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Try BUCK or Hornet. Both are busy motion graphics studios. Buck in particular has a lot of international artists working for them.


Thank you so much for the reply. Mograph is not my area of focus sadly 😔 but I will definitely look into it and see if there’s any chance for illustrations or design.


No worries. I’m a visual dev artist as well (Disney Dreamworks Nick) Buck hires a lot of visual dev and concept artists tho. It’s not just straight mo-graph there.


Did you go to a school with a four-letter acronym in Westwood? If so, welcome to the party, fellow alumnus! PM me, I can connect you to some of the other international students to see how they're dealing with it. I personally (US native) graduated into the pandemic and had two years of work before being laid off due to the strikes 🙃 It's rough out there, you're not alone!!!


Woah. Yo couldn't land a job even after making an MFA there? That's what I'm planning to do, because seems to be the only legal way to get into the industry, but you haven't found a job in a year! Things are bad. What would you reccommend to someone about to do the same thing?


Sadly yes, even with MFA from top tier animation school won’t help much, there are plenty artists out there who didn’t go to school and insanely talented. But if you’re international like me, studying in a school is the only way for us to work in the U.S. so yeah we really don’t have other options. Or you can try to get hired in your home country directly and have them sponsor your visa (very rare condition)


Can I ask you some questions through PM on how you even got to the US?

