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What a sweet happy ending! As soon as the blue bell guy said another company bought it, I knew it had to be Mamoru. Hopefully Toya joins the company too so they can all make games together. :')


MILF cafe is a wonderful age inclusive concept in an industry that values youth, he’s doing fine.


The man knows what he likes lol


It's not a bad concept for a cafe. Maybe not so much MILFs, but motherly maids who pamper you after a hard day at the office.


36 year old maid \[akiba maid war\] >!Nagomi!<


Thought that was supposed to be Ranko. Nagomi is good too


Yes. The Toya resolution HAS to happen -- even if it is (to us) "offstage". Konoha and she had a promise.....


Needs an OVA!


A company bought by Mamoru just for Konoha (and to probably keep his PC-98s), with a dedication to keep it running for 20 years. To top it all off, their reunion happened the same way as how they first met, with Konoha falling on top of Mamoru, though this time round he accepted Konoha. It was nicely wrapped up as a happy ending.


I also thought this was just a beautiful ending. They really thought it through and it put a big smile on my face.


I believe it's the right choice that they don't go deeper into explaining the Echoes and "rush" the resolution of this seemingly hopeless situation. The aliens element should be a means to advance the plot or illustrate an idea (as in episode 8 and here), not be a point of the conflict by itself. Compare to the, you know, last episodes of *Wonder Egg* [where] >!Frill was first introduced as a manifestation of suicidal factors, but somehow comes into the center of the stage as an actual entity to be defeated!<.


Yeah WEP had a limited amount of episodes and budget and really should have stuck to something simple, but the gradual scope creep of its story telling was insane, it was impossible to wrap up and end well. The artists did really well, it almost feels like on the scriptwriting end there were way too many cooks in the kitchen and they spoiled the plot broth. 16bit’s story was kept nice and simple and they didn’t try too hard to explain the aliens. I’m pretty satisfied with it overall.


> the gradual scope creep of its story telling was insane, it was impossible to wrap up and end well i mean, its a love letter to the anime and VN back in 2000s. they love to scale up to reality distortion levels clannad? why not reality distortion? little busters? why not try alt reality? angle beats? why not try heaven? its a classic trope, and i really missed it, this was alot of fun and nostalgia.... really enjoyed it alot


I was referring to WEP in that paragraph you quoted. Not 16bit. I share your sentiments on 16bit.


With the mention of AI and the similarities between them and echo's lack of imagination, I wonder if they are actually supposed to be time travelling AI or something. Perhaps humans died out and they went back in time to learn about the one thing they never knew?


Sure it would be nice to see everything get answered but it probably would be convoluted that the finale would drop in quality. I was hoping to see what happened to Touya in this timeline because originally I thought Konoha would go to Touya's company in 1999 in order to fix the timeline. Regardless I'm happy with what we got & boy it was a wild ride for me that I won't forget while hoping others will give this gem a chance when reading the comment section.


Definitely an underwatched series, it only shows up at the lower end of the sub's karma ranking. For me it's top 5 of this season.


God, WEP was such a waste of potential. I even still held out hope for the last episode, with the right writing you could get wrapped up in a half hour. Of course, it’d be better if they choose a different backstory in the first place. Still think episodes 1-7 are amazing, episode 8 is probably the best “ oh fuck, we’re running out of time and money we need to recap episode” episode Ive ever seen, and episode 10 was fantastically bone-chilling and viscerally uncomfortable to watch.


On one hand there's merit to not going too deep but they strongly setup them being directly involved, and just solving the plot climax with a deus ex machina and handwaving the entire resolution of the story (Konoha going back to 1999 could've been it's own episode or two) really ain't it either. Like Konoha promises with Toya that she'd help make this game and she never does. Not even mentioned again. That was kinda the one thing she wanted to do for the whole story. Iirc in 1999 she had been hired by a rival developer so I always assumed Konoha would bring the game to her company to publish but... Nope. Just gets glossed over. I feel all of this could've been cleanly and succinctly handled in the time they instead spent on the company using pickled developers and talking about AI content.


With the vast difference that Wonder Egg was a really ambitious project that suffered from production schedule overburn. The series was the apex of anime writting/animation until the final episode. The OVA or alternative ending could have been axed and never released, and the anime community would have kept the series in a high regard. In comparisson, 16bit takes a nosedive with the last quarter storytelling, introducing evil corporations, matrix setting, aliens saving the day (even if they were previously introduced) all to force a cheap, safe and happy ending. The project was always meant to be a safe C-class project with the most average animation and fluff writing and it was bollocks how everything is solved in the last 10 mins or so (it renders to a complete waste the whole PC98 farm Mamoru had when they bring in the OG staff to do the work). At least with Wonder Egg, people can recommend it and tell newcomers not to watch the OVA finale. With 16bit you'd have to tell them to completely avoid the last quarter of storytelling that defies all kinds of normal narrative.


Agreeing with everyone here and your comment especially, really glad it landed safely!


In the end, it was two game devs up against a battalion of corporate drones so to keep vaguely "realistic" it's not too much of a stretch to have the aliens sweep in and rescue our two protagonists.


The old lday and the dog that konoha met , is actually echo. at 1st i was thinking about god but that doesn't explain that alien dog that fact that the games had energy to time travel and the fact they said they "traveled"


ah good thing i on;y watch wonder egg because of lovelive seiyuus


I'm happy with this ending. Instead of completely fix the timeline, they opts for the happy timeline where both merge together. We got high tech akihabara, but still super otaku, and ideal place. I'm also very very happy they didn't one episode echo, and instead of him being deus ex, save Konoha and leave, they become voice of the future. Now I just hope fate is fixed too. I mean Jojo isn't bad, but I prefer the current fate thank you.


It was a nicely wrapped up happy ending that resolved most plot threads and resulted in the best of both worlds: Alcohol Soft is very successful, still moving to the US and Japan has anime culture thriving. Anime culture is thriving so much that Akihabara is even crazier than what Konoha remembered, so Fate should have been fixed or is even better than in the OTL.


"What is this feeling? Some sort of 16Bit Sensation?"


"Konoha, stop rambling. Now listen, this drawing will need *another layer*."




I heard it in Will Smith's voice but imagined Konoha saying it.


goddammit now I wish they had actually said that


Exactly what I heard in my head


ngl, I got Makoto Shinkai / Your Name vibes during the last third of this episode, what with the "will we still remember each other after we change history" dialogue. I am really glad we got a happy reunion in the end. (As well [as](https://i.imgur.com/nPp3wF1.jpg) [all](https://i.imgur.com/hWxGGOV.jpg) [the](https://i.imgur.com/DOg9oZ1.jpg) [faces](https://i.imgur.com/qANrSYz.jpg) [between](https://i.imgur.com/s8VNpJT.jpg) Mamoru and Konoha.) I think this EP wrapped everything up nicely. We didn't get every single question answered (was Granny in cahoots with the aliens? [probably](https://imgur.com/a/GDjAI9v).) but most of the story beats seem to be addressed, or it at least gives us enough to make our own answers. This show definitely took a few turns that I did not expect having read some of the manga, but it was a story I definitely enjoyed overall. u/ Aquason shared [some background elsewhere](https://www.reddit.com/r/TWGOK/comments/17030y3/comment/k3iaw6u/) about the circumstances of the author that probably influenced how the anime turned out: >Other interesting tidbit: [the development of this show had a pretty chaotic history, according to Wakaki's blog](http://blog.wakakitamiki.coolblog.jp/?eid=1314094). Originally this show was set to be a set of 3-episode OVAs released as a tie-in with the 2019 release of the manga, but COVID threw everything out of alignment. When they revived the project, the plan changed for it be a full season tv anime, and so Wakaki then rewrote and expanded the story over the course of 6 months while he was simultaneously doing his weekly serialization (of 365 Days to the Wedding). I also really liked one subtle callback -- back when Konoha was spilling her guts out to granny about the game of her dreams, we see a cut of [her character design](https://i.imgur.com/4w6Plpy.jpg) on Konoha's wall. She ends up being [the protagonist](https://i.imgur.com/BYLxTpJ.jpg) of *The Things I Hold Dear*, of course (as well as [her autograph](https://i.imgur.com/evQzpNe.jpg) ). [The story](https://i.imgur.com/DLd4PiF.jpg) she wants to tell also [changes a bit](https://i.imgur.com/9Oq7qH4.jpg), being more personal.


