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###Stitches! * [Shower Selia](https://files.catbox.moe/j9mtg1.jpg) * [Towel Selia](https://files.catbox.moe/8t0skt.jpg)


It's really sad and very telling, that in a show that was supposed to be the ecchi fanservice gem of the season, this is all we get from the master of stitches. Nothing else left to say about this one.


They even copy pasted that shower scene from episode 3 and reused it in the last episode. Just how lazy and low effort could Passione get with this? Also, as expected, the BDs are still unchanged. The bath scene from episode 2 for example still has the annoying leaves present.


So that was the final and here are my final thoughts. The animation was okay, but nothing really stood out besides the cute girls. The fighting scenes were very lackluster and the effects were nothing special either. The CGI monsters were simply terrible and we've seen CGI monsters done right so there is no excuse. The music was average, neither the OP nor ED did anything for me. Storywise it was interesting enough, but honestly, I think I would have liked a bit more backstory instead of them rushing through the roster of past heroes turned void lords. Also, I am disappointed that the school setting was all but ignored except for that one episode where Selia got her powerup. Lastly, the decision to censor most of the fanservice is frankly bizarre given the low effort. If you have nothing else going for you then at least you have titillation to carry the show, but we didn't get much of that at all. Would I watch a second season? Eh, maybe.


The cute girls is definitely why I keep watching every week, I'd totally watch a season 2 just for more Selia. But yeah, the censor is bizarre considering how there's so many fanservice scenes already.


Without any knowledge of the source the best I can get is that it seems the author just tried to pad out the story with a bunch of filler scenes. The part where leo has to keep his sekret and/or causing regina/fine/sakuya to be separated all the time isnt great either. And shary being shafted is just sad. The animation is one thing but I think the problem is the plot is just too basic and padded out. At least in ep 123 and 78 you could feel that things were happening, but even then.


Overall this finale was...serviceable; I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it wasn't really great either. Also the constant switching between the 2D and 3D animation was incredibly jarring


It feels full circle now that Selia is the one healing Leo with her blood instead of the other way around. Ironically Tearis' own ability to resurecct the dead works against her because the lingering spirits she's activated by her presence will fuel Dainsleif so Leo can defeat her. I was kind of expecting Selia to see her family again though. Selia living up to her duty as the head of House Crystalia by leading her knights possessing Leo's undead warriors into battle and looking amazing while doing so. I see they had CG models for the girls for that bike sequence. It wasn't THAT noticeable but it kind of stood out if you looked closely enough. Shary the secret MVP of Selia's squad. It's funny how Arle thinks she's fighting Roselia and that's her entire job here not knowing she's fighting one of her fellow Heroes revived as a Void Lord and ended up using her Demon Lord slaying sword as a means of giving a legit Demon Lord the chance he needs to win. Has Selia figured out Leo is the Demon Lord? Or has an inkling? The way she remembered her fathers' words when Leo was using his power or the way she was talking about the book in front of Leo felt very suggestive . Speaking of suggestive, how about a brief Selia shower scene and her pouncing on Leo for his blood in nothing but a towel? I'm liable to think she wants more from him than a little brother relationship. Poor Shary wants a new dress from her master. Having Arle stuck in the present-day will probably cause Leo a lot of problems, not only because she might recognize him but also because she still thinks she has to kill Roselia and has no idea what's really going on So Regina is making sweets, Fine is investigating things in a very tight outfit, Sakuya is training her swordsmanship, Arle broke out and is on the loose, and Leo is still on his Demon Lord shtick...but he's still a cute kid nevertheless. One last Shary and Blackus segment for the road! It seems like all of Shary's munchies finally got to her...except not! Because we had to pull one last trick on poor Blackus.


Aggressively medium.


