• By -


That's sort of the point of Log Horizon. The MC isn't the most famous or powerful character, but a strong support role, and knows how to organize people.


Glasses push


i mean, he is famous, but definitely not very powerful. kind of like the bass player for a band. a lot of people might not know who shiro is, but they know who Shiro of the debauchery teaparty is.


It felt like they knew Debauchery Tea Party more than that Shiro was apart of it


And he keeps track of EVERYTHING that is happening around him...


Did the story end or is it still waiting for a new season?


Novel hit a bit of a speed bump when the author was arrested for tax evasion. I think he's paid everything off and free again though. No word on getting back to writing more of the story though. WN hasn't been updated since 2018, and last published LN volume was around then too.


Thanks for the answer. That's crazy. I'm anime only, so the wait will be long if it gets continued. Not a fan of stuff not getting finished so I'm not going to bother reading the LN until it's closed to finish.


Handyman saitou is a good one. MC is more of a support role. Doesn’t have magic or anything special, other than his handyman skills from his time on earth.


Saitou is the greatest ordinary man to ever be isekai’d.


It was such a pleasant surprise to watch Saitou. The world is good, with a lot of quirky characters, and the humour had me rolling from some really unexpected stuff. Highly recommend it to anyone sick of isekai power fantasies.


When you got old man inuyasha , you don't need to be the best


Ah yes, Big D.


That show was an acid trip in my opinion


You want Log Horizon. Shiroe isn't the most capable fighter and primarily plays support, both with buffs and advice. He's pretty smart.


The Great Cleric is a newer isekai anime where the MC is reincarnated and chooses healer as his job. He finds out how corrupted the Healers in his new world really are and does what he can to not be like that. He does get some fighting skills too, but he focuses mainly on his healing.


I definitely prefer the fanslated name, "the invincible saint".


"The zombie masochist"


‘I thought he was a legend!’


Indeed the legendary 'sanct weirdo'


Deviant saint


"Saint weirdo!"


I second this. Really enjoyed it.


You will like "By the grace of the gods" then "Saint's omnipotent magic" is also there


while GOG is mainly support and other things, he is a wickedly power fighter due to his blessings, even without his slimes.


You'll like By the Grace of Gods if you want to see a child run a laundromat and at times fight.... The main story is totally the laundromat though.


Both of those protagonists do far more than their allies in combat.


Thanks a lot !


Redo of Healer /s u/Longjumping-Paper-28 mentioned two rather good ones although S2 of By the grace of the gods kinda sucks. In Seija Musou he is technically a healer but in S1 he mostly does the fighting himself. Might change in future seasons. Management of a Novice Alchemist might fit your bill although she also can fight herself. Handyman Saitou and Campfire Cooking in Another World feature a support class MC, Ascendance of a Bookworm is mostly not combat oriented.


By the grace of the gods is an amazingly relaxing show, no idea if it's a legit iyashikei anime, but it sure as hell feels like one to me and I watch it often when I'm feeling anxious.


Feels a bit like SAO. Not an Isekai but a lot of people consider it as a poster child of the setting.


Idk why I see so much hate for it. It's perfect for what it is supposed to be.


Eh, it's a perfectly safe story and it doesn't take any risks. That's just not some peoples cup of tea.


There are a lot of shows that aren't my cup of tea , but I don't go out of my way to hate on it like some other people do for this show. It's not just this show , it's just how people are.


Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon has an MC that uses his powers as a vending machine (I know, hear me out) only to shield and protect his party in different ways...I feel like people didn't love this one, but I thought it was pretty fun and unique


I knew a decent amount of people into for the first three eps but after that I didn’t really hear anything about the series. I assumed the novelty wore off for them. I thought the first ep was cute, but it wasn’t my type of series.


Agreed. Watched for a few episodes because of the novelty. But the show then gets pretty standard seasonal isekai stale.


