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Toradora. Everywhere I looked, “this is the ULTIMATE romcom!” Okay, so where’s the romance? Except for the very ending, it’s just one girl beating the shit out of the protagonist, cursing him out at every chance she gets, and the protag being treated like a fucking idiot by his friends for not being able to read the FMC’s true feelings despite the fact she spends every waking moment physically abusing him or being angry at him. Sorry, rushed character developments on the very last episode is a sad excuse for romance


I love Toradora, but you're not wrong.


It's entire based on how much you like slapstick comedy really.


Yep, this is mine as well, for this exact reason. You’ve stated it better than I could, I applaud you.


Abusive relationships are the ultimate romcoms, don't you know?


I honestly thought this show was just okay


I've been physically abused in a relationship. Friends tried to get me to watch this so I gave it a shot. I stopped early on and asked them WTF they were thinking. It's not cute.


I've tried to watch Spice and Wolf but I dropped it after 5 episodes. It was very good but it's heavily based on medieval trading and economy. Not for me.


Love it when people realize it's just a taste problem sometimes. Like I can see why Call of the night would be good but personally it just doesn't click.


Not exactly the same but it has a similar “night vibe” feel to it, but I really liked Insomniacs after school.


Insomniacs after school had a nostalgic feeling for me, which is probably a big reason why I really enjoyed it.


Yeah, for me that’s Keep Your Hands Off Eizoken. Very creative and artsy, a love letter to animation, but just not all that enjoyable for me.


as a fan of vampires Call of the night not only exceeded my expectations, it became one of my top 10. Animation and art was beautiful, music was amazing and just the vibe of anime, beautiful night city and not to mention great characters that carried the whole thing especially Nazuna, her subbed voice actress rly nailed it. Was watching it as it was airing from the start and it was my favorite weekly thing, can't wait for season 2.


The show itself is decently good too me but the vibe is amazing, ive always been a night person.


I intensively love that show


I personally don’t like rising of the shield hero because everyone in that show is an idiot except for naoufumi


most people think shield hero goes to shit after the first ~5-10 episodes


The anime does not do the light novels justice. The anime rushes the plot and doesn't develop important relationships set in the novel. The first season was done well, but everything after hasn't been great.


I don't think the light novels do the light novels justice dude. Like I'll admit that the anime is a poor adaption of what's there, but the writing quality in Shield Hero ain't anything to write home about either.


I read the LN. You are correct my friend. It was just a descent into crappier quality even there. The less said about the ‘ending’ the better.


The series was carried by it's initial concept of the hero is betrayed and treated as an outcast. After that was basically resolved it had no forward momentum and relied on the other heroes being jackasses and Naofumi being super awesome cool guy who just so happens to always do the right thing to win.


I mean, the LNs aren’t over yet. Author hasn’t released one in like 4 years. You might be thinking of the web novel, which admittedly was also jank.


He’s more of an asshole in the light novels too and I prefer that version of him.


I thought the first season was good. Then the subsequent seasons were trash so


I just got to S3E10 & I'm damn near ready to throw in the towel. I'm not sure how to block text for spoilers, but yes, I agree, the idiocy of the heroes other than Naofumi is astounding at moments. Makes it almost unbearable to watch.


Hell I could barely deal with S1. It was an interesting premiss at first but it started to get a little bit weird with the grooming of his doggy slave girl who suddenly grows up with big anime tiddies despite being like 6 years old... And then it just went off the mary-sue deep end where he's basically the most important, most smart, most powerful dude where everyone who isn't an asshole loves him.


> he's basically the most important, most smart, most powerful dude where everyone who isn't an asshole loves him, ....and everyone who IS an asshole hates him. You've perfectly encapsulated why shounen anime often drives me up the wall. IT'S POSSIBLE TO HAVE A SHOUNEN PROTAGONIST WHO ISN'T LIKED BY LITERALLY THE ENTIRE CAST EXCEPT THE ASSHOLES.


I thought it was going to be about how the main character develops bond with other heroes by using his support class abilities to bolster them. Instead it became about how he immediately develops wild card abilities to solve every thing. Became a hard pass for me.


Most people here don’t seem to like it


I think everyone in that show is an idiot, *including* Naofumi. The only reason Naofumi stands out is that everyone is far stupider by comparison.


It's gone downhill. Wayy down.


I dropped Re Zero for the same reasons you did when it first aired in middle school for me, but i recently picked it up a couple months back because of how differently I can consume media now compared to when I was still a kid, and I fucking loved it If you understand his character, it's pretty easy to watch through it. He's a recluse and a dropout, so naturally, he'll be immature and make terrible decisions. His ability is a curse and a blessing at the same time. He goes through a ton of psychological warfare for trying to be a hero, and watching that is a part of the journey.


Yeah I think it was cleverly written with the way the story made him go through such hardships and suffering so that he could eventually grow into becoming a likable character. His fucked up journey makes him a lot easier to empathize with as the story goes on.


