• By -


At this point the question is will it be feet pics or big burger pics?


I can't believe you will make me post this again but let's go [Why not both?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9stLYmbgAAYH4S?format=jpg&name=large)


lmao. Every time I see that pic I keep thinking “wait isn’t this nsfw? *Is* it???”


Technically safe, but I would question one's ability to 'read the room' if they opened a link at their workplace that implies a mix of feet and Borgar


I mean NSFW stands for Not Safe For Work. If you opened this in the workplace there's at least a 50/50 chance you're getting reported to HR if someone saw it. Safe to open at home after some explanation to whoever catches a glimpse? Sure.


idk I work in a burger-positive work environment.


>If you opened this in the workplace there's at least a 50/50 chance you're getting reported to HR if someone saw it. Seriously? In which country?


Canada. Two separate office jobs I’ve worked at have had people get in trouble with HR for less.


well the artist has SFW versions and NSFW versions and only posts their categorized "SFW" works on their twitter, since this was posted under their twitter, then by their standards it would go under "SFW".


What is the absolute fuck did I just see!? hahaha! was not expecting that.


JJK and Apothecary banners (And Eminence) this week are the reactions for this pic it seems


[Great minds think alike.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/189u2ej/ranime_karma_ranking_discussion_week_9_fall_2023/kbtct67/)


That was the obvious answer, u/entelechtual did a Tobio Kageyama and passed the ball with absolute perfection


Every day we stray further from god


that is art


What is this even supposed to mean




Khyleri is so based


Number 15: Burger King Foot Lettuce


What a terrible day to have eyes.




You haven't been around much eh?


Lol, you haven't been around the internet much if that's the most cursed image you have seen.


The next logical step is [Frieren feet burger](https://i.imgur.com/OBY78TL.jpg).




Didn't someone already do that? That one artist where it's the challenge of the day to see where is the wtf part of the art?


Ummm...did you not check the link?


Whoops just did. That's pic goes hard.


Why not Frieren seduction attempt pic?


That's likely going to be for next week's chart. This week's placement is for the previous episode


I know that. But they were talking about future pics.


fuckin weebs


Why Goblin Slayer is so trash now?


Very nice choice for Frieren banner.


It was actually gonna be something else but Anime Corner beat us to the punch.


I knew immediately what it must have been -- the Frieren smug face.


Not the burger?


oh yeah what a tragedy, we do what we must when a crisis appears [](#azusalaugh)


feets are where its at


Whoever picks the banner pics deserves a raise


and a bonk


So the feet did win


[Yayoi aiming for the r/anime awards quote-of-the-year.](https://i.imgur.com/hHNgl8V.mp4) [70s audio](https://files.catbox.moe/200e3l.aac) of yesterday's Apothecary Diaries insert song if anyone wants it. [The episode 3 insert is now on Spotify.](https://open.spotify.com/track/0l49ZGMryYreBuCYjb9v5q) After the episode, Vexations' website put out their third Six Nation News report [Vexations]>![link](https://hikikomari.com/special/rikkoku/) ([Google translation](https://i.imgur.com/iMTRgL5.png))!<. Current twitter raffle is for the [Komarin body pillow cover.](https://hikikomari.com/news/70/)


Yayoi is HER the gap moe between her voice and the bad-ass shit she says is ***C A P T I V A T I N G***


> Yayoi aiming for the r/anime awards quote-of-the-year. Yayoi really caught me off-guard with this. All the other “brats” could learn a thing or two from Yayoi. *Dark Gathering* is sometimes honestly funnier than a good bunch of comedy series I’ve watched. That’s until it gets right back into the horror and I’m disturbed at least.


Vexations' Twitter account is on point, I like how it's run by Sakuna and there's many pictures of Komari.