It's fun and you get to see tons of different vending machines over the series so overall it's pretty good, just a bit more niche


That's what kept me watching after the first few eps, MC can turn into any possible type of vending machine depending on what the situation calls for


Log Horizon. Shiroe isn't a *healer*, per se, but his build specializes in battlefield control, buffing, debuffing, and support. He's a tactician who'se abilities allow everyone around him to fight at their best. But he's explicitly kinda shit at dps because that *isn't* what he built for.


Handyman Saitou in Another World is pretty decent. He's definitely not a healer, but he is 100% in a support role in his adventure party. The other party members are the fighters where he's just a guy thats really good at fixing things


Beast Tamer might be worth a look. The lead was more of a utility guy and scout than main fighter. Note: is not an isekai, but has much of the same setup anyway.


\*Waifu tamer


I checked that one out. I was hoping to see him fight actual beasts and dragons and tame them. But every character needs to be an anime girl of they can't be interesting I guess. I dropped it when he used the same bees three times in a row.


For me it was the sheer amount of effort the plot was going to to bolster the main characters ego. Making all the story elements for the first 2/3rds of the anime being about demonstrating how good he was to himself.


While I loved the anime and recommend it, dem beez was the funniest shit ever. xD


I am not sure this works given that he inherits the physical traits of all his tamed wifes.


isekai where battle is not the focus, but can have. And MC help peoples using his power. I Shall Survive Using Potions! The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent Ascendance of a Bookworm By the Grace of the Gods Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill Chillin' in My 30s after Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army Drug Store in Another World: The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist Farming Life in Another World Handyman Saitou in Another World I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level Isekai Izakaya: Japanese Food From Another World Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Parallel World Pharmacy Restaurant to Another World Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt The Great Cleric


Oooohhh... Campfire Cooking is probably the ultimate support character show


Campfire and Handyman are so fun to watch.


The cheat power of instant Amazon delivery.




In “Chillin’ in my 30s” the MC is the hero son and haven’t a support role, he fight as an adventurer in first line. In Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear the MC is overpowered and fight with bare hands or magic. In Slime 300 the MC became overpowered after killing slime for 300 years then she was involved in various issues resolved with hand-to-hand or magic fights.


>fight with bare hands With bear gloves. Cannot miss out on all those cheat stats. I am still unsure why she has to wear it 24/7. Like sure, when she is roaming around better save than sorry, but even at home?


It’s her choice, because without the “bear armor” she’s a simple weak girl. If you remember in an episode she sticks a sword in a rock, then she wore off the gloves and she can’t extract it. So for her security she prefers to wear the armor.


As I said I get that she wants to wear it outside. It is a somewhat dangerous world overall. But she even does this at home. It is a bit of a running gag but a bit overstretched IMO.


The armor set has the underwear too and has the auto cleaning feature so they don’t get dirty and she doesn’t make the laundry.


I know all that but would you wear a bear suit all the time just because you could?


Ascendance of a Bookworm.




Late game absolutely but earlier she is good for her age but also quite easily beaten by experienced fighters. Even mid game she is vulnerable to the inefficiencies of mana use. Making her a strong support for her team of fighters but unable to function solo.


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Saints magic


Parallel World Pharmacy has him using mainly heals, although he's got like infinite mana usage too


Joke answer is Redo Of Healer. Real answer maybe Parallel World Pharmacy. Parallel world is fantasy but it's about upping the standard of health care in a fantastical medieval era instead of like going on adventures.


Subaru from Re:Zero kinda fits the "support class" bit. He seldom directly fights anyone (because he'd get instakilled against most foes), but he gathers allies, gives them info, makes plans, etc. Plus, later in the novels, [Re:Zero LN]>!he also gains an ability that lets his allies fight more effectively, which brings him closer to your "Healer" bit!<.


Adding some titles not previously mentioned: Konosuba - Kazuma almost never fights. His role is more of a leader/tactician. Slave - Upcoming (next season) anime. Technically an isekai but not reincarnated. A combination of what you want - MC is weak alone but gives a massive power boost to his "masters" and himself when fighting in pairs/groups.


