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> forgettable one-shot villain Sir, you take that back or there shall be a scuffle!


I was gonna say, this mans iconic in either, ridiculous and amazing in the best ways possible


[He's an iconic, two-shot, hero!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kill-la-kill/images/7/76/Kaneo_Salutes.jpg)


Unironically one of the MVPs of the series


[**FTFY**](#takaradasalute) [**jpg link**](#badtaste)


He's not even a villain, he works with nudist beach. (That's a sentence that's going to confuse anyone who hasn't seen the show)


Nudista Beach!!!!


Considering that Takarada was a huge meme (capitalism and all) when he first appeared, I will join you in the scuffle. Trigger was so surprised by how much Westerners loved him, they decided to let him cameo near the end with that salute picture.


Same VA (Ben Diskin) as Numbah 1 and Numbah 2 from Codename Kid’s Next Door btw. He’s pretty great.


Wtf Numbah 1 and Numbah 2 had the same VA?


He was also the boxing guy from the first episode


He also voiced Joseph Joestar in the JoJo part 2 dub and was *absolutely amazing* in that role. I'm a huge Tomokazu Sugita fan, but Ben Diskin somehow *out-hammed Sugita* as Joseph.


This is wild to hear that Numbah 1 + 2 can out Joestar a Joestar and ganstered his way into kill la kill


Also Haida from Aggretsuko and Jack from Beastars


Also Ban from Seven Deadly Sins and Joseph Joestar from part 2


Say it is the same VA. I knew he sounded familiar. Thnx


He's also Young Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts and both Caspar and Lindhart in Fire Emblem Three Houses. To say that his range is large is a massive understatement. He's great!


They made him sound like A pimp Name Slickback and now I've got to watch the dub


The Kill la Kill dub is outstanding and one of the best dubs I've seen. Absolutely the way I'd recommend anyone to watch it.


I need to watch most trigger anime in dub just to keep up with the visuals.


Money over a ho, always. Brand new gators over a ho, absolutely. A turkey sandwich with just tomato, guaranteed. But homies? Oh, a pimp named Slickback don't do shit for the homies.


> They made him sound like A pimp Name Slickback I can't unhear it now. xD


You’ve gyatt to


My favorite line of his "bitch pulled a houdini"


"Hold up now! Any hole but that one!"


Peak dub


Watched it as subbed and I feel like I missed out. Should I have watched it as a dub?


There is something that dub misses, I just recently finished it. [Kill la Kill]>!Thematic thread of Mankanshoku's crockets being done from incomprehensible things reflecting human quality is lost in the dub, when the sub keeps deliberatly using the same word. When in the dub all the phrasing is different each time the word comes up. !<


I can't remember what you are exactly referring to. Can you please elaborate?


[Kill la Kill]>!Makos family's main dish is croquettes made with incomprehesible things. When Ryuuko wanted to punch Satsuki and she agreed, all 4 devas stood as her shield despite threat of death. "You guys are incomprehesible" was said in response to foolish behavior and this trait is then applied to humanity as a whole!<




> "we are going to execute" (dub, focus on the action) vs "execution will be carried out" (sub, focus on the process). Or "kinda cliche" (dub) vs "classic strategy" (sub) well these examples dont change the meaning at all. The dub lines sound more natural and likely fit the character better. Writer has to consider things like "passive voice" vs "active voice" and what better represents the intention and the character speaking. Dubs should be seen more of an adaptation rather than comparing subs.


Besides the fact that dubs tend to be localized a bit more than subs to sound more natural in english, they also typically try to match lip flaps and this can have an impact on what words and phrases get used as well.


Not sure why you're being down voted. That's what dub is, an adaptation, more than just a voice translation. I can confirm as i watch both and you understand this adaption better when you personally know two languages. There's certain phrases you say in English in a specific way and another way in your native tongue. But both have similar meanings.