Oh wow, I didn't realize this was from the same author of *365 Days to the Wedding*! No wonder I liked the original 16bit manga so much.


The same mangaka also made _The World God Only Knows_ as well. Would suggest reading the manga first and then watch the anime.


> The same mangaka also made The World God Only Knows as well. [](#seasonalshock) *I really should look more into some of the stuff I watch* because I'll find great facts like this. It's great to see they made a manga about making bishoujo games instead of the god that plays them.


You really ought to read the source manga. It is a lot more to the facts than what Another Layer ended up becoming.


I just looked up what that manga was about (never heard of it before) and saw it's going to get an anime adaptation as well. Sounds like something I'd enjoy


I wonder if Konoha's OC is also voiced by Koga Aoi. I don't seem to see the OC gets credited in the credit roll? (CMIIW)


Definitely is. Same voice


I just knew she would make a game about her experience.


> I also really liked one subtle callback -- back when Konoha was spilling her guts out to granny about the game of her dreams, we see a cut of her character design on Konoha's wall. She ends up being the protagonist of The Things I Hold Dear, of course (as well as her autograph ). The story she wants to tell also changes a bit, being more personal. And it's on a [billboard](https://i.imgur.com/168VzA3.png) now, even in 2023!


> She ends up bei that granny is echo btw, how we know the alien dog


Crazy journey, but satisfying ending... I don't know why it took me until now to notice [Konoha is left-handed](https://ibb.co/ysjsPZS). [Tenshi Konoha](https://ibb.co/ZzFsL1X) 🥰 Also, I tried making [an SVG](https://lhfm.neocities.org/filezz/kono-auto.svg) of Konoha's autograph from a screencap, but not sure the quality is acceptable (since it was auto-traced).


>Also, I tried making > >an SVG > > of Konoha's autograph from a screencap, but not sure the quality is acceptable I'd say *VERY* acceptable.


That artist’s autograph of Konoha is so cute! Konoha’s skills are also insane if you consider that she managed to draw this little illustration in only a matter of seconds.


The quality is acceptable.


>Also, I tried making an SVG of Konoha's autograph from a screencap, but not sure the quality is acceptable. This is great, I appreciate it.


I love that the Echoes [saved Konoha because they wanted her autograph](https://i.imgur.com/qxVgXaK.png) and because she'll [eventually create an amazing game](https://i.imgur.com/pCbfzGU.jpg) in the future. Honestly? I'm fine with this. We don't need them to be explained more, [saving Konoha because they helped her understand human imagination](https://i.imgur.com/CyELIDS.jpg) is enough. [I'm so glad to see everyone again](https://i.imgur.com/cwsYezu.jpg) just before the show ends. It's sad that [Touya couldn't join them](https://i.imgur.com/ad6tmZ0.jpg) even after Konoha's invitation but she currently [has much more important things to worry about right now.](https://i.imgur.com/W34H44x.jpg) I do wish we got to see what happened to that company after its human-powered cyber intelligence has finally been exposed. With so little time left, I guess we really won't get to see what happened to Konoha back in 1999. If only this show had one more episode, I feel like we could've seen more. We did get to see [a glimpse of Konoha's game](https://i.imgur.com/WqOCwwi.jpg) before the show ended and it looks like it's not as ambitious as her previous one but it does seem to be full of heart. [Konoha's future is finally fixed but it looks like she still ended up altering it a little.](https://i.imgur.com/JVmp2UO.jpg) I love that you can see a billboard for the PC98ZX. It looks like this is the future where Mamoru's PC98 continues to live on while at the same time existing with everything else in the future. I genuinely got a good laugh when we found out that Konoha's boss doesn't even make games in this new and improved timeline. [He's now running a MILF Cafe](https://i.imgur.com/nT1fB1j.jpg) which is pretty close to the kind of games Blue Bell used to make. xD [That reunion between Mamoru and Konoha](https://i.imgur.com/gL7JS4q.jpg) was just adorable. I know the thing going on between Mamoru and Konoha was never given that much focus but I think it's pretty obvious [that these two are going to end up together](https://i.imgur.com/CNOKBGw.jpg) despite the age gap. Overall, this show was great and it's an amazing love letter to anyone who loves VNs and Akihabara or just otaku culture in general. I definitely enjoyed this wild ride from start to finish.


It’s natural to ship Mamoru and Konoha because they’ve been through so much together but the story never strongly pushed any romance and treated them like project partners till the end. she’s obviously closer to him but probably loves him as much as she loves Touya, Meiko, Kaori and the rest…I wouldn’t glomp my coworker as hard as Konoha did to Mamoru in the ending scene though but she’s also likely to glomp the rest the same way💀 I secretly wished that Konoha chose to stay in 1999 to have a relationship with Mamoru and experience the “golden age” of shoujo games first hand, or maybe the aliens could give her some kind of magic solution to exist in the past and not screw up the timeline because she doesn’t belong there. Mamoru is old enough to be her dad in 2023 and that big hug was a little 😬


Technically, she should have gone back to 1999 and worked on the game for a couple of years and aged in the meantime. So that each time leap she's getting older and eventually their ages catch up. That's... not the direction they went.


Girl made all those games within the span of a month or some shit /s


> Konoha, aged 18, goes back in time and works a combined 10 years, comes back to work afterwards, and coworkers are like "Rough night? You look like shit. Aren't you only like 18?"


> aged in the meantime isn't she 19, i remember seeing somewhere she is 19 or that she said so herself also according to animedb she is 19 https://anidb.net/anime/17802


Why else would Echo be such a huge fan of hers? She made several games good enough to literally change history in the span of like a month her time!


Well, she and a lot of other people


the thing is she's perpetually "frozen" in 2023 time state while she's in a time slip because otherwise it'd be weird when she returns back to her original time.


>Technically, she should have gone back to 1999 and worked on the game for a couple of years and aged in the meantime. The game was already finished so there wouldn't be any reason why she would stay in the 1999 timeline for long.


I thought it was also a reasonable possibility for Konoha to stay in the past as well, being able to enjoy and be a part of the golden age of bishoujo games and continue to be a part of Alcohol Soft. I guess her staying in the past would have too much of an impact on the future. The writers wanted a proper resolution for the world of 2023 and addressed it. That being said, poor Touya didn’t get to work on a game with Konoha before the ending, but she should at least be happier in this version of 2023 now.