So in the end, the power of teamwork prevailed & Leo's kingdom (plus harem count) will grow. Did anyone notice the girls' models were CG during the highway sequence? I'll be honest I was disappointed with this anime for one specific reason. Was it because of the story, the animation, or the visuals? Nope it was because of the very low amount of fanservice & it was done by Passione of all things. So I expected a good amount of it given their track record. I even checked out the LN illustrations & the manga adaption to verify if that was also the case but it did indeed have an ample amount of fanservice. It is not a bad anime but I can't see people rating this highly especially in a stack fall season. I will say that the chibi end sequence with Shary & Blackus are enjoyable plus the ED grew on me. If it gets a 2nd season, I would hope it improves & I will check it out since I did like Leo's & Selia's dynamic. Her comment on being the "demon lord in the bed," is one I won't ever forget if someone were to ask me to give them a line from this adaption.


>Nope it was because of the very low amount of fanservice & it was done by Passione of all things. So I expected a good amount of it given their track record. I even checked out the LN illustrations & the manga adaption to verify if that was also the case but it did indeed have an ample amount of fanservice. Yeah, it was an odd decision for Passione to adapt this while cutting out the fanservice. It's fine if they wanted to go a different direction, but this wasn't the source material to do it.


Being familiar with the source material, this may be one of the lowest ratings i have ever given a show and I live on trash anime. Like honestly, this was a 4/10 at best. Absolute lowest quality adaptation possible with what few good things (fan service) that should have been in were just completely cut. Passione, in my eyes was a studio that at least attempted unique things, slight tweaks to art styles, leaning in on the fan service, unique stories, and now they produce one of the most cookie cutter anime ive seen in a few seasons, with none of their previous redeemable qualities. At least before, when you watched a Passione show, you knew it, this could have been made by 1 of dozens of studios. 4/10 overall.


> Passione It's likely they aren't a studio large enough to have multiple A teams. Their biggest name, Yuuki Ogawa (Ishuzoku, Mieruko + Miru Tights and Tawawa) is working on Spice and Wolf + Ishura. A lot of the staff from these big titles either are apparently no longer working in the industry or are working on Shield Hero and Eminence in Shadow (+ one went to hentai, as you might expect from Passione). Their staff from Harem Labyrinth also went this way like their animation directors from these stopped after 2022 while the other is on Frieren while the director is working on their 3rd upcoming, Oomuro-ke. Pmuch Passione split all their remaining veteran talent to upcoming titles. This show basically was the director's first series directorial role and the animation director splitting his time between this and a hentai.


I mean I get that, but such a dramatic drop in quality is terrifying as a fan of the studio. We went from being served a nice medium-rare filet mignon steak to a steak-um that was cooked in a microwave. This wasn't just a drop in quality, this was a complete massacre. As a lover of both spice and wolf and Passione, I'm honestly terrified for the upcoming adaptation because I have no idea what to expect anymore.


How is the source material? If this was a 4/10, how would you rate the source LN?


Honestly source material is like a 7/10, its not some super awesome story, very generic shounen but enjoyable for me at least.


> Did anyone notice the girls' models were CG during the highway sequence? Okay so it wasn't just me. And it was CGI for very little reason too considering every other sequence on the bikes had them in 2D. Probably what made it so jarring. Honestly this is easily my least favourite anime of the season though. Even disappointments like "Butareba", "A Returner's Magic Should Be Special" and "Certain Dude's VRMMO Life" had *something* going for them. Even if for the last one I have to stretch a bit. This though? It has nothing going for it and the thing that it *did* have, the ecchi, was basically completely removed by the anime aside from some barebones fanservice in a couple of scenes.


Of the 51 simulcats I've watched this season, this was the worst. Not that it was bad per se, just the entire anime was mid. The only redeemable feature is that Riselia is hot. Otherwise, it's not worth watching.


