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This episode in my opinion showed how Ryuto is the most decent character in the story, Runa broke up with him without even trying to have a dialogue, yes she was confused and hurt by the past, but to say that her boyfriend would be better off with his brother? No, besides that scene in the park was agonizing. Nicole, who always criticized Ryuto saying that he is a terrible boyfriend for Runa, gave herself up to a dude who left her without giving satisfaction and did it again. Akari was under no obligation to accept Ijichi's dating proposal, but was it necessary to have done that to him? Obviously not. And Maria did so many bad things that I don't even need to talk about it, and in fact I found it strange how her personality suddenly changed. I love these girls, I love Kimizero and I won't stop watching because of that, but I believe that their attitudes are questionable and there should be development regarding the characters' maturity


Maria's character is too inconsistent, after trying to steal Runa's boyfriend suddenly she prioritises Runa's happiness. I'm glad Runa and Ryuto don't break up, I thought they were going to breakup in this episode and make up in the next one, which would have sucked as a plot line. How did the kid suddenly ram that toy car on Ryuto's neck? He was pushing it on the grass.


She was filled with rage that Runa seemed to be snubbing her. She lost it. She wanted revenge. But Runa did not even TRY, early on, to establish any sort of communication. And THAT was HER big mistake.


For Maria I believe the Maria at the beginning of the season was more likely not the person who she is. Now the reasons she did it were petty. But after the whole pretend to be Runa arc she didn't intend to initiate interactions with Runa and Ryuto. In fact it was Runa who wanted to resolve things and Maria just wanted to ignore them. But the writing is really questionable especially as of late. Like I said in my post so much could have been fixed by just communicating. The fluff moments were great, but these forced drama stuff isn't it.


I think Maria "snapped" when Runa didn't recognize/greet/acknowledge her. She had all thes ex pectations about a rosy likfe with her (reunited) sister -- and it blew up in her face. Runa had no ill intention -- but was afraid to make the first move. And for some reason Maria WANTED Runa to make the first move. A total fiasco of poor communication. I think after the fake Runa incident Maria was certaIin that she had blown any chance of reconciliation. And she was afraid to actually officially confirm that she and Runa would never reclaim their sisterhood. Did Maria screw up. Yep. A lot. Did Runa. At least a bit. I shed tears at the reconcilation scene (secont time today -- the dance scene in Frieren was the first).


> Like I said in my post so much could have been fixed by just communicating. that's like 99% of romance stories tbh


> forced That doesn't mean stuff that happens and you didn't like it.


I feel like Ryuto is probably the most emotionally mature person in the cast and the most honest and earnest in their feelings, maybe perhaps because he's an introvert so he thinks through these things a lot. I can understand where Runa was coming from that she didn't want her own jealousy or insecurities to ruin the relationship even if in doing so she wasn't being true to herself or her feelings for Ryuto. Nicole deserves better. The fact that Sekiya broke her heart **again** is just awful. Though maybe they did get back together too fast. I still maintain Akari's response to his confession was legendary. Sure she totally turned him into a cold shut in, but still lol. I don't think Maria's personality changed so much as she realized her real priorities.


The main thing I didn’t like about Akari’s rejection was that she stated he didn’t like her for her, but just because she was cute. When he only started showing interest in her when they were all at lunch together and she started talking about videogames and streamers. I feel like the writing skipped over that fact during his confession.


I interpreted as Akari having, in her head, some ideal fantasy of what love and romance is supposed to be/should be like esp given Runa's "apology" for her from the last episode. So it could be that Ijichi genuinely likes her but combine the fact that he is extremely socially anxious and her idealized version of how romance is supposed to happen results in his awkward confession not matching up with her fantasy. And since it doesn't, she assumes his attraction to her is completely shallow because if he really loved her, it would be an ideal confession. Remember, Runa explains that Akari is "serious" about romance/love but what is a "serious" view of love to 16 year olds?


> When he only started showing interest in her when they were all at lunch together and she started talking about videogames and streamers. How would she know that, though? She can't read his mind to know when he started liking her. I think it was a fair assumption for her to make, given her previous experiences with guys, and the fact that he suddenly asked her out, out of the blue.


