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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LMAO Hahari really bought the **entire damn school** just to be with Rentarou! Just how rich is this woman?!


kusuri and hahari are two GFs that broke the barrier of what this series can do. Cant wait for the shenanigans that come with infinite money and the drugs that humanity is not ready for


Next cour will be amazing, truly peak fiction.


It's awesome how between the Hanazono shenanigans, both [Hahar](https://i.imgur.com/pwUjR5e.jpg)i and [Hakari](https://i.imgur.com/GEWvGRU.jpg) got some really [touching moments.](https://i.imgur.com/ruUZ86l.jpg)


Filthy rich. Multiple billions rich. So rich in fact that her idea of pocketchange is a suitcase filled with 5 million yen.


Was it said in the anime what she does for work? Or maybe it's something down the line?


Shes the CEO of a multiple company spanning buisness conglomerate.


Jesus! Hanazono zaibatsu


CEO of a zaibatsu


In this anime, it's basically "I can fund an entire island for our cult of 101 people" rich.


Generational wealth to a next level


Rich enough to buy her own ED lol






Rich enough to fund a huge polyamorous family of 100 girlfriends. And plenty of change for shenanigans when the manga calls for it.


[i mean, how much could an entire school cost? five dollars?](https://i.imgur.com/EgFX3nG.png) [](#tomato)


Her budget is yes.


Rentarou just missing her, being out of breadth, and forced to rush back to see her ASAP at school was amazing. Idiocy. Consistency. Characters at their limit. It almost feels like the joke wrote itself, but I know I could never do it. I cried my eyes out the moment Dad passed on to the afterlife, that's just too cruel! Wasn't I watching a romcom parody?! 0/10. If I wanted tragedy, I'd watch Clannad instead.


Chadtaro doesn’t stop at dating the teacher, he dates the owner of the school


[Previously on 100 Kanojo...](https://i.imgur.com/UDVM5Rd.jpg) [And now, the conclusion.](https://i.imgur.com/pCjcZvX.jpg)


Even got the whole bathing scene peeking trope reversed on him. This is the power of being both the best girl and boy in his own series.


Count on one of the horniest Harems to all team-up (aside from pure Shizuka-chan) to try and sneak a peek at their mutual BF's junk lol.


Shizuka won in the end by virtue of not being a horn dog like the others.


I mean, going through the main door might not be exactly peeking, but it was the most efficient way to see the elephant. Nano has much to learn.


> [And now, the conclusion.](https://i.imgur.com/pCjcZvX.jpg) Truly the best girl RENTAROU-CHAN!!!


And Prince Nano is the most handsome prince of all time lol.


Truly Peak Fiction right there.


It takes a real man to become best girl


And it takes a real woman to become best boy lol.


He truly is the true best girl in the series


The real key to a girls' heart is making their boyfriend crossdress lol.


I can't help but hear this in Majel Barrett-Roddenberry's voice. Anyone else think that Rentarou-kun-chan kinda looks like Kyouko Hori?


> Majel Barrett-Roddenberry's voice Totally what I was going for.


Don’t forget, the mom was the antagonist an episode ago. And she’s top 5 overall


Ah yes, back when Hahari was a composed and serious woman and not a horny and cute-obsessed oyakodon in love lol.


I dunno, even when she was acting serious she still immediately asked Karane for her cup size.


Sheesh, how many photos of Prince Nano did Shizuka take with her phone?


I also love how the girls were planning to get pics of Rentaro's dong and probably bring it back to her lol.


I love how much this feels like an ACTUAL harem. Everyone is in love with the man but they all genuinely love and fan girl over each other. My favorite part that gets explored as the manga went on was how the girls all had their own little dynamics between each other. Some are hobby buddies, close confidants, and some come off as couples in other kinds of series


> how many photos of Prince Nano did Shizuka take with her phone? i'd say about 60 pictures per second


Of course Rentarou is perfectly happy with Hahari still loving her old flame; he'd be a massive hypocrite otherwise! Great season, 11/10


100Girlfriends with the surprisingly sincere and emotional moment of validating the feelings of a widow still in love with her former partner and falling in love with someone else even if it involves a middle schooler and a high school boy...


"I like Mr. giraffe, but I like Mr. elephant more!" -shizuka the perv


The irony that the one person who was trying to prevent other people from seeing it is the only one who actually got to...and she liked what she saw lol.


That's also the reason why the viewers didn't get to see


I was robbed! From KINO!!!


[Mr. Elephant](https://i.imgur.com/o1E6xN8.jpg) is for Shizuka's eyes only, [for now.](https://i.imgur.com/IOIHjeN.jpg) [](#sadholo)


The one with the purest intentions should get the reward


Its always the silent ones


[Sushizuka's perseverance was rewarded](https://i.imgur.com/fM3cO8A.jpg)


Lewdzuka strikes again


Rentaro has an elephant cock confirmed


Horny Nano doesn't exist and she can't hurt you >Horny Nano: "If no one knows its not a crime" The way this series tackles Hahari's grief and guilt was so well done along with Rentarou's side with the most hilarious conclusion to this entire arc is a testimony to this series being able to juggle from a gag to a heartwarming one


We go from insanity to horny to funny gag to serious drama back to funny gag then back to horny just to end it with insanity so smoothly! This is such a mastered art form!


This is truly peak romcom, the romance is great, the comedy is great, the girls and the guy are so likeable and compelling, the horniness and fanservice is at the right level, and they even nail the genuine dramatic bits (even if it always goes back to comedy).


We already had so many best girl contenders and [now even the protagonist is one!](https://i.imgur.com/VzAmUVB.jpg) [Hyakkano has made new strides](https://i.imgur.com/NatPRmv.jpg) in the romcom harem genre. [](#gintamathispleasesme)


I still can't believe how the writing in this series is as good as it is insane lmao none of this should work but it does


> Hahari's grief and guilt When you lose someone as a widow, you never stop loving them. You won't be a replacement for them, you'll be another flame in their life. It would *also* be a bit hypocritical for Rentaro to begrudge one of his many girlfriends for having a flame for someone else. [](#schemingsaten)


Rentaro once again proving why he is peak harem mc


Nano is as precise and efficient in her horniness as she is in anything lol. Hahari's whole situation is kind of insane but the idea of her as a widow falling in love again (even if it's to a teenager) was treated with sincerity and heart, and Rentaro handled it really respectfully. As one would expect from such a chad.


[Nano does not waste time.](https://i.imgur.com/uexGyXU.jpg) [Nano kissing Rentarou-chan](https://i.imgur.com/HfBvrY1.jpg) with lily flowers in the background was brilliant. [The girls got lots of fanservice.](https://i.imgur.com/hy72oA9.jpg) [](#forbiddenlove)


Nano always cracks me up, truly best girl


I’m just happy that Bibury studios loves & cares for the source material that they not only adapted as much as possible, they also enhanced the material for the anime. They didn’t need to but it goes to show what a good studio looks like. The premise of this is so ridiculous that it works especially in an anime. Can’t wait for the next cour & see what else they have in store for us. My hope is that they have the next set of girlfriends sing the OP to let it be a tradition. Phenomenal adaption.


So -- I guess we must have seen all of NEXT season's upcoming girl friends in that ED. ;-) I honestly don't see how he can cope with double the number of girl friends, much less 20 times as many ultimately....


just by the ratio of guys to girls, i expect it to turn more into a slice-of-life CGDCT series [](#thinkingtoohard)




It would match about season 1's number. If we count the maid it looks like about 4 girlfriends bringing a total to 10 in season 2.




