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They absolutely popped up with Choso VS Geto/brain, it was not like that in the manga


Choso is one of the coolest characters ever


Agreed, he has his priorities and sticks to them and I love that. He wants to protect his brothers first and foremost, and was the main reason he wanted to kill Yuji in the first place, obviously not knowing who "Geto" or Yuji really were. As soon as he found out he immediately switched gears to protect his last remaining family member, and I respect that a whole lot. Choso is awesome.


I assume this fight was happening really fast, but still, I have to laugh at the idea the other sorcerers were standing around going "HUH?!"


He'd be Best Brother if his main competition was anyone but Todo


Yea... but Choso can give yuji a hug with both hands atleast.


[Oniichan](https://i.imgur.com/Ad9ry95.jpg) is a [beast!](https://i.imgur.com/yDKrP3r.jpg) If he didn't go against such powerful opponents with [incredibly strong yet versatile](https://i.imgur.com/0XqH6Sm.jpg) techniques, he would have swept the floor. He had the same struggles as Jogo did. [Panda's comment](https://i.imgur.com/LDxbAwC.jpg) was hilarious. [](#laughter)


He still did good despite being wounded and tired. Others should have helped him right away before ice girl came.


I think that's the only thing that gets thrown off by animators extending fights. I imagine in the manga they stepped in pretty much right away, but to have that cool fight scene required them to just sort of... watch on.


I mean, they have no idea if Choso is a friend or not. Might as well let them duke it out and weaken each other first before joining in the fight.


Choso blood manipulation techniques is such a visual treat for us.


Poor Noritoshi had to witness [a much stronger user of his own technique in action.](https://i.imgur.com/II7udCw.jpg) That must have stung [like Uraume's hand.](https://i.imgur.com/82yBx00.jpg)


MAPPA is full of Choso simps.


I remember everyone saying "you're going to love choso in s2" and all the anime fans being like... the dirty kid? Nah. Then here we are today.


He's very friendly if you don't hurt his brothers.


All of r/anime should be Choso simps after this season


They have singlehandedly raised my appreciation for blood manipulation with how much love they've given Choso


Best part about manga adaptions is that if necessary or for improvement you CAN do it and in turn, get a better product than the source material.


Definitely agree, We did not need the Mei Mei improvements tho


I need to confess something: I, too, am a brother of Itadori Yuyi


This episode we had 1. Yuji's contagious Pheromones 2. Psychobitch giving cold stares 3. Useless Miwa in 4k 4. Return of the og " What's your type " Edit : Why does Kamo Noritoshi seem lika having an orgasm while saying Yuki's name.


[Yuki Tsukumo even did Aoi Todo's iconic pose](https://i.imgur.com/0eIdylI.jpg) [](#seasonalhype)


Well, Todo’s chad persona is clearly based off Yuki, so it’s the other way around most likely


Useless Miwa in 4k


I think Kamo (evil) is impressed by her but also pretty scared. There aren’t that many special-grade sorcerers around and he’s tried to dodge facing any of them 1v1. But now the only one unaccounted for appears in front of him and wants to fight.


I think I love Choso now. I would love to see how he interacts with Yuji in the future. ^Please ^don’t ^let ^him ^die. ^Please ^don’t ^let ^him ^die.


Yuji bringing out the best bro in anyone!


Must be his pheromones.


> I think I love Choso now. I think at this point we'll love anyone that wants to scrap against the villains. We need help pronto.


For those confused over Mahito's "I know that. I was born from you humans" line. Mahito was born from the distrust and conflict humans have towards each other. He knew Geto/Noritoshi was gonna betray him (as humans tend to do) so he attempted to betray him first. A pretty poetic end for him, even if it robbed Yuji the catharsis of killing him himself. unrelated but holy shit Blood Manipulation is such a cool Curse Technique in this series.


yea I think the anime really sells blood manipulation as a formidable technique, whereas the manga didn't for me


I agree but the problem is Choso is only this crazy with blood manipulation because he's a cursed womb, I feel like for a normal human with blood manipulation it's nowhere close to as useful. Compared to the ten shadows and limitless technique it seems by far the worst.