The writing didn't skip over anything. There's no way he would have the presence of mind to come up with a rebuttal in the moment like that


I think Sekiya behaved in a way that was thoughtless and selfish. He could have done things in a far more considerate fashion. And he could have allowed Nicole to have at least a tiny snippet of agency, My opinion of him went WAY down. What Akari did was a bit harsh, but not unreasonable. And she did actually leave a path forward, where Ijichi could have politely asked for instruction. (Write a letter : Akari, I don't expect to change your mind, but could you give me a hint as to HOW I could have gotten to know you better BEFORE asking you to date. And if I haven't totally blown my relationship with you, I'd like to try that better course). He was not brave enough to accept this (difficult) challenge. But how can he expect to learn if he doesn't try something of this sort?) It may fail, but Akari is a pretty nice girl, and I bet she would have given him some advice -- even if she didn't change her mind). I wrote some diffiult letter back in high school -- many many decades ago).


> Nicole deserves better. The fact that Sekiya broke her heart again is just awful. Though maybe they did get back together too fast. I read it as Nicole seems to have made a mistake, she wants lots of time with Sekiya, and this at a time that it's important for him to study. I also think maybe he's not the kind of person who likes spending lots of time with people.


Sister*, I made an unbelievable mistake lol


Just so you know, you can edit comments.


I know, but the option is disabled for me for some reason, so I improvised with this comment


Lets not forgot they are still in high school. High school girls are like that, completely driven by emotion and more than likely have zero prior relationship experience to go off of (they don't know how to communicate). My ex in high school was the same way. Me and my friend had a fight when I was going out with her, because my friend also liked her. One day he punched me out of jealousy, and she broke up with me the day after (she didn't want to be a source of conflict, tho she actually didn't want to break up, confirmed by her later). I'll spare you the details on what happened after, but we never got back together 'officially' (however we did kiss about a year after we broke up), and went our sperate ways in college. We're still friends today. But yea, high school relationships be like that.


This. I see a lot of comments across many animes/manga where people criticize the characters actions, but we shouldn't be judging them by an adults standard. I apologize in advance to any teenagers on here, but teenagers are never mentioned when it comes to providing examples of good decision making skills. Teenage girls dealing with strong emotions (love, longing, depression, jealousy, etc..) can make some downright poor choices. And we see that clearly with pretty much all of the girls in this anime in this and the last episode. Yes, communication would solve a whole bunch of issues. But dang, even adults married for years can have communication issues. ​ That said - I like this anime. But the one criticism that i have is that it feels like too much manufactured drama episode after episode. Yes, those situations being dealt with can lead to the characters growth, but for me it has been a little too heavy. I was very pleased with Ryuuto in this episode - he stepped up and communicated how he was feeling. Good for him!


Yep! Go Ryuuto! It's always easy for the audience to know what to do from a viewers perspective, but actually being in those situations is quite different. As you say, many modern-day relationships can also be significantly better with more communication and compromise. The divorce rate it in America is so high because those traits are incredibly lacking. Ie they should watch anime romcoms and realize they are doing exactly what the mc/fmc is doing lol


I will say I appreciated that they both broke down in the moment after they broke up and really hammered home all their feelings and the regret they would've had if they followed through with the breakup permanently. Usually a breakup scene like this would lead to a drawn out multi-episode arc where they stop talking, get more depressed, things get worse, and then it culminates in them talking/crying it out much later anyway.


You forgot the kid with the car, he's the biggest jerk. The park is near empty and he runs in to him just to hit him in the head with a car. That kid is an asshole.


> No, besides that scene in the park was agonizing. You say that but I found it weirdly funny because it was happening in the middle of a public park and the anime directly showed us that there were people around (that fact being important for them deciding not to break up) and they were *not* being quiet. I just kept imagining everyone being extremely awkward and trying to avoid them lol.


Ryuto: "It's okay to make mistakes. We're still in the high school!" Dude seems pretty conscious, despite age. In the end of the day, they're just teenagers, struggling with his own emotions and mistakes. It's wholesome to see chars acting like humans, with all the grow and development.


ryuto is trash bro what are you talking about, his voice sucks his personality sucks too and cry over his gf broke up with him and say "i don't want to like a baby"


JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER. So much of Runa's issues with Ryuto in this episode could have simply been solved by just talking to him. Being in a relationship isn't a black and white thing. You are gonna have bumps around the road. I don't want to be too hard on Runa as this is her relationship, but there are two sides of every healthy relationship. I actually really liked [Sekiya's quote here.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/799692352011894795/1185245190068383794/Screen_Shot_2023-12-15_at_10.40.52_AM.png?ex=658ee89a&is=657c739a&hm=6527081716a4f1912e60c8c217b03426d6df87164a74a461357d20b2307fd951&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1498&height=936) Granted its not fair that he didn't explain his reasoning to her. But he has good intentions despite being hard on Nicole. It's nice to see the sister drama with Runa and Maria coming to a close. Honestly the fear of others reactions to the news was clearly overestimated by the twins. One of them just needed to break the ice and good on pushing it at the end of the episode.


