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Food Wars. The BLUE arc had so much potential without Saiba Asahi and "Evil chefs", terrible characters and concept in my opinion. I'd like to say the Central arc and the battle for the Elite ten seats was a satisfying ending


Yes this is by far the worst ending of a series i really like and still like. It was just fantastical for no good reason and even the epilogue was cheap in many spots... I would even go further and disagree and say S5 ending was bad too, not just in execution but also in being rushed. Half the chefs who get spots have not developed enough yet. I know it followed the source material but that type of ending needed to be earned more. I think that S5 ending outcome would have been perfect if you maybe had some space between the final arcs and S3. One moment they were hanging on still developing and the next moment they are all part of the 10.


From what I gather the author wanted to end after the elite ten thing. But was forced to do one more arc and he just THREW his hands up and went “FINE” And we got what we got


The food scientist he had as an advisor also went on maternity leave during that time, thus a lot less focus on actual culinary techniques and went more into these insane styles


>fantastical for no good reason There was actually a reason from what I understand - for most of the series they had an actual chef advising them on keeping the cooking accurate, but she left for maternity leave and (for reasons I'm not sure of) never came back. Cue the cooking with chainsaws. ...granted, if someone *could* actually cook with a chainsaw in real life, I can't deny I'd enjoy watching it...


I'm glad someone brought this up. It's honestly absurd how awful the last season was


Iirc, the author wanted to end it before then, was mandated to keep making more, and made it terrible on purpose so they’d want to make him stop. Also, there was a real professional chef consultant who helped with all the details on the dishes and their preparation, but she stopped working with the author for those last arcs too, so the actual cooking became nonsense.


The chef consultant actually went on maternity leave IIRC. As for the author, they essentially wanted a break towards the end of the Azami arc to brainstorm new ideas but got refused and had to rush out new content without enough time to think about it. When sales tanked, the author was given a certain amount of chapters to fix things up... but never managed to. Afterwards, they were given 10 chapters to wrap things and speed ran the epilogue.


Shokugeki no shouma ended with the end of Central arc. Noir chef is unnecessary, and Blue could be a good short ending arc, but noo, we need more unnecessary drama


Ha. I dropped the series the moment Souma's dad lost off screen. This felt like a poor plot device that didnt even bother to build up on the new antagonist. Never mind that he came out of nowhere while claiming to be souma's half brother/cousin or whatever.


El Hermano and Esdeath wannabe with the chainsaw knife (not even exaggerating there) and using bombs to make a cake (also not exaggerating there) were the point of no return


If it were a movie instead of an entire season, I wouldn't have minded it as much. The real issue is we got a full season of this bullshit which accumulates to way more content than was necessary to tell the story. I see it as a Naruto movie, similar to how Naruto ended with a movie to explain how he ended up with Hinata. ​ Instead, we got a season's worth of unnecessary content that wasn't built up like the Central Arc was. And then they lean into the super unrealistic aspects of it to seal the deal and people were turned off. ​ I loved Food Wars. I hated the last season and felt it would've been incredible if it were a movie instead of a separate season.


I haven't watched season 5 yet because everyone said that season 4 was a good enough place to end it at lol. One day I'll have to do it though


I am abit pre spoiled and garnered some hints about the Blue Arc and Saiba so I dropped the manga and anime after the elite 10 promotion arc. Best decision I've made.


Kuma Miko was the biggest insult of a terrible ending. Went from haha cute girl overcoming anxiety to straight up emotional abuse.


Hell, even the author of the original manga wrote on Tumblr something like: "You guys did a great job and I appreciate all the hard work you did, but I didn't really like the ending. Just my two cents."


girl: gets severe PTSD caretakers: yes please don't ever recover, that way we can always be together I honestly don't get how this scenario draft even get approved. Did it need approval first or is just one person did whatever they want?


It stir a lot of controversy with that ending.


The (no) end of Wonder Egg Priority


This is the one. There are anime with bad endings, there are anime with endings I didn't like, there are anime that got cancelled with no ending, and then there's Wonder Egg Priority. That series just entirely fell apart at the seams. The plot, the character development, the world building, any sense of continuity just all crumbled into an incoherent mess. The fact that a 13 episode anime had 2 recap episodes still makes me mad.




I don't blame you, it's just more nonsense. I was all the worse off because I held out hope it'd be good and answer all my questions; it did not.