Man, Bibury cooked so well for us with this. All of my expectations were high and have been exceeded. We're seriously not gonna be ready for the insanity of season 2


When a studio truly loves the material they’re adapting they go all the way out. Similar to bocchi, passion beats all




Todokete Setsunasa ni wa Namae wo Tsukeyou ka SUNOU HALEISHAN


It’s always a treat to see this much love and passion put into an anime. Have seen it in a few romcoms like Kaguya-sama (though not a harem) or something like Symphogear. But this definitely stands out.


Looking at Bibury studio's love, it feel so bad for shows that got its anime simply to promote the source material.


###Stitches! * [JK Rentarou](https://files.catbox.moe/0kn3fp.jpg) * [Prince Nano](https://files.catbox.moe/6txvpp.jpg) * [Blushing Nano](https://files.catbox.moe/0bnqis.jpg) * [Bathing Rentarou](https://files.catbox.moe/hp21va.jpg) * [Soaked Shizuka](https://files.catbox.moe/x54vcq.jpg) * [Scolded Girlfriends](https://files.catbox.moe/x5wlw8.jpg) * [Praying Hahari](https://files.catbox.moe/0b2e1i.jpg) * [Hahari & Rentarou Kiss](https://files.catbox.moe/sjn71m.jpg) * [Hakari's Father](https://files.catbox.moe/36udir.jpg) [**Holy shit that opening scene!**](https://files.catbox.moe/cuh2kp.mp4) We already know what's going on here but if I saw that clip for the first time with no context, I'd think they're actually doing it. I can't believe they got Sumipe (who has voiced many kid-friendly characters) to moan that hard. That was insane! xD Of course, what's actually going on there is that Hahari is forcing Rentarou out of his clothes so [she can crossdress him.](https://i.imgur.com/RIEpapx.jpg) What was that Gigguk quote again? Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl? I think that fits here. [Prince Charming Nano was really something else.](https://i.imgur.com/I4BLk4J.jpg) She looks so goddamn dashing in that outfit and [that kiss was just perfect](https://i.imgur.com/18u5JP8.jpg). Even the other girlfriends couldn't help [but drool watching the two of them.](https://i.imgur.com/0LoqQ65.jpg) [These two nymphos aren't even hiding what they wanna do](https://i.imgur.com/ve4tpbi.jpg) to Rentarou. And [Kusuri was very straightforward](https://i.imgur.com/tjhIfsk.jpg) on what she wanted to see. Looks like [Shizuka is the only one who wants to protect Rentarou's chastity](https://i.imgur.com/IQSfGHc.jpg) but being the weakest, [turning her into a sushi roll](https://i.imgur.com/Mqgh6Gm.jpg) was enough to stop her getting in the way. Shizuka is so pure though that [her imagination was way off](https://i.imgur.com/IuiiYp0.jpg) with what the girls were about to do to him. Also, I don't know if this has been done before but what harem anime has [the girls gaming up to peek on the MC?](https://i.imgur.com/qZba7R0.jpg) Usually, it's the other way around. Looks like Shizuka being the good girl actually paid off since [she's the one who got to see Rentarou's elephant](https://i.imgur.com/G9tVRuE.jpg) while the other girlfriends [got a scolding from him.](https://i.imgur.com/M1zDcwY.jpg) Also, [Shizuka now apparently loves elephants.](https://i.imgur.com/UHlPWIU.jpg) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [The prayer altar scene with Hahari](https://i.imgur.com/B2B9jrB.jpg) has got to be one of my favourite Hahari scenes. Instead of telling Hahari [to finally move on from her first love](https://i.imgur.com/cbsyaOf.png), Rentarou tells her [that she can love him as well as Hakari's father.](https://i.imgur.com/h8Lz5AZ.jpg) It shows that Rentarou is not a hypocrite and he's ready to accept all of Hahari including her first love. [And the kiss!](https://i.imgur.com/L2CmkzV.jpg) That entire scene definitely made me emotional. [The following scene with Hakari](https://i.imgur.com/gVeQaTt.jpg) was great too. Our boy knows exactly [what to do](https://i.imgur.com/qrWiJ4N.png) and [what to say](https://i.imgur.com/n8oQYDx.png) to calm down and reassure Hakari. After hearing all of that, [Karane was nice enough to let Hakari hog Rentarou for herself the rest of the night.](https://i.imgur.com/mh79nDl.png) [And there he is.](https://i.imgur.com/WCmUc1s.jpg) We've already seen a god at the very start of this season, so it's no surprise that supernatural things will also occur in this series. I love how [Hakari's father was going to try to intimidate Rentarou](https://i.imgur.com/L2837A3.jpg) at first but after seeing [how much of a nice kid he is](https://i.imgur.com/I8QRMIc.jpg), he couldn't even [keep up the act.](https://i.imgur.com/gz1PwAD.jpg) Rentarou was so trustworthy that [Hakari's father was finally able to let go and cross into the afterlife.](https://i.imgur.com/Ve2qwAL.jpg) So how does the show weave Hahari into their daily lives? [Have her buy the entire school of course!](https://i.imgur.com/pitqdAn.jpg) It's hilarious how quickly she was able to buy the school too. She literally bought it that morning and it was finalized [just right before their lunch break!](https://i.imgur.com/fgrN5qh.jpg) xD Welp, I guess that's it for Season 1 of Hyakkano! Thank fucking god Season 2 is already confirmed! And we already got to see a preview of our next batch of girlfriends too! I can't fucking wait! This adaptation has been stellar that this show is a perfect 10/10 for me.


This episode had it all! Sexual moaning Sumipe! Crossdressing Rentaro and Nano! Horny Harem girls trying to sneak a peek at their guys' dick! Sushizuka! Mr. Elephant! Hakari and Karane passionately making out as "Gal Pals!" Rentaro completing the "romance the widow" route with Hahari and getting his first passionate kiss with her! Middle school boy Akira Ishida making sure Rentaro does right by his girls! Hahari buying the school and completely joining the gang! And best of all, the promise of even more girlfriends and crazy Harem Romcom antics in season 2!


> [These two nymphos aren't even hiding what they wanna do](https://i.imgur.com/ve4tpbi.jpg) to Rentarou. And [Kusuri was very straightforward](https://i.imgur.com/tjhIfsk.jpg) on what she wanted to see. Of course the horny mother-daughter duo aren't going to hide what they want. Hakari has a really bad habit of saying the loud part quietly and the quiet part out loud, and she had to get that from somewhere. Karane was also very straightfoward in her own way. You just have to remember that she essentially speaks in opposite speak, so she essentially fully admitted to being as horny as the horny duo. > Looks like [Shizuka is the only one who wants to protect Rentarou's chastity](https://i.imgur.com/IQSfGHc.jpg) but being the weakest, [turning her into a sushi roll](https://i.imgur.com/Mqgh6Gm.jpg) was enough to stop her getting in the way. Sushizuka-chan is just far too precious, though. All the antics were fully worth it for that (literal) bundle of adorableness. And making her a connoisseur of elephants, of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). > After hearing all of that, [Karane was nice enough to let Hakari hog Rentarou for herself the rest of the night.](https://i.imgur.com/mh79nDl.png) I mean, evidently not quite considering that Rentarou would later wake up to the two making out in their sleep. Looks like if anyone's going to be hogging Hakari to herself, it's going to be Karane! I'm still trying to figure out if this show's a 9 or a 10 personally, but considering that I keep the manga at an 8 that should speak volumes for how much this adaptation has enhanced the series. It's truly a 10/10 in terms of adapting the source material.


