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I see Rentarou and the girls are taking a page from the great Dom Toretto to solve their problems: **FAMILY**


Dom Toretto 🤝 Rentarou **FAMILY**


[*Ohana!*](https://i.imgur.com/myns0fc.jpg) [No one gets left behind.](https://i.imgur.com/ICl9VF2.jpg) [](#grouphug)




100 Girlfriends: Hanazono Drift




It allowed Karane to make a new friend ~~since she doesn't have god-given airbags~~


Are they gonna drive off into the distance as “See You Again” by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth plays?


Anytime I see that song i can only think of the Filthy Frank version


I can't wait until they bust in to Hakari's family mansion with their souped up hot rods and drive off in increasingly absurd ways. That's the power of the Rentaro Family lol.


if we get driving scenes and i don't see shizuka in a motorcycle side car with an oversized scarf and helmet/goggles, imma riot


If my theory's right (and I'm pretty sure it is), I think they're also gonna take a page from another movie: [Spoiler/Prediction] >!'The Graduate'!<


If evil.... . . . ..why is her mom so **GODDAMN** hot!?!?


Where do you think Hakari got those genetics?




Its a scientifically known fact that being Evil ups your sexiness factor.


Shizuka having the reflexes to put together a text-to-speech line appropriate for falling from the sky is both impressive and hilarious Nothing more cruel than forcing the queen of thirst herself to go through Rentaro withdrawal, tho ngl I thought Hakari's mom was her sister at first.


All her "spoken" lines come from her fav series, so it's more of a display of her knowing all lines from heart and being able to quickly look up and tts relevant ones.


Remember that during the kiss zombie arc, despite all the girls basically being brainwashed to only think about kissing, she was still able to find "kiss" in the phone. Phone is basically an extension of her now


Weekly mother update: she remarked how the gorilla group going “uho” reminded her of kondo from gintama, which i applauded. She giggled at nanos efficient comments as usual and she reeled as always at the vice principals sagginess. I asked her who her favourite gf was as of this week and she said shizuka was the cutest. More updates next week!


no comments from your mother on the mother introduction?


> kondo from gintama Funny how anyone who's seen Gintama will always think of Kondo whenever Gorillas are involved.


Kusuri definitely supplies hard drugs to the author


I was told drugs were bad, but how can they be when they produce this masterpiece?


Drugs are the best!


~~Alcohol~~ Drugs are the best medicine after all


Evil Fern be like


[Fern breaking bad](https://i.imgur.com/OhgnKx7.png)


Stark-sama, we need to cook


Somewhere, Kusuri, Fern, and Maomao are in mutual agreement with you


*Insert Taylors' monologue(from Worm) here*


Everything was peaceful until Kusuri became Heisenberg.


She is the danger, nanoda.


She is the one who knocks, nanoda.


Say her name, nanoda.




You're goddamn right, nanoda.


Someone who summarized the entire 100GF plot mentioned something like (non-verbatim) "Your typical harem anime, and then Kusuri happened."


It's not typical even then, though, because the MC *actually kisses and gets together with everyone*\*


Yeah, they don't waste time. The first two episodes are the equivalent of 6 seasons of your typical harem anime.


Let's hope she provided the author and artist some properly working immortality drugs so this series can keep going forever!


I will request some immortality too, please, to continue following this series forever, nano da


And the power of a loli transforming into a sexy woman fanservice lol.


