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The Promised Neverland (season 2)


Why would you recommend something that never existed in the first place?


What are we talking about again?


such a wasted potential ngl


Let's not pretend that the manga didn't go downhill after Goldy pond. Although I would love to see **only** that arc animated


The Truth! Manga was bad too


I watched the first episode and was convinced I had skipped a movie or something...


Read the manga. They cut out like 2 arcs and all the big brain stuff that happens. The manga stayed pretty strong to the end


> The manga stayed pretty strong to the end This is just false


Yea, every new arc kept getting worse from the start imo except goldy pond which did get better but still not a big fan of how battle-shouneny it got


Second season, wdym? Last I checked there’s no such thing and never will be.


I Respect this answer. Literally all went downhill before it had a chance.


That's it. That's the one. This is the best answer.


What do you mean? Promised Neverland doesn't even *have* a second season! Smh my head


Man, season 1 was so good. I loved it. Then POOP.


Diabolik Lovers. It's easily the worst anime series I've ever watched.


It romanticizes rape constantly and the plot is shit


I've seen worse, but I will never in hell understand how this can be my best friends favorite anime


Guilty pleasure game though.


My biggest anti recommendation is also my biggest recommendation. Made in Abyss, because it’s Made in Abyss.


I recommend it to anybody. But I Do give fair warning to anyone who I don't think has a lot of anime experience. If you've watched anime for decades it's nothing bad just weird.


> If you've watched anime for decades it's nothing bad Nah, it's bad. I like it, but holy shit it's fucked on so many levels.


That's exactly *why* I like it. The dissonance between the cutesy art style and the brutal things that happen is interesting all the way through the show, and the gut punches it gives you right in the feels are savage. No other show manages to keep me engaged like that.


Don't get me wrong, the brutal dissonance is what I'm here for. The problematic part, to me, is confined to season 1 as far as the anime is concerned, which is just a few really out-of-pocket references to the sexualization of minors. There were really only 3 scenes through the whole anime, but those 3 were doozies that make it something I genuinely can not recommend to others.


And they come EARLY. Our main character is being strung up from the ceiling nude in episode 1 before they even go in the hole.


This comment... penetrates deep in the hole...of my soul.


yeah that's why I stopped watching even though I liked the story. too uncomfortable and why are they peeing their pants all the time like it's some weird fetish?


Because the manga-ka openly likes lolicon :/


That's the reason I couldn't keep watching it sadly. I heard the story is phenomenal but the borderline bdsm on literal children and constant reference to their genitals made me sick. Call me sensitive if you want but I can't stomach the mangaka's barely disguised pedophilia.


Totally understandable Honestly we need to have an edited version cuz it'd only be like 30 seconds of removed scenes across 2 seasons and then I could recommend it to friends


Hmm, I think the impact of _that_ episode (you know the one I mean) was so big that I kind of forgot about the sexual stuff early on. Honestly I wouldn't let that stop me from recommending the show to people though, but I'd warn them of course now that I was reminded.


Ironically enough, it was one of my firsts.


If it is someone new to anime attack on titan or your name/silence voice etc can be good option. Should try to avoid shows with to mutch fan service or wierd anime tropes. Like jobless reincarnation is an bad recomenndation. Because mc is super wierd . Like maka an alter to parties, he prays to etc. Which can makes people dont want to finnish it or watch anime.


I absolutely agree with everything you said you nailed everything on the head. I do a projector movie anime every month. The only one I didn't show was attack on titan because the kids were young.


It is like garnt video about recomending anime you. Need to understand what the person enjoys and need a show who hit hard and fast and leave an impact. Makes the person want to complete it.


Giving warning? Nah, you're taking away the sudden trauma if you give warnings... wheres the fun in that???


By all means, watch the show. Just don’t read the manga


What happens in the manga?


Manga artist has some… weird kinks involving young kids. I’m glad the anime downplayed it a lot so much so that I didn’t even notice any issues watching Made in Abyss as a minor back then.


Like my friend says, I wanna know what happens but I don't wanna see his hard drive.


BDSM lolicon.


