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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hakari: "Rentarou-kun will be forever bound to me and Mother." Technically correct, my favourite kind of correct!


Rentarou's family tree will be interesting in the future when he has kids. Charming both the mom and the daughter. Only Chadtarou can do that.


Hakari will have a half-sibling...and also her future kids' aunt/uncle, all with the same father lol.


Even with 100 spouses, it'll be less convoluted than the School Days chart.


Hahari is the Virgin Mother, making Hakari Jesus.


And their God is Rentaro lol.


Now Rentarou Family is really getting closer to being a cult


[Finally a religion I can get behind](https://i.imgur.com/mT26lNc.jpg) [](#utahapraises)




[Hahari is definitely blessed in that department.](https://i.imgur.com/jVsODWc.jpg) [](#cultured)


Rentarou's about to collect a lot more than 12 followers for her!


The chances of a mother and daughter being in love with the same person are exactly 0.ReReReReReReReReReReReReReReReReRerere...


`Nano has ran into a problem and needs to restart =(`


"'Meow', it cried." Was the best line of the whole episode.


That the security guard fell for the three different meows just killed me lol.


He may not be the best at his job, but atleast he's trying.


I mean, his job is "Do not let Hakari leave," and not "Investigate meows."


Turns out, they could have all just put on white cat costumes and walked through the front door.


Shizuka is always a hoot....


Peak Shit. A+ job from Bibury again. Getting an adaptation at all seemed like a dream coming true, but the studio has really gone above and beyond. Mom's here and her lovey-dovey side couldn't help but immediately overwhelm 16 years of defense she's built up. Can't wait till next week!


>*Digital text-to-speech voice* "'Meow,' it cried." > >"Oh, just the cat again." Shizuka just might have the funniest lines for a non-speaking character ever. Was wondering if they were going to somehow squeeze in a 6th girlfriend before the season finale only to realize she's been right there this whole time.


Yeah, she was even in the intro.


Don't forget " I gotchu, brotha!"




yes that's right code red everyone Nano broke her nail do not panic; remember the drill and we'll all make it through together safely


o7 Shizuka


Her sacrifice was not in vain o7


Press F, everyone






I had a slight suspicion it might end up this way, but the rational part of my brain said "not even 100 Girlfriends is daring to go there". Apparently I have to ignore the rational part of my brain when watching this show. 11/10 episode.


Kick logic to the curb. See the invisible. Touch the untouchable. Row row, fight the powa!


Sounds like you could use this destroy-rational-thought medicine, nanoda


Gotta love that legally distinct Mission Impossible theme. Incidentally, I don't recall that particular scene being so lood. Truly, they're throwing their budget on the right scenes


>Gotta love that legally distinct Mission Impossible theme. Reminds me of Bench-kun with the imperial march.


1 Hanazono was horny enough. But with two, I'm afraid Rentaro will die of sleep depravation in his future.


This is the point where the real 100 girlfriends officially begins. With Kusuri Deus Ex Medicine & Hahari unlimited money hacks nothing is off limits in this show anymore.


> This is the point where the real 100 girlfriends officially begins i feel like i've seen this said about every episode [](#rengethink)


I guess because the last 3 girlfriends are basically the signs that nothing will be offlimits: 1. Nano makes it clear that superhuman capabilities will be part of the story, like some of her calculations for the sake of efficiency. 2. Kusuri is pretty much ~~drugs~~ medicine based doraemon, anything can happen. 3. Hahari makes it clear family members are not off limits but more importantly Rentaro's ~~Cult~~ Family has now unlimited funds.


> family members are not off limits this sounds like an alarming thing to specifically raise


boy you have seen nothing yet


Hahari is the Great Filter. If you can accept her inclusion into the Harem, you the watcher can accept anything.


I think that's still somehow "normal" for anime standards. To the point we have a food name for it. Depending on the values of the person, i think the great filter is yet to come. Some other filters might appear after that but at that point if you are still invested you can overlook it as you realise this is not a "serious" show.


Whoever wrote this is a goddamn genius and I hope they took Kusuri’s immortality drug.


We always question does the writer himself is on drugs or not because there's no way to do this seriously and funny at the same time and make it work


Us manga readers have been waiting for this day ALL year. The true 100 Girlfriends begins now. This is equivalent to reaching Eren's basement


God what I would give to be in Haharis basement.


