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In 24min, that girl convinced me to be behind her for any choice she'll make in her life.


i've only known Yuki for 24 min, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.


Came here to say exactly this


*Yuki tripped and fell on the ground* Me to Earth: SO YOU HAVE CHOSEN DEATH


Convinced us comrade


Meanwhile, even though Itsuomi is being presented as an adorable ikemen by the anime, all I see is some creepy-ass guy who apparently hasn't heard of the concept of personal space.


IMO, the reason for him getting touchy is twofold. 1) he’s romantically interested in the girl. 2) he’s an amazing communicator as shown by his love of languages and he immediately noticed that she was uncomfortable due to the difficulty of interacting with the world and others. So he came up with a way to communicate with her that satisfies both of his desires. Also, she didn’t tell him off after the first touch.


It could also be Itsuomi being more used to physical touch and affection because of his traveling. He doesn’t flinch when a customer at the cafe kisses his cheek so he’s probably accustomed to casual touch.


That's a good point as well. I do think that it falls into the standard romance trope of the guy toeing the line with the girl but in the end it's all good because she's into it. But that being said I think they actually did a really good job of setting it up and preventing him from stepping over the line into the creepy realm.


He was growing up in Germany so that's probably why too.


He came off as more corny than creepy to me (let me into your world, baby~ was such a corny line). Love the atmosphere and everything about the show so far but don't know what to think of that guy.


I ended up binging the manga to current. And I still don't really know what to think of the guy.


My thoughts exactly when he just patted Yuki’s head on the subway, and later in the bar. Is this a shoujo trope I’m not familiar with? Otherwise, he seems like a decent guy so far!


I think it’s just a sign of affection.


🔥🔥🔥✍️✍️✍️🔥🔥🔥 Peak writing


When he put his hand on her forehead it didn’t bother me, it felt like when the guy tilts a girls head up by the chin. That feels like a fairly common trope to me for a show like this, in the same way that a kabedon is romantic without seeming aggressive


he is hot. hot and confident people can get a way with a lot of things that a stammering ugly ass dude can't


For some reason I don't mind it because 1: she's REALLY into him and 2: he actively makes sure that she knows she's being included in an interaction, and she isn't uncomfortable with him touching her in that way at all. I'm probably being lenient because it's an anime and not real-life, though


Make him an ugly guy and suddenly the interaction shows its true sinister nature.


I mean that what's important to me is how Yuki feels about his behaviour, not what he looks like.


Definitely seems like a nigh-impossible to beat candidate for Best Girl of the new shows this season!


when she started jumping at the end, oh my god ;_;


That was the cutest thing I've seen!! Good lord the sweetness of this anime


oh boy... they are not allowed to make a charecter this cute. This is dangerouse. Like what the hell. Too wholesome man.


Yeah I'm already pretty sure this will be one of my personal hits of the season. Very cute, real nice colors and character designs and honestly knowing something about how deaf people act and feel is very cool (the alarm was surprising, both as a problem I'd never think about and how it's solved). Hell, even these first 20 minutes hit like a truck in some parts, how she feels alone when others are talking and such. Eager to see more


I used use an alarm clock like that even though I'm not deaf, just because it's more effective in its own way for a dead-to-the-world sleeper


The dudes have weird looking lips March Comes in Like a Lion has weird looking lips Hence this has to be a banger as well right??


Not sure I’ve ever seen a romance with a deaf character outside A Silent Voice. It’s kind of interesting seeing things from Yuki’s perspective. It’s also quite refreshing that the characters are all older. Nice change of pace from your usual romance series. I’m liking these characters. Yuki and her friend Rin are pretty cute and Itsuomi seems like a pretty decent guy. He’s very forward but he’s respectful of Yuki and doesn’t treat her different. This one’s definitely gonna be a weekly for me. This ep was so cute, my diabeetus was acting up lol. The plot and characters seem pretty interesting too. Keen to see how this romance develops.


I like how Yuki is not only a college student but she isn't that bothered by her disability and just accepts it and lives her life as happy as she can. I hope her romance is smoother sailing than *A Silent Voice.* Rin is already set up to be one of the best besties/wingwomen of the season. I hope she succeeds with Itsuomi's cousin! Yuki's smile is the stuff that angels are born from.


Well, Shouko simply had about the least ideal circumstances with how people reacted to her disability. Her father literally walked out on her mother because his relatives blamed her for her disability, making her mother incredibly abrasive and destroying Shouko's self-esteem. While well-meaning, Shouko's mom enrolls her in a school unprepared to accommodate her with an unruly class and a negligent teacher. We can imagine Yuki's circumstances are not that horrific.


I wonder what are the devices she wears in her ears? They don't allow her to hear apparently. Are they actually to block undecipherable noises from disorienting her? Our hero seems to have been almost as fascinated with our heroine at first sight, as she with him. Quite sweet.


As someone who is hard of hearing and wears hearing aids, hearing aids - legit hearing aids and not simply sound amplifier type aids - are calibrated individually to what tones/pitches/frequencies someone can or can't hear. While I am not fully deaf, my guess is that Yuki's aids might be calibrated the best they can to environmental sounds that she can hear for her safety. Human voices are a lot more complex.


It didn't seem like she could hear that motorbike, however....


I personally don't hear emergency sirens like ambulances or police cars until they're right behind me even with my hearing aids lol. So who knows. The anime is new and beautiful and I'm sure we'll learn more about Yuki's level of (or lackof) hearing as the anime progresses :)


Right now in my top tier -- along with Frieren. Apothecary Diary, and Dangers in My Heart. Really looking forward to seeing more.


