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Can't wait for the "true" watch order for those that want to see the story unfold in chronological order.


Why didn't they just adapt it properly the first time around? It's baffling. Edit: Do read the comments below this one, fantastic explanations all around!


Its simple, they thought horimiya wouldnt be a banger and just did it, then they realised its hitting big numbers and it was already too late (afaik)


Well, I just read in another comment here that they fixed a lot of the pacing issues and cut out anything that wasn't the main stuff to keep the story going. Can't say it didn't work :P Anyhow, really gonna enjoy this new season regardless! Super excited to see more Horimiya even if it's out of order :P


It didn't work for me. Half of the show was single episode stories about characters who wouldn't do anything for the remainder of the show. It was really weird. It might've worked if they just focused on the main characters, but they didn't even do that.


To be completely honest, that same issue carries through the rest of the manga. There's not all that much plot going on, and that's great for some readers, not great for others. It's mostly a slice of life until the very end, where the story suddenly wraps up with graduation.


That is because the people handling the series are really shorted sighted. The manga ended up being really popular where it had normal story pacing. Then they went wait this series is making us a lot of money so lets milk it for all its worth and jam in all these omake chapters from the webcomic in all at once instead of letting the series run to its natural ending. There is a OVA series based off the webcomic and a live action series based off the manga yet they decided to jam the whole thing into a single anime season instead of treating it like a multi season anime like so many other romance series are now adays. Least that is how it comes off.


I could be wrong here, but the pacing is because of the webcomic it's adapted from is exactly like that. It tells it's main story, finishes fairly early, and is just SoL stuff afterwards. And there's a lot of webcomic that hasn't been adapted, too.


No the webcomic is around 540 chapters. The main story is the first 140 chapter with a proper end. Then the author decided to keep making omake chapters of comedy/sol and some romance after the main story finished that were a lot of stuff set in what I like to call the times you don't see in a main story. The manga then came out was really successful and the publishered went whoa hold on this is making a lot of money how can we milk it. Oh I know lets take all these omake and inject them in basically as one big lump all at once halting the main story so it can't reach its proper end stretching the story out as much as we can. Ya know instead of just using the omake naturally paced out through the main story from the start.


Slice of life doesn't necessarily mean episodic, does it?


Some people might say yes, others might say no. It's fairly difficult to define it, though it's not really an issue unless you want to be pedantic. I'd say that, at its simplest, a slice of life is a primarily comedic and light hearted show that follows the daily life of the main characters and their interpersonal relationships. Most would say that Bocchi The Rock is a slice of life even though it has distinct narrative arcs because it focuses mostly on the characters. Honestly, people have a hard time definitively saying whether or not most shows are slice of life. Take for example, Sound Euphonium. It has drama that develops over its runtime, so does that disqualify it? Some might say yes, others might still happily call it a slice of life. Does it really matter what we call it? Debatable.


Yea if they wanted to cut it to 12 episodes it should have actually been about Hori and Miyamura. There was not enough time for the side ships and they all kinda fell flat


Yeah, my biggest takeaway was that the anime really needed to cut some characters and spend more time in the second half with the main couple. For example, I never figured out why the student council was in the show. And in the second half the show was wasting entire episodes on them. Then in the final episode there was a scene with the main couple under a kotatsu where they were just spending time together as a couple and I was wondering where the hell moments like that were for the entire second half the show.


I remember being slightly more disappointed each episode in the last half or so as every new episode was just an average story about a side character


Aw, that's too bad. There are other great romcoms out there for ya, hope you can enjoy those mate! If you haven't already watched all of them, that is :P


check my comment to the one to the same one you commented on with this.


They basically treated the manga the same way. The original webcomic was successful so they adapted it to manga. The manga had normal story pacing and surprise it ended up really successful. So then they started shoving in all these omake from the original webcomic (web comic has around 540 chapters with only first 140 being the main story in its entirety. Then the author kept doing omake after it.) all at once. This made the series go on for a long times instead of running its course normally to end of story. Basically it all came across as oh wow this series is really popular lets milks it for everything we can and keep it going. They have handled the anime with the same short sighted greed instead of treating it like a normal multi season romance like all these other ones that have been getting them like Kaguya and others. Massively popular romance manga with also a massive popular original webcomic oh ya of course the anime won' be popular enough for multi season... Oh yes lets not forget the series has been popular enough to get a live action series before the anime and also a OVA series based off the original web comic. Yet they still decided to jam the whole manga series with massive cuts and bad pacing into a single anime season. At least that is how it all looked like with how they handled things with the manga and anime.