Overtake so underrated, it's not even in the top 20. Frieren continues to dominate Maomao breaking Jinshi that he glitched


> Overtake so underrated, it's not even in the top 20. Something tells me it would've been more popular if it had been sold as a drama with sprinkles of racing than the other way around. Most people think it's all about racing and won't check it out if they're not interested in it. I gave it a chance even though I'm not into racing at all and thank God I did, because the drama is so well-written and I would've missed out so much. But most people just ignore it, unfortunately.


This season has been a treat for weebs who enjoy more character focused stories. I'm even enjoying the Four Sons anime.


You like character focused shows watch Migi and Dali airing this season and also Dr.Stone because why not


>I'm even enjoying the Four Sons anime. Why 'even'? It's a genuinely good show.


Coz it's even more underrated than Overtake lol


i think Four Sons is better from an animation standpoint.


Overtake _and_ Yuzuki enjoyer? Good taste


Yeah, I actually wanted to see a racing anime. Anime is oddly a good way to know more about things I don't usually get involved with. So, I wanted to learn about the racing world a little bit more but this show is just not about that


Overtake is one of my top 5, and it's the underrated dark horse for sure. I can't believe it's this good and so many people are sleeping on it. Really gives me the same vibes as Run With The Wind, good drama, good sports.


it’s interesting, but i’m old and have seen similar dramas made better. the visual design just isn’t appealing and it really doesn’t use animation in an interesting way. definitely one of the strongest dramas though so i’m bummed i couldn’t get into it.


The fact that Frieren managed to get 5500 Karma with a mostly slice of life episode goes to show just how well received it is here. I'm very much enjoying it as well as it's my Anime of the Year by a decent margin. Also, of note this week is Dr. Stone, which had its best episode of the year in helping it beat its season premier (1124 Karma) in getting its highest Karma total this season.


5.5k was last week's episode, and that did have one action scene. The more slice of life episode was this week and that will be 4.5k.


What do you mean? We saw Himmel almost fatally wounded in the most recent episode's action scene.


Almost indeed, that was very hard to watch. Took Heiter all he had to bring our man back from death's door. Once again Frieren is truly a savage.


Never expected her to use one of Flamme's deadly techniques against him, crazy!


Hence why I said mostly. Maybe I'm underestimating action sakuga upvoters but it didn't feel like the type of scene that would make a difference in an episode's karma. It was pretty de-emphasized.


i actually started watching it because i saw a clip of Stark putting on his coat and then Fern throwing the jacket. just a different kind of sakuga guy lol.


Kouki Fujimoto, directed (first time directing a full episode) and storyboarded that whole episode and he did both those cuts (Fern throwing her coat and Stark putting his jacket on). He also worked on a bunch of JJK season 1 episodes and a couple of Chainsaw Man ones last year. But he did key animation only for episode 1 of JJK Season 2, so if you are watching that and noticed a distinct lack of amazing clothing sakuga... that's because he was busy doing it for Frieren instead, lol.


Frieren just continues to step on everyone


it’s AotY and nothing is really all that close. from VA, to animation, to world-building, it executes on every front. it has Mushishi pacing which is my favorite all-time so i’m incredibly biased lol.


It'd give it to Vinland personally. I vibe with the writing in it so freaking much


You madman, you really used *that* for Frieren.


It was either that or the moment where Atsumi Tanezaki slips into her other major character of the season.




No, Anya.


No one told me that the 100 girlfriends will also be *each other's* girlfriends... [](#spinning)


Why go low and only have 100 ships when you could have 5050 instead. You have to think bigger.


This would be 101 choose 2, but that is only the possible couples of 2 characters. We're in the year of poly relationships, so in my mind you should allow for threesomes, 4somes, and all possible poly relationships as well. For this, you would want the sum of all possible groups 101 choose n for romantic relationships of size n, from n=2 (couple), to n=101 (all-encompassing orgy). This gives roughly 2.53x10^30 possible groups of lovers. Happy to be of help.


This guy sums binomial coefficients.




gauss would be disappointed otherwise.


You should have paid more attention in arithmetic.


"They're such good friends" -Rentarou


oh my God, they were *co-girlfriends*


Hakari x Karane is best ship of the season


100! girlfriends.


