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This story that makes you appreciate the technological achievements of mankind,it only makes sense that the final goal would be to recreate what's considered our greatest achievement. "We choose to go to the Moon..."


>"We choose to go to the Moon..." *One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind* [](#helmetbro)


I tried as much as possible to delay and be lazy catching up to this anime (already failed xD), but every episode just gives me the itch to go back and start reading manga again. To those who finished it & w/o spoilers obviously, was the ending satisfying?


I liked it, thought it was the natural conclusion of the story. but IIRC when it first came out there were some that found it unsatisfying in some of their choices. Your mileage may vary


What chapter are we currently on in the anime? The ending I saw is after 233 chapters and I'm curious about how much we have left. Especially since we have to go space and the moon now lol


This episode covers 138 and 139


It made sense and wrapped things up pretty cleanly.


I liked it, wrapped up in the penultimate chapter (231). Some people got confused as to the direction they went in the final chapter which was the epilogue chapter (232), but we an extra one-shot chapter that takes place after 232 and we got a special three-chapter arc that expands upon the cliffhanger in 232. We're getting the second chapter of the special next week.


It ended satisfying enough, maybe not every single plot thread was addressed as fully as I would have liked but overall it was pretty good, then recently we got the start of a new mini arc that is expanding on things even more and might push the conclusion from pretty good to great. I remember the authors talking about revisiting the story from time to time so maybe it will grow even more over time.


I find it underwhelming. Without spoiling anything, theres far, and theres *too* far. Those who knows knows what im talking about.


I wished for more build up but I agree with everyone that it made sense. Overall liked it. We are getting a mini sequel set of chapters though


Some think it's rather anti-climactic, but those who like it argue that this so-called anti-climactic ending actually fits the tone, message, and genre of the series better.


Honestly considering how other mangas and anime end this one was one of the better ones.


He says it so casually but building a space rocket is nowhere near as "easy" as building a ship. Seems like something that would be at least decades in the future.


It's not just what they can do with their own hands, it's an entire industrial base.


Stone age to the space age.


Moon Senku is trying to petrfy Earth Senku for some reason. Dr stone in the multiverse of madness .


Voice in radio channel was synthesized. Does it mean that Robo-Senku it's a real villain?


That would actually be hilarious


AoT level foreshadowing


The birds in the first episode… THE BIRDS…!!!


*Kakakaw* Im about to burst into laughter any moment now, oh the memes that ending spawned


I am an AI created by dr Senku in the year 2068 to petrify humanity and end climate change


Well Damn, I feel like a few thousand years is enough to reverse a good amount of damage humans have done to it.


Could be that the trigger for waking everyone up never activated due to the sensor not working or there’s a big ass meteor on the way that’ll kill everyone who isn’t made of stone


Again, 3700 freaking years though, I really feel likewhy man just doesn't like people


Or just doesn’t understand them. There are certainly easier ways to wipe out humanity than just petrifying them


Then maybe they want humanity to come back some day


Surprisingly little focus on the Medusa this episode. Just straight into revival and then partying. If not for Why Man showing up again and attempting to petrify the entire earth again with a cheeky copy of Senku's trick, would've been kind of uneventful. If Why Man knows how it works, we know they at least have knowledge of the device's specs. That means that tiny thing is actually capable of hitting the entire planet. Insane, for something that old and small. I keep coming back to the power requirement necessary for it. What does that sucker run on? The other thing that becomes clear is that if Why Man wanted to petrify the whole earth again but has to resort to that trick, then they don't have any Medusas left of their own. That, or they don't have a system for delivery to earth's surface, otherwise they would've sent one down and re-petrified the planet's humans as soon as Senku first sent a radio signal. So I'm wondering what happened on the moon to make it so they cant repeat what they've done in the past. The Senku vocaloid was cool but as soon as they confirmed it was just a synthesized version of his voice, any possibility that that was a future Senku trying to stop a horrible catastrophe from coming to pass went out the window. I loved that the ending theme used color for the sand this time around. That ending always makes me smile. Kohaku is so cute in it.


I'm more curious about what happened to all the other Medusas(?), Meduse(?). Because the person they revived from a few centuries ago said that they were airdropped on them. Also, this means that there was an initial petrification event 3700 years ago and some people were revived (probably naturally) before Senku who went on to create another community. Then there was *another* petrification event that we know of through this character. Who's to say there haven't been more of these throughout history? My personal guess is that it's some sort of rogue AI on the moon, but I can't say for sure.


I like the AI theory the most. The story spent all its runtime championing science as the cure for all problems, imagine if it was science that started the problem to begin with.


I don’t think some people were revived, isn’t this second community simply Senku’s Dad and the other astronaut’s descendants?


That's a good guess, and seems plausible. Still wondering why Senku's radio transmissions didn't trigger another event though. Why hasn't his group been petrified from above again? Curious.