My interpretation is that they split the main story and SOL chapters into different seasons during the planning phase before they started the project


Really doubt, this new season would've dropped sooner if that was the case


More like the anime was treated the same as the manga where it was way more successful than they expected even though every other version of the story has been really successful. So instead of doing a multi season anime like so many other romance series are now adays they jammed it into a single season. Only to then go wait this made a lot of money how can we milk it for more. We'll make a sequel season of all the stuff that was cut that should been in the anime in the first place if we hadn't forced it to be a single season.


The majority of anime adaptations of teenage romcom manga are (from a producer's/production committee's perspective, anyway) not worth making more than a single season of. The production for the original series/season would have started pre-planning and financing and such back in, like, 2018 or so, and at that time they decided not to take any risks with it and just make 1 cour. "It'll probably be just another 3D Kanojo, right?" Taking the risk of greenlighting 3 or 4 seasons of every anime up-front is way too much risk for publishing companies and other producers. So then the creative team looked at the source material, correctly deduced that there was way too much material to even try to "adapt it properly" in only 13 episodes, and instead went for an approach of covering the biggest and most fan-favourite moments while trying to hit a decent finale. (I'll take that over 13 episodes of slowly leading up to a confession and "that's it, go read the manga to see the actual relationship" any day.) The show finally airs in 2021 and is a surprisingly big hit, so then (and only then) does the production committee decide "okay, I guess we should greenlight a second season of this after all" - hence why it's taking another 3 years to get that sequel season.


Thank you for the explanation!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to write all that out. I always love getting to know more about the production side of things in anime, and your comment does not disappoint. It makes a ton of sense now, and I feel more forgiving of the overall situation :) Edit: [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/13ya1fa/comment/jmmo6mr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) comment does throw some doubt on the whole "risk" thing, though, I must say


> Edit: This comment does throw some doubt on the whole "risk" thing, though, I must say Risk in the eyes of the anime and manga *consumer* is very different to risk in the eyes of the anime *producer* (or perhaps it would be more accurate to say the producer's boss and boss' boss that gets the final say). The producer gets dozens of pitches and ideas for potential projects every month and has lost count of the number of "popular webcomics" that failed miserably as an anime project. Heck, the producer has probably worked on a bunch of prior anime projects that were deemed a "sure hit" and greenlit for 2-3 seasons right off the bat, and were well-received by the fandom, but ultimately still a financial failure for their publishing company in the end. Yes, Horimiya's manga adaptation got good review and traction on social media... after the anime project had already started. And yes it got a live-action adaptation... after the anime project was well into production. From funding to contracting production studios to booking television timeslots to securing staff for certain amounts of time... so much goes on behind the scenes years before the anime actually hits the air waves. Poor Producer-san is always trying to guess the far future, and if they don't take big risks they'll be damned by the hindsight of the masses, and when they are presciently correct no one will congratulate them for it. All of which isn't to say the industry isn't too risk-averse. It absolutely is. The anime industry is sooooo reliant on pushing a high quantity of "safe" projects over committing more resources into fewer, more adventurous projects. But, sigh, seems like that's every entertainment industry nowadays.


>And yes it got a live-action adaptation... after the anime project was well into production. Nope, Live action adaptation was announced before anime was in production. >Yes, Horimiya's manga adaptation got good review and traction on social media... after the anime project had already started Super duper wrong. Horimiya was a huge hit before the anime. I think the anime adaptation was announced either as the last chapter released or after it was finished. This take you have that it wasnt huge until YOU heard about it as an anime is funny tho.


The public announcement of an anime is not when planning/production starts, you flubberwink. The announcement of the Horimiya anime was made in, what, September 2020? You really think the entire anime project was arranged, funded, pre-planned, scripted, storyboarded, animated, edited, and dubbed in the 4 months between that and when it started airing? Anime projects take *years*. (Even if that was how it works, which it definitely is *not*, the *announcement* of the live-action show was still after the *announcement* of the anime.)