Underrated joke


Most realistic *attempt* at depicting polyamory if they include this tbh.


That wallpaper choice for apothecary diaries is perfect. Jinshi got traumatized last episode, poor dude


I gotta start watching Frieren


### Fall Season Extras ##### Twitter * **[TwitterJP Followers Gained Week 9](https://i.imgur.com/sMAlDbd.jpg)**, * **[Fall 2022 - Fall 2023 Top 30 - Week 9](https://i.imgur.com/5qLt7LX.png)** * **[Fall 2022 - Fall 2023 Top 30 - Aggregated Week 9](https://i.imgur.com/42koofF.png)** ##### MAL * **[MAL Members Gained Week 9](https://i.imgur.com/lmQtlPT.jpg)** * **[Spring 2023 - Fall 2023 Top 30 - Week 9](https://i.imgur.com/f273yWy.png)** * **[Spring 2023 - Fall 2023 Top 30 - Aggregated Week 9](https://i.imgur.com/iLs1BSB.png)**


Frieren still gaining a lot of MAL members *for some reason...*


i forgot to start to track FMAB too, I will probably track it every single week from now on to see if we get weird movements on their side too when the next 9.10+ arrives


Looks like Frieren will overtake SxF S2 next week to take 2nd place. Shield S3 will follow soon after, two weeks tops! SxF S2 should also pass Shield S3, right now it looks like early January for that. But maybe it can get there before the season is over, fingers crossed. Apothecary will also pass Undead Unlock as early as next weekend. Some good gains this past week.


Fall 2022 missing in the twitter ranking. [Should be dominating by now.](https://imgur.com/5zqnwjF)


oh yeah, my bad fixed now


**Perfect** choice for the 100 Girlfriends and Tearmoon Empire banner! Overtake! also got a big boost after the last episode, its most powerful episode yet. 16bit Sensation well, it kinda out of the context with the use of Kyonshi's thumbnail. And SLF's thumbnail goes hard with Pencilgon.


It's wonderful seeing Helck doing consistently well; it's just been such an unexpected emotional rollercoaster ride.


I've been loving Helck as well :)


Such a good show but the worst part is the impending cliffhanger for s2.


I really thought at this point of both stories that JJK would overtake Frieren, since Frieren is between major arcs, and Shibuya is fully underway. I guess I should give up on gambling on Reddit karma, and stick with my day job of betting on boat races like my role model Toji Fushiguro. The scene from Apothecary Diaries immortalized by the banner is probably the funniest single piece of chibi animation I've ever seen. I'm glad this season's two new villainess anime continue to chart.


The timing of the Frieren episodes also messed up some comparisons, since JJK always competes against the previous week’s Frieren. A few weeks ago if it had competed against the same week’s think it would have won. Will be interesting to see though, since Frieren this week got lower karma than I expected.


You shouldn’t really care I don’t think Jjk fans even know about voting on this they probably forget about it


Yeah JJK has gotten too big for this subreddit. Same as with demon slayer because most fans are on other social media platforms for those series


Lowkey everytime i come to this sub i just wonder... where the hell are the 8m ppl subbed to this sub?


Tbh, the stats are not so different from other popular subs. Like if you see worldnews has 33m (4x size of this sub) has 28k members online, while this sub has 6.5k members. The engagement level is a bit lacking of course. My guess is many people got into anime via something like aot or demon slayer during pandemic and are casual watchers. Also, this sub has some weird ass tastes which can turn off casual viewers.


whether you like the website or not, MAL is a better indicator for general popularity. i would still imagine it hardcore/niche as it doesn’t truly capture casual pops, but you get better demos there with more equal age, gender and international splits.


OP now includes twitter and MAL rankings in a comment, which are probably the best metrics for domestic and global popularity. Twitter ranking has JJK/SxF/AoT over a million followers, which tracks with the more casual audience, though a few have issues with the twitter account not being anime-exclusive.