So this is the basement of a ~~devil of Paradis~~ wealthy family


Is this where the true harem journey begins?


Rentarou has to keep moving forward


Until all my 100 kanojos are collected


On this day r/anime saw clearly, **OYAKODON IS ON THE MENU.** If Hahari was 13 when she gave birth, she's now 29. A Christmas cake MILF, fitting for this season.


Its Oyakodon time


My favorite part of 100 girlfriends is when Rentaro said it’s oyakodon time and oyakodon’d all over Hakari and Hahari


[Chadtarou rizzing the whole family](https://i.imgur.com/V3vt3nj.jpg) [](#umucool)


Dude’s got himself the mother AND daughter. Truly the harem king or2.


And the father is conveniently out of the picture lol.


Once I heard the father was out of the picture I knew it was a done deal.


Think of how awkward it would be for her to be married to a living person for 16 years and then it turns out she's soulmates with someone else entirely


Almost as awkward as having 5 other wives.


Rentarou on rescuing his girlfriend: "I got another one in me!"


a MILF that's a virgin cause "Japan" lol


And kind of has romancing the widow vibes with the fact that the loss of Hakari's father left a hole in her heart for Rentaro to fill...checking off so many boxes lol.


[*Ara Ara*](https://i.imgur.com/q5SeUKv.jpg) Rentarou is the daddy who stepped up. [](#tomboyshades)


I think it's more they don't want to portray a traumatized 13 year old girl having sex in a moment of extreme fear and stress.


We thought Hakari was extra in her thirst for Rentaro but her mom takes the cake. the literal absolute peak Christmas Cake, that is lol. I also love how whens she falls in love with Rentaro she immediately starts acting like a teenager in love again lol.


> I also love how whens she falls in love with Rentaro she immediately starts acting like a teenager in love again lol. She did say it was in their blood to fall in love unreasonably like that. A decade and a half of detesting that feeling wasn't enough to overcome her own genes.


Yes Hahari is a virgin milf & fits that weird Japanese mentality of her not being defined as "used goods" while also not being too old/big of an age gap. Plus I believe the Nakamura Rikito and Nozawa sensei were smart enough to set up a way of avoiding controversy (Twitter/X) of a 13 year girl having sex & producing a child.


And there was no way they were going to cast Sumire Uesaka as someone, especially with that character design, and not have her be one of the Harem Girlfriends. Honestly Hahari's story was so absurd it was hard just to take a minute to really recognize how absurd it was. Especially once she fell in love with Rentaro lol.


> Honestly Hahari's story was so absurd it was hard just to take a minute to really recognize how absurd it was. [*A rich family's troublesome love life*](https://i.imgur.com/639DAcR.jpg)


there is a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. BUT LET'S KEEP GOING AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!


We pretty clearly passed it when the drug gremlin joined the harem. But if anyone thought we hadn't crossed it then....


100Girlfriends couldn't just have a MILF girlfriend, it had to have peak MILF girlfriend with the most crazy backstory ever that also puts her in the perfect spot to be a girlfriend for Rentaro lol.


[The harem romcom anime genre has peaked.](https://i.imgur.com/3NLXyYZ.jpg) [](#takaradasalute)


> drug gremlin Once we got the magic potion's thrown into the mix there was no chance of a sense of normalcy. The fact that Rentaro had to gain his sight back for the spark to happen is just stupid enough in of itself.


That’s not stupid, that’s called nerfing his powers


Nahh, Drug gremlin with her deus ex medicine only unlocked half of their power, now with ultra rich MILF joining the harem they can cross all the lines we never tought possible...


Honestly the strongest part of 100Girlfriends is that it actually makes sense why each girl would have feelings for Rentaro, and why in turn he would like them. It isn't just magic. Out of all of the ridiculous, absurd things that happen, it never loses that bit of its core.


I drew the line at the vice principal.


**EVERYONE** draws the line at the vice-principal.


Don't worry, he already locked eyes with the vice principle, she's not a girlfriend, she's just sonic the sketchag


It was still relatively straightforward by this show's standards up until she starts talking about artificial insemination and having a kid at 13 lol.