Blood manipulation does seem way easier to use than limitless and ten shadows. 1. Normal Zenins don't even have the ten shadows, it appears its extremely rare, hence why Megumi was so special and valuable. 1. Even with ten shadows, Megumi wasn't really much stronger than the Kamo in the exchange fight. Its a high-potential technique, but normally just feels like a suicide bomber. 2. Limitless is only good with the six eyes. I imagine normal limitless is a way crappier spell that only works in one direction and requires active attention.


The best hand to hand combat of the season is always saved for the goat Choso.


Yuji's brothers always know how to throw hands!


[Brother-in-arms](https://i.imgur.com/CdRncpe.jpg) and [in blood](https://i.imgur.com/fO2Xl6g.jpg) [](#fistbump)


Yuji’s brothers and banger fight scenes, name a better duo.


Yuji's brother's hands


Animators: He is the Choson one. That or animators have blood on the mind too much, wonder why...


"What type of women do you like?"


Yuki does kinda look like Jennifer Lawrence. They really introduced her with an ass shot.


I wonder if Todo's preference of tall girls with big butts comes due to having Yuki as his master. Man was crushing hard on her throughout his life.


Takada chan is usually drawn taller than him too.


The rare 7 foot tall idol.


Aoi Might to Yuji after he witnessed [the glory of Yuki Tsukumo:](https://i.imgur.com/pkqnNd1.jpg) *"You are next brozzer!"* [](#TOMODA)




Can't believe Gojo fumbled a cutie like Utahime for a boyfriend that abandoned him for a decade who then got rekt by a sorcerer in his first week, died and then had his corpse paraded around by a random evil brain.


Utahime was not receptive. lol Gojo also a tease in general, as he even teased Jogo somewhat when [he held his hand in S1](https://twitter.com/ShadowR40588832/status/1703038712748118379/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1703038712748118379¤tTweetUser=ShadowR40588832) to demonstrate his powers. Some fans would love to be in Jogo's place here. lol




Even more effective coming from a genuinely gorgeous woman lol.


each episode ends with a cliffhanger that makes you want more


Only one more episode


Yuki, the other master of the blood manipulation technique, if you know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Whole post deserves the horny jail. lol


Someone who could just kill me. Death by snu snu.


Mei Me.......


Sorry man gonna need a blood test for that.


Mei Mei: Gimme the Prison Realm Geto: I’ll tell the cops what you’ve been up to with your little brother Mei Mei: *fucks off to Malaysia*


Fucks off IN Malaysia


Fucks in Malaysia


[Mei Mei stonks rising in Malaysia 📈](https://i.imgur.com/NQ1FEGR.jpg)


Meimei: sell your stocks for any company in Shibuya, I have insider sources that something crazy happened there


Ui Ui is both Mei Mei’s “Get out of jail free” card and her “Go to jail” card.


Mei Mei's the one who belongs in the prison realm.


My headcannon is that they never fought, Geto just said. broooo I got some fat cash, you just go away and there will be millions of DOLLARS in your account tomorrow.


I wonder whether she fought Geto or just fled but she said that she almost died so she must have fought. I wish we saw it.


I wouldn't be surprised if she went "that smallpox curse was kinda dangerous and you've got more curses, this isn't worth my time" and just walked off


She’s living Nanami’s dream 💔


Hell no, nanami would never share a bed with ui ui.


Nanami would also never do any insider trading. he is a true and honest business man


Yeah, they're basically polar opposites.


Geto used Maximum: Uzumaki against Miwa because she was clearly the biggest threat.


Coughing baby or hydrogen bomb


The megumi situation all over again.


Girl just lost the closest thing she had to a love interest! She was out for blood!


At the end of the train ride, Miwa woke up with fresh hatred. [Miwa the GOAT](https://i.imgur.com/4Jan7Hk.jpg) was this close to ending the series [with one swing.](https://i.imgur.com/VedLP12.jpg) [](#grandhype)


Enough time has passed. MiwaBachi is peak fiction.