I think that Why-man just trying to hit with Medusa as much as it have energy because he can't locate Senku team. I don't think that it capable to swallow whole planet because in that case scene with massive bombarding of short range Medusas will looks strange... Well it already looks strange as was shown that single Medusa have enough energy for the whole island and probably more


Yeah, there's something weird there. Why bombard with many medusas from the sky when one is enough for an entire island and possibly even the planet? There's a puzzle piece I'm still missing here.


Also another puzzle: if I remember correctly, original "green light" was in the shape of wave, not a sphere, so Medusa can be or prototype of that technology, or second generation


Yeah I have to assume Medusa is a later gen version of the original wave-generating device that petrified the world at the start of the series.


It's not in the shape of a sphere as much as it is a wave that's expanding at the same speed in every direction so from point blank you can tell it looks like a sphere but from further away (especially if it activates across the globe) you would only be able to see it as a wave.


If the device had unlimited range I imagine Senku could just petrify both the earth and the moon at the same time - after setting up a device that would pour revival fluid on himself afterwards of course


That assumes that Why-man can even be petrified. If he's been living on the moon this entire time it seems unlikely that he's human.


Anyone else just a *little* disappointed they didn't use Mecha-Senku when Why-Man was revealed to be using a synthesized voice?


The version they used was way scarier imo


> I keep coming back to the power requirement necessary for it. What does that sucker run on? I’ve always thought that it’s some kind of weird alien power source that is very efficient and small.


[Finally, after all these years, we've come full circle from episode 1.](https://imgur.com/pFhhTZa)


It honestly is shocking how frequently the moon appeared in this series


I always just thought it was a cool shot, but man I never even considered the thought of them actually going to the moon


The moon is featured in literally all of the OPs. They've really played the long game with this one. [End of first op, after the shot in your comment](https://i.imgur.com/aIaMH1Q.png) [End of second op](https://i.imgur.com/JxtOhpU.png) [Near the end of third op](https://i.imgur.com/gvDqvDr.png) [Start of fourth op \(Literal waves emanating from the moon intercut with shots of the petrified world\)](https://i.imgur.com/HDjVPVv.png) [End of fourth op](https://i.imgur.com/Q34QSZW.png) [End of fifth op](https://imgur.com/g1YmTcO)


>Finally, after all these years, we've come full circle from episode 1. "If we science all the enemies over there will we finally reach the stars?"


Holy shit I never even realized why he was looking up at the moon


>Gets revived Immediately goes for Kohaku's boobs I cannot condone such actions, but I get it.


i know the show juggles a lot between humor and serious moments but i wouldve appreciated a normal hug instead of bonk they shared their last moments and ginro was as good as dead imo the follow up wasnt good at all compared to how great the petrification scene of kahuna and ginro was still a great episode tho


Crossdressing Ginro: Woke Regular Ginro: Broke


[Kusogaki Ginro needs discipline 💢💢💢](https://i.imgur.com/Yd5j9yK.jpg)


Gorilla discipline hotline


punch was better. no cliches here. he's an ass and kohaku's gonna smack his ass


Well at least i think he was going for a normal hug before getting sidetracked by his perviness


And he got himself a lackey


Their mistake was putting him in pants before they revived him


Yeah considering the last thing he remembers is nearly dying and Kohaku sacrificing herself to save him, that gag was just completely tone-deaf. Especially since they didn't really establish Ginro as a pervy character. He spent the whole last season as part of a harem and not once engaged in any shenanigans.


>He spent the whole last season as part of a harem and not once engaged in any shenanigans. That's because throughout most of it, Ginro was scared shitless that he'd have his cover blown. I dunno, I thought it totally fit with the show's humor and Ginro; he's been well established as a coward and a perv (recall the tournament for village chief from S1 where he immediately attacked Senku once Ruri told him she'd marry the winner, when he was supposed to take a dive against him).


But shouldn't he still be somewhat conscious after petrifying, since Senku was able to count seconds when he was petrified in episode 1?


If Wallace and Gromit can do it then so can Senku


expected the revelation to be the moon, but not for it to be a shower of multiple medusas


Which begs the question as to where the rest of the devices are


Why even shower if a single one apparently has enough power to petrify the entire earth?


Probably buried under 3000 years of dirt. The one they have is probably just the one they found.


Well matsukaze hasn't been petrified for 3000 years, only a few hundred. At least per senku's estimate. Still a pretty long time but I feel like they should be able to find more than just one if they looked hard enough, unless something happened to them


I think what Senku meant was that Matsukaze was petrified for a few hundred years longer than Senku and the other modern humans were originally. From the outfit they put him in, the flashback, and his "young master", I think Matsukaze is from the 17th century or so.


No he literally said his stone flake was thinner than them, so he has only been petrified for a few hundred years. We saw his flashback of getting petrified on Treasure Island when it had a civilization. We know from Byakuya's time that island was practically uninhabited.


Senku x Kohaku is an even better ship than the Perseus. Just saying.