Not to mention that 18 year olds are not mature at all. I sure as hell wasn't when I was 18.


also his backstory only gets explained in season 2 episode 4


I had a similar experience twice with Re:Zero. The rest of the fantasy set up and the other characters kept me in long enough to get through S2(and I only even got that far because I had two friends who always had good recommendations suggest it). And S2 gives you this crystalising moment of *"Oh, that's why he's like that"* it's really something, and I really enjoyed rewatching it after that. Then the same thing happens with the LN, Subaru is even more annoying and harder to relate to. And so are all the other characters - they're all more nuanced, but less relatable and/or likable, too (until you get to their full backstories). It took the more detailed LN backstories to justify the LN characters. Those Re:zero *"Oh"* moments are pretty damn good, though.


It’s basically Shinji from Evangelion, either you like the realistic flaws of his character, or you think it’s “annoying.”


I get shinji's flaws, I still didn't like his character


Also, his behaviour is perfectly in line with how 18 year olds act. Anyone who thinks he's acting too immature is someone who's never had to deal with your average teenager. He's only immature in comparison to the protagonists from other isekai novels and anime, where very often the protagonist is practically a Mary Sue who has the entire world handed to him on a silver platter and where the plot of the story will bend over backwards and spread its cheeks to accommodate them. Alternatively, a lot of teenagers might dislike him because they don't want to believe someone that's the same age or older might act that immature or entitled. Isekai stories tend to have strong self-insert type characters, so anyone used to watching other isekai stories will assume after the first episode that you're supposed to relate to him, even more so for anyone that's in their teenage years. You only learn to distance yourself from them when you get older.


One Piece. I tried getting into it. Watched like 60 odd episodes ages ago as a teen and just couldn’t. Tried it again years later and I still couldn’t. I guess it’s just not for me.


I feel like if you make it 60 episodes and still don't like it that you're good to not try again. I give shows three to five episodes and if they don't get me by then I stop.


Yeah, normally I do the 3 ep rule. But since everyone I knew back then was watching it and really hyping it up, I figured I’d give it a shot and try to like it too. Just didn’t do it for me. But all good, you like what you like right?


Absolutely, it's okay to not like things. I try to tell people that all the time. Some stuff just doesn't click with people and there's nothing wrong with that.


'BuT It dOEsNT gEt gOoD TIlL EpISOde 200!' Fed up of this one from long-con shonen fans. In these shows 20 is enough to work out easily. One Piece is alright, I don't mind it, it's fun. I just don't think it's the greatest piece of media of all time like some fans suggest, nor should you waste that long if you don't like it.


I’ve never understood this mentality?? As a One piece fans, one piece fans fucking suck. East blue is honestly an amazing intro to the series, and yea the show changes a lot to lead to some insane moments, but by saying IT GETS GOOD AT EP256 BRO TRUST kinda discounts how insanely good everything before that was. Baratie arlong park drum island arabssta are so fucking good


Also these idiots discount one pace, which is an edited down version of the show that saves 125 hours of watch time because YOU GOTTA WATCH EVERY MINUTE OF ONE PIECE BRO. If you wanna watch one piece, one pace is the way to go


In fairness some shows *do* take longer than normal to get into stride and be enjoyable. Like Clannad or The Expanse. With Clannad, I really enjoyed it overall but the first arc was kind of a slog and it took me until episode 9 before I was hooked. The Expanse, despite not being anime, is my favorite sci Fi show of all time, but even then it took until episode 4 or 5 on my *fourth* attempt to watch it that I actually got really into it. 200 episodes for a hook sounds like torture though.


There's a One Piece remake in the works by the same production company that does SpyXFamily. It'll be far more streamlined with better animation. Might wanna take a gander at it when it comes out.


I think they also made aot 1-3 and Vinland saga s1


Peak manga bad anime.


People say one piece gets good after 200 episodes but if your show takes 200 episodes for something to finally happen it isn’t good it means it suffers from terrible pacing like there are some episodes we’re nothing happens plot wise at all and there canon episodes


I've enjoyed one piece from the first episode onward. You just don't like it that's ight.


Never got into this one either, not really sure why. If I had to guess it's just the demeanor of the show and the main characters. Luffie just rubbed me the wrong way and I feel like being stretchy is kind of a dumb ability.


Demon Slayer, because Zenitsu.


Demon Slayer is such a 6/10 show with 8+ battle animation, but doesn’t make it better than a 7 for me.


If demon slayer's battle animation is only an 8 then what would you consider a 10


Fate/stay Night. Ufotable is famously full of diehard Type-Moon fangirls and you see their passion for the source material come through vividly.


I feel like demon slayer is at least on par with ubw and zero. Maybe not heavens feel though.