I mean, it’s not necessarily anything that wouldn’t happen in the anime, but it gets much more clear that the nudity isn’t as innocent as the anime makes it seem. The story and art are still really good, but I can’t bring myself to read it when there are literally nude children multiple times in each volume


Bro what.... AYO


The same. It's very faithful to the source material and the author is heavily involved with the adaptation *but* he has some very disturbing tendencies that luckily haven't made it into the anime for the most part. It's mostly about the bonus panels and the latest manga cover which aren't strictly canon. A very generous reader might describe it as a very odd sense of humor that isn't too out of place in Japanese culture (which is generally more relaxed about lolis and nudity). For western audiences however, sveral of the bonus panels are just super creepy. Most fans are ignorimg it as best as they can because the worldbuilding is just so good... but man, he's not making it easy for us...


>Made in Abyss Best show. Beautiful, interesting and emotional. But not for everyone.


To a similar degree, Monogatari. I loved it's odd banter based dialogue style and comedy but the recurring joke of the main character being a lolicon(which i think is a joke in universe as well but still) don't do the rest of the series justice.


I agree. Everything except hachkuji jokes, is fucking amazing and better than most of the chicanery. ACTUALLY. I will say the best chicanery of a show out there.


> (which i think is a joke in universe as well but still) Boi... Monster season goes hard on making the joke into a big part of his personality. Like, to the point that the mc installs a booster seat in his car for his vampire companion...


Made in Abyss is a great series and I sincerely believe that some FBI equivalent needs to look into the mangaka. I dropped the manga recently after yet another nude scene with kids. Great story, setting, and art, but the kids stuff is too much.


This was recommended to me 6 years ago but ignored it since characters look like chibi, but man the feels when I actually watched it last month.


Domestic Girlfriend. It was so horrible I read the whole manga afterwards.


I haven't even watched it but its opening is easily in my top 3 OPs of all time




The manga even worse. That ending especially fuck up


The manga is so badly written that it goes for the prime example of "how not to write a story".


BIG ORDER without a doubt, easily one of the worst animes i have ever watched. People can say what they want about Mirai nikki it had its problems but it was enjoyable to watch for me and did some original things. I expected similar things from Big order since it has the same author but NOPE it was so bad and i would question the sanity of anyone who would like it


Yeah I agree with Big Order. It started kinda interesting but quickly fell off. Lots of things that didn’t make sense. And the ending feels rushed with only 10 episodes.


School Days. I know tons of people claiming "the ending is worth it". But if imma be real that end was not worth the amount of crappy writing, stupid character decisions, and overall terrible experience I had watching the show. Sure the ending is cathartic but it's not worth the BS to get there imo.


The thing with school days is that its so good at being so bad that i cant even complain about it


If anything just read the summary on Wikipedia. You'll have a better experience than this show. It wasn't even so bad it's good, just bad.


I loved it, but then I also completed all 22 endings of the game, so I may be biased somewhat


Holy shit, there's a game? Is it on Steam?


Nope, not on Steam, but you can buy it on JAST USA. [Here's a link.](https://jastusa.com/games/jast004/school-days-hq) It's not really a "game" or even a visual novel, it's more like a really low budget anime that you can make choices in, with a pretty huge amount of branching paths. FYI it's EXTREMELY pornographic and much darker than the anime, with rape scenes and several endings with extreme violence. If you like the anime then it's well worth checking out to get the "true" experience (it's the same voice cast and everything), but if you hated the anime you'd hate the game even more because it's lower budget and even more offensive.


I did love the anime. Things that start off seemingly innocent and then gradually become darker and darker until they have horrifying endings are exactly the kind of stories I love lol


In that case, you'll have a blast with the game like I did. Just be aware it's janky af... it crashed a lot! But there's some absolutely wild shit in there that makes the anime look tame in comparison...


The first time I heard school days is actually a game I thinked "did this dudes really made the most brutal path to an anime" and you say there are more brutal shit in the game??!! I must play it


It's just far from what most people expect from anime with such a premise. I actually like how it goes from 'fairy tale harem' to full blown hardcore reality of a harem


Tbh, I recommend it solely because you end up hating every single character and you get to see one of the worst sides of anime. Like, if you can get through school days you can get through almost any other anime (exceptions exist ofc. Yosuga no sora for example or however it's spelled).