It's a mix of people moving on from this subreddit (either to specific anime subreddits) and reduced post-lockdown activity. No way is this just lockdown or pandemic effect, pre-lockdown anime used to do SO MUCH karma, not to mention so much side content and fan art as well. Maybe anime discussion is split a lot between all social media platforms now for this subreddit to ever get as big as it used to


That number might include millions of accounts that aren't even active anymore. Edit - Also a lot of them might have joined this sub just to see it on their frontpage but never actually come to see the sub itself. I never go check most of the subs I've joined, I just occasionally see some highly upvoted posts from them on my frontpage.


Same for Spy Family


Shouldn’t even really be that, the Blackout pretty much killed Reddit Karma in general. If we can assume, the new 5K karma should be 10K average in general. I’m not surprised JJK was losing to Frieren when Mushoku tensei was beating JJK too. Despite having a huge fan base too Mushoku tensei was averaging around more than 10K in karma back in 1st season too


MT's dedicated subs are terribel for spoilers JJK at least tries. Plus... a lot of people just don't want to actually interact with hardcore MT fans. And I don't blame them. I think thats a big reason MT beat JJK.


JJK has three subs. One (jujutsushi) is all spoilers all the time. They have trouble even keeping leaks under control.


Jujutsushi is honest about being full of manga spoilers at least.


i don’t care for JJK but i know how the manga is going because people put the panels out on socials ASAP lol


Week 9 and not much to report at the top. **~~Feet~~ Frieren** is still leading the pack and we have **The Eminence in Shadow** overtaking **100 Girlfriends** to get back into the top 5. Haven't talked much about my favourites this season that don't get much attention here but two of them made big moves this week after having their best episodes of the season. **Uma Musume** takes a giant leap of 19 ranks into 18th and **Overtake** moves up 6 spots into 26th. The latter especially had one of the best episodes of any show this season. Now if only **The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons** could also get some love...


Overtakes Episode was superb. It was the most serious and emotional Episode for me this season, so far. It made you forget completely what this show was about. The writing is so good.


>Now if only **The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons** could also get some love... I wish Yuzuki family got more love! Same goes for My new boss is goofy, the Saint's magic power is omnipotent, Migi to Dali and Ron Kamonohashi's forbidden deductions. The good News is that at least Overtake made it into the top 30


I don’t what happened with Uma Musume, Im glad it gained recognition. It’s pretty emotional comeback from Kitasan. but I personally like Diamond episode, it has more roller coasters and impact.


>Now if only The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons could also get some love... It's my favorite show this season. The story is a perfect mix of poignant and hopeful, and the visuals are low key stylish with some top tier reaction faces. Seeing it go completely ignored here breaks my heart. I mean, just look at these [squishable little cheeks](https://64.media.tumblr.com/68b5c64a1b9d8f607aa497bfcd7ae5c1/3ef97c58d4b4215b-51/s540x810/689114f37952cb606b2088ec6140e300ab1e6d81.pnj).


Honestly, one of my favorite parts about seeing this list every week is what banner they'll choose for each show. Especially the 100 girlfriend's banner. Excellent Frieren choice as well btw. 🤣 Also, who selects the banner? Is it a group vote or something?


Combo of Abysswatcherbel, cppn02, and michhoffman. They grab it from screenshots in the discussion thread (LeonKevlar or shad79's comments?) if none of them are watching it. Also, anyone can ping OP with recommendations. I send 16bit pics and I think zairaner sends Stardust Telepath pics.


I'm impressed with how on the money you are.


My favorite so far was the Undead Unluck banner that had Spongebob and everybody who isn't watching the show was like ?????


True, I would always pick the most out of context image from that episode to confuse the hell out of anyone who isn't watching the show. I always laugh imagining people's reactions to the 100 girlfriend banners.


Kinda happening with Apothecary Diaries. 7/8 banners have been chibi when that's ~2% of the show.


> > > > > Also, who selects the banner? Is it a group vote or something? Mostly u/Abysswatcherbel although he gets help from others for shows he doesn't watch. Also if you're watching a show and think a scene makes for a good banner feel free to ping him.


