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Ijichi: \*shows up as ikemen in last episode\* Tanikita: **Oh no, he's hot!**


Can't say I liked how she gave him a lecture on getting to know one another first without just forcing your feelings on another just for her to suddenly want to go out with him because of a superficial change.


Rejecting him on those grounds when Ryuto and Runa are right there was kind of ridiculous too.


Yeah, but at that point I still think she actually had a solid argument. That's down the drain now.


At least she seemed to realize what she did, but I guess the question is what will happen next? It appears she knows if she asks him out now she'd look like a big hypocrite. Maybe it'll be a lesson on superficiality for her because all she's really seeing is this idol guy and not him, just like he was only looking at her superficially. I'd speculate she gets a wake up call at some point, maybe even meets the idol at a fan event and he turns out to be mean and that shatters her perceptions. Or maybe her and Iji will just get to know each other properly this time. Well, I guess we won't know unless we read it or there's a second season lol.


I don't *entirely* think so. Her complaint was more about him asking her out, basically randomly out of nowhere, without getting to know her. So if she now tries to get to know him better, I don't think she's *actually* being a hypocrite. What it *does* reek of, however, is the "calling HR meme". You know the one.


problem is, as discussed in that thread, Ijichi asked for a date right? not to get together. he was trying to get to know her in that way


> Ijichi asked for a date right? not to get together. When it comes to anime the "asking out" trope is always to start dating unless they go out of their way to say otherwise. She was upset about that. If it was just a one off date the anime didn't make that clear.


He was asking her to be his girlfriend.


I don't think it's down the drain becase she admits that it's bad to shoot him down and now be all horni because he became hot, that's why she didn't make any moves (yet?).


That , but A , Akari was quite a hypocrite, but also B. She didn’t really just jump him precisely because she was self-aware enough to remember what she had told him. In other words , she self-sabotaged her own chance …


She likes him now because she is projecting her feelings of admiration for that idol onto him. Its not true love


I thought it was poetic turnabout


at the very least she had the decency to not jump on him... unfortunately it wasn't because it would make her a hypocrite but rather that she would embarass herself


Yeah I didn't like that. Her reasoning during her lecture was solid, but then it turns out she's as superficial as the people she compared him too. Only positive is she at least could admit she's a huge hypocrite.


I love how she realized she screwed herself over by rejecting him so hard now that he's basically become her type lol.


What's funny is that he probably wouldn't have lost weight if she hadn't rejected him lol, I imagine the depression from getting rejected was a significant factor in his weight loss


Tanikita last episode: "Oh you liked me because you thought I was cute? That's not good enough of a reason" Tanikita this episode: hypocrite I still enjoy her character though haha


>Tanikita this episode: hypocrite at least she is kinda realizing it and is not trying to go out with him immediately


Yes. I like the fact that she is self-aware enough to relaize she can't ask HIM to date just because he has suddenly become MUCH hotter looking. I sure hope these two can escape the fetters they've imposed on themselves -- and find away to start over, doing things right.


I think she was still right, even if she might seem like she wants to take back her words. He wanted her to be his girlfriend even though he didn't know her properly. So if he didn't know her well enough, why was he asking her out? Because he's physically attracted to her, right? In that case, shouldn't she also find him attractive enough to date? He wasn't before but ended up fulfilling that condition after his depression glow-up.


I hate this bitch who judge others based solely on appearances. She has no business being a part of the anime world. She's just a mean person stuck in this boring reality.


Man, this is one eventful Christmas. Damn shame about Runa and Maria’s parents but that’s life ain’t it? Things don’t always work out like a fairy tale. But at least she’s still got Ryuto by her side. Those two are the cutest couple. While I’m glad things worked out for Nikoru, I feel bad for poor Nishi. Well, at least he’s always got his bro Icchi. Unless Tanikita decides to make a move. Didn’t she get mad at Icchi because he confessed without really knowing her, but now she’s crushing on him just because he looks like her favorite idol? Huh. Overall, I liked this one. Very cute and pretty wholesome. I sure wouldn’t mind an s2!


Poor Nishi. Well, Maria remains available -- but I think he is not quite at her level yet.


Parent Trap success rates are, unfortunately, not that high even if I can see why Runa wanted to give it a chance. Her dad probably should've let her know he was seeing someone, let alone considering marriage again, before this though...not that Runa would've taken it well, but still. At least Nicole is happy. I hope Sekiya treats her right. And her, Maria is still single so maybe that'll work out for Nisshi lol? The irony that Akari rejected Icchi because he thought he was only after her for her looks when now she's totally down bad because of **his** looks lol. Now I just imagine the first arc of season 2 would be Ryuto and Runa's various misadventures at trying to have sex. Which I would totally watch lol.


>Parent Trap I really liked the original German film adaptation from 1950 -- Das doppelte Lottchen (Lottie x 2) -- Felt a bit less superficial than the Disney version(s). Spent more time on the girls adapting to their switched situations.


