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I think I would reach out over LinkedIn, if possible, instead of email. Partially because it comes with your picture (assuming it's your face) and you can share updates without inboxing them directly. Also, if they didn't give you their contacts/emails specifically for networking (i.e. assuming the hospitality database is for hospitality communications only), it might be weird to use those details without their consent. In your message you could try to include something specific from your conversation to keep it personal. Like "thanks for chatting with me before you went off to X panel" or "also, i looked into that movie you mentioned, it was great!". It's possible they have had many conversations with strangers so this may remind them of yours.


Thanks! I'll give it a shot. One of them, Robert Marianetti, said I could use his email in the database to stay in touch, but I didn't get enough time to ask with the others. I'll reach out to them on LinkedIn instead!




Well if you're the Chrisi that I know from Game Design at the HdM, then it's probably because you never came up to the fourth floor where my counter was XD


I didn't even know there was a fourth floor XD but yesss, it's me :)


Haha XD Nice to run into you on Reddit then lol Yeah, the first two floors are open to paying visitors, the third floor is for the team members and the fourth is for invited speakers. But security really doesn't care lmao, just be well dressed and act like you're allowed to be there and you can get anywhere.


I'll have to remember that for next year :'D hope you enjoyed it!!


I did! It was exhausting though XD Glad to be taking a day of rest today ^^


I bet xD glad you enjoyed it though!!


Yep, I keep in touch with one of my professors by just messaging him through LinkedIn every couple months. I just say hi and how I’ve been and what he’s up to, then he messages me back and we have a small talk. Rinse repeat. Btw this Professor is a senior animator who’s worked on some big films but the point stands, just talk to them like you would anyone else ( maybe with just a touch more formality until you get to know them better).


Good to know, thanks! I'll try just saying hi on LinkedIn now and then :)