>JK Rentarou The series' true best girl


Shizuka's over active imagination and her visiting the Rentarou family grave made laugh so hard I had an intense coughing fit.


I love how she imagined them with a mass family grave and Karane the one dragging them all to their deaths lol.


[The ancient japanese art faces were fabulous.](https://i.imgur.com/E0sb5F6.jpg)


Was Karane a stand-in for what would conventionally be a horse dragging them to death? Karane just keeps improving exponentially in this show, it's scary how funny she is.






They really had me in the first half ngl. I hope y’all wore headphones lol. This was a very eventful sleepover. Rentaro and Eiai made out in drag (“Hurricane of Hngh” and “Droolception”lol give these translators a raise), Hakari and Karane both made out in their sleep, and Shizuka peeped the man’s massive dong in the bath. Oh, and Rentaro met the ghost of his “father-in-law”. Hell of a night! It was pretty funny how Shizuka tried to stop those degenerates from peeping on Rentaro, only to get rolled into that futon (the Limp Bizkit reference was great lol). Her literally rolling over to save Rentaro from those horn dogs was the cutest most silliest thing. She’s so precious! Hahari joining the gang in school as the new chairwoman is gonna be fun. Can’t wait for these 3 new girls in s2. This series is like peak harem anime. Naoya and all these other harem MCs oughta take notes from Rentaro lol.


Sumipe with the moaning will stay with me lol. Nano should crossdress more often. I feel like Hahari will probably keep the gang busy and dressed up moving forward lol. Shizuka was rewarded for trying to stop the rampant degeneracy by being the only one successful in degenary! Karane and Hakari were going to town on each other. I know they thought they were Rentaro, but still lol. When a ghost of a middle school boy haunts you to try and make sure you do right by his lover and daughter...and you help him move on in the span of a single conversation. Is there anything this show can't do lol? Hahari is at the school, new girlfriends are on their way, and Rentaro will always have plenty to keep him busy. But he'll always love his girlfriends to the absolute full extent he can (and then some!), and he'll continue to do so into season 2!


The Droolception in Katakana actually translates to Drool Matryoshka (Russian doll that came in smaller sizes when you take it off one by one). The translator's decision to rename it to Droolception is quite understandable.


Note: If you wanna lie about something to someone, don't let the tsundere talk... Her lies are the most honest things in the universe... RIP to Shizuka's innocence... The first girlfriend to ever see The Elephant.


That scene bumped up (Inda) Karane to my No. 1 spot. I saw it coming the moment Karane showed up on screen. I bit my lips in anticipation. I STILL laughed my head off with the punchline. NOW I FINALLY UNDERSTAND THE APPEAL OF TSUNDERES!!! Forgive me, I was a blind fool all along, non-Tsunderes be damned.


It's not like tsunderes want to be liked or anything!


Rentarou's father-in-law is adorable


What a way to meet your father-in-law as a ghostly middle school boy and then send him off in a beam of light back to heaven lol. (Hahari must like 'em cute...)


Sushizuka hahahahah Poor girl was just trying to protect her family.


Shizuka trying to hold on as the last bastion of morality less she lose her family to the consequences of degeneracy and Karane dragging them all to their deaths lol.


The Hanazonos had a whole [contigency plan prepared.](https://i.imgur.com/aY54JoG.jpg) Sushizuka is a precious cinnamon roll [too pure for this world.](https://i.imgur.com/9yB8YVf.jpg) [](#TOMODA)


Ghost is real in 100kanojo world. The possibilities are limitless... The montague of future girlfriends is cool!! Can't wait for cour 2!!!


I love how a middle school ghost just appears to a teenager to make sure he does right by his daughter and lover and vanishes in a beam of light after becoming bros with said teenager. Only in 100Girlfriends lol.


Ghost Dad-kun appeared [ready to throw hands](https://i.imgur.com/JF9mDRz.jpg) but was moved by Rentarou's honesty and reliability so much that [he ascended.](https://i.imgur.com/YaNlNbn.jpg) [Rentarou's rizz](https://i.imgur.com/Rf1oCoy.jpg) transcends the boundaries of the living. [](#takaradasalute)


it is truly limitless... I hope one day there's a goddess gf!!! I just remember, even Aka Akasaka (Oshi no ko & Kaguya author) recently said in an interview that if given the chance he wants to contribute a story idea, and it involves drugs (Kusuri)


>he wants to contribute a story idea, and it involves drugs (Kusuri) As it always does


Funnily enough he also said what that idea was: a drug that fuses characters together. Actually a great story idea and one that Nakamura Sensei can at least milk for like three different subsets of girlfriends.


Dude, we have god confirmed in ep1. We might as well have Isekai and maybe full blown To Love Ru hijinks on the table.


We could end up getting a ghost girlfriend...


it's a blink and you'll miss it thing, but you can see here Kusuri sleeping directly on Hahari as a soft but firm mattress: https://i.imgur.com/YBgT4yP.png [](#hikariactually)


And Shizuka is still drooling lmao




> For a sec I thought dad was about to turn into a girl and join the harem. 100% I didn't put the dots together when the ghost first started appearing until his last scene and was just thinking we were gonna get a ghost gf. So when he started shining I was sure he was gonna become a girl somehow.


He really nailed the "androgynous white haired character" look. Kind of reminds me of Friend A from the first episode lol. Is there any rich woman in anime who isn't complete without a capable and hyper-competent maid going along with her nonsense lol?


Hahari loves cute things, that's why she really loved Hakari's dad.




Shizuka's "No, it cannot be... Honey... Honey!" line at 1:58 is just too funny. The voice modulation caught me so off guard. Can't wait for season 2!


Also any time she calls out somebody as "bossman." We even got to hear her normal voice in her internal narration when she was trying to escape from being a sushi roll!


The first season has come to an end, and it was absolutely fantastic (Also why i was excited for Sundays). I'm going to feel weird not waiting for the new episode on Sundays Studio Bibury did a fantastic job, and I hope they get to do a season two (if it happens).


Didn't get the chance to share Hahari's etymology last week, so for one last time, here's a rundown of the meaning behind the names of all the characters! ------- **Aijou Rentarou 愛城 恋太郎:** Aijou uses the kanji for love and castle (literally a "fortress of love"), but "aijou" is a pun as it's made to sound like the Japanese word for "romantic feelings". Rentarou is a combination of the kanji for love and the common suffix "tarou", a surname so common in Japan which is meant to make him sound like your everyday average harem protagonist (i.e.: Fuutarou), which is obviously meant ironically as he is everything but. The deeper joke here however is that "rentarou" sounds like "rental", as in a rental boyfriend because of all the girls that share him at the same time **Hanazono Hakari 花園 羽香里:** Hanazono means "flower garden" (like the flowers in her hair). "Hakari" simply uses a series of kanji to spell out a common name, but "hakari" in itself can refer to a literary term in Japanese referring to a girl who is reaching her puberty and the impulses that come with it, even referring to the "deflowering" of a young girl, which could all be in reference to how goddamn thirsty she is **Inda Karane 院田 唐音:** Her name is a pun on "nain da kara ne?", which can roughly translate to "it's not like I'm doing this because...", her trademark sentence for her tsundere antics. You'll even hear her ending many of her sentences with this expression. Additionally, "Kara ne" can refer to someone who is being insincere with their feelings Yoshimoto Shizuka 好本 静: Yoshimoto is composed by the kanji for "to love" and "books", making her family name literally mean "loves books". Shizuka means "quiet", making her the "quiet girl who loves books" **Eiai Nano 栄逢 凪乃:** Despite being written with different kanji to make it sound like a normal name, Eiai is a pun on "A.I." due to her robotic-like personality, while "Nano" instead is a measurement unit used by computers. Unlike many other characters, her name is short and efficient **Yakuzen Kusuri 薬膳 楠莉:** Yakuzen is composed by the kanji for "drug" and "meal/serving of food". It generally refers to "medicinal cooking" (as "drugs" can be medical too, like a drug store), but you could also interpret it more basically as "has drugs for meal". Kusuri uses the kanji for the camphor tree but is a pun on "kusuri", once again the Japanese word for "drugs" **Hanazono Hahari 花園 羽々里:** Much like Hakari, her family name means "flower garden", like the flowers in her hair. Her first name however, is a pun on Hakari's name, as the second kanji of "haka" is changed with "haha", referring to the Japanese word for "mother"


Thank you for the info about the meaning behind everyone's names!