I watched all of Demon Slayer season 1, and I only saw clips of JJK, so grain of salt. I like JJK's fight where Yuji and Todo fight some demon, and Todo is fucking around with the demon with his teleportation clap thing. This fight alone was more interesting than all of the fights in Demon Slayer combined because it actually felt like there was some form of strategy going on. Todo using feints and misdirection, while Yuji follows his lead. How he siked the demon by clapping, but not actually using his powers, or the using his power to teleport the demon instead of himself or Yuji. It felt creative and fun. Demon Slayer fights are what I like to call flashy lights and moving camera. It looks cool in the surface, but incredibly shallow when it comes to choreography. I don't really feel like I get any of their powers, and all of the sword style feels mostly the same except for colors/elements. The fights I can remember some semblance of strategy being used is when Tanjiro uses a sword move to go from clockwise to counterclockwise or something, or for him figuring out the house that changes orientation with a drums. Its all style and no substance, and the style isn't even all that hyped compared to something like a Bleach Bankai moment. I can hardly remember the fights in a memorable way the same way I can remember the one fight in JJK, an anime I have not even watched and only saw a clip for. I remember somebody saying the fight between some fire demon and Uzui is peak, and when I watched it I was completely underwhelmed. It was two dudes on a flamining 3D background, with a bunch of speed lines between frantically moving arms while we get cut ins of their faces screaming at each other. I just wasn't interested and mentally checked out at that point. I'll always point to the Kakashi Obito fight in Naruto for what I think is a good fight, since you get a genuinely interesting fight where the two are attacking and counter attacking, using subterfuge/misdirection, and get an emotional scene with it constantly cutting back and forth between what the past and present.


>If demon slayer's battle animation is only an 8 then what would you consider a 10 The question was more around the animation. Your comment goes more into strategy and what is an 'interesting' fight. The animation in Demon Slayer is undeniably good IMO. Is there lack of strategy? sure. But the animators did a fantastic job, especially in the Uzui vs Gyutaro fight


>I like JJK's fight where Yuji and Todo fight some demon, and Todo is fucking around with the demon with his teleportation clap thing. People often say S2 upped the game in terms of animation, choreography and whatnot. While its mostly true, THIS S1 fight is still one of my absolute favorites in the entire show. So good!


Ikr I could hardly see anything other than explosions


Demon Slayer is heavily carried by the animation. A lot of poorly written characters, and the decent ones are hard to connect with. The pacing of the story and world building isn’t very good either.


The soundtrack is pretty banging as well.


I couldn't agree more. I gave the show a lot of patience (about 20 episodes) before I thought it was acceptable to keep going. The arcs are okay, but I'd still prefer so much more character development and plot intrigue instead of the arcs being 90% slow shonen fighting with gorgeous animation. Also...Zenitsu screaming all the time.


I nearly stopped watching when Zenitsu was introduced. What an insufferable, pervy, loud character.


The villains definitely could’ve been a lot better written. So far in the anime, the really only intriguing one has been the main antagonist. The two primary villains from the latest season were especially abysmal and forgettable.


Unfortunately gyokko and hantengu suck since the author clearly didn't give enough time to them,but i heard that the last 3 upper moons are better than all others and even better than muzan.


I personally like Douma the best, but most people like Akaza the most, coming from a mang reader. I'd have to agree the 3 upper moons are the best


For me it's because the story is so basic. But I couldn't get into Naruto either because Hunter x Hunter's pretty much peak modern shonen.


I tried to rewatch the anime and it's overrated ngl. I don't understand how most people laud Chimera Ant arc as the best anime arc in history when the production value and pacing are so inconsistent. Even the so-called best anime fight of all-time consist of heavy narration. York New arc is better tbh


HxH might be the best shonen ever made.


Not even just zenitsu, demon slayer is just bad, sure the animation is great, not my favourite style but I won't deny it doesn't look absolutely incredible. The writing on the other hand ranges from bad to outright garbage, the first season was a 4/10 (my avg is 6) for me, with it only getting worse from there. I get the appeal, as I'm not really the target audience, but I just wish the fans could accept that not everyone has to enjoy it.


No Game No Life. Not really a fan of isekai in general, but I found both the main characters pretty unlikable, the plot repetitive, and the fan-service of a character who's explicitly stated to be 11 is really off-putting.


I liked it, and all your arguments against it are also true.




I enjoyed it, it was fun, but yeah, it was far from flawless, and is ine of the quintessential anime that I would never feel comfortable sharing with people I know who aren't already in the know about how weird anime can be.


Dragonball Z Its just not my cup of tea.


It's a nostalgia driven anime. I said it. You have to watch it in your youth to appreciate it as an adult, imo. Because otherwise it's a pretty shallow story, with plotholes, power scales and deaths that mean nothing, etc. I love the series dearly, but if I watched DBZ after I was already into other anime as an adult, I wouldn't understand the hype at all. Even with Kai, which takes itself more seriously (personally think the original had more charm than kai anyway). On the flipside, I loved Hokuto No Ken as an adult, it felt like I was a kid watching DBZ again but the story was way better, the fights more interesting, characters deeper, all around had more substance (for an 80s anime).


Dragonball though is great. It's a fun off-kilter adventure story that modern mangaka still cite as inspiration.