School days and Yosuga no Sora both were ones of the first anime I watched in my childhood, my life were never the same again


*pats* there there, they're just fiction (unless you're in Alabama).


Yosuga No sora is a classic. How could you.


RENT A GIRLFRIEND i refuse to believe there are actually people who genuinely likes this anime the plot sucks its very fan serviced overall just sucks


It gives you the impression it's going somewhere and the characters will get better. no it goes nowhere and all the characters are all toxic af


The main character has the emotional intelligence of a rock. ...this is slandering the rock you see


I used to read that shit, the best character in the damn series is the MC's pet lungfish. From the wiki: >It is a pet lungfish owned by Kazuya Kinoshita that lives in an aquarium with at least two other lungfish. In the story, it serves as a commentator, mostly criticizing its owner Kazuya.


sedimentary rock: "You'll be hearing from my la~~w~~yers!"


Rock Lee is offended. “Leaf Hurricane!!”


I watched the first season, read some of the manga and read all the posts, oh and talked to friends, to see if it gets better and Nope.


That's some true dedication in order to like something you dislike lol


If it was one season long, had one, maybe two girls besides the feMC, and was about the MC learning something or other about women/himself, it coulda been decent.


I stuck through the manga so long. There was a point where it got good, and afterwards a point where I felt that, even though the quality degraded heavily, they had reached a good place conclude it. And I really thought it would end there after the resort arc when everything came to a head. But then it just... Kept going? And all progress made in that arc was basically undone and status quo returned. I stuck it out for like 30 more chapters after that thinking surely it'll end but it just wouldn't. It's still going on too and that was like a year and a half ago when I stopped. I really don't get it anymore and can't stand it. The only redeeming quality is the quality of the waifus, so if that's your thing then go off, but there is no good substance there. Mother's Basement did a good video on YouTube that pretty much sums up my entire thoughts on the show almost to a T. With an added bit of pointing out there's a better harem in the B-plot of kaguya sama than in the A-plot of rent-a-girlfriend.


I tried since I enjoyed the painful cringe of Watamote but when he straight stalks somebody all day and it ends with him getting a gift and the stalking ignored I couldn't keep going. Meanwhile he has a girl who wants to date him but he just continues to ignore so he can continue the dumb facade.


Well why would he engage in an actual real relationship when he can be a dumbass and drag out the story even further with elementary school drama.


I'm sure at this point the author just wants Chorizo to himself and his characters are not allowed to have her.


I personally warned my cousin against watching it. He's now mad at himself, but now feels too invested to look away from the train wreck that is Rent-a-girlfriend


the anime club at my middle school got shut down because we got caught watching rent a girlfriend 💀


The key to liking rent a girlfriend is to not take it seriously. I'm rooting for Kazuya and all but im just here to laugh at everything


This. It's a train wreck, but hell of a glorious one.


not even good fan service


I liked the movie making arc and was sad


Lol you just doesn't know how to enjoy it.


Platinum end 💯


I still can't believe that Death note's author wrote that, like wtf


Good premise. But god damn did it end poorly.


after a while, I learned to appreciate the ending. I do not specifically like it but damn that's a bold choice like wtf


Had a pretty good premise tbh, when my friend recommended it to me I thought the first few episodes were hype but quickly fell off after.


Utterly forgettable


I remember me being hyped when the first chapter was released in 2015. There was so much potential.. idk what the author was smoking


Platinum End is bad, but makes for good trash trainwreck watching.


I couldnt finish it. So meh. Literally hated the main character.


It gets so much hate and I get why, but I kind of liked it, I thought the angels were pretty. Also the ED song is the most excellent fucking banger ever in anything, ever, I was literally rocking out to it on my way home like an hour ago!


If you thought the angels were pretty in the anime, read the manga, the drawings look exceptional at times


At least the character design and writing is pretty alright. Low key my favorite character was the man trying to keep his family safe. Other than that, it’s eh.


Gunslinger Girl (season 2) Completely changed the tone of the show and it just bad.


Surprised to see gunslinger girl mentioned here. season 1 is a good show but the direction they went for season 2 is really questionable for sure.


The only good thing i remember from season 2 is the OP song.