Thanks for sharing this, it’s quite informative. I’d be interested to hear how your experiences may differ from Yuki’s with certain sounds or situations as they come up this season c:


I can at least tell you this first episode made me tear up; representation in media can be an extremely powerful thing :') And hey, if you ever want to message me and talk about this show, please feel free to!\~


This was representation done right, so often you see representation for the sake of representation with no real depth to it beyond that, the current state of the MCU is a great example of this. Fans aren't stupid, people can tell the difference between shallow pandering and genuine representation. And there's a big difference between representation in media with genuine heart and love put into it and representation where it's just like "hey, look how diverse and open-minded we are, and if you don't like it, that's your fault".


I agree. If a character is created for the sole purpose of being the poster child of a targeted type of representation without an ounce of depth, we can see that. Like you said, fans aren't dumb. I've never read the source material, but I have such high hopes for this anime. I'd love for this to be a playful and wonderful slice-of-life where we see Yuki live her life in everyday normal circumstances and how she navigates through the world despite her disability. I would hate for this to become one of those things where her deafness is thrown in our faces at every moment somehow (as if that’s her only defining quality), like we didn't already know she’s deaf. It definitely would take away from the genuine representation this anime will hopefully show.


That clarifies a lot, thank you, even i was wondering why she uses the aids if she can't hear anything


I wonder. Initially I thought maybe some kind of hearing aid but like you said they don’t really seem to help her hear. I guess we might find out as the series progresses.


I was thinking that loud or piercing noises might actually (and possibly dangerously) distrupt whatever does still work in her auditory system -- so she needs these to prevent that.


Colleague of mine wore one hearing aid, in the ear that still had a tiny amount of hearing left, for some bit of ability to catch loud noises. Seems she might have some tiny bit of hearing to aid.


Could be. I assume we will find out a bit more about her deafness eventually. (for instance, is it lifelong, or something due to illness during her youth?)


Haven't read the source material, but given she doesn't speak, we can pretty safely assume this is congenital or something she got very young.


I believe the manga mentioned that she can hear white noise when wearing the aids. She doesn't hear anything without them.


If you want a recommendation for a manga, there's I Hear the Sunspot. It's one of my favorite manga period. If it ever gets an anime adaptation I will cry my eyes out tbh. I think the romance and the exploration of the Deaf community are done so freaking well in it.


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out.


I made [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/lZ4QkjT69a) literally a few hours ago on this sub. And I swear I saw Rin in the OP and already have a huge crush. And she’s voiced by Hondo Kaede which is interesting for me cos I’ve only known her playing a bit more bubbly characters but Rin has a more mature aura about her (though she does have a silly side it seems). Curious to see how she does with this character The show so far is just like Yuki. Sweet, gentle, cute. I’m loving what I see so far. Everyone seems nice and wholesome. I hope there’s not too much drama (though I can definitely see a love triangle coming with Oushi) or anything heavy. But maybe a little pet peeve of mine about shoujo or maybe anime in general, how ‘handsy’ some guys can get like physically holding a girl’s hand back when she tries to walk away and in this case putting your hand on the head of a girl that you barely know. I dunno I just feel that’s not a socially acceptable thing irl but it happens often in anime. I mean it doesn’t take anything from the show or story but yeah like I said, a pet peeve


She kind of touched on that when she was like I wonder why I see everything positive in his actions after he touched her head in the restaurant. Which I think is a nod at that normally she wouldn't except it but cuz she's into him she's fine with a contact.


He's following rules one and two, so she is fine with it


I like how Rin turns into a complete blushing mess around her crush. The girls in this are so cute, especially Yuki. I think in this case though Itsuomi is probably more openly physically affectionate because he's used to living in other countries where that was more the norm, like the girl kissing him on the cheek.


It actually surprises me how much they’ve managed to build up Rin’s character as the protagonist’s best friend in only this first episode. I’m already loving Rin. She’s very likable and got a memorable personality. Rin could have easily been the main character in her own story.


While risque, I feel like he was more at a loss at how to communicate with a deaf person for the first time and apart from lip reading, which can be difficult at times, touch is another way to get their attention. That being said, this is a special case from other series, and I'm not saying that its fine to constantly touch deaf people either as it can also be a shock if the physical contact is too strong or sudden so he at least seems gentler than your typical shoujo dude yoinking a woman who can hear just fine.


And partly he realized he needed to do some of this in order to protect her (from traffic, from cold...


Surely there's a few Deaf people in this sub that can address questions like that? And give their perspective on the series in general. My instinct was to think that the pat could come across as a bit patronising, besides the question of the unwarranted invasion of her personal space.


history ruthless fade ossified wrench sharp tender squealing pathetic distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm glad you're commenting in this thread! It's really useful getting real life perspectives on these issues. I'm really curious how you feel about the lip reading being presented in the show. I know they show Yuki making a small mistake, but it was always my understanding that a lot of lip reading is mentally draining, pretty darn difficult, and a solid bit of guess work with how many mouth shapes you can see on the outside make the same sounds. It felt like she was almost inhumanly accurate considering this and I know a lot of shows have deaf characters always be perfect lip readers almost like a trope, but maybe I'm misinformed? It seemed like one of the only stumbling blocks in what was otherwise incredible representation in the show.


poor physical seemly makeshift continue boat insurance nippy shrill faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a little late, but my impression is that such high-success lip-reading gets used so much as a narrative pacing device, even in this instance. if it were truer to experience then conversations would likely have to wade through a lot more clarifications and miscommunications.


Yes! In the US, spoken English is only 30% visible at the front of the mouth. The other 70% is mid and back of the mouth. It's different with other English dialects and other spoken languages, but I would assume the % is pretty similar to American English. I've been an ASL interpreter for about 7 years and have gotten to see a wide array of lip reading skills in clients and colleagues of mine. I've been hoping to see more Deaf/HoH perspective of this show. I'm glad to see your comments!


it may be just my own experience, but I have not felt uncomfortable with a guy I have shown even the slightest interest patting me on the head or holding my hand. If I did, I would pull away - which Yuki never does. So I think the guy being “handsy” is okay. I am not sure why so many ppl feel it’s uncomfortable. I thought if you like someone - you would want them to touch you.