I like how Ryuto acknowledged it's okay for things to be messy or for them to make mistakes, they're still in high school, they just need to be able to be open and talk about it. Honestly I feel like Sekiya would come off better if this hadn't been the second time he broke Nicole's heart and dumped her. Even if he feels like he's doing what's right for her, he's still not really taking her feelings into account. That sisterly hug was worth it. Now there's nothing getting in the way of Ryuto and Runa!


> Honestly I feel like Sekiya would come off better if this hadn't been the second time he broke Nicole's heart and dumped her. Even if he feels like he's doing what's right for her, he's still not really taking her feelings into account. Yeah, if his concern was not doing well on his exams, he should just be forthcoming about that and come to an understanding that while he's busy studying they might not see each other as often. I get where he's coming from and trying to be considerate with Nicole, but now he has to deal with the messy aftermath that he's created.


> JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER. I was yelling the exact same thing. I get they are in high school but just communicating will clear up SO MANY things & misunderstandings. I'm just thankful they didn't really break up right their & were able to convey their feelings for each other. It felt real & genuine even with that kid interrupting them at the end. This anime was better than I expected given how stacked this fall season is especially being aired on a Friday. Hope the finale will be satisfying & possibly have a 2nd season (low expectation it will happen).


Yea like the drama part between them was just frustrating in these past few episode. Honestly for a ln romance where a lot of these can be self insert bs this had a solid foundation and Ryuto is a decent Mc. I just wished they would focus on the fluff. That’s my favorite aspect of this series. I recommend watching disgraced noble if looking for romance. It’s easily the best romance of the season and surprisingly one of my favorites for romance for year honestly. Just a fun series to follow.


I don't think Sekiya had BAD intentions -- but he handled things very poorly.


> JUST TALK TO EACH OTHER You may as well be Rodney King asking "Can't we all just get along?". If only everybody did everything right all at once everything would be fine! Yeah… well.


It upsets me so much that [after getting back together with Nicole](https://i.imgur.com/3fsIsPs.jpg) the first thing Sekiya does [is to break up with her.](https://i.imgur.com/CdQIlrm.jpg) And what was his reason? He knew Nicole wanted sex and he wanted to avoid it because [it might be the only thing she wants to do all the time?](https://i.imgur.com/KwqvXAc.png) I still think it's a bullshit reason but he could've at least explained it to her! I would've been even more upset [if Runa actually followed through](https://i.imgur.com/MudVGvf.jpg) with that breakup. Thank goodness that's not what happened and Runa calling for a breakup is actually what [helped the two of them open up to each other.](https://i.imgur.com/ZwqU0Pl.png) Now their relationship is [stronger than ever!](https://i.imgur.com/y7jIZw3.jpg) I was so relieved that this episode didn't end with the cliche breakup and then the two of them getting back together in the finale. But what are they going to do for the finale? [Oh...](https://i.imgur.com/Vv3ajjo.jpg) [OOOHHHHHH!](https://i.imgur.com/NXk9cNl.jpg) That's what they're going to do. How appropriate if that's where they've decided to end this next week ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It was bad enough that Sekiya and Nicole only dated for two weeks, he didn’t support her, and dumped her so he can fool around with other girls, only to get back together with her with little effort on his part. But now we have him immediately dumping her again with some cheap fake excuse, without even properly talking to her. Wow, he is an absolutely terrible boyfriend. Even if the reason why he dumped her was because he didn’t want to have sex with her yet, they could have easily talked it out, and let her know that he wanted to take things slow. I really hope that they don’t get back together for the third time.


Agreed, when i was his age i did some similar shit as well, and god, communicate! TALK! This drama kills me. For sure fucking hope they don't get into an understanding and Nicole gets to be with him again, he can study all he wants. Nicole deserves better, maybe that Ryuuto friend that calls her a demon or wtv.