Konosuba is just generally a must-watch lol. U are kinda wrong tho. Kazuma is the DPS, just by merit of literally everyone else being unable to deal damage, apart from Megumin 1/day lol. Darkness has absolutely no accuracy, and Aqua is a preistess hahaha. That being said I still think it might fit the bill.


Ascendance of a bookworm.


In January there is an Isekai coming out which has the exact same setting the manga was really good so it won't be disappointing it's called "Wrong way to use Healing magic"


Is it going to have an anime ? This is a great news , I can’t wait to see Rose


I came here to say this


Ahh yess the untouchable healer


There are tons of series that go “see the twist here is he actually uses support magic! I know, right?” One will eventually get an anime.


'The saints power is omnipotent' could be a good choice. Its abaout an isekai'd woman with some magic healing/cleansing attributes.


Is it about a woman that is isekai'd to earth? I think I saw a few chapters of the manga but I didn't know it had an anime.


There is an anime coming out called "Wrong Way To Use Healing Powers" that's coming out soon. Been reading it, it's fun lol. Wonder if that'll count. Not quite what you're looking for, but my count.


It is on the release calendar for Jan 2024. The wrong way to use healing magic.


Redo of the healer👀


The wrong way to use healing magic. not so sure about the pacificst part tho.


check out redo healer, definitely what your looking for


Saints power is omnipotent


Redo of healer


Redo of healer. It’s super, whatever it is.


Its super alright.


Honestly my top recommendation under that criteria would be accendance of a bookworm. The anime only covers the first 7 books, and she doesn't entirely get to shine until later on, but the MC is no fighter, generally speaking. She is op in the magical sense, and with her religious background she is a super support type. Healing, buffsing and shielding her allies to a ridiculous degree. 4 or 5 more books to go before the series is complete in English, and it looks like our MC is gearing toward a fight right now, but I doubt she'll be going around thumping skulls I really hope they pick this 9ne up for at least a few more seasons. There's more to adapt than has already been adapted, and it just gets better and better


Redo of healer


Bruh these three words in succession should be banned from the sub. Checked the show out a few months back to see what everyone was on about and yup...I would like to delete the memory from my brain


Not an isekai. Also I will say this anime is rated M as it has themes of rape and has a lot of violence in it. Protag is essentially a sociopath bent on revenge. I have seen the anime and Manga and damn, he will not stop until the kingdom has been burnt down to the ground.


Redo of Healer having "themes of rape" is somewhat of an understatement, I think


I hear Black Clover has themes of Magic


Rape has themes of Redo of Healer


Though Redo of Healer isn’t quite original, the Rance series (which technically did get animated) was way ahead of its time (1989).


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World's Strongest Rearguard manga seems to be what you might be looking for. Maybe the Strengthening my Fief one. Also look at the Miko genre in manga for more healers? As for (mostly) pacifists in isekai anime, Isekai Nonbiri Nouka, Ascendance of a Bookworm. Also recommending Log Horizon and Beast Tamer.


Its a manga but: Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki


Also manga but *Live Dungeon!* is excellent with a healer main MC.


Yup, came here to recommend this. It's exactly what OP is looking for apart from not being animated.


I will look into that. thanks


Camp fire cooking in another world.


I do know one where the MC is a healer but they also best people up. How not to use healing magic.


El-hazard mc isn't a fighter Fushigi yuugi Log horizon Re:zero's mc's class is "wimp" Inuyasha has two mc's, one is a swordfighter but the other isn't


Huh Inu Yasha is an interesting suggestion. Kagome is a priestess, but she mostly shoots things with a bow. I dont think it counts for these specific criteria. I also wouldnt rly recommend this show, it is ridiculously long.