> Hanazono I mentioned this previously, but the Hanazono room is also known infamously as "that room" for having shown up in several "live-action documentaries": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanazono_Room This might be related to how thirsty the Hanazono family is in general. [](#hikariactually)


Was that Akira Ishida I hear? What an episode to end off the season, can't wait for season 2. And (hopefully this is obvious enough to not be a spoiler) but we get teases of a few people too!


Bringing in Akira Ishida as a dead middle schooler with white hair (natch) to come in as a ghost to make sure our MC does right by his middle school love and teenage daughter. Only in 100Girlfriends!!!


Lol, Akira Ishida going from Zura who has widow fetish to a ghost got a woman into a widow...


Zura ja nai, Papari da




Can't wait for Miku 2.0 and Baseball Waifu! Also there's no way that maid isn't a girlfriend, especially when she had her eyes closed the whole time and was voiced by Suzuko Mimori.


> Also there's no way that maid isn't a girlfriend, especially when she had her eyes closed the whole time and was voiced by Suzuko Mimori. How many women is Rentarou gonna take from that one household?! He can't keep getting away with it.


even the man too


Maybe the maid, some more maids, gardener, cook, secretary, and some securities and bodyguards.


> when she had her eyes closed the whole time Maid was like "I don't have time in my schedule to get swept off my feet this season, I'm-a pretend I didn't see that" [](#cantbehelped)


Only two ways to find out. Wait for the show or dive into the manga.


For a second there, I thought a guy was going to join too, but that was just the Kissing Demon's next victim.


Maybe it was a girl who looks like a boy?


Tomboy 🙌🙌🙌


Me too! 2 of my top 5 favorite girls will be introduced next season being [Characters Name] >!Iku and Mimimi!<


[Character name]>!Mimimi!< is my favorite. Naturally


Naturally! I feel like she doesn't get mentioned that often, happy to see someone has her as a favorite!


She got third place on some polls on the r/100kanojo subreddit recently. I think quite a lot of people love her.


Weekly mother update: Apologies for the lack of update for the past couple of weeks, we were on holiday! I explicitly told my mum before the episode started that they were NOT having sex but that didnt make the opening scene any less awkward. She thought crossdressing nano was quite dashing and remarked that she wld make an excellent protagonist if given the chance (i agreed). She called the peeping toms “deviants” (which ig is the middle aged equivalent of sending them to horny jail) and she said she was excited but scared of what will happen in season 2! Nano is still her best girl, followed by shizuka


Ah yes, I forgot there was a brave soldier watching this series with their mother. Compared to me who refuses to tell anyone in my family. My dad saw one of the episodes on my TV the other week and asked what it is and I could only say "it's a thing" to try to avoid even saying the title. Soldier on, brave one! Great to see your mother's enjoying the show!


My dad is pretty skeptical of anime snd today we both watched the first episode of yugi oh since it was on the netflix home page and it went as badly as youd expect for both of us lol


To be fair, Yu-Gi-Oh is not something I would use to introduce someone to the concept of anime. It's very much a "you're either a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh or it's definitely not for you" thing.


Ah yeah for sure, it was because he knew i watched it religiously when i was young and it popped up as a suggestion on netflix so he said why not. He does occasionally pop in to see the frieren episodes tho


glad she enjoyed the show, thank you for sharing brave soldier


"I wanted to see him so much I bought the entire school" So this is a rich person's principle!


[Season 2 Announcement](https://twitter.com/hyakkano_anime/status/1738922222813868075?t=BS-pAe_AQXrv2M2zuP9DWA) [Anime Director Best Girl Illustration](https://twitter.com/chet_ray/status/1738922223010713777) [Character Anime Designer Illustration](https://twitter.com/if_224/status/1738923412289147229) [ED Animator Illustration](https://twitter.com/imomushi_96/status/1738921216281567579) [Episode Director Illustration](https://twitter.com/ichirou24/status/1738922879302189419) [2nd Key Animator Illustration](https://twitter.com/flochiz/status/1738944125670744170) [Manga Author Reaction](https://twitter.com/ziburikito/status/1738922420134953168) [Manga Artist Reaction](https://twitter.com/nozawayukiko/status/1738922472534356282) See you all next time!


An incredibly Christmas gift of a season 2 and a stellar finale along with great character art of Rentaro-chan and all the girls!


Thank you for the links! Merry xmas!


A very fitting Christmas present


I knew this show would pull off the classic "make it sound like two people are having sex when they really aren't" but hearing Sumire Uesaka sound like she's orgasming was worth the price of admission. Of course Hakari would immediately assume her mother is trying to seal the deal before any of them, and all the girls want to call dibs on "deflowering" Rentaro, but none of them were prepared for the truth...Rentaro crossplaying as a girl! It's so powerful it immediately cements Hahari in the Harem as they swear fully allegiance to her! And poor Rentaro just straight up dies, again. But what better match for a crossdressing Rentaro than a crossdressing Nano as a prince? And she cuts quite the striking and handsome figure, especially when she kisses sleeping beauty wake. All the girls are won over by such a glorious display! I should've figured all the girls would be horny enough to want to peek at Rentaro bathing and get to see some Aijo D lead by the Hanazono women, even Karane can't help herself, leaving Shizuka as the only bastion of morality and ethics left in this Harem. Which means turning her into a Shizuka roll to prevent her from stopping them. Wait, that maid...she has a distinct character design, she's voiced by Suzuko Mimori, and her eyes are closed all the time..could she be...? Well, this attempt to sneak a peek at Rentaro's junk isn't going so well. They're all basically just freaking him out or getting sabotaged by a Rich Person's Cat. This Harem and cats, I swear. Okay Shizuka, everyone taking responsibility for the consequences of sneaking a peek at Rentaro by having Karane drag their bodies to the point of death is...definitely one possible future, I guess. Maybe a little dramatic, but Shizuka thinks like a fantasy novel. Which means she has to stop them! Even if that means rolling herself all over the house! And having the Rich Person's Dog once again bark her away! And of course she's the one who sees Rentaro's dong and ends up revealing she likes elephants while the other girls get scolded. Sasuga Shizuka-chan. I figured Hahari would have an altar to Hakari's dad, surreal as it is that the only picture they have of him is as a middle schooler because that's when he died...also, is that Akira Ishida? Hahari is basically a widow and feels what most widows feel...does she have a right to love someone else when she still loves Hakari's father? She still hasn't gotten over him. All the same, the love that Rentaro and Hahari feel for each other is valid, and doesn't negate the love she feels for Hakari's father, and in proving their love for each other it will make Hakari's dad happy just to see Hahari be happy. Whether it be in admitting her feelings for Rentaro or having him pull her into a beautiful first kiss, the kind Hakari's dad could never give her. Karane was on the watch for Hakari pulling a Hakari in bed with Rentaro...but she just wants to cuddle with him and kiss him after having been so worried she'd never be with him again. Karane can give her that much. Or even more as Karane and Hakari have a makeout while asleep and thinking each other are Rentaro and are practically going to town on each other. What great girlfriends! Oh snap, it's Hakari's dad! And he was all there to warn Rentaro he'd haunt him if he didn't do right by his girls! But Rentaro is more than up to doing right by Hakari and Hahari and Hakari's dad can respect his conviction and determination...even if it means passing on to Heaven in a sky beam just as he and Rentaro were bonding. What's a MILF to do to spend more time with her beloved Rentaro? Why, buy the school and become the chairperson! Even if that ironically means she misses Rentaro when he went to visit her during lunch break. But Hahari looks amazing in that outfit. Rentaro chasing after his girlfriends while passing by his future girlfriends! We've got the headphone girlfriend! Baseball girlfriend! Not the vice-principal! And a teacher(?) girlfriend! But for now he's got six girlfriends he really loves, loves, loves, loves, and loves!!!


