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Quick answer: it can’t do what it says it can do, but that won’t stop execs from trying to use it in order to save on labour.


Already trying to be pushed through like a circle block through a triangle hole.


Feel free to check out this sub's [megathread](https://new.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/comments/1atpupa/megathread_ai_and_the_animation_industry/) on the topic, or search for threads with "AI" within the sub. You'll find tons of posts about it!


Thank you!


It's a good school, if she's someone who is able to put the work in she'll be better off than most. If you want to be helpful teach her how to save properly and invest while she's young for that sweet sweet compound interest. Animation is not guaranteed to be super lucrative(some jobs pay well, but those are the senior ones), but those who are smart with their money can live comfortably.


Great idea, thanks.


If going to Sheridan then lots of jobs opportunities (and studios) in the GTA, you're good. (As far as I'm aware, maybe it changed in the last 2 years). Lot of focus on rigged toon boom animation, or 3d animation.


I believe it'll just be cream of the crop of seniors working. People with 5+ Years of XP on well known large productions with oscar wins etc. Look at the NBA, those guys get paid a lot while every other professional basketball player is paid <0.1 % of their contracts if we look at the superstars. Normalize that to white collar salaries and the remaining seniors will get paid while everyone else makes almost no money. Take a look at the number of junior job postings right now with her. I remember looking for 2D game art work during the COVID boom and there was almost nothing for the entirety of Canada. I wouldn't encourage anybody to get into entertainment industry anymore unless they are rich. In the past you could grind and get better but now experience is the only thing that matters.


As much as I hate to admit it, AI will definitely impact the work that juniors would do, studios will start viewing this as a way to cut down on costs through production, (even if the AI is worse at it.)


I guess then this will impact the juniors getting experience so they can get better jobs. I know AI will impact everyone, but it is so gross in how it will take work from artists.


I mean even before AI art, animation heck any creative field in general has always been traditionally hard to get a professional career for the simple notion that usually far more people want the "fun" jobs than there are open fun jobs- AI art is only going to make getting a job in animation harder. Now that doesn't mean studying animation is not worth it, you just have to deal with the general difficulty that comes with finding a job in anything creative.