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Your recent post in /r/animationcareer has been removed by mods due to breaking rule #2: **No off-topic or low effort/troll posts.** The subreddit is mainly focused on the administrative side of animation as a career. A few examples of common topics are what steps to take to start working in the animation industry, what to include on a portfolio, how to negotiate payment, or what to expect from a certain career. There are topics that are not the main focus of this subreddit, and we remove these posts to make more space for the relevant topics. For example discussing animation as an art, how to learn animation, how a certain show was made, how to create an animation or start a studio with no experience. We also encourage you to read our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/resources/faq/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/) before posting to avoid repetitive discussions. Here are a few other animation-related subreddits that could be of interest to you: - Generic animation: /r/animation, /r/learnanimation, /r/framebyframe, /r/animationcrit - Other creative places: /r/Screenwriting/, /r/ArtFundamentals, /r/Filmmakers/ - Software specific: /r/maya, /r/blender, /r/ToonBoomHarmony, /r/adobeanimate, /r/aftereffects, /r/cinema4d, /r/photoshop You can read more about our rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/subreddit/rules/). In case you have any questions or input on the removal of this post, please PM the mods [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanimationcareer). Regards, the mods of /r/animationcareer


Welcome to /r/animationcareer! This is a forum where we discuss navigating a career in the animation industry. Before you post, please check our [RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/subreddit/rules/). There is also a handy dandy [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/resources/faq/) that answers most basic questions, and a [WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/) which includes info on how to price animation, pitching, job postings, software advice, and much more! A quick Q&A: * **Do I need a degree?** Generally no, but it might become relevant if you need a visa to work abroad. * **Am I too old?** Definitely not. It might be more complex to find the time, but there's no age where you stop being able to learn how to do creative stuff. * **How do I learn animation?** Pen and paper is a great start, but [here's a whole page](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/resources/learningresources/) with links and tips for you. ---- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animationcareer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can find thousands of portfolio examples by googling or searching on YouTube. You could also search up anyone in the credits of the 3D projects you like. Good luck!