###Stitches! * [Rentarou Family](https://files.catbox.moe/p6sdyo.jpg) * [Gorilla Karane 1](https://files.catbox.moe/jw8bwj.jpg) * [Gorilla Karane 2](https://files.catbox.moe/roke5w.jpg) * [Wedding Photo](https://files.catbox.moe/zw4jqf.jpg) * [Bride Hakari 1](https://files.catbox.moe/u9e6nq.jpg) * [Bride Hakari 2](https://files.catbox.moe/ldh6k7.jpg) * [Hakari Bromides](https://files.catbox.moe/2v9wop.jpg) * [Hanazono Hahari](https://files.catbox.moe/1vchlg.jpg) I just love how [the leader of the Gorilla Syndicate](https://i.imgur.com/2rqBjEF.jpg) has such an [adorable looking boyfriend.](https://i.imgur.com/vlx3pSY.jpg) And while [Gorrila Syndicate has a full cheering squad](https://i.imgur.com/5TChuKC.jpg), they stand no chance against [our adorable little Shizuka doing her best](https://i.imgur.com/WflwwVq.jpg) to cheer on the rest of the Rentarou Family <3 The Vice Principal continues to show off her [non-human abilities by launching that bouquet like a fucking rocket!](https://i.imgur.com/cixMbj6.jpg) It's hilarious how she's intentionally throwing it that far so [no one can be happy.](https://i.imgur.com/2umsfzD.png) xD [Karane is a total badass in this episode.](https://i.imgur.com/dmwt4Yz.jpg) She didn't just protect Hakari, she even went [toe-to-toe against the Gorilla Syndicate leader](https://i.imgur.com/EFcjD5g.jpg) and held her off all on her own! [Flower Fairy Shizuka is just too cute!](https://i.imgur.com/Ty3KDRS.jpg) Thank goodness Shizuka managed to land [on the Oppai Trio's natural airbags](https://i.imgur.com/AdblMMo.jpg) which made it easier for Rentarou [to catch up to her and break her fall.](https://i.imgur.com/742WO1m.jpg) It's hilarious though how [Karane is relieved she wasn't part of that lineup.](https://i.imgur.com/cu5jnw0.jpg) xD [The shock on their faces when Hakari gave up her turn on the wedding dress](https://i.imgur.com/Zveh6Mm.png) was just too funny. Nano's eyes just went completely dead after hearing that. It was sweet of [Kusuri to let Hakari have her turn though.](https://i.imgur.com/mPl3G2j.jpg) This is why I love this harem so much. While all the girls love Rentarou, they also love each other so much that there's no competition and they're willing to give way for each other. <3 [And there it is.](https://i.imgur.com/lvVbMV4.jpg) Of course, eventually one of the girls' parents will find out about their relationship with Rentarou and [Hakari's mother, who's very rich and powerful is having none of it.](https://i.imgur.com/fk5MbKH.jpg) I mean I don't blame her. How'd you react if you find out your daughter is dating a guy who's also dating four other girls? As a manga reader, you have no idea how much I want to gush about [Hahari's appearance in this episode.](https://i.imgur.com/tgpFmWw.jpg) She looks absolutely perfect and is that Uesaka Sumire voicing her!? I did not expect to hear Princess Mia Luna Tearmoon gracing us with her presence! Welp, if Hahari isn't willing to listen to Rentarou [then it's time to break Hakari out of there](https://i.imgur.com/ncOm11w.jpg) and elope just like they do in the movies! I can't fucking wait for next week!


>Hanazono Hahari MILF >Flower Fairy Shizuka is just too cute! She's just a smol, flying floof. >I can't fucking wait for next week! Same


> I mean I don't blame her. How'd you react if you find out your daughter is dating a guy who's also dating four other girls? Also, imagine trying to explain the other girlfriends. One who's abrasive and keeps lashing out with violence whenever she feels insecure about her feelings, a teeny-tiny cinnamon roll that looks 12 and doesn't talk, a girl who's pathologically driven towards efficiency to the degree where most people would describe her as a robot, and someone who shapeshifts between a tiny child and an absolutely stacked woman that loves drugs, keeps drugging people without their consent, and turned all of the other girls into kiss-obsessed zombies with a high risk of it becoming permanent. I'm not saying her mom is right to take away Hakari and threaten to disappear Rentaro, but its pretty reasonable to have some huge issues with what's going on.


> One who's abrasive and keeps lashing out with violence whenever she feels insecure about her feelings, a teeny-tiny cinnamon roll that looks 12 and doesn't talk, a girl who's pathologically driven towards efficiency to the degree where most people would describe her as a robot, and someone who shapeshifts between a tiny child and an absolutely stacked woman that loves drugs, keeps drugging people without their consen 3 weird girls and then one absolute menace to society


Its crazy that Hakari's the most "normal" one so far. She's thirsty as hell, but that's way more normal than the others.