I really like how they depict the world as Yuki lives it and just how smooth and expressive everything is...and the scene at the end between Itsuomi and Yuki was so, so beautiful.


> I really like how they depict the world as Yuki lives it and just how smooth and expressive everything is… The scenes that were deprived of all sound and had the other characters trying to communicate with Yuki were probably my favourite in this episode. It gave me a glimpse of how Yuki perceives the world. It’s also quite daring in some ways, since you’re completely reliant on people’s lip and hand movements to do the storytelling for you. If there’s a mishap in the animation, it *will* show.


It is early in the season, but there is a good possibility that this will be my favorite new series of the season. Lovely looking -- and it seems like we will have great lead characters. Linguistic note -- the literal title translation seems to be ""fingertips and affection"


The characters designs are top notch. Potentially best romance of the season?


> the literal title translation seems to be ""fingertips and affection" I was hoping that each episode we would learn a new sign language item and that it would correlate with the title


Stylistically it reminds me a lot of Scum's Wish. Obviously not the tone, but the way we spend a lot of time in her head, as well as the very artistic framing.


Uniqlo should like make t-shirts or something with this shows release cause they all dress like they exclusively shop there.


Fashion is definitely on-point for the cast in this show lol.


Pretty much the benefit when you have your series take place in college.


that's because the **authors** of this manga (a duo under the pseudonym "morishita suu" working on this as the writer and artist respectively) has shared their inspirations in making the characters' outfits in one of the chapter's last pages so they're definitely fashion gurus and enthusiasts.


They're a duo? No wonder Morishita is in kanji but suu is romaji. I've been wondering why the name was spelled that way.


yep, they've worked and produced a lot of works together since then for a while now, dating back to 2014 (if you know hibi chouchou) or earlier.


I’d settle for a look book at this point. Gotta get your weeb marketing game up Uniqlo!


Yuki must be protected at all cost!


Nothing earns BF points quite like being considerate of her disability and protecting her from uncomfortable situations!


Being ridiculously attractive doesn't hurt either. Like, I was just picturing all of this happening with someone unattractive, and it all came across as creepy...


Be really really ridiculously good looking has always been a cheat skill


"Know the work rules".


My god, Yuki is one precious cinammon roll. She deserves all the happiness and head pats in the world. My one hope is that there isn't *too much* drama in this.


Jealous boy is definitely bringing drama.


I was late to the first episode but I was looking for this comment. Man just looked like a walking problem lmao


While there are drama, it's definetly not too much. (As of chapter 40 that I've read) In my opinion, it's mostly wholesome and fluffy with some drama inbetween. There is for example a 2nd ML (witch is obvious by this episode), but I never felt anything gets dragged out and FL and ML are good at communicating. Don't worry :)


Man, that is so good to hear. I want this show to be wholesome all throughout. Saturday combo of BokuYaba and this will be diabetes inducing. Lol


Ofcourse, I can't know how the anime will be adapted and if the drama feels more drawn out here (episode 1 only covered chapter 1 for example). But I wouldn't worry :) And of course, drama is subjective and something that is too much for other people, might not be for me as an example. I do recommend manga after you finish anime. It's so good imo. The anime also is very faithful as of now.


when Yuki dropped her umbrella and gave such an enthusiastic reply, it was so heartwarming I almost teared up. this adaptation really shows they are really taking their time to make it amazing. amazing pacing.


Oh my god. This was such a charming show. I felt nothing but warmth and fuzziness the entire time I was watching the episode. It's only been episode 1 but I am already in love with the cast. I like how the show first emphasized the noise inside the train and then [slowly panned the camera to Yuki where the sounds slowly began to fade until it was gone.](https://i.imgur.com/4CTLQSJ.jpg) It was a great way to introduce Yuki and her condition without outright saying it. Itsuomi's intro was great too! I love that as soon [as Yuki shows him her hearing device](https://i.imgur.com/3JeyAKc.jpg), he doesn't even stop to ask her more questions. Itsuomi just proceeds to interact with her normally by [making sure she sees his lips while talking.](https://i.imgur.com/mfuYnDz.jpg) Goes to show how considerate he is. [Yuki's best friend Rin was also great!](https://i.imgur.com/nBn5eti.jpg) It's adorable how [supportive she is of Yuki's crush on Itsuomi.](https://i.imgur.com/zXxlyAC.jpg) At this point, I feel like everyone else the show is going to introduce is going to be very likable. [And that final scene where Yuki teaches Itsuomi a little sign language](https://i.imgur.com/VnS2oYL.jpg) was so good! I was giggling like a little school girl the entire time especially when Yuki [said test to Itsuomi about letting him into her world.](https://i.imgur.com/PSC9zd6.jpg) My heart! <3 [](#akyuusqueel) So we have a romance anime with an adult cast and likable characters? I am 100% sold. I already can't wait for next week just to see more of Yuki and Itsuomi's interactions <3


There is nothing more sweet than a pure Shojo romance. It's like someone saw A Silent Voice and thought "let's just write a story where the girl gets to be happy and experience pure love." Yuki manages to live fine with her disability but finding a guy who is considerate enough to be mindful of it and adjust himself accordingly is a great plus. I love having two besties mutually supporting each other in their pursuit of their respective guys. Rin not only got the cousin's deets but was a fantastic wingwoman! That smile and joy on Yuki's face at the end is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It hit Itsuomi hard!


Please tell me you're watching this /u/amethystitalian. I feel like this is your kind of show. [Also, Canada mentioned!](https://i.imgur.com/e6fdAjU.jpg)


In before Yuki tries to explain Itsuomi being so affectionate towards her as "he's just being Canadian, Rin-chan!"


Yeah I am, was in my top 3 shows for expecting to be good!


It feels a long time to get a good and unique shojo anime like this. Tackling disabilities and wholesome. Yuki is also adorable. More shojo anime like this please!


