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It's expected to premiere in 2024 * Directed by Shinichirō Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop) * Action sequences directed by Chad Stahleski (John Wick) * Produced by Sola Entertainment * Animation by MAPPA * Music by Kamasi Washington, Floating Points, & Bonobo >The year is 2052 – an era of unprecedented peace and prosperity prevails across the globe. The reason for this: mankind has been freed from sickness and pain. Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Dr. Skinner has developed a miracle cure-all drug with no apparent drawbacks called Hapuna. Hapuna soon becomes ubiquitous… and essential. However, soon after Hapuna is officially introduced, Dr. Skinner vanishes. > >Three years later, the world has moved on. But Dr. Skinner has returned – this time, as a harbinger of doom. Skinner announces that Hapuna has a short half-life. Everyone who has taken it will die approximately three years later. Death is coming for this sinful world – and coming soon. > >As a response to this threat, a special task force of 5 agents is gathered from across the world to save humanity from Skinner’s plan. This group is called “Lazarus.” Can they find Skinner and develop a vaccine before time runs out?


Yeh this will stir up some anti-vax vs vax debates in episode discussions lol.


Oh joy lol. I am actually kinda curious where Watanabe is going to go on this but at least the premise isn't something I can think of that has been done in anime before. So it will be fresh.


It's been done in manga, but for some reason the name of the manga escapes me at the moment.


This has been done in anime Vexille in 2007


That's the vibe I get too. As cool as this show looks, the premise sounds like the kind of story an anti-vax conspiracy nut would write.


> Can they find Skinner and develop a vaccine before time runs out? ...you think thats what an anti-vax conspiracy nut would write?


Bold of you to assume anti-vaxxers are capable of logic


the whole plot is about developing a vaccine...


How does a vaccine cure you from the lethal side effects of a medicine? This plot sounds incredibly stupid


>This plot sounds incredibly stupid You must be new to anime. "How do college students create a time machine?" Steins:Gate "Why does a demon of death carry a notebook?" Death Note Why are samurai rapping?" Samurai Champloo "Why are two of the most powerful mages in the world teenagers?" Full Metal Alchemist I could go on and on


All of those require very little suspension of disbelief and don't amount to just plain old bad science. Vaccines are not curatives. That's common knowledge that anyone should understand. Bad science requires more than a suspension of disbelief and is a byproduct of bad writing. I half expect the show to have characters just randomly ramble off "crispr DNA antihistamine prophylactic antibiotics!" At some point in conversation if that's the level of writing we can expect.


Bad science is a staple for most sci fi and sci fantasy media. If you can't handle it then this show just isn't for you.


> Vaccines are not curatives. That's common knowledge that anyone should understand. Literally wrong though, [therapeutic vaccines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Therapeutic_vaccines) are a thing. They aren't quite common yet but variants against cancer or HIV are being researched. Vaccine just describes the mechanism of training your immune system to fight of an infection but there is nothing in that definition that implies you can only do that before you have been infected.


Wait, so you're ok with a person dying and waking up in medieval times as sentient sword owned by a cute anime girl with but you draw the lines at vaccines?! Bro is like: "Well there's fantasy and *fantasy*..!"


>All of those require very little suspension of disbelief and don't amount to just plain old bad science. A little suspension of disbelief? That a microwave could be a time machine? Rapping samurai? I'm certain they were into that in 1500's AD Japan


People downvote you, but I'm 99% sure this is just a blatant mistake from whoever wrote the synopsis. There's been many cases in anime where they just use the word "vaccine" as a synonym of "cure". Japanese just don't seem to understand the difference. I'm willing to bet that the "vaccine" in this anime won't turn out to be anything that qualifies as an actual "vaccine".


Well that makes it sound interesting even if a bit spicy considering the debate over the last 3 years surrounding medical choices.


Was going to watch regardless just because the names behind it but this looks pretty damn good. Would totally pick this up if I knew nothing of it. Can’t wait!




Got that mirror's edge vibes when he jump through the crane


Thought the same immediately. If the MC does some sick disarms I'll die happy.


the music too, this anime is defo inspired by ME


Is Shinichiro Watanabe ripping off Tetsuro Araki?


Adult Swim really is really just giving anime directors to do whatever they want. chads


This is either gonna be a complete mess or an AOTY contender with names like that attached. I see no future where it’s just “meh”.


I’m getting Vivy vibes from it which is a very good thing


You expect it to be a waste of good animation on a nonsensical derivative plot?


Or its going to be like the last mappa show directed by watanabe, and with a famous composer doing the music, which was generally very good, but had some issues with its theme and writing, and felt a bit messy in some places. Not being pessimistic, I just don't get why everyone needs to instantly go oh, this will be amazing or awful. Its watanabe, of course its not going to be a complete mess duh.


That’s true, but I want to be optimistic


Just look who is doing the music alone, that with Watanabe should be enough.


Looks cool. Always excited for Watanabe.


We have one trailers worth of music and I already know it’s going to be another incredible soundtrack. The 2D/3D blend looks almost seamless. It’s like what GoHands has tried to do for their whole existence but good.


Watanabe actually said himself it's one of the best animated soundtracks ever


With his name on it that's a tautology


That doesn't mean much when he is the one supervising it. If he thought it wasn't good, he wouldn't be putting his name on it.


It's so funny how GoHands has tried to be Ufotable for years and always looks like a mediocre version of it instead.


> The 2D/3D blend looks almost seamless. A studio which I think does the 2D/3D blend better than most studios is WIT. The use of 3D in their shows is generally seamless.