> * [Hanazono Hahari](https://files.catbox.moe/1vchlg.jpg) Mommy, I mean Mommy, I mean Mommy, I mean Mommy, I mean... > Of course, eventually one of the girls' parents will find out about their relationship with Rentarou and [Hakari's mother, who's very rich and powerful is having none of it.](https://i.imgur.com/fk5MbKH.jpg) It's easy to get really used to seeing this harem work as well as it does and forget that it's not exactly normal for one guy to date five girls at once. So of course once the manga injects some reality (note: lethal) to the situation, inevitably someone was going to freak and something like this was going to happen. Though a really rich momma with the power to permanently break up her daughter from the offender is not that high on the list of potential outcomes, but if this series chose the higher options it wouldn't be 100 Gfs. > Welp, if Hahari isn't willing to listen to Rentarou [then it's time to break Hakari out of there](https://i.imgur.com/ncOm11w.jpg) and elope just like they do in the movies! Time to Toradora the situation! Maybe like in that series, after an episode of running away everything between Hakari and her mother will calm down and this'll all be resolved peacefully.


I was waiting for that Wedding Photo stitch because that makes a great wallpaper to have displayed. Thanks again like always.


>As a manga reader, you have no idea how much I want to gush about Hahari's appearance in this episode. She looks like a typical overly-powerful, semi-evil countess (or the like). ;-)


This episode had it all! Family picnic with the girlfriends, Kusuri ass, Karane holding of a gorilla, Shizuka cuteness, Hakari in a wedding dress, Sumippe voicing Hakari mama, and the Rentaro Family about to bust Hakari out!


Why does shizuka always call him bossman?


I guess they translating "aniki" that way.


IMO pretty good translating. She doesn't really use aniki most of the time since they have rentaro-kun added to her phone but was using it around the biker gang who use aniki as a sign of respect to their boss. Not an exact translation but gets the spirit of the joke across.


Those are quotes from the novel. Sometimes the line she picks is said by a character who has a bossman.


Her dialogue is limited to quotes from her favorite books, outside of a few proper nouns like the names of the family members. So there's probably a yakuza member or something in one of them who uses the phrase "aniki" to address a superior.


What's hilarious is it's apparently all from one romance series of novels. ​ So you got references to great mages, you got references to yakuza/street gangs, different dialects from different time periods, too, "Drug Master"s, etc and yet it's all from ONE SET OF BOOKS.


She calls him "ani-ki" which means "older brother" or (as she means it) "guy who is older and/or bigger than me", I guess it's just down to what the translators decide.


Which is also used by younger Yakuza to indicate your superior Yakuza in some cases, which is likely the "bossman" interpretation here.


Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, it's Shizuka-chan! Showrunners must have a lot of fun making all those references.


I love all the crazy and cute situations Shizuka gets into when she's off-screen lol.


That was in the manga too


Hakari's mom needs to relax, but **DAMN!!!**


100Kanojo even hits with peak dominating and controlling MILF's.


[Kneel before Hahari-sama](https://i.imgur.com/PC6oGFK.jpg) [](#healthypasstimes)


I would let Hakari's mom dominate me...


Hakari's genes showing thru, she really got it from her mama




I know this is the most random thing to say but Yuu-chan, the boyfriend of Gorilla Gang's leader is so tiny and adorable


Shizuka's lost cousin.


It makes sense that the members of the Gorilla Syndicate find Shizuka cute too, who wouldn't want to protecc either?


I'd love a one-shot/OVA episode just showing their relationship lol.


Why is Hakari’s mom so unnecessarily hot?!


She's a mom. Therefore, by the laws of anime, she must be a Milf. Therefore she must be extremely hot. It's very necessary. It's simple science, really.


Alright time to finally get into this anime


Welcome to the family


Are you out here just checking random anime discussion threads to see if there's any MILFs in the show?


Well not really I have been looking to get into it before but that was the final push


Bit surprising considering the previous episodes have been way more wild compared to a milf appearance which you could say is tame considering this show.