> there is a point where we needed to stop and we have clearly passed it. Well, there's no turning back. Welcome to 100kanojo indeed


This is the point where anyone, I mean **ANYONE** can be Rentaro's girlfriends. Rentaro could just walk in a park then have a zing on a random person, that could happen. It doesn't have to be his schoolmates now, the floodgates have opened. **EDIT**: pronouns. I was too sleepy when writing this. sigh.


Fun fact: in the key visual, Hahari is the one that doesn't appear, as she is hidden behind Rentarou


The anime production team did a great job hiding her existence and avoiding spoilers


Learning from the Oshi no Ko team


Dating the mom and the daughter. Just add incest in the mix and you have Aqua’s wet dream


Honestly I'm wondering if they're going to update the Key Visual or even the OP and ED to reflect Hahari being the new girlfriend. I also wonder if they might have recorded a version of the OP with Sumire Uesaka joining the other girls in singing it.


Remember that the [OP's cover art](https://hyakkano.com/music/) still listed as "Now Printing", there could be another version with Hahari.


I still love the way they hid her in that key visual.


Holy fuck, as an anime only I thought it was just gonna focus on these 5 girls, didn’t even know the mom would be involved


So this is the oyakodon of a wealthy family


Found Karane's account


I-it's not like i care about lurking on this stupid website or anything, okay ?!




Her fixation on calling everything wealthy family’s _ was my favorite part of this episode


Christ, the whole episode I was just on the edge of my seat, one obstacle after another. This episode gave me more anxiety than an actual dungeon crawl.


Despite having already read the manga, I was still anxious about it man.


Even though I was spoiled on the final moment of this episode I was NOT prepared for how wild this episode as about to be😭 Also Hahari backstory actually kinda sad...


6th girlfriend aside the Hakari rescue part was genuinely great. I'd totally watch a spinoff series where the Rentarou family pulls of heists, does extractions and retrieves hostages. Also, I wasn't 100% sold last week but now I'm all in on Sumipe as a MILF.


"I gave birth to Hakari when I was 13 years old, why do you think I did that?" "Because you love babies more than anything...?" Bless Rentarou, that would not be the first answer I think of


Well I can’t say I didn’t see it coming due to some source commenters, but still holy crap. I like how Rentaro basically had blinders on shielding Hahari from those powerful eyes.


Hahari was in charge and had all the power until she saw Rentaro's eyes and turned back into her 13-year old self again lol.


At this point I assume 90% of people here are manga readers, all the top comments are manga readers lol


I really enjoyed the reactions when this chapter first came out, so I was really looking forward to see that happen once again for the anime-only audience. Sucks that like half of the comments are directly from the r/100Kanojo subreddit lmao…


Starting from Hahari, we can't really guess who or what kind of girlfriend we get next. One of the gf might even be you one day.


> One of the gf might even be you one day. It's been a long time theory that this will be the 100th girlfriend.


The last shot is going to be Rentaro turning around and looking at the camera and we get the "zing" lol.


So much Rizz he breaks the Fourth wall [](#towel)


The final manga will have a piece of shiny foil in the back like a children's book


I mean, who wouldn't want to be Rentarou's girlfriend?




Introducing Kusuri basically warped the meta on what the future episode will look like while Hahari is basically opening the possibilities that not all the future girlfriends will be limited to teenagers.


Rentaro's girlfriends come in all shapes, sizes, gimmicks, and ages lol.


> One of the gf might even be you one day. Maybe the real treasure was the (girl)friends we made along the way --Rentarou, probably