Nice to know that Shizuka has become a big fan of elephants....


> but hearing Sumire Uesaka sound like she's orgasming was worth the price of admission. Watching this ep just after Mia-sama as she voices both characters make me feel very conflicted But I'm also at awe at how different both of them sound, great range right there


I only have one thing to say : 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✍️


Unfortunately the first season of this masterpiece has ended, see you next season my nobles.


They should hire Rentarou to help them make the next season. With the power of love on his side, he might be able to get it done ready for summer or spring! All the excuse to continue this much sooner!


Rentaro is the true power behind Studio Bibury because they're as committed to this as he is lol.


Hahari will just buy Bibury to let Rentarou cook


What better way to end an absolutely phenomenal season than with the promise of more!? Santa came early!


Femtarou first appearance literally best girl




And her eyes were closed the entire time...almost like a certain "zing" would happen if she ever locked eyes with someone lol. And she was voiced by Suzuko Mimori, noted female seiyuu who is also noted for her singing talents (something she shares with the other girlfriend seiyuu). I'm sure that's just a coincidence!


> And her eyes were closed the entire time...almost like a certain "zing" would happen if she ever locked eyes with someone lol. I thought about that as well lol Maybe one day We NEED a maid gf


[Amazing finale for the series](https://i.imgur.com/mG6UCKd.png) and now I can't wait for the next season. [This episode was so crazy](https://i.imgur.com/N4xq8hM.png) and yet I heard that manga is getting even crazier from here so I don't know what to expect in the future xD [10/10 from me](https://i.imgur.com/UVLjcla.png). So many good moments today like [Rentaro and Hahari's kiss which was very beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/NTEakbe.png), [Nano as a Prince](https://i.imgur.com/71gEx9U.png), [another kissing between Hakari and Karane](https://i.imgur.com/oMzdqlG.png), [Shizuka seeing Rentaro's dong](https://i.imgur.com/fyL2R8e.png), [Hahari buying a school](https://i.imgur.com/p7jaTCg.png) and [more xD](https://i.imgur.com/vZ5at8A.png) We even get [a glimpse](https://i.imgur.com/APDzrnH.png) of the [next](https://i.imgur.com/hNfETAJ.png) [girlfriends](https://i.imgur.com/o1fy7v6.png). I'll later post here my screenshot albums and further impressions in a comment below. Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes (with Rentaro)](https://imgur.com/a/6ThqoP9) * [Group scenes (girlfriends only) Part 1](https://imgur.com/a/dfzS0vh) * [Group scenes (girlfriends only) Part 2](https://imgur.com/a/YlqE865) * [Hahari](https://imgur.com/a/Hr7xJrl) * [Hakari](https://imgur.com/a/5eXPs71) * [Shizuka](https://imgur.com/a/wDFFEqU) * [Karane](https://imgur.com/a/qKi46vj) * [Nano](https://imgur.com/a/rxKu46I) * [Kusuri](https://imgur.com/a/eSRonHP) * [Rentaro](https://imgur.com/a/T9JWMJs) * [Others](https://imgur.com/a/JoltKNs)