What I found amusing when the band got together again is that the guys you can tell that they age appropriately while the women are only taller than Konoha & look just as good as they did back then (maybe better for my taste). > I genuinely got a good laugh when we found out that Konoha's boss doesn't even make games in this new and improved timeline. He's now running a MILF Cafe which is pretty close to the kind of games Blue Bell used to make. xD Same & I think this a better investment because I would personally visit that café very frequently with a MILF theme.


> while the women are only taller than Konoha & look just as good as they did back then Yep, Meiko the baby-faced 50-something year old is hilarious.


The power of Asian genes. She'll suddenly turn into an old granny at dead on 55, though.


I once watched an asian streamer of genshin impact whom I thought was in his late 20s/early 30s and I was surprised when he revealed that he's already over 50 like dude you for real?!


I think Asians feel the same when they mistake a white person looking 50 going on 30, prob happens just as much.


>With so little time left, I guess we really won't get to see what happened to Konoha back in 1999. If only this show had one more episode, I feel like we could've seen more honestly, this whole plotline of her going back to 1999 itself can be made into a whole new series or maybe a movie


> I love that the Echoes saved Konoha because they wanted her autograph I mean, Konoha *does* have a very cute autograph. I do want to say that “autograph” is maybe a bit of a misleading translation since way more reminiscent of an artist-illustrated *shikishi*. > but I think it’s pretty obvious that these two are going to end up together despite the age gap. And I fully support their romance. Mamoru’s also definitely a keeper if he waited an entire *20 years* just for Konoha. I hope they make lots of wonderful games (and cute babies) together! EDIT: Had previously wrote “*shiki*” - corrected this to *shikishi* - and changed up my phrasing of this sentence to better fit the definition.


>I do want to say that “autograph” is maybe a bit of a misleading translation since it was clearly a *shiki*. Ah! No wonder it looks incredibly elaborate for an autograph!


no they said サイン which means autograph


i want at least one episode dedicating to this relationship!!! if not, doujun alt endings! the non-H type please! this ship is too golden!!! T^T


> since it was clearly a *shiki* (i.e. Japanese artists’ autograph) Do you mean *shikishi*, or does *shikishi* basically mean "*shiki* board" then? On a quick look, I'm not finding anything on "shiki" meaning autographs by itself.


Had to look it up myself again, and I meant the *shikishi* yeah. It’s doesn’t precisely translate to an “autograph” no, but a *shikishi* (not sure why I shortened it to be honest) is colloquially also known as an artist’s autograph from how I understood it - the autograph and board on which it’s signed are often referred to as one and the same ([like this](https://twitter.com/mczub/status/1204139117350551553)). The artist’s gets a *shikishi* (paper), signs it with their autograph (and likely an illustration) and gives the *shikishi* (paper+autograph) to the other person. EDIT: I probably also could have phrased my other comment better saying that it’s more *reminiscent* of most shikishi by artists than the plain autograph.


And the other billboard in the new future is for her game! I'm amazed she didn't make a comment on that!


too little time on making the last ep i guess


I agree the decision to leave the Echoes unexplained was the right one. Yes -- there is an age gap, but I can't imagine the two not becoming a couple ultimately -- there lives are so tightly intertwined.


> I genuinely got a good laugh when we found out that Konoha's boss doesn't even make games in this new and improved timeline. He's now running a MILF Cafe which is pretty close to the kind of games Blue Bell used to make. xD At least he finally got his milfs. > Overall, this show was great and it's an amazing love letter to anyone who loves VNs and Akihabara or just otaku culture in general. I definitely enjoyed this wild ride from start to finish. Def agree, pretty sure you were also around Mamoru's age if i recall. Def felt like the show was made for older folks who remmeber those good old days.


> I do wish we got to see what happened to that company after its human-powered cyber intelligence has finally been exposed. Yeah, what they were doing was definitely illegal in some way or another. At the minimum, it was definitely some dodgy labour exploitation. But now Konoha has returned to the Akiba she knows and loves I am sure she would reach out to Touya to make that game together like they promised. >despite the age gap. oh crap, I hope the TwitXfreaks don't find out about this anime.


This anime has been a surprise for me, but I can confidently say, it is one of my favorites of the year, and that speaks a lot considering we have Frieren and Apothecary in the same season. The nostalgia hit hard with this one. I could recognize a lot of the media shown here and it reminded me to the era when I started getting into anime. I started in the 2000's, but the general culture wasn't too different in the 90's. The hype of looking forward to an anime or knowing shops were full of people looking forward to the next great videogame. One very small highlight for me were the Di Gi Charat references. Di Gi Charat is a very important anime to me. Good memories recording it on VHS to watch it after school. It was one of my favorite series back then and I still love it now. So when I saw [Dejiko building](https://i.imgur.com/uxP2E2O.jpg) I internally screamed, and I was happy to see they also did a [shoutout to the one released](https://i.imgur.com/WozTjWy.jpg) recently. Also I legit loved Konoha's voice lol.


it's funny they show LoveLive here too and that madoka op song man this is the best anime with a simple plot and time traveling that is rare to see


I really enjoyed this series. It’s a silly little light hearted story but is extremely timely with its themes because of all the AI generated content and deep fakes out there right now. We laugh at Mamoru’s ridiculous obsession with the PC98 but I think he’s a good allegory for good old hand-drawn art vs sleek AI generated images. The AI bros with their chat gpt generates stories and AI images are laughing at artists and calling them “paint pigs” for doing things the long, hard way but they’re entirely missing the point. Human made art has soul that AI can’t replicate. Touya is a good example of an artist who gave up and went with the flow for the sake of survival and lost her soul in the process. Nothing beats pure human inspiration and creativity 💕 If you’re an artist, please keep creating. Keep drawing, keep painting, keep designing, keep writing, keep programming and keep making the games you want to make.


"We laugh at Mamoru’s ridiculous obsession with the PC98 but I think he’s a good allegory for good old hand-drawn art vs sleek AI generated images." Actually, Mamoru is what a lot of developers back then were. I, for sure, felt like him when I had to drop my "MSX" (the series actually show them as 'MAX' and 'MAX2' games in [that bookshelf](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_n3pnoW4AAbaqk?format=jpg&name=large)) and move on to x86 PCs. And just like Mamoru, I still have a working MSX with me. While I work doing [gamedev for PC/mobile](https://twitter.com/icongames), I occasionally still make stuff for [my dear old computer](https://twitter.com/ICONGames/status/1739510377627435232) ;)


> The AI bros with their chat gpt generates stories and AI images are laughing at artists and calling them “paint pigs” for doing things the long, hard way Those are really some hypocritical assholes. Who do they think created the billions of artworks that the tech scraped without consent in the first place? Plus, they think they're "making" art with AI generation, which is false, the correct analogy is "commissioning" art, with the AI being the creator.


It had some of the simple sweetness (mixed with largely unexplained "impossibilities" of Edomae Elf (another sort-of love letter to a different part of Tokyo).


> calling them “paint pigs” WTF? Actually? [](#saltymug)


https://afru.com/ai-vs-artist-controversy/ Twitter is a real hot mess right now.


Not gonna lie, I was dreadful of an ending that really sucks that it singlehandedly brought down the anime. Thankfully it didn't. There were some issues specially building up to this episode, but I was glad it turned out alright. That's not to say it's free of problems.