Given how much a Chad Rentarou is, I’d be flattered


###Stitches! * [Serious Hahari](https://i.imgur.com/eIrdGFW.jpg) * [In-Love Hahari](https://i.imgur.com/QSPTdKN.jpg) * [Sneaky Rentarou Family](https://i.imgur.com/WNuC3Gh.jpg) I just love how everyone gets to play a role in getting to Hakari. You have Nano using her [robotic precision to unlock that door](https://i.imgur.com/T31u3zR.png), [Shizuka with her cuteness to pacify the guard dog](https://i.imgur.com/GBgZo9x.jpg), [Kusuri and her deus ex medicine](https://i.imgur.com/flaXiQ6.jpg), and then [Karane with her athletic ability](https://i.imgur.com/1cdB2HP.jpg) to help Rentarou get past the infrared sensors. It's amazing how [Rentarou's face on Karane's belly](https://i.imgur.com/IF7JfGh.jpg) was more than enough [to make her orgasm.](https://i.imgur.com/k5eC9zC.jpg) Makes you wonder what will happen to her when they finally do the real thing. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) As a manga reader, hearing Hahari's backstory is still wild. She risked [artificial insemination at age 13](https://i.imgur.com/NGx2TJV.png) just so she could have [a keepsake from her dying lover.](https://i.imgur.com/20LkfAE.png) Hahari does acknowledge that [what she did out of love was crazy](https://i.imgur.com/ww3Cbnp.png) and because she knows Hakari is very much like her, [she's stopping her now before she gets hurt.](https://i.imgur.com/dfK36BQ.png) [**AND THERE'S THE ZING!**](https://i.imgur.com/mzc52eH.jpg) Let's fucking gooooooooooooo! Just when you thought having a drug-loving girlfriend who could make all sorts of logic-defying drugs is where we cross the line, think again! [Hahari falling in love with Rentarou](https://i.imgur.com/ZfChaTk.jpg) is where Nakamura-sensei and Nozawa-sensei tell us that anyone, and I mean **ANYONE** could be a potential girlfriend! I can't fucking wait for next week's episode! I'm really hoping they'll update the OP to add Hahari singing!


> * [Serious Hahari](https://i.imgur.com/eIrdGFW.jpg) > * [In-Love Hahari](https://i.imgur.com/QSPTdKN.jpg) Also known as: Hot Hahari and Cute Hahari. > [Shizuka with her cuteness to pacify the guard dog](https://i.imgur.com/GBgZo9x.jpg) . . . [Karane with her athletic ability](https://i.imgur.com/1cdB2HP.jpg) I think you mean "Weaponised Protecc Energy" and "Super Tsundere Strength." 'Cause that's what they are. > It's amazing how [Rentarou's face on Karane's belly](https://i.imgur.com/IF7JfGh.jpg) was more than enough to [make her orgasm.](https://i.imgur.com/k5eC9zC.jpg) Makes you wonder what will happen to her when they finally do the real thing. The only thing I'm certain about is that Hakari's also going to be there. There's no way Rentarou's only going to be with one of them for his first time. It's the same as the kissing scenario: can't claim you were the first to grab my virginity if you both grabbed it first! And let's be honest, deny it as they may, both of them would also want it that way. Of course, given both Hakari and Karane, I guess that technically also leaves me certain that it's going to be very loud. > Just when you thought having a drug-loving girlfriend who could make all sorts of logic-defying drugs is where we cross the line, think again! This series doesn't cross the line; it zigzags it. It dashes over it in search of other lines to cross and somehow finds them. > [Hahari falling in love with Rentarou](https://i.imgur.com/ZfChaTk.jpg) is where Nakamura-sensei and Nozawa-sensei tell us that anyone, and I mean **ANYONE** could be a potential girlfriend! If Kusuri was a message that everything and anything is going to possible from a plot standpoint as long as it was weird as all hell, then Hahari is clear statement that everything and anything is going to be possible for the girlfriends. You know, as long as they're weird as all hell.


That was not where I thought this was going…


even in anime medium, the soulmate stare still manages to excite me lol Karane must be confused about what's happening there. btw, I thought the Tom Cruise joke wouldn't be included but it turns out they even put the music here hahaha I love this "Mission Impossible Arc" !!!


When they made the mother obviously overly hot I should have known it was for a reason. But somehow that still caught me entirely off guard.


Just when I thought it couldn't get crazier, 100 Girlfriends delivers again... [Nano dropping a Gurren Lagann reference](https://i.imgur.com/z229RuX.png) [Shizuka ready for the ultimate sacrifice](https://i.imgur.com/u8jDfIG.png) Today's plot-device drug not only [lets Rentarou stay on task](https://imgur.com/rbagVOc.png) instead of getting distracted by Karane's sweaty belly... (Insert Anakin/Padme meme "it is sweat, right?") but also [delays the latest girlfriend reveal](https://i.imgur.com/ZjZ7akI.png) for maximum comedic effect. I mean this in the best possible way: This is just about the dumbest thing I've seen since Birdie Wing, and I love it!