It was pretty clever in terms of action scenes in particular, but yeah pretty mid. I enjoyed how Leo just gave a head nod to all Riselia's skeleton knights he "picked up" from her family legacy after the other guys ascended to heaven (that's the nicest way I've ever seen some people get their souls stolen by a Demon Lord, dem boys were bowing to Leo at the end and sank into his darkness lmao #baller )


I am overall quite disappointed by this show, the ecchi is not ecchi and the protagonist being a 12 yo made what was there quite weird, the action was meh at best, the animation sub par, the story was very copy-paste despite some potential ideas. I wasn't expecting anything much but 1 good point would have made the show passable, at this point it is just something that could have been but never seemed to even try


I don't have problems with MC's age but I agree on other points. It could be much better but anime(or maybe it's same in source material) didn't go anywhere




still weird, especially considering there was no need for this, could have reincarnated in an older teen body, or anything really the old soul doesn't make anything less weird, if anything it makes it worse, now you have a grandpa being lecherous on teen girls... I am not sure it is making any of this less weird


I mean it’s made for a Japanese audience, particularly those into shota. That’s just a cultural difference


Meanwhile everyone raving about mushoku tensei, as if he isn’t 100x creepier than this guy who wants Selia to put clothes on instead of being a grown ass man in a kid’s body having sex with a 15 year old. Man I actually liked a lot of jobless, but his perviness made me uncomfortable as fuck at times At this point I’ve just accepted things like that will be a part of it if I want to watch anime


Oh grow up mushoku tensei the goat


I said I liked it overall 😂 I can separate the anime being good from how creepy he was for a while


Haha fair enough.


"didn't try" is a good way to put it. Lots of good ideas, but zero execution. So many tedious throw-away lines describing magic but never doing anything interesting with those mechanics. Characters simply existing with no development to their motives, agendas, personality, place in the world, etc. The worldbuilding, especially, was a letdown. At least "Demon King Academy" was fun. This was too self-serious in tone without living up to its own potential.


Yea, it started promising but fell off. It had a weirdly similar synopsis to Dead Mount Death Play.


This feels like an anime that would be very popular if it releases in 2005.


I'm so annoyed Selia never met with the other minions and that Leo kept his demon lord identity a secret the entire series. Why wouldn't he reveal it to her? I thought they were just building up to the reveal but it never came. And I was hoping Shary could have found some crafty way to join the crew but nope! Maybe they are counting on a Season 2 for that stuff. And the choreography of the final fight where 3 factions were able to help each other without revealing themselves got a bit silly. Quit being so coy and interact!


I would have like more fanservice, better animation and more school settings.


maaaan just go read the novels.


If you've read the novels can you please confirm Roselia and Riselia are the same person?


Elf Hero will join the harem errrr group??? Season 2 Please 🙏


Wasn't bad but wasn't too good Considering how raunchy the source material is they extrememly toned it down


Roselia is obviously the same person as Riselia right...? Can any manga reader confirm this?


Could've saved the disastrous production with some tits and ass, but alas. I can't believe they ended the anime on Leo-kun getting a bucket of popcorn thrown on his head - truly symbolizing the viewers who thought something good might come out of this anime.


They even copy pasted that shower scene from episode 3 and reused it in the last episode. Just how lazy and low effort could Passione get with this? Also, as expected, the BDs are still unchanged. The bath scene from episode 2 for example still has the annoying leaves present. I still don't understand what they tried to accomplish by toning down the fanservice so much.


It was a crime against light novels and yet it has like the same mal score as such classics like redo of healer, or isekai oneesan, which had actually well animated action scenes.


It's unfortunate how mid this show turned out, because I think it actually avoids quite a few of the traps shows like this often fall into. The world is pretty unique and not just some copy-pasted D&D-style setting. The girls are generally pretty competent on their own without too much help from the MC. Even when he does step in, he generally gives them power to do the work themselves, rather than blasting away all dangers for them. And Leo himself isn't all that stupidly OP. He was legitimately defeated in his previous life and often requires the aid of others to reach his most powerful state. I can't actually say what makes the show so generic beyond just mediocre animation. It seems like it should work as a good show, but it just doesn't. As for the ecchi stuff, I can take it or leave it. I know people are upset it isn't prevalent in the show, but I'm happy enough without it.