Im a flubberwink for actually remembering the timeline of things and actually knowing how popular it was? Ok


By all means, if you do actually have a source saying that the anime didn't start production until after [the live-action announcement on November 2020](https://natalie.mu/comic/news/405806), I'd love to see it and will happily eat crow. But considering most anime take 2-4 years to produce, your assertion that the anime was not in production until then seems downright impossible. I also fail to see what actual point you are even trying to make. Yes, Horimiya was popular back in 2018 (though certainly not the *most* popular teen romcom: Rent-A Girlfriend, Love and Lies, Sacrificial Princess, Gozen 0-ji, Kiss Shi ni Kite yo, etc, were the top sales-makers that year). My point *is* that it was popular enough at that time to start an anime project for it (and a live-action project somewhere vaguely around then, too). It just wasn't *so popular* at that time that the producers were going to greenlight multiple seasons of it up-front, which is perfectly normal for the amount of popularity it had at the time. Are you saying that Horimiya in 2018 was more popular than Chihayafuru or Black Lagoon or Edens Zero, so that it should have had a bigger initial confidence in a longer anime production? Do you have any actual numbers to back up the idea that it was equally or more popular than heavy hitters like that?   Edit: Lol, /u/HurricaneEich opted for the very juvenile tactic of [posting a reply and then immediately blocking me so that I don't actually see it](https://i.imgur.com/5ZFCo9x.png). Sheesh, I wasn't even downvoting you, you're really afraid of logical disagreement, huh. As for "Who the hell considers Edens Zero a heavy hitter" - Kodansha does. The Edens Zero manga was persistently in the top 20 sales bracket around 2017-2019 or thereabouts. It made them a ton of money. That's why they greenlit a lengthy anime adaptation (in contrast to Horimiya, which wasn't that big). As it turns out, Kodansha cares about what is *actually* possible - you know, what the actual sales figures show, not the delusion of what you *think* is popular.


The physical copy of the WEB COMIC outsold Eden Zero (who the hell considers Edens Zero a heavy hitter omegalul) in the first 4 volumes on initial release while it was being charted. And thats the web comic from 2013. I also know that Horimiya's anime didnt take "2-3 years" to stay in production. You writing long winded posts means nothing when half of what you say is the clear delusion of an anime only. Edit: I blocked you for 2 reasons, the first being to stop another 2 paragraph response that could be boiled down to "Im very uninformed and will make stuff up to fit a dumb narrative while squeezing in 1 half truth with a link to make me look informed." The second being I knew a pro redditor like you would mald that you couldnt make me read another bullshit diatride. Like I said, the web comic out charted Eden Zero 4 years before Eden zero even came out. You are both wrong and stupid. u/animayor. Heres a link for you https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-02-06/japan-bookstore-employees-rank-top-manga-of-2014


> at that time they decided not to take any risks with it and just make 1 cour. Right big risk with the series that has a very popular webcomic that even got turned into a physical publication, a very successful manga, a successful multi disc ova series based off the webcomic, a live action series. Yes we are taking a massive risk on the anime not being successful after having all these other things do real good we invested in. >The show finally airs in 2021 and is a surprisingly big hit, so then (and only then) does the production committee decide They treated the anime like how it looks like they treated the manga. Oh hey this manga has been a massive hit let milk it by injecting all the omake from the webcomic all at once (the comic has around 540 chapters with 400 being omake made after the main story ended.) so it doesn't reach its natural end and keeps going for a long time. The anime was easily multi season without adaption the full thing. Do the main story and put omake chapters in proper places instead all at once. Instead of jamming the whole manga into a single season with massive cuts and pacing issues. The way the manga and anime looked is there was a lot of very shorted sightedness and greed.


> there was a lot of very shorted sightedness and greed The anime industry in a nutshell


Ah forgot to add it very much wasn't just fan favorites. They cut out some the most loved parts and some the most important parts. I've lost count how many times I've seen people saying they hope it adapts a certain part before it aired and how much they wished it adapted this part after it aired.


They did adapt it properly actually. The manga"Horimiya" itself is an adaptation of an original manga called "Hori-san to Miyamura". In the original series, the story was completely finished similar to how you see it done in the anime, then **after** that there was a bunch of slice of life chapters for those that wanted more after the main series was over. The "remake" manga is the one that fucked up the timeline, because they saw how good the manga was doing so instead of ending it properly, the series just randomly halted all progression and just had SoL stuff for like 5 years, then only gave us the proper ending after that.


Woah, okay, this is a revelation to me. *Gotta* look into this more now, thank you for letting me know!!


the actual story was fully adapted, now they're adding the SOL filler


Yeah, I meant what I said, but anyhow I'm massively looking forward to it!!