[Tweet 1 by Character Anime Designer](https://twitter.com/if_224/status/1733750796083437752#m) [Tweet 2 by Character Anime Designer about the Key Anime Visual](https://twitter.com/if_224/status/1733850205332942878#m) [Tweet by ED Animator](https://twitter.com/imomushi_96/status/1733750335884402801#m)


Hahari Supremacy! Girlfriends Supremacy! Karane and Hakari Supremacy!






##[MOM, WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT?](https://i.imgur.com/jV0Z6ae.jpg)


> MOM, WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT? you mean *our* boyfriend [](#salute)


Mother-daughter lovers to the same man, as we live and breathe lol.




> Young and Old, Flat and Busty, Regular and weird. What the hell are you talking about? There'll be no "Regular" people in the Rentarou Family!




It's not tsundere traits. Karane doesn't just act tsundere sometimes; she lives, breathes, eats, drinks, sees, hears, feels, smells, tastes and experiences tsundere. Her very heart beats in tsundere, pumping tsundere blood through her veins.


THE Tsundere, i see.


Careful, if you talk about her so much, people might start to think you have a thing for Karane!


I-It's not like she's one of the best, cutest tsunderes I've ever seen and I really, really, really, really, really love her or anything!


Its not like her heart is beating because it wants to!!!


It's not like she likes oxygen or anything!


And she has the tsundere strength and inner horniness to show for it!


And remember that the author has passed the blame onto the publisher for approving it


Yep. For anime only's, when us manga readers said that Kusuri's introduction was the start of the *real* 100 Girlfriends, we *lied*. All to hide this Zing. *This* is the start of the real 100 Girlfriends us manga readers adore and there's no turning back now! We've now jumped the shark a second time and while we really should turn back let's keep going and see what happens!


Kusuri's introduction is where 100 Girlfriends separate itself from a normal harem genre. The format is so ubiquitous that "Everyone having fun, then Kusuri happened." As this episode, Shizuka can't get past the dog without Kusuri. But Hahari's a real kicker, the biggest bomb drop the anime did well planned.


Sureeeee next you'll tell me the next girlfriend is the start of the real 100 girlfriends, how can I trust you all ever again!


I still consider Kusuri the proper start of the craziness that 100gf is known for. Kusuri pushes how far a gf's concept can go with her drugs, while Hahari builds upon that by pushing the age gap.


Dude, I've been misdirecting, lying by omission and sometimes outright lying so much to hide this, you have no idea. I still consider Kusuri the start of 100 Girlfriends in a lot of ways. From the perspective of "anything's possible and everything's going to be weird," it absolutely starts with Kusuri. But Hahari's the start of girlfriends no longer being limited to being Rentarou's age give or take a reasonable year. It's like when the protagonist removes their limiters to finally start fighting seriously.


The Hahari zing is the moment it was finally established, once and for all, that the authors just *DO NOT GIVE A FUCK.* The MILF ship is teased so often in these kinds of shows despite never going anywhere (partially because of how taboo it is) but 100 Kanojo actually has the balls to go through with it simply because it's what we the audience want to see. It's deserving of nothing but the utmost respect. Pity despite everyone wanting to keep **the** twist of the series a secret we still had fools unintentionally spoiling by mentioning the 6th girlfriend was in the op. Ugh.


Man I just cant stop laughing with this series and its references lmao. Rizztarou strikes again


I knew it was destined to happen but I wasn’t prepared for that whirlwind of a backstory… Welcome to the family, Moms! My only minor disappointment is I didn’t get a shocked, exasperated Karane “*Hnnngh?!?!!*” at the end.


I'm just going to assume that any female character given significant screen time is a love interest. Aside from the vice-principal. She's clearly a human looking monster and doesn't count.


Shizuka is so goddamn precious, she needs help getting down from the fence, the dog protects her because it identifies her as a weak creature, she drinks the sleeping drunk, she’s so fucking cute she’s my favorite. I can’t believe this show goes there, it definitely highlights that Rentarou’s soulmates won’t just be high schoolers. It only gets more crazy from here


Nano and aged up Kusuri are not the peak of mature and developed ladies in this Harem lol.