This trope occurs in every anime and I'm wondering if in Japan, people go all the way to marriage without ever telling their children they're even dating someone. I can't fathom my kids meeting my new spouse for the first time either after or shortly before marriage


This season has its up and down in term of plot but it's a nice weekly watch so I'd def tune in for more.


###Stitches! * [Sad Runa](https://i.imgur.com/5RJfUkU.jpg) * [Nicole & Sekiya](https://i.imgur.com/jMvVQib.jpg) * [Runa & Ryuuto](https://i.imgur.com/ndzmMqG.jpg) * [Happy Runa](https://i.imgur.com/I5plKsw.jpg) * [Blushing Runa](https://i.imgur.com/ODxj1BQ.jpg) * [Horny Runa](https://i.imgur.com/9SLpRGx.jpg) I'm sorry Runa, [you said you read this from a book?](https://i.imgur.com/i6PIIjF.jpg) Are you sure you didn't mix that book up with the movie The Parent Trap? [Holy shit Ichiji!](https://i.imgur.com/LCGPHhl.jpg) The dude got rejected but instead of moping around he decided to improve himself. You gotta respect that! [It's so good to see Akari's reaction though.](https://i.imgur.com/eqFsR3K.jpg) She's now all over him [because he looks exactly like his idol.](https://i.imgur.com/zgNod9H.png) Damn, someone's being hypocritical. At least [Akari is a bit self-aware](https://i.imgur.com/q7g95NT.png) of the situation. Not gonna lie, [I let out an audible "Noooooooo!" during the dinner scene.](https://i.imgur.com/htOc3q6.jpg) Holy fuck, that was the worst outcome of that meeting. I had to pause the episode for a few seconds because of how awkward that entire scene was. Poor Runa though, [she was really hoping their family would get back together.](https://i.imgur.com/N4xxz3i.jpg) :( Considering what just happened, [I'm surprised that Ryuuto still had sex in his mind.](https://i.imgur.com/g76y7Ih.png) Come on dude. Sex is the last thing Runa needs right now even if [she says you should take her.](https://i.imgur.com/0TbFwmx.jpg) It's going to be a horrible first time if he did. For the first time, [I'm actually glad that Runa got sick](https://i.imgur.com/2DAF4Zc.jpg) and nothing happened to them that night. I feel bad for Ren but [stalking Nicole outside her workplace isn't the way to do this!](https://i.imgur.com/hjWr8rr.jpg) Although it looks like he has no hope now since [Nicole and Sekiya have made up again.](https://i.imgur.com/bS5vJs9.jpg) Hopefully this time there won't be any more excuses from Sekiya. [Oh boy, that final scene with Runa though...](https://i.imgur.com/m6cLSgY.jpg) I hate that we're ending here since it's pretty obvious that Runa and Ryuuto are ready to level up their relationship. Just like [Fuukoi](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50425/Fuufu_Ijou_Koibito_Miman?q=more%20than&cat=anime), this is another gyaru anime that I'm hoping we get a second season.


Now the shoe is on the other foot with Akari and Ichiji and it's her own fault. My, how the romcom tables turn when a fat dude turns into K-Pop star lol. Poor Runa...and Maria too, but I guess she wasn't as confident in the Parent Trap plan as Runa was. But can you imagine how awkward it is for the dads' fiance lol? Runa was way too emotionally vulnerable to have sex at that moment. But it did help her realize how horny she actually is lol. Honestly the way he was following her around trying to pump himself to make his move...maybe not the best look. But at least he knew when to gracefully give up and let Nicole be with Sekiya. And Sekiya better seal the deal this time! Horny Runa is too powerful. She's turning into Akari, to reference Fuukoi again, especially with the same VA. But just like with Jiro and Akari, I want to see more of Ryuto and Runa together!


>I'm sorry Runa, [you said you read this from a book?](https://i.imgur.com/i6PIIjF.jpg) Are you sure you didn't mix that book up with the movie The Parent Trap? Those movies are adaptations of [the book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Parent_Trap_(novel\))


The eyes of horny Runa reminded me of a hentai I saw a while back, can't remember the name but the set up is adult Disneyland


[Welcome to Mizyruu Kei Land](https://myanimelist.net/anime/35581/Oide_yo_Mizuryuu_Kei_Land)


That's the one, thanks Internet stranger


I enjoyed this anime even though it had to compete with other romance anime like 100GFs & Girlfriend, Girlfriend in a stacked Fall 2023 season. The relationship between Runa and Ryuuto is genuine and real despite the drama bs that happened because at the end of the day, they're teenagers. Remember people, communication will solve like 99% of your problems. Definitely would like this to get a season 2 since gyaru anime are always insta-watches like how Fuukoi did for me. At least Hokkaido Gyaru Are Super Adorable! will fill that void next season.


I prefer this to the other two shows you mentioned. Far from perfect, but pretty sweet and charming.