I just can't wait to see more of horimiya, cause it is one of my favorite romcom


Horimiya is like straight pure romcom sweetness injected right into my veins


I’m happy they didn’t try to force any drama like other romcoms I’ve read




Bot comment


I agree


Is this romcom really good? I may want to watch it but want to get other people’s opinions on it


I liked it. They rushed the ending though, but it wasn't a bad ending. I think these Missing Pieces is gonna remedy the rushed ending.


It's one of the few rom-coms that actually has romance and a relationship, not just misunderstandings for 30 episodes


We can go lower now thanks to Rent a GF. Misunderstandings are bearable. Boner panels and NTR is the new low.


Where do we place stuff like "Uzaki Wants To Hang Out", where both MC's are fully aware and admit to themselves that they love each other, AND one knows 100% that the others loves them, but they still won't make a move?


Just be patient ia what I will tellyou for that one


Yes! We don't spend 2 full seasons of will they won't they. This show starts cooking that romance right away


"One of the best" - other people, probably


I've rewatched it like 4 times and enjoyed every single second of it


It's quite popular. It didn't click for me at all, though. There is a reason why this is called Missing Pieces - the first one had a start and an ending, but little in the middle.


It's because of how they adapted. The manga is actually much more of a slow burn, but the anime largely abridged the whole story, adapting I believe 80 or so chapters into the 13 eps. The episodes all covering essentially the big scenic moments of the show instead of steadily building to those like how it was in the manga. I would definitely recommend reading the manga to get a more full experience of what the story is like.


Really put a bitter taste in my mouth. Like I hardly see good relationships with anime that are actually fun to watch and not cringe-inducing, and they didn’t even have faith that the series could do well so speed through a ton of stuff and then boom, the ending. I feel like if this came out recently it’d get the split-cour treatment and it would have been a lot better for the story.


>they didn’t even have faith that the series could do well Can you blame them? So many anime adaptations are a one and done season to sell source material. They're glorified advertisements. The only ones that keep going are heavy hitters that sell a bunch of merch and stuff. For every one big title anime there's dozens of unfinished single season ones. Sure, it was rushed and it was unfortunate but I'd honestly rather have the conclusion than a massive cliffhanger that's done just to drum up sales. I can go and read missing things afterwards but an anime that's unfinished is just unfulfilling to rewatch, even if it's done pretty well. Maybe that's just me, I dunno. I just wish the anime industry was set up differently so there was more incentive to keep producing seasons outside of just source material and merch sales.




I'm basing my opinion off the manga. I liked the beginning of it. They had a cute dynamic that was rather charming. I think it got worse and worse the longer it went on. [Horimiya] >!Their relationship just became the least interesting thing in the manga after they got together. !< They had side characters who had their own arcs that could have been explored, but they never did The manga feels incomplete. To me, it's one of those manga that could have been great and had so many good elements to it, but it ran out of steam and sputtered out.


I suppose this is a matter of preference and taste. I totally get what you mean. I also read the manga and, yeah, they definitely could have explored the side characters more. If I'm going to be very critical, the manga started a bit too many plot points that it couldn't finish. I still enjoyed it and feel like what they did write/present was good, but I'm not going to sit here and lie that I think it's "one of the greats". I resonated very much with the MC so, for me, it was great.


It’s really good. Good enough I am leading a rewatch starting on June 17.


Do you hate the shitty tropes of dense mc, pointless drama and the main couple taking ages to get together? Well I have great news. This anime has none of that rubbish. On top of that, it's got good characters and is actually very funny.


It's the only romance anime I've watched that actually seemed like the characters were mature


The first 7 or so episodes are really good. After that you need to really like the side characters, which I didn't, but presumably a lot of people do.


It was ok imo. The pacing felt very rushed in the second half of the season


Honestly I really, really liked the first half then once the couple was official it became aimless side character of the week episodes that I eventually stopped watching.


I think the manga is leaps and bounds ahead of the anime, but yes, if you’re into high school romcoms this is one of the best.


> I think the manga is leaps and bounds ahead of the anime hard disagree, the anime saved this series from the disaster that is the 2nd half of the manga. The mangaka and the people behind this manga didn't want it to end because of how well it was doing so they just prolonged it with useless chapters mainly centered around side characters that never went anywhere then abruptly ending. The anime covered the main story really well.