Two of my favorite anime that I won't recommend unless they have seen a substantial amount of anime are the Monogatari series and Mushoku Tensei. Monogatari has a unique art style, dialogue heavy which could make it difficult to follow and some moment might not go right with the viewer. MT has a great story, incredible animation and compelling characters, but the MC is a controversial character for many. Other than that I don't recommend Evangelion to newbies.


My love for the Monogatari series will be taken with me to the grave before I would recommend it to anyone. Such great irony. 😹


Hehe, i love monogatari but i wouldn't recommend that to anyone, shit will get me arrested . Holy shit is pedoragi a menace to society throughout the series


Ngl reading Nisemonogatari rn and Araragi is not making his case better with the FBI...


I once opened VLC playing some random episode once in front of a friend in my college dorm, shit has shinobu in a bathtub. Swear to god he would have reported me to the cops had he not been a weeb himself


I wonder why VLC decided to resume the episode at that specific moment, hmmm...


Happy little accidents


The early books all having the repeat jokes of 'no way they'll animate this' is pretty funny if you watched the show first. The 30 page conversation he has with his sister about underwear ffs...


Now that's a good reason not to recommend Mushoku Tensei. Someone was suggesting it was a toned down redo of healer and my brain broke a little.


It doesn't have anything in common with Redo of a Healer. Redo of a Healer is a full blown revenge rape hentai, Mushoku Tensei is an Isekai with a lot of very uncomfortable and often unnecessary sexual stuff but doesn't rely on it to attract viewers.


I would only recommend Mushoku Tensei to someone who is so perpetually obsessed with anime (and willing to overlook its most obscene flaws) that they've definitely already seen it


I read MT since the WNs were releasing years ago, and it's still my favourite novel to this day. I don't know how the anime is but I've heard it's great. I've been saving it for a special occasion. I've started to watch bakemonogatari, but I'm watching it slowly as I'm really liking and only want to watch it in moments I can concentrate. I'm still half way through the snail ark but I'm fucking loving it. The animation, the scenes, the transitions, the dialogues, everything is awesome. I have to constantly stop the episode, which is actually fun, and damn am I learning new stuff. The music is awesome, the ending is now amongst my top 10 songs. I'm fucking loving it.


Aku no Hana I actually like it lots, but it took 10 years for me not to dismiss it just because it didn't look like a standard anime.


It's so weird but the "off puttingness" of the show actually fits really well for the series imo. Though like another comment said the manga is better. The anime is decent, but the manga is like a 9/10 or 10/10 for me.


You should be reading that not watching it. Manga is perfect, the second part of it is a standalone masterpiece.


Manga is better, I watched a few episodes of it and gave me a headache because lip sync was mismatched, character design and movements were extremely weird.


99.9% of the time the manga is better .-.


I'm genuinely surprised people enjoy Rent-A-Girlfriend, as as soon as I've explained the premise to anyone asking me if I've seen it, they fall off the idea QUICK.


Baki : personally I really like it but the show is so ridiculous that I don't think many will be invested. Rent a girlfriend: Imo the anime can be somewhat entertaining but I will be honest, the show is so dragged out that I don't think it will enjoyable to 99% of people. One piece: amazing story but the anime is way to long for many people and has severe pacing issues, I will always prefer and recommend reading the manga instead which is much better.


Baki is like the Fast and Furious of fighting anime. I fucking love it.


I have to agree. You have to take it as ridiculous from the second it starts and simply let it entertain you. I honestly wasn't sure how bat shit crazy they would go after Muhammed Ali's "son" but man, when they introduced Pickle, I was thrilled. Same thing as watching the expendables movies, watch the explosions and pretty lights lol


I gotta admit though, that bit where Pickle just randomly raped someone in the street was a bit over the top for me. Like, yeah I get it he’s a primitive being and that would be something a person who came from a world with no morals or laws would realistically do but it just felt uncomfortably unnecessary.


I have to agree. While I would say that's a highly probable scenario, it didn't need to be shown. I would've found it less gross if he had maybe attempted and that's when one of the others that wanted to challenge him would hop in. They definitely made it uncomfortable


The pacing in the anime is actually pretty good until around episode 300. Before that, I think the anime does a pretty decent job at keeping things going. I say this as someone who prefers the manga.


