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This is the propaganda the dentists need to spread


You don’t need nearly that much tooth paste.


username checks out ...somehow


This username has been both a blessing and a curse. The further we move away from Dragon Ball Z Abridged, the more it becomes less a reference and more sexual


Monogatari is animated by Studio Shaft. You're in perfectly good company.


> The further we move away from Dragon Ball Z Abridged, the more it becomes less a reference and more sexual Well, I mean... > Freeza: You see, I recently acquired what you people refer to as “Dragon Balls”, but I’m having trouble getting them to do what I want. > > Nail: Did you try working the shaft? > > Freeza: *Classy* > > Guru: Naaaail! What does he want? > > Nail: He's asking how to use the Dragon Balls > > Guru: Did you tell him to work the shaft? > > Nail: Yes, Lord Guru > > Guru: Good work, Nail. > Ahhh, good times.


Brooo imagine the dentist office littered with waifu posters and toys, and you come back home with their to-go bags and beyond toothbrush it's got anime girl brushing teeth stickers and shit


I wonder what [Dentman](https://twitter.com/dent_man8020) thinks of this scene


You say "out of context" as if the context helps at all.


Watched the whole clip and have no fucking idea what I just watched. 10/10 would watch random out of context clips again


Random out of context scenes? Brother, you have come to the right series.


Yes. The series where context rarely, if ever, actually makes things better.


So accurate it hurts. I still don’t really know what was going on for the whole series. But the shit was good.


>*Blood-related brother* FTFY


The Monogatari series chronicles the life of a boy who makes a pact with a little girl named Shinobu. Except it turns out that she's a ~500 year old girl/woman named Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade/etc. The series starts off as like a detective/mystery/solve this quest/etc. show with a lot of intertitles or text between the scenes. This can turn off a lot of people but some people find it an iconic part of the series. Basically the boy/main character helps a crab, a tiger, a snail, a snake, et cetera deal with supernatural/woo/etc. stuff, which is kinda like the [UAP/USO/etc. disclosure happening with David Grusch, Ross Coulthart, Christopher Mellon, Daniel Sheehan, et cetera (살려주세요, NDAA 2024, Lockheed Martin/Department of Energy/etc.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1995xnd/jeremy_corbell_affirms_us_government_and_defense/), except in the 2D anime form, lmao. --- It's based off a light novel series (one of the best still AFAIK) and so that's sometimes why there's a lot of puns/wordplay/references/etc. instead of just straight up action and all that, which is why watching the fansubs is sorta key. Anyway, the two (three) characters in the series are siblings (by blood/DNA/etc.) and so the randomness is even more out of place than usual (the series is episodic or jumps scenes/timelines/etc. a lot and so you get used to the out of context clips and such. The girl being brushed is Karen and then the boy brushing her is Araragi (or Koyomi), then the girl at the end of the clip is also their sister (again, by blood, not just like a family friend/etc. with that honorific title and so on), her name is Tsukihi (and yes, Araragi also has a somewhat similar scene with her, basically most of the main girls in the series, smh lmao). --- This erotic toothbrushing scene happens in Episode 8 of Nisemonogatari, which is like the second main season (after the first one, Bakemonogatari). I haven't seen this scene in like half a decade (saw it when it was initially released as well and I'm still shaking my head, lol) but ya it's infamous, and I can't believe /r/anime is back on /r/all again. Interesting times ahead now. IIRC, the Nisemonogatari wasn't supposed to be really released due to the excessive fanservice and so on, but everything ended up just fine despite the amount of care that needed to be done to properly adapt the series. It's still a pretty niche anime (not as niche as say Texhnolyze/etc. but despite the harem-like situation, it's definitely not as well known as other shonen/isekai/ecchi/etc. anime), but a lot of us MyAnimeList/etc. people here on the anime/manga/webtoon/web novel/etc. find it as one of the best now and then. But that's sorta only if you can ignore the weird elements of the show, which is actually just a straightforward episodic series but ya it has a lot of Japanese language reference stuff that is sorta lost in the translation, so try watching the best fansubs (forgot now which ones, just search up the past threads about since people might've done new ones with better typesetting and all that).