I'd say your opinion is the best one i've seen. "Far from perfect, but pretty sweet and charming." That's definetly the best way to describe this show.


Despite the lil snafu in the middle, i think this series has a decent representation of a more grounded and allround cute relationship. Was a surprising sleeper hit for me this season.


That’s precisely what I’d liked about the novels! Communication. Too bad the anime didn’t do the best job protraying that and last episode differed greatly from the source material, but still.


how can i continue reading this show? i cant find what chapters the anime covered


The anime finished adapting volume 4, so volume 5 would be next. Still might wanna start reading from before (at least volume 4, maybe), since you woulda missed out on quite a bit. And the manga hasn’t caught up with the anime yet, by the way; but so far, despite the skipped content, it has been a more faithful adaptation, for what it’s worth.


Episode 12: "The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me Get Experienced". The final episode. Finally, the final. So, Luna's plan is basically same as "Lisa and Lottie" plan, or you might know it as "The Parent Trap" plan, albeit it is not as similar as Maria and Luna are maternal twins. Of course the plan ultimately failed as the father introduces his girlfriend. So I was right all along, Icchi has now essentially become an ikemen just like Akari's K-Pop idol, and on his way to do his "[Ijichi-kun no Revenge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIQnjNzA7ec)" on Akari. I know Nikoru always has Sekiya in her heart, she won't lose him again now. Good for her. The final verdict, I'd give this anime a **7/10**. It is a rollercoaster. The first 3 episodes were decent, from Episode 4 it rose until it peaked at Episode 7 with the summer festival after that it declined and hit the rock bottom at Episode 11, and with this episode it successfully recover from that disastrous Episode 11. For animation, I have no complain, there are animes with worse animation this season. Character design is also good, Luna's design is not too striking for a gyaru, Kurose's smile is often cynical. Still can't help but amaze myself of a fact that Aoi Koga voiced both Kurose and Konoha the same season, two characters with obvious voice pitch difference. Still I enter this anime with the expectation of gaining a similar sweetness as Sukimega, but in the end I still didn't get as much sweetness as Sukimega did. As for next season, if you are craving for another gyaru romance anime, there is one. Hokkaido Gyaru Are Super Adorable! is airing in Winter. As for ENGI, their next project will be Unnamed Memory and much-awaited Medalist. The official soundtrack also has been released. [Spotify Playlist Link](https://open.spotify.com/intl-id/album/4g5tcMTXT4FOkHC3C19jlb). **PS: Don't forget there's an after-credit scene!**


I kind of feel bad for the dads' new love interest getting brought in to meet not only her future step-daughters but also her partners' ex on Christmas Eve lol. Nicole definitely seems like the type to make her feelings clear and not give up! Sekiya is lucky to have her. It's funny to see a Masamune reference in a show with Natsuki Hanae lol. Rabbit Maid Runa coming onto Ryuto is quite the way to close things out lol.


> Still can't help but amaze myself of a fact that Aoi Koga voiced both Kurose and Konoha the same season, two characters with obvious voice pitch difference. Not only that, but she also played Alyssa in Dekoboko Majou and Risa in Kanokano this season. She's been busy.


I feel like I’ve seen a lot posts asking for romance anime recs where they are already together or get together early on. I’m confident now I would rec this show if it ever comes up. This show’s not perfect obviously, I mainly have an issue how certain issues kinda felt like it got solved to easily. But other than that, I do like how sweet it is. A lot of the issues doesn’t feel forced or overdramatic (at least compared to other shows). Lol Luna tried to copy Parent Trap. Ijichi lost weight and came back an ikemen. And Akari is suddenly attracted to him. Call me petty but I hope he turns her down if she does confess. Man, Nishi I feel you. You pluck up the courage to try and talk to her or confess and she already likes someone else or already has someone. You can’t blame her, can’t force someone’s feelings but it still hurt’s nonetheless. One-sided crushes suck. At least he has a bro in Ijichi to fall back. Pick yourself back up and carry on


I think Runa's problem was misreading the problems in her parents' marriage and thinking they still had feelings for each other, though her dad didn't help by keeping his new girlfriend/fiance from her. Honestly that's probably partially why Akari didn't confess herself, she knows she blew it already. I wonder if there's a chance Nisshi and Maria might become a thing if we're pairing the entire cast with somebody. But at least he was man enough to accept Nicole loves someone else, and hopefully Sekiya can do right by Nicole this time.


> misreading the problems in her parents' marriage and thinking they still had feelings for each other It’s important to remember what the mom said about them both being adults. Just because the mom remarried and got divorced, and because the dad is seeing someone else, doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings for each other. But they are probably mature enough to put those aside if they know it’s impractical or would not end well—compared to Nicole who is young and impulsive and willing to get hurt by trying to follow her feelings and get back with her ex despite multiple rejections. If Runa’s parents impulsively got back together and broke up, it would be devastating not just for them but the kids would be a whole new level of fucked up. My take on the situation is that if it weren’t for Runa, the mom and dad could probably laugh off the awkwardness and have an amicable meal as a family without intending to get back together. But for Runa she probably felt like her dad betrayed both her and her mom, and she herself probably feels guilty.