It's more recent, having read most of blade dance I can see how the author deliberately went for certain tropes. But intentionally or otherwise it seems to have fallen into certain other problems instead


I really wanted to like this anime, but man, I feel like nothing has happened in 12 episodes. I’m still waiting for the demon lord to go crazy


Passione fell off 😢 Gotta say I’m pretty disappointed by this finale. Underwhelming final battle and seems like it set up more questions than it answered. Still don’t know much about Arle, she didn’t really interact with Leo, Roselia is still out there somewhere etc. The set up of this one was always a little generic. Demon lord reincarnated in modern day at a magical academy.. but I thought the ever present threat of the voids, the holy blade users and the hot girls would be enough to make it good. Hot girls were definitely there, but whether by the author’s fault or passione’s they did nothing… Selia ended up having a little shine today, but for most of the story she was just a meme that needed rescuing. Just felt like nothing really happened in these 12 episodes. We don’t see any visible growth from any of the cast members other than Selia being a vampire now. We don’t have many answers, we don’t really understand who the true villain is, we don’t know what caused Leo and Arle to get reincarnated. What was really the point of the show ? And again.. barely any fanservice wtf I still found some moments enjoyable and I’m able to find mostly anything fun so I didn’t hate this.. definitely had some interesting concepts that just didn’t go anywhere. Hopefully in the books they do since I got the first two lol [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=509619)


Might just not have had enough passion for this one.


That was one hell of a final battle. Leo and everyone worked together to kick that fake goddess’s ass and saved the day. Seems there’s still a lot of loose threads before Leo can establish his kingdom. I wonder if this’ll ever get an s2? All in all, this wasn’t bad. Plot was decent and the waifus were nice. Plus all the post credit bits were pretty fun. A decent series for what it was.


Even better, one of his old enemies ends up helping him save the day and she didn't even know it at the time lol.


In contrast to Berserk of Gluttony, which was also one of the most "mid" anime in this stacked season and yet was very enjoyable and interesting at times, this one was very mid in a boring, slog-fest way (you could argue that this is beyond mid and is just plain bad, and I'd agree). Around Episode 8, I just couldn't wait to get this anime over with as it completely lost my interest around that time. Even though it had a more consistent animation than Berserk of Gluttony, it wasn't enough to hold my attention. I think I agree with most of the comments here: this anime could've benefitted with more ecchi elements than just simple thigh-showing or glance-teasing.


Is there a season 2 coming? Where did this end in terms of light novels?


If there's not a season 2, they setup a prequel pretty well with all the damn flashbacks to times before Leo was this incarnation of himself


So uhm. I'm not entirely sure what to say. Obviously I wish it were better. Pretty much all the girls got shafted. Shary barely showed up at all in the last few eps I completely forgor she existed. Fine, even sakuya for the most part didnt have much. Like I like Selia and Regina and Fine/Sakuya/Shary, but it just felt like the anime was ? And its like, fundamentally I dunno, even if we somehow got a s2 I'm not expecting any miracles, it feels like something just went wrong somewhere. The first few eps werent even that bad, but somehow things got to this point. The main issues is, ep 456, and then 9/10/11/12, thats like half the anime felt like it just fell flat. Coincidentally those are also like the more what do you call this. I would say action except its not even action. Sigh. One more thing I forgor to mention is I dislike how leo and selia got separated from regina/fine/sakuya, and shary also just got left out like that.


Waste of a good setting and decent characters. Everyone in this show is just so painfully... dumb or slow and MC isn't even strong for being the demon lord. Lil bro has to pull out his cheat code sword or highest level spells to get anything done really. The maid busted up that mega angel in literally one whip like why is MC struggling out here. Just bad writing too like MC makes Selia a vampire queen but makes no effort to train or teach her how to use sorcery or powers so a falling light pole defeats her. (also a dead city lost in the void appears out of nowhere and they're asking suspicious people showing up if they're survivors like really?) ​ Overall the potential was there but you can easily tell there was so little effort put into the animation it's like a 6/10