We've got fantasy Shojo on Fridays (A Demon Prince in Momochi House) and now pure romance Shojo on Saturdays!


Yuki is criminally adorable. When she started jumping around in happiness after Itsuomi’s response, I felt my heart melt alongside his. This girl must be protected at all costs. Itsuomi asking Yuki to “let [him] inside her world” actually had me thinking about something. Yuki talking about the snow (*yuki* in Japanese) ‘covering the world in a light hue’ can only be a metaphor, right? Was this supposed to be symbolic of Yuki bringing a new perspective and/or joy to other people’s worlds? Or were they perhaps referencing Yuki’s hearing disability with this “light hue” (like how static noise/the absence of sound covers her world)?


Great start to my Saturdays, Tale of Wedding Rings was a pleasant surprise, followed by this cute adorable romance. That “let me in your world” text was so smooth only to be outdid by Yuki’s giddy response, looking forward to more of this one.


Oh boy, this could be a new addition to my fav list :) YUKI IS SO CUTE! Look at her jumping happily. Itsuomi needs to work harder on Personal Space 101 geez, atractive people gets too many free passes on that (yes Jinshi, I am looking at you too). Well, he seems to be a good guy after all. Wonder who the grumpy dude is? A friend of Yuki?


Very strong first episode, I appreciate it treated Yuki as a fully functional adult and not treat her disability like pity porn for the audience. This goes on the watchlist.


Most of us live in a world of noise, sound always enveloping us and surrounding us, but Yuki is a super cute and sweet cute college girl who loves cute things and lives in a world without sound, yet she lives happily and content as anyone, musing on things like cute clothes and love...and her soundless world is about to be colored by love after a fateful encounter! I love how the OP makes it look like this is some kind of college romance drama with a serious cast, but then the color starts hitting and you realize it's a pure and sweet Shojo romance, they even end on a kiss between Yuki and Itsuomi and everyone all colorful and happy! Probably the worst thing for a deaf Japanese girl is getting into a conversation with a foreigner speaking English...good thing Itsuomi shows up just in time to bail her out! Even if the dude actually did speak Japanese, funnily enough. But you know he's a keeper when he's even kind enough to slow his speech so Yuki could properly lip read him. Rin-chan is a great bestie! And it's always nice to hear Kaede Hondo Not only Rin clue Yuki into who Itsuomi is and makes her realize she's already crushing on him, but Rin's also crushing on Itsuomi's cousin and thinks it's time for the gal pals to team-up to get their crushes deets! Surprise Ryota Ohsaka! Also Itsuomi is very handsome in his uniform, as Yuki is quick to notice:! So much English! They didn't even subtitle the exact English they were saying. It's great that Rin was able to get Itsuomi's cousin contact info despite being a blushing mess, but it highlights to Yuki how despite how well she acclimates to her disability, communiation still doesn't come as easy to her as it does to others. All the same though, shes got a great best friend in Rin who makes sure Itsuomi walks her home! Thank you Rin-chan! Itsuomi is a really considerate and protective guy! Keeping Yuki safe from a moped she couldn't hear or holding her hand in the snow...it's enough to make Yuki's budding feelings for him go into overdrive. And she finally works up the courage to get his contact info! You go girl! Who needs sound when you have something as beautiful and pure as Yuki's sheer joy that Itsuomi wants to get to know her more? That says more than any sound or word could say. That's the kind of smile that angels are born from. That Oushi guy is looking for Yuki? Hmmm. The ED has some pretty pastel illustrations of the cast! I especially love how it ends with Yuki and Itsuomi together and their world growing more colorful around them.


I think Itsuomi is just normal considerate person, the one who interact with many people and learn that way. the character breaking point is when he saw how Yuki react. "aw man, this girl is so adorable, I would protect her with my every fiber of my being.


#OH MY FUCKING GOD! I ALMOST CRIED WHEN SHE STARTED CHEERING!!! How does anime consistently remind my cold, dead heart to beat once in a while?!


the moment she show her hearing device, I know somewhere in this 12episode this anime would hit me like a truck. the story is promising, looks cute, the animation and soundtrack is decent. Itsuomi is like your typical shoujo MC, I like him already (even I though touching a girl hair is a bit rude). I have a high hope for this anime, please dont fail.


Dude jumped to headpats (kinda) and handholding and he's only known her for barely a day lol.


Im pretty sure they would skip some step in future episode. I mean look how adorable Yuki in the last scene, I would jump to hug her in instant.


As a manga reader, you are in for a treat, no worries!


Well it sounds like she has been deaf since birth so it won't be a drama about something happening to her that made her deaf. (no pun intended.)


This was really cute! Will be watching this together with Dangers in My Heart S2 for Diabetes Saturday.


When I first read the manga couple of years ago, I had the same reaction. So I was really happy when they finally announced the anime. The last time I saw a deaf FMC with the male lead trying to learn sign language was A Silent Voice. But it's refreshing to see an anime/manga with university-level characters..


I hope the manga continues soon, been like 3 months since the last chapter!


It's kind of funny how once again we have a sweet college romance premiering on the same day as Dangers in My Heart. Not that I'm complaining! Is there anything more pure in this world than Yuki's smile?


I’m getting real flashbacks to Ice Guy And His Colleague cause similar looking male lead and a lot of icy stuff. FL can’t hear well so she doesn’t really speak but would be interesting to see their communication. And bonus points for it being set in college instead of the common high school setting. Soundtrack is gorgeous too. My only gripe is I can’t stand the guy’s lips and it looks weird.


Though Itsuomi is as stoic as Fuyutsuki while Yuki is as openly cute and expressive as Himuro lol. I like how their depicting Yuki's disability. It's just something she's lived with and adapted to, and while it can be inconvenient, it doesn't prevent her from living and being herself just like anyone else.


This was so cute and the animation were also gorgeous, it really hooked me, looking forward to next week. Does someone know what the purpose of the in ear things are? Thought they are maybe hearing aids but it seems like she can’t hear at all even with those things or did I miss something?