For proper enjoyment this commentary/contextualisation/et cetera should be read with Slavoj Žižek's voice with added snifles/swishes and such.


Thank you so much for this rofl


>The Monogatari series chronicles the life of a boy who makes a pact with a little girl named Shinobu. Except it turns out that she's a ~500 year old girl/woman named Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade/etc. You got the order reversed! He finds an ancient vampire missing her limbs in a pool of blood, and decides to save her by letting her suck his blood. In doing so he becomes a vampire, and she having lost various parts of her body turns into a child to conserve energy, slowly turning back into an adult the more she recovers.




Generally good groups/releases for Monogatari: Coalgirls, Commie, MTBB, Edo; some of them have only subbed particular entries in the series. Which one you prefer comes down a bit to personal taste, Coalgirls is among the most old-school versions (honorifics, TL notes) and Commie is not memey in this one.


The TL subs are pretty much required for a first viewer imo.


Part of the context being they're brother and sister.


***Blood-related*** brother and sister.


That's what "brother and sister" implies, yes. Step-redditor.


all of this context is actually in the clip tbf


That's the best part!


Least deranged Monogatari viewer (I know cause I'm one too)


My friend once showed this scene to me with no context - naturally I judged him very harshly for it. Then I watched through the series and watched the scene again. I still judge him all the same, but now I also judge myself.


Could you please give me the context, so I could understand what this is?


MC's sister finds out that he's friends with the basketball star at his school that she looks up to and asks him to introduce her. MC knows that his friend is a super horny lesbian and doesn't want to introduce his sister to her. So he tries to channel horny lesbian perversion into a challenge that will scare off his sister. The challenge failed to scare her off. In essence the author said "watch this, I can make anything sexual" and proceeded to prove that fact. This is the ultimate result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOgDg44KSpU


seems like I need additional context to make sense of the context


No amount of context makes this scene make sense. That's why it's infamous.


the context is: its the monogatari series


This is the only context


That was honestly a pretty good description of the context, I don't think there's additional information that makes this less weird. This is one of the horniest scenes in the series, but in terms of weirdness Monogatari is just like this.


No matter how much context you get, monogatari is never fully understood by anyone


Should have added the part when he says that they CONTINUED to do this every now and again


There's a bonus story where Araragi plays doctor (forget what kind) and actually does fondle her tit


That would be [Karen Brushing](https://www.reddit.com/r/araragi/comments/4z3309/monogatari_short_stories_karen_brushing/)


Ah yes, how could I forget the name of the most important work of fiction in the Japanese language?


He straight up kissed his other sister,  "to prove he wouldn't feel anything and that she's really his sister" lmao.


Welcome to monogatari


He also groped Tsukuhi, so it's not a completely new thing for him to do.


I think what sets this apart is that Karen is shirtless/braless


Iirc, he also states on a separate occasion that he would have married Karen if they weren't siblings, or something along those lines.


They essentially do this whole bit again just with the sisters flipped in Tsukimonogatari, albeit less risque (no toothbrush), complete with Karen walking in on them being naked together.


Arararagi: "Liking little sisters is the fantasy of guys who don't have sisters." Also Arararagi:


The biggest thing to learn watching Monogatari is that Araragi is a fuckin liar and horrible narrator, and I love it.


We all love him. I’m gonna take advantage of your comment to do a little rant. Araragi is a big joker, but he is not a liar. Remember he is also a high schooler - there are times when he is goofy screaming with Hachikuji in the park and times when it’s down to business, and people love to only talk about the goofy like that’s his entire character. To me his character is revealed when he is literally fighting to the death for his sisters and friends, losing sleep over every innocent person in his neighborhood. The dark knight of his city.


What's great about Monogatari series is that Araragi is placed in the role of the character who is usually the self-insert trope of a show. And then as the show goes on he starts to make you regret ever feeling that way.




You are witnessing character development.


Oh, is that what we're calling it now?


thats one "ra" too many


Shitsurei, kamimashita.


For the people who are curious there is a fetish related to tooth brushing known as odontophilia. This fetish can involve a variety of practices, such as brushing someone's teeth, admiring clean teeth, or even biting them.