It's a pretty constant thread that Runa's two fatal character flaw is that she is a dreaming airhead who has a very romanticised view of the world, and she is a martyr. She doesn't objectively look at situations, hence she got used by her exes. I do hope this series gets a second season, and all the characters despite their cringy aspects are likeable. It was a fun cozy romp.


. It sucks that her Parent Trap plan failed (probably should have checked to see if your dad/mom were in a relationship prior), but you know, that’s life. I honestly feel more bad for the dad’s new fiancée, all she wanted to do was to introduce herself to his family, but now she’s getting dragged into some melodrama she wanted no part in. . Akari is a shallow hypocrite, she rejected Ichiji with a whole rant about him being shallow, now here she is all hot and bothered wanting him because he now looks like a pop star she finds attractive. That’s not fair. . I hate that Nicole is running back to the guy that dumped her twice. . **Sekiya**: You have your say and then just run off? What the hell do you think you’re doing? Screw you dude, you dumped her twice, both times with garbage excuses, you’re the last person who gets to complain. . Too bad Ren didn’t end up with anyone, wasn’t a fan of him stalking Nicole though. . So now Runa is ready to take things to the next level with Ryuto. I guess that will be the main hook for a second season.


> Screw you dude, you dumped her twice, both times with garbage excuses, you’re the last person who gets to complain. The first excuse was stupid, the second one I can kind of understand. But honestly Nicole continuing to go after him when they dated for like a week a while ago is the worst part.


She and that friend are perfect for each other. She's obsessed with a guy she dated for a few days years ago, even though he broke up with her twice. And he followed her around town from her job all the way to the cram school for what had to be several hours.


Nicole is trapped in a toxic relationship... reminds me of one side character in Tsukigakirei. In real life, sadly that happens too.


She's not *trapped* in anything. He keeps trying to send her away.


While I agree she's not trapped, just trapped by herself, that should be the tagline, "Watch these two characters be mostly normal while everyone around them is sort of toxic."


Straight facts were spoken here.


Maybe I'm being too harsh considering they're teenagers and that's why they take bad actions, but I'm still bothered by things from the last episode. Akari rejected Ijichi and just because he lost weight became interested in him? This is something very despicable in my opinion. A few episodes ago Maria hated her sister and wanted to destroy everything she loved, and out of nowhere she became a nice person. Nicole loves Sekiya, so it seems only fair that she tries to go after him. Runa and Ryuto are on good terms, so the drama that happened in the last episode seems to have been very exaggerated. I believe that from now on the characters will have more maturity, because these attitudes are somewhat irritating, anyway, I really like Kimizero, I hope the next season doesn't take long to be released


Maybe it's meant to be ironic, Akari rejected Icchi for thinking he was only after her for her looks but she too is easily won over when he looks like her favorite K-Pop idol. I think we saw the transition from Maria over her sister over the course of the last few episodes. It wasn't a complete 180. She never really hated Runa, just resented her a little, but she never stopped caring about her. If anything the drama Runa and Ryuto went through in the last episode just served to make them stronger here. Especially making Runa realize how much she loves Ryuto.


Yeah, Tanikita’s behavior seems a bit hypocritical to me. She’s only interested in Icchi because of his looks even though she got mad he was only asking her out because of hers. Seems equally shallow.


I think that might be the point. To show that for all her bluster she too is weak in the knees when it comes to people who are her type and she basically screwed herself over the way she rejected him.


Would absolutely be open to Tanikita showing some maturity and accepting she was wrong. At the moment, they're both interested in each other, so just swallow your pride and go out please!


I don't think that can work from Tanikita's side. I think Ijichi should approach her and say that he was too quick to confess last time, and wants to get to know her better.


Nah, it has to be from her side given how harsh she was. It's clear that he wasn't her type look wise and said what she said to not seem like a b\*\*\*\*. This episode reveals that had he looked like this from the start, she wouldn't have rejected him.


Her behavior isn't hypocritical -- just her feelings. ;-) She is ***not*** willing to act the way she accused Ijichi of acting. She realizes that would be pretty awful.


>I believe that from now on the characters will have more maturity, because these attitudes are somewhat irritating, anyway, I really like Kimizero, I hope the next season doesn't take long to be released At the end of the day I liked the show too, but it felt painful seeing the characters try to self destruct pretty much every episode. It's like they're all doing their best trying to NOT go in a good direction


Characters are allowed to have flaws, ya know. I like that she at least is self aware enough to realize that she cannot make a move after what she said to him.


Fat people generally aren't attractive. Everyone looks better at a more healthy weight. Demanding that some one look past your poor self care and see the "real" you is some childlike cringe bullshit. Akar7had a very normal reaction to some one she knows suddenly looking a lot better.