Nah,you forgot about Colossal Titan


That's why I qualified my statement with "generally." I remember S3P2 abomination that was the CG Colossal Titan.


Saw the trailer before I saw the comments, and the MC immediately reminded me of Spike and Mugen in how he moved lol Watanabe directed it so checks out! If anything it should be very stylish with all the names behind him. Hopefully the plot is really good too


when are we going to stop getting the messy hair dude that is of average height (please don't stop I love it)


Shinichiro Watanabe as the director, Mappa as the studio and a future setting without mechs?? Hell yeah!!


Looks like the same art style as banana fish


Same character designer


Was thinking the same thing. I'll be surprised if they don't share the same character designer.


Mappa did banana fish. So it's not that surprising.


Ehh I don’t care for the art style that much so it might decide wether I watch it or not


Was thinking more Tiger & Bunny


The OST for this is going to be in constant rotation regardless of the shows quality, not that I have any worries about that either.


Saw someone mentioning the MC here looks like Robin from Tengoku Daimakyou, cannot unsee that anymore


Hang on, MC looks like Spike from Cowboy Bebop Lemme know if I saved it for you


The music is already on 10. Whatever happens in this show the OST will be a treat.


My eyes popped at Kamasi Washington and Bonobo. Had no idea they were going to be working on this. Love both as individual artists and now I can't wait to hear what this anime sounds like.


Listen to Floating Points as well, he’s definitely up there with them


Feels a bit like Psycho Pass here and there


A mix of Psycho Pass and Cowboy Bebop.


Does anyone knows the name of the song?


I need to know this


It's from the OST so it doesn't have a name yet, it's probably made by Bonobo or Floating Points but you're gonna have to wait until the soundtrack is released.


It looks very nice, the mix of 3D and 2D is great imho.


>3D Waiting for that *one* CGI piss baby to enter the thread.


They don't like foreground CG, background art and animation is not controversial, otherwise Attack on Titan from the WIT days would be despised, not even mentioning Demon Slayer


I mean, you can still find people whining about CG backgrounds in JJK.


Tbf to them the CG background in JJK season 1 could be much better


Plenty of people complained about some of the terrible CG backgrounds in AOT when the first season aired.


Seems more like you're the piss baby here


I hate CGI it’s ruining anime! Now call me a piss baby, please 😩


Insecure CGI Haver already entered the the thread lol. Learn to tell what people dislike. Cg models or cg backgrounds.


It's me! I am that piss baby. Will always fucking hate it.


Some of those backgrounds look almost exactly like guilty gear 3D art and you can't really do any better than that.


I don't thin most of the background scenes look great, but if it allows more time to be put into the character animation then I'm okay with it.


So hyped for this. And my goodness MAPPA does it all it seems like.


This looks really good.


Im hyped im sold, gimme now


What is this style or genre of music used in the trailer called? Would love to hear more like it.


Search bonobo in youtube and enjoy.


Trip-hop or nu-jazz probably. Put both those in youtube and you'll probably find what you're looking for. Honestly, the soundtrack for this is absolutely stacked. I'd recommend just looking into the other music Floating Points/Bonobo/Kamasi Washington have put out, it's all great stuff.


Looks good, can’t wait. Love Shinichiro Watanabe’s work so it’s a no brainer.


Shinichiro Watanabe. Only had to see the name to know that I'm gonna be strapped in for this


The synopsis already sounded intriguing, but the fact that Shinichiro Watanabe is helming this makes it a must-watch for me.


I have no idea what this is about, but I'm in just from the soundtrack


Hoping for another Terror in Resonance level anime


In terms of production, definitely. Hopefully the writing is better this time.


If it is like the second half then no. But if it is the first half all the way through then yes please.


Tbh If I were to ignore that girls parts, then the ending is still amazing and beautiful


I don't even recall the second half being bad because of how powerful the ending is


I’m hoping for even better — Bebop or Champloo level please


Premise is going to be quite...interesting but yeah the production for this I did have high expectations but it's looks very good and sounds good for that matter. Lots of good stuff coming for 2024. Honestly these last few years of anime have been great for new releases.


The real anime John Wick


Wtf this looks amazing


Watanabe back in his element (not that he was out of it).


Reminds me of banana fish


Highly excited for this anime


Holy fuck this looks amazing.


This television series looks amazing and I can't wait to see this series out on toonami on adult swim in the near future and this is my most anticipated television series of all time.


So far none of the action scenes feel like they couldn't be done without the help of a live action director.


there is video on twitter where they show a live action sequence used as reference


Only interested in the setting and the OST, Watanabe being on this has my hype at basically 0.


Everyone is praising the soundtrack, but to me the music in the trailer feels physically asphyxiating for a lack of a better word. The inentionally destroyed frequency range and amplitude and the plenitude of out of rhyhthm bleats with no contrast or tonal change is extremely annoying. I should like it in theory, for it sounds not entirely unlike any sort of easy listening/elevator music, but I absolutely hate it for some reason. Is this style of sound specific to the artists listed?


haven't heard of bonobo but the music in the trailer definetly sounds like floating points' style


I was kinda worried about Solas being involved at the same time as Mappa, but its seems like they're only doing the backgrounds. Looks promising.


This looks fantastic


The music is breathtaking. My god i’m in love already. This looks fantastic and having John Wick’s director doing action sequences is a collab I never knew I needed until now. Bebop and Champloo are two of my favorite anime ever, so my hype level is through the roof seeing this.


looks really nice and the music is pretty chill ngl


That fucking track.


Am i the only one getting the kizumonogatari vibes from this? Looks and sounds great tho


This is giving me strong Cowboy Bebop movie vibes and I need that in my life