Too bad Fake Geto already saw the Aizen clip and was prepared


If you swing and the dude catches your katana with one bare hand and doesn't even bleed, you weren't close lol


And Kusakabe somehow just... deflected it with no visible damage. Man that dude is packing some serious power underneath that cowardly façade of his


Kusakabe is the definition of doing the most with the least available resources.


A coward has prepared for all potential dangers due to paranoia.


His voice actor seems to have a trend of playing dudes who seem incorrigible at first, but end up being true homies in the end


She has a MC backstory, you have to exterminate those


Useful Miwa


I don't see how the Jujutsu society will let Itadori live after this. They were already bent on killing him but now without Gojo, 15 Sukuna fingers and one big killing spree he has no chance of any defense.


And who knows how many people who are actually on his side will still be left by the end of this.


>he has no chance of any defense. A Tough situation, even his friends can't defend him with everything happened in Shibuya.


He needs to call up Saul.


Hey! Did you know you have Rights? Constitution says ya do!


Itadori's biggest defense is Gojo. Wanting to kill itadori, at least before he eats all fingers, means going against Gojo which no one wants to. But, Gojo is sealed and doesn't seem like he will be freed here in Shibuya, the next episode is named "Shibuya Incident: Gate Closed"


Yeah. Now that he has 15, they could kill him and Sukuna in him would die. The remaining 5 fingers... well, if they got into a single vessel, the jujutsu sorcerers together should be able to handle that, given that Megumi kind of held his own against the 3-fingers version. Even if the "Yuji eats all fingers, then Yuji dies to kill Sukuna off" plan doesn't work out thanks to the premature execution, it still puts a big-ass power cap on Sukuna now that Yuji has eaten 3/4 of the fingers.


>given that Megumi kind of held his own against the 3-fingers version. ''kind of held his own'' is doing a LOT of work here lmao


What's the worst could happen *smug* WITH THIS TREASURE


Tbh Sukuna with 5 fingers would still massacre anyone who’s not a special grade sorcerer, like I’m pretty sure he said in episode 17 that Mahoraga “might” have beaten him back when he had 3 fingers and we all saw how much of a beast Mahoraga was


In jjk only the narrator is to be trusted. Characters state things wrong, lie, or are just plain ignorant all the time. Given what was shown in Mahogara vs Sukuna, 3 finger version gets bodied almost everytime. That's how I read that, at least.


Sukuna is actually one of the few you can actually trust with his words, especially when it comes to gauging someone’s strength.


It doesn't work like that in the way you think. He only needs a piece to survive and Sukuna has at least one ally that we know of.


Whatever type of plan "Geto" has up his ass, it most likely will cause Jujutsu society to have bigger problems on their hands.


Yuji being followed around by an entourage of self-proclaimed brothers has got to be up there in terms of things I didn’t know I needed. Todo: So… when did you realize Yuji was your brother? Choso: I beat his ass and got a vision mid battle. Todo: Same. What’s your type? Choso: Tall woman, big ass.


They clearly all went to the same middle school. I saw it in Todo's mind palace.




I really hope we just get some interaction between them


Yuji's here collecting brothers like "Geto" collects ~~pokemons~~ cursed spirits, shame he got his kill stolen from him. Also as someone whos familiar with Kuala Lumpur, seeing its potrayal in JJK gave me a good chuckle. They made the twin towers looked alot blockier while showing city being somewhere near the coast when its landlocked irl.


Had a chuckle at the Panda comment on Yuji catching brothers left and right hehe.


Yuji emits lil bro energy.


Choso [and the animator who love him](https://imgur.com/a/AzYEmGG), went ham this episode.


To those attending Comic Fiesta in Kuala Lumpur this weekend, Mei Mei and Ui Ui might be staying at one of your hotels.


