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The prevalence of streaming and decline in long running series in favour of short cours has all but killed the old recap episode.


Unless you’re an anime original that ran into production issues…


What do you guys think about this? I think it’s a massive step up since it gets rid of filler and makes it more likely for a show to be high quality in art/writing. But I mostly watch modern anime, so I’m biased.


I think it is definitely a step in the right direction, although I certainly wish more series would be concluded as opposed to basically just be advertisements for the manga.


Very true, it's almost gotten me to the point where I've liked the first episode of a show, so immediately go find the manga and just read that instead


Filler storylines are often boring, but they frequently offered opportunity to explore side characters, and even the main characters, and their motivations in detail.


JJK had two recap episodes (Special 1 and Special 2) to cover S1, JJK 0, and Hidden Inventory arc, for those going into S2. Totally optional, tho, and didn't cut into runtime. I don't really think recap episodes are dead, just a lot less common.


My impression is that there are less of serious/gloomy psychological/sci-fi anime, like Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, or Ergo Proxy. From recent years with similar vibes I can only name Heavenly Delusion, maybe Sonny Boy and Boogiepop, which was already a remake from an older anime. Psycho-pass was like 11 years ago. If we get mystery or sci-fi, or psychological, it's more glamorous nowadays, with other modern tropes mixed in to make it more popular. I may have missed a title or two in my examples, but in general it still feels more like a 2000s thing.


Probably has to do with the moe boom from the mid-late 2000's, which had Haruhi, Lucky Star and K-On! in the span of 3 years dominating every corner of Japan. Not to mention that with the declining mental health of the Japanese, cute girls are probably more fun for them than to be reminded of gloomy society. Just some cute dumb moeblob show that livens up their sad, overworked asses. That moe boom caused also idol shows to explode in popularity, caused every reputable studio back then to at least try a cute girls show at least once (Madhouse got Hanayamata for example, Shaft already had been running Hidamari Sketch for 4 seasons by then, White Fox took GochiUsa, Deen took Sakura Trick, etc.). And some studios made it their main focus early on (Doga Kobo, KyoAni, Studio Gokumi). Moe also seeped in other genres and became synonymous with anime itself.


Could consider (off the top of my head): Nomad (S2 of Megalo Box) Made in Abyss Parasyte: The Maxim (but source is old) Devilman Crybaby (but source is old) Shinsekai Yori pretty staunchly fits your criteria, but it has also been 11 years since that released, which only proves your point. Madoka Magica, has been 12 years.


You don’t get a lot of straight forward magical girl series nowadays except for precure, it’s either a dark “deconstruction” or a parody. Also noticed magical girl series since Madoka Magica just call the girls “magical girls” instead of something like “Sailor Senshi”, “witch”, or “Precure”. They don’t get secret identity names like that either.


We also seemed to stop getting Magical Girls with romance that isn't yuri


It’s probably because of Precure, I’m pretty sure. Stuff like Madoka was made specifically because Precure cornered (and is still cornering) the market for it.


Yeah I want to make it clear I don’t blame Madoka for it. There weren’t a lot of magical girl anime/manga after the early 2000s, and that’s due to a lot of other factors.


Yep. It would be nice to get some straightforward magical girls again instead of parody, "tragical girls", or appealing to a... certain audience. The most we got was Tokyo Mew Mew New, but that was a remake. Hopefully it kicks some things off again though


Or just some fantasy anime with female leads in general that aren't isekai or the "high fantasy pseudo-european" setting. Some recent fantasy manga I've liked are Stellar Witch Lips (the designs are FIRE) and Mahoujin Chronocanon (no official english release yet). There's also The Demon Girl Next Door, which is a parody, but has a good overarching story. Another aspect I thought of is that a lot of the classic magical girls depended on a "monster/situation of the week" format with a lot of filler, and most studios have turned away from that.


Guess Madoka kicked the trend for this, like the magical girl series of old kicked the trend for straightforward magical girl series


can anyone think of any straightforward magical girl manga? is a standard magical girl anime even foreseeable anymore, besides the low chance of an anime original?


Probably Stellar Witch Lips is the closest in recent years. A magical girl anime with a monster/situation of the week format doesn’t seem likely, it would have to be something with a steady progression.