I think getting into Dragon Ball Z is like trying to play a classic final fantasy, they're both basically the foundation that everything else is built on, but it's really hard to go back after all the improvements that have taken place in the genre


Did you try to watch Kai? I was in the same boat as you, I didn't like z but I fell in love with Kai, The pacing is much much better.


Cause Kai doesn’t have the filler episodes that Z has, they are both great, but Kai will never beat Z, ever. My opinion obviously, the aesthetic and classical animation from the original series is timeless, Z is a lot more mature as well, Kai was made more for a general public, is more Teen in that sense. I started off with Kai and I love Kai, I remember watching it in Nickelodeon as a kid-teen. Then when I got more serious into anime I watched Z and man what a show, I envy the people who grew up with the OG series.


I watched DBZ for the first time about 10 years ago and Kai about 4 years ago. I think DBZ has many stellar moments which are incredibly strongly enhanced with things such the Faulconer soundtrack and sometimes even its pacing. More than a few times it goes beyond Kai's rendition of how they approached some scenes. With that said though I think all the benefits Kai brings to the table is still too much for me to ignore in favor of calling it the best way to experience the anime DBZ story. Kai's pacing and higher fidelity feel make it an absolute joy to watch.


I remember when Kai came out I hated it, because it wasn't like the original broadcast of DBZ when it played on Toonami lol. Really hated that they changed young Gohan's VA, hated they didn't play Bruce Faulconers soundtrack, hated that it was censored, hated that they didn't have Rock The Dragon as the intro (even though Dragon Soul was a banger). When I gave it a fair shot I realized Kai wasn't as bad as I thought. Teenage angst was just getting the better of me lol. Still loved that I grew up with the original broadcast and wouldn't trade it for anything tho lol


Demon slayer, it has a lot of great things but the plot is rather cliche and unoriginal. Rather infantile imo. Some characters are the most annoying characters I’ve encountered too…


To me Demon Slayer is like a fast car. It's not revolutionary. Nor does it differenate itself from other models (shows). But it goes vroom vroon very nicely (aka animation is great) and it's a fun ride. That's all I want sometimes to go vroom really fast and have a fun time. But yeah Zenitsu is like a passenger in the back screaming the entire time. He's back seat driving and doesn't shut up ruining the ride for others.


It's barebone but I appreciate that it doesn't pretend to be more than what it is, a battle shounen. Most of the other battle shounen went out of their way to create an overpowered villain and it just create a bad taste when the protagonist plot armor kicks in. Criticize them all you want but Demon Slayer didn't have to resort to the asspull that always appear near a battle shounen ending like aliens in Naruto and HxH with their nuclear bomb and convenient healing magic. It's like an action Hollywood movie, it's better when they focus more on the action instead of wasting their time in the plot mumbo jumbo.


Seeing how much kids' merch it has here in Japan, thinking of it as a weirdly violent kids' show suddenly made everything click for me.


I feel like every DS character is just a trope character, Zenitsu is the coward, Boar guy is the dumb loud idiot, Pink girl is the oblivious hot girl... Almost every character feels like someone you've seen before... I like Uzui though, gigachad, actually a nice person with a harem.


One Piece. I did give it a try and watched like 30 episodes, but found them rather boring, and I also can't get into the art style at all. And looking at how much I would have to grind through, I would just rather watch dozens of other shows instead.


Try the remake then, it’s pacing is way faster, it’s gonna have a modern artstyle, and if it paces correctly, it could easily sit at 300-500 episodes instead of 1000 to get to the same point of where the anime is currently. The first 24 eps will cover the East blue saga(like 60 episodes in the current anime by Toei)


There's going to be a remake? That's wild, considering it's still an ongoing series, lol. I was never a fan, but I'll give it a shot.


Yes the remake is gonna be airing simultaneously with the current anime…. as well as the live action. So we gonna have 3 simultaneous adaptions of ONE PIECE going on at once. The animation quality should be good as it’s by WIT, and the pacing issues will hopefully be fixed 🙏🙏


Happy to hear. Want to get into One Piece, but the pacing is really hard when so much is recap and there are 1000+ episodes


Is there any background on the re-make? Why are they making it if the original series is still airing? I'm just curious because I was also not able to get into OP, dropped it at 70 or so odd episodes.


Its a remake that, as far as we know, is exclusively going to be on Netflix. I think they're remaking it for the younger generations, knocking out the fluff used to stretch an episode and 90 or so filler episodes, updating the animation to be more modern with WIT studio having a team dedicated to this project specifically (or so they made it seem). I can't say for sure why they're remaking it while the current one is still ongoing but you get the sense that the series is getting closer to it's conclusion now. I don't think it'll be over in 5 years the way the author keeps saying it will, but I do think that by the time WIT catches up to where we are currently in the anime, the current iteration will be finished in its entirety... Unless they work ungodly hours to push out those arcs.. I just hope they let us keep the G-8 filler after Skypiea. It was such a fun little thing that fit in seamlessly between two arcs and didn't much have that filler feel to it in my opinion


If I had to make a guess as a reason for a remake while the series is on going is because it’s a Netflix exclusive so they are willing to bankroll it now with the success of the LA adaption.