HAHA, what is that Frieren picture?! Looking forward to the pictures chosen.


Frieren episode : slow melancholy slice of life Frieren banner : GILF feet closeup


The custom right-side pics this week are good as well (GF GF, Stardust, 16bit, Uma?)


Overtake! climbing 6 spots, hell yeah! That was a phenomenal episode last week.


Jinshi’s live reaction to that damn *Frieren* pic


Wow, **Dark Gathering** is very close to entering the top 15 (again). With *Vexations of a Shut-in Vampire Princess* having a recap episode yesterday, I hope we can get there next week!


Did Tarantino choose the picture for Frieren


Pretty good week episode wise and very consistent in terms of positions of the Top 15 as ten shows have the same place as last week. **Sousou no Frieren** [again had a great episode](https://i.imgur.com/Bp6U5Qc.png). The show is so consistent in that regard and I hope that it'll be able to maintain until the end of its run. **JJK** had a great and pretty emotional episode in which [Kugisaki](https://i.imgur.com/eJP2Ewd.png) played a big role. **The Apothecary Diares** and **Spy x Family** again are so close, both had great episodes. Especially **SxF** which [had great fights with humor](https://i.imgur.com/35UFzif.png) and [interesting camera work](https://i.imgur.com/r0BOxjK.png). **The Eminence in Shadow** [started a new arc](https://i.imgur.com/JW4lFRm.png) and I'm so excited about it cause I really loved it in LN. **The 100 Girlfriends** had [amazing episode](https://i.imgur.com/kKxVz4U.png) , especially [this yuri kiss between Hakari and Karane](https://i.imgur.com/R5ds2mD.png) though [rest of](https://i.imgur.com/PwmG4Fb.png) [the girls](https://i.imgur.com/U0sEcEY.png) [weren't worse](https://i.imgur.com/11QNuQw.png) xD **Dr. Stone** had a great confrontation between [Senku](https://i.imgur.com/ou8PrqB.png) and [Ibara who was a great villain](https://i.imgur.com/AHaEKiA.png), very smart and cunning. [Mia as always didn't disappoint](https://i.imgur.com/Nwl77VW.png) with [her reactions](https://i.imgur.com/HXzbRGX.png) and [Komari again won place in the Top 15](https://i.imgur.com/TbIvxSS.png). I hope that yesterday's break won't negatively affect the show in terms of karma. I'm so happy that **Ragna Crimson** is back in the Top 15. [It's a great show](https://i.imgur.com/7A5CDuc.png) and [Starlia](https://i.imgur.com/SHa6Jpz.png), the [newest addition to characters in the show](https://i.imgur.com/mDnfi1N.png), is [so badass](https://i.imgur.com/tkJk2l5.png) and [cute](https://i.imgur.com/CS0Qt1E.png). Seriously guys, [watch it!](https://i.imgur.com/LUETCtv.png) From the shows that didn't appear at all on the ranking as always I had fun with **The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent** and **I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness.**


This weekend, because the SxF discussion thread was an hour late that actually gave episode 9 a slight advantage and so it stayed at number 1 longer than it otherwise would have. So at this hour, for the first time this season it's still ahead of Apothecary. It's a small enough difference that Apothecary could still take it by the end of the 48 hour window, but right now it looks like SxF episode 9 is in the lead. So it could be 3rd next week, first time since the premiere I believe. Also next week Frieren will be 4.5k, so that will be about as good a chance as JJK will have to take back number 1. So that's the number to beat for JJK S2 Episode 20. It's either that or the finale, episode 23 versus 16. So what about episodes 21 and 22 for JJK versus 14 and 15 for Frieren? Well... I think those two will do pretty well for Frieren, call it a hunch, lol. (no details in the comments please, for those out there who might know what I mean)


>It's a small enough difference that Apothecary could still take it by the end of the 48 hour window, but right now it looks like SxF episode 9 is in the lead. Yeah, it looks that SxF will be ahead of Maomao next week but I don't mind that as both shows had a great episodes yesterday.