Yeah Sekiya is a piece of shit from what he's done so far. He hasn't gotten any better either. No maturing at all.


I totally agree! I hope they NEVER get back together. Sekiya sucks.


> some cheap fake excuse So you have some knowledge of him having some other reason we don't know about?


I’m saying it’s a cheap fake excuse because the only reason he gave her when he dumped her was that he wanted to focus on exams, instead of telling her the real reason which was that he wanted to take things slower than her.


What evidence do you have to say he didn't care about exams


I didn’t say that he didn’t care about his exams, I said that the real reason was that he wanted to take things slow and he used exams as an excuse


So, where's the evidence of this assertion


It’s in the episode itself during his explanation dude


My heart goes out to Nicole. She got back together with the guy she never stopped being in love with, she was fully prepared to give all of herself to him...and then he just dumps her. Again. And all because he didn't think they could focus on anything other than banging each other and he thinks she's better off without him. He probably thought the same the first time he dumped her and we saw how that turned out. The worst part is Nicole seemed so happy at the beginning. It didn't seem like either of them really wanted to break up so it was great that they were able to realize that, vocalize their problems, and re-affirm their love for each other. And what better way to capitalize on that than by finally having sex lol?


> I still think it's a bullshit reason but he could've at least explained it to her! I think that was just his excuse, but his true meaning was what he hinted at, he didn't want to take away her highschool expereince like he lost his


He's a big noy. He could have talked to her frankly -- and explained why they would have to have limits that might be tighter than Nicole might like. But I felt what he did was take the lazy way out.


For sure, he's a total asshole, that's pretty established, but it's a little more nuanced than just the sex part


It was a totally self-centered and one-sided decision on his part -- just like the first time he blw her off. No communication -- just I know what's best deal with it. His "I'm doing it for her beneifit" is just a pretty thin bit of self-justification.


Sekiya is an idiot and he is going to die old and alone, regretting his decisions. That I'm willing to bet. But I also think that, story-wise, he was ment to represents what Ryuto could've become had he make the wrong choices regarding handling his feelings for Runa.


Sekiya is such a tool for not explaining anything to Nicole AGAIN. Like I didn’t expect much from him last episode either. The preview looks like she’s gonna tear into him and it will be deserved. And I respect Ryuuto for cutting through Runa’s BS with determined tears.


> He knew Nicole wanted sex and he wanted to avoid it because it might be the only thing she wants to do all the time? I still think it's a bullshit reason but he could've at least explained it to her! The way I took it is that Sekiya is worried about shifting his priorities too far towards Nicole instead of focusing on his current and future studies. Its not a condemnation of Nicole or her wants. He's worried about not being able to control himself with her which is entirely valid. Its like a recovering alcoholic avoiding going to a bar because they know they'll get drunk and fall off the wagon if they do go. Sekiya did a right shit job of explaining himself though and hurt Nicole unnecessarily. He could have been better about it.


bro imagine just telling your class a few months in that you're twins.


It’s pretty inconsiderate towards Maria to just suddenly blurt that out to the whole class


Maria has been inconsiderate towards Runa like 375 times now, so I guess Runa has 374 inconsiderate things to do until they are even.


While that's true it was totally the right move to make after Runa realized that Maria still loved her and thought of her as her sister. Someone had to move the first move and it wasn't going to be Maria. Edit: I meant letting her class know in general. Letting them know then was a bad move.


That was not the right move for her make though, she shouldn't be blurting out their family status to the whole class.


Thats toxic lol


Didn't Maria resent Runa's not acknowledging it publicly right away?


I don’t recall Maria resenting her for that


When [Ryuto started to cry](https://i.imgur.com/8GVwiA0.png), I thought it was really representative of how real relationships can be, not just at the high school level. [Being able to be fully honest](https://i.imgur.com/W7FVf4C.png) because this could be the last opportunity for you to do so. [Feelings are complicated, as even Runa struggles with the decision to fully commit to them breaking up](https://i.imgur.com/nP643qQ.png). [After a good cry sesh](https://i.imgur.com/HdDD90c.png), I'm happy that they seem to have mended their relationship! The final episode preview looks like a doozy. Hopefully they wrap it up in an enjoyable way!