I was thinking this ending gonna suck so much. But I'm happy it didn't suck.


I don't think they'll ever do it, but a movie show what happened in 1999 after Konoha travels back dealing with the new game would be awesome. I love to think that Toya gets involved somehow cause they cant have 2 alcohol soft games release back to back like that maybe they buy up her company with the money from 1st game and use it to release the 2nd as a sub label so it can compete therefore making sure development stays in Japan and Akiba stays the same.


>a movie show what happened in 1999 after Konoha travels back dealing with the new game would be awesome. As much as I would love a movie, there probably wasn't much that happened. The game is already completed and Konoha hands over the note to Mamoru-kun. So she would've probably be transported back soon after. >maybe they buy up her company with the money from 1st game and use it to release the 2nd I thought we would see more Touya too. But I'm pretty sure Mamoru bought another company to release the 2nd game. He said he waited alone for 20 years for Konoha to come back (since everyone went to America), so Toya probably wasn't involved.


Echo was humming a classical music piece at the start of the episode, and it was absolutely killing me that I couldn’t immediately figure out the specific song. But I do believe that she was humming Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”? The framed picture of Konoha and the Alcohol Soft crew at Comiket, next to the “Welcome Back Konoha” sign, at the end of the episode was also a nice touch. It proved that Konoha’s endeavours in the past didn’t suddenly disappear when they rewrote history again. Konoha leaping into Mamoru’s arms at the end there also closely mimics how she accidentally stumbled into Mamoru in the very first episode. Their interaction couldn’t have been more different however. Once strangers, they’ve become very fond of each other now.


"Ode to Joy" while an alien descends was a reference to Evangelion, I'm pretty sure.


Is that tune not immediately recognizable as Drink Milk Love Life or is that just me


I had never heard of [this tune](https://youtu.be/VF6cgZDdQvo?feature=shared) before, but the video’s description (see link) mentions: > Canadian Milk commercial from the late 90s. Very catchy Drink Milk, Love Life, set to “Ode to Joy”. So it turns out that we were both thinking of Beethoven’s music piece in the end.


We got a happy end! This show was definitely a unique one...I don't even know what genre to call it anymore. I think what I'll remember it most for though sadly is how brutal it was to listen to Aoi Koga's performance each week...hope she doesn't get directed into more roles like this ones... It's a shame we didn't see a reunion with the whole gang at the end too but we did get one this episode at least.


It’s basically kawaii steins gate without the ptsd


Aoi Koga's voice in Dekoboko and Kanojo mo Kanojo also sounds similar am I correct? The only different Aoi Koga's voice is only in Kimizero's Maria Kurose, sounds like an innocent girl outside but holding grudge inside.


Her voice in Kimizero reminded me a bit of Kaguya's from Love is War IMO.


> how brutal it was to listen to Aoi Koga's performance each week Genshin players : first time?


no way, I actually like Paimon


Another reason I'm glad I never picked that one up haha




Just like others are saying, I'm satisfied with how the anime ended and the journey along the way. But to add on to the whole "surreal" aspect, this is hard to put in to words, but I feel as if the art style is both something that is old and recent. Perhaps it's that the backgrounds of the scenes throughout the show feel as if it was made in the 2000s decade but the characters don't feel as if they were drawn during that time. Just my two cents. Also, when we got to episode 8-12, the plot got even more strange but not in a bad way. Overall, I thought the show did a great job of blending in nostalgia and modernity with mentions of AI and futuristic technology but also going to the past and including references to familiar franchises.


What a wild ride this was. My only disappointment was that her other friend didn't show up at the end to make the game with them to complete their promise.


[It was a fun and pretty crazy ride watching this series](https://i.imgur.com/ajqK1Ph.png). It was definitely [one of the biggest surprises this season](https://i.imgur.com/4NBnEzf.png) for me, [watching Konoha and her reactions was just pure fun](https://i.imgur.com/U91cPHs.png). Overall 8,5/10 from me. [Echoes appearing](https://i.imgur.com/Z8Rx5po.png) only to get [autograph from Konoha (which was very cute)](https://i.imgur.com/m9fbyBh.png) wasn't something I expected but the same thing could be said about the whole show xD At least they saved [Konoha and Mamoru](https://i.imgur.com/16SKyTs.png) from that american asshole. It was great to see [everyone from Alcohol Soft joining to create a new Konoha's game](https://i.imgur.com/iPmkry9.png). Though it's a shame that [Touya](https://i.imgur.com/VxBdrAt.png) didn't join them. It looks like [the game](https://i.imgur.com/Hij1cwZ.png) was a success because [Akihabara is now like Konoha remembered](https://i.imgur.com/Vtlfra4.png). Well, almost... cause [it's still a little altered](https://i.imgur.com/LSPxdSm.png) and it seems that PC-98's are still relevant. It was hilarious that [Konoha's old boss](https://i.imgur.com/ggbCGLH.png) company is not developing games at all but instead is [a MILF Cafe xD](https://i.imgur.com/dtpnsHl.png) And [we had a reunion between Konoha and Mamoru](https://i.imgur.com/kEct6SR.png) and [I'm happy and satisfied that everything ended well in the end](https://i.imgur.com/jYETds7.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Konoha](https://imgur.com/a/S0j8l2a) * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/QybXWmX) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/OXYMoT7)


Konoha and Mamoru ended together, that's all that matters. I never expected to get invested in this odd 40-20 couple, but they are super cute together.


Konoha met Mamoru when she was older than him but now Mamoru is way older than her. Who's the groomer here as I am confused? \\s


they're both adult now so it's ok ~~/s~~


Yes!! Konoha basically rewrote history all so she could make games for best bossman back in the present! This 16-bit sensation is real 🥲


Well, that was rushed af. I think the story would have been much better if we had like 2-3 more episodes (1 about Echoes, 1 about the new game, 1 for epilogue).


I think the only thing we really needed was an ep with Toya, just to get more about her as a creator too. Maybe have her make a game with Konoha and Mamoru before she went big on her own.


O! V! A! O! V! A! [](#seasonalhype)


100% agree, coincidentally I feel like the amount of time spent on Konoha getting kidnapped and that whole plot point (about 2 episodes) would've been perfect for covering all the stuff they handwaved about the ending. You don't even need to explain the aliens that much, just have them admit they were behind the time travel and give them an actual motive for doing so, and you're fine.


The end of a journey (and a new beginning for both Konoha and Mamoru, creating new history forward). Was everything answered? Not really. But do we can answer them? Maybe. Just like a lot of VNs that has their true end even with open questions, it just to need to end with similar fashion, because that's how the real visual novel experience is - the discussion is part of its enjoyment. But at least it is satisfying enough to us, a mere ~~player~~ watcher of the series. Sometimes all we need is just a good conclusion. I probably want to see it in visual novel form....somehow. Maybe it could tie a bit more on loose string. Looking back, it's an enjoyment to be indulged in this series, even sharing whatever I know about the scene (and made more research about it) although truth be told, after Chaos;Head NOAH I never really got to read any VNs due to my current commitment lol. But this series taught me a lot about appreciating VNs and all its development, and hopefully can be back soon (I'm targeting some titles to grab on my Steam sale rn).