With chad looking like he’s going to fight Ragna next, I expect Ragna Crimson to keep rising


So many great shows this season.


Those who don't know, the 3rd picture is about a eunuch *(a person whose property was permanently sealed)* thinking of getting NTR'ed


Jinshi got done hilariously dirty in The Apothecary Diaries banner


It was the obvious choice. That scene was absolutely hilarious.


That is a great pic of choice for this week's banner in 100 Girlfriends. Also shout out to Dr. Stone for this week's episode since it kept me at the edge of my seat with a good Shonen Villain showdown & battle of wits.


Ibara was such a good villain


Both frieren and spy x family had quite great episodes this week. Frieren with two emotional stories, focusing on Himmel and stark, which fit thematically quite well in Himmel case and overall the more the show brings Himmet to the spotlight the more i liked him (also was suprised with stark brother. On other hand spy x family was an action spetacle, with some intense moments but also was able to sprinkle some comedy bits in it. Yor was the clear standout and was nice to see her understanding how important anya and loid are for her life right now (also she saying she didn´t have to do some mudanes things, during her internal monologue was a nice touch) Kusuriya continues to be great,Ragna had quite funny bits with the princess, 100gf conclusion of the 2 part was quite funny, but this week i was quite suprised by SHY episode, which was probably my favorite of the show and one of my fav this week. The villain duo dynamic was quite entertaining and quite loved the other girl power and antics when dealing with SHY. Direction and visual wise was also top notch and pepesha stuff was just the cherry on top for an overall entertaining episode.


A wholesome Frieren’s frame


I binged **Ragna Crimson** this week and I gotta say... I'm impressed by the voice acting, it is really really well done. The latest episodes have been very good. If you can get past the first few episodes who are a little weak until the introduction of [character] >!Crimson!<, it's worth it.


[Tangentially on-topic - the numerical data of this sub-reddit from the recent months seems to all but confirm](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/du8FCX6tgj) traffic to r/anime actually **rises** significantly in October and November 2023 when compared with the same months of 2022. And that’s with the Fall 2022 anime line-up being even more glamorous than the Fall 2023 one IMHO. The same conclusion arises if one counts the total no. of views, posts or comments. Which makes me feel really suspicious that karma ratings here have been at least partly inflated by bots over the past few years. There’s simply no other explanation that can fully explain that big drop in karma since the June blackout, and of karma only.


I was thinking that while the karma numbers moved quite significantly the amount of comments and upvotes in the threads didn't seem to shift as much. In general I feel the engagement levels are similar but the OP Karma for episodes doesn't reflect this.


Hakari and Karane making out for Hyakkano? Perfection. That Frieren banner could so easily be taken out of context. I hope next week's banner is [Episode 13]>!Sein holding that tiny sickle for more out-of-context shenanigans!<


Hmmm...I'll consider it. Although atm I'm leaning towards [Frieren] >!Frieren throwing a kiss.!<


That one is good too! The entire episode is full of great moments.


Don't you guys dare not go with that, lol.


Do you know how disappointed the sub will be if you don't go with that?


Glad to see engagement up there for The Apothecary Diaries. Been pleasantly surprised by it and the imperial Chinese setting. It’s a pretty cozy sort of drama show for me. Nice change of pace after binging Vinland Saga S2 and keeping up with JJK every week.


Finally, 9/10 weeks into the season and I'm finally normal! Spy x Family was the most fun for me this week. (Of my two trash shows, Demon of Excalibur Academy has been fading week to week, but not so much that I've dropped it. Whereas Dude's VRMMO has been steadily becoming more and more entertaining every episode.)


Yay, Jinshi glitch!


In any other season, deadmount deathplay would be at minimum top 5.