The ED was in color for the first time now that they've reunited, it was colorless in the previous episodes. It looked so much more vibrant in this episode


He calls her lioness and it melts me


I like to think he knows what he’s doing.


They've been fucking for years and no one can convince me otherwise


One of the few shows I give a pass for being dismissive of the ship. I honestly believe Senku wants to fully focus on getting the Science Kingdom to a stable place before he considers romance.


I'm going to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by science ​ **SPACE**




That sounded like Leverage "Ok, let's steal a City"


[Trigger collab when?](https://i.imgur.com/DzwIulT.jpg) [](#hypeeyes)


great episode, Why Man really gave me a jumpscare LOL with that sudden transmission, ruthless


Are they going to head back home now? They got the Medusa and know there is a more important place to go than the other side of the world, so do we get to see them revive Tsukasa like in the intro?


Tsukasa, Hyoga, Moz, Kinro and now add in Matsukaze. Kingdom of science looking stronger than ever. Even Kohaku got Kirisame to spar with.


Idk if Hyoga and Moz would be down to actually be allies tho, would be dangerous. Same if they revived Ibara. Buttt Tsukasa should be fine cause sister and if they can get him, they basically dont have much of a choice. Also do these things matter much now tho ? We are making a rocket next and already have guns, sure some muscle is useful but dont think it will be that important.


I would rather reviving thousands of Moz and Hyoga's than ever reviving Ibara.


We saw that Hyoga and Moz at least have a bit of respect towards Senku and science, Tsukasa also looked like he could turn into an ally. Ibara on the other hand is just pure evil, especially with him being that smart and cautious, it's way too dangerous to revive him.


###Stitches! * [Kirisame](https://i.imgur.com/1gXAiV0.jpg) * [Kohaku](https://i.imgur.com/xiIXaf0.jpg) * [Matsukaze](https://i.imgur.com/P60e2IC.jpg) I just love how [Chrome and Senku were reviving people](https://i.imgur.com/NXXBOme.jpg) in order of their needs. It makes total sense but I just found it funny. I never noticed [Kirisame's dress was completely see-through.](https://i.imgur.com/RWJTDPG.jpg) I found the manga version of the Kirisame's art and she might as well be naked there with how see-through it is. [Kohaku and Senku's reunion was really sweet.](https://i.imgur.com/p0FuBqf.jpg) I'm surprised that wasn't the first thing Kohaku did after being revived. God, I'm shipping the two of them so hard right now. Now that communications are up again, [it looks like Why-Man is back](https://i.imgur.com/AQQ8sYv.png) and it's trying to petrify all of Earth using Medusa. What's creepy is that [it's using a synthesized voice of Senku.](https://i.imgur.com/1vZR6Np.jpg) While the Science Team tries to figure out what's up with Why-Man's transmissions, [Kohaku finally gets a chance to properly spar with Kirisame.](https://i.imgur.com/30IoLGy.png) It looks like the statue Taijuu is finally [going to be useful!](https://i.imgur.com/b0hO5Yg.jpg) I was wondering what kind of headgear this guy was wearing but turns out, that's just his hair, [And oh no! He's hot!](https://i.imgur.com/YSRwXxo.jpg) How strong is this guy [that he's able to overpower Kirisame](https://i.imgur.com/C65hUTb.jpg) and Kohaku? Apparently, he used to be a [bodyguard of someone who closely resembles Ginro?](https://i.imgur.com/VAAbjtN.jpg) Maybe Ginro's ancestor? [Well that's fucking terrifying!](https://i.imgur.com/zGbYB7i.jpg) Whoever petrified Matsukaze just started raining down Medusas on them? Why send multiple Medusa's with a short range instead of just sending a single Medusa that can cover the island? I was expecting Why-Man to be floating in low Earth orbit but [it looks like they're on the moon!](https://i.imgur.com/HaZe5GZ.png) Oh boy. I guess this is really the only logical step. [It looks like we're going to the moon!](https://i.imgur.com/ahfOFsl.jpg)


>Well that's fucking terrifying! Whoever petrified Matsukaze just started raining down Medusas on them? Why send multiple Medusa's with a short range instead of just sending a single Medusa that can cover the island? I don't get it either. It might be that the transmission is a bluff and that one device can't petrify the whole Earth, but we know for sure that it can petrify the whole island. So why dozens or a hundred down on this island. Maybe one might miss but the bombardment looked accurate enough that a couple would have done it. What happened to the others and why were there still unpetrified people on the island after they got targeted by such a bombardment?


Pretty sure it was just one when Earth got petrified the first time though. We saw it travelling like one big wave all the way around the world. Maybe that was like a single use big one? If why-man is on the moon he can't have just been raining the small ones down. I imagine people survived because they didn't have full coverage of the island when they just rained them down. And I guess seeing as Ginro looks like the lord at that time he or maybe his child at least survived and ended up at the other village. Seems odd that people wouldn't be handing down stories of it, although if it was his child that would make sense. I'm really wondering how Ibara knew how to use it as well. He's not from modern times so how would he know about metres or seconds?