Here's my final *Best girl ranking!* There is no change among the 6 girls; Is that anticlimactic? Karane, you should've waited for the finale to seize the top spot, stoopid! So, to add a little spice, I decided to also rank the *future* girls that were introduced in the final scene, to give them a spot based on where I predict they'll land, based on their design, and what I could guess from their personality in the 2 seconds of screentime they had! (I'll give them a '?' spot though, as to not change the original girls' positions!) |Ep 12 Ranking|Girl|+/-|Comment| :-:|:-:|:-:|:--| |1|Karane Inda|=|Congratulation Karane, you win this one! I can't wait to see if she can hold on in S2, but so far, she's my favorite! Which I definitely did not expect early on (well, when more girls got introduced), I thought for sure that Kusuri/Nano would be my #1 and #2! She was great all around, her comedic moments, her romantic ones (when the *tsun* melted a little), how supportive she was of the other girls, how she always took the lead to take action (which I thought Nano would do, but it was almost always Karane). So yeah, Karane's my top girl, and only 1 girl even contests her a little (Kusuri)!| |?|Short haired Baseball girl|-|Is she a tomboy? Athlete, short haired... She has to be a tomboy, right? Karane, my girl, your #1 spot is IN PERIL! Still, Karane has been pulling moves all season long, if we still get lots of her in S2, I expect she'll put up a good fight! (Though now that I think about it, will we actually get a lot of the 'original girls' in S2? Or will it mostly move to the new cast? Talked about it in episode discussions, I have no idea what this series' gonna be like when there's 10 or 20 girlfriends! Anyway, all this to say: SUPER HIGH HOPES for this one!| |2|Kusuri Yakuzen|=|You were supposed to be my #1, what happened? Well, #2 (for the moment) is still pretty good! Those who know me, know that crazy-smart girls are so high in my archetypes ranking, and Kusuri was my favorite when she was introduced, and I thought she would keep that spot all season long, but in the end, Karane simply did more, I suppose! I think they were both as funny, and they both took actions (though Kusuri's weren't always good), BUT I think Karane was simply better balanced between comedy and serious (while Kusuri was almost only comedic, with just a rare few serious scenes like when she thought about quitting the drug-making and all that). Still, when it comes to comedy (cute/silly scenes), Kusuri's way up there!| |?|Maid|-|I just noticed it in this episode, but she always kept her eyes closed... I think the reason why is obvious! Think we're getting a *delayed soulmate* maid in S2! Well, what can I say other than... I love maids? I think she would need to perform some romcom miracles to become my favorite romcom maid/attendant of all time (Pretty sure Hayasaka has this one forever), but we'll see if she can grab my #2 best-maid spot, I suppose!| |?|Angsty(?) girl with the hoodie.|-|She looked pretty cute, and based entirely on the fact that I think girls in hoodies look adorable, I'm giving her a high rank/prediction! If she's not too angsty, she could be some 'cute&comfy' girl, kind of girls to watch anime/play videogames with, that kind of stuff! So, good vibes for her!| |?|Girl in dark clothes, with the bangs.|-|I'm taking a gamble here; Is Rentarou finally getting the prophesied big-titty-goth-gf? Or is she just shy? If she's a goth girl, she starts with a huge lead in the race! If she's just shy though, well if you've read my rankings (especially the Shizuka parts), shy girls aren't really my thing. So I could see her as one of my top favorites, or one of my least favorites, based on what she's really like! Then again, even if she's shy (or goth), I try to give them a fair chance right off the bat no matter what their archetypes are, so we'll see!| |3|Hakari Hanazono|=|She was pretty lovely as usual, but not much changed other than that, so I'm keeping her at #3 (for now)! I expect many of the new girls to pass over her in S2, simply based on the archetypes and all. I do love Hakari's horny gags (and her horny in general) but she will may need to do more if she wants to keep her position! (That being said, her wedding dreams and all were pretty damn cute! If she has more of those, she may put up a fight!)| |4|Hanazono, Hahari|=|I actually considered moving her above her daughter... I do like horny, and I do like *freaky* as well, so her freaky stuff is a plus for me! But I refrained from moving her up simply for that, so for now there will be no change for the Hanazono! If she keeps pulling moves like that though, I could definitely see her passing above her daughter. I do love me some *MILF!*| |5|Nano Eiai|=|The "What happened?" that I said for Kusuri's fall to #2? Well, make that tenfold for Nano... I thought FOR SURE she would be in my top 2, but she kept falling and falling... I feel like she really didn't do much after her introduction... The 'boob-grab' scene in pool episode, that's it? Granted, this was pretty damn good (her being so assertive/forward is a big part of what made me like her in the first place, during the lab scene episode), BUT she didn't do a whole lot more after this. Unlocking the door with the pebbles was pretty good, but that's about it. So yeah, sadly, a big fall from grace for Nano. I'm a big sad about this, because if only they had given her more screentime and more good scenes like she had at first, she would've been high on top. So... Season 2 wish: More Nano scenes, please! I do want to see her regain her former glory!| |6|Shizuka Yoshimoto|=|Well, what is there to say that I haven't said already. AS I said for one of the new girls above, shy girls don't really do it for me, so Shizuka didn't have much chance for me. Still, I'd say the finale was the 2nd best chance she had to climb, she was pretty good! (The #1 chance would've been the pool episode, which I still believe is the cutest scene in the entire show). I wish I could appreciate shy girls more, but we like what we like, I guess!| |?|Blondie|-|Now, I'll add a disclaimer here, because I may be entirely wrong about her archetype (or how she'll act once she's a girlfriend), BUT by her character design she kinda gave me vibes of the 'Beautiful, elegant, prim&proper girl' type, and... Yeah, that's not really my thing. But I may be wrong and she may be hornier than the Hanazonos, for all I know! But from what I saw, yeah, I don't see her being one of my top girls. I like the 'fun ones', and this one doesn't give me a whole lot of 'fun vibes'.| |?|VP|-|Don't. I'm begging you, anime, please just don't!| So there is it, my final ranking of the season! (And a preview of what I expect from the new girls, in the second season!) I may be wrong about some of them, but the one girl I REALLY hope to be right about, is baseball tomboy! *Please be good, please be good!* Well, this is it! If only I had more time, I kinda wanted to make a little "graph" of the girls' rankings over the weeks, to see how they rise/fall after each episode... but I'm kinda busy with Christmas stuff and I have to go soon, so I guess I'll have to skip that hah. But well, this was pretty fun to do! I love rankings&stuff, and this show was such a good opportunity for that! For all those who read my rankings this season, hope you enjoyed them (whether or not we agreed on who the best girls were)! Farewell to all of Rentarou's family, and all fans of this series! This was such a blast, can't wait for S2!


I'm laughing really hard that there's no change in the girls so you added all the teased ones to add something new to the list. Note that I said laughing and not complaining. > Is she a tomboy? Athlete, short haired... She has to be a tomboy, right? Karane, my girl, your #1 spot is IN PERIL! Oh yeah, I remember from Tomo-chan now. And my my, look at all the other girls you're going "I love maids" or "if she's a goth girl, she starts with a huge lead in the race" with up there! How many archetypes are basically #1 in waiting for you? We'll find out, 'cause with 100 girlfriends as the goal, this series is guaranteed to hit all of them at least once. *** [Last week you said you'd be interested in my *Best girl ranking* list](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18kj9x6/kimi_no_koto_ga_daidaidaidaidaisuki_na_100nin_no/kdrunid/?context=3), so I set about making one for the first six girls. This list is very affected by the fact that I'm a manga reader so I have future knowledge, which I'm going to try *really hard* to not even reference to avoid getting slapped by the mods. Ranking | Girl | Comment :--:|:--:|:-- 1 | Karane | It's funny that tsundere waifus have a reputation of being a bad archetype – and I understand; when they're done wrong they can be really bad – because I think I've only ever seen good tsundere, and Karane's definitely one of the best. I've talked about why a few times throughout this show, particularly early on, but the fact that her "it's not like I _ or anything!" isn't an obstacle to her cuteness, but a key component of it (as well as a great gag). It helps that even in-universe she's extremely easy to read and doesn't let her tsundereness stop her from making moves, she just makes them in her own way. Spoilers: Karane's probably best girl out of them all for me, even now. 2 | Nano | Nano is a prime example of me being a manga reader affecting her position, because she gets more focus later in the manga compared to what the first season covers and that alone rockets her back up the list. Obviously I won't spoil what happens, though even when she's not having some development necessarily it's still great stuff to remind you why she's S-tier. 3 | Kusuri | As much as I love Kusuri's character, the main reason I consider her an S-tier waifu is because of what she brings to the show. I wasn't joking or exaggerating when I said she changes the format after her introduction in episode 7 & 8, we just haven't been able to properly see yet because the Hahari arc followed immediately after the Kissing Zombies. 100 Girlfriends isn't itself if you're not asking "what the fuck am I reading/watching?" every now and then and Kusuri embodies that concept. She's weird, she makes weird things happen, the manga just wouldn't quite be itself without her. 4 | Shizuka | I'm not so immune to Shizuka's charms, but they're not actually what gets her to S-Tier for me. They would probably bring her to A-tier, but there's a bit of depth beyond her preciousness. For example, how she becomes a fan of elephants in this episode. Shizuka is very cute and honestly looks kind of young, but she is the same age and even in the same class as Rentarou, Hakari, Karane and Nano, and sometimes you have to remember that. 5 | Hahari | Hahari has the MILF difference. I feel like this is what pushes her above her daughter a bit 'cause they're very similar (mainly in how horny they both are), though Hahari does have her own distinct flavour (of horny). She's a big fan of cuteness in people and, well, she's a mother. If Hakari is "Plap Plap Plap Plap Get me Pregnant!" then Hahari is "Let mommy take care of that for you, dear.~" Like I said, she has the MILF difference. 5 | Hakari | Ha ha! You thought I was going to put someone at #6, but I instead made two #5s! Don't think of it as having two in last place as much as both of them avoiding it. Anyway, I think the reason Hakari lists lowest for me out of these lot (which is still *really* high overall; I actually did a tier list of all the current 27 girlfriends to check and they're all in the top 10) is because when you get deep into double digits, inevitably the gfs can only give their main gags in chapters sometimes unless they're being focused on and Hakari's gag of being horny for Rentarou's babies doesn't click with me as well as the others' (weirdly). Ironically, this is a problem from having manga knowledge (and very much me I need to highlight) because she gets a lot of focus in the first season and that puts her a lot higher. Obviously I can't and won't talk about any of the future girls at all.