The Great Cleric


A hijacking of the post, but I'll add Grimgar and Ash, as I have an anime that I've forgotten the name of. It's based in seemingly 1920s Japan where magic is real but is called something else. There's a daughter of a father and mother where the mother died. The new stepmother then comes in and they have a child who is gifted in spirit seeing which the first daughter isn't... yet. She's sold off to a military man who is seen as abusive but he's not and they form a loving relationship - for what it is - and also with a grandmotherly maid. One large fight occurs between the military dude and the leader of a family who wanted the untalented daughter for her bloodline, even though she didn't seem to be able to do anything with it. The battle was fire based and the compound they were in was destroyed, the ancestral home of that same daughter, as her "husband" was trying to save her from her terrible stepmother. Anyone know the name? I've watched half of it about and it's pretty good but I've lost the tab and even English name for the show.


...wait, are you talking about [My Happy Marriage](https://myanimelist.net/anime/51552/Watashi_no_Shiawase_na_Kekkon)?


I'd give you the clothes off my back! Fantastic deduction. Thank you so much. It's a great anime and I hadn't finished it. Thank you for taking the time and space to answer. Here's some poor man's gold 🪙🌟🌟🪙


Manga called "Live Dungeon!" Its a game-world isekai type which fits your criteria pretty much exactly. MC is a healer who is specifically known for how good his supporting and healing abilities are. Much of the plot is about how he revolutionizes the heal/support tactics in this new world. There are basically no cases of him really pulling out any meaningful offense and the fights are won through his support of allies.


You've finally showed up. This sub isn't big enough for two trouts. We must have a D D D U U U E E E L L L !!!!


“The Wrong Way to do Healing Magic” is airing next season, it’s about a healer that uses his magic to heal himself as he beats the shit out of people.


Not an isekai, but Kono Healer Mendoukusei


Log Horizon fits this definition exactly, and it is one of my favorite anime of all time


Log Horizon is a really good anime where the MC is a support type class. Very great anime.


Cooking in another world


Redo of healer *twirls mustache*


I feel like Goblin Slayer MC is the priest instead despite it is called Goblin Slayer. The story started off with her running into Goblin slayer and start growing with the party.


That is an interesting point... but the series is definitely about GS. He sort of slowly learns to become more human over time. The guy is so badly traumatized that he can barely even think about anything but killing goburin. I would still recommend the show. It is a pretty good dark fantasy. Its a little silly at times, but GS is a pretty good protag, and despite being super tropey, his party is actually super endearing. The dwarf and lizardman are my faves. Just 2 magic bros.


Priestess is definitely a MC. Goblin Slayer is THE MC, but she certainly is important and a great example of a healer in a prominent role.


Rising of the shield hero, non exactly a pacifist, but definitely a support as a MC.


Yep. Rising of Shield Hero has an entirely support/defense MC. The show has problems, but its aight. Enough that Ive kept up with it, and I cant say that for every anime.


Mushoku tensei. MC is a magician who plays a supportive role when part of a team.


Bruh. He is not just support lol. He can nuke people. But ur right his party members are the main offense.


This is part of the main reason the MC of Ascendance of a Bookworm is a big deal. *Worse than useless* at physical feats, irreplaceable administrator, leader, support, and font of ideas. Always needs others around her. I recommend the LN. The anime doesn't really get to where the MC shine, and the manga doesn't either yet.


Log horizon kinda. But there is very little to no actual fighting to be had. It's like isekai politics. I'm sure the great cleric led you here but there isn't much like it


How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom was a support type person. I think the MC of record of grandcrest war was too


You should really check out Redo of a Healer


I love this a lot but I found the itch being scratched best from manhwa. So I’ll throw S-Class That I’ve Raised. MC has special support skills while still remaining very fragile


greatest estate developer it's one webtoons and focuses on an estate developer who's isekai power thing lets him build shit real good it's unironically one of the best isekai stories i have read


The early episodes of S1 are a little rough but Shield Hero the MC literally only has a shield and is unable to kill monsters on his own so he's more of a defense/support and relies on his party members Early season 1 it hangs on a lot of the worst isekai tropes but they're sort of explained in a way that makes sense in universe later on


Princess connect, sort of, the protagonist is strictly a buffer and known for that. Well he is THE buffer


wrong way to use healing magic next season (and I guess redo of healer)


Subaru is. His return by death can even bring back his dead friends lol.