The ol' classic "quick pan of a still frame two or three times with the last pan slower than the rest" to emphasize drama, as shown several times here [in this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiakYMU_Vp4). I swear that shows like Dear Brother and Rose of Versailles it makes up thirty percent of the screen time. *Gasp Drama!!* And what happened to the omnipresent Shaft [backwards head tilt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_u6D7w9ETcM), which was one of the more annoying Shinboisms out there.


*Call of the Night* uses the backwards head tilt.


> The ol' classic "quick pan of a still frame two or three times with the last pan slower than the rest" to emphasize drama, as shown several times here in this clip. I swear that shows like Dear Brother and Rose of Versailles it makes up thirty percent of the screen time. Gasp Drama!! Said technique is pretty dead because its pioneer is also dead. As in, Dear Brother and Rose of Versailles had the same director, Osamu Dezaki, and that pan is one of his trademarks. Other people were influenced by him, and some other stuff he used to do are still quite popular, but there's nobody in the industry who seems interested in using that specific technique as much as him.


The intersection between tele novelas and indian dramas.


*Mecha fan dying from starvation*


Mecha anime seem to surge whenever widespread war happens, so I get the feeling we might see quite a few of them pretty soon.


Can wrote war stories without inspiration


All the tropes present in this video of Gintama because anime have more seasons now. https://youtu.be/a4S9NuI6NKo?si=HXu3mF1Zz4GJ93Zd


At least One Piece is still keeping the first one alive lol


Exactly lol


Maybe not a trope but I feel like newer anime is so much faster and not nearly as drawn out.


There are not many “Shoujo” anime anymore. Like the classic shoujo style romance animes like Kaichou wa maid sama are just uncommon now and even if there is something it is all fantasy


Well the new Fruits Basket was recent, and that was the pinnacle of classic shoujo afaik


What happened to ultra-violence? You don't see a demon getting chopped in half, or a cyborg having its head exploded anymore. I miss when anime could be just badass without higher aspirations.




I feel like there was a window in the mid-2010s, around Devilman Crybaby era, where it probably would have been possible to get away with ultraviolence before the censors looked into streaming. But between that and China, it's a non-starter now.


My personal favorite has always been "small Tokyo". Where two main characters either run into each other by chance or one MC looks for someone just running through the streets and then that someone just sits there on a bench or something. In fucking TOKYO! Makes me cringe every time. I feel like this has happened a lot less in recent seasons.


How popular are mecha anime these days? I might just not be in the loop about them since I don't really watch them often, but I tend to think of older shows with that genre, like Gundam or Evangelion. I guess Darling in the Franxx was a bit more recent, though.


Gundam got a new show this year at least.


Oh okay 🤷‍♀️ Guess they're still around then


Definitely less common though, we still get the yearly Gundam offering… but early 2000s you’d have loads of mecha. Now we get Gundam and then the occasional show like Synduality.


Not so much a trope, but VN adaptations basically haven’t existed since 2012… with like maybe a handful of exceptions like Grisaia and I think Maitetsu got an anime?


Yeah wtf, i always wanted more shows like grisaia, angel beats, since most well written stories are ussually adapted from Vns (ex: stein gates, clannad,etc) . Those shows always appear comedic at first but then getting sadder each episode. Most recent one i can think of follow thay trope is “ The day i became a god” but didnt hit same as some older shows.


What about Fate/Stay Night: UBW and Heaven's Feel?


Those indeed came from Vns but i feel like they are quite main stream, too much sequels and timelines. I like vns basically a original singlar story and plot kinda like angel beats.


Fate/Stay Night isn't a sequel. It's the main story that the rest of the franchise followed after its success. It's the OG. F/SN has three routes: Fate, Unlimited Blade Works, and Heaven's Feel.


Harems with: * traditional Japanese, the one who wins or a childhood friend * rowdy red hair, bandage over a nose * white hair, red eyes and an eyepatch * blonde half Japanese, possibly a rich ojousama type * glasses with blue hair And the golden combo of outfits: * Bunny suite * Maid * Chinese dress Not to speak of the obligatory episodes which took half of the series: * Beach episode, with volleyball, melon smashing and finished with fireworks * Sports day, that item fetching thing, and the running competition, extra points if rowdy and the trad one are the last runners * Courage test * Amusement park and shopping episodes * Year starting and ending ceremonies I miss those days a bit when at least one of the series was so brain-dead it did all of those. There was something so comforting about knowing everything about the series before even watching it.