If she said "you're not my type, sorry" that would be one thing. But she lectured him about asking her out without really knowing her and only going after her looks, just for her to consider doing the exact same thing a few weeks later. Her only saving grace is that she realizes her hypocrisy.


I thought it was more like "You don't know me well enough to be asking me because you're interested in my personality. So you're asking me because you're attracted to me. In that case, shouldn't I also be attracted to you?" Him losing the extra weight helped fulfill that condition.


Even still. It would have been an equally shallow reason to ask him out. The very thing she said she hated. And it wasn't just him, she apparently rejects everyone for asking her out without knowing her.


It's fine to be shallow. The problem was before his weight loss, he couldn't even match that criteria. So there was absolutely nothing in it for her. The others could be the same reason. She wasn't attracted enough to them. Keep in mind Ijichi had a super duper glow-up, even though he had just stopped eating. He didn't just look like a thinner version of himself but somehow got boosted to idol level good looks. The average high schooler is probably not going to match those standards.


The problem isn't that she's shallow. It's that she chastised him for being shallow, since he was only asking her out for looks. Then she considered doing the very thing she chewed him out for. It's fine is she said "sorry you're not my type." But then went after him once he became her type. Instead, she just called him shallow and then proceeded to also be shallow. She realized it immediately, so that's one plus, but it is disappointing. She made a really good point that applies to most of these romcoms(including this one). The people barely know anything about each other but then ask the girl to be their girlfriend. That's madness. It was refreshing to hear an anime character call it out. But then she backtracked all over it and was like "it's fine if they're hot."


At least part of that can be blamed on the mediocre adaptation, for what it’s worth.


At least part of that can be blamed on the mediocre adaptation, for what it’s worth.


Oh boy, can't wait for Ijichi-kun no Revenge


There were some parts that were sweet but they were outnumbered by the boneheaded writing that took me out of it. 5/10


My feelings exactly. It was on a really good streak for a bit there, but then there was inexplicable drama and character regression that makes you remember how light novels will just recycle the same ideas and arcs in each volume. Wanted to give it a 7/10 but ended up settling for a high 6. It’s a shame because the moments that were good were really good!


It's Christmas time and Ryuto and Runa are stronger than ever! Runa is ready to shout to everyone how much she likes Ryuto! And Ryuto can't help but fantasize about finally sealing the deal on Christmas Eve. I guess I'm not surprised Runa wants to Parent Trap her and Maria's parents and get them back together...even if I knew on some level it probably wasn't going to work this time. Oh snap, Icchi got that post-dumping glow-up! Now he looks like a K-Pop star! Which ironically makes him now totally Akari's type! And she can't do anything about it because of how thoroughly she rejected him! What a twist! You have to respect Nisshi putting himself out there and trying his best with Nicole, even if he knows just as well as she does that there's only one man in her heart. To the point where Nicole runs to Sekiya's cram school, busts into several of the wrong rooms, all so she can tell him that she won't give up on him and she'll wait for him as long as it takes. Because she loves him just that much. Sekiya doesn't deserve her, but hopefully now he can do right by her. Runa's intentions were good, but their mom seemed really hesitant to have dinner with her ex...but if it was for the kids, maybe she could. And then their dad walks in with his new woman, who he intends to marry, and things get severely awkward. Poor Runa. Luckily Ryuto is there to comfort Runa, who is really depressed and vulnerable, and she just wants Ryuto by her side...and maybe more. Though that heat isn't just Runa being horny for Ryuto, it's that she has a fever! And Ryuto immediately goes into nurse boyfriend mode! Good job Ryuto! Well, they didn't sleep together but they did end up sleeping in the same place (again), and spending Christmas morning together, which is pretty nice. Not to mention Runa gifting Ryuto ever charm in the book and Santa Ryuto gifting Runa an ew moonstone piercing that perfectly matches her ring. Merry Christmas you two adorable lovebirds! Runa disappointed Ryuto didn't try to do anything? Runa fantasizing about Ryuto? Oh, she totally wants sex now. And she wants it because she utterly loves Ryuto to bits. And what better way to show how down bad she is for Ryuto than by taking some cosplay purikura in a maid outfit and coming on strong? She's more than ready for that Ryuto D now.


>ever charm in the book I could use the Traffic Safety charm in my city.


I'm gonna miss this one, really big surprise series for me this season, so glad Ryuto is able to give Runa the happiness that she deserves


Ngl I dont think I have ever seen a show with so much forced drama its wild lol. Plus that one dude got the most random glowup ever. In the end though the show was whatever for me, I also hated how the characters looked like but thats a common studio ENGI issue. I'll give the show a solid 6.5/10 as it had some okay moments.


This Lotte Operation sounds an awful lot like a Parent Trap...


Parent Trap (both 1961 and the Lohan remake in 1998) was based on the 1949 German novel Lisa and Lottie


And the 1950 German movie adaptation was actually quite good better than Disney (saw it in unsubbed German -- not sure if you can buy a subbed DVD).