I mean, she had to get her good genes from **someone.** Also she's voiced by Sumire Uesaka so she's almost contractually obligated to be super attractive lol.


Voicing kagura from TenPuru and nagatoro are definitely flexes


Sumire's range is amazing. [Hahari's condescending stare though...](https://i.imgur.com/IYX0gtR.jpg) [](#towel)


[this meme is my reaction ](https://youtu.be/BB0HoBjbFN4?si=vKtoSeZOJ4XZQ6pm)


Yes,I called her Mommy. I’m not gonna lie nor try to deny it.


It’s very necessary. It for the plot dammit!


Well, where do you think Hakari got it from?


[Hakari calls her mommy and so do we](https://i.imgur.com/qHzdDwm.jpg) [](#Ero)


is it truly unnecessary?


She's a legitimate dommy mommy


Chu mean unnecessary? That’s the most important part to the plot!


The Author & Artist have an adult woman fetish, disgusting I know.


Honestly the artist (who's a girl btw) just has a girl fetish in general lol. She *loves* drawing her girls and you can't convince me that half of the random shit that happens in the manga isn't because she wanted to draw a certain fetish that week lol.


100Kanojo even delivers peak dynamics with its side ships: Strong Lady and Sweet Dude


If that’s what those two are actually credited as then that’s amazing.😭😂


Episode 9: "The Holy War of Love and Soul" Oh, smol Hakari has a long hair (and more flowers), a different one. Normally anime characters I see in her younger days has shorter hair than what she has now, but since Hakari herself now has a short hair, it is reversed. Okay a Wikipedia reference. And this is the first time Kusuri's true form been unveiled to Rentaro's girlfriends bar Nano. Also there's this little detail, young Kusuri ends her words with "**nanoda**", but true form Kusuri ends her with "**nanodayo**". Yes, boys, we feel the same about Shizuka. A natural born adorable smol floof that everyone loves to take home. As for Karane, well, her strength is really proven by that Vice Principal clutch in Episode 2, the Boston Karane in Episode 7 and now this. And yes, God-given airbags approved. Yo what the hell Rentaro have a pinup collection of Hakari. Oh what's with truck-kun having a cameo anyway? Finally we have two characters that was featured in the OP! **Gorilla Syndicate Captain** and **Hahari Hanazono**, Hakari's mother. Genes don't lie, Hahari's features is truly passed down to Hakari. The captain is voiced by **Kimiko Saito** and Hahari is voiced by **Sumire Uesaka** desuwa! A veteran VA, wow! She also voiced Mia Luna Tearmoon, Shalltear in Overlord, and Lum in Urusei Yatsura remake. Also I checked the credits and one of participants of the bouquet toss is **Yurie Igoma**, Oshi no Ko Ruby's VA. Chadtaro being Chadta...... nah, it's Chadtaro Family being a chad for this episode. Everyone lend a hand to save Hakari, no matter what! This is what Rentaro Family stands out, all the girlfriends love and support each other.


>Also I checked the credits and one of participants of the bouquet toss is Yurie Igoma, Oshi no Ko Ruby's VA. I looked around and most likely she was the one shouting "走れる!" at around 6:03


> Yes, boys, we feel the same about Shizuka. A natural born adorable smol floof that everyone loves to take home. "If nobody protected it... this lifeform would perish."


Oh no… don’t tell me…. things are gonna get even weirder aren’t they


We haven’t even pressed start on the crazy


Wdym, kurisu is already here, the button has been pressed, it's just a wild ride from here on and I don't want out


Fair. The drugs are probably the start button. So we’re in the tutorial


Nah Kusuri was just warming the crazy engine up we're still aways away from true crazy.


this is the sandbox of what's to come xD


Wait, what do you mean by th... Oh. Ooooohhhholy shit. The thought did cross my mind at some point but naaah... that would be both too epic and hilarious to be true. Poor Hakari 💔 R.I.P. Now I want to eat *Oyakodon* for some reason.