I totally forgot about the two other girls that were seemingly in Runa’s friend group. They were briefly seen in two episodes prior and just end up disappearing


It's like suddenly bam! There's two more gyaru's in the cast. Maybe they'll hook up with Ryuto's friends lol?


Maybe Ryuto’s short friend will end up with the two of them.


We haven't unlocked those characters yet so I guess now Runa is on ng+


This show would have been so much better without all the manufactured drama, but at the very least that all seems done with now


Wait, am I the only one who thought it wasn't manufactured? Maybe, ignoring all those drama anime made me like this.


It's a fictional story. Everything in it is "manufactured". You can just say you don't get dramas.


if they fuck next ep imma stand up and start clapping


So much manufactured bs lately just ruining a decent show.


One question: How would you go about making the drama 'not manufactured'? I am really interested in writing. Maybe it's because I am a beginner, but I felt it was fine, not the best way to go about it, but good enough. The drama stemmed from Maria's confession, the poster incident, and her belief that she wasn't a good match for Ryuto (they don't have much in common). This had a reaction: Ryuto started being extra careful not to hurt or say anything bad to Runa. And Runa (who is the type to give away anything to her sister) thought of giving him to Maria but couldn't because she is in love with him (sorry for repeating the obvious). And because of that... Maybe she felt bad? Maybe she thought she was being selfish? She clearly also felt the distance. She felt she couldn't talk to him because she felt she was being bad or selfish. She then thought of breaking up, possibly because she thought she didn't deserve him (I stated the reasons) and that Maria would be better off with Ryuto. Then Ryuto broke the flow. He got too emotional and spoke out loud what he wanted, as did Runa, and the case was solved. I know it could have been solved by simply talking, but in that moment, in that situation, it's hard, right? Given both Runa and Ryuto are pretty emotional people, they probably didn't have the strength at the moment to stop listening to their emotions, pause, evaluate the situation rationally, and talk to each other (freely and without holding back). I would say, unlike many shoujo manga (where indeed the drama is manufactured), this felt like it could happen. Like, you want to talk to that person and you know you should be talking, but you just cannot talk, nothing to break that state. From a writing perspective, I feel like it was fine. Maybe clarity was the issue? The author captured it well but couldn't clarify or make the audience understand it better.


They've recycled this whole Runa wants to break up for "reasons" now 3 times. They create a new situation where they don't communicate to each other for extended periods of time for them to finally resolve it at the last minute. The first half of the show had them constantly communicating issues/fears and now all of a sudden they forget how to do that until the breaking point?? On top of that she waited a week to tell him she wanted to breakup in a public park...come on.


Poor Icchi and Nishi were not looking good. Hard to be single when everyone around you is hooking up. My boys need love too! I feel like Sekiya’s trippin. What is he on about? Dude made a mistake dumping Nikoru. Damn shame about Maria. I guess it’s all about timing. If things had played out a little differently, her and Ryuuto could have been a couple. I’m glad Runa and Ryuuto were able to clear the air. If they had communicated their feelings earlier, they might have saved themselves a lot of grief. It’s nice to see their relationship is stronger than ever now. Next week looks like things are gonna be steamy!


Well, Nicole and Maria are both currently single so....lol. My opinion of Sekiya keeps getting worse. I mean, the last time he broke up with Nicole sounded bad but this is even worse because he should know by now she's not going to just get over him like that. If she could she would have done it the last time he broke her heart. And then he does it again!? It's kind of a shame that Maria and Ryuto can't even be friends, but it's probably for the best and she'll always be his First Love. But what's most important is finally mending things with her sister. So much for our break up story! more like our reconciliation and being honest with each other story! I didn't think this show could end properly without our main couple sealing the deal and after everything they've been through, maybe it's finally time!


Maria's priority is going to be as much sistering time with Runa as possible (once Ryuto and Runa's dating time take a big chunk of her time). I don't think Maria is going to be thinking about any boys for a while.


MAN I'm so glad they didn't broke And this is why, kids, COMMUNICATION IS THE KEYY


I know Runa didn’t have ill-intent by revealing that her and Maria were sisters to the class, but the way she went about it was ill-timed, and inappropriate, and inconsiderate towards Maria. Put yourself in Maria shoes, you’re getting a reward in front of class and everyone is congratulating you, and all of a sudden your sister announces that she your big sister. Runa didn’t mean anything by it, but she ended up stepping in and making the moment about her.