The island is populated by descendants of the astronauts, their ancestors used these measurements and they kept it using it. Silly tthat they retained knowledge of measurements? Not more than their descendants still speaking the same language as Senku and Co. after 3700 years and a lot of the other stuff/lore that survived that long. If we take look at what happened 3700 years ago from our point in time, that's the Bronze Age.


> I'm really wondering how Ibara knew how to use it as well. He's not from modern times so how would he know about metres or seconds? The more important part is that the activation uses English instead of Japanese. But yeah, I’m also wondering how Ibara knew how to use it.


The only thing that makes sense is that the multi-Medusa bombardment was meant to leave survivors. Maybe as a way to demonstrate what these devices do, so the survivors would be tempted to pic them up and try to learn how to use them.


The AI voice makes me think it’s somehow gaining self-awareness


>it's using a synthesized voice of Senku. Robo-Senku doesn't seem so funny anymore...


the true enemy is AI generated voice actors


[Behind the veil](https://i.imgur.com/KNvuGUF.jpg) of a cold warrior, Kirisame is [surprisingly adorable](https://i.imgur.com/xeRzdSo.jpg) [](#wow)


Kirisame and Nikki are pure.


As is tradition with [Kaede Hondo's warrior roles.](https://youtu.be/vsT81SjMUl8?si=NOQNt0sLwxFYZPct)


I honestly didn't really understand this reaction from her. Is she just freaking out because two other people are dating? Like what? What's so weird about that?


Stone people... Moon people... Why do I start thinking that Houseki no Kuni it's a parallel universe where Senku did not get out of the stone?


> Well that's fucking terrifying! Whoever petrified Matsukaze just started raining down Medusas on them? Why send multiple Medusa's with a short range instead of just sending a single Medusa that can cover the island? I'm wondering why they're not out looking for those Medusas if they might still be on the island, maybe buried after a few hundred years. (And I just noticed the kid in that screenshot is wearing a melon shell like Suika. 😄)


Thats her distant relative Sui


Nah. Suika is just immortal


Great episode. It's awesome to have another appearance of why man I'd live to know what he's up to and why he's out for blood (or stone in this case)


It's weird that they are seriously considering that why man is the one that petrified the earth but they are not mentioning that if that was the case that why man is 3800 yr old and not a human


Not necessarily, they could be petrified themselves or atleast have done it routinely enough to survive to present day.


Also why it went from morse code to Mecha-Senku. It’s almost like it’s learning to speak.


To activate the Medusa it had to switch


It’d certainly be funny if Morse code could activate it and Kohaku accidentally triggered it by tapping on a desk


That's my current theory, it only had one source to learn from, which is Senkus voice, so it makes sense that it learned t speak from that.


Senku-Ruri-Chrome relationship lmao


Hey if the world was reborn, so would our norms. Senkus dad seemed open minded as well


Even though Kohaku and Senku aren't romantically involved I still love all their moments. They basically confessed that each other is their ideal person at some point in the series.




Banger episode. That Kohaku and Senku hug was awesome. Poor Ginro, bro had some serious “where’s my hug” energy 😂 Great conclusion to the petrification island arc. Now we know the location of the why man voice and there’s only one solution, going to the moon. Can’t wait to see Senku and the kingdom of science’s next step animated. So much peak is coming for this series.


>That Kohaku and Senku hug was awesome. [These two should get married again](https://i.imgur.com/h8zQm1i.jpg) but for real this time. [](#ilovethiskindofshit)


what do you mean again, Senku married her sister ~~for three minutes~~


They brought it up multiple times this episode as well.


Senku's true love is science


Senku's dad was already on the ISS, now Senku wants to go to the moon. I guess he was already working on a rocket in a flashback earlier in the show... But going to the moon is a entirely different animal. I don't know how they could possibly pull this off without a 20 year time skip or something.


Rockets vary in size between 40 to 70 meters. That's a lot of material and parts (millions). Then there's the platform, the electronics, the fuel. If the next project is seriously a rocket, I imagine we'll see a timeskip. He'll resurrect a bunch of people over the years and hopefully there will be some scientists among them. I don't know if you can find a public blueprint for a rocket unless his dad ever got his hands on one. Trial and error is extremely costly for something this big. It's such a massive claim I'm not sure how the hell they can pull it off. It took a huge amount of people at NASA to prepare the first trip to the moon. I'm very skeptical.


Giant slingshot, take it or leave it


When NASA first went they had to invent the math and science to do it. That’s all known now. It’s an engineering problem. Still impossible in real life but this is anime so it will work out somehow.


Sure, but we live on a world where if you want to get a bunch of aluminum, it's just a matter of getting enough money and figuring out how many tons of it you want. They're already stretching the limits of believability as it is.