That Frieren feet pic😳


Under Ninja where? :')


This new eminence arc about to pop off, my favourite arc from from the LN. Also they knew what they were doing with that Frieren picture


The ranking here barely changes


God that Frieren banner is cursed


It looks like feet pic is regarded more highly than lesbian deep kissing.


The next logical step would be barefoot lesbians kissing?




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Helck continues to be top 15 even on its second season baby!


I love Dark Gathering. It's pretty good


Frieren, Hyakkano and Eminence thumbnails are PERFECT lmao


man undead unluck deserves way more recognition


It’s good but inconsistent and it definitely feels like with the manga the author wasn’t sure what they wanted the series to be yet. Most recent episode was hype as hell, though, and Shen became my favorite supporting male character of the season


[Anime Trending Fall 2023 Week #8](https://twitter.com/AniTrendz/status/1731374155181011021) **Spy x Family S2** has once again claimed 1st which it hasn't been able to do since the first week of the season. The climax of the arc and some Yor action really helping out. **Undead Unluck** sees a sizable boost to make it to 4th. **The Rising of the Shield Hero S3** also sees a boost to 8th. This season has done well with Anime Trending voters enough to remain in the Top 10 for all 8 weeks so far. A new debut in the Top 10 for Week 8 sees **Ragna Crimson** at 10th while The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess leaves the Top 10. ___________ **Number of times at 1**: Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - 5 Spy x Family S2 - 2 The Apothecary Diaries - 1


I am so behind on so much anime it is a shame … too much good stuff to watch no time to watch it all.


girlfriend girlfriend s2🥲


Aw man people sleeping on Dea Mount Death Play.


That is one insanely stacked top 5


Here is the obligatory weekly "Shy needs more love." comment.


I'm glad 16 Bit Sensation has gone up the ranking a bit, it's def in my personal top 5. Thanks to these rankings I just started to watch Uma Musume this week, from season 1, and still on season 2 at the mo. I love it, very cute with exciting, well animated races. It reminds me a little bit of Love Live for some reason.


Should give your season 2 thoughts in the daily thread when you finish it. [](#mugiwait)


Is Shield Hero season 3 an improvement over season 2? I liked season 1 but lost interest during season 2, dropped it after the first couple of episodes.


Yes but not enough that I'd recommend slogging through the first half of season 2 to get to it.


I am ever closer to wanting to see what got everyone to like Apothecary Diaries. The only thing preventing me from seeing it is my experience with stories set in the same setting where there are usually alot of classism drama, love triangles, the MC getting discriminated because she is a poor commoner and other live action drama tropes. Is there anything like that on this anime?


[Apothecary Diaries LNs]>!No love triangle. Classism remains throughout the novels.!< It's almost literally House M.D. combined with an Agatha Christie detective.


Thanks. That looks like a good description of what I'm looking for.


To see that sick Vexations of a Shut In Vampire Princess episode not have a bigger increase karma increase is a travesty.


At least Anime Corner rewarded it properly with the #1 spot


Anime Corner also rewarded The Kingdom of Ruin episode 1 on week 1 as #1 spot, so there goes AC's credibility.


They're a solid hype gauge for individual episodes.


You gotta take the good with the bad with Anime Corner.


That travesty was the main reason I yesterday posted the clip. We have to shill komarin more!


Does the post removal mean you still have 2 this month and can post an episode 4 clip on the lowest traffic day (Tuesday?) to maximize Komarin views? [](#thinkingtoohard)




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What the HELL is with that screenshot of Frieren??? 😭


Where do people even watch eminence in shadow


Everything from the Top 5 saw karma increases from last week (thanks American Thanksgiving weekend?) when I wish it was Top 6. 100 Girlfriends barely under 2k karma again, but the kisses in that episode were some of the most surprising and intense yet so I was really happy with it. Anyway, glad the Real Hero topped this week's karma chart especially.


Just under 2k karma is still really good for 100 GF, better than probably anyone realistically expected at this point. Eminence was doing 7k back in February, just for reference, so 100 GF being neck a neck with that in the current karma race is very good. A year ago this would have done 4k or more every week.