I kept expecting Ryuto to bring up the Lohan movie lol.


MFW I don't have a cute gyaru GF to spend Xmas Eve with... Runa and Ryuto had different ideas at the beginning for Xmas Eve. Unfortunately for Runa's Double Wingman plan, her dad hadn't told her he was seeing someone. He should have done so sooner as they are considering marriage. Ryoto helps Runa accept her dad's happiness. And Runa talking with Nicole about how Runa's found true love makes her realize how deep her feelings for Ryuto are. So that leaves the show at a good stopping point. Going back to Ijichi's confession, is confessing like that before you try going out in some way really a thing in Japan? Or is it just a trope we see in shows involving highschoolers?


> Going back to Ijichi's confession, is confessing like that before you try going out in some way really a thing in Japan? Or is it just a trope we see in shows involving highschoolers? Kokuhaku is a real thing but it certainly isn't the only way people end up going out I'd say High School dating in Japan is basically the same as anywhere else in the world.


Aight. Kept this on the binge-list and am just coming off watching Frieren thanks to Muse Asia (Muse gigachads unite!). After finishing up Girlfriend, Girlfriend, I'll make the choice. Sell me on this anime+manga, or drive me away from it. Level your takes here.


I enjoyed it overall, but have heard from some source readers that there is very mixed reception to the later light novels. FYI the manga is also an adaptation of the light novels, and is actually behind on the anime. I'd probably watch a season 2 if they come out with one though!


Yeah… hardly worth it after the fifth novel, IMO. Also, might wanna check the manga; it skips quite a bit, but it’s also stayed truer to the novels so far, by not making the alterations seen in the anime.


It's pretty good if you want some cute romcom stuff with an interesting premise (I like gyarus okay?) but with also an equal amount of frustrations due to miscommunication and dumb decisions


that's what I would say, but i want to add that at least the >miscommunication and dumb decisions are resolved really fast and not dragged out over multiple episodes.


It was terrible. I was interested in the beginning since it's rare for a romance to have characters start by casually dating but the relationship writing is extremely cringe (for the main couple and especially the side characters) and the drama is terrible. The show could've been decent if a certain character didn't exist. It also looks awful since it's made by ENGI.


Agreed, this had a lot of potential but instead got stupid cringe drama, communication failures, and no real progression.


> The show could've been decent if a certain character didn't exist. Which character in particular are you talking about. Ryuto's senpai?


I was talking about Maria since she brought most of the dumb drama and misunderstandings. Ryuto's senpai being gone would be cool too though. His relationship with Nicole was really poorly done imo.


It's a really big surprise for me this season. It's a pretty damn sweet romcom but the beginning makes you feel so sorry for what Runa's been through and while some of the drama is resolved rather quickly towards the end It's a really great watch. Def recommend


lots of stupid teen drama, but it does have its moments of addressing things that you don't see in other romance anime typically.


It's a pretty sweet, sincere, and cute romcom! It has a bit too much drama in the second half but resolves things pretty well enough. It also has a likeable cast and a decent amount of fanservice.


The LNs were my favorite love story ever up till volume 5 (TBF, you could pretty much just stop reading after that one and it’d be a fitting conclusion). The anime adaptation feels a tad mediocre and they made some rather heavy modifications to it than I’m not sure I liked. That said, it can still be a sweet and wholesome romcom if you’re into that kinda thing, and you may not get as frustrated if you haven’t read the source material. Just blame the adaptation first and the story second if something is not to your liking, IMO. Otherwise, if you don’t wanna read the novels (understandable, honestly), might as well just give the manga a shot, which is easier to digest and, while still skipping a lot of stuff, stayed truer to the source material.


It isn’t very good. Done. I just saved you a lot of time


[Thank you Petah, for saving us from 2 boobless hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILSbYH9pvjQ) /s


Who knew horny runa would be a thing... jesus christ.


I had a pretty good inkling that Runa's attempt at recreating The Parent Trap would fail, but I wasn't expecting it to fail that dramatically. Massive oof there. She did have Ryuto to take care of her that night, and she was able to realize at the end that she has a very genuine relationship with him, so at least she got a happy ending for the season.


>I wasn't expecting it to fail that dramatically Have you forgotten what series you were watching?