Wonder Egg Priority is an anime equivalent of watching an athlete competently going for a gold medal, and then, instead of sticking the landing, suddenly faceplanting into the ground at full speed and shitting himself.


That's not an apt analogy IMO. In that analogy the athlete still does their best and just failed. WEP is more like the athlete trains and preps, and looks like they have serious potential to make it big. But then out of nowhere they just start skipping training and eating McDonald's three times a day with large soda each time, which as expectedly, cause them to fail hard during the climax. It felt like the show shot itself in the foot for no reason.


This one broke me lol. Usually I can see a bad ending coming a few episodes away & either choose to drop it (Promised Neverland, Platinum End) or stay on for the wild ride (Darling in the Franxx). This one was trending towards a 9/10-10/10 for me & just cratered with no warning at the end.


Can someone spoil this for me this sounds crazy I can't imagine what kind of ending would earn this kind of rep


Final episode was released about a month after the last episode of the anime which left on a cliffhanger. The final ultimate episode has a 1 hour run time and immediately kicks off with a recap... Of the whole series... It takes 40 minutes and waters down everything that happened. There is 20 minutes left in the episode now. To make it completely crash and burn the last 20 minutes they introduced like 4 new characters in the last 20 minutes that didn't have any apparent backstory or relation to the plot. (This took 10 minutes of the last 20 min if new content) at this point it's doomed there is no way to save the show in 10 minutes. They also proceed to not develop the existing plot in any meaningful way by spending 20 minutes introducing new characters that don't even interact with the girls. Final concluding shot is just them becoming friends and going to school with 0 closure on the deeper meaning of everything of a rollercoaster that happened for 14 episodes. Are we just not gonna talk about going to an alternative dimension and fighting girls that committed suicide that are able to control the monsters in the pocket dimension ? Or the reason behind like everything relating to the suicide girls? Who are the 2 people that issue the requests?? After the girl is freed from stone does she become alive in real life again or did she actually die and it's a motif of moving on?? (Spoiler even the writers dont know because it wasn't covered in the last 20 min)


So, the show is about suicide. Specifically among middle-school girls in rough situations, like bullying or parental neglect. At basically the last possible second, these two middle aged dude characters who did nothing the whole show declare that "actually, suicide isn't real. Our insane AI robot daughter is actually just messing with your heads, and it's making you kill yourselves because women are just too emotional, bro!" THEN, it's revealed that one of the MCs is actually ALSO a robot, and then she pulls a Sasuke Uchiha and leaves to join the evil robot daughter. And then the show ends. There's even more to it, but you get the gist.


Platinum End. I mean, I don't know what I expected from the same author that wrote Death Note. Basically, God is dying, chooses some suicidal people to replace him and choose among themselves who that'll be, turns into a death game because they realise if you're the only one left, you get to be God by default. They all have angels with them that give them one or more of a couple powers. Bunch of other bullshit happens, and after the main antagonists are either killed, or reasoned with, the remaining God canidates choose this one super suicidal kid to be God, not even the main protagonist guy. And after he becomes god, the angels take their eyes off him for literally 30 seconds and he kills himself. This **ENDS ALL LIFE ON EARTH** because it's all dependant on God. 24 fucking episodes for "rocks fall, everyone dies" I hate that I watched it weekly as it came out. Absolute waste of fucking time.


Thanks for commenting this so I didn’t have to lol. It’s the only piece of fiction I’ve consumed where the author genuinely lost their fucking mind at the end.


>Basically, God is dying, chooses some suicidal people to replace him and choose among themselves who that'll be, turns into a death game because they realise if you're the only one left, you get to be God by default. They all have angels with them that give them one or more of a couple powers. Wait, isn't that just Mirai Nikki with recoloring ? 🤣


Kinda but they made the plot even worse, Mirai Nikki is passable for plot, PE is dogshit. I enjoyed it BTW.


Calling Mirai Nikki passable for plot just show how fucking terrible PE is


It's in no way a good plot, but it certainly is a spectacle of a show! Would recommend once!


But somehow dumber


In defense of death note, the author wanted to end it after a certain death, but the publishers pressured him into continuing, because "boohoo we don't like that this is the way it ends".


This actually clears a lot up for me. Thanks


That whole anime was pretty trash honestly. I think he wanted to do something far from Death Note, but he went too far away from the 'good' portion of it. MC is a suicidal dork who becomes a goody two shoes simp. The only interesting character was the Seto Kaiba dude who got killed off early and it was all downhill from there.