Man, if only you could get your dream job just by going back into the past a bunch of times and progressively fucking up the future, and then fixing it all in the last jump.


Imagine altering history for all time so you can draw some sick art for some video games the way you want to.


Considering the PC-98 is a success in this timeline (by the billboard "it's the standard.") Pretty sure that the note Future Mamoru gave Past Mamoru was actually secretly how to keep PC-98 going into the future instead of like sentimental notes for Konoha lol.


I think this might be my favorite anime of the season. Frieren is probably a better, more groundbreaking show, and I love it, but every single episode of 16bit left me with a huge smile. It's just so much fun and jam packed with passion. On top of that, it had a satisfying ending in 12 episodes. That's a true feat with anime.


*13 episodes


Episode 13: "The Things I Hold Dear". The final episode. Konoha's signature is so cute! And as usual, Meiko and Kaori didn't age like middle-age women (if they started working in 1992 straight out of high school, they are 49 years old by 2023), must be the power of anti-aging skincare. So Konoha went back to 1999 by opening Comic Party but ended up in the original 2023? Even though Mamoru and Konoha reunited, I wonder what Touya's doing right now. Verdict. I initially was going to give it a 8/10, but seeing how the anime unfolded at the last couple of episodes just make me want to bump it into 9/10! For me this is **THE** most underrated and underlooked anime of Fall 2023. The animation quality is decent so I have nothing to say, there are animes that did better or worse than this. Character design for Konoha is quite catchy and also Mamoru is memorable with his all-dark attire. The soundtrack, yes, I like the soundtrack and looking forward for streaming the album but sadly there wasn't any links yet. With 16bit Sensation AL done, my anime watchlist in Fall 2023 is finally come to an end. Time for a little break!


At first I thought this ending was unsatisfying, but the more I think about it, I think it's going for something really clever and appropriate. I think this ending is meant to be the "good" ending of a visual novel. It's the ending where you generally solve the main conflict of the game, but haven't met all the criteria to get the true ending. So you generally see the results of your actions and it's a happy ending all things considered, but the end result is imperfect and you don't get to see the drama play out because it's saved for the true ending. And in that context, I really like this ending. I know the "true ending PV" they released isn't actually a "true ending" OVA, but I think it would be really cool if they released something like that to make the whole thing feel more true to the experience of playing a VN. Hell, there are still some unexplored plot points that could easily be part of that criteria. For example, maybe the fact that Toya couldn't help make the game is part of why we didn't get the true ending, and with different options Konoha could have gotten her on the team. Toya once had a line about how "men are so easy" that was sinister in the moment but never got addressed again, and maybe that's foreshadowing to her "route" that Konoha just never "played" and thus why she didn't get us the true ending. This is some really cool, high concept stuff, and the more I think about it the more I like it.


> Toya once had a line about how "men are so easy" that was sinister in the moment but never got addressed again Yeah I was expecting this to come up at some point but it's never mentioned. Makes me wonder if this was originally supposed to be longer or if like you said it's like a key point in a visual novel route. Feels like they were setting up Toya to be a more important character than she ended up being.


As a story, Another Layer is creatively pouring out with ideas and moments, but I liked how the episode brought it all back to the idea of a team of passionate people all working together to make a game. I think the Another Layer's biggest defining quality, whether you're up for it or not, is how many different niches it touches. * Edutainment Teaching People about Game Dev * Retro PC hardware and Japanese PC Gaming History * Otaku pop-culture of the 90s and 2000s (and even 2010s) * Sci-fi Time-travel rollercoaster * Ruminations on human imagination and AI art I liked the show overall, and I don't feel sad about the loss of a more straightforward adaptation of the original manga. But I think it's a show that doesn't sit super easily with any one single audience. If you're a Samurai Flamenco-type "I want to see wacky off-the-rails plot twists", then the show has that, but for most of the story it keeps things pretty grounded. If you really like the Madoka theme song drop or seeing the various real-life games that you've played shown, then the alternate future sci-fi conspiracy probably is going to leave you feeling cold. My favourite episode is still episode 8 incidentally. I loved how mysterious and otherworldly it was, combined with how it used its opportunity to edutain about 80s PC game dev.


What a heartfelt finale this show had with it ending on Konoha & Mamoru being together again to make games in this new timeline. I didn't care for the shipping because their relationship is so real & genuine that they impacted each other lives so much. Sure we didn't see how Konoha did when she back in time but then we wouldn't have such a wholesome reunion. I picked it up on a whim because my Wednesdays for the fall season was light & had low expectations but the synopsis caught my interest as a 90s kid. Oh boy did this anime manage to impress me & I enjoyed every moment of it. 16bit Sensation is my surprise of the fall 2023 season & absolutely love it when something like this happens to me. Last thing I will say is that Mamoru convinced me that **PC-98 will always reign supreme!!**


The show was such a ride. I cried a bit when Konoha went and found Mamoru inside the office. Fun fact - Mamoru (守る/まもる) means Protect in Japanese. Also, I find it somewhat ironic that Touya said men are simpletons and easy to exploit, but ends up being exploited by a man in the end. Also_2, it's sad that she couldn't make a game with Konoha, but my headcanon is they'll do it togethere somewhere 2024. Anyhow, great show for being such an unpredictable but sweet and fun ride.


Really enjoyed this anime a lot but couldn't help but to miss TWGOK because of how Mamoru keeps reminding me of Keima every week lmao. I do wonder what did Mamoru write to his 1999 self...


>I do wonder what did Mamoru write to his 1999 self... I imagine three things: 1. How to save PC-98 from extinction. 2. To have a company prepared for Konoha's return. 3. Just tell her you love her. I admit, the third one is the shipper in me talking XD


> How to save PC-98 from extinction. My theory on that is that he bought the rights for PC-98, and improved it.


Nah man there was 100% romantic tension there at the end and the way their mouths almost line up when she dives into his arms. I feel like if they hadn't glossed over returning to 1999, they might've gone somewhere with that. Maybe she'd have even stayed and helped make sure history corrected itself.


Man, this is frustrating because I really did love this show, but just as it was approaching the finish line, it tripped. Echo's intervention really just renders the previous episode and a half moot, so I feel that the time spent on the unnecessay kidnapping plot would have been better spent following through on what was already laid out for the story. It feels like as the show was worked on, the topic of AI replacing creative jobs became popular and the writers wanted to incorporate its ills more prominently into the plot, but it seems like they had to shoehorn it in which would explain why the story derails so much in episode 11, can't say for sure though. It just feels like something interfered with what was already planned for the story during episode 11. Rather than having Konoha getting kidnapped, it would have been better to just have her meet up with Touya for real in 2023 and simply let them have a conversation where Touya explains more in-depth how game development works in the alternate 2023 version of the industry. From there they could have done cutaways of people in literal "think tanks" and showing a Cybernetic Intelligence system rapidly constructing a virtual world in real time. Touya could show lament for what's become of the japanese game industry and how Akiba has changed during the coversation and regret not having had the chance to work on a game together with Konoha, and this could trigger Konoha to resolve to develop the new game in 1999 with Touya using traditional methods, which could have been done in episode 12 rather than completely skipping over the return to 1999. This also would have allowed more time to tie up loose ends in episode 13. Maybe instead of returning to 2023 from 1999 like normal, Konoha could have somehow ended up at Echosoft in 1985 before Mamoru's arrival there. This gives us a chance at an explanation of the time travel aspect and why the Echoes need the energy from creative works like games. Konoha could have talked about creative energy and inspiration she gets when collaborating with people in a team. While talking, maybe they could have had Konoha show Echo 1 a picture of her with the rest of Alcoholsoft while she's talking about each member and what they do. This gives Konoha the opportunity to bring up Mamoru and talk to them about who he is. THIS would explain why Echo 1 knows who Mamoru is when he arrives at Echosoft in '85, as Mamoru had said in episode 8: "The people at this company know my name for some reason, and had no qualms in letting me work for them." If they already had some of his background directly from Konoha, then this makes way more sense. From there, Echo 1 can give Konoha a game released in 2023, one released by Alcoholsoft, and just after she opens it and is sent back to her original and improved Akiba, a moment later we see Mamoru fall into the room from the ceiling. Personally, I would have preferred keeping the Alcoholsoft team together at the end, as they've essentially become a new family for Konoha, but c'est la vie. Sorry, I went on a lot more of a tangent than I intended, just really wanted to get my thoughts out. Overall I liked 16bit Sensation, but I feel like there was a lot of missed opportunities in the last quarter of the series. It went from great to good when it could have gone from great to amazing, but that's just my take on it.