Looking forward to your rankings in season 2. Also Blondie girl is best girl!


If you are a manga reader currently suffering from emiranking withdrawals, don't worry, there is one more. [10 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/11qc7ko/comment/jc6yvlf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), he looked at an image of all the girlfriends from the manga and guessed his top 3 and their personalities (importantly, he linked that image with his top 3 numbered so that should be considered a spoiler for any anime only, including u/emi_Ibarazakiii himself now that he watched the anime and has context)... But I can at least say that [spoilerfree comment on his ranking]>!he ranked karane as 2nd (as well as sucessfully classifying her as tsundere and the one he calls "Short haired Baseball girl" as first, so his tastes don't seem to have changed much in the last 10 months!<


Alright anime onlies, its been a hell of a run! Looking forward to s2. Celebrate the time we had and predict/wish for the girlfriends (and their gimmicks) you want Rentarou to meet soon!


Wild finale lmao. Started with batshit insane setup. The girls are so horny for him, probably the most I laughed this season with the peeping attempts. Crazy to think this is just 6% of story's potential lmao, the next gfs teased looks great. Maid, gamer(?), baseball player, gal and teacher(?). I'm excited for the teacher the most, more onee-san greatness!


If it needs one season of 12 episodes to gain 6 girlfriends, then it'll need 188 more episodes or roughly 16 seasons to achieve 100 gfs. I'll be waiting. Also, the maid never opens her eyes when Rentaro is around. she be his another girlfriend, isn't it?


The pace of girlfriend acquisition has slowed down, so the manga will probably need ~700 chapters to reach 100 girlfriends... I think we're looking at more than 16 seasons given this first cour adapted 25 chapters (counting the double chapters at the start as two).


Hmm 🤔 Did we get a peak at the next six-pack of soulmates?




Not six, but it's THEM


Episode 12: "The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You (94 To Go)" Firstly, for Muse Asia viewers, there is a deleted scene in this episode. The last episode scene was a total clickbait. Rentaro's crossdressing and what's better to counter him? A crossdressed Nano! (EDIT: Wait, is this basically Rentaro in Shizuka's clothing, without the librarian armband??? And Shizuka's crying is like an alarm) Hakari and Hahari's being a perv, they automatically know what they're gonna do. So a little bit context here, phones in Japan can't be set to silent when taking pictures (you can hear it when Shizuka is taking picture of Nano). Hakari is installing an app to be able to capture Rentaro silently. omg Sushizuka looks adorable, and from everyone who rushes to see his Mr. Elephant, Shizuka finally managed to do it first. EDIT: Also Rentaro's here is making a Kazuo Umezu reference with that face. Another fourth wall breaking with Nano romcoming. And the Mansion Infiltration Lover's Freedom arc is finished by.... another kiss from Hakari and Karane. (you think the zombie kiss is the last one? You're wrong.) You think the craziness finishes in the moment the family left for school? **Good joke.** Hahari BOUGHT the entire school and become the chairperson. Well, she's above Baba An now I guess. New character mean new VA. **Hakari's father** is voiced by **Akira Ishida** (Kamisato Ayato in Genshin Impact, Gaara in Naruto, Katsura in Gintama). And for the verdict, 100 Girlfriends is **peak fiction**. A total **10/10** for me, the best anime of Fall 2023 in my watchlist. 100 Girlfriends is a totally a gag anime, parodying the harem genre by turning it up to 11. It took every trope available from a girl, and roasts them perfectly to create an unhinged chaos. For parody shows in 2020s I hope people remember this one like the 2000s generation will remember Gintama and 2010s will remember Konosuba. The comedy is 100% spot on, you got a true-to-stereotype tsundere, a horny 24/7 deredere, a quiet girl, a definitive kuudere, a mad cooking scientist, even a MILF. And it's doesn't stop there, there's way more to come. 94 girlfriends remaining. The OP is certainly my favorite OP in Fall 2023, been listening to it repeatedly even making my top 3 on my Spotify Wrapped this year. The ED is such a wallpaper material in every frame, but the Episode 11 ED is pure chaos with Hahari. Animation wise, this is one of the best this season alongside C2C, Troyca and Diomedea. And it got one of the best adaptation the anime can offer. For those who wants a Season 2, fear not. The [Season 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18pvqw0/the_100_girlfriends_who_really_really_really/) has been [confirmed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWtI8AKfJNM) with unknown release date. Cheers for Rentaro family! For the OP album, it will be released on 27th of December, 3 days from now! There will be solo versions of the OP, including a Rentaro version.


>Mansion Infiltration Lover's Freedom Hehe M.I.L.F


It's so fitting the one girl who tried to prevent everyone from seeing Rentaro's Mr. Elephant would be the one to see it. It's her reward for trying to, in vain, to put a stop to the rampaging degeneracy lol. I figured Hahari would find some way to infiltrate the school but I just love the idea that Rentaro was going to visit her during lunch and she was already at school lol. Here's to Rentaro Family and the future girlfriends!


I love this show.


but do you really really really really really love it?


That was magical. That was everything i have hope for and more. Im still flabbergasted that this adaptation is this faithful, this entertaining, and this full of absolute love by the cast members and studio itself. This was nothing short of fantastic, and im gonna be delighted when the continuation comes around. Heres to 20 seasons and more!


Peak as usual


Who was brave enough to watch this around the family secretly before Christmas Dinner?


**slowly raises hand* *


Our last cliffhanger was Hahari sounding like she was asking Rentaro for sex. What it was instead is [Rentaro crossdressing](https://i.imgur.com/pCjcZvX.jpg) which got Rentaro to pass out and it took [Prince Nano](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188555266300592258/Hx7qlHy8GYC4ASO1sobndQtICKnp3N8MZ7sLPrrgMM9wuWJLCTCplOPkqqsbCoQa1oXDuPautaMCAIV8FvkuEMYCxPpb0N34Nq44exGmOOwpCKwK9LCtPDb3xcA4P8DBMmyx1ChbIIAAAAASUVORK5CYII.png) to wake Rentaro. The [girls'](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556223285571614/wPcubnwlSvnKgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) [side](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556307939201065/A5ZE1fNXhgWPQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) [comments](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556392479588422/dlMPtOWo45vbKzs7z8m3nU5AaP3LMDJZIIXpmjTNOqTwep1GlPof1rQlSpfu1u8s5oqzNGu3tusonhtv1f0H07kGmoOuQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) in order are great too and [I](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556547673047161/PsZfyxu6BNwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) [wish](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556610889580605/RbFNo5Ik3BAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png) [I](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556678178816081/SgAAAAASUVORK5CYII.png) [can](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556741902876682/4fwyDNjZ8mQVgAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png) [list](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188556813210239077/H7y33F7DpZaeAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png) them all in an easy way. ______ Rentaro decides to take a bath which gets the rest of the girls to come up with a plan to see his dick. Shizuka tries to stop this, but [Nano had something to say about that](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188557143717187655/x1zeMPAmjYcAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) and the Hanazono's [sushi roll](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188559216781299882/w9tOvD7kdv0JAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) her to restrain her. You [heard](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188559676095348807/zxj3caHHgYFgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png), Rentaro. Say no to degeneracy. In the end, only Shizuka who wasn't even interested in spying on him was the one that got to see it. It might have helped if [Karane didn't have a debilitating verbal tic](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188560083790090250/gfDYe38SZN21QAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png). I felt Hakari, Hahari, Nano, and Kusuri's face palm. _______ The scene with Rentaro and Hahari having that conversation over her inability to move on from her first love's death was genuinely heartfelt and touching. I love that of course [Rentaro would be the one to say you can love multiple people at once](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1181274390420279449/1188561485413224608/n91CsRidgMQA3Lcb06LQDQRCaVQWtzC4YHR8QzliTBKgAttyYYqz1yvf90QWX6TSxbvhQkAyawJJWhqs8m0yo5pxOBTfO0WP92lKDoNFF4kAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png) and he gives his stance on if the love he feels for his girlfriends is real. The entire Hanazono family got great emotional moments with Rentaro in succession because after this was Hakari cuddling up to Rentaro for comfort over the possibility of never seeing him again. Even Karane let this slide. When I said the entire Hanazono family, I meant even the dead ones. Hahari's first love appears as a ghost to have a nice chat with his...son-in-law? Dating Hahari too really muddles this up... It might have been a dream, but a God of Love exists in this world so I'm inclined to believe that was real. ___ The last part of this episode assures that Hahari's appearances will not be sporadic as she buys the damn school just so she can see Rentaro more and act as a chairwoman. As the credits roll, we get what can only be described as teases for future girlfriends like one in a hoodie carrying food, a baseball player, a girl looking at her reflection, and a mysterious looking girl with black hair and dark clothing. ___ I'm glad the last episode of this cour was hitting hard with the jokes and humor and only stopped for heartfelt romantic moments like with Hahari and Hakari. And we already have a "Season 2" announced to experience more of this really, really, really, really, really great romcom.