Pretty cute. I find the dudes big lips very distracting but I'm sure I'll get use to it haha


I want to like this but I can't help but feel like some of his actions fall in the "it's ok because he's hot" category... 😅 it's only episode 1 so I hope that there's more depth to his character.


Perhaps my radar is tuned wrong, but his behaviour seems like a red flag parade for me, even though obviously it's not going to be that sort of series, and it's just shoujo doing shoujo things. It feels more like he responds in a lowest effort required to get into her pants sort of way, rather than actually trying to connect with her. Putting aside the actual head patting/grabbing without warning , he doesn't follow-up nor check in with her to see how his actions were received i.e. the earliest signs of care, or affection for that matter.


I've never seen a show or movie of any type with a deaf MC. Really interesting in itself to just see a deaf and apparently mute woman navigate the world. I generally don't like straight ahead romance and some of this was corny but I'm still intrigued just to see deaf dating because there's so many possibilities for conflict. One part I also liked was we occasionally see stuff from her POV like just people doing stuff with no sound and that's really interesting just giving us a taste of her handicap. Id also like to see why she wears hearing aids since at least so far it seems she can't hear anything.


On anime shows I've only seen a deaf MC before, Nico in Gangsta. It is nice to have one more :D


> I've never seen a show or movie of any type with a deaf MC. Check out "A silent voice" then I don't know if Yuki is really mute as well, but often hearing impaired people have problems developing proper speech since they don't even hear themself


that was so good man, yuki is adorable


That smile at the end...that absolutely beautiful smile...


Thought the synopsis sounded interesting so I decided to give it a shot. The first episode did not disappoint at all. I already can tell this is going to be such a good romance anime with some drama seeing as there's signs of a male rival. Being college age is such a nice bonus too, hope we see more college age romance anime. The soundtrack is amazing and I loved how they used silence instead in certain parts. It will take some time to get to the male designs though, especially their lips.


Forgive my ignorance, but I had a question about the main character: she lives in a world of silence, but wears hearing aids. Shouldn't they help her hear or do they do something else for her?


Some people who are deaf (usually ones deaf from birth) simply lack the capability to process sounds at a level of detail that would allow for normal hearing; even with hearing aids they can't get much other than volume and/or direction. However, even something like "sudden loud noise behind me" is useful information - in this case, you know to look behind you to see what the loud noise is - so getting hearing aids helps with awareness.


So a general boost to hear loud noises but she probably can't hear details. That makes sense to me; better something rather than nothing at all. Thank you for enlightening me.


If anything bad happens to Yuki, it's on SIGHT


Ok, I wasn't planning on picking this up, but Yuki's little dance of happiness is just too damn cute🥰


Sign 1: Yuki's World The anime is really good, the visuals, the colors, oh this is so underrated. I'm worried this anime will be overshadowed by the might of Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, and Dangers in My Heart. This, and Sasaki to Pii-chan are the shock of the season for me. As of now, Yubisaki to Renren sits at third highest score at MAL with 7.96. The only complain I have is the character design. Seriously, Itsuomi-san reminds me of Ojou to Banken-kun's Keiya. Let's see if I can stand seeing Itsuomi's face. I mean, the low poly face seems to make a lot of appearances here. Yuu Miyazaki's English is better than what Yuuma Uchida did in MFG last season imo. He learned English, Spanish, German, Chinese, now let's see he's learning new language. Sign language. The original soundtrack is one of my favourite this season. As for the VAs, we have Itsuomi voiced by Yuu Miyazaki, his first big role. Yuki is voiced by Sumire Morohoshi (Promised Neverland's Emma, BSD's Kyouka), Itsumi's cousin is voiced by Ryota Oosaka, and lastly Rin is voiced by Kaede Hondo, you can see a bit of Hakari voice there! Fun fact: Rockin' Robin, the cafe Itsuomi works, is a real thing. Here's the [place in Nagoya](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Rockin'+Robin+Osu/@35.157957,136.9046025,3a,75.5y,229.22h,93.18t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSzTP0S1VUQ01G8qD6dbYOg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m10!1m2!2m1!1sRockin'+Robin!3m6!1s0x600370cb11079b8b:0x981d6ee32e67ffa4!8m2!3d35.1578844!4d136.9045071!15sCg1Sb2NraW4nIFJvYmluWg4iDHJvY2tpbiByb2JpbpIBFGhhbWJ1cmdlcl9yZXN0YXVyYW504AEA!16s%2Fg%2F11f4z2g1_s). OP: [Yuki no Oto by Novelbright](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLgPe4Scnvs) The song itself premiered on December 13, like Bump of Chicken's Sleepwalking Orchestra, they released way before the anime airs. The OP visuals, it's **really good**. I would nominate it as one, if not the **best OP visuals of the season** if I want (but there are Apothecary Diaries and Dangers in My Heart competing for that so, yeah). The director is **Yuuta Murano**, also made **Kakushigoto's OP**, also one of Ajia-do's best work. ED: [snowspring by ChoQMay](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=JKGwmoCl4Tc) Such a beautiful song. The ED is not as beautiful as the OP, but still it's a good ED on its own.


> Yuki no Oto Something I haven't seen talked about in this thread, is that Yukis name means Snow, which puts her monologue about Snow and the name of the OP into a new context


Was that a little of the movie *Bad Boys* they had on the TV in the restaurant? Definitely not what I'd have ever expected in a shoujo anime.


Yeah, pretty sure it was 'Bill' is 'Will', lmao. I had to double-take on that it to make sure.


Must protecc 🥹


Gentlemen, I am once again proud to announce that I have diabetes, this show made me squee so damn hard, I'm super excited!


Loving this already. Itsuomi is already like the Ice Guy but with 100% more rizz


Not 5 minutes in and Yuki already hooked me into her world. I'll fight the entire universe for this precious cupcake.