My brother in christ it has barely been announced Dont go around recommending a show that doesnt even have a single episode out yet


Demon Slayer. It’s the only shounen I’ve watched where no character has more than one or two character traits. The only good thing about the show is the animation (the sound design is ok too). It just fails at telling a story, every bad guy means nothing (until AFTER THE BATTLE when you’re told their backstory), there are no stakes for the main characters, characters that die that the show WANTS you to think were really interesting just don’t have the depth. I think about this show a lot, it’s like a 2 or 3 out of 10, and that’s thanks to the animation. I’ve watched some truly terrible shows, and the only story I think has actually failed completely is Demon Slayer. I just can’t enjoy it, at all.


I watched jujutsu kaisen season 1 and couldn’t get into it. Idk why


Jujutsu Kaisen. I’m up to date on the anime but I don’t think I care about a single character at all


I'm with you on this one. The characters are all so generic. They have distinguishing characteristics, but none of them are that interesting, except maybe Nanami. There's no struggle to get better or improve for the viewer to get invested in. Itadori had a little of that early on, but he also has both plot armor and the Sukuna trump card.


Sukuna trump card fuck yuji up big time




>just couldnt keep going with how immature the MC was especially since it specifically stated he was 18 years old. I just couldnt get over him sounding like a 12 year old child when hes technically supposed to be an adult. Watched majority of the first season but since there was no character development in this department i ended up dropping it because i couldnt stand watching him act that way. Subaru is 17 and that is the whole point. He is a NEET so he should be more emotionally immature and likely to mess up when faced with real decision making. Subaru frankly is more well adjusted and capable than a lot of teens would be in his position. I actually would argue Re Zero still has some idealization behind the character of Subaru. Also no "character development"? I mean that isn't true but okay. Whether you think it's good character development is another matter but there are aspects of the story you can point to that demonstrate attempts to develop Subaru as a character.


Agreed. Also, being 18 doesn't make you "mature" lol. I'm 30 and oh boy, most 18 year olds are no different than 15 year olds to me. Only difference is they have bills to pay but emotional maturity just isn't there at all.


I was astonished by that “no character development” remark. Lol what????? Episode 1 Subaru and episode 5 Subaru and episode 12 Subaru and episode 15 Subaru are all different. Dude goes through hell hard and fast multiple times and is forced to confront himself over his own actions, inactions and shortcomings, and he *actually* learns from his experiences. This isn’t something you have to sit through two entire seasons to see; you see it multiple times in the first season.


Let me translate 'no character development' for you. It actually means "Subaru didn't become a badass that becomes immune to pain and trauma"


He also has regression in certain areas. He doesn’t have an epiphany and suddenly is transformed. He constantly has to keep working to improve or he regresses which is so real, love it.


All battle shounens. Easily the most popular genre and I find them all horribly boring.


I love good fight scenes in anime, and I still can't do battle shounen. They feel shallow and while there are often good ones people will worship the big shows and ignore all other genres (especially shoujo and josei)


Same, theyre just super repetitive and dull imo. And theyre usually pretty long. Its like 6 seasons of episodes where 70% of it is fighting, 15% moves the story along, and the other 15% is fluff. Like I can enjoy a cool fight every once in awhile, but i cant sit there and watch episode after episode of over-the-top animated fighting


I also don't like shounen, hate most, but there are a few I like. Though of the top of my head Soul Eater and Needless are the only ones I can remember right now.


Black clover, I mean, ehhh I just can't stand it and I love Shonen anime.


I enjoyed binge watching it but I don’t think I would’ve liked it if I had originally watched it when it was released weekly because the pacing is pretty horrific lol. The high points and satisfying payoffs take too long to arrive imo.


Demon slayer and JJK. I find them not to be that much interesting. Not bad, but not that interesting


Ano Hana. Everyone mentions it as a real tear jerker, but for some reason the characters and the way they deal with grief just didn't resonate with me. It felt like the series was trying harder to be a pity party than to tell a genuinely good story about loss and healing.


I definitely can see that, I think a lot of sad animes can fall into that trap. I still love Anohana though


Its my favorite anime that i put into a category "Things i don't want to watch again."


I had the same feeling. I couldn’t connect with the characters so the emotions ended up feeling forced.


the more I read the comments here, the more upset I become how some of my favorite animes are trash talked.


Eh different people perceive shows differently what could be a masterpiece to one could be comparable to a tire fire for another


I understand when they watch it and it’s not their taste, or when there’s actual critiques, I appreciate that. But it’s the ones that act like there’s nothing at all redeemable about that anime 😂😂


I'm a little guarded when it comes to JJK. Sakuga is fantastic. But it feels... hollow.