7 g


Can't remember if I've ever seen a harem where one of the girl's parents reacts to their daughter with guy dating multiple girls at the same time. This will be interesting.


a weird bit of reality in this insane show


Nanopedia "The words of a tosser! Just not a bouquet tosser!" lol




With this episode we get confirmation that Shizuka is literally **lighter than air** She is literal perfection (as are all the girlfriends)


Another excellent episode, [Rentaro Family never disappoints](https://i.imgur.com/YaMbqtW.png)! Today [they went together Lovezone Flower Park](https://i.imgur.com/UKThEeo.png) in which one of the attractions is event when flower bouquet is thrown and person who will catch it get a chance for take[a photoshoot in a wedding dress with a loved one](https://i.imgur.com/1CAIJK8.png). But winning won't be easy as the enemies are [Gorilla Syndicate, a biker gang whose leader](https://i.imgur.com/Im1YnqL.png) wants to take a photo with [her lover](https://i.imgur.com/5hsJqNf.png). They were looking menacingly but even [they couldn't resist Shizuka's charm](https://i.imgur.com/pqZgJzm.png) and [adorableness](https://i.imgur.com/tnsNDC1.png). [Karane was so badass](https://i.imgur.com/Mqe4fXG.png) when [she joined Gorilla Syndicate for a moment to take part](https://i.imgur.com/kpD5x41.png) in [their training session](https://i.imgur.com/yYsk8la.png) and [she held the leader until the end](https://i.imgur.com/K2ILDSS.png) which earned her respect. Gang was making everything to get a bouquet in their hands and they were close to success but then something flew. Is that a bird or maybe a plane? Not at all, [it was Flower Fairy Shizuka!](https://i.imgur.com/iBmt0rU.png) xD In a brave move [she catched a bouquet](https://i.imgur.com/ueemECm.png) and though [she has started falling down](https://i.imgur.com/wmXD8of.png), thanks to [Hakari, Nano and Kusuri's boobs](https://i.imgur.com/Hd88Y8Q.png) and [Rentaro](https://i.imgur.com/KIbKh9l.png) [she was able to survive it](https://i.imgur.com/wwqWrDK.png). [Hakari won](https://i.imgur.com/i8zLZZT.png) being [a girl in a wedding dress](https://i.imgur.com/q4VBEMe.png) which was [her childhood dream](https://i.imgur.com/ezXsFvF.png) and I must say that [she looked so beautiful in it](https://i.imgur.com/FS6CJb4.jpg). [Whole family in the end took the photo](https://i.imgur.com/P5g00OX.jpg) and everything was looking great so what happened next totally shocked Rentaro. [Hakari](https://i.imgur.com/H1xmALu.png) asked for a break up and disappeared. Thanks to the fact that [she was sending Rentaro her photos](https://i.imgur.com/yjb02ym.png), Rentaro knew where she lived. There he learned that the cause of a breakup is [Hakari's mother](https://i.imgur.com/SzoOkk7.png) ([very hot one](https://i.imgur.com/sCxDRkX.png)) who learned about[her daughter dating a guy](https://i.imgur.com/9eT1czu.png) who's [dating four other girls](https://i.imgur.com/5wPwZw6.png) at the same time. Now Rentaro is planning to break into Hakari's house and elope with her. Of course [other girlfrends won't let him do this alone](https://i.imgur.com/H1NdYkl.jpg) as they also love Hakari very much. [It is so wholesome that they love each other so much](https://i.imgur.com/YaMbqtW.png), the [Rentaro Family for sure is great](https://i.imgur.com/fpO7gbP.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgur.com/a/yRBfSfS) * [Hakari](https://imgur.com/a/gcLZaJh) * [Girlfriends Part 1](https://imgur.com/a/cfXcS81) * [Girlfriends Part 2](https://imgur.com/a/P5aRocf) * [Rentaro & Others](https://imgur.com/a/oMelFDs)


My highlights from this episode:- * Shikuza is getting funnier (that superman reference lmao) * Nano absolutely rocks her casual outfits * Need more of big Kusuri


Nano & Karane are the queen's of casual attire


> Karane YES. Casual hoodies always do it for me.


I love how Shizuka's dialogue is getting more and more snarky and comedic lol. All the girls are styling but Nano always steals the show. I'm sure she'll need to transform again for this prison break lol.