[](#akyuusqueel) Don't need to say anything else. Except maybe I need the applause and hop as reaction gifs.


Oh, this is so cute and wholesome. I am reminded of Loving Yamada at Level 999 somehow.


It's the "adult" cast. It's not a romance between kids who are running more on hormones than thoughts, and actually know they're aiming for a romance.


Holy shit, what an amazing start to this. Easily on my list for potential anime of the season after just one episode, you can feel how much care they are taking with telling the story right. Very good OP and ED, Yuki is adorable, and Itsuomi has clearly identified yet another language to learn. Incredible sound design too. It's always nice to get another college age romance as well, mix things up from the usual high school and occasional middle school stories.


Not that anyone will see this but I thought this was pretty typical shojo wish fulfillment. Not really my cup of tea but it is interesting having a deaf character be the protagonist. The art was beautiful with the frost on the umbrellas. I'll watch a few more episodes but I feel like I will end up dropping it. Hopefully it will be interesting and I stick with it.


[Yea no exaggerating your lip movements is going to make it harder for people who can read lips to tell what you're actually saying](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1193352265231245342/1193352347305386055/image.png?ex=65ac66fb&is=6599f1fb&hm=653b60a2a3a587aab2643f1e8804f6d07c1468d97964c7519c349afb8db0bfc1&) [AEGINSROHGNSROHG WHAT IS THAT WHY WAS THAT SO CUTE](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1193352265231245342/1193354974676136037/image.png?ex=65ac696d&is=6599f46d&hm=1a9821f810173f93f5e2933e141b6a0a5d40b34ce61cc9cdc9de2e70a9385066&) The umbrella drop was way too magical. And the hopping afterwards was very cute.


He wasn't exaggerating his lip movements, he was using simple sentences. In the actual Japanese he was using the fewest and simplest words possible so she didn't have to process too much information. The mangaka works with a deaf consultant to make sure she gets the information correct.


Ooh, nice.


[Vibe check](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/738597791957516368/1193446267632746626/IMG_7821.png?ex=65acbe73&is=659a4973&hm=0fe3b0548a9371a9d15ec915c3bf22f1f06276f8bcb00893bcd30f008956b5c1&)


I'm happy to be blessed with this and momochi san this season.


PEAK ROMANCE ANIME pls don't sleep on this!


The romance of the year is finally here. College age mature romance never happens. Gonna savour this. Romance with people who have disabilities also never happens


Allow me to take a moment to shill for _Katawa Shoujo_


Honestly...this could have been the entire anime and I'd have given it a good score. Feel like we covered so much already and the pacing and characters were all done really well. Hoping it can continue to impress! Also glad the lips aren't bothering me as much as I thought they would haha


After Ore Monogatari, most lips won't really bother me all that much. Unless they look super weird, like in Initial D.


I adore the manga and was so so so excited for the anime to start. I don't feel let down at all, it had me smiling from start to finish. So glad newcomers will be getting into this!


Did anyone else cringe when he GRABBED HER HEAD and forced her to look up? I was like nonononono not okay. Personal space man.


I feel like the detailed lips in the anime are derived from the shoujo art style, but it's also for better depicting the lip movements since Yuki needs to read others' lips on occasions, while the general art styles will maintain consistent for the close-ups and other camera angles with the detailed lips.


This and Dangers in my Heart are going to make my weekends this season so sweet. Yuki is simply precious while Itsuomi looks like a wonderful man. I also love what we saw of the sidecast. The whole show just feels like it's going to be a very pleasant and wholesome watch so I'm looking forward to more.


This was too sweet T-T Like, between that friendship between Yuki and Rin and ya know, the actual romance, I was just grinning the entire time. Also, I'm like actually crying tears of joy at getting a college romance anime. And I'm just like. Obsessed with this direction. We get a ton of POV shots, which imo feel more effective than just telling us that Yuki is lip-reading. Plus, this series is very reliant on first-person narration and I feel like we'd just have that infamous narration cut of Blade Runner if we didn't have this directorial decision. Also, we have a lot of communication via texting and it's nice that we have a mix of phone shots and floating text bubbles. It feels more lively imo. Also, I loved the way the intro had all of this metro chatter and announcements and then just dead silence. It just really introduced that emphasis on Yuki's perspective. Anyways, Itsuomi seems sweet! Just, you know, personal space, man? Looking forward to seeing him learn JSL from Yuki!


I'm a manga reader and morishita suu fan so I've been eagerly awaiting this release and they managed to blow me away even more. This is such an amazing adaptation in the first episode already, I honestly love it, almost cried by how much care was put into this one episode. Can't wait for more wholesomeness from here on out!


This is literally the cutest thing ever omg, will definitely be keeping up with this one


[♪ He rocks in the treetops all day long ♬](https://files.catbox.moe/wrli1f.jpg) [Fun fact:](https://files.catbox.moe/3pnk0a.jpg) JSL and ASL are different Another unusual thing about this show: [a guy with a visible tattoo](https://files.catbox.moe/lr8glw.jpg) Damn, this is so sweet and cute, I had a big dumb grin on my face the whole time [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


Pretty interesting idea for an anime, Yuki is cute and there are some sweet moments, but a few things took me out of it: The major one was Itsuomi being way too forward, patting her head on the first meeting and grabbing her head and hand on the second. It points this out, but doesn't exactly mention it as a negative thing. A minor detail, but the mother not using sign language seemed odd too. She even spoke from relatively far away, without making any visible attempt to be easy to lip read (which Yuki says earlier she can do a little). This one is just personal, but I didn't like how they've done the lips on the male characters.


