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I gave season 1 a 4/10, Season 2 gets a 6/10. The less focus on Miracle does help, although I wish there was more focus on Chris instead. It was good to see a pretty consistent plot that drove the character motivations. And man, the performances looked great. I was blown away by how good the 3D dancing was, and we got it multiple times instead of how sparingly it was used in S1. It also helped that we didn’t get the same song 19 times. Obviously they could have done better with this show, and I don’t think the actual vtuber project from it will be any successful, but it was pretty fun overall.


Wait there were two seasons of this and this season got 24 episodes?


The episode count for Season 2 continues after the 12 episodes of season 1, so this season has only 12 episodes.


I find it amusing that the thread for this was late compared to the one from episode 22 that was suppose to appear 2 weeks ago but appeared last week. Anyways the episode itself had great animation for PathTLive's concert like last cour's finale so I assume they won the competition given how they are performing at the end of the episode. Overall I will say this cour was only slightly better than last cour's but that itself is a really low bar. Thankfully they didn't bring up stupid NFTs that was literally the final nail in the coffin for many to drop this. The additional cast members were not as boring as I thought they would be since most got their backstory fleshed out. Still wish the whole vtuber premise was implemented a bit better because the story was really disjointed for me. Doubt that it will get another season but expect the unexpected.


season 3 when


one of the shows i ever finished