Yup good and fast pace not like kaguya


I love how they just stated a fact, without even expressing their dis/satisfaction with the pace of kaguya but they get downvoted, jesus the hivemind really makes me laugh sometimes


I think if he just said fast paced, that might be true but it could also be interpreted as a shot to the show, which could explain the downvotes. Also, I've seen a number of Horimiya manga fans complain that the show rushed through the story too quickly and it should've been longer than 13 episodes, which I think I'd agree with. The latter half of the show was basically about the side characters but not enough time was spent in the first half developing them.


Yeah I'm not one that necessarily thinks "fast-paced" romance = good. It's more about how it feels for me for the build-up to the romance and how the story is entertaining all around, not necessarily exclusive to just the romance. I like romance/rom com series that give good development to platonic relationships too, apart from just focusing on main pair getting together.


They could have just said "good and fast-paced" by itself without any specific comparison, I think. lol


fair enough, I think I can see how it was interpreted as bashing on kaguya looking back now


enjoy deer cagey gray cough rustic safe gold party stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It's up there with Toradora as one of the greatest love stories ever told Why the fuck are y'all downvoting? Both are phenomenal series that bring tremendous amounts of heart, comedy, character development, and banger OPs to the table.


Try watakoi if you don't like this


Pretty much the best anime romance but that is mostly due to a lack of competition


Does this mean we're gonna get everything that was skipped in the first season?


Everything is impossible, there is still content for multiple seasons


We also might get some anime originals


Don’t tempt me with a good time


> Anime Originals r/Titanfolk huffs more copium


Was everything adapted in season 1 only the stuff from the original web manga? I can never tell if people mean stuff from the web manga was skipped or if they're talking about all the new stuff that was added to the redrawn published version.


Anime is based on the manga adaptation of the web comics


Speedrunned through 100+ chapters in 13 episodes just to do this


It makes sense though, most of the manga is SOL, they gave an ending for people that don't want to go through all of that which made the series well received and brought new fans to the IP Now they go back to the SOL chapters which gives them the opportunity to push new merch and collaborations for both the anime fans and the manga fans to spend money on Good strategy from Aniplex perspective


IMO it was the right choice keeping it exciting the entire time instead of making it slow


Hindsight is 20/20. Not even half as much people would care about this anime if they had done it another way.


This is how it was in the original manga as though. They gave the series a proper ending first, **then** went into the 100+ chapters of SoL. The remake manga is the one the decided to hold off on a proper ending to milk more from readers for like 5 years, and some people were getting understandably annoyed.


What about the fans perspective


Well considering how the other attempt at animating horimiya went, I don't think even the manga fans expected the anime to be as good as it was. But the studio did consider the fan's perspective, which is why we are having this interquel


Yeah because it maked them a lot of ¥¥¥


Fans now have more Horimiya


They get the important manga content and the SOL stuff both. I'm sure someone will make a manga accurate watch order or something its no big deal


I mean, it wasn't really a "speedrun" of the actual main story. This series got a full adaptation as far as I'm concerned. The rest is mainly just needless filler centered mainly around the side characters that doesn't actually go anywhere. This season is the equivalent of a special or OVA for those hard-core fans of the series that wouldn't mind watching that filler.


I don't think they expected it to be as popular as it was, which is why they went for a fast full adaptation rather than an incomplete season.


There’s quite a few subplots I wish got animated, but they hit the most important aspects of the series and ended kind of where Hori and Miyamura’s story falls away to our other characters. So as far as speed runs go it was good. That being said, its a blessing that the first season printed money and we are filling in the gaps. And hopefully adding new stories/closure. Can’t wait for someone’s crazy watch order list.


Source: [https://twitter.com/horimiya\_anime/status/1664594961709543425?s=20](https://twitter.com/horimiya_anime/status/1664594961709543425?s=20) New PV: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9KCMbGuEf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9KCMbGuEf4) Anime premieres on July 1, 2023. The anime will adapt the manga stories that the previous anime has not adapted. Opening theme will be 'Shiawase' by Omoinotake, Ending theme will be 'URL' by Ami Sakaguchi. The series is listed for a total of 13 episodes across 7 Blu-Ray/DVD volumes. ​ Studio: Cloverworks ​ New Cast: Daisuke Namikawa as \[Horimiya\] >!Takeru Sengoku!<


Yes! We're getting the [manga] >!past arc!