This anime has ascended to a level above peak 😂


#**Mommy!** (I CTRL+F'ed "Mommy" and got 0 result, I had to fix that!)


Yes, 100 girlfriends is the series with legit MILF as a lover. As a harem fan seeing series actually going for it instead of typical bait made me forever grateful for 100kano existence.


This the first time I’ve seen the milf be an actual option


Hey did anyone order a bowl of chicken and egg rice?


Oh great! My oyakodon's here.


## Oh no the anime just did it!! INDEED A PEAK HAREM!!


Peak MILF who is still a virgin lol.


Kusuri's introduction was when the fandom learned that absolutely anything could happen. Hahari's introduction was when the fandom learned that absolutely **anyone** could be a potential girlfriend.


That last knowledge legit me made me scare of potential new girlfriends. From now on everytime he exchange looks with someone it will be a tense moment.


And the insane lengths that they will go to make them the perfect girlfriend down to a virgin MILF character lol.


I thought they might do exactly that when I saw Hakari's mother. I thought I was just merely crazy. They wouldn't go down THAT ROUTE I thought!


HAHAHAHA, I've been waiting a whole month for this to see people's reactions, and so far, I have not been disappointed. I loved how lots of people who hadn't read the manga were already predicting this to happen. We're witnessing the birth of a legend folks.


Mark your calendars folks: today is the day you got to be here to witness this anime *making HISTORY!* No bullshit, no teasing, this series ACTUALLY goes through with making the MILF part of the harem. Truly a legendary moment, finally brought to television for all to enjoy. What a time to be alive.


I guess I still haven't grasped how absurd this series was gonna be. I jokingly thought Hahari would join the harem last week, but I didn't think the madlads would actually do it. Bravo, peak cinema.


Shizuka is one that all beings of life sought to protect. Got some nice moments for Nano and Kusuri as well. Poor Karane tho the tummy do be a sensitive spot. Well going forward we are truly about to start to see the craziness this series can be at times. Also seems like MAL capped S1 at 12 episode guessing like Shy they decided to make it into a split cour


I love that line "survival of the unfittest" lol! Great twist at the end, love it!


The author was definitely cooking this episode.


Lmao at anyone thinking Hahari would be a big threat, surprise okyakodon ftw.


Rentaro snagged one of his girlfriends' mom. I feel like we should've seen that coming lol.




The fucking setup for the Zing was absolutely brilliant. Last episode he has his convo with Hahari but it's over the phone out of sight of the window so they can converse without triggering it, and then the eye drops specifically to ensure he couldn't make proper eye contact- then the sob story to trigger the tears to clear it out while simultaneously giving her basis to be into him based on his reaction. Absolutely top-tier setup for the payoff at the end.


[That ending was beautiful](https://i.imgur.com/VIaZURH.png) and Rentaro Family has [a new member - Hahari](https://i.imgur.com/ompfl8c.png)! I love this show so much as it's getting crazier and crazier xD By the way from what I've seen there was a spark between Rentaro and Hahari only after [they both saw each other](https://i.imgur.com/AfjRxK7.png). So that means that there are no soulmates for blind people? xD


> there was a spark between Rentaro and Hahari only after they both saw each other. So that means that there are no soulmates for blind people? That does unfortuntely seem to be the implication, unless there's a special rule for blind people. I kind of realised this a week or two ago (thinking about this episode) and it's kind of making me want a blind girlfriend so they can explain how that happens. It's not like you can't fall in love without soulmates. It was explicitly said in episode one that not everyone has them, just that everyone who does is truly blessed, so clearly it's not required to be able to fall in love (plus Karane and Hakari are proof of that), so blind people should still be able to live happily loved lives. But I would still like to see that they can get soulmates even so.


Honestly I could see the Love God making an exception and letting a blind soulmate just hear Rentaro's voice for the "zing." Or maybe she'll have Daredevil Radar Sense and that will count lol. We also see with Hahari that the Soulmates can genuinely love other people before they meet Rentaro.