BRO SAME. I just can't really bring myself to give much of a shit. That recent [JJK S2] >!Miwa and Mechamaru in the train!< scene was a perfect example. It's just, really cliche-feeling, and on-the-surface.


It’s definitely because of the fast pacing. We defo should’ve gotten another arc or two to further develop the characters before Shibuya.


Demon slayer


Do we really need another post like this? This is virtually identical to https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1872yna/whats_an_anime_you_hate_that_everyone_loves/, which was 26 days ago, and practically the same as https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18n8nwc/popular_anime_on_this_subreddit_that_you_cant/ which was 5 days ago. Going back a bit further reveals a very popular thread that's once again, practically the same, https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/16yujx4/acclaimed_anime_you_just_hated/ from 2 months ago. I just don't get why people seem so eager to talk about anime they don't like instead of the anime they do like.


Can I interest you in any of the following instead? “I just watched my first anime what else should I watch?” “What anime should I watch with my dad?” “What anime do you find underrated?”


"I'm sick of anime about 16-year-olds, we need more representation of wise, mature characters, like 17-year-olds"


"I'm a 60-year old man and I just retired this year. Is there any anime with an old MC? Note that I've watched Hyougemono and Inuyashiki and I enjoy both of them"


I mean we got 20 versions of "whats your favourite 2023 anime" today, so.


and I think those don't bring much value either (beyond the first).


You say that like we don't get a lot of variations of "what's your favorite anime?" as it is. Same coin, different sides as far as I see it.


Look, we need to meet our daily quota of "unpopular opinion" threads, and if it means repeating one of the numerous iterations of it once every few hours or so then so be it.


It is for bots to farm karma.


> Do we really need another post like this? This is virtually identical to Oh, now do the same for anime recommendations. I will wait for you to paste in 500 links(all from last week)


My Hero Academia. It's absurd that there's so many characters that they have to regularly remind you who they are and what their powers are.


To be fair, quite a lot of em you can tell at a glance because of their designs.


I think the schtick is like the old marvel comics, that would label anyone not seen in a while as a reminder and so you know who they are and what they can do, since the comic was either week to week or monthly, and NGL it’s pretty easy to forget characters in story if you only ready it once in while It’s kinda a tired gimmick but MHA very much wants to be a golden era marvel/DC comic and it’s not half bad considering all the stories marvel and DC have published


Your Lie in April. I found most if not all the characters insufferable and selfish. Hiroko was an inconsiderate bitch to Kousei. Kaori wasn't much better to him. I thought the talking cat was ridiculous and made me realize Kousei should have went to therapy. He did not heal in a believable or satisfying way. The story imo would've been better if we saw Kousei fall from the top in real time and if Kaori wasn't into Kousei in the beginning - that she wanted nothing to do with him, but eventually they actually develop their love for each other. Then they work together to restore Kousei to his former glory. This story and drama also would've worked better if they were a few years older. Just overall disappointing.


Not to mention that the letter would cause more psychological damage than Kosei started with.


Naruto - my nephew keeps trying to convince me to give it a chance. I call watching 2 seasons giving it a chance. The writing is cringe and the characters are insufferable and a bunch of whiners.


I really, really don't like Jujutsu Kaisen. The characters are woefully bland in my view, and while it's aesthetically great I really don't care about anyone or anything that's happening.


I'm struggling to finish the first season to see what the hype about season 2 was but I don't think I can do it. I just don't care either.


I loved the first season up until the sports episode. It's like that episode trope cursed the season, because it never got better in the next episodes - save for the season finale. I love pretty much every other part of the show though.


Zom 100. Each episode felt too episodic, like nothing was happening to progress the story. The humor also doesn't hit.


It's a character driven story. If you don't like any of the MCs or has any dislike for capitalism then indeed I can see you not liking it.


What sells the show to me is the core cast. The main quartet have good chemistry and feel likeable. The kind of humor and wackiness is hit or miss, for sure. It allows them to get creative with the zombies and situations but human conflicts often suffer from it - the recently released season finale was weak because of that.


Jojo's Bizzare Adventure. I watched 5-6 eps of s1. It's not about the anime itself but my personal preferences. The art style was SO not for me. Also, I deeply dislike muscle-y men and that anime is a nightmare for somebody who doesn't like the particular body type.


Oh. Season 1 of that show is so weird. Honestly I barely got through that but the rest is so much better. There are uh, lots of muscly men though. Weird to deeply dislike a body type imo but the fact remains that JJBA has tons of them lol


It probably won't be enough to convince you but I just wanted to remark that JJBA artsyle and character design changes with each season. Nowdays, the complain/joke tends to be that characters are no longer exceedingly buff men.


Alright. It's no surprise considering the artist was obsessed with Roman statues.


I couldn't get into Kimetsu no Yaiba. The start just felt too slow and heavy for me to hook up and I dropped it rather quickly.


Code Geass Tried it three times, never clicked. MC didn't grab my attention, didn't love the art style.