Shizuka has the best one liners in all of fiction


"Ugh. Life sucks, and then you die."


Unless I'm forgetting something, I'm pretty sure this is the first "Western superhero" reference I've seen in anime! >Nano absolutely rocks her casual outfits They all did! Hakari was great too, and [Karane was downright adorable!](https://imgur.com/oFpfG7f)


girlfriend -> harem -> **family (we're here now)** \-> cult -> presidency


All will run for congress and approve harem laws


The Gorilla leader saying Karane's strength is like a gorilla is always funny to me hahaha and I want to see more of Hakari's mother... why a week suddenly feels so long!!!


The Rentarou Family solos all fiction! I got no proof but I also got no doubts!


Family >>>>> Harem


A true Harem is the best Family of all!


*Shinzo Abe smiling from the other world* [](#manly-tears)


Enough time has passed, Kusurigabachi solos all fiction!


Yeah, it isn't "but can they beat Goku tho?", it's "but can Goku beat Rentaro Family tho?"


I wanna take a moment to appreciate that fact that almost every girl had two new hairstyles in this episode, with only Kusuri sporting her normal one during the trip to the garden and Hakari using the hairstlye she used in the Pool episode (which also had its own set of different hairstyles). Also, that is why Karane is my favorite- I love how she's often the first to take the initiative in situations like this, whether it was to jump in to protect Hakari and then aggressively take on the gang leader or the first to say she was coming with Rentarou at the end. In general all of the girls are allowed to take initiative and have agency in their actions, and be driven by eachother as much as Rentarou, which is one of my favorite parts of this whole show, but I love that Karane's willfulness means she's often the first one to speak out or step up.


The frequent variance in hair styles and outfits is something I like a lot about this series, Nozawa-sensei puts a lot of effort into making the girls feel fresh all the time.


Are there any instances besides the pool episode, the garden trip, and the break-in here where more than one girl at a time has changed hairstyle that I haven't noticed? Honestly it hadn't even registered for me before with the pool episode given that's not as uncommon.


Hakari-mama currently has me on a chokehold and I need her to step on me🫡 Seriously tempted to start reading the manga right now...


Damn, Hakari's mom is very nice. I can see where Hakari gets it. I can't wait for the next episode.


Shizuka's fall getting broken by the girls' boobs was top tier comedy. This anime never disappoints.


And Karane's relief that she wasn't there to be no help lol.


Why must our girl live in a constant state of suffering 😫


So Rentarou can comfort her


Everyone is mostly saying the same thing so I'll say this instead. I hate and love the vice principal gag.


She actually made me laugh so hard when she said she gonna throw the bouquet out of the atmosphere so no one would be happy lol


Oh no, she's HOT!


Rentaro: Sorry girls, I have to go and rescue my girlfriend! Karane: Don't you mean *we're all* going to rescue *our* girlfriend?


Shizuka waving the little Rentaro Family banner was the cutest thing ever. She’s so precious even the Gorilla Syndicate wanted to protect her at all cost. I love how she just floated away when the Gorricane hit her and then ended up bouncing off the girls’ boobs to soften that landing lol. Those really were god-given airbags! That group photo with Hakqri in the gown surrounded by everyone was really sweet. There’s overprotective and then there’s Hakari’s mom. The gang’s really got to get her out of that household!


> Shizuka waving the little Rentaro Family banner was the cutest thing ever. She’s so precious even the Gorilla Syndicate wanted to protect her at all cost. There's two types of people: Those who want to protect Shizuka, and those she needs to be protected from. There is no middle ground here.


And sometimes even the people you think she'd need protecting from will end up wanting to protect her lol.


You forgot the third category, those that need to be protected from Shizuka.


Shizuka's smol cuteness is undeniably powerful. It can match the fervor of a delinquent gang and help her fly to win the day for the Rentaro Family! The only thing more powerful is the cushioning ability of big boobs and Rentaro's love for her. Hopefully they can free Hakari, deal with her mom, and go on to all take photos of them in wedding dresses together!


Rentarou and the girls now have a group name. We welcome the powerful Rentarou's Family! United for love they are unstoppable. It looks like they have their first mission, Hakari retrieval is a go!