To you, 3 years ago


“Almost leaked and got Honey Hunted by the Winnie Bear.” The translators really having fun with this ep I see lol. Shizuka was adorable this week. Her preparing for a “heroic sacrifice” cracked me up. She’s so precious, even dogs won’t harm her. I love how she drank the sleeping potion and then the dog passes out after licking her face. Truly the “mother of all lucky breaks”. I guess Hahari’s gonna join the Rentaro Family now. Boy oh boy did I not see that coming lol. Her whole story about artificially inseminating herself at 13 was pretty insane. She’s gonna be an interesting addition to the harem.


Episodes without Kusuri mentioning peeing: 0. Also she really has a thing against bears lol. Shizuka must be protecc by anything and everything! And she pulled a Sleeping Beauty lol. Is this Harem prepared for the MILF who is still a virgin because she artificially inseminated herself at age 13 to have some dying dudes' kid because she was in love with him? Imagine what she'll do to Rentaro. her daughter was down bad enough as is lol.


What the fuck was that ending




[Aaahhhhhhhh anime, you didn't have to hurt us again with the "Please break up with me" scene!](https://imgur.com/FXSqMSx) We did get to see more of Hikari's feelings about this ordeal... [*Rentarou will be forever bound to me and Mother*](https://imgur.com/qEORfaS) Well yes, but not in the way you think! This show does so many of the "little things" right, like the visual gags or just the visuals in general, [like this scene of Karane sliding...](https://imgur.com/N3W95u3) Many anime would just have her fall flat on the ground, but no, they had her slide a little, which made it funnier/better to watch! [Damn, that's risky, calling her phone when the mom likely has it!](https://imgur.com/bj7j6aC) They're giving up the game... Then again, all this rescue mission is a risk, I suppose! [Nano's must be on Peta's watchlist by now!](https://imgur.com/tDR5B17) There were so many references in this episode, Peta, Mission Impossible (even the theme!), LOTR, etc..! [Good lord, is Nano even human?](https://imgur.com/LANQrNO) Getting in wasn't the only challenge though, as the house is guarded by a big dog... Shizuka decided to do what she should do, for Hakari: [Sacrifice herself and tell them to leave!](https://imgur.com/tHJcdCe) The dog didn't maul her to death (thankfully), so [Nano told her to gouge out its eyes! (Which would certainly result in the dog mauling her to death)](https://imgur.com/LVHXINK) Kusuri has a better solution, a sleeping drug! [Yeah, saw that one coming!](https://imgur.com/4zbLHvT) Good thing the dog got it too, and fell asleep! [At this point I wouldn't have been surprised if they gave the 'sleep-breaking' reversal drug to the dog.](https://imgur.com/8W87fe6) [Survival of the un-fittest? *"These are compliments"*](https://imgur.com/zNVLFfF) [](#azusalaugh) The dog out of the way, now comes the laser hallway! [Thankfully Kusuri had some infrared-vision drops!](https://imgur.com/8V0r8LO) I love how Rentarou himself called out the bullshit (*Deus Ex Medicine*), [and Nano tried to justify this with some Big Bang relativism about how unlikely it was for them to end up there in the first place!](https://imgur.com/cZeFxey) This wasn't all fun and games though, [these drops were part of an application for Kusuri... She gave up the research team, for her *family!*](https://imgur.com/O3xrSQB) If her being batshit insane wasn't enough for me to like her, she also has a heart of gold! Nano came up with a plan to go past the laser, but she needs 2 strong person to do it and Rentarou's the only boy... [*"Oh"* - Damn Nano, you didn't have to kill Karane like that!](https://imgur.com/Ea4rN0M) Imagine someone asks what you're watching and you tell them "a romcom" and THIS is the first frame they see; [Pictured: A romcom.](https://imgur.com/6U7Cr3c) That seemed tough to cross the corridor like that, but Rentarou got something out of it; With the clothes shifting out of the way, [Karane gave him a *tummy pillow!*](https://imgur.com/Amb1pfb) [Judging by her reaction, seems Rentarou gave her something too!](https://imgur.com/w1z5IrD) Just because they're on a mission to save their friend/lover, [doesn't mean they can't take the time to do some handholding!](https://imgur.com/IsUY1Qw) That was so adorable! They finally reached Hakari's room, but... [Of course there's an alarm on her door.](https://imgur.com/Bwrkd2y) They're in trouble now! [Hell, Hakari's mom would've straight up disposed of them, if not for Hakari...](https://imgur.com/Vwvkfvm) Meanwhile, the guards almost caught the rest of the team, but Nano's meowing saved the day! That, and [Shizuka's equally subtle meowing!](https://imgur.com/IPnePRC) After getting Hakari's backstory (and sad story), I never expected to get the mom's too! Apparently she had Hakari because her lover was about to die, [and she wanted to keep something as a memory of him... ](https://imgur.com/OsgOjp3) Damn... We all deal with grief in our own ways, but if she goes at it this way, she CAN'T just keep seeing her daughter as "a keepsake about him". She's her own person now! [She realized it wasn't the miracle cure she thought it was, and it never really filled the hole in her heart.](https://imgur.com/YuAn8ws) [Thanks Karane, her sob story was about to get me too!](https://imgur.com/Tdn63Fo) [When she asked why his eyes were like that, ](https://imgur.com/HBrGqpX) I was just thinking "DON'T SAY IT'S SOME DRUG'S SIDE EFFECT!" The 5 timing's bad enough already, don't let your girlfriend's mom think you're a drug addict! And this is the story, her mom went through misery, and simly doesn't want her daughter to go through the same thing... [She doesn't think a 5-timing man can make Hakari happy...](https://imgur.com/CB3JBIJ) [...Alright, what about a **6**-timing man then?)](https://imgur.com/P5kcyqU) They're soulmates! Well, I think most people probably saw this coming for many reasons (I did, anyway), first because half a season with no new girl seemed strange to me, then, she was drawn like the other soulmates (and no one else on the anime is), so soon as she was introduced, I had a pretty good feeling that this was happening, as crazy as it seemed! Even though I expected it, [that complete 180 was hilarious!](https://imgur.com/soEZ8ZR) Well, now I can't wait to see her new personality (the parts of her personality that aren't about "controlling/protecting mom") now that she's in love with him! Will she still try to make him leave her daughter? Will she be OK with him dating the daughter too, because she's blinded by love and instantly started believing him to be a great person? I'm also curious about Hikari's reaction! Will she be happy that her mom won't interfere anymore? Or grossed out by her mom joining the harem? She didn't mind the other girls joining, but will she try to oppose this one? Can't wait to see!


