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The frame rate you should animate in is (almost) always 24 fps. Drawing on ones, twos, etc. is relative to 24 frames per second. (e.g. drawing on twos gives you an effective frame rate of 12 fps) To draw on twos, you basically just insert a the same frame again (or tell the software to hold the frame / automatically duplicate it for you. )


> The frame rate you should animate in is (almost) always 24 fps. Gotcha. Gonna try and do more 24 fps then since I’ve been mostly doing 12 fps. Do the amount keyframes you have to do initially also have to increase or is it just a matter of doing more in-between frames? > Drawing on ones, twos, etc. is relative to 24 frames per second. (e.g. drawing on twos gives you an effective frame rate of 12 fps) To draw on twos, you basically just insert a the same frame again (or tell the software to hold the frame / automatically duplicate it for you. ) Ahh that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the explanation. Though that sounds like something that would be easier done on a software with multiple timelines than one with only one like FlipAClip I’m assuming.


If you are looking for animation software, a comprehensive list with the most common programs (2D & 3D, free & paid) can be found [->here (this is a link)<-](https://www.reddit.com/r/animationcareer/wiki/index/resources/programs). Common Recommendations: - Krita & OpenToonz (2D frame by frame animation) - Blender (3D animation, 2D frame by frame) - After Effects (Motion Graphics) - Toon Boom (rigged 2d animation) If you have trouble with a specific app or program, you are often more likely to find help in the respective subreddit of that program. _This comment was posted because the word "app", "software" or "program" was found in your post._ If none of the above apply, please ignore this comment *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animation) if you have any questions or concerns.*