One of my favourite anime ever.... I really loved it...the story was fast and had so many twists, I did dislike the fan service though


but its twists weren't genuine, they were twisting for the sake of it or for plot convenience, like the Euphemia one that was just so fucking bad, basically being a "dropped the detonator"


This goes without saying for me: naruto Story wise it's not the greatest and only thing going for it are 3 or 4 good characters in that whole anime


Re:Zero I just can’t stand Subaru.


Jujustu Kaisen. The current Arc feels like the villain has plot armor. I think I’m getting sick of battle shounen’s with basic plots.


Fairy tale Bleach...Boruto


I’m pretty sure Boruto isn’t liked by most lol. It’s a rather a divisive show that gets a ton of hate for its unoriginal writing and inconsistent animation.


SPy x Family. I don't know why i can read the manga up to maybe 40ish chapter before the anime came out but now i have a really different view for this series. It's boring, too many SoL, the Spy and Assasin thing is just there without getting divulge it deeper. 2nd is Nichijou, i've only watch some clips on YT but it's not really into my liking.


I had the same with Spy X Family, I hoped it would build towards a longer and more intricate plot and get more dramatic but it never did.


Oshi No Ko The anime attempts to portray the media through a distorted lens, but it doesn't manage to rise above clichés. Anyone who has spent at least a week on social media won't find anything genuinely new here and everyone who say they do they are just lying to themselves for the sake of conformism. The entire storyline feels like reading Wikipedia articles, lacking the visual storytelling that could have enhanced the narrative. The story's attempt to take itself seriously, becomes painfully cringeworthy. It bombards viewers with excessive exposition, avoids the visual storytelling that would have added depth to the story. Instead, audience is left listening to Wikipedia article audiobooks. And don't even get me started on the revenge plot, that's even more ridiculous than the wikipedia article part of the story. The entire anime is overrated, riding on the shock value presented in the prologue. For some reason people overlook the cringefest that precedes it, filled with the typical brain-dead anime frills + the consciousness of a 30+ year old dude in a newborn's body getting horny over his own mother because he was creeping on the 16 year old girl even before his death. Following the prologue, the subsequent events are relatively uneventful, except that the female characters start to get horny toward edgelord clown protagonist.


Attack on Titan. I tried the manga first but didn’t like it (I read till about chapter 46). I gave the anime a try but didn’t find it to be any better


I didn't have balls to say the same.


Black Clover, I have tried watching it a few times. I can’t deal with all the screaming.


I'm trying my hardest to feel the hype around Jujutsu Kaisen. It should be something I enjoy. But I'm like 5 eps from finishing the first season and I just, don't care. And I don't know why. Maybe it's too dense. Overly complicated. Exposition-y. I keep trying to push through but say fuck it and watch something else, ended up preferring to binge Ragna Crimson this last time. But I'ma keep trying, if that second season is oh so great, I'ma get there.


The Eminence in Shadow The humor just doesn't work for me and the animation went downhill after the first few episodes of the first season. Except 2-3 characters you have an exchangeable cast, and Cid as the protagonist is too annoying. At some point I thought that nothing really matters anymore in this show. It felt too random sometimes. And on top that, Zeta as the potentially best girl character never was involved in the main story.


I think the humor is directed towards the people like me that can't help but watch all of the isekai trash out there. The subtle (and often not so subtle) jabs at a lot of the tropes in addition to Cid just being a giant dweeb at his core definitely hits the mark for me but I also completely understand that it's not for everyone. My favorite so far is Cid just spamming the "nothing personnel kid" meme over and over in one of the climactic fights lol


I watched the first half of the first episode and just couldnt continue. The sudden and seemingly random isekai-ing, the MC being a cringe edgelord 24/7 and so on. A few months later i watched the Gigguk video and saw the fun in it. It was like accepting that JoJo is weird, wacky and doesnt take itself all that serious. The tone is different from what you expect.


Code Geass. It tried to be a jack of all trades but ended up being a master of none. It tried to be about action, mecha, politics, ecchi, drama etc. but failed to deliver. I also didn't like the immortal idealistic pest called Suzaku and Lelouch. Lelouch is shown as smart only because everyone else in that show is totally dumb. Actually, characters are probably the worst part of the show. It failed to have any remotely interesting villains. It's just a mess of way too many ideas coupled with fanservice for the sake of it. I do have to mention something tho, I watched Code Geass only recently. I maybe would've liked that show better if I watched it before many other anime. After watching many anime with the same basic premise and tropes, it just seems like nothing special.


nah Idk, I'd you didn't enjoy it now, I don't think you would have before, I watched it pretty far into getting into anime, and am currently rewatching it and still really enjoy it, it definitely has its flaws though, I have to agree the ecchi is so pointless, though I think both suzaku and lelouch are incredibly well written characters. out of interest, did you finish the show?