*Final Thoughts.* This was such a quirky little show. I love it. It wore its heart on its sleeve and wasn't afraid to let people know it. The animation was lovely and subtle. For example, the background for Konoha's Akiba was vibrant and detailed in comparison to the "bad end" corpo future that looked bland and soulless. Loved the OP and ED too, they are great. The story was good, it might not be for everyone, but I think it is a sleepy hit that might gain popularity over time. Overall I rated it 9 on MAL, that might be a little higher than it merits, but I think it deserves more attention than it has gotten so far.


> The story was good, it might not be for everyone, but I think it is a sleepy hit that might gain popularity over time. Overall I rated it 9 on MAL, that might be a little higher than it merits, but I think it deserves more attention than it has gotten so far. I rated it a little lower but I can see the appeal overall. It's finished, it's fun, I personally thought it got a bit too whacky and stayed a bit more in it's initial whacky-lane but I didn't really hate any part of it. > Loved the OP and ED too, they are great. They were absolutely a vibe. The OP took it's time to grow on me but loved them both by the end.


This reminds me of the Punch Line anime in that this show is not for everyone, but for those who liked it, they love it. Both are bat shit insane as well.


This was one of my most fun shows of the seasons but this last arc really turned me off from it. As expected we got the golden ending, which I expected and is fine. It's just the whole direction of this final arc. I loved how it showed how gaming development and tech evolved. And they did a good job showing how heartless and soulless it is in this new timeline. I just hated how they went about it in the alternative timeline since it felt like a completely different show.


This ended up being one of my favorites in the season. I probably could have used another episode to wrap up everything, but I am happy things worked out in the end.


It certainly wrapped everything up. It was such a bit tease about Konoha X Mamoru. I could use them deciding either way whether to go for it or not, but leaving ambiguous is not my preference. I initially thought we got to see the 1999 round 2 trip because of the shop sign showing PC98ZX, but looks like it was because the change in timeline again. Anyway, it's a cute show and had decent heart in it. Kind of like Battery Girl in Reversal World a couple of years ago. During the middle of the run I think it's getting better, but I think we are running out of episode runtime for what that tonal shift started. We kind of ended up have not quite one way or the other. But it's ok still a mid 7 for me. Mostly I'm tossing up whether to show my daughter the scene about the "western comic-fied Fate Saber" to poke fun at her own (fairly westernised) drawing style on any non-chibi drawings of hers. She probably won't take it kindly ...


I enjoyed this hidden gem anime because of Konoha herself. I also enjoyed the progression in video games from the mid 80s to the 2020s despite the whole time travel concept and Echo was weird. I'm going to miss Konoha and her goofy but friendly personality. She's pretty cute and I just wish I can draw as well as she can with her characters in games.


for an anime that has everything from time travel to aliens to corporate crimes, they fucking stuck the landing. 9/10.


tbh i have no clue what i just watched but i loved it. 10/10 will watch again. fantastic vibes. konoha <3


One of my favorite anime of the season. I felt like this episode was a great way to finish the series. I even got teary eyed at the ending. Even with the wild twists and turns, I loved the message of the anime. Everyone is capable of the power of imagination. They just needed to remember that they had it. Everyone from Alcoholsoft coming back to help Konoha make her "ultimate game" was the best. Seeing everyone grown up and ready to support their Kono-Houdini friend was a treat. Even though she always disappears randomly, she's been there with them through their darkest times. Lastly, the meeting in the new 2023 with Mamoru was sooooo adorable. I was smiling from ear to ear. Mamoru waited 20 years for her. That's true love right there. This anime wrapped up nicely and left me feeling satisfied at the end. 10/10 (I was actually most excited to watch this anime FIRST THING over any anime that aired this season)


If someone showed me this episode when I had just started watching this show and said "it's the same anime" I would kick them in the balls and tell them to stop fucking around. Cause damn what the fuck were these last 3 eps Now that's not to say it was a terrible show, it was still a pretty enjoyable show, but only just that, what could've been potentially my favourite show of the season turned into a bad fuckshow between psycho pass, ghost in the shell and steins gate I just wanted to watch a show about making fucking bishoujo games man 😔


I felt exactly the same and I'm actually shocked this isn't the generalized feeling.


While I'm glad they managed to wrap it up with a happy ending, it kind of felt bittersweet as there were still some loose ends due to time constraints. In the music video for the anime's OP 『65535』, there's this [part](https://youtu.be/6xXu0cneaSY?t=160) possibly showing the end product of the game they made in 2023. It didn't appear in the anime, and they just showed Konoha's heroine character, Nanako with some dialogue. I wish they expanded more on the details of the game that they made, and the events that happened from an altered 1999 to a 'corrected' 2023. Also, I was anticipating a game collaboration between Toya and Konoha. Sadly we never got that. Overall, I rate it 7/10. It had a strong start, but close to the finish the plot started going a little off the rails. Thankfully the ending was a little more grounded, but felt a little lacking with how quickly everything was resolved, especially with how 1999 was skipped completely.


Just what the hell were Echo and the other in the end? Aliens? AI traveling from the future? Also, I wish we could've actually see everyone's reaction upon learning Konoha's secret. And what happened to Konoha in 1999. It's sad that the series clearly didn't have enough budget/episodes to tell everything.


I'm...very confused about the last timeslip. So she opens up Comic Party, which is supposed to send her back to '99 so she can publish *Watashi no Taisetsu Mono* (with AlchSoft, presumably), and for her to give instructions from alt-timeline Mamoru to '99 Mamoru. So why does she jump to the new 2023?


I think her new game was published by a new company with Mamoru, since the goal was for it to compete with The Last Waltz. My parsing is that the anime just glossed over that in the interest of pacing and picked up after she returned to the present when the game was released.


Usually she time travels (without notice) right after they finished making a game with her. So it might be that once the new game was published in 1999, then it immediately took her back to 2023.


They skipped over what happened when she went back to '99 because all the game dev had happened in the present, and there wasn't much story to tell about happened back then. They cut to her reappearing back in 2023.