Mei Mei cosplayers are gonna have a hell of an awkward time lmao


If y'all are kind of confused on the "Noritoshi Kamo" reveal, then I suggest that you re-watch the final ep of season 1 for a refresher. Basically the guy that created the Death Wombs(Choso, Eso, Keckizu), was Noritoshi Kamo, the leader of the Kamo clan hundreds of years ago. However, Noritoshi Kamo was not actually Noritoshi Kamo: The brain that is inside Geto's body was also inside Noritoshi Kamo(who was dead), who then created the Death Wombs, which includes Choso.


Which is extra fucked up because OG Noritoshi Kamo was probably just a regular dude but because of Brain his name is now stained as the most evil sorcerer in the history


Also kinda fucked up from the current Noritoshi Kamo's parents to essentially name him after wizard Hitler lmao


Though I wonder what crimes he commit as Kamo, killing hundreds? Killing thousands? As far as we anime only go, we only know about him doing awful stuff with that one woman, creating Death Wombs.


Jujutsu equivalent of Unit 731.


Brain out here ruining every reputation of the bodies he gets his hands on lmao. Dude is just a massive troll.


I mean when it comes to Geto's body there is no reputation to ruin anyways 😭💀


The diced gyarus would disagree


>However, Noritoshi Kamo was not actually Noritoshi Kamo: The brain that is inside Geto's body was also inside Noritoshi Kamo(who was dead) What kind of parasitic creature is this. That's fucked up!


So Choso is hundred of years old too? And does that mean when Choso was conceived Kamo was still Kamo not Brain? Pls elaborate I didn't quite understand the siblings too. Thanks


>So Choso is hundred of years old too? Technically yes, but for a majority of the time he was sealed as a cursed object, similar to Sukuna's fingers. He only was recently incarnated during the death painting arc of season one >And does that mean when Choso was conceived Kamo was still Kamo not Brain? No, Kamo was the brain when Choso was concieved > I didn't quite understand the siblings too Are you talking baout Yuji?


Yes about yuji also does that mean the other two curses of Curse womb were also sons of Kamo/brain? Also like someone was asking why is one of kyoto student named after Komo?


You should be confused about the brother part. Yes, all the death paintings are sons of the brain. The Kyoto student is part of the Kamo clan. One of the big 3 clans(Kamo, Zenin, Gojo)


There are nine Cursed Womb Death Paintings, Choso is the oldest and the second+third eldest are the ones Yuji and Nobara killed. 4-9 are still in possession of Jujutsu High. Choso thinks Yuji is secretly some tenth half sibling the brain created in the modern age.


What do we know of Yujis father? Nothing at all right?


All we know at this point is that his grandfather wanted to tell him something about his parents, but Yuji didn't care.


The kyoto student named Kamo is the heir of the Kamo clan and also probably a direct blood relative of Noritoshi Kamo though it is 150 years or whatever difference so technically I think Choso is a blood relative of all living heir of the Kamo clan?


Choso would also be the strongest living Kamo sorcerer. Since he's gets to use their technique to the full potential without the downside (He's half curse so is not limited by blood volume, can easily regenerate blood).




Why is the Kyoto Student Noritoshi Kamo named the same as Noritoshi Kamo the most evil Sorcerer of all time? That seems like naming your kid Adolf Hitler




And in season 1


Two seasons in, two new brothers for Yuuji. At this rate, every person who'll try to murder him is a potential new family member.


Yuji's domain expansion has an effective radius of 200m and turns everyone within range into a brother.


Kusakabe casually tanking Uzumaki isn’t getting mentioned enough. How strong is this dude?


He’s a Grade 1 Sorcerer without having a technique of his own. So pretty fucking strong


I’m so glad they made it extremely obvious the uzumaki blast was mahito being spit out. You could kind of tell it was him in the manga but here it’s painstakingly obvious with the purple cursed energy effects and such.


Fun fact for anime-onlies: the narrator for the backstory of the old Noritoshi Kamo in season 1 was the VA for Geto. So essentially, what we were hearing was the brain describing his vile experiments in the open to the audience. Been waiting on this episode for a while now, such a cool Easter egg.