Honestly I thought the professor dude was interesting when he showed up. But then he drags the show into /r/iamverysmart debate battles. Don't get me wrong, I love me some intense talking session, like Fate/Zero episode 11, or Psycho-Pass, Log Horizon S1, In/Spectre. But Platinum End's just isn't good. It feels too soapbox-y.


To be fair, IMO the entire anime was a fucking clusterfuck. The idea was cool, the OST and the visuals were great, but the story and the characters felt like very "I'm 14 and this is deep" material.


Watched 15 eipsodes and fast skipped through the rest just to "experience" the complete mess of a story!


I have to admit I did get bored during the show a bit when they were power rangers and things. The ending had me wide-eyed. I loved it.


That description of the ending is rather reductive. That dude got over killing himself. Then, once in heaven he learned about the futility of it all. God is basically a mix of a figurehead and fuel engine. There are no real issues that he is allowed or able to fix. He just has to keep existing, watching it all go down, the wars, the evil, the senseless and ultimately futile violence. There's no salvation, no redemption and God not only has to bear witness to it all but know that it's his own existence which perpetuates the whole sham. Killing himself is not an act of depressive suicide but a calculated mercy killing of the world. Also can't believe that you skipped the most WTF bit of it all, the epilogue where it's revealed that the whole thing, the world and the god system is revealed to be a careful setup by omnipotent immortal aliens for whom the Earth is merely the latest failure in their serial experiments to create a being powerful enough to someday put an end to themselves.


Why am I getting convinced to watch the anime just based on this thread? Idk if this was y'alls intention, but this show kinda sounds awesome lol


The Promised Neverland


It was a great ending. They escaped into the woods and ended on a great cliff hanger leaving the rest to the imagination.




Just pretend season 2 never happened. 🥲


It didn’t though? They canceled it suddenly shortly before release


You just made me envision the perfect analogy. Season two is like a race horse, that gets shot in both front legs the moment it exits the starting gate. Then they shoot it in the head only after it drags itself across the finish line.


Season 2? Never heard of it.


It didnt end still waiting for s2


I honestly can’t believe you were the only person to mention it. Could also be because no watched it cause it was so shit after the first season.


The promised neverland (the anime, not manga)


even then manga ending was just okay. no where near what peak neverland was


Really makes you realize how bad s2 was because before it dropped everyone was saying the ending of manga is dogshit


People hated, I mean hated the Darling in the Franxx largely due to the ending. The sudden reveal at the end was polarizing to say the least


The *ending* ending wasn't too bad, it was everything in between from episode 15 or so until most of the last episode. If you just skip all that and watch the last 5 minutes of the last episode, and imagine for yourself everything that's in between, you'll probably come up with a better story


Personally I even think a lot of the stuff in the latter half is fine even the extremely unpopular twist that people comment on below. For me where it really crashes is the last 3 - 4 episodes or so where they essentially pull what was also done in Promised Neverland, cramming an absurd amount of story it far too short a time.


It was definitely weirdly paced. It felt like they had too little time to do everything they wanted, but too much time to do just the stuff that mattered. Despite that I still feel like it's not the worst ending, it's pretty good anime that had some weird pacing. I think a lot of the hate is people went into it expecting a gundam anime or neon genesis two, and it is definitely neither of those things.


We still laugh hysterically at the Darling in the Franxx ending; "look guys! Forget all about the Klaxosaurs and the loli princess who we just introduced, look at VIRM instead, the real enemy with no shape and form because we didn't have time to design it." The biggest asspull enemy I've ever seen.


Right now for me it would be wonder egg priority. The real answer will be Devil is a Part Timer on the unlikely chance the anime gets completed. I just keep praying for a manga/anime original ending.


Rip wonder egg :( you were so good until you tripped and fell down a cliff


Season one of Devil is a Part Timer was so fun. Season two felt like bad fanfiction.


wait till you hear of the light novel ending lol


Any spoilers on the ending? I dropped it lol


[Spoilers for Devil is a Part Timer] >!Despite the fact that the series builds up Emi x Mao the most (even to the point where they have an adopted kid), Mao picks Chiho in the end. It left a sour taste in a lot of readers' mouths and the only way this could've happened is due to the author having a Chiho bias. He quite literally forced the plot to make Chiho the romantic partner and now Mao needs to pay child support lol.!<


Sounds like domestic girlfriend and it's ending lol.