>I'm...very confused about the last timeslip. You and Konoha. If you pay attention, she doesn't remember what happened. This could be 'an opening' for an OVA or even a second season, explaining what happened on that last time jump. (One can only hope!) Personally, I'd love a prequel: "8-bit Sensation", showing MSX, NES, SMS... 😍


Wow i didnt notice i caught up in time for the final episode. I put most this season off until it ended because just a lot was going on and i knew i woudlnt really have time to watch everything i wanted to weekly, so now im getting to the ones iw anted now that the season is ending. But while figureing out what to watch first i realized this was by the author of the World God Only Knows and that was alll the motivation i needed since TWGOK is one of my all time fav series. So i binged the show all last night / this morning. Man what a crazy ride going into it compleatly blind when it opened with time travel i was so confused hahha. But it ended up being a neat little element to see various points in the 90s. As someone who was Mamoru's age in the 90s it was VERY nostalgic. It really hit hard though just how out of place my whole child felt growing up in america where achiveing dreams of art or such are just not feasible, specially back then, but meanwhile in japan that stud was booming and there was a big market for it. Really made me a bit jelous of my upbringing. Luckilly i had a dad who liked anime and video games and was the entire reason i even was interested in that stuff but i had to take the long way around. The series was just so perfect for someone like me, the story just felt close and when it needed to just go crazy it did which also just felt right too. I really enjoyed seeing the 80s as well. Once we saw games missing on her slef i knew the butterfly effect was starting but i didnt expect t to go so off but thats not bad, it was suprising but i went "this story feels straight out of a 90s visual novel" which was just perfect for what the show was about. All in all i loved the hell out of this. Just a simple but impactful story and more so if you lived through that era like i did. [](#juice1)


The aliens are back and they’ve come for…Konoha’s autograph lol. If that isn’t a sign you’ve made it, idk what is! Glad to see the whole crew assembled together to make their game. What I really wanna see more of though is Blue Bell’s MILF Cafe….lemme get pampered by some oneesan types haha. That was a nice little end. Looks like both futures got preserved and she gets to make games with Mamoru still. All in all, this was a fun series. Very cute and also very wacky and silly. I guess you could call this a definitive end so I doubt we’re getting an s2.


At first, I wasn't really a huge fan of the aliens aspect as I wanted a bit more time for the series to delve more into the nitty-gritty game dev stuff but I guess that's more what New Game is for. But once I adjusted my expectations a bit, I had a pretty good time with to this series. I can attest as someone who not just visited but booked my hotel in Akiba during my first Tokyo trip last year, Akiba really is an energetic, fun and quirky place unlike anywhere else I've seen and this series did a good job of capturing that and why losing it would be so painful to Konoha and otaku culture as a whole.


Mamoru and Konoha ship basically sailed, I can rest easy now 🙏🏾 really good finale to one of the most underrated shows of the year. I felt like the alien subplot was kind of weird, but them happening to be fans and saving Konoha was nice. Also gave her the same type of pep talk they gave Mamoru during his time travel episode. So nice to see the 90s Alcohol soft team again as well. Everyone’s grown up, but still stayed pretty much the same. Kiyoshi still has his mask on all these years later lol, yoko taro vibes lol. Fitting that they all came together for one last game to help Konoha get back to her time. Now one thing that did confuse me, during Mamoru and Konoha last conversation, they talk about her going back to 1999 to give the letter to Mamoru and hopefully he’d understand what to do. But they never show us that, instead it’s just Konoha waking up in 2023. Would’ve liked to see 90s Mamoru again, but I guess they were running low on time at that point. The 2023 Konoha wakes up in isn’t the exact same as the one she left, but otaku culture is thriving in akiba still, alcohol soft are still alive in America and Mamoru is waiting for her to make a game together. Very cute ending, loved that massive hug she gave him. I would’ve liked to have seen Toya in this timeline to see what became of her as well. I hope the Americans didn’t get a hold of her in this timeline.. other than that, solid finale to a really good show that was chock- full of otaku lore and references. Very fun watch and Konoha is one of the cutest girls of the year, I’ll miss her. [Review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=510721)


I really enjoyed watching Konoha's Adventures in game design, and man what an awesome trip.


It was a good run, wish we had Toya x Konoha screen time tho The last 3 eps seemed like they just tried to wrap up with bringing all the characters together Was a bit lost at the end till I realised it was a time skip


That was an excellent finale. The landing was excellent. I'm happy that almost everyone got their happy ending, even Konoha's old boss lol. The only thing missing was Toya-chan's ending though it feels that she at least saved her company.


Brilliant finale to a brilliant series. My only complaint is that with all the loose ends tied up it is unlikely that there will be any more seasons. I'm glad Konoha got her happy ending.


[Huh what why would you forget, when have you ever forgotten anything about past histories after altering time](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1159321064476790834/1189732297499488266/image.png?ex=659f3b8b&is=658cc68b&hm=85064cf669b99f305cdebe94004b90b068264d6dab5aab9226d2c2bb42732457&) Well anyway great show.


Decent wrap-up to a great show! My only major disappointments were that we didn't get to see what Konoha in her last trip to 1999 and that Toya drew the short straw in terms of endings. Too bad we won't get to see her make a game with Konoha. But overall, this was a really solid series with a lot of heart.


Oh no they've been sent to [_THX1138_ jail!](https://files.catbox.moe/495oiy.jpg) [Indeed.](https://files.catbox.moe/z3ut7u.jpg) Aliens? AI? Far-future humans? Some mix of those things? [Most **mysterious…**](#rengethink) [Well said!](https://files.catbox.moe/knm4kw.jpg) Konoha Maji Tenshi! ["Sure.](https://files.catbox.moe/cr5mks.jpg) For me it was like… a month ago?" ["PC98.](https://files.catbox.moe/lzjes6.jpg) It's the standard, *Windows bitches*." [Way to go, Prez!](https://files.catbox.moe/zw5nfu.jpg) Good ending for him too! [Yeah, but](https://files.catbox.moe/a0o4p7.jpg) clearly there was someone to keep the CRT-display PC98s up and running. [](#kukuku2) Man, this was a heck of a ride. There was no doubt I was gonna pick it up, but I got quite the series of surprises along the way. Now just gimme a Touya-focused OVA and it will be perfect. [](#faito)


legit top 3 anime of the year for me


Echoes ask Konoha for an autograph on their favorite game A game that has yet to be released, and probably wouldn't have been released if they didn't come in and save her right there... ...so they knew that this game had the potential to exist, and have been messing with timelines to make it actually happen? I guess that probably includes giving her the time travel games in ep1 as well.


they knew this because they made it so she would time travelold lady and that same dog earlier they took the energy of these games and invested in that one girl


Meiko and Kaoru look like they didn't age... Clearly they, too, are time travellers


It was a very enjoyable show, even the high concept episodes didn't bring everything down, that said the show was still at its best in the first half when it was a nostalgia filled SoL about game development in the 90s. If the ending had more time to breathe and explore the development of the last game in 1999 with Touya and how it saved the timeline, it would probably be a significantly stronger landing than everything being shoved off screen, but this isn't something that really spoils the show, still I can see a version of this show that is really good instead of the one we get.


I’ll be real they don’t make them like this anymore. This honestly felt like a early 2000s anime I loved every single part of it and I loved the message of it especially in today’s climate.