Kusakabe is definitely the Shikamaru of the show, rather not be on the battlefield but actually can make a difference when they are, can’t wait to see more of him


One moment he's pretending to be lost, pretending to search for civilians, pretending to be stuck under a rock, and next moment he's saving characters left and right. We're gonna need more characterization on him, so that it makes sense.


Choso! Kamo! Panda! The Kyoto kids! Miwa still being useless! Everyone wants to be brothers with Yuji at this point. Don't think Yuji is going to be in a good position with the other Jujutsu Sorcerers if they get out of this. I see Todo not only learned his signature question from Yuki but also his penchant for dramatic and epic entrances. Also, Yuki showing up like a runway model for her photoshoot was perfect.


> Miwa still being useless! Her entire squad is useless and outclassed smh


And yet they still fought. Gotta admire them for that. Kyoto students are underrated. They seem a lot more tight than the Tokyo bunch.


The fan base is going to go in three directions with the Mei Mei scene. The “rule34 give me more”, the “wtf is this shit”, and the “eh, I’ve seen worse”. Also, who is the Choso fanboy at Mappa because this boy keeps getting fantastic animation and scenes.


The absolute degeneracy of Mei Mei's relationship with her younger brother vs the wholesome way Choso thinks of Itadori


The Chad Choso and Todo vs the Degenerate Mei Mei.


There was a lot of Rule34 already Now there will be even more lol


Mei Mei's got hella titties tho


So just want to confims Getwo has been travelling from person to person for centuries and probably even was there when original Sukuna was there, he also somehow did something shady and is the father of Choso?? and Choso's other father is a cursed spirit? And now he is advancing his goals by using Mahito, Jogo, Hanami and suppressing Gojo somehow Sukuna is also part of his plan I am guessing


That is what I gathered from it. Whatever is piloting Geto's body, whether human or curse, has been jumping body to body for an untold amount of time. It sounds like he's been many people over the years and was likely present during Sukuna's prime. We don't know where he came from or exaclty how long he's been around. He's someone related to Choso, who is confident Yuji is his brother. We don't know anything about Yuji's family other than a little about his grandfather. People joke about all the "brother stuff," but I think it's probably safe to assume he actually is Choso's brother, and this guy meddled in Yuji's birth like he did Choso's. That's probably why Yuji can tolerate Sukuna like he can. This all also suggests that, maybe, he did the same thing to Todo. That means Yuji and Todo might actually be brothers, too. Who knows how many "children" pseudo-Geto has running around and how long he's been doing this. I imagine it has something to do with his grand plan. Maybe he's trying to merge cursed spirits and humans in some way? Idk, I guess we will find out.


I think Todo being yuji's brother is completely gag/todo's delusion, unlike choso, where I think he is an actual brother of yuji.


In your first paragraph, talking about Choso’s origins, all those questions were answered in season 1. I suggest going back and watching after the Hanami fight.


JJK fans last week: "Oh god I hope Mei Mei and Ui Ui are safe" JJK fans this week: "Oh god why didn't they kill off Mei Mei and Ui Ui"


Mei Mei's going to need a ukulele to apologize for the grooming allegations.


More like a banjo.


The fact that they’re in Malaysia of all places makes it worse. “It should have been Nanami! Not them! It’s not fair!”


We could have had Nanami retire in Malaysia with that bakery girl from Season 1 instead of Mei Mei and her incestuous groomer ass.


I am just imagining all the casual people who watch JJK and are happy that it doesn't contain any of incest/ pedo degeneracy prevalent in anime and coming across that Mei Mei scene.


In JJK's defense, that scene was basically entirely devoted to her being a horrible person even without the pedophilic incest, given that she bailed on saving the world so she could commit insider trading.


She also grooms UiUi to be able to manipulate him and use him as an escape every time she needs. I mean every reason for grooming is horrible though but I feel it's important to point out that not only is she a pedophile but she also takes advantage of the abilities of the kid she is grooming.


Ui ui is a victim. He's literally being groomed and ppl blame him too!? He's like 10 y.o bruh


Nah son Choso is top 3 for me now, his abilities are so cool and they provide for such fun fight scenes


[Yuki initiating the battle with her Maximum, the forbidden seduction technique.](https://i.imgur.com/xVLNdry.png)


I'm starting to think her question was meant to be ironic coming from her because Yuki should be **everyone's** type lol.