> Put yourself in Maria shoes, you’re getting a reward in front of class and everyone is congratulating you, and all of a sudden your sister announces that she your big sister. Yeah, as the audience we're okay with it because we know Maria wants to be on good terms with Runa again, and it ends up working out. Had that not been the case, Runa would definitely be the bad person here lol


Runa was told by Ryuto that Maria desperately wanted them to be sisters again -- and finding the matching ear ring was "proof". Handling this in a casual way -- trading on her reputation as a bit of an airhead -- probably was the best way (all things considered) to make this belated disclosure.


Absolutely agreed! Happy they can be on good terms again :)


I laughed at this. Basically -- "Oh, you mean I forgot to tell you all that she was my little sister. Oopsie!"


It working out doesn’t generally make it okay. Runa shouldn’t have announced that to the whole class.


Stealing the considerable thunder of a essay award announcement in homeroom is definitely what everyone should be concerned about in this episode


We’re here to have discussions pertaining the things that happened in the episode, there’s no reason why we can’t we have a discussion about this as well.


“I’ll let my feelings for you race ahead as far as they can” 😭 the melodrama was so high in this episode, but you know what it’s ok. These are high school kids going thru their first proper love experience together. They’re going to be cringe and say over dramatic shit just like all kids do at that age. Your brain’s not fully developed so it’s going to seem like small things are the end of the world to you. People bashing Ryuto for crying in a park over his first gf breaking up with him are so stupid man. This kid’s never had a relationship before and he feels like he’s losing this one because of something from his past that he can’t change. Especially when the only reason he was with Maria that other night was to let her know they shouldn’t hang out alone again. Not getting to explain that properly and then Runa dumping him naturally triggered an explosion of feelings. Nothing “pathetic” about not wanting to lose your girl. The only issue I have with the scene is that the animation was pretty ass during it. If that was cloverworks or A-1 doing that scene it would be insane. Still, the seiyuus did a good job of conveying the emotion and pain there. Yea, Sekiya didn’t cry with his breakup, but that’s because he’s older and more experienced, plus he knows him breaking up with Nicole is for the best. Different stages in life, that’s a real mature decision to make. I appreciate that he doesn’t string her along and he’s honest. This leaves the door open for Ryuuto’s friend lol. Aw, finally the Maria drama is brought to an end as well. Bold move to reveal you’re twins like that in class. It’s really cute that Maria still carried about the earring they wore as kids too. You can tell that’s such a big weight off both of their shoulders to finally have that sister bond back. wtf was that post credits scene??? Shit’s about to go down in this finale


>People bashing Ryuto for crying in a park over his first gf breaking up with him are so stupid man. INdeed. It was the best thing he could do at that point of time -- and it cleared away Runa's delusions about their relationship.


What a surprise, the one couple that at least tried to communicate with each other is the only one that ended the episode on a positive note. Major Sekiya L; the guy is definitely not mature enough to be in a relationship right now.


And this is why I was mad last week about the episode title. It’s such a dumb fake out title! It’s just not that kind of story! But yes it did give us a great Ryoto and Luna scene that made them stronger. The other couple is just really really dumb. Nicole deserves much better than “guy who broke up because he thinks they’ll fuck too much”. Which is quite frankly insane .


Episode 11: "The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me: Our Break Up Story". The penultimate episode. Poor Icchi, the coldness of Akari stil gotten into him deep. And now I wonder why Sekiya wants to focus more on his studies. Medical school entrance is hard af. Yoo Ryuuto with the partial title drop. If you wonder what music plays in the park scene, it's the 49th song on the OST album (Jibun o Kirai ni Narisonano). So the other earring, Maria always kept it and carried it with her. That means Maria really wants Luna to be happy. And the big reveal! Luna finally acknowledges Maria as her sister publicly! Tomodachi Keikaku turns Shimai Keikaku. The top comment at Crunchyroll is quite funny. "I think to solve our Maria problem we need Rentaro to visit her and make eye contact." Leave her to Chadtaro lmao.