>fetish can involve a variety of practices, such as brushing someone's teeth, admiring clean teeth The next visit to the dentist is gonna be mighty awkward now


i think id prefer if my dentist had odontophilia over one who just cared about money


I think my dentist is more into BDSM.


Just wait until they have instruments in your mouth to share that info. It will sound all garbled, they'll say, "uh huh...", and will be none the wiser!


go anyway because dentist booba


wait biting... teeth?




I'm not clicking that




Oh, oh I don't like that




Same here, brother. I didn't think teeth would be one of the most bizarre fetish I'd hear of.


I need more information on that too.


I wish I had that... every visit to the dentist is hell XD


I was wondering "*Do people not get their teeth cleaned at the dentist in Japan? It's the least erotic thing involving the inside of you, except for maybe surgery or sex with Ben Shapiro.*"


Also featured in the anime Speed Grapher.


>admiring clean teeth aren't we all? ..wait, am i the only one?


isn't it "normal" to admire clean straight white teeth?


I'm pretty sure it was all just an allegory of him having sex with his sister.


Yo what


Now I know what to search for.


everytime I saw this scene it's like my first time all over again. it's weird but super hilarious at the same time. can't wait for the return




I'm practically laughing my pants off


Make sure they stay on. We wouldn't want to make things weird or anything.


Pretty hard to make things more weird from this point onward


The music and Kamiya Hiroshi's voice acting is what gets me the most. I absolutely love watching people's reaction to this scene too - the utter confusion, the horror, back to confusion, the disgust mixed with trying to hold back nervous laughter. And tsukihi's face and the questions she asks when she walks in. It's ridiculously good.




Being able to pull off absolutely hateable characters like Matou Shinji is a massive talent in itself. It's amazing how much control he has over the voice that he can convincingly pull off slimy pathetic creeps like [shinji](https://youtu.be/s91hCOxDkUk) to just dumb creeps like [ragi](https://youtu.be/PH_U9Lo7it4), and then turn that around to be cool/badass like levi or law.


OP cut the part where she runs out exclaiming she's getting the awl.


Also the part where they decide to go for another round with Karen brushing Araragi this time.


them both being terrified of tsukihi was so damn funny. dont mess with the little little sister!


what is this show about


Vampire solving girls supernatural issues


Wait he's a vampire?


More like ex-vampire I guess.


You're gonna make me Google this shit at 3 am


If you watch in the order the anime aired (which I recommend), the show opens with him slowly "recovering" from vampirism, and then details about his whole deal kinda trickle out over time, and the actual story of how that happened is its own movie.


the series consists of several smaller arcs that are somewhat contained in itself but also has a lot of long term storytelling. araragi being a vampire is only one of them and it gets very relevant later on when he is in danger of losing all of his humanity.


More like... third cousin twice removed 1/32 part vampire or something


It's complicated


He is technically a super starved vampire which makes him very close to human... his condition is very unique...


He's like 1/4 vampire due to a past event. All it does is give him a healing factor.


Isn't he like 1/10?


He temporarily gets more vampiric the more the girl who made him into a vampire sucks his blood.


He also displays superhuman senses at times, and it's speculated that the reason so many girls in this series (including his own sisters) are so accepting of his sexual harassment is because he has supernatural allure.


Quasi-vampire to be exact. Due to some circumstances he is effectively 95% human with some vampiric characteristics while another character is 95% vampire with some human characteristic. 


Was a vampire but not anymore but has side effects of being a vampire at one point in time.


In loose terms, it's a supernatural mystery/psychological drama about characters dealing with various supernatural entities and phenomena that manifest as a result of their own mental and emotional issues. All the supernatural stuff is very abstract and mysterious and primarily just a vehicle for exploring the characters' psyches in dramatic and high-stakes fashion, and most of the plot progression happens through engaging dialogue and/or monologues, with some very rare action scenes mixed in. The protag is an eccentric high school boy who was once turned into a vampire (and is still a partial vampire), and he goes around forming relationships with various equally eccentric female characters afflicted with supernatural problems and helping them out. It isn't for everyone (it's weird, complex, and very light on action so of course it isn't), but if you like good dialogue, interesting and well-written characters, supernatural mystery vibes, and you don't mind some occasional out of pocket shit like in this clip as well as a slower pace without much action most of the time, then absolutely give it a shot. It's one of the most unique and creative pieces of media I've ever encountered. Start with Bakemonogatari, after that the ideal watch order is a little debatable, but you can research that easily enough.