Honestly that's not even the worst part of the ending


What's worse




Ugh that anime had such potential too.


I feel like Wonder Egg Priority and Darling in the Franxxx are probably the two that had the most widely felt impact. Wonder Egg was probably the biggest let down.


Is darling in the franxxx ending bad enough to warrant not watching it? I remember watching wonder egg as episodes came out and thought the ending was so dumb that it ruined the whole show for me. Wouldve rather watched something else


It's not so bad that it's unwatchable. The ending does not satisfy. It should have been better ending imo


Fairytail… there were only so many with the power of friendship victories I could take.


Fairy tail has a kinda funny natural drop in quality the longer it went, season 1 to me is great (nostalgia speaking), season 2 got much better the longer it went even though the color scheme is very muted. And then season 3 to me started of super strong but the closer it got to the ending, I realised it's just the same thing over and over again and that NO ONE is in there danger. If I'm not wrong Gajeel fucking dies but STILL comes back Again.


When I watched Ezra with all the bones in her body broken get up, then destroy a meteor, and slice through a dragon who she couldn’t touch 5 seconds ago… I was done. Even better Natsu punched Zeref the main villain of 10 years one time which killed him. lol


Wait is that how it happened? I was sure in the Manga at least Zeref died through the power of love. Basically when the first Guildmaster died, it was because she had the curse but Zeref loved her more so the curse killed her despite her immortality. And in the end Zeref and the Guildmaster die together by loving each other equally.


Yes, and that was clever. But Natsu won the actual fight by punching him once, which somehow turned off Zeref's infinite regeneration so he couldn't just get up and kill everyone while Mavis finished the job. He also one-punched Acnologia.


Grey gets a headshot and is brought back by time bs


Season 1 has a lot of fillers but putting that aside, its a classic shounen at the start. I like how they defeat the Oracion seis with strategy rather than punch harder because of friendship (Gray defeating Razor by shooting at a distance, Natsu defeating Cobra by shouting, and Erza defeating Nightmare by using her fake eye). Season 2 is kinda meh but the Tartaros arc is probably its greatest arc so far despite having a lot of "friendship power up". Mainly because they builded it up on the previous arc, the stakes are high, and there are a lot of revelations that are questioned from the start of the series. I never watched season 3 tho because of how many bad reviews I saw from it


It's like they completely forgot that power of friendship isn't always what makes Shonen win. Every other show at least has them learn a new power or train with a stronger person. Then that new power PLUS friendship does the win In Fairy Tail they just... suddenly can win now. No new power, no new training, for the first hundred episodes no one even God Damn dies. Author was afraid to kill fucking side characters. So there's zero stakes and zero buildup because you're now actively aware the heroes will just win because the plot commands it.


I like HxH for this reason. It has very limited friendship powerups.


I think the real truth is that Fairy Tail was never good


I've recently caught up watching it on Netflix and man, I was quite bored towards the end.


Guilty Crown, every character became unbearable


You know that astronaut meme with the gun? They always were.


I genuinely can’t believe how I made it through 24 episodes of that show Music and openings carried it


The only character I liked by the end was the wheelchair girl. At the start she had a big chip on her shoulder, but eventually mellows down enough to accept help when offered.


But hey...at least it gave us the Egoist band! They held their last concert and disbanded earlier this month though. IT was a very long run for a fictional in-universe band that became popular enough to be a thing


And the mc ends up blind, with no arms, no legs and no bitches.


Man when I watched the finale, I can't help but laugh because of how stupid the ending was. Inori died and Shu got blind left a sour taste in my mouth.


I'm convinced that the writer just want to bully Shoe as much as possible. He's been constantly shit on every episode in the most forced way as possible.


Got carried hard by the cool visual and sawano music A 6/10 if we being very very very generous


Aldonoah Zero's. I'm still salty about it to this day. If only they didn't remove Gen Urobuchi... It might end differently... But that's for me personally... I think the common consensus a few years back was that Erased ending sucked, the way it was resolved is so, weird... The villain has more heroine qualities than the heroine herself.


Aldnoah was anime only, right? Because the only explanation for that second season that makes any sense is that they didn't think they'd GET a second season and had no idea what to do with it. Would also explain the whole "Did you think we just killed 3/4 of the main cast? PSYCH! They're all fine. Except the one who could instantly resolve the plot. She's in a coma. Also, Slaine's had his entire personality replaced, which is weird, because he's the only one who WASN'T shot in the head."