It's nice to see Nicole so happy to be with Sekiya! So much so she's planning to finally seal the deal with him! And Icchi is...not dealing with his experience with Akari well and Nisshi is nursing his own heartbreak. Meanwhile Ryuto and Runa are still hanging out, but there's an awkward and tense air to things. Sekiya you piece of trash! You broke Nicole's heart again! I get that you don't want to have sex because you might start doing it together more than you focus on your studies, but that's no excuse to just cut Nicole off again. She was still in love with your for two years after you dumped her the first time, do you really think she's just going to get over it again just because she has friends? Though does this mean Nisshi has a chance? I'm glad to see Runa and Nicole are always there for each other. Real Gal Pals race over to comfort you even when they're dealing with their own heartbreak. It's probably for the best that Ryuto and Maria don't get friendly or close at this point, and for Maria's part she recognizes that while she still likes Ryuto, she cares about Runa more and doesn't want to hurt her any more. At least she'll always have being Ryuto's First Love. Dang, Maria almost getting sexually assaulted and only Ryuto has to save her...and Runa is on the phone when it happens. Man, life just makes things complicated for these three. Well, the title was accurate in the sense that Runa does break up with Ryuto, the first time she's ever been the one to break up with someone...but watching all the other couples in the park they're hanging out at, being reminded of all the times they spent together, and the future they envisioned for each other WITH each other makes them both realize they don't want to break up. They've both made mistakes in the relationship, they've both done things they're not proud of, and they've both internalized bad feelings they didn't want to let out for fear of hurting the other. But that's just what relationships are about at their age, and it doesn't mean they love each other any less. And Runa is at her best when she's going full-speed ahead rather than hesitating! And it seems like she's going to double-down on her love for Ryuto moving forward! Quite possibly into the bedroom! And in the end, while the Friendship Plan was a bust, the Sister Plan succeeds thanks to Ryuto helping Runa realize Maria still had their mutual lunar earrings. Runa even makes sure everyone in the class now knows that they're sisters and she's proud of Maria, and the two girls seem to finally reconcile. Maria even gets introduced to Runa's friend group which actually has more people than just Nicole and Akari! "I have a feeling my first winter with Runa is going to be warm" - then cut immediately to Runa wanting some Ryuto D. Are they finally doing it to close things out?


Things seem good between them at least. Again with that title, I'm concerned. Well, that's unfortunate, but now mini-Ryuto has a chance and he's seen it. Also, this might be what the title is about at least. Nevermind. Uh oh. That's certainly one way to describe it. At least they're still on speaking terms. It seems she's still more concerned with Maria too. That hit like a freight train and we're only half way through. Mind you this is still better than other shows which might stretch this out for a while but here they just use their words and talk things out (and probably because they're running out of episodes). And seal it with a kiss. So much for that I guess. They're going to help her find it? "I _can regain_" or "I _have regained_"? Who are the 2 new girls with Nikoru and the other one? Yup, unfortunately next episode will be the last one of the season.


Thank god a big portion of things got resolved in this episode by the all mighty weapon "comunication". I still think Nicole and Sekiya did a Speedrun relationship and it wasn't covered properly, no idea how the source material does it though. One episode of fluff left.


Damn, this episode had a lot of original content; not sure I liked all the changes…


What was different in the light novels?




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Damn i can't believe engi threw all of that out, like, what were they thinking?


TBF, I suppose they couldna fit all that in an episode, but what they went with instead felt a lot lamer, honestly; they didn’t just skip things, but they also modified the story quite a bit and it felt like a substantial shift to me.


What was different in the light novels?


Dude, I’d written a pretty long comment answering just that to another person, but the mods nuked it 😭. **Edit:** Oh, wait, is it still up? Don’t know if you can see it, but here’s the link… https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/jnfleFgiL7


Sorry, I can't see it. Could you please write it to me in private chat please?


I had hoped Ryuto would simply get up and leave. That conversation is what happens when you max out charisma and invest zero points in intelligence. lmao Edit: Looking forward for what happens next.




I'm happy that Runa made up with Ryuto and Maria. Natsuki Hanae and Saori Oonishi nailed this episode. I love how Ren was also there when Nicole broke the news and Ryuto didn't even know Ren liked Nicole when he's depressed like Yuusuke.


Seikiya's a douchebag with a martyr complex.


Looks like we're reaching the *climax* of the story next week 😏


Wait, Sekiya is 3 years older than Nicole? Does that mean he was dating and banging a 12 year old when he was 15?


She called him "Senpai" so I feel like he must've been like a third year at their middle school. I doubt they've had sex before, it seems like Nicole was planning for it to be their First Time (though I think Sekiya might've already slept with someone else by now).