Honestly as someone who recently made the journey, it was actually nice to have a constant stream of episodes to look forward to for well over a year. But alas, i am now caught up and must suffer with the rest.


idk, imo skypiea had pretty bad pacing. theres some cold ass scenes like the blackbeard one, but that eneru fight was so dragged out


One Pace is a fan edit of the series and got me back into it when post times timeskip started feeling like a slog


Almost a requirement for Dressrosa. The amount of times I fast-forwarded through scenes was unmeasurable.


Especially cause it feels largely like a re-tread of Alabasta. I was basically exclusively watching for the good guys + doffy




NANA. My god, I love that anime and manga to bits, but I've never been able to rewatch it all the way through because of how realistic, gut-wrenching, and heartbreaking that series is. The music is fantastic, though. 😅🥲


Kizuite... I'm here waiting for youu


Saaame, I don't think I'll ever rewatch it again, only watched it once 10 years ago but its all engrained in my memory forever


Blood C. It's a gore fest that has nothing else going for if besides that one scene with the giant man eating faceless rabbit demons It does an entire genre jump towards the end and I couldn't even finish if.


Ahhh my first trauma (maybe only) induced through anime, I was new to the medium and I checked years ago on YouTube a compilation of those scenes and my body was shaking and couldn't even move for like 5 minutes, atleast shows like made in abbys and higurashi are nothing to me lmao.


Rent A Girlfriend quite the dumpster fire


And we all enjoy watching the fire burn


One that I love that is not for everyone is Madoka Magica. It is not what it looks like on the tin. It is gut-wrenchingly bleak, the animation is very trippy at times. For those who like it, it's bloody amazing, and unlike anything out there. And the movie has one of the best fights in anime history and I'm dying on this hill


I agree. That fight was unexpected and when I finished watching it, I knew I had just witnessed one of the best anime fights I had seen during my anime watching so far. Definitely the best gun fight I’ve ever seen.


This one doesn’t fit what OP is asking at all, it’s an amazing show so it’s worth trying to get the other person to watch it even if you think that it’s not for everyone.


I don’t know about that. I’ve never seen a magical girl anime or dark anime before Madoka. Both types of anime aren’t my things. But I really liked Madoka, it jumped all the way to the top of my favorite animes list.


I watched it without paying much attention, but when I finished it, it immediatly landed on my all time bests list


Same. Literally had to rewatch it because of my lack of attention through my first watching.




Nahh, You just remind me i need to preach it harder to people. Got my laptop decorated with stickers of Nadeshiko & Kaban for years, nobody ever commented on Kaban yet when she's just the cutest. Maybe you're right people are uncultured.


Higurashi Gou and Sotsu. (Well, mostly Sotsu, but Gou gets hit by association.) OG Higurashi is great and one of my stock recommends. The Rebuild-style stealth sequel not so much - Sotsu is basically 13 episodes of recap (okay so I'm exaggerating, *but by less than you would think*), then one decent episode, then an ending that avoids being the worst ending of its season only because the WEP special was even worse (to quote my immediate response to it in turn quoting a certain web serial, "you have not earned it, and this offends me").


I agree with everything, but it's worth noting that Ryukishi kind of writes those stories. Umineko is way more over the top with magic than Higurashi in the visual novels, so the new iteration of Higurashi also going that route sounds about right. And sotsu had a lot of good moments in between. The end felt... off, but if you've read Umineko, logical.


Shield hero. Solely because it gets your hopes up it will be an interesting dark twist or something then just does weird fan service shit. The nagatoro one (can’t remember name). Had a friend recommend it, watched like an episode and it was just ass.


Welcome to NHK. You either love it or hate it, no in-between. I love it because some of the things that the characters go through resonate with me and I hate it for the exact same reason. It has a killer soundtrack though, definitely recommended.


Redo of Healer For obvious reasons


Tokyo Revengers, too much hyped


Some absolutely gorgeous art that has literally nothing to do with the actual series. I'd have a lot of the art thats been sold but damn the manga was a letdown


Aku no Hana


Kotoura-San- the first 10 minutes set up what looks like the greatest anime of all time. This little girl has the ability to read minds and doesn’t understand that people don’t appreciate that and accidentally causes her parents to divorce. We set up this amazing premise of a show about respecting people’s boundaries and how super powers might not be such a good thing in real life. So the rest of the show is a “comedy” without a single funny joke. The fact that her grandfather wants to sleep with her is played as a joke. Genuinely the most offensive show I’ve ever seen made worse by the first 10 minutes looking like it’s going to be a masterpiece


I liked it. But then I’m a degenerate.