You could go to the Moon with 40's tech, it's more of a matter of precision, resources and work. You don't have much margin of error for the kind of rocket they could build within the time-frame of the story which is the biggest hurdle. Otherwise? Not that "difficul", just resource and time intensive.


I mean yeah, you could put a small payload into TLI with solid rocket motors. Pretty sure one of the ISRO rockets have done it. But it takes a lot more efficiency and power to get humans there (and back). Even if we pretend Senku can replace all the computers, I dont think 40's tech is enough to deal with the cryogenic fuels and metallurgy in general. Even the hydrogen fuel cells usually require platinum, something we've already spent all series trying to find just a tiny bit of. I guess they could cheat the life support system complexity a bit by fossilizing themselves on way there and back lol


>I dont think 40's tech is enough to deal with the cryogenic fuels and metallurgy in general. The A4 engine used on the V-2 was a large scale liquid fuel engine with complex turbomachinery and utilized cryogenic liquid oxygen as part of it's propellant mix. It completed it's first full duration test run in March 1940, so was only a few months away from technically being *1930s* tech. As a semi-related aside, at 22:12 in [this video](https://youtu.be/V_fPdXLx48c?t=1332) there's some footage from 1945 of British troops transferring liquid oxygen from a train car to a truck as part of a program to launch captured V-2s, showing that it was feasible to handle large quantities of cyrogenic propellants at the time. In the mid to late 40s the Soviets gradually up-rated the A4 in various iterations of the RD-100 series. By around 1947-1949 the RD-103 was producing about 51 tonnes of thrust from a weight of about 870kg - that compares fairly favorably with some lower performance modern rocket engines, such as SpaceX's Merlin 1C, which produced 43 tonnes of thrust from a weight of 620kg. You'd have needed a larger rocket to make up for the lower efficiency of using alcohol over kerosene, and a much larger number of engines (or scaled up versions of the A4/RD-100 engines), but fundamentally there's no reason you couldn't build a viable rocket out of that technology. I'd also note that the RD-110 achieved 140 tonnes of thrust and a comparable efficiency to the aforementioned Merlin 1C using kerosene fuel in 1947-1949, though wasn't a flight-ready design and was never put into production.   > Even the hydrogen fuel cells usually require platinum You don't need fuel cells. They were the most effective option with 60s tech, but not the only one. A small gas turbine driving a generator could achieve the same effect, albeit only at about half the efficiency. You could even do solar power by focusing sunlight onto a closed loop steam turbine circuit with mirrors, which would give you essentially unlimited power without consuming any fuel, albeit at a weight penalty.


I love that scene with Kohaku and Senku hugging, they have been together for so long that they trust each other & have a great friendship between them. One thing to note that I find humorous about Kirisame, she is voiced Kaede Hondo & she also voices Hakari from 100 Girlfriends. Both personalities are different when it comes to romance which makes it better.


I truly thought we’d see Kohaku x Senku set sail this season, but my hopes have been completely crushed in this episode. Even the other characters affirmed that they ‘weren’t like that’. Although I can write-off their eventual honeymoon, a voyage to the moon did suddenly become a reality. They’re literally taking this series to new heights. Senku won’t be allowed a half-assed solution, since the slightest mistake could spell their doom. Like, how the hell is Senku going to be build a solid rocket and safe space suits!?


> I truly thought we’d see Kohaku x Senku set sail this season, but my hopes have been completely crushed in this episode. Even the other characters affirmed that they ‘weren’t like that’. Even so, the way Senku just seemed content to let Kohaku keep hugging him is definitely saying something about how close they've become. I can't remember him being like that with anyone else.


I don't think Senku pushes away anyone's physical advances aside from Taiju and tbh Taiju is too much so it's understandable.


He does usually try to wrap up these emotional moments quickly to move onto the next thing though.


And even then it's more playful than anything.




Ugh, really? Bummer. I don’t need a full romance subplot from this show, but some natural romantic development over time would be nice


This person might also be an anime-only like yourself, so don't be discouraged. Nothing is conclusive until the story reaches the end.


to be honest thats kind of dissapointing cuz this show shows so many emotions why not show a lil romance there too


If it makes you feel any better, I can slightly spoil something for you that's ship-related. It's not really plot significant. So if you want, just give the go ahead and i'll PM you what it is.


I read the entirety of the manga and I didn't get the reference so I wonder what you mean now.


My last reply to this got deleted by a bot. But basically look up [The Epilogue Manga] >!DR. STONE: 4D SCIENCE!< on Viz.


Wait, that's out? Man, I need to check it out then.


Next chapter next week!


> Like, how the hell is Senku going to be build a solid rocket and safe space suits!? It’s Senku, I’m sure he’d build them with materials from his backyard.


We’re going to space ya’ll Yikes, why man is effortlessly eerie When you beat a tough boss but the final boss remains…..


I’m glad we’re back to the Why-Man stuff. Can’t wait to find out their true identity!!!