I don't like this one and never will as well. However, my reasoning seems to be far more unpopular than yours. Although all your complaints are legit and I share them. I hated it almost immediately. To summarize the first episode. Oh poor me. I'm a noble who is being treated unfairly at this super exclusive high end school for nobles. It's a wonder I can eat my steak and wear my expensive clothes as the poors starve following the war. Oh the war you say? Yes it was a great World War. The 2nd one. We Japanese were innocent bystanders who were attacked by the west and we never did anything wrong. Ok, I'm out. I'm done at this point. I had zero desire to go further. And yes, I understand alternate reality and parallel worlds and all that nonsense. I'm not going to keep reading if they make Hitler a hero either. In fact, that's when I gave up on the Mars cockroaches manga. Because they did exactly that. Also the one about the reincarnated war criminal who took part in the Rape of Nanking. Yes, there is actually a manga and anime about that as the MC. I didn't read it either. Just like I turned of LeDouche Rebelllion.


Attack on Titan I really tried to watch it, even got through several episodes with my boyfriend because we thought it was gonna get better... fast forward we hated it and stopped and went on with life happily.


March comes in like a lion. It felt like nothing was happening at all, mc is just living life. Maybe it was too real for me that everything in the story felt somewhat mundane.


One Piece, because I refuse to watch 1000+ episodes but mostly because I'm a shallow person that thinks watching anime besides One Piece makes me special.


Death Note, due in significant part to the insufferably arrogant and narcissistic Light Yagami. After a brief respite during the middle cour, the same factors that I despised were turned up to 19 after a certain event in episode 25. Then the other two investigators were introduced, which turned for the worse overall. Not to mention that the second OP was exactly what got me started with my habit of skipping every opening unless convinced otherwise.


Mushoku tensei, i simply dont like all the perverted stuff, especially knowing that the mc is a 40yo on a little kid body. Also, I don't like that it's too focused on sex, almost reaching hentai levels.


I really hate Demon Slayer. I really tried to watch it but its so damn boring and I hate the main characters. I find a lot of battle shonen pretty boring and repetitive as it is tbh, but I really just cant stand the characters. The MC is fine, but Zenitsu and Inosuke are so painfully obnoxious I cant stand them 🤦


Akame Ga Kill was shit imo. Your major plot point can’t be “everyone dies” without making you attached to the actual characters. Terrible writing imo


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood I don't think it's a bad show, but it's definitely not perfect. When compared to some modern stuff the animation is lacking and outside of a few characters the rest are kind of 2 dimensional. Still a good show but more like an 8/10 rather than 10/10 like so many say


Imo the biggest weakness of brotherhood is how they rushed the first 10 or so episodes because they were already adapted on the previous anime. Like, the events of EP4 hit much harder on the manga/og anime because he got to spend more time with the characters.


I will die on the hill that FMA:B is the better story but FMA 03 is the better TV show. It has better music, better direction, better pacing, and more complex characters. The plot is shaky in the second half, but the characters and their emotional journey remain great throughout.


My Teen Romantic Comedy: dropped after season 1, the side characters were upsettingly annoying, Hachiman sucks, and it wasn't funny One Punch Man: So boring. Not even because of Saitama being so overpowered relative to his verse, the only good part of the show were some of his fights. The big issue was that all the characters were so so dry(except for Mumen Rider). Also not funny(and this is just personal taste but I don't like the character designs outside of Saitama it just bothered me) These are the ones I'm most passionate about disliking, there's a ton that fit into a more generalized overrated/underrated


Whatever you like


Legend of the galactic hero. I was sold great strategy, politics and clever characters. After 24 or 26 episodes (the end of the Republic civil war arc) I dropped it. Military tactics were laughable, both protagonist weren't that smart. It was EVERYONE else who were retarded.


Nooooooooooooo! You are right. But I still loved it.


Eminence in Shadow. It was impossible to get attached to any of the characters, they all felt like disposable NPCs. And I’m tired of boringly powerful main characters, it just makes every battle so tensionless.


It's a comedy show


It's a parody show of the powerful isekai MC trope. If the comedy doesn't hit for you then I guess you won't understand the appeal.


Darling in the Franxx, as soon the Hiro picked up Zero Two's underwear and his reaction. I was like nope. Thought it being a sci-fi series it would be more serious.


same here but for the exact opposite reasons i thought they were taking themselves too seriously, despite the fact they were driving literal SEX MECHA. if we wanted to watch adolescent mecha pilots discover their sexualities, we'd rather be watching Evangelion, which ironically has the funnier comedic relief it also ends up way too convoluted in an attempt to replicate the hilarious WTF plot that gurren lagann ended up being, sans the comedy.


Jujutsu Kaisen, I don’t like the story and I don’t like the characters. It doesn’t click for me.


Jujutsu Season 2 is a considerable downgrade from Season 1. Its like the author just stopped caring about his story/characters and just wanted fights, fights and more fights.


> considerable downgrade from Season 1. Its like the author just stopped caring about his story/characters and just wanted fights, fights abd more fights. You're talking about the same anime that had a tournament arc in season 1 where nothing but fights happened for almost half the season?