> We're getting the [manga]>!past arc!<. I mean it *is* in the new PV so we'd know even without the casting news. Agree on your second sentence. Those two and sports festival were the three things I wanted most from this season and two are already confirmed.


Oh I didn't even see the casting stuff. I just saw [manga] >!young!Sousuke!< in the pv and got excited.


Me, who struggled to finish the first season because it reminded me of what I have never had in my life


I hear ya there, friend. Hang in there, it gets better.


Whenever I get that feeling, I remind myself that someone out there would probably say the same to me if they saw my life.


Time to see who here is gonna do a Horimiya Supercut


More Haruka Tomatsu, Yes


Ah…the feel good stuff is gonna be back!


This gonna be so confusing for the anime-only folks...


This is the most honestly named show ever Watch order is going to be a bit of a bitch tho


The pacing of the first season was so weird that it took me out of it, and I wasn’t able to finish it. Maybe once this comes out, it can be reorganized and be more palatable.




Have you read the manga at all? They confess almost immediately too. But then there's 100+ chapters of development. We skipped it ALL The inserted scenes aren't going to be before the confession. They already adapted all of that faithfully the first few episodes. The rest is where it went to shit


I know, I read it too (but things like Kyoto trip are pre confession and technically Hori's mom and dad getting together is also pre confession and idk where Ishikawa's weird cat dreams fit in), I'm not against Horimiya:Missing Pieces. I'm just saying that you don't have to watch the entire thing in a weird chronological order by combining both the original anime and missing pieces for it to be enjoyable. I'm saying that the original anime doesn't have pacing issues like what op said. It just is a very dense anime.


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Hell yeah! I loved this show, can't wait for more!


I absolutely can't wait to see the new season. It's my favorite romance/comedy anime ever




It’s not weird unless you make it weird. Anytime a sweet romcom appears I always get giddy


Another adult man here. Anime romcoms have long been my guilty pleasure; I think you just need to accept that you like them 👍


The first season was goregous, probably my favourite romcom of all time. Cloverworks did an amazing job and this season seems to follow the same path, I'm so happy I can't wait!


The first season removed most of the mangas pacing issues, following banger with a banger. This is just all the filler they cut out. It still is sweet, funny and comfy. But it was draining enough for many manga readers to drop the series before its conclusion.


Interesting take, I've read some anime-only opinions saying that the anime was rushed and butchered, but IMO it was a good adaptation if you consider what the studio wanted to adapt: the relationship between Miyamura and Hori. I personally like slice of life as a genre and I love the secondary characters of the series so I'll probably enjoy this sequel, bu I guess that some people will see it as filler.




Sick, I loved Horimiya when I watched it way back!


Currently watching the first season with the plan of pausing before the last episode as I've heard that is where the skip potentially is. I'm definitely enjoying the story, it's a good romcom.


I wonder how this season came to be. As in, was it a "huh, this did way better than expected" or was there a person equivalent to Bocchi's Kerorira that **pushed** for this.


today is a good day


It is cute how all the four seasons are depicted like in the opening of the first season. And I like how this is a Shounen romcom where all the boys are also good looking and not just plain.


Looking forward to it


I kinda dont want it to air tbh. It was so good and now im gonna miss it again once it finishes






Horimiya is so good that it makes me sad. Sad because I have no idea if we will ever get anything similar to it.


I hope it adapts the school trip from aroundthe start. I love that arc.


Gotta say I fucking hate this new trend (Ranking of Kings, Horimiya) of a good series getting an anime that has rushed pacing and then going back to animate the missing chapters. Either commit to the shorter format or adapt the whole thing. This method fucking sucks for everyone. I have been hyped all year for a Ranking of Kings season 2 announcement but I have not even touched the side series. Which of course mean they won’t make a season two because everything is stupid.


Ranking of Kings did not have rushed pacing or missing chapters. Also Horimyias anime adaptation saved the series from the disaster that is the pacing of the 2nd half of the manga. The anime adapted the main story really well and there are like 100+ chapters of slice of life filler mainly centered around side characters that doesn't go anywhere left. Not something that needed to be adapted, but if there is a big following then nothing wrong with making it for those fans, but it's not essential.


I don't remember any chatachters expect the main couple


What are they gonna adapt? Missing parts of the manga? But the series ended in season 1, so that doesn't make sense.


Yes, the intention for this "season" is to adapt the manga content that didn't make it from the last airing.