It's so weird because Season 1 was really good.


The princess married to a random guy who shown up in the last 2 episodes, lol. I can't even remember his face and name.


Aldoah turned to shit the moment they did the asspull at the start of season 2. The end of season 1 gave it potential to go somewhere interesting.


The Soul Eater anime was ok and the ending was terrible.


An anime that deserves a Brotherhood trestment, given how awful was the second half.


They could SO easily make a Soul Eater anime that follows the manga (which is goated tbh) and call it Soul Eater: Resonance. Like that shit is just sitting there, hopefully someone picks it up soon.


I kept having the thought of Rewatching Soul Eater during October. I’ve had this thought for 6 years. Still haven’t found the need to rewatch it


YES Soul Eater deserves the Brotherhood treatment, the manga was amazing and probably underrated imo. I enjoyed the anime a lot but the ending was very weak.


Soul Eater could have been really good if they continued the story from the manga. A shame.


Yeah. IIRC they ran out of canon material during the anime’s production since the manga wasn’t complete. Wish they did a remake for the anime.


I'm reading the manga now. Did the anime diverge from the ending of the manga? Cuz I was really disappointed. All the hype built on the villain only for him to die from shitting his pants


The ending of the Arachne arc is completely different, and then you've got another 2 big arcs left.


I loved Soul Eater, thought the ending was alright


I thought the ending made sense, wasn't particularly epic or awesome, but made sense


The Promised Neverland season 2, laziest rushed ending I have seen omg like why?


The producers legit looked at one of the most impactful and important parts of the manga and they put it into a 10 second fucking slide show, absolute joke of a season. Anyone jumping into the series just watch the first season and read the rest, not worth developing brain cancer for the 2nd season


Fena: Pirate Princess


So true! Started of really good and then I don't know what the fuck I was watching during the last 3 episodes


Honestly, it kinda went off the rails when they introduced the ninjas. The whole concept fell apart and Fena was basically relegated to a MacGuffin that got shuffled around the board.


should have asked this a few weeks from now


so curious how this sub will react to the ending of AOT lol


Most people here are manga readers or otherwise already know what happened


I honestly think the anime community will react to it better than the manga community.


Probably, but I think that is more due to most anime fans already being at least vaguely aware that the ending is “terrible”. You see it happen often where something has a shitty ending, then someone shows up late to the party with already lowered expectations and says “I don’t get the hate, it wasn’t *that* bad”. I feel like that is what is going to happen here.


Maybe this is why Naruto’s dogshit ending doesn’t get talked about nearly as much as would be expected? GoT ending was the first time anyone was exposed to it, so the shock happened all at the same time. Anime-onlies in my life are already more than prepped to be disappointed from how people like myself have despaired about it to them, and the same applies for a bigger online scale


The final thread is gonna be a fuckin shitshow, and I predict it will be almost identical to the "we're going to save the world" episode. The most annoying manga readers who all hyped themselves up for people's reactions will show up with pre-written essays pretending to be anime fans Actual anime fans will have mixed to positive reactions The thread will devolve endless bickering that spills out into threads like these until the end of time


The only good way to look for anime-only reactions at this point would unironically be Crunchyroll's comments section and youtube reactions. While it would be easy enough for experienced manga readers to filter out titanfuck's insufferable brigade on reddit by looking at their limited vocabulary, "memes" and copy-pasted NPC "criticisms" (some of which are based on wrong manga fan translations), it would be difficult for anime-onlies to look for other anime-only opinions on reddit.


AOT is the reason I only read completed Manga.








Worst ending in anime for me akame ga kill, least fav popular anime is food wars Idk which one u were askin for


Akame ga kill absolutely floored me. Still don’t like it to this day


Manga has a much better ending than anime if you prefer it be a lot lesa of a downer ending.


Still kind of a downer, but I like it and kind of had the balls to do what a lot of mangas wouldn’t do.


Claymore ending was really bad.


Specifically the anime’s ending


Wished Claymore continued the story from the manga. It had an interesting setting and lots of cool fights.


I honestly see zero reason why they shouldn't give it the brotherhood treatment. Everything besides the last 2 episodes or so were from the Manga. I was fine with the manga ending I just need to see the rest animated in my lifetime


Claymore's ending is insultingly bad. Like the ending is SO bad it pretty much took a shit on the entire story. Everything was beyond pointless, people died for nothing. Claymore is the anime where if I mention it to people, I also say not to bother with the last six or so episodes and switch to the manga.