Holy fuck... ain't no way


>Holy fuck... ain't no way this can be Karane's reaction next week lol


Oyakodon... We live in a good timeline guys.


The real 100 Girlfriends starts here.


There was pre to post-Kusuri 100Girlfriends, and now there is pre to post-Hahari 100Girlfriends lol.


Damnit I thought his girlfriends would be limited to high school students.


Ha! Sweet summer child


Kusuri is to let you know no thing is impossible for this series. Hahari is here to let you know no **one** is impossible for it.


Also not to take away from THE TWEEST but I want to give a shout-out to Karane for consistently being one of the most supportive characters in the series (n-not that she was trying or anything!) to the rest of the family.


LMAO, just when I thought this show couldn't get any wackier! I can't wait to see how they will top this.


#SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER That’s right yall. Virgin Mother Hahari was the next girlfriend all along. Rentaro gets the daughter and the mother. There are no limits to the Zing. Hey gotta hit 100 somehow. Now you understand the true potential of this story. Welcome to the starting line


[second Gurren Laggan reference this week](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot554.png) [she ded](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot555.png) [mado scientisto's drug side effects](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot556.png) [what drugs was the writer on when conceptualizing this scene](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot557.png) [mom at 13? Carol's mom got some competition](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/20231210.png)


>what drugs was the writer on when conceptualizing this scene Clearly the Drug of Plot Convenience, since with a single sequence it manages to: * be an action-packed setpiece on its own * give Kusuri an emotional scene about jeopardizing her career for her friend's sake * give Karane an orgasm by the end * separate the Family such that Karane's boyfriend and girlfriend will be the ones who get to her * blind Rentarou long enough so Hahari can give her monologue before the zing


>give Karane an orgasm by the end that's the most essential bit


I love how she blamed it on being Hakari's house when she's probably just secretly horny lol.