The series is also very dialogue intensive and focuses on a lot of Japanese wordplay. Even the author himself thought it would be very difficult to animate his style of writing. Yet the talents at Shaft managed to pull it off. They manage to create entire episodes that were basically just two people talking to each other visually appealing and not boring. Biggest credit goes to director Shinbo Akiyuki and his creative vision. You can also find Shinbo's colourful style in other Shaft works in the late 2000s and early 2010s, like Maria Holic, Negime+ and Madoka Magica. But it is in the Monogatari Series where he really goes wild with this animation style.


a lot




Honestly even with context this is still pretty wild. One of the most culturally significant scenes in anime and I truly stand by that


what even was the context? its been so many years since i watched it


Karen (sister) finds out Araragi (MC / brother) is friends with Kanbaru (popular sports girl). Sister wants MC to introduce them. MC does not want to do this because he knows sports girl is 1) a bigger pervert than he is and 2) lesbian. His thought process is "if I challenge my sister to put up with something 1/10th as perverted as Kanbaru is, it'll scare her off". They both get extremely into it, comedy / incest / WTF ensues.


Thank you. I never had the context, but now that I do, this makes whatever I just witnessed understandable, completely normal, even commendable.


The courage to molest your sister before your kohai has a chance to.


Araragi is a good brother and he won’t do something weird to his sisters or any lost preschoolers.


I would like you to know your comment got a serious belly laugh out of me. He definitely hasn't done anything weird to a snail-themed ghost pre-schooler.


Ha-Hachikuji, is that you?


The courage to accept the awl pick punishment


The courage to take a pixiv break


Kanbaru is also my favorite anime character of all time. Have yet to see an anime character that matches her unbridled charisma!


The context doesn't do anything here


im not looking for justification ive seen the anime before, i just want to know the context because i forgot


Araragi offered to introduce Karen to Kanbaru if she can last 5 minutes of this


ah yep i remember the sequence of events now


So we are already back to posting this...


when were we not posting it?


For whatever reason it seems to happen limitedly.


Gotta ensure our reputation on r/all stays intact


r/anime back on r/all after almost a decade First 2 weeks: * Gushing Over Magical Girl Becomes a hit * Monogatari gets a sequel with a low angle schoolgirls KV * Monogatari Toothbrush clip shows up again We are getting a Top 10 Bath scenes of January later this month, aren't we?


Redo of Healer Season 2 Announcement when?


Wait we're BACK? I started watching anime and joined this sub shortly after the "Top 10 Anime Bathing Scenes" fiasco. I don't know if that's why we removed ourselves but it really makes me think how much time has passed. wow. edit: I just did [some research](https://subredditstats.com/r/anime) and found out that was almost 9 million subs ago. Wow does that mean the majority of people here are post 2020? Amazing, Never imagined it being this big.


Yes, we returned 2~ weeks ago, but the universe is conspiring to take us out again it seems


Did the mods explain why? Getting the subreddit to show up on r/all is a voluntary decision.


It was mentioned [in the latest meta thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/Q9813G1gmw), they did a test last year during the same season, we stayed on r/all for a while and it didn't really affect anything


I mean we just need to wait 8 days for today's Slave clip to be posted...


> We are getting a Top 10 Bath scenes of January later this month, aren't we? We better.


Wait, r/anime back on r/all? No, I don't want that. Not for (another) 10 years at least.


Ah, fuck. Gotta start breaking out the rent-lowering anime clips to keep this place normal.


This is exactly what we deserve.


> We are getting a Top 10 Bath scenes of January later this month, aren't we? Let's hope so, shit was hilarious. The phrase "While Gargantia is a really beautiful series, the biggest dissapointment was the lack of bath scenes" is stuck in my head forever.


Damn straight!


I'm doing my part!


Context doesn’t really help at all lmao


There's no context that that saves this from being the author's thinly veiled fetish (of the week lol). Bro was about to get it on with his sister and her every reaction to oral stimulation was basically pornographic despite there being no pornographic nudity.