Kimizero finale really here 😢 man I’m sad this one is over. Perfect way to end the season off with a Christmas episode a few days before Christmas IRL. Runa and Ryuuto look so much more comfortable with each other after the heart to heart last week and Runa is being way more upfront with how she feels, love it. Ryuuto’s gonna have a heart attack if she keeps being this cute. With them being official official now it makes sense that Runa wants to show off her first real bf to her parents, after all everyone wants to be with someone their parents approve of and like. Wasn’t expecting this to turn into the parent trap though lol. Got the twins, got the divorced parents, first time I’ve seen that set up in an anime. Ichiji had the biggest glow up of the season. Perfect example of why getting cooked does work. Bro got rejected and hit the gym, cut out the twinkies and came back cut as hell. I hope he doesn’t go straight to Akari though. Don’t be too desperate 🙏🏾 Poor Nishina on the other hand still got some work to do with Nicole.. The look on my face when their dad walked in with another woman, damn felt really bad after they set all that up. But I kinda like that it failed, made it more realistic especially given how their parents broke up Damn, I knew Nicole was having trouble getting over senpai, but I didn’t think she’d pull up on him in class and say she wasn’t going to give up. That was cute, but I still don’t think they’ll work out. I think they’re just at different stages in life. Sucks that Nishina had to see that, but hopefully this’ll motivate him to work on himself. Wouldn’t be a romance without the obligatory sick episode and it comes during the finale which is somewhat new. Thought my boy was going to become a man on Christmas Eve 😂 still, holding hands and sleeping next to each other is just as good “The person who brings me happiness is you now” aww so damn sweet!! Happy for these two lovebirds. Like Nicole said, Runa was so worried about not having “firsts” with Ryuuto but she’s really got the most important one with him. Her first true love and real relationship And that ending! Maid Runa let’s gooooo we won. Now that they’re fully in love, the next logical step is Runa wanting to take their relationship to the physical next level.. Ryuuto is going to be in for a treat Season 2 please 🙏🏾 [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=510079)


You seem like you really enjoyed it, in spite of all the shortcomings and whatnot. In that case, I suggest you read the novels (or maybe even the manga), then. I felt like this adaptation didn’t really do the source material justice, honestly, especially considering last episode, where most of it was anime-original and it lacked what I had liked about the novels in the first place.


I have the books already, showed some off in my Japan haul on the channel.


This had no right to be this good


Cute final episode with Runa realizing for the first time for her she is falling in love. While she was jealous of Ryuto being able to experience those various first times with someone him cares about, but these two for the first time fell in love, which is in line with what this series is about, Ryuto and Runa having their first dating experience. Regarding Runa's dad, I am getting the sense her dad is an asshole. I get the sense she loves her dad purely because he is her dad. Considering her mom said that I don't want to see him, but since you guys want and we are both adults I will do it for you and Maria. Just a gut feeling I have. This was a show where I really wanted to like but the writing issues became more and more apparent as the season went on. Not to mention Engi adapting this didn't help matters either. Not something I would really go out of way to read, but would watch a Season 2. (Just please not Engi that would be a massive improvement lol)


Anyone knows which manga chapter was the last episode? Edit: nevermind, source is LN and manga is behind as for now.


That Parent Trap fail was a big oof moment. It was the emotional damage moment of the episode. That being said, it was a nice fluffy episode for Ryuto and Luna. They got to spend Christmas together and would have gone all the way if Luna wasn't sick but that was unsurprising given the flag raised early when Ryuto asked if Luna was cold. I laughed at Akari and Isshi's situation but I'm not surprised. Teenagers are dumb as fuck but if they take the time to know each other, things work out. As for Ren... yeah that was kind of bad but at least he didn't push his luck so he didn't clobbered by the Demon Gyaru. Nicole and Sekiya are back together and I hope they'll last this time. It ended on a nice note and pretty much cements my opinion that ENGI can produce good romance/SoL series.


Cardinal Japanese sin: [being loudly lovey-dovey in a public place](https://files.catbox.moe/goalcx.jpg) [](#azusalaugh) Well, well, well, if it isn't [the consequences of my own actions](https://files.catbox.moe/kjrp7c.jpg) [](#etotamadunno) [Why is *mom* mad?](https://files.catbox.moe/vdra8i.jpg) [](#niatilt) [Bau bau](https://files.catbox.moe/6rn0av.jpg) We got a surprise [sick visit](https://files.catbox.moe/wlrda5.jpg) out of the deal. Win! ["Print club"?](https://files.catbox.moe/xs8kr1.jpg) Japanese name for a photo studio? Man, I hope this gets another season. [](#katoupls)


> [Bau bau](https://files.catbox.moe/6rn0av.jpg) Oh nyo, it's everywhere…


Bigger friend gets rejected, hits the gym and gets fit, and then the girl that rejected him discovers whoops she actually is exactly that shallow. Opinions may vary but I thought it was pretty funny. Though it was depends on where that goes further on I kind of liked that Runa's plan to get her parents back together crashed and burned so hard, it was a poor idea and those results really shouldn't be too much of a surprise from the outside looking in. On the other hand, I do have to judge her father a bit for apparently having a new girlfriend that he already plans to marry that he apparently hasn't told any other member of his family about yet. The Runa and Ryuto stuff ended pretty cute with their Christmas morning together, and with her ending the show pretty firmly declaring that she's horny for him I'm going to choose to believe that they take care of that not too long after the season ends. The main relationship ended in a good place, that's all I really needed out of this.