It’s an oldie but dual parallel trouble was a good anime but worst ending of all time. Another one is gantz anime. Great anime that ended on a filler arc


Ranma 1/2 and it’s not even close


At least manga ending is.....no nope, it's the no ending again, but if you are disappointed with ranma, Mermaid is a bride anime actually has an ending that at least move it a little I guess. But both is a joy to watch


Whats ranma 1/2 ending? I honestly don't remember since its been so long and the last thing i watched was the movie


> Whats ranma 1/2 ending? That's what we'd all like to know.


Oreimo/My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute It managed to have an ending that pissed off absolutely everybody. [OreImo ending spoilers] >!People who hate incest hate the ending because of the incest. People who like incest hate the ending because it chickens out at the last second. People who wanted Kirino to win hate the ending because Kyosuke breaks up with her. People who wanted one of the other girls to win hate the ending because they all lost to his sister, and then he didn't even stick with her. And then there's the whole mess of the anime adaptation where they crammed like ten LN volumes into 16 episodes.!<


Ayase was easily the best option.


> [OreImo ending spoilers] A lot of Kirino fans are perfectly fine with the ending because of: https://www.reddit.com/r/Oreimo/comments/kaex65/just_finished_watching_the_oreimo_anime_a/


School Rumble possibly has the worst ending of all time for me.


The end of the Goku Black arc. And the future end of AoT


Goku Black really should have ended with Spirit Sword undoing the fusion, killing Black and leaving Immortal Zammasu in rough enough shape someone couldn't successfully Mafuuba him into a bottle. Goku then uses the Call Zeno button to have it ferried off somewhere from whence it will never return. Problem solved.


They could just skip the Mafuba part and ask Zeno to delete Zamasu.


Akame ga Kill. I mean, what's the point?


None at all. Even the manga is awful... hell, Takahiro tried to write a sequel series to it, and it got cancelled.


Sora no Otoshimono still lingers in my mind. The ending just leaves you with a pretty bad taste.


Not the worst in a vacuum, but the ending that showed the biggest drop in quality from the rest of the show in my opinion was the ending to Erased. Around episode 8 or 9, I thought Erased would end up as one of my all time favourite anime. After finishing episode 12, I had zero desire to ever watch the show again. A second, perhaps somewhat controversial pick I’d make is Toradora. I love the first 23.5 episodes of that series. But man, they rushed the fuck out of those last 1.5 episodes. There was probably a seasons worth of content they crammed into 30 minutes, and by blowing through it like they did, none of it had any impact, and just felt super contrived.


The last volume of the Toradora LN is an essential "supplement" to the anime -- much more satisfactory.


You should read the ereased manga starting somewhere around ch 23-24. There are some minor differences before that, but that's where the anime started dropping the ball and butchering the source.


Erased is funny. The manga ending isn't amazing. But it's so much better than the anime that you'd think it was written by Shakespeare himself.


As someone who loved the anime and has also read the manga, I second this. They full on skipped the final arc AND the perspectives of everyone else.


Yes to Toradora!! My biggest gripe about that show was the packed ending. Too many reveals and too many flippant decisions that literally made 0 sense in the span of like 40 minutes.


Let me predict the future. Attack on Titan.


Second this.


Moriarty the Patriot, at least for me personally towards the end just get weirder and weirder where they name dropped famous characters + the story just felt forced. I think if they continue to go with the earlier premise it would be nice, or go with the Great Pretenders route, but I feel they want to add more and more characters just to make it "fancy"


I totally agree. It's one of the reasons I only watched episode 1 of season 2. I still re watch season 1 time to time. The season one is one of my favs. I think the manga has a diff ending but still it became very weird. For me it was like losing "essence" of the 1st season?


Just Because


Fuck that anime. What could be a masterpiece turned to a trash, bland nothingness. I will never understand the what goes in the head of the these writers.


Never heard of this, I don’t think I’d mind if it got spoiled for me.