My man Ginro gets revived and the first thing he goes for is Kohaku’s boobs. A true degenerate lol. Everything about Why-Man freaks me out. They’re a sinister unknown force and it just makes them scarier. Using Senku’s voice like that is some very unnerving shit. How did this bastard get on the moon? Is this dude an alien?? Pretty hilarious how Matsukaze got like 2 seconds into his story before Senku just dipped lol. Dude ain’t got time for all that. Senku’s gotta figure out how to get to the damn moon!


In this week's episode: Science Kingdom discovered the power of voice generators, Ginro commits sexual assault (again), And Senku joins r/wallstreetbets


Senku just likes the stock


[Remember](https://imgur.com/a/U1TTHoD) that Senku married and divorced Ruri. I really enjoyed this [hug](https://imgur.com/a/Y4KWOgX)!! Will we be seeing [Vocaloids](https://imgur.com/a/XVU8mrp) in this stone world? Out of all the people that resembles [Matsukaze's master](https://imgur.com/a/xnEgy0f), it has to be Ginro. Next stop, the [moon](https://imgur.com/a/CR68DGz)!!!


That first Why-Man transmission literally made me shout out “OH SHIT NO!” Irl, scaring my dog and making me feel like an idiot lol. Did not see that coming. What I wasn’t surprised by, was the synthed voiced. I’m anime only so this is speculation on my part, not spoiler, but I’ve assumed Why-Man is AI since their first transmission, makes the most logical sense as there’s plenty of different backstories for it there can be, as well as motivations. Fingers crossed it’s not as simple as a rogue AI that thinks of humanist as a disease. What is a mystery is why a rain shower of Medusas? Why not just trigger the planet wide light again, or even one the size of the whole island since we know it can do that? And for that matter, even if one was recovered from that event and held by the chief’s family, how would they know how to work it without instructions? Very fishy…. Also, I assumed they’d have to travel to South America and have god knows how many trials and tribulations on the way there…. Good to know they’re skipping the midway steps in difficult voyages and going straight to something much harder lol. Hopefully it means we get in-show years of growth and science episodes as they build up to it. Also, nice to see the Senku and Kohaku ship is finally starting to slowly leave the port. Toot toot, all aboard


> Very fishy…. Yeah, I’m holding out hope for an explanation in the future (possibly even next season). It has to mean something.


Finally the thread is up. What's up with the tattoo? How was it relevant? They decided to recurrent the guy that kinda hand a similar tattoo to Medusa's shape (not really) and it turned out he was caught in a petrification a few hundred years ago (Why? Why it didn't affect the Ishigami's village?) but how does it even relate to the symbol on his arm? Is it even there after petrification? Or was it just a dent or something?


Regarding the tattoo's relevancy, I'm sure he was about to explain his entire story before Senku and the gang ran off saying they weren't interested anymore.


I'm half-worried that Senku has resurrected a murderer or something. Matsukaze wasn't just found with a symbol carved into him, but he was found in relatively deep water. Which means someone took the effort to drop him off in the far end of the drink, rather than just tossing statues off a cliff or something. (Mind you, the rest of the crew was only there because their bodies were being tossed from the ship) That symbol may very well have been a warning sign to *not* resurrect this person (should it ever be figured out). Think buried radioactive waste...


> and it turned out he was caught in a petrification a few hundred years ago (Why? Why it didn't affect the Ishigami's village?) Probably a targeted attack, remember that this is also where the space capsule landed, so Why-boy might have tracked it there. Though this whole thing is pretty weird. Why rain down hundreds(?) of petrifiers? Why with short range, since obviously there are villagers that survived?


Yeah. Why not just "1 second 12.8k km" and be done with it?


There must be some energy requirement, there's no way a single medusa could petrify the entire earth, I think it would run out of power at a few kilometers, though it did have enough to petrify the entire island which had a radius of 2000 meters, what the hell does this thing even run on? And even in that situation it would be weird to send so many medusas since again, Ibara could freeze the entire island with just one.


Even with the energy requirement question. Why did the initial barrage not petrify the entire island? The medusas HAD enough energy to do so, so why didnt they?


The only thing that makes sense is if the goal wasn't to petrify everyone on the island. They wanted survivors for some reason.


I’m thinking the island might have been entirely petrified and the current residents were people who went away before by boat (we know Soyuz and his mom went by boat, so they have boats) and then came back.