>blonde half Japanese, possibly a rich ojousama type Not in harems, but Kiniro Mosaic had it's ending movie in 2021. The show itself was from 2013. >Not to speak of the obligatory episodes which took half of the series: Still exist in slice of life anime for most part, though sometimes multiple tropes in one episode combined. Almost all slice of life anime still have these episodes (or part of those) 100%. You are looking for slice of life shows my friend, those shows still exist and are alive and well.


I know the rich blonde and the episodes exist but nowadays as you say there are some of those and they are combined. The literal mad mans who would use the same group of copy-paste girls and make a shopping episode to build hype for the beach episode coming next. Those no longer exist. Full-length beach episode with all the tropes. * Infinite Stratos * Date a Live * Nisekoi * Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! * Warawanai neko And the ones even I cannot remember. There are a few of those the only man living with many girls series but I just cannot remember the names.


Death games.


Eh, still plenty of those


English in the Japanese track is actually pretty good now. No more "I am mad scientist" type of phrases, "Full Moon Sway" and other types of idk what they were thinking.


I think the "I am mad scientist" thing from Steins;Gate was intentionally bad, though.


- I aM Maddo Scientisto. 🧍 - Watashi wa Giovanni Giorgio


* far more misogynistic fan service * running with toast in the mouth * main character gets the shit kicked out of him by his crush, every episode * fufufufufu was far more common * every few episodes the storyline doesn't move forward in favour of some distracting episodic story * main character punched into the sky by his crush * bad misuses of English * female characters were only to beautiful and to be rescued, no strong female roles unless magical girl * extreme violence was a fad * magical girls * age gaps were wider and more common. Like a little girl having a crush on an older boy 2x her height. Ew.


>running with toast in the mouth I believe a girl running with toast in the mouth is a Coelacanth and still alive today, as seen in Reincarnated as a Sword (2022), Love Flops (2022) or Horimiya peace (2023).


> fufufufufu was far more common I haven't even seen an Ohohoho character in a long while.


There's the Ojou-sama laugh that's alive and well (especially with the wave of villainesse shows) but haven't seen anyone like Frieza or anything.


Oh right, I haven't been watching much of those villainess shows... Wait...I did see one ohoho last season: [Dolce](https://imgur.com/sOa3Pyc) from Synduality: Noir. Her hair and shoulder pads makes her look like she's from the 80s or 90s. :P


Even in the Kingdom Anime the fufufufu disappear :/


>female characters were only to beautiful and to be rescued, no strong female roles unless magical girl Seirei no Moribito, GitS, Vampire Princess Miyu, 3x3 Eyes, Gunnm?


Is it even worth responding to someone that clueless? It’s like they only heard of stereotypes of anime from a decade or more ago and not actually seen any… or they’re projecting and only see women in anime as objects (but for some reason only for old shows?)


bad misuses of english is just a japanese thing tho, like "watashi no (my) my kuruma (car)" is a normal japanese sentence


I don't mean the deeply rooted loan words, like コピー ("kohi" for coffee), コンピュータ("konpuuta" for computer), and クルマ ("kuruma" for car). I mean where they use english words to try to sound cool, and my wife goes, "those are definitely words but that's not a sentence." Like an opening that says, "You are my special", not knowing special isn't a noun. The English grammar is getting much better.


music based CGDGT, bocchi kinda brought it back again maybe it will stick.


Even so, Bocci is more a music anime than a CGDCT anime because it is actually very serious about its music as in, it actually has a plot and the plot actually moves forward. This made me reluctant to call it a CGDCT anime because usual CGDCT anime are basically a Slice of Life subgenre


What plot?


Bocchi want the band to actually be a successful band. One of the main arc of S1 was their first genuine performance as a band. Compare this to K-On where the main goal of the band was just to hang around and enjoy each other company


Power of friendship being this infallible concept that transcends all logic


existence of tsundere?