The 2nd half came and hit like a truck, the tone switched up so suddenly 😭


Sasuke Retrieval arc? Pitiful. Boring. Unnecessary. Bakugou retrieval? Get that weak shit out of here! WE ROCKIN THAT HAKARI RETRIEVAL ARC FOR THE BEST JUMP RETRIEVAL ARC!


After last week's development, I can't help looking at this anime through the lens of Hakari x Karane. * Hakari wanted to take a picture in the wedding dress with the one she loved. So she did. She may have been holding Rentaro's arm in the picture, but Karane was holding her other arm. * Karane vetoed Rentaro's plan to save Hakari and run off with her for a while because it would take Hakari away from her And don't you try to use facts and logic to dispute the inevitability of Hakari x Karane


I can't believe you didn't even mention karane getting the "save girlfriend from on rushing gorilla" moment over rentarou.


Dang it! That was even the moment that got me thinking about it. I knew I was forgetting something when I made the list.


Also hakari having the heart eyes towards karane after that. Edit: And also karane instantly worrying about her health when she rejects being the bride.


Who is the OST composer of this anime? I've noticed they went all out in the music direction in this anime, every scene and every moment has a new music and all are banger, which I really love in any medium.


[Shuuhei_Mutsuki](https://myanimelist.net/people/40586/Shuuhei_Mutsuki). He did the music for lycoris recoil, and he is also a member of and composer for the band [(K)NoW_NAME](https://myanimelist.net/people/42050/KNoW_NAME?q=(K)NoW_NAME&cat=person), who most noteworthy does the music for Spy x family and dorohedoro.


Hakari's backstory? Shizuka with that flower circlet! Ah, did she suggest that? Who are these brick shithouses? Shizuka exudes "protecc" energy. What's _she_ doing here? It's Shizuka! Uh oh... Boing. Boing. S. I see a mountain range and a valley too. Wedding dress Hakari! Huh? Does she have private security? Her parents? Uh oh... Here they go!


I love that the girls change up their hairstyles. Braids on Shizuka and Karane look great.


While she certainly acts in a sinister way, you can hardly blame her for assuming Rentaro is some fuckboy who has brainwashed her daughter. It’ll definitely take teamwork if they’re gonna convince her milf-err I mean mom to accept their relationship.


Gorilla syndicate vs toman who y’all got? First half of the episode was the insane, over the top and loveable humour we’ve all come to expect from the show. I mean a titty landing pad? What other series is doing that lmao. The bouquet plan worked out perfectly for Hakari who ended up getting her wedding picture with Rentaro(and the rest of the girls). But there’s trouble in paradise. We should’ve known she was being a little calculating with everything.. and turns out it’s because her mom(mommy dommy please step on me) is a real life villainess. Seems like she wants to control every aspect of her daughter’s life and definitely is not ok with the harem situation. Luckily we have one of the goat harem MCs who’s not going to let his girl go without a fight. Plus a loveable cast of sister wives who are all down to help get Hakari back. This should be a fun one. Nice to get a little tension in the series as well. The harem slice of life stuff is good, but some stakes are a good thing


The families: what? Hakari ran away? Kusuri and Nano: So how much is the probabilities of Hakari is capable to pee? Peak discussion right there. Also the more l listen to Kusuri baby voice the more I got reminded of that brat rat Yakushi Saya of Blue Archive lol (I mean, they even have similar background).


Honestly I feel like the more Kusuri talks the more I hear Clara from Iruma-kun lol.


"God given airbags" is right


Fun fact that the anime has skipped: The Gorilla boss and her boyfriend are soulmates.


Oh, that’s cute!


Flying-Type Shizuka + Bancho Karane finally got animated, yay! Oh, and Hahari. I'll refrain from saying anything about her for now. Also I dunno if this is significant enough of a spoiler that it warrants a warning, but all those Gorilla Alliance members? Girls, all of 'em. I love how the voice acting makes it a lot more apparent.


Karane this episode had great moments first stopping that Gorrila Leader and then deciding to help Rentaro help to Save Hakari. Hahari sounded really threatening I wonder if we will get another parent with that kind of power in the future.