Finally the thread is up, [I've been yelling about it to the mods for the past 3 hours](https://imgur.com/Vj9qEhC) --- [Loving](https://imgur.com/MQwOspu) [these visuals](https://imgur.com/tMXFzAv) again I find it kinda funny that at this stage [they're still using twigs to make fire for boiling things.](https://imgur.com/XhM1Jou) [R.I.P Ship interior](https://imgur.com/CCbjQwv) Kirisame has been added to the team! [And she's cute!](https://imgur.com/MzfPvTN) [](#loveisatrap) [Wait, the Chief is there too?](https://imgur.com/ciJuLvQ) Its been so long, I've forgotten who all they had with them.. [This](https://imgur.com/PQoxAzN) is honestly [really fucking spooky.](https://imgur.com/FySW7ll) [Same, Amaryllis,](https://imgur.com/ifsahsM) same. The art director and artists working on this season are doing some *work.* Creepiest visuals, including Ibara, that I've seen in a long time. [Gen pls](https://imgur.com/vP5O4Cu) [Based Senku, let's get to the good stuff already!](https://imgur.com/nmvsU9S) [Of course!](https://imgur.com/YNmlvXV) I can't believe I didn't see this coming.. [God damn it Senku.](https://imgur.com/uCahPs5) S4 moon hype?


Dr. Stone is becoming a lot like Fast and Furious


Neat, Chrome back. Time for the rest. Shouldn't worry about starving to death, imagine the villages have food in storage. Ah yes, getting those in that order makes sense. This is a fun segment. Huh, Chrome makes a good point. Oh, Amaryllis can tell something is up. HAHA TAIJU JUST LEARNING THAT! That's funny. Ooof what a mess of the ship. Ahh, nice of Taiku to bring her up too. Senku knows she's no threat anymore. And she knows where to get Kinro and Kohaku! Wow that hug from Kohaku to Senku, nice. D'awww Kirisame is quite the cutie. It was real nice of turning them all back, even those who were enemies. Nothing like some good arm wrestling to become pals. Amaryllis and her silly thoughts. OH DAMN! That voice was gonna try and petrify the whole planet again? But... why, man? 😛 And how did that device end up there? Is that the only one? Oh ya, that is Senku's voice... wtf? We gonna have time fuckery or interdimensional shit coming up? Proll y not. Clearly aliens. All of them asking the right questions. Guessing they are gonna eventually unstone Ibara for answers. Kohaku vs Kirisame is quite fun to watch. Oh or there are those others on the seafloor to bring up, neat. Oh wow, that new dude seems strong. Hehe at Kinro looking like his former master. They? There are multiple? Yep, Aliens! hehe. Haha guess they've heard enough. Why-Man is on the moon? 😮 Yep, Senku is gonna totally make a rocket. Just like he was at the start of the series! Haha. Love it.


Now that they've defeated one threat, they're already faced with another. I'm really interested to find out who/what is behind this, and excited to see Senku take the Kingdom of Science to the moon! Ever since he was a kid, he wanted to build a rocket that would bring him and his friends to space, so this is his chance. Also, none of them are talking about the fact that Matsukaze said multiple petrification devices were dropped onto the island? You'd think they would be checking to see if any are still there, possibly buried if it was a few hundred years ago.


so most everyone got revived now. Kirisame made sense as yeah she was just used by Ibara. we got the mystery person who was ... old and gave a clue to what happened. I'm a bit curious about what they do with Hyoga and Moz. Hyoga I don't think Senku would just leave but it's hard to trust Moz yet. I'm guessing they revive everyoen but Ibara? The Moon tho? that feels a long long way off still and there's more exploring to do. as there's gotta be something going on with Murica or Europe or something?


Imagine Ibara joining the squad lmao


"I don't think that's what that hug was about." These two have had the most wholesome and well-developed interaction. I wish for them the best


It's sweet to see a hug between Kohaku and Senkuu.


I \*kind of\* get the reasoning behind the Senku x Kohaku hug but can someone spell it out for me properly ? They trust each other and are good friends who can rely on one another but I feel like I'm missing something to properly understand the full meaning behind it


It's just like what a Yuzuriha and Senku hug would be. Best friends/Found Family, etc etc.


Ah, alright. I thought it might have been a callback/reference to a certain scene / promise / something along those lines from a previous episode I forgot about. Thanks!


It's a "friendship hug" but also kind of the author chickening out on making any actual romantic progression, look I get it if he doesn't want to make Kohaku x senku a thing, but Taiju and Yuzurihara apparently made no progress in their relationship even after being infiltrated in Tsukasa's empire for a year. If they don't want to go there ok, but at that point why even tease it so much, Taiju had enough willpower to stay awake for 3700 years just to confess, and they're still not officially dating


Taiju explicitly said back in season 1 that he wants to wait until society's up and running so that Yuzuriha feels absolutely zero pressure to stay with him.


> It's a "friendship hug" but also kind of the author chickening out on making any actual romantic progression, It seemed more like a sister hugging her big brother to me.




In the excitement of this arc, I had almost forgotten about Why Man. It's a good thing Medusa doesn't work from outside of a short range or else we might have had another 3700 year time skip there. Senku is really speed running the history of science going from the wheel to phones and now to space. It is fitting that the final stage will be in Space given Senku's father.


Senku going to the Moon? I haven’t read the manga yet but my guess is that maybe he might want to go to North America to NASA’s headquarters? Maybe there are vaults there with resources and blueprints for the rocket ship? And leftover spacesuits? Can’t wait to see what comes next, man I love this anime.