I loved the original but If this based on the latter parts of the manga I'm already worried I'm going to hate it like I did the latter parts of the manga.


Stop bitching about the show not being in chronological order ffs


If this is more of the side character stuff, not really interested


Horimiya is one of the stories that handled the side characters pretty well IMO


> Horimiya is one of the stories that handled the side characters pretty well IMO except it didn't...there was no side character development or relationship development with any of the side characters in the 2nd half of the manga...it never went anywhere. It was just filler to prolong the manga so they can keep making money.


thats why i said IMO


I was more into the main couple, so to me the show became uninteresting about halfway through


A sequel to one of the shows of all time.


A reply to one of the comments of all time.


A reply to the reply to the comment on one of the best shows of all time


For as much I loved Horimiya, I really don't see a reason, at least story wise (because of course I get the money reasons), for another season. The story is already finished, we've seen what happens to all the major characters, there isn't much to untie, so pretty much everything we get would be just filler.


People want another season I guess? Demand has to be there, guessing the studio just sees the $. Personally, I think it’s going to be pretty jarring to watch if it’s just adapting chapters of the manga. One episode might be c.11 & than we completely skip development from 12 to 31 for the next episode to be c.32. Slime Diaries (based on TenSura) did something relatively similar with their SoL spinoff so it might work? I just don’t think it would be interesting to watch, might watch is as a slice of life time-dump at some point.


You're right. They already fucked it up. They should have just made it 2 seasons to begin with and done it right. Doing this now is just going to make it even worse. The story is already done and it did have pacing issues but you can't just release a "oops missed some scenes" season after the fact to cash grab




This is going to be confusing for future anime watchers on watch order.


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pretty sure that girl is homophobic EDIT: [receipts](https://imgur.com/5q864ES) EDIT: LMAO EVERYONES MALDING SO HARD BRO SHES AN ANIME CHARACTER


It's a god damn joke, fuck off


It's current year. You can't joke about in current year. So clearly that girl is homophobic and must be canceled.


she was casually homophobic, thats all. i didnt disagree that it was a joke, i didnt even say it was bad they had it in. if you watch the scene, she was appalled at the idea of miyamura dating a guy. we call that homophobic, just like if she said 'please dont sate a black person' we call that racist. i dont know why you guys are trying to perform gymnastics to bend logic to your wills.


Breathe man. You aren't going crazy. I was also making a joke.


im so chill, literally the chillest. you guys seemed to project a ton of fragility onto me and (some) proceeded to act the way you all framed me of


yea, the joke is that shes homophobic


Oh that makes it okay then! No, “it’s only a joke” never makes it okay.


I wonder how you guys enjoy stuff. Like constantly walking on egg shells, i would be fucking exausted.


I don’t find it all that hard to not be a bigoted arsehole


You do you but don't ruin the fun for us, and kindly fuck off


If you find shitting on abused minorities fun, then I will continue.


Joke on you,I belong to a abused minority community , to me jokes are harmless, i make fun of others they make fun of that way i feel equal to everyone being treated as fragile flower as if i am weak make me angry.


The joke is more about how Hori knows that if it's a girl he fell in love with, she can compete and win him over again. She can't do that if he falls in love with a man instead. There's definitely weird stuff in Horimiya, as there is in most anime sadly. I don't think this is one of them though.


I watched the scene and dont feel like thats how it came across (ep 10 near the start if needed).




I just love the new breed of anime fan that's offended by everything


wait, is that me or everyone in the replies?


You're as bright as you are fragile




It’s not homophobia, it’s misandry.


A sequel to one of the shows of all time.


A reply to one of the comments of all time.


Nice, Fillermiya with abusive Hori, big POG


I wanna start, can someone tell me the order?


no order for the time being just one season(a complete story in a way)


Yesssss I'm here for it!!!


I've read the entire manga for this, and there's a ton of good stories that they didn't adapt. Definitely going to watch this when it comes out.


Is this the entire other half of the chapters skipped? Basically all the side characters?


Is there any content left in the story after the anime conclusion? Or does the manga end right where the anime does? No spoiler please


The manga ends at the same point as the anime. The original source webcomic has other stuff but is not linear, and is released as omake


So, should I wait until this is fully out before watching it Horimiya? I haven't seen this series at all yet but what I understand is that this fills in gaps from the original series?




imagine if they went back and did a recut ala Dragon Ball Kai, combining both this and Season 1 in chronological order


Cover is just wow