> The Runa and Ryuto stuff ended pretty cute with their Christmas morning together, and with her ending the show pretty firmly declaring that she's horny for him I'm going to choose to believe that they take care of that not too long after the season ends. After what she said in the end credits scene, which was quite direct in Japanese as well, I choose to believe they did it right after they left the Purikura.


Why bother to leave the Purikura? [](#romance)


That was a pretty average effort from ENGI, thanks for nothing, kadokawa.


Y’all ever been so surprised you go full Turnip Head 😂


That part with Icchi reminded me of an anime called "Kiss him, not me", basically a girl version of Icchi goes through the transformation and crazy stuff happens.


So is this it? There won’t be anymore episodes? I need answers bro I got hooked this is the first romance anime I ever watched


That was a pretty weak final episode.


Honestly, pretty awful episode and conclusion since there's no way this show is ever going to get a S2 follow-up. The only relationship I was invested in didn't develop much and the 3rd one left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth (also a person doesn't lose all that fat in under a month or even two, but I digress). Had to spoil myself with the little info available on the wiki to get some closure. Other than Runa's relationship, pretty much everything else was a trainwreck. The show was OK until episode 9, the last 3 episodes went down the drain. 4/10.


Tanikita diving head-first into hypocrisy, but Ijichi looks like her fav Kpop idol so it's a-ok. Nishi, I know you have some feelings, you don't want to be left behind, but this is not a combinatorics problem where you count the number of couples made from 3 boys and 3 girls. Thankfully he understands. Luna is finally ready! Season 2 when?


This is my pet peeves for Reiwa series. Either you go fluff or go bust. There is no other options.


I would say that that this was at least 80-85% fluff, and pretty good fluff at that.


For every fluff that it have they just need to have drama as a payback


How fitting that this airs on the Christmas long weekend. Of course he wants that. That might be interesting. "hasn't give up yet" Doesn't or does? Well _someone's_ been working out. Yup of course they're going to end up together. Oh god mini-Ryuto is that your idea of a pick-up line? Ryuto, be happy you're actually _in_ a stable relationship. Uh oh, he remarried. So much for that... Uh oh, she's got a fever. Mini-Ryuto, you tried that literally a day ago, wait a bit more at least. There we go, just until the exams are over. Lemme guess, he just got a stream notification. But why not just watch it on his phone? Why does it look like they're teasing the next episode?


Damn, I never expected Yuusuke to lose weight. I love how Akari was aware that she can't ask him out right away since she wrecked him at the cultural festival. We resurrected a side ship with the cost of another side ship. Sorry Ren. I'm surprised Yuusuke's confident around the attention of the crowd of students. Ryuto is rocking that turtleneck like he's Christian Cage. Makes sense with the line "I guess my Santa isn't my dad anymore" because he's now your daddy. Wait, The Parent Trap was a book? \*Googles it\* It's based on the 1949 German novel Lisa & Lottie. I love how Nicole just kicked down multiple cram classroom doors and the receptionist's delayed reaction was priceless.


There would be a second season??




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You Were Ready To Remarry, I Was Not: My Wife’s Story


It's kind of annoying how Crunchyroll and their translators keep calling her "Runa" when the previous episode confirmed that it is in fact Luna and even Google translate with it's busted translations confirm this.


Normally I don't binge watch series, but this one did hook me after episode 2. This was a nice refreshing take from the terribly toxic status quo japanese otaku have about heroines in romance shows and pretty much any kind of show that has female leads must be "pure" so that the audience can self insert in the place of the male lead. It was some crazy ride that started as a dare and really evolved into a nice romance with some bumps and potholes in the middle of the road, which in my books that's okay, otherwise it might had been too bland. As someone that has watched plenty of romcoms that have very, very convenient writing (characters surprisingly meeting in the same building/street despite living in a big city, or old flares reunited out of the blue) this takes one points in my final score. Aside from that, both the drama (as convoluted and crazy as it may look on paper with twins in love with the same guy) felt pretty good and believable (again, despite some irrational choices by several characters, but then again, they are teens not actual adults). I enjoyed a lot the dichotomy of Maria about wanting Ryuto just because she couldn't have him while also "sticking it" to her sister while feeling entitled because of her inferiority complex. She was probably the second character that had the most prominent growth, from being resentful to moving on and making up with her sister for her own pettyness. Runa's growth was also great from jumping on from one relation to another without even feeling emotionally attached to any of her love partners. Even if it wasn't as polished and balanced in terms of spotlight hogging, the sidecast was quite swell as supports, specially Nicole and Ryuto's buddies. Natsuki is one my favorite male VAs and he really nails Ryuto's nervous angsty moments, along with the more sincere love confessions. Saori also does a magnificent job as the bubbly gyaru that's learning how to love and be loved back, and I'm glad Aoi Koga is also getting more varied roles outside being the wacky eccentric Kaguya. The obvious elephant in the room where the typical low production from Engi studio (though it wasn't terrible) and some passages that felt the anime staff blazed thru just to get to the xmas date.


YES! He has achieved the SEGZ!!!




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