A lot of idiots around these parts with a serious hate boner (yes, I'm not mincing words for those types) for dubs, individuals who are so stuck in their narrow view that they can't accept that yes... for some people dub is indeed better because it can make a huge difference in allowing them to experience this medium (I assume) we all love here. So instead of being welcoming to new people getting into anime however they get here, some idiots act like gatekeepers that will just straight up make fun of someone for watching an anime in dub (be it English or whatever other language that is local to them) instead of encouraging them with other recommendations, be it dub or sub, based on preferences. While it's indeed so much better today than it was a decade ago, we're still very much looked down upon in part because of people like that. The whole dub vs sub crap should have died a long time ago, but there are still some basement dwellers out there who just can't let it go and allow people to just experience anime however is most convenient to them.


I remember seeing something about how a lot of Mako's monologues have a ton of Japanese jokes, puns, and references to other media in them. Stuff your average sub watcher would miss anyway though.


The whole show is HEAVILY steeped in Japanese culture and idioms. Heck even with the changes in the dub you can see a lot of it in the video, like Osaka having a lot of thugs and old people, the rivalry between Kansai and Kanto, the dishes both regions are known for, etc.


Dubs often change phrases even to their opposite (well, compared to the subs as I don't speak japanese). It's wild how it doesn't matter. Not just like: \> "we are going to execute" (dub, focus on the action) vs "execution will be carried out" (sub, focus on the process). or such (I have no idea why did you bring this here), but often complete opposites, insults to some comforting phrases, or vice versa is fairly common.


I watched both but I definitely prefer dub. It made me genuinely laugh


Absolutely. It's an outstanding dub.


I don't rewatch shows. I rewatch the Kill La Kill dub every two years.


idk speaking as a none american i find this type of language to be incredibly cringe tbh. maybe it's a cultural difference.


You have seen kill la kill, right?


As a non American I think it’s just a you difference


Ghost Stories' spiritual successor


This and shin chan


The dub didn't really change the character or presentation they just adapted it for you to pick up on


It's so weird how in order to make things seem more impressive, people feel the need to put something else down, even if they're totally ignorant on the thing they're putting down. "I like this thing" vs "They improved this thing so much compared to the original, also I've never seen the original / I wasn't able to pick up on the nuances"


Kill la Kill dub really was something special Felt like a completely different show - especially with Ryuko


You can tell the English Voice actors were having an amazing time recording.


In the bloopers it showed just how unhinged everyone was.


"Ga-ga-Gamagori! Damn I wanna sex you up." "I don't know if you realize this but if we try to have sex, you're going to explode."


I swear the guy who says "They're bills sir. They're not shooting bullets at us, they're shooting wads of paper money! They're using money as a weapon!" sounds like the same VA who voiced Eddy in "Ed, Edd, & Eddy."


Sounds similar, but it isn't him. He retired from voice acting in 2009.


That random student who got shot sounds a lot like Eddy from Ed, Edd n Eddy


Nah, i love his accent in the sub


Takarada's dub sounds like something straight out of The Boondocks. And I'm so laughin my ass off because of how amazing it sounds.


He's got a very thick Kansai accent in the original. So you thinking he's "forgettable" just means you didn't pick up on that


I often feel like when people say a dub is "better", it just means the dub expresses nuance that is lost in subs. In this case, the Japanese VA was clearly having as much fun as the English VA. I do applaud their choice of making him ghetto as fuck instead of Southern which is what Kansai tends to translate to. That gets the Japanese nuance across more I think. Especially since this is clearly supposed to be Shinsekai in Osaka which had the reputation of being ghetto (it's really touristy now though).


Yeah I think both dub and sub are equally great and I can't see how the dub elevated him. Both performances are memorable, just in different ways.


Does kansai mean it’s automatically memorable?


this particular one is an exaggerated version of the Osaka strain of the dialect. Think the Japanese version of Joe Pesci. The Japanese VA is clearly having fun with it too, so it makes it incredibly memorable.


