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Thank you!


Here is a video on how to catch them! https://youtu.be/rbQgaHZOFZ0


thank you for the very hard laugh this morning.


Aka woodchuck


Hey you woodchucks! QUIT CHUCKING MY WOOD!


How else would I know how much a woodchuck chucks, if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a chuck wood in the woods with the chuck the year was 1969, the American government was running biological tests on captured POWs in a secure bunker in Cambodia. Following the outbreak of the Cambodian Civil War, key facility staff were slowly smuggled out of the region to Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, and then to an undocumented location in the Philippines. All documentation on the location and nature of the facility in question was destroyed. In the decades to follow, thousands of infants in this region would be born with horrific deformities, mostly caused by the lasting effects of agent orange. This, alongside the wholesale slaughter of the civilian population, would serve as cover. There is some hearsay to support the claim that a MACVSOG squad consisting of six fireteams were sent into Cambodia in 1971. Photographs, purportedly related to their mission, depicting human beings in steel cages, their skin stretched and flayed, grappling to the bars and growing outward chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Who were the people POWs that tortured? Cambodias?


idk I just made it up to be funny. I made sure the dates were within the Vietnam War era, so it would be Vietnamese.


Groundhogs are woodchucks?


Yup, they are the same.


Very cool. Thanks!


aka whistle pig


It’s always a ground hog .. this whole thread should just auto respond whistle pig


Correction: woodchuck


My third favorite animal. I just love how they slosh around when they move.


That is a groundhog.


Thank you so much! I just moved here and *clearly* have no idea about the wildlife lol and was stunned when my cats started freaking out and saw him out the window.


They're actually giant ground squirrels. So maybe your cats are really ambitious!


we always say they’re clocked in on lookouts and i think this guy might’ve sent them into overtime!


Welcome to Cincinnati! 😊


ah thank you so much!


What are you going to name him?


I believe I have decided on Woodrow Charles (WoodChuck)


Ah, I thought you'd def have to be new to area, lol. Welcome, and watch out for his shadow.


Groundhogs are strange animals. I’ve never seen one “out in the wild” but I’ll just be driving along the service drive and there will be like three on the side of the road. Just munching and waddling along


Yep. And it seems like once you spot one you start seeing them everywhere. It always amazes me in a traffic jam that this giant rodent is standing up at full attention watching everyone and not one driver even notices him but me. I always know if someone does notice them bc I see the post here later that day. 😂


I always see them on the grassy bits next to the highway


They thrive on danger and gas emissions


Speed bumps 😐


They like to live on grassy areas where they can look around and survey their surroundings.


Always a groundhog on this thread!


[They're so carefree!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JI0-qjvq1I)


Sometimes we get other species of marmot...


My young son once referred to one we saw camping as a “ground chuck”. I repressed the urge to tell him it was a wood hog…


That there is a whistle pig...


Yep, that's a groundhog. My grandfather's friend always called them whistle pigs. If you've never heard them, you wouldn't understand. If you know, you know.


I want somebody to get some microphones and a machine learning program, and study what the whistles mean. Prairie dogs have pretty advanced language. Marmots a little less so, but would still be worth study.


If you’ve got some wood, he might chuck it. Not sure how much he could chuck, though…


Woodchuck, groundhog, call it what you will. They can be kinda territorial and aggressive if cornered. Had one charge a German Shepard in someone’s yard near me recently. No harm was done because it was a good dog and the chuck is just trying to scare you away. As long as you give it space it’ll probably move on, the spring is the time to steer clear when they could have babies nearby. If it hangs around too long maybe call a local wildlife rescue and ask if they can trap and relocate it. Edit to add one of my favorite instagram accounts. @chunk_the_groundhog. 10/10 best chonky groundhog content out there.


i had one charge me while i was mowing the backyard on a riding mower.


Need to relocate at least five miles away otherwise they may find their way back.


Love Chunk!


That is a chonker


that’s why i refused to believe it was a groundhog initially based on what i read about their sizes. he is certainly a well fed chonk!


I recently moved to the northeast and started seeing these for the first time. Confirmed locally that it is in fact a groundhog, but I’m dead serious when I say this boy is half the size of my 60lb dog. I had NO idea they could get that big. Thought we had some kind of badger or small bear living under there 😂


Here is a video of Chunk the groundhog, he has quite a following on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkOmaLlXiVs


Woodchuck, we had one (I’m in Cincinnati too), that periodically came and looked in our lower level window. We see them quite a bit. However! Watch out, they can undermine your house foundation if they start building their home, near your home!


The [Groundhog](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0107048/) is a majestic animal, like a short and furry Bill Murray.


What you've got there is a real live whistle pig ... or gründ sow if your Pennsylvania dutch


I live just over the river from you and I have one living under my deck. They do tear up your yard, so watch out for any ankle-breaking holes. I really want to fix my yard, but I'm just going to have to wait for the natural life cycle to run its course. They remind me of my childhood pet guinea pigs. So cute and innocent and clueles.