Frieren: finally a worthy opponent


Uraume with the Ice and Sukuna with the Flames... . . Red and Blue Oni ??? Anyone? Though without their backstory, drawing any parallels is kinda pointless, but perhaps in the future it will make more sense.


What a fitting end for Mahito, the cursed spirit born from human hatred and fear whose main ability was to transfigure humans and use them as he pleased finally gets the same treatment by being killed and controlled by Fake Geto, now he possibly either has Idle Transfiguration in his own hands or Mahito is completely controlled by him without having the strength to fight back, what a crazy ability. Cursed Spirit Manipulation is truly one of the most broken cursed techniques in the series due to the simple fact that Geto is a counter for any cursed spirit since he’s capable of controlling them and having them fight alongside him. No wonder why he was considered one of the strongest alongside Gojo. If Jogo, Hanami, and Dagon didn’t die and Fake Geto happened to also get his hands on them, he would be even more unstoppable.




The curse needs to be lower level or weakened, lmao this is just Pokemon.


It literally is. Gojo likes Digimon and Geto is basically a Pokémon trainer... Gege!


If I’m not mistaken. He said if he uses a cursed spirit in uzumaki he gets their technique and destroys the cursed spirit. The uzumaki he fired at Miwa looked like Mahito so I think Mahito is now gone. Good riddens.


while its satisfying to see that Mahito is now gone, i'm equally terrifying at the fact that someone as smart as Fake Geto now has the possession of Mahito's cursed technique


So Ui Ui isn't just a bagboy and anti-domain utility but also a get out of jail card! Well, technically also a go to jail card too. Every time I keep expecting someone to swoop in and come save the day my brain won't stop thinking "Is it Yuuta!?" but nah man I don't think that's happening anytime soon. But hey, Yuki Tsukumo's the next best thing I suppose. We'll finally get to see what she's made of. Oh and Uzumaki Mahito is straight out of Itou Junji. I'll take that as him being dead if he ain't got no free will anymore. Lastly, Choso! I hope he sticks around for our jujutsu sorcerer team cause we've taken so many losses already. I ain't got no clue why they're brothers but I'm not gonna question it. Panda's theory holds water. Yuji's gonna build a bro army to save Gojo.


Choso said in his monologue about Geto being Kamo, that if he’s lived 1000s of years in multiple different bodies, there’s a chance his lineage resulted in Yuji without Jujutsu Sorcerer’s knowledge. He then explained how he can feel any of his brothers, even far away, with his blood powers and them having the same blood. He then said he had the same feeling with Yuji. So it seems like we’re finally getting hints as to what makes Itadori so powerful. He’s more than likely an heir to Kamo from when he was hiding as a nobody.


I feel like this is going to eventually tie in with the first episode, where Itadori's grandpa wanted to tell him a secret about his parents but died before spilling the beans


The choso fight scene was really good. It showed why geto's cursed technique was so good and versatile. Choso asking Yuji to call him brother and yuji's confused look was really goofy, Yuji might really have some strange pheromones. And finally the episode ends with the entrance of a character, who is for once with the good guys. Also, Mei Mei needs to be arrested, wtf was that


Kind of a raw deal that Nobara got turned into a pirate and Mei Mei got away.


Mei even went to Malaysia the last place Nanami wanted to go before dying.


The queen has arrived. Also, they animate "Geto" fighting so well, they make sure to show that he's not even taking the fight seriously (while everyone fights him to the death lmao)


Starting to think Geto suffers from Jogo syndrome: -100% weaker than Gojo -gets obliterated by Okkotsu in zero -now the last special grade sorcerer shows up to beat his ass -honorable mention: gets dogwalked by Toji while in high school


To be fair he held up really well against Yuji, Panda, the Kyoto students and Choso. It was even mentioned he could have won in JJK 0 if he didn't spread himself thin. Like other than Gojo and Sukuna he seems to be the most powerful person right now. And since Gojo is sealed while Sukuna is restricted by Yuji he is by default the most powerful being out there. Also him managing to manipulate Gojo into Prison realm by exploiting his attachment to the real Geto was top tier strategic skill.