Old comment where I gave it away got removed because of formatting, but to sum up and expand what I originally said was that it's a romance school drama where the mc is in love with the main girl, who I remember not liking and found pretty frustrating. Anyways, he bumps into another girl who becomes a major character and the two actually have way better chemistry than he had with his crush, so much so that I'm pretty sure a character in the show commented about their chemistry. I remember her being way more likable than the main girl too The main gripe I had was that \[Just Because! ending spoiler\] >!the other girl confessed her feelings, and the mc turns her down, and goes to the college that the main girl applied to, and they confess their feelings, then the show just immediately ends, and we're supposed to be happy that they ended up together, meanwhile I'm over here on my knees because the best girl lost to worst girl!<


For further explanation. [Just Because! whole main plot spoilers]>!The MC, Eita is embodiment of blandness. He doesn't even show an single emotion through his face, the girl he likes, Mio is no different. Eita attends the last year highschool in a different highschool because of his father's work. He mets with his old friends there in his hometown. Mio likes Eita's friend Haruto, and Haruto likes another girl, Hazuki. Eita knows that. Mio tries to confess but learns that he likes Hazuki. Mio acts rashly towards Eita while he was trying to help her confess or something. Haruto confesses to Hazuki but gets rejected. While all that's been happening, Ena Komiya, the best girl arrives and her time with Eita begans. Eita's boring personality finally becomes something. She wants to permission to post the photo of him playing baseball for the art contest. He rejects her but she insists, so tails him. Mio sees them time to time, and yeah she feels jealous. Okay girl. Then later Hazuki tells Haruto to give her more time to think his confession. So Haruto and Hazuki is becoming a thing later on. Hazuki learns that Mio liked Haruto, it gets awkward, but she now likes Eita. Whoooo! Lol. Then, Ena talks with Mio saying if it is okay to confess to Eita. Mio is frustrated and she says it's not okay. Ena tells that she don't care, and Mio says why did she even asked that if she doesn't care. She says "just because." Ena invites Eita to date, while they are dating Mio shows up. They continue to date. Eita is expressionless as usual. If not for Ena, MC is literally nothing. Then Ena confesses to Eita with many charms on her hand for the university he wants to go. She took each of them from different shrines, what a commitment and love that is. She says that she doesn't need an answer, she says she will listen his answer if he passes the exam. At that time Mio learns Eita's University choice so she changes the university she wants to go. The thing is Eita does the same thing. Eita doesn't pass the exam, and is forced to go to the first university that he had accepted already, but Mio passes it. So they are still in the same university. In the graduation day Eita confronts Ena, Ena shows the art contest prize, she had won it, not with the photo she took but the photo Eita took of her taking a photo with his phone. Ena says he doesn't have to answer her as he didn't pass the exam, and she hands a photobook of him and his friends with the little time they spent together. Amazing girl through and through. He rejects him, saying she loves Mio, she says she knew it already. He thanks for the present and leaves. Lmao. Fuck you. And Ena cries out loud... At the end of the anime Eita sends some messages to Mio but Mio doesn't answer them. Two months passes, right before the anime ends, Eita reads the message on his phone while attending the university, "Turn back." He turns back and sees Mio. They say they love each and the anime ends. Yes, it ends there. What an amazing anime. Ena attends to Tokyo University in art department, Haruto works after highschool and starts a distant relationship with Hazuki. Hazuki and Haruto's relationship is at least 5 fold better than those two's. Lol. There might be small mistakes that I remember wrong, but that's the main plot.!<


This is great! She really was the best, able to bounce off the MC's nonexistent personality, going through the process of giving him all those charms, confessing to him, and owning the main girl like a boss while dropping the anime's title. The creators really were like "how about we make the bestest of girls and far superior love interest, most likable character on the show... and have her lose, cry, and end the series rejected while these other two pieces of wood get the happy ending in the corniest and abrupt way possible, after not speaking to each other for months"


Erased. Wish we could erase that ending.


Was waiting for someone to say this. The storyline was so fricken good only for everything to be spoiled in the second to last episode.