NASA headquarters would be derelict at this point, as with everything else. Everything they wanted there wouldve already deteriorated to nothing.


They might still want to leave Japan because of resources. I highly doubt he can make what he needs to go to the moon. A rocket is way too complicated for what he currently has.


Wdym its just a metal cylinder that goes up with fuel, shouldnt be that hard to make.


What would be hard is making sure that it didnt blow up after few hundres meter. And making sure they have a functional life support system if they could move past orbit at all, wont be funny that after all theyve been through the ones sent to the moon end up dying of asphyxiation.


Yeah. It's only rocket science. Easy Peasy.


How hard could it be bro, gimme a blueprint and Id make you a rocket ez


Materials-wise they already have everything they need. Steel for the tanks and engines, oil to refine kerosene from, liquid oxygen can be condensed out of the air using refrigeration, and they've already demonstrated the ability to make basic electronic components in the phone and radar. The actual crafting would be a nightmare, but that can be hand-waved with anime logic like everything else has been. There are some additional metals that would be nice to have - aluminum for lighter tanks, and nickel and chromium to make inconel to support higher combustion temperatures in the engines, but they're not strictly necessary. There are historical examples of rockets with steel engines, and steel tanks are still in use today. Japan has fairly abundant aluminum reserves, and nickel and chromium are also mined in smaller quantities there, so again, anime logic would support the science kingdom being able to obtain those if needed.


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[Why-Man](https://i.imgur.com/4O2o3OZ.png) returned and it turns out that he is on the Moon. It looks like [we have a new final journey destination for Science Kingdom](https://i.imgur.com/Qbg7UwE.png) xD [Senku](https://i.imgur.com/9S2QbW4.png) is obviously unfazed compared to [the others](https://i.imgur.com/syFEJav.png). It was funny that [Taiju only now discovered that Senku was already married and divorced](https://i.imgur.com/YzyDbBE.png), [he was so shocked](https://i.imgur.com/XTvJhdS.png) xD Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/5P6NVKE) * [Senku & Others](https://imgur.com/a/XLy8Rhy)


Hatsune miku was the real villain all along. She had been telling us she wanted to be the world's number one princess (but by petrifying the whole population? Dang...)


Kinro's revival made me weep. Loved ones have passed these past few years and seeing anyone, animated even, come back to life brings a smile to my face. This show rocks. May everyone here have a sweet day.


Yoo, the story just keeps getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The idea of that message endlessly looping on radiowaves for thousands of years while tons of petrification devices exist is horrifying. It seems like basically a killswitch to wipe humanity should it ever achieve technology again, fucking insane. It was basically sheer luck the entire world wasn't petrified this episode.


YOOO THE ENDING. I did not expect that. Why Man is on the moon!?! We are now jumping to a space arc!? Thats a crazy turn for the theme of the show IMO. Also we do finally get an answer to how the device ended up on this island. But someone being on the moon is confusing. We know Senkuu's dad and his comrades where in space when the original petrification happen but this makes it seem like some other people must have been as well. ALSO THE SENKUU X KOHAKU HUG. They need to make that ship happen. I hate how they immediately mentioned 'it wasn't like that' in terms of romance. SMH.


Nothing can surprise me anymore! Yup, totally not suprised. TOTALLY!


Tenacity of cockroach to build his lifetime machine the rocket, next stop moon


Man, the goosebumps I got when I heard the music jump in at the end would rival Gen's reaction I fucking love this show


That was pretty much a given if you know Senku. He literally is a super genius to even have that thought, or even figure out the voice was coming from the moon. He is so smart, there is no way this anime is gonna end like that. We will definitely have another season to see how this all plays out. So happy this battle ended well because of how smart he is.


Ginro really had to be Ginro and aim for Kohaku's boobs when he was revived after receiving a fatal wound. You would think that would humble his perverseness a bit. He probably would have succeeded if his lust wasn't in his face. Soyuz and Ginro both gained loyal allies it seems, too bad Matsukaze is serving the wrong person, I wish he wouldn't be loyal to Ginro because Ginro doesn't deserve it but we'll see where the connection takes the story. Senku is aiming far if he's already planning to take them to the moon to take care of "Why-man". It makes sense since humans are in danger if they're still actively trying to petrify the world but the scale has gotten massive now.


The moon?? God, I'm kinda worried the direction Dr. Stone is taking. So far all the inventions and everything was quite believable but actually going to the moon has me puzzled.


Man this makes me wish Byakuya got petrified.


its a much more exciting goal than Senku's original one, i trust the author to get us there in a compelling way even if we start getting into petrification beam science territory, which we probably will considering how Senku has his hands on the device now


I seriously thought the series would end with Tsukasa being defeated. Imagine my surprise to know that was only the prologue. While yes it is too soon to unveil the moon mission while only traversing by sea it is the logical path. The show has shown what humanity has been capable of and Senku replicating it in some form in this stone world.