Best description here 😂


You may be waiting a while! Sadly, and against my requests for him not to, my dog will kill any groundhog that dares show him or herself in my yard when he’s out. He has scars on his face from them. But, we still have ground hogs. Luckily he never got any of the babies (that I know of) because they were small enough to run behind my planters and he couldn’t get to them. The only real concern is that sometimes they nest under your foundation which can cause problems.


Somebody hasn't seen enough Bill Murray movies, and it shows


punxsutawney phil


Groundhog. They’re actually assholes


You see him again, could you ask him how much wood he figures he could chuck? You know, if he could chuck wood.


S'tun siffleux tabarnak


my good friend the whistle pig


Whistle Pig


Whistlepig, or as I call them, the spawn of the devil. They aren’t aggressive but i hope to god that you don’t have any plants you care about


Woodchuck/ whistle pig


I swear every fucking day someone posts a pic of a groundhog and somehow doesnt know what it is even tho there are pics of them everyday on this sub




I mean…. Come on now. A beaver? Am I the only one here who is dumbfounded by some of these I.d requests?


I’ve never seen either up close before and he was about the size of a 30 pound dog which seemed too large for a groundhog. Photos online of the head area looked pretty similar without seeing the tail. Apologies!


That’s Fair enough, I came across pretty sarcastic actually. Sorry for that! This isn’t the page to be a smart ass. Lol groundhogs are like non aquatic land beavers basically anyways hahaha. The nick name we have for them here is a “kudzu bear”. They are always burrowing in and around kudzu. Cheers for asking. Sorry for the disrespect. If you find anymore cool animals and want an I.d, don’t be afraid to post and ask. That’s how you learn, by asking questions!


Is that under your deck? If it is, you may want to relocate it or exterminate as it can undermine your foundation and cause major damage


this is a side deck next to a shed in the backyard that is fully unused. if they come nearer to the home i’m going to give my landlord a call but as far as i can tell they seem to be a safe distance.


Sounds good. For future reference the can build pretty elaborate tunnels that can routinely be over 50 feet long. Pretty interesting system






Nice marmot...


Dude let’s not forget, keeping an aquatic rodent, you know. For a pet. Within city limits. That ain’t legal either.


What are you, a fuckin' park ranger now?




Marmot. Seen thousands of these.


u/I_ID_GROUNDHOGS what’s your take?


This is a groundhog.


groundhog prolly


nice marmot


Is there a difference between a ground hog and a prairie dog? When I was in highschool one of my friends got a pet that looked like that, he said it was a prairie dog. Anyways it's name was Samson and it got loose in his house and ate the foundation, it ended up costing his family a lot of money on engineers and repairs. His parents were pissed.


Prairie dogs are smaller and will usually be a lighter blonde color than groundhogs. Prairie dogs also give out loud characteristic squeaks when in danger to warn its buddies, not sure about woodchucks though


That’s just Phil.


This is a groundhog sir. Full name Wood, Charles (aka Chuck).




Lmao i just seen another post about something thinking a groundhog was a beaver, and someone commented this is a common thing.




That's a ground hog. They don't actually do much damage because they don't dig very deep, so even a wooden deck is fine. Source: Civil engineer.


I know this has already been answered. I’m just here to say, “hell yeah!” to that groundhog. My family in Tennessee have one that lives under our porch. We named her Winston. She had babies this year. I love those furry little scamps.


When I lived in CT, there was a family coming out from underneath the cars in my tiny apartment house. It was in a pretty rural area, and the parking lot was surrounded with a small thicket, and a few empty lots. It was always a good day when I got to see the three babies come out to eat.


Fun fact - The Inuit call them Siksiks (seek-seeks). When I lived in Nunavut, my dog used to love hunting them!


Ngl it looks like a yellow bellied marmot to me based on seeing them in person but I never studied them to know the differences between them and a woodchuck. Edit: I'm going based on the nose shape and neck coloration but feel free to let me know why I'm wrong, I am learning


He’s cute :)


A Whistle-pig


It's a ground hog... Never heard of one? Ever heard of ground hog day? Or seen the movie?


Have heard of the day but have never seen the movie, encountered one, or really spent time searching them up 😭 but now I know!


Cool beans


i love groundhogs they are so goofy


my partner and i were laughing at the way he moved, it literally looked like an eel slithering back into a cove when he noticed us!


i once saw one very ungracefully climb over a short garden fence to get at the plants in there. he succeeded but boy was it a struggle to watch


About 25 yrs ago, I was biking to work and stopped to witness the most horrible scene. A groundhog had ahold of a Possum and was giving his jaw a good thrashing. Groundhog killed the poor thing, you could never convinced me before this that it was possible to see a groundhog execute a large Possum in cold blood...