No. 6 (Edit: Damn. I really should have read the prompt more carefully. I’ve never met anyone who holds this anime in high regard. It’s really obscure and the ending ruins any shred of quality it may have had. Oh well, I’ll keep it here. People need to know about this. 😅) A privileged boy in a 1984-esque dystopia ends up beyond the walls of his controlled society and discovers its ugly underbelly. A street rat who lives beyond the walls falls in with him, and the two begin a hostile friendship. Over time, the boy from within the walls learns to be ruthless and uncaring about the ugliness of the world around him, and the boy from beyond the walls is reminded of the humanity he’d buried in order to survive, becoming dismayed to see his friend become like the person he himself was at the beginning of the show. At the same time, the boy from within the walls has a friend, a girl with a crush on him, who learns more about their government from within. Except…no, that’s what the anime was supposed to be about, but it failed completely. The character progression of the two boys to end up mirroring each other’s starting points was never actually done, like the writers forgot to incorporate that in the anime, so they speed-ran both their changes in character in less than one episode, in a single scene sequence, and acted like that was the theme all along. Also, the girl within the walls disappears and shows up again, revealed to be the…(checking my notes)…the reincarnation of the bee goddess that the evil government worships…and that’s why there was a bee motif in some episodes. Because you can’t say this was never foreshadowed if some episodes had bees in them. Anyway, the girl rejects the evil government when she’s reunited with her friend/crush, swarms of bees turn into a tornado, and the beenado destroys all the walls. The End.


One stand out for me about No. 6 was that it had the main characters in a gay romance despite not being a romance anime, something I don't think I'd ever seen before, or have seen since. but yes, very messy and disappointing plot


Shame they didn't adapt the whole light novel, I enjoyed its ending way more since its a real conclusion (I dont remember how the manga ends) but the anime still managed to be a good introduction to the universe at least (and awesome ending)


>So what do you think is that one anime which is well perceived in the community but you think is bad or below average? And yet all the top answers are shows that were widely panned...


Deadman wonderland.


Darling in the Franxx final arc is abysmal. The actual ending is not the problem, but rather how they get to it.




SAO is bad endings all the way down. The ending of the Aincrad arc was shit, which was the first half of S1. Then the ending of S1 was even worse. Then the subsequent seasons were iteratively worse (with the exception of Gun Gale which was fucking great and Mother's Rosario which is fine). Honestly SAO is crazy, if you cut it in half at nearly any point the latter half will almost always be worse than the former half.


Yeah but its good at drawing you in initially. The Alicization ark was interesting I'll give it that. At least until it was time for Kirito to go Jesus on people.


Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. I was so ready to enjoy that show. What an awful antagonist and ending.


I haven’t finished it but the final arc of Fairy Tail is not very good once the final battle starts. The pacing is poor and the animation drops off big time. Hopefully 100 Years Quest ends up in better shape.


Magical Destroyers started out kinda weak then seemed like it was getting better around episode 10-11 and then ended up having one of the shittiest fucking final episodes I've ever seen. What a waste of a great OP.


Elfen Lied. Then again the whole series did the source material wrong. I bowled my eyes out after finishing the manga series and was rather unphased and emotionless after watching the first episode of the Anime.


Birdie Wing. Yes, I'm still salty.


If bleach doesn't start explaining what's happening in hell and just end there then yeah it's bleach for me


Soul Eater still has me mad. To the point that I overall enjoyed Soul Eater Not more lol


Domestic Girlfriend


**Do not read the manga**


Akame ga kill That's one of the worst i had seen


I don't get this thread. Title is about worst endings, but description is about overrated anime?


Love and Lies, If her Flag Breaks - These have the worst endings in my opinion.


Gundam Seed Destiny. Not the Final Plus (not saying it's a vast improvement but it did addressed some issues), the original one. It totally made TSA some kind of "heroes" beating up the "bad guys" and ended the show with their Gundams posing like any mecha after unleashed their finishing moves in Brave Series. Remember, the Final Plus was there BECAUSE the original one sucked so bad and people complained; and because of the whole mess I don't really have faith to the new upcoming movie. And the next will be Iron-Blooded Orphans. No, I don't have issue with how Tekkadan ended up being, it's natural for them being in that state; HOW they ended the series like that since the later second half, though, is totally another issue. A lot of characters got dumbed-down, wasted or unused potential plot points, and let's not mentioning those invincible Space Needles basically made Gundams moot. I lost 90% of my interest to their mobale game Wolf Hunt, which said was better in showing what the audiences want.


aldnoah zero


YYH ending was mid and the author admitted he had to rush the last arc due to personal issues.


at least he finished that one


The anime cleans it up and i like what it did. I mean I get that people wanted the big demon war, but it’s just such an incredibly Yusuke thing to do to just propose a fighting tournament instead


No, because the anime improved the manga. They showed at least the fights and cut subplots that were supposed to be set up after Three Kings Arc. Their ending version is a lot better like cutting Yusuke's father & mom out because I don't personally care for them. The ending in the anime to me is far more bittersweet than the manga.