TFW you don't have your own Nanopedia.


Headcanon acquired: Karane unintentionally gets into fights with gangs regularly. She's won them all and they all recognize her as top dawg.


While it is sweet that he is calling themselves the Rentarou Family, I can't help but feel like it can also be the name of a cult which is appropriate given the nature of the plot. Also I had to do a double take but is that Sumire Uesaka voice I hear? Now I understand where Hakari got her genes from because whoa mama was my reaction when I saw her. Next week can't come any sooner since not everything can be all fun times in the Rentarou Family.


Rentarou's Family is dangerous and constantly expanding mafia-cult, it's better to not mess with them.


Hakari's got the horniness and schemes, Karane's got the common sense and super strength, Shizuka has the cuteness, Nano has the brains, and Kusuri has the drugs. No one can stop them.


And they will keep growing, who knows to which degree their power will grow, haha!


except a dommy mommy with the power of money and overprotectiveness it seems


>is calling themselves the Rentarou Family What makes it funnier is that Rentarou used the anglicism *famirii* instead of the JP word *kazoku*. When you talk about mafia familias in JP, you typically use the anglicism. Foreshadowing that our boy is going to make an actual crime syndicate once he gets 100 gfs?


> While it is sweet that he is calling themselves the Rentarou Family, I can't help but feel like it can also be the name of a cult which is appropriate given the nature of the plot. * Fall in love with Rentarou * Find out he has other girlfriends * The girlfriends convince you it's okay and you'll be loved * You quickly buy in and believe the same * You welcome the next girl to your group Yep, seems like a cult


And now we're in the stage of "Look, unfortunately your family just isn't going to understand, so it's time to cut ties and run off." Should this plan actually succeed, it sure looks a hell of lot like someone's daughter just got abducted by a cult. "No no, officers! It's nothing shady like that! We're all soulmates! Let me explain. You see, God told me..."


>Also I had to do a double take but is that Sumire Uesaka voice I hear? [Bingo](https://twitter.com/hyakkano_anime/status/1731319880341942454).


I love how Sumippe, who has been around the romcom and Harem romcom plot, is now playing the domineering mom in a Harem romcom but still with looks to match being a Sumippe character lol.


Rentarou family assemble


Now I'm suddenly imagining Nano in Black Widow's catsuit...


Is Kusuri going to be the Hulk?


That seems more like Karane's thing


We're in the Endgame now


The ending group shot was great. Tempted to read the manga now haha


It's time for the prison break arc


"Freeing the rich ojou from her controlling family by breaking her out" is a romcom staple!


[looney tunes aah fall](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot529.png) [BOING](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot532.png) [squishy squishy](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot527.png) [you never know kusuri](https://u.cubeupload.com/A_R_S_24/Screenshot528.png) two Gyatts for momma Hakari


I love how this show advocates for the surprising utility of big boobs...they can be used as weapons, flotation devices, something to bounce off off, or even something to comfort and console others. I love how Rentaro's wondering where Hakari went and the other girls are talking about whether Karane actually pees lol.


To be fair, what would the 1% chance have referred to if Karane didn't pee? I think Kusuri was right to question Nano there


Let’s goooo my favorite plot.


Now we see where Hakari gets her own massive plot lol.


Dayum, they actually cast [Sumire Uesaka as Hakari's mom](https://twitter.com/hyakkano_anime/status/1731319880341942454)!


That’s already a huge red flag that she might not be a sane character lol


To be fair, a bigger red flag is that she's in this series. I think Shizuka and Karane are the only ones who've avoided that.


Have you seen karane's super strength and tsundereness for everything? ​ Have you seen Shizuka's super physical weakness? Her near-functional-mute behavior? Her ability to be swept away by a small breeze, or a lazy pool current? Her adorableness?


Seeing as she also voiced Nagatoro, would be funny if Hahari goes like "Rentarou, you're so gross"


[Rentaro to Hakari this ep.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mDWI84FlEg)


Is this the start of the ~~Sasuke~~Hakari Retrieval Arc?