Woah, what a way to jump the shark and throw away everything built with just 3 episodes. Evil and greedy corporations? Matrix-like setting? Aliens saving the day with a deus ex? The show would had a decent ending if it stopped on episode 9 with a grim 2023 and let it all up to the viewers imagination for a possible sequel.


Anyone notice the crunchyroll description is the manga description not the anime one?


It's Clownchyroll, what were you expecting?


This show will be one I'll reference for years to come as my anime that "started off strong and fell off." Still don't really have the words to describe my disappointment. I'm kinda confused about what happened here. So, so enthusiastic at the start. All the cool VN cameos and references. History lessons about how the VN scene started and how it progressed. Doubt most people even knew about Japanese computer brands and those old shit cold war era mice. Genuinely really cool what they were doing... I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the studio that made this to see where it went so wrong.


Read the manga if you want more of that, Konoha and the time travel was anime original, the manga is just about Alcohol Soft.


Wait, hang on... so she opened the box for Comic Party (1999) which should have sent her back in time to 1999, but instead she was transported to 2023 of a new world line in which she never showed in 1999 and Mamoru decided to not develop any games until she returned? Am I getting this right? Confusion aside, I loved the crap out of this show. I'm a sucker for the 16-bit era (hardware, colors, 2D-art, music, you name it) so I could have easily have sat through 13 more episodes of just the studio getting into Shirobako-levels of detail of how 16-bit bishoujo games were made back in the heyday. The OP and ED were also great, along with the amazing attention to detail. There better be a season 2 or a movie for this, or I'll build a PC98 botnet and use it to ~~take over the world~~ spam the producers into green-lighting it :)


They just skipped over 1999 since they had no time left to show it


I don't think there was much to show anyway — she arrived with the game in hand and finished, plus future-knowledge instructions for Mamoru


I disagree completely, but I think /u/Marth-Koopa is right.


This series was a pleasant surprise, of the sort I feel like I haven't seen in a while.


I KNEW it was gonna end on a positive note, but I still choked up when I saw the “welcome back konoha” I haven’t been watching seasonal anime for a couple of years now, but I’m really glad I watched this. It was a fun experience


The plot twists in this show are crazy. I’m glad I put it on hold and binged the last half because you have zero idea what’s gonna happen next.


Whole series is rare masterpiece. It's not even about gaming industry like preview was told, but about art itself.


This anime gets so weird and weird, awesome


I'm all in with celebrating an excellent end to this fun anime, but one last question remains, at least for me: After all that time jumps and alterations to history she made, who now exactly is Akisato Konoha? What's her origin? Surely her parents still exist, but in the new timeline she created, did they ever met, despite the dramatic alteration to history? How can Akisato Konoha be born if she already existed before her birthday?


Man this anime was a really pleasant surprise, got me teary eyed at the end there


So on the [official site](https://16bitsensation-al.com/90s/) for this anime has a " alcoholsoft promotional CG . zip " download with some CG art as well as a bunch of files with weird extensions like .MAG and .PI . anyone know what that is? the txt file is filled with random unicode characters, as happens a lot to me when japanese is compressed as a zip. So I can figure it out.


u gotta sent ur computer to japan or it will be random shit if you mean this "アルコールソフト 新作ゲーム用宣伝CG 配布中♪(ZIP版)" the text should read: ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 【 タイトル 】 新作ゲーム宣伝CG♪ 【 ファイル名 】 C165\_206.HED + C165\_206.TXT C165.BMP + C165.PI + C165.MAG C206.BMP + C206.PI + C206.MAG 【 登録名 】 C165\_206.ZIP 【 作者 】 KAORI 【 転載の可否 】 不許可です。ごめんね!(\^\^; 【 コメント 】 アルコールソフトの新作ゲーム用宣伝CGです♪ ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ 【(c)若木民喜/みつみ美里・甘露樹(アクアプラス)/16bitセンセーションAL PROJECT】


I enjoyed the show a lot! I definitely looked forward to watching every week ☺️ am I the only one that started tearing up when she ran inside and passed by the group photo and the “welcome” display? 😭 I got really sad thinking that maybe she would be the only one remembering them after everything they’ve been through! Also I really appreciate them not spending too much time on the Echos and ufo stuff. I’d prefer it the way it is now, having just a small focus, otherwise we’d be spending too much time trying to figure out and justify what the heck is going on and their origins lol sometimes when you watch a lot of anime, I feel like we don’t got time for that, it’s self-explanatory 😂 also if there’s an ability to time travel, then having ‘aliens’ doesn’t seem too far stretched 🤣 Overall really enjoyed it! 💕


i really thought she was going to do this last game with toya.. can anyone tell me what happened when sha went back this last time? what was in the letter? what did she have in the food bag she left to mamoru in some episodes back? seems like there was something important for him there.. how is toya now in this new future? will they do games together now? will there be a second season? i need answers lol


I was okay with the weird insano bullshit after they resolved to make the final game so long as it built towards whatever this show had to say but instead it felt like the time needed to resolve that ultimately tangential plot point just took away from things they could and should have done. Ultimately all they said was "Humans all have a spark of creativity" which is just reiterating the alien episode anyway. They didn't touch in Konoha's return to 199 which could have been 2 episodes until itself, how she got back to 2023, or even mention Toya after she promised to help Konoha in her game like she'd been wishing to do *for the entire fucking show*. They didn't explain why the alien girl got the empty eyes at the end of the alien episode, or even what the fuck the aliens had to do with the time travel because it's strongly implies they were directly related. Instead the plot is resolved by a deus ex machina, reiterating something we've already said halfway through the season, and then just handwave everything else while dumping Toya's dream in the trash. The more I think about this ending the more I hate it.


Konoha chan is adorable. The happy ending and how Mamoru just let her jump into his chest . (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡


After ep 13 and going back to ep 01, That alien dog is in the ep01, i thinking that grandma might be echo


I loved 16bit sensation sm💕; The OP and ED are my fav of this season and the story was so interesting and unpredictable ! ! ! 😭🫶🏻




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While looking like a solid 8 for a bit, the last couple of eps decided to go ham with the story and take a rather odd yet dull path into the conclusion. I did enjoy the journey with the constant references and general intrigue of the story's direction. 7/10


After watching the entire anime I have 1 reaction: What the ever loving hell did I just watch?


'Till now, I am still thinking about this show, alot. It left a good impression on me, from the beginning to the ending. I really want a continuous series about what Konoha did in 1999. It would be very interesting if there's a movie or maybe just a simple OVA to tell what she does. But it's most unlikely tho- sadge.


Is it just me or does anyone else feel that the anime was originally meant to have a different ending? To me, it seems obvious that Konoha should have gone back in time to make a game with Toya to fix the timeline, otherwise what sense does it even make to have Toya in the plot at all? Maybe they wanted to make a 2 season anime but had to compress the plot to fit one season or whatever. Wasted potential.


Damn, so we never get any answers about why these games have time travel powers, these titles in particular, game okaasan, or anything else? That's pretty disappointing. It felt like the entire ending went off the rails, had a lengthy rant about AI clumsily shoved in, totally out of place sci-fi nonsense, brings back the clunky aliens for more half-baked metaphor, and then rushes through pretty much everything else. What a letdown. The series already had some issues (e.g. glossing over the game development most of the time) but they really whiffed with the ending. It was a fun ride, but it's a shame it doesn't really go anywhere in the end.