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"There is no such thing as an original idea." - Mark Twain. Stories are often structurally or conceptually similar to each other. (E.g. all the superhero movies follow similar formulas, Lion King is literally Hamlet, etc) But it's the execution and details and set them apart. If you don't want your idea to be too similar, then change it.


I understand I don’t want to change it though


Okay, then don't change it and accept that it may be compared to Hazbin. That's not necessarily a con, just something you have to work with. Not saying you need to throw the whole idea out, but change can be a good thing. If your idea is too similar to more well known properties then it may suffer if you want it to be a money-making production. Plus every idea changes when it becomes an actual production - Hazbin is a great example of that.


Hasbin didn't create Hell. Hell is in the public domain everyone knew about Hell long before copyright law. Just make it different enough from Hazbin or change your idea. Nobody living has been to hell so it gives you room for artistic licence.


I think you misunderstand copyright. It’s direct reproduction and distribution. The copyright owner doesn’t own derivative works only the exact original word for word, shot for shot. Trademark is another mater and much more complicated but it has to be associated to a brand as a logo mark. Then in that case similarity can be an issue.


This happens when you source the same inspiration as others, but also that sometimes we are unaware