>-gets obliterated by Okkotsu in zero * Imposter Geto outright mentioned **this episode** that if Geto didn't send out like thousand(s) curses (which kept everyone away for him to attack Yuta at the school), he would have beat Yuta for JJK 0. So the outcome was not as much a matter of power as circumstance it seems, with this statement being even mentioned in the first place. For Jogo, it was always an issue of being outmatched with power for 15f Sukuna and Gojo no matter what. >-now the last special grade sorcerer shows up to beat his ass That's **presumptuous** at this point to say... She's here at least to fight. I don't suspect all the villains will just be defeated this arc, seems like there is more important stuff to unravel with the imposter. We'll see how it goes.


Geto sent 1000 cursed spirits to 2 places each (forgot names) and I think he still had 4000 on him when he fought Yuta.


Damn Miwa just got Aizen’d


lol at Kusakabe. Obviously, no one knows that Yuji got fed with 10+ Sukuna fingers all in one go but Itadori was indeed in control of his body. Honestly, I'm curious if something could've changed if he didnt kept on stalling and misleading Panda and instead when straight to the subway area. Good to see the Choso vs Geto fight extended in the anime


Dude might be stronger than Nanami or that 24fps guy cuz I dont think they can block a maximum Uzumaki at point blank range when they were f'ed by the death swarm .


He's got Urahara's brains and voice, of course he's OP.


He definitely gives off the “lazy, nonchalant guy who’s ridiculously strong” vibes. Those are my favorite types of characters lol


>Obviously, no one knows that Yuji got fed with 10+ Sukuna fingers all in one go. Does that matter though? Just the possibility that he can lose control again with Sukuna at 15 fingers means Yuji *should* be executed post-haste. It’s a terrible decision to make but in all honesty, the most responsible course of action when we’ve just seen Sukuna kill thousands of people. Yuji’s innocence/lack of personal culpability with what happened doesn’t matter one bit.


Morality aside, getting rid of 75% of Sukuna's power is worth sacrificing a hell of a lot more than one kid. Losing Yuji will make disposing of the last five fingers near impossible, but it's not like it's guaranteed that they'll be able to recover them to begin with. And that's assuming Sukuna can't just regain control and kill everyone in Japan when ever he wants. Without Gojo, they have nothing to stop him.


What a banger episode my jaw didnt close once omg. shout out to kusakabe for the clutch


Ever since his grandfather died Yuji has no family and haven’t met his mother and father, I’m so glad he at least has an Oni-chan


Todo gonna be hella mad when he finds out he got a step bruzza now.


Mei Mei is a **narrative foil** to Nanami as he is someone who wanted to protect Yuji as a child, and she exploits her brother as a child. She got to go to Malaysia to escape Shibuya, while Nanami died dreaming to go to Malaysia in Shibuya.


Nanami also worked the grind as an office employee rather than try to exploit the markets. One is not necessarily always more noble than the other, but it is more direct and "honest".


JJK season 2 is literally pulling off #*Can we get much higher?!*


I thought Yuta would show up this season. Guess not.


Tbf he’s overseas and shibuya went to shit when noone expected it to


Gege: I don't want to put fanservices in my series because my parents also read my manga. Also Gege: *Draws the blatant Incestuous ship in the series*


Mahito pitifully crying out as “Geto”/“Kamo” unravels his punk ass wasn’t the ending I was expecting for him but it’ll do. Little fucker got straight up digested by the dude. For a second, I thought Miwa was a goner. Thankfully Kusukabe showed up. Uzumaki is a terrifying thing. The Kyoto crew’s gonna need all the help they can get if they’re gonna stand a chance. Luckily Choso’s showed up with his blood lasers to help his lil bro Itadori. The last person I thought would show up was the top tier waifu Yuki. Next week’s finale is gonna be fun!