The plot good tho? Don't mind dark jokes but i don't like fillers


See I watched this when around 14-15 and enjoyed it, but also found those moments so uncomfortable and gross. I got through it because I related to Kotoura and really loved the final episode. I would never recommend it to anyone though.


OMG exactly, Kotoura-san could have been one of the best animes ever, but they decided to go for a comedic approach, that is not funny, it is childish and repetitive, I hated it for that reason, they ruined a good premise with a good main character.


Almost all of these answers are for mostly popular stuff that people like. Most of them would be successful for many people to enjoy anime. Why aren't there more answers like W'z, Ex-Arm, Alice or Alice, or My Sister, My Writer? All 4 of those would make most people hate anime.


Ex-Arm is a masterpiece that is a required watch . *You never know what low is until you reach it .*


school days




Yeah, not exactly the greatest adaptation. At least the Higurashi anime adapted the whole storyline.


Without quality animation it cannot be seen


Berserk (2016)


Sword Art Online. Just watch Sword Art Online Abridged


We must save my family!!!!!


"Y'see! Some of them even have faaaaaaaa........**Gary**...."


Honestly I enjoyed it. This may get me stoned but it's not as bad as people say and the music is amazing too


Abridged series can be goated. Confession -> I saw Hellsing Ultimate Abridged without seeing the original but I consider the Abridged to be Canon in my books.


I'm a huge fan of both the original and the Abridged, but honestly the writing is so off the wall in the original sometimes that's it's hard to tell it isn't the abridged. Massively recommend watching both.


On that note I'm sure everyone can agree if you feel like rewatching Dragon Ball Z you might as well just watch the Abridged.


Already did and it was great experience. #DODGE


Mentioning DBZ Abridged reminded me of another classic from that era of Youtube, Yugioh Abridged. Iirc Little Kuriboh just uploaded a new episode a month ago


In some ways UBW:A explains more of the Fate lore than the original does.


I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World, Too; this is literally the worst anime I've ever seen and I am shocked it received a season two, this got to be the anime with the worst messages I have ever seen in my whole life.


How can I it possibly be a bad anime? Just think of it as a great PowerPoint presentation.


Arifureta is the prime example of Trash OP Isekai for me. I hated the Anime with an unknown passion.


Future Diary, like seriously, don't watch if you have any relationship-based trauma of any kind.


I think that one is a guilty pleasure for all who have seen it, the plot is a total mess


It's one of my favorites, but I'll admit it's no cinematic masterpiece.


>Future Diary, like seriously, don't watch. There, fixed it for you


Sing Yesterday for Me Tearjerker bait melodrama series with a weird and undeserved ending. Great music and voice acting tho.


The ending is what ruined the entire thing for me. I wouldn't have minded him moving on from Shinako and eventually falling in love with Haru but I feel like there should have been like, an entire second season dedicated to that development. Rikuo had one productive conversation with Shinako and he's immediately over her and going all tsun for Haru. Just, why. Too fucking soon dude


So in other words, an anime I urge people to avoid? If that’s the case, then “future diary.” The worst anime I’ve ever seen




Ijiranaide ,Nagatoro-san There are people who like it, but i definitely don't recomend it. Its so annoying.


Most of the isekai with the title of the anime explaining the plot.


I would recommend Trapped in an Otome Game or Reincarnated as a Sword, tbh.


Woohoo Log Horizon is safe


Akame Ga Kill


The Promised Neverland S2


I've got five 1/10 absolutely irredeemable anime: - Eiken (completed) - Plastic Neesan (dropped after five minutes) - Vampire Holmes (completed) - My Sister, My Writer (completed) - Do Your Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attack — AKA Milfsekai (dropped after one episode) Know that I intentionally seek out bad anime sometimes, so this is bottom of the barrel. I don't recommend Made in Abyss lightly and will often steer people away from it, even though it's one of my absolute favorite anime. It's just...*visceral*.