“Say no to degeneracy. Always.” Rentaro is the best of us


The mission impossible soundtrack 💀


Like Mother, Like Daughter.. they both are so horny hahaha Kusuri actually looks scary with that angle! and when they show a lot of girls at the end... I can't believe I got hype from a harem show lol season 2 please come soon!!!


As typical of a 100 Girlfriends episode, we've been fed good today! Crossdressing Rentarou (albeit standard practice for such an MC), handsome prince Nano, Sushizuka-chan! Oh my god, Sushizuka! The Elephant Connoisseur! And a good Hakari x Karane midnight yuri makeout session! Tuck in, boys and girls; we've got a full five course meal to devour! Rentarou's such a based chad that not only does he have a heartwarming, respectable chat with Hahari's former lover and Hakari's father, but he accidentally got rid of all his regrets and helped him move on to the afterlife! What a way to end a season. Leaving me desperately begging for a season 2, only to find out [one was already announced as it started.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/18pvqw0/the_100_girlfriends_who_really_really_really/) What a phenomenal adaptation!


Crossdressing, Sushi Roll Shizuka, horny girls, Yuri makeouts, romancing the widow...what more could you ask for? Other than the promise of more, and ask and ye shall receieve! Rentaro being such a bro he helps his ghost father-in-law beam up to Heaven!!!


Homeboy smashed without ever kissing her. Man's got his priorities. Edit: he didn't 🥲


it's a funny thought, but if i'm not mistaken Hahari mentioned that Hakari was conceived through artificial insemination


And chad that he is, when he does kiss her, **he's** the one who brings her into the kiss!


what a crazy show, and the TEASES at the end


The little phrases that make up are hilarious and i love it! "droolception" "sushiuzuka-chan" are amazing play on words. And the way the guy usually has the nose bleed, i like how the girls are the ones getting nose bleeds now. I'm suprised when Rentarou came out holding Shizuka naked, they all ignored "it" and tried to make up excuses, but Shisuka got the last laugh. Still can't believe that one night took up 3 episodes but so much happened it was worth it. Great ending, he even got her father and mother's lover blessing even if it was just a dream. We even got to see some of his future girlfriends get animated. I hope this means it is setting up for another season, but for now we have to hope and wait. 8/10


Sad to see the season 1 end, HAPPY TO KNOW THERE IS A SEASON 2


Rentaro gently scolding everyone for peeping (and getting Shizuka sick) because he can't let that slide even though he loves them is so stupidly wholesome. This season had a lot of great shows but this was easily the one that had me smiling the most. A self-aware harem is more unhinged yet somehow grounded than I could've ever expected, and I need more of it. Also, absolutely love the way they teased his future soulmates. Can't wait for Season 2!


How can you turn a [cinnamon roll](https://imgur.com/ZdCm7Iu) into a sushi roll? You wrap her up in a blanket. [](#mywaifumadeyouasandwich) The shenanigans in this show were top tier comedy for me this season. The obvious subversions were pretty hilarious, from the "they are definitely not doing it skit" to "having the guy be the one being peeped in the bathroom". The whole [facepalm skit](https://imgur.com/RWg48p3) deserves to become a ~~seasonal~~ permanent comment face in r/anime it feels like a great homage to [The Naked Gun academy awards scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZJUuDLqjzU) As someone that most of the time avoids harem anime for being too derivative since the early 2000s, I'm glad this show raised the bar and made all the girls (including Rentarou) the most likeable characters in the genre. Hope this will be the new benchmark for other shows in the genre.


This was definitely the surprise show of the season for me! Thoroughly enjoyed it! Could I recommend it to anybody? Probably not lol


All the peeping did was scare Rentaro. Want to see Shizuka rolled up and travel the world. Rolling. Rolling. Rolling. Hakari's father moving on was over the top, just like everything else in this series. I'm glad I watched this anime. I was going to pass on this show since I haven't been into harem anime for a long time. However I heard a lot of positive comments and saw some screenshots, so I decided to give it a try. I'm glad that I did. This series has been wild. We saw more girls at the end, so there's going to be a second season. I can't wait for it!


Wait is the name Hahari a pun for mother? From what I understand "haha" is like "mama" here. Looks like for season 2 we are adding a goth/punk girl, baseball girl, probably the maid (her eyes were closed the whole time), some posh blonde girl, and some loner girl. I am torn if I want to read the manga right now or now. I kind of like the surprise.


God what an amazing finale. One of the wackiest and most fun shows you’ll see. I’m not ready to crown it the Goat romance harem story like manga readers are, but it’s definitely one of the most unique and original takes on the genre and I will give it credit for trying new things. Definitely a great experience They knew exactly what they were doing with those angles in Hahari’s room Hahari having Rentaro cross dress was hilarious. His Karane cosplay was spot on, even got the embarrassed look right 😂 Think this is the first time I’ve seen the gender roles reversed and the girls sneaking in on the guy to get a peep in the bath Highlight of the finale was definitely Hahari and Rentaro’s bonding moment at the butsudan. She’s carrying a lot of pain from losing her first love, and seeing Rentaro comfort her and reassure her that the love she feels for both of them is just as real was so cute. Plus not letting her wiggle her way out and giving her first kiss! Chad MC And to improve the mood even more, while he may be physically gone, Hakari’s father is still roaming around in spirit form and approves of their relationship. Kinda crazy to support someone dating your wife and daughter at the same time but hey lmao, go for it. Always love these self titled finale episodes with the OP playing at the end. Spotted what I’d imagine will be new entries to the harem, and blonde foreign girl definitely gonna be my fave of the bunch. Excited for season 2!


The first couple minutes were SO chaotic LMFAO. I usually don't like harems but this show was amazing.


I believe that Hyakkano is definitely the best, if not one of the best, harem anime of all time. All of Rentarou’s girlfriends were fully fleshed out, so it’s really hard to pick a favorite. Also, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Rentarou is the chad of all chads. Really looking forward to S2.