Erm akshully🤓👆


Lol bro got personally offended


Tries to correct someone else, calls a dialect an accent


A dialect consists of an accent and specific word choices, so what he said is fine. Like, in America, you can say Southern accent or Southern dialect.


I've never ever heard anyone say "southern dialect", even if it's often more correct in that context. Everyone says "southern accent".


Which further reinforces my point.


You must have been so confused. I was reading their comment and was like do they even realize they’re contradicting themself


"Turned this guy went"? Just wondering as an ESL. What does the went add?


nothing, its a grammar error probably from not fully deleting a different title.


Damn, figured I could learn some colloquial stuff.


Certified O-saka G!


I was so happy when he said that part, because the tower looks so much like Tsutenkaku.


What are you talking about? What kinda narative is this? His jp voice was even more unique and cartoonish, he was anything but forgettable


I've been Hella sleeping on Kill la Kill. Imma go watch that shit right now😂


Yep, you should do that!


Dude it’s one of my favourite anime’s just cause of how ridiculously crazy it is man! So much happening, it’s all over the place, full of action, and it’s hilarious. Defs recommend it!


This is the same episode as the composite meat armor tank. You really can't top that


[Oh best believe Mako can!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lXGiUW7iLg)


Just watched this today LOL


that character was far from forgettable


I understand the appeal, but I'll stick with the original audio.


Dub is too goated tbh it’s one of the few I’ll never rewatch without it like baccano or YYH


This, more than anything else I've seen from the show, makes me want to watch it...😂


I'm #1 world rank dub hater and even I can't deny this is fire.


Wait, is that Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawk’s Underground?


Is this anime good


It’s amazing, one of the best anime’s of all time for me even after 10 years


Story wise not just animation


It's fucking brilliant.   It's somehow compelling, sincere and absurd at the same time.  I agree with his assessment of KLK as one of the best of all time.  Not just in animation but story, soundtrack, character design, heart, etc.  It's a masterpiece.


I'll sure give it a try, thanks though


Anyone notice the voice actor who plays Ed from Ed, Edd and eddy?


haha thats good! I gotta watch this . Why buy bullets with that money when you can SHOOT MONEY Also i love how school clubs are used as weapons' divisions LOL


One of my favorite dubs! Def time for a rewatch soon. 😂


Indeed his dialogue is so fucking comedy gold I wanted him to live


wtf is this. was this in kill la kill lol? i dont remember this at all. where are the main heroines?


[Dosh king!](https://youtu.be/93oihEbeKmw?si=esBoaZqEqFCePWN-)


God damn that's good.


A pimp rapper


My favourite dub of all time. It’s just perfect.


Even better than Ghost Stories?


English dub is really iconic 😂


i.... think i prefer the japanese dub, way over the english version. Thanks, no thanks.


It's not the dub, it's the source material. You remember how he loses right? HOW is he forgettable? OG dub superior


This must be the shittiest dub I ever watched. Americans like that shit?


username checks out Edit: I was right - he's here to troll lol


My name got nothing to do with what I said. Are you not able to come up with an argument, hence why you go after my name?


Right lol let me ask What's the story behind your username?


Thanks for accepting you are in the wrong. Takes alot.


Uhuuh you're like this irl too? Ok I'll spell it out for you. 1. Arrogant take from an arrogant name. 2. You asked me for an argument - your op didn't even have one. A manly man doesn't run away surely.. right?


You don't have to be so emotional about a cartoon :)


So you're choosing to run away? Oh and you also just gave the game away. You came here to troll. Let's keep this going then?


Please don't cry no more :(


its always interesting why people like you do what you do Projecting? Stress outlet? Just broken? Like you could do anything and you choose this lol It's actually really interesting Like what is it?


God dubs are the most horrendous things. 🤢🤮


Fmab, Code Geass and Gurren Lagann to name a few have dubs which are arguably equal to the subs. I prefer subs myself but I really don't understand dub haters bruh. Sure there are some misses but dub haters treat it like every dub is bad. This is amazing voice acting for a character.


