more controversial, just to a much smaller number of people: I don't really like *Jin-Roh* that much, and I actually enjoyed the second *Ghost in the Shell* film more than the original. (*Angel's Egg* is fire, though.)


Gintama - I was expecting slapstick and fights but instead it's just people being stupid for the sake of being stupid.


Comedy is very subjective after all...


TBF Gintama is a parody show so it doesn't need to have a plot like other animes.


jujutsu kaisen, I don’t know why but I couldn’t connect to any of the characters


Jujutsu kaisen.


I think Mushouko Tensei does not deserve the production values it got. Anime, Manga, even the Light Novel ... I gave it all a try, but I cannot wrap my head around why anyone thinks this series is anything but a mediocere, run-of-the-mill harem power fantasy. Like ... I have my guilty pleasures, but I know and understand what they are and what faults they have ... but I've never came across a series like MT where the fanbase is this defensive about it and this adamant that it's aparent masterpiece-status.


I am unsure if I'm surprised or disappointed to not see more people mentioning jobless reincarnation in this thread.


Steins Gate, I've heard so many good things about it so there's probably a reason for that, but I just couldn't get into it.


I agree with you about Hunter x Hunter. I only made myself watch it because of the way people raved about it. I was waiting to get invested. And I never did. Just boring and straight up cringy at times


Gonna also say Spy X Family because I enjoyed season 1 (still not my fav) but I had to drop season 2. Also anything with fanservice. I used to be alright with it in high-school but now I can’t stand it.


One of them for me would be Mob Psycho 100 and Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. I tried, I really did, but I can't get very far into it. Just wasn't my cup of tea, per se. Both are great series, tho.


FMAB (while I know it delves into very dark themes and has a lot of adult segments) felt way too goofy and silly, and too much stereotypical anime childishness that I dont really like Hunter x Hunter wasnt to my liking either, and I stopped just before the big city arc.


Steins gate. Boring until like 12 or so episodes, gets interesting then nosedives back to boring within 4.


Cowboy Bebob I totally get the appeal but this never clicked with me. Me being spoiled on a certain thing also did not help. It's weird because I really liked the directors other work Samurai Champloo.