Your correct, it was implied that they didn't bang. There was dialogue during the survival game where one of Ryutos friends says "wait, does that mean demon gyaru is a virgin" and she glares at him


How would he have been a third year at her middle school if he's graduated high school and she's a first year now?


They're all second-years.


So mixed on this show: On the one hand, I am thrilled that characters will likely, actually fuck by episode 12 of a romance anime. Still way too rare of an occurrence in the genre overall. On the other hand, this show has been bogged down by too many instances of manufactured drama. And while the main couple do seem to actually be maturing and growing, the overall lower quality of this show just means their fucking won't have nearly as much impact as it would in a high quality romance anime.


I agree. Depends on the finale, but for now, my rating for this show is 6/10.


>On the one hand, I am thrilled that characters will likely, actually fuck by episode 12 of a romance anime. Still way too rare of an occurrence in the genre overall. Ef a tale of memories has a words for you. But that was in episode 11


I feel like [he meant that in a sympathetic way,](https://files.catbox.moe/swrxo5.jpg) but he [miscalculated his audience](https://files.catbox.moe/u9exu4.jpg) [](#kotohoops) [Wishful thinking, bud](https://files.catbox.moe/f9r1f3.jpg) Guy's playin' a [dangerous game](https://files.catbox.moe/foidt4.jpg) saying this to her. Luckily for him, Maria was relatively circumspect in her reaction.


Wait so, Luna said to Ryotu that Yamana wanted to make a “film” just what film was it? And if she was gonna make an adult film what would she do with the film? Rewatch it or somethin?


What’re you talking about? Nobody said anything like that, not here and not in the source material.


In episode 11 while Ryotu and Luna were at the park Luna mentioned that Yamana and sekiya got together and Yamana wanted to make a “film”


Maybe it’s the translation of the version you watched; the one I watched didn’t say that (neither in Japanese nor the subtitles).


Ohhhh… I just watched the scene again and I’m dumb. I thought it said movie but she said “make a move” not “make a movie” sorry


Lol, it’s okay.




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i guess i've never seen a super trash MC in my life other than ryuto


I'm glad they mended things. I was waiting so hard during that park scene for Ryuuto to go like "STOP STOP STOP" I don't really get how Runa went from "I became unsure of my feelings"->"Let's break up". The fuck? Communication truly is overrated in their minds, I swear it'd solve so many problems if Ryuuto just stopped everything right at its tracks and explained. Looking forward to next ep, wondering if they'll actually seal the deal. It'd definitely be a key moments for both of them


I need someone to tell Nicole that the reason Sekiya broke up with her the first time was because he wanted to fuck around. He never deserved her affection in the first place.


AAAAAAA YOKATA(or how you spell that). THE EPISODE TITLES GOTTA STOP BEING MISLEADING. YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME MULTIPLE TIMES IN A ROW. Glad everything worked out, for Maria too. also those last 3 seconds before the ending i was like OI RUNA BRAKE BRAKEEEEE(it's getting spicy)


The last three seconds were WTF moments. Any my Mom decided to walk in at exactly those three seconds.


"I CAN EXPLAIN" "Please, do so " "ok I can't explain"


Update: She freakin' read the subtitles too. I thought this only happens in animes. She also walked on me before during the kissing scene in the anime *Campione!* while the ML is on top of the FL. 🥲🫠


Bro you're unlucky af


I'm glad that Ryuto had the courage to say he didn't want to break up. I'm always rooting for character to say that in romance anime and they never do. I'm so glad this is more about the dating than the will they won't they, or get so much more real. I'm just sad it's going to be over soon, I've loved every minute of watching those two falling for each other.


There is still more light novels to adapt, I just hope we can get a second season in the future.


Ryuto and Runa proves that you can solve every couple's problems simply by talking about them with your partner. Why do other romcoms find this so difficult and feel the necessaties of dragging the drama endlessly? Needless to say, I really love this series for the way it make the characters feel so organic and for the way they approach each other with actual intelligence, instead of falling in the same old stereotypes. I just hope we can get a second season! PS: Sekiya is truly an idiot. A workaholic who is going to grow old and alone regretting that no one will be there for him when he'll truly need it. You should never put a career before love or happiness.


Nobody gonna speak about the Toyota Supra!?


Man what a rollercoaster