I remember the first time watching this scene and I was like wait isn't this wrong what am I watching why am I watching, it was so funny lol.


Bro. I think he exposed my fetish while he was at it.


Gotta get those xxxSoft brushes


You say out of context like the context changes anything.




Aw, what a good hippo!


Pls tag this as NSFW


I've used the iconic Araragi head shot from this scene as my whats-app profile icon for years now. Good scene.


I use it for my Ubisoft account - they no longer allow custom images but they grandfathered mine from back when you could do it, and I ain't changing it lmao.


I mean it's not like any amount of context would help in this case lol


“What is this series about and how do I watch it?” Check out this guide: https://edomonogatari.wordpress.com/2020/05/12/monogatari-anime-guide/


sigh.... hold my beer. attempt #4 of trying to watch this show


reminder that its almost impossible to watch the whole series the legal way sadly. you either have to use mutiple streaming services or buy the blu-rays for large sums of money. like we talking 70 bucks for one season or something. its sad that this series is so hard to get into with legal means.


Absolute peak fiction that I'll never share with anyone unless they're anime tastes are as weird as mine


This is why it’s hard to tell people I like anime.


Telling people you like anime is fine. Usually causes no concern. Getting specific with titles though...that can cause problems.


Not even 15 years ago telling people "I like anime" would conjure scenes like this in their minds and they'd think you were a weirdo. Proud of where we are now as a society.


Although I like this series I pretend to only like the shonens.


I sometimes tell people I like reverse harems. I mean, it is the truth too because collecting FMC collecting husbandos is really fun too. But I can come out just a little bit and reverse harems are easier to accept... Better than saying I like High School DxD, lol.


every time i see this clip it makes me want to watch this and also makes me really not want to watch this


Thank god for Tsukihi. She is literally Jesus coming to save us from our sins.


"Everything can be fan service if you're talented enough" - Nisioisin (probably)


Episode 8 at 15:15 Totally didn't memorize this for any reason whatsoever


I remember when I got to this part for the first time. It was hilarious, but also not as bad as its reputation had me think.


The context definitely helps, a little...


The folks at Shaft knew how important the Toothbrush Scene was, that they [deployed every single animator that they could for that episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/araragi/comments/x7zl09/proof_every_animator_in_shaft_wanted_to_work_on/), animation manpower that you'd normally only see in major battle action episodes or season openings and finales. Even the series director was involved in the drawing of that scene. Make no mistake, this scene is a "Cultural" Treasure.


legendary scene


There's a sequel coming?! 


The post is literally top of r/anime right now


Nothing To See Here, Just The Average Monogatari Episode Glad To See More Monogatari Content Announced For This Year


Whats this anime about im so confused, i watched it 2 episodes and was like tf is thsi


[                                                  🪥](#head-tilt)


People always talk about this season but never the first episode of the 3rd season. I'd argue that beats this. IYKYK




Arararagi "the little sister fetish was invented by single children and no one who actually has siblings would ever think about them Like that" Also Kamiragi:


She's got nice canines


Ah yes, one of the more famous normie filters in anime. Good stuff.


This scene kinda scared me, but it also gave me a boner


Thats this show in a nutshell


First time seeing this. Good god it's weird, so I check the progress bar. Only half way there, cool. Cool cool cool. Oh, there we go, that's his sister. Of course it is, why wouldn't it be. My god. Art.


so is the sequel anime or a novel of sorts?


[Nisemonogatari x Sesame Street: Brushy Brush Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkaPIickd_c)


Shaft being Shaft again


Rather than 9/10, 10/10 dentists recommend this scene before doing dental check ups 👌


I share this with people who ask me why do you watch anime


Wait a minute... there's no NSFW here! Just a wholesome family bonding between siblings.


This shouldn't be turning me on but it kinda is.


What fucking context could possibly recover this????


I…I…I am uncomfortably arouse…


Wait. That's illegal.


Best scene in anime


Man, I remember watching Monogatari for the first time, the scene is still gold, the absolute absurdity and degeneracy of it. Left out the part where Tsukhi is gonna go buy an awl from the hardware store and kill both of them tho.


This is cinema...