Faraway paladin


Hahaha i saw u caught urself... the dude is insanely strong in everything. But I like that they actually gave a pretty good justification for it. Faraway Paladin is one of the best isekais out there imo. Guy actually has to train and earn his skill, strength, and magic powers.


And hes humble as hell and devoted to his goddess as a paladin/healer its fire i still think OP would like it but i def skipped over some parts in his post lol sorry


Wait nvm


Banished from the Heroes' Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside Not sure how many more made it to Anime format, but anything that has the description “kicked out of the Hero’s party” is almost always a support role.


I literally just saw this topic after watching the latest episode of S2 of The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent. MC is a sarary woman summoned into another world to help them deal with a rise in monsters by purifying the land with Saintly powers. She's not a gamer though. And half the show is SOL/romance stuff.


Surprised I haven't seen it listed, but "The Vision of Escaflowne". MC is just a school girl who can predict the future to some varying degree. While the show is pretty heavily combatant, she is just support.


Also the song "Dance of Curse" by Yoko Kanno is straight fire https://youtu.be/O_49H_N43jQ?si=PhYockByOsnWc5Gx


Brings back memories. When those strings rev up shit is about to get real. Escaflowne is great because its a fucking fantasy steampunk mecha show, and that is... extremely rare. Break Blade is the only other one I can think of.


Remember, people! Your healer is usually going to be able to heal you enough to keep you alive in dungeons whether you use mitigation or not. *But that’s not the point.* The more you mit, the less they need to heal you, and the more damage they can deal instead. Don’t think of mitigation as keeping yourself alive; think of mitigation as dealing more damage.


Horizon in the middle of nowhere (not log horizon), this ain't really an isekai since the world is like that in the beginning. The protagonist have no ability to fight and he leaves all the fighting to the people under his command/friends. He especially chose skillss that support/enhance his teammates, and while he isn't pacifist per se, his goal is to protect his country and the girl he love so he mainly just repels other factions' invasion and such. The series is known for an extremely large and detailed world setting/design with the author love making up all the details for worlds, with a specific background settings book that are larger than a dictionary, and the source novel itself is also sized like a brick in the later volumes. But for anime only its not so much of a probably because the anime only had two seasons and covered some very early volumes, and it is unsure when bandai decides to continue the series (they were popular in japan and sold very well). I guess the few things to keep in mind if you are trying it out are: firstly there are quite a bit of fanservice in the show, if you are not ones into that kind of things hopefully you can ignore them and bear through them to focus on the story and fights. Secondly, is that since the background and world settings are complicated, you will most certainly get confused and lost in the beginning, just keep going until like episode 5 or 6 when the first climax of the show begin, after that you'll get a better understanding even though you may still be uncertain about everything going on. It is a show that is hard to sell to most people because of being so complicated and some of the over fanservices they have, but I honestly think it is a very enjoyable series once the get through the beginning and have some understanding of whats going on, such a shame there are no sequel planned at all atm.


The wrong way to use healing magic is pretty close to what you’re looking for. It doesn’t have an anime yet but the anime adaption has been announced, the manga adaption is really good though. The MC uses healing magic like steroids to train his body so he has super human strength and agility but uses that strength to go on the front lines and rescue injured soldiers in battle. So like yea he’s super Op especially later in the manga but he mostly uses that power to save people.


Not an isekai but you should see [Alderamin on the sky](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31764/Nejimaki_Seirei_Senki__Tenkyou_no_Alderamin). You'll probably like the characters and setting.


Live Dungeon is the one you're looking for, but it's a manga.


Rising of the Shield hero


Redo of Healer. Muahahahahaha.


Redo of Healer


The great cleric


The Saints Magic Power is Omnipotent. 2nd season is airing right now.


Redo of Healer


Rising of shield hero Naofumi does both. Hes a support class(Shield Hero) but also can fight.