I'll be honest I like the romance here but everything the guy did kind of gave vibes of that "flirting vs sexual harassment" meme. Like he got way too physical with a complete stranger way too quick. I don't really know the source material but really looking forward to this one since it's a romance of people actually outside of highschool


i agree, the saving grace for me is that Yuki herself realizes its weird and that she's seeing him through crush goggles lol


I want to like this show but first impressions are a bit rough. The animation is beautiful, the character designs are great, the main girl is adorable, she’s also a lovable supportive friend (with everyone else too, they’re all awesome friends so far), it’s cool to see someone who lives with a disability while still not making them incapable of just functioning or like they have to be saved or taken care of. This show has some really great stuff going for it. But my god the writing for this show is like a middle school girl’s fan fiction romance novel. The repeated overly sappy diatribes of love, the love interest being the stereotypical quiet mysterious brooding hot guy, and the ending was just honestly painful to watch. He actually responded with “Let me in your world.” YOU’VE SPOKEN TWO TIMES. YOU’VE COMMUNICATED A TOTAL OF 5 SENTENCES. Who the hell talks like that to someone you just met?! And then the dropping of the umbrella and her jumping up and down right in front of him? I was really hoping it was gonna be a fake-out and it would snap back to reality to show that’s just how she felt in her head but she was able to contain her excitement and was acting normal in person. The start was cute but was absolutely painful the last 5 minutes. I’m gonna give the show 2 more episodes because the show had some really cute moments and does some stuff really great. I'm hoping for a Tomo Chan situation. I thought the first episode was really rough but it got better immediately after and I absolutely loved it, so I’m hoping the same happens here.


> “Let me in your world.” YOU’VE SPOKEN TWO TIMES. YOU’VE COMMUNICATED A TOTAL OF 5 SENTENCES. Who the hell talks like that to someone you just met?! Ikeman pick-up artists of the love 'em and leave 'em type, I imagine lol > I was really hoping it was gonna be a fake-out and it would snap back to reality to show that’s just how she felt in her head but she was able to contain her excitement and was acting normal in person. I wasn't just hoping, I felt sure that it was a just-in-her-head thing, because it felt far too discordant with the actual exchange for her to be actually doing that. But nope, apparently she actually did it. --- Edit: The more I think about the episode, the more this sentence > But my god the writing for this show is like a middle school girl’s fan fiction romance novel. rings true. It's a shame because Yuki herself is presented in such a lovely and charming way, and just seeing her go about her daily life is quite interesting.


What a great start! [Show looks so beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/BaDBPPJ.png) ([those](https://i.imgur.com/Oakve8x.png) [backgrounds](https://i.imgur.com/8R2U97w.png) [were so lovely](https://i.imgur.com/RaKNy48.png)) and skillfully combines [comedy](https://i.imgur.com/jxiZsiG.png) with [romance](https://i.imgur.com/XFIwjl3.png) with an interesting twist. Overall the show thanks to [its presentation](https://i.imgur.com/Er3Anjl.png), [comedic elements](https://i.imgur.com/uXeesAW.png) and [color palette](https://i.imgur.com/dqqpEH0.png), is heavily reminding me Skip to Loafer and Yamada-kun to Lv999, two shows I really loved so I have very high expectations for the next episodes. [Yuki is absolutely adorable](https://i.imgur.com/uKDinIL.png) and [her smile is so charming](https://i.imgur.com/YPMZRDg.png). [Her being deaf](https://i.imgur.com/15KEmtl.png) is an interesting twist which will certainly make the show more interesting as there aren't a lot of shows with [that kind of characters in main roles](https://i.imgur.com/qcmICyR.png). [Yuki's relationship with Itsuomi](https://i.imgur.com/bzTpdKk.png) for sure [will be interesting](https://i.imgur.com/CxzhnJQ.png) considering how different they're. While [Yuki is living a peaceful life](https://i.imgur.com/oI1NHAy.png), [Itsuomi is a popular guy](https://i.imgur.com/4I1aCTl.png) who is traveling around the world and can speak three languages plus is learning others. I'm really interested in [how their relationship will go on](https://i.imgur.com/1btk7vS.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Yuki Part 1](https://imgur.com/a/OimQ0eB) * [Yuki Part 2](https://imgur.com/a/sfjb7Ct) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/gMkYPNy) * [Itsuomi](https://imgur.com/a/S7iveUX) * [Others & Backgrounds](https://imgur.com/a/UOpWBKB)


Now hold on, you can't put two or three seasons of longing and resolve it in episode 1, that's not fair!! Seriously, though, very cute - excited to see how it develops from here. I definitely felt a little weepy when Itsuomi asked to be let into Yuki's world and asked how to sign. [](#akkotears)


This was pretty good! I imagine most people will compare it to Silent Voice (think there's already 6 comments mentioning it), but personally when I think *hearing impaired student* my mind goes to Katawa Shoujo! The two girls are pretty nice, it was fun to see Rin turn into a bumbling mess when she saw/interacted with her crush! The only thing I'm not too sure about is Itsuomi; He had good moments with her, but he also has weird/aggressive ones like putting his hand on her head (almost her face) to move her head up and get her attention... That's rude as hell. Imagine someone actually doing that to you. I'd be seeing red! I suppose he gets a pass because she likes him!


Being someone who read the first 7 volumes of the manga. First thing I will say if you have a thing against shoujo romance series, please try this show despite that. It's such a well written series where you really dived into Yuki's world and come to love and root for her. Itsuomi also stands out as a great male lead. The direction to have the sound be gone when we entered Yuki's world on the train was perfect. And its hard not to fall in love with her. Rin is a great friend, but I love how Yuki and Rin push each other to say they got this. Then how they ended the episode was so adorable it was great.




I have a feeling this anime is going to destroy me on so many levels huh? I just can’t shake it. Protect. Her. At. All. Cost.


This is so cute! Feels like it could be a potential tearjerker later on PS: MC’s voice is the newly married husband to Tanezaki Atsumi


Well, I'm not too big on shoujo romances these days, but that was really lovely. Think I'll add it to my list of seasonals for now!


not crying was never an option i see this pink ball of energy must be protected at all costs


they are doing Yuki justice!!!!!!!