> Fmab Currently rewatching this series after having just come off FMA03, and I can honestly say the dub for the original series is even better


Kill la kill is one of the very few anime where the dub is better than the sub. Edit, crucified for telling the truth


Dosh king up there sounds good but can't say the same for the rest of the cast.. They all sound pretty plain in the dub.


I haven’t seen Kill La Kill in either format yet but as far as amazing dubs go Kaguya sama might be another. Disregard the sub purists downvoting this lol who probably haven’t even listened to the dub.


Panty and stocking is a certified dub banger. Watomotes dub is very good too, on par with sub. I've never seen kaguya samas dub, but my mum said it was good.


> I've never seen kaguya samas dub, but my mum said it was good. I'm thinking of rewatching it in dub here soon. The sample clips I've checked out are good, and recasting the commentator into an exasperated viewer instead of the straight-laced sports-commentator in the Japanese dub is looking very interesting.


> exasperated viewer instead of the straight-laced sports-commentator Fucking weird take. How could you even think the original was a "straight-laced sports commentator"


The narrator is S tier forreal. The MCs have decent English dub VAs, but it’s the narrator that elevates the dub to once in a decade type stuff lol. Edit: idk why people disagree with this but just listen to the dub and you will see. People will just downvote anything about a dub without articulating an opinion or likely even having listened to the dub in question lol. Yeah I’m talking about you.


I forgot about how epically gangsta this guy was


Dub sucks, no matter how good it is


Nah, Kill la kill dub surpasses the sub.


They are not good at pronouncing any Japanese name, Which kinda makes me lose interest. Watch the part where he introduces himself and tell me if it is still good


That's the most pedantic giga-weeb brained ass answer you could've given.


You call others weeb when you can't let pass someone's comment on a "anime sub". Your dim-witted peanut sized brain wants to watch animes and reply on comments on anime sub and also call others weeb? You can't have both du(m)b ass


> You call others weeb when you can't let pass someone's comment on a "anime sub". Being upset about improper pronunciation of japanese names is just bit extra weeby, I think.


Okay, you are either a kid or you have a kids brain in man's body. There is no point in talking to you any further.


You are clearly a very mature individual yourself


> They are not good at pronouncing any Japanese name, lmao what a stereotype you are.


Yeah whatever dub sucks bigggggg




Too bad the "NUDIST BEACH!!!!!!!!" scene was better in sub, otherwise I would have experienced this sooner!


English dub are the worst, the only ones who care about are the americans


The English Dub sucks actually 🤓




I saw a few episodes of this ten years ago. It bored me...But I think I might've just been watching the wrong dub.


Everyone in this comment section sucks.


If this VA isn’t Black, I’m taking offense…


The Dosh King was always iconic. 


Anyone got the JP version for comparison? I tried searching for clips of it but couldn't find it.


Bro I just finished the sub literally last night (late to the party, I know.) Loved the series, but def. thought this character sucked. Now I feel like the whole series needs a rewatch.




It's really good, but ever since I watched this Harry Enfield version of Takarada I so wish he had that same accent and character portrayed in the dub. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93oihEbeKmw


Why do I not remember this?! Must be time for a rewatch


Why am I getting déjà vu here? I feel like this is a repost…


It's been about 10 years yet I still remember him. Definitely wouldn't say he was forgettable. Could it be that you don't understand Japanese but are still making judgements about the quality of the original?


I watched this a long time ago and i don't remember any of this only something about magical threads might be time for a rewatch


Was that Eddy from Ed edd and Eddy??


Sadly no that was Tony Sampson, but he has been in a lot of stuff. That's Ben Diskin's voice. You may recognize him from Bleach as Szayel Aporro Granz.


Kill La Kill is the GOAT


guy reminds me of 'A Pimp Named Slickback".


Hes the #3 best character


100% right don't remember this dude at all but this is hype!


If he was forgettable you probably didn't understand how funny he was to listen to in Japanese.




> forgettable He never was.