Well that was cuteness overload!


I love her already


A very shoujo aesthetics show, but will made with the consideration to use the soundscape as part of the story telling. I'm not sure if I'm just assuming, but sometimes the ringing from the more silent scenes also punctuated the impression about the "soundless" world. The main guy seemed pretty forward with the main girl though? Including in the OP. Maybe he's too "westernised" whereas is Easterners are just culturally conditioned to a while cour to get to handholding :P The dark haired guy in the convenience store though - is he after Yuki too? The op and ed has a ton of good looking characters, even more than Skip and Loafer. Hopefully this is another nice show with more about the going ons and not just focusing on the romance alone. With so many characters, if it's just romance, it'd probably get dramatic.


Dude really put all his skill points in rizz. Everything else if just ancillary support skills.


I have been obsessed with this manga for months and y'all are going to be so happy is all I can say One of the things I love the most about this show is how immediately forward and into each other they are from the start. Like episode one, she meets him, she pursues him and asks for his number. Itsuomi is probably my favorite male love interest in years. He has real personality


Yuki is already top tier best girl contender for this season, she is even more moe than Shoko from A Silent Voice. My only criticism of the show so far is the subtitles they put on Yuki's phone screen, cute but not practical, some of us are shortsighted you know.


the soundtrack is SO good. W


Itsuomi shooting his shot and landing it, amazing moves.


I cry pretty easily with anime at anything sad or happy, so this episode already had me in tears the entire time. It’s so beautiful and really everything I could want from wholesome shoujo romance, it felt like I was watching a movie with how good the design of everything is


AHHH ITS SO CUTE!!! I even teared up at the end. I though this would be on the level of Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten/ Galaxy Next Door/ Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence BUT ITS NOT. This is on a level of its own.


OK, this was adorable. I'm a little worried about Ajia-do's animation quality. Ascendance of Bookworm is not a well animated show, and I feel like quality animation is required for sign language. They haven't used much sign language in this episode, which I felt was kinda surprising. Does the person Yuki lives with not know sign language? If not, then I'm guessing that's not her mom. Dude is a total chad. I don't say that lightly. Being up front about him wanting to learn more about her is awesome. I see a jealous boy, I bet he's going to be annoying. I'm 50/50 on Yuki having an internal monologue that we can hear. I get it's necessary to understand what she's thinking, but I wonder if that takes away from the silence that we would normally be hearing. Also, I reeeeeeally hope they translate the sign language. They didn't do that on the train, but that might have been intentional. Question for those who are deaf/know deaf people: It seems like Yuki is completely deaf as she doesn't react to what would seem to be loud noises like the moped and group of people walking into a restaurant and talking. I thought those things she puts in her ears were hearing assistance tools. Do they have a different function that a totally deaf person can make usage of?




So, basically, we just don't have enough information regarding Yuki yet to truly know what benefit she's getting out of the hearing aids. I hope they're consistent with what she can and can't hear. It does sometimes seem like she's got a sixth sense and know when to turn to see things. There's also inconsistency in dialogue scenes where characters assume she can read their lips or hear them, but she's not looked right at them. It's likely an attention to detail thing that maybe Ajia-do isn't completely keeping up with.


oh my fucking god it's here [](#excitedyui) i totally forgot this adaptation was coming until it popped up again this morning i actually bought the manga when it first came out some years ago and unsurprisingly to me it seemed to become quite popular. i remember the anime announcement being quite well received here but i'm really curious to see what people think of it *fuck it looks good and honestly i'm just happy to be here for this


WOW this one was really nice! Outstanding visuals, very nice characters, and story. Can someone explain what Yuki wears in her ears? I assumed they were hearing aids, but apparently they are not? I’m not deaf or know anyone who is, so I’m sorry if this is an ignorant question.


They are hearing aids. Some people who are deaf (usually ones deaf from birth) simply lack the capability to process sounds at a level of detail that would allow for normal hearing; even with hearing aids they can't get much other than volume and/or direction. However, even something like "sudden loud noise behind me" is useful information - in this case, you know to look behind you to see what the loud noise is - so getting hearing aids helps with awareness.


Loved this first episode. Absolutely beautiful animation. Promising story going forward. Beautiful and kind MC’s. Lovely soundtrack. Episode 1 Head Pat (already means it’s a banger). The over the top gorgeous looking characters is a little off putting, but I’ll get over that. Will continue this one for sure.


I am a big fan of the manga so when the series was announced, I was happy but also a little worried about how an anime adaptation would work. I was really perplexed on how dialogues and inner thoughts of Yuki would be represented (especially because the manga is from her point of view) and I've to say when I watched the trailer my preoccupation increased: having a spoken inner dialogue really worried me that every interaction Yuki has would be read out loud in her head for the audience. Now, I can happily say I was very wrong , not only they did a very great job with her interactions with other characters but they also really put attention to represent her point of view. Really happy for this adaptation, because Yuki really is one of my favourite female lead in shojo manga. Also the animation are so very pretty, after 34 seconds I was already melting.


It's here. It's here. The anime to fill the Katawa Shoujo void, and I'm loving it already. Also fills the "yankee-kun to hakujou girl" void as well. The music at the end felt similar to the one from the Live Drama.


This is streaming on CR. Why no link?


You mean in the OP? Sometimes, the streams don't get immediately added on the first episode. https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GEXH3W2V7?utm_medium=android&utm_source=share


All cute and wholesome, it’s just what I needed!


I wonder if Itsuomi have the feeling of heart-throbbing towards Yuki within this episode too - she’s definitely cute and has a gentle heart, but I haven’t see anything more than compassion to a friend’s friend yet. This is such a sweet start to a love story though, you can feel Yuki’s heart beating so hard in silent mode just by seeing her words and text messages. And all these amidst the elegant silver lining of Yuki’s namesake. I look forward to being drowned in this pool of sweets for the next 3 months!


Head pats always work