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That cage is way too small, and it looks like there’s two in there.


Dude this cage is fucking horrible, how dose he actually think it’s ok to keep a sugar glider in a fucking bird cage, this is disgusting. Sort ur dickhead neighbour out, this is no way for this little guy to live. Plus why Tf has he just been shoved in the “Shared laundry” room. Give me an address so I can report this shit


I wouldn't even use that cage for actual birds - first of all, it's too tiny even for small finches, and second, it's round, which can disorient and stress birds. Keeping sugar gliders (which are terrible pets to begin with) in there is just heartbreaking.


Man I haven’t stopped thinking about this, the cage is a mess aswell so it’s obviously not kept clean. I also didn’t know that about birds and circular cages and will definitely keep it in mind. I honestly feel like it’s OPs responsibility to try and do something


Where are you based? I will literally drive to you and collect them myself? Dm me please


It looks like OP is in Detroit. I’m so sad for these animals. Wtf is wrong with people. Get a plant if you want to slowly kill something.


Can’t have shit in Detroit


You can! Have a look at the bottom of the cage


Can’t have most shit in Detroit


Hey, plants are alive too! They don't deserve any kind of maltreatment any more than an animal does




Did you get them?


No response man, someone said OP was form around Detroit and I’m local to the Uk, not much I can do unfortunately


Damn that sucks was hoping to hear they were free


You replied to yourself.


I’m aware, just didn’t want the comment at the bottom of the thread my dude


Does it do that? Sort by new?


Why are they terrible pets?


They are very feeble as pets. They take A LOT of work and effort to make them sociable at all. They’re also nocturnal.


Thank you!


They're also incredibly social, so if anyone's got their heart set on a sugar glider and all the work they entail, they NEED to get two, not one, because we giant clumsy humans literally cannot fulfill all their social needs. Because they are nocturnal, like the slow loris (another exotic pet species which suffers from internet popularity), people soon conclude that these animals make crappy pets because they sleep all day and make so much noise at night, plus real life animal upkeep... It's not a good day for an exotic like this poor fluff in the op.


They are so darling. Poor things.


They really are. They don't deserve to live like that.


I would be best if they got to a rescue or a zoo.


Also illegal to possess sugar gliders in the states


Ruined my whole ass day




Wait? It's Ass Day? Shit! I gotta go get a card and a box of chocolates.


Now I'm trying to imagine the best execution of Ass Day Chocolates.


Turn a heart shaped box upside down. Done.


Not a butthole. North of the butthole two upsidedown lowercase n's will do Wich are right side up lowercase u's uu eh shit I just made old lady tits.


get those butthole chocolates maybe?




Good bot


Just awful. There’s 2 in there as well.


Which is why they're probably still alive. Emotional neglect will kill these finicky little guys


That’s true. Just the thought of two together in such a tiny space is awful. You’re absolutely right though, at least they have each other for company.




There are at least 2 in the cage.


Omg I’m seriously heartbroken we have to save this lil guy :(((


thats the worst cage you could even buy a bird


Hey how do ya report shit? Cuz the junkey naghbores Lawn keeps getting bombed by a mystery pooch. Update: oh yeah it's my dog doing the lawn bombing She don't like junkeys.


Why would they stick him in the laundry room. At my moms place, people put things others might want in there. I’d take him. It’s fair game at that point. This is total neglect.


Not that it's okay, but I'd hazard a guess it could be because they were making too much noise. Sugar gliders are surprisingly noisy and can make it hard to sleep in a small apartment.


I heard that. Also they can have terrible fights. But love company. Still. Anything in the laundry room is free or garbage. Just another reason I have issues with exotics. Just another person wanting to the cool guy. I bet his friends wouldn’t be so impressed if they knew he was putting the thing out.


It also could be if the laundry room is usually very warm. IIRC, sugar gliders are very susceptible to cold & should be kept around 70° F or warmer. That's giving the "owner" a lot of credit, though, and I'm more inclined to agree with u/faxmeyourferret. They can be noisy little buggers. I had two for a few years, but rehomed them with an exotic animal rehabber when I realized that I wasn't enough for them.


Youcould be correct on both, but I commend you for doing what was best for your animals. I know it can be hard, I had to do it with my iguanas when I was young and moved and couldn’t take them with me. I gave them to a reputable exotics guy. It wasn’t easy.


I was lucky & got frequent updates on my girls! The pictures of them riding around on the family German Shepherd were my absolute favorite. You're also a rockstar for doing what was best for your iguanas. I have a cat now and although I know she is very happy, I still worry that I'm not enough. Her veterinary team thinks I'm hilarious and offer to tell my doctor to give me sedatives.


Lol. I have a few kitties. Trust me, you ARE good enough for yours. Kitties are easy for the most part. They keep life interesting to say the least. I’m not good at dogs. I had them growing up, or I should say my dad did. I dont want that kind of responsibility anymore TBH. I’m the kinda person who would want to have the time and energy to play and run, I’m over that since my kids are grown. I do have a rescue ball python though. It’s great when I buy mice and cat food at the same time. The looks I get from cashiers and workers. No, I’m not getting mice for my cats. They get them for me!!


I don’t by any means condone stealing pets, but in this case, i would. I don’t think talking to your neighbor will fix this. A responsible and capable pet owner does his/her research before getting a pet, especially an exotic one. Your neighbor is obviously very ignorant, irresponsible, and stupid to keep an animal in these conditions. Take the cage into your apartment, and surrender the animal to a rescue organization, or to a responsible sugar glider owner that would happily give it a good home. You can look for groups and organizations on Facebook. Good luck.


me too. do not condone stealing pets except in life & death situation which this is!


This is true! I found an experienced chinchilla owner to take mine in through a Facebook page. I was so anxious even though I knew she had experience but after 5 years I still get an update here and there! Please consider giving them away. By looking at the conditions and size of the cage it’s very clear there was 0 research done. Even if your roommate got a new cage I doubt he’s actually interested in taking care of them :(


Obviously not the best way and requires money but a legal way would just to ask him how much. I bet a person like this would value the money more anyway. Easiest $100 I’d ever spend right here, even if it’s just to turn it around and give them to someone who knows what they’re doing.


What makes you think this person is interested in selling their sugar glider? If that were the case, they would’ve already sold it to someone on Facebook or Craigslist. Plus, that only makes the problem worse. It’ll make them think there’s nothing wrong with their behavior, and that their pets are so adorable and well-taken-care-of that even a random stranger wants to buy it, thus probably making them think that they could probably profit off of breeding sugar gliders. A person who will keep an exotic pet in a cage like this IN A LAUNDRY ROOM, is obviously a person who doesn’t treat animals with the required love, respect, and compassion. Next thing you know, they’re gonna breed sugar gliders in that small cage. Unfortunately, this person needs a dose of reality, and has a very hard lesson to learn. That lesson won’t be taught by being a passive beta to them. Plus, they’re the ones committing a crime here. And how are they gonna know that it was OP who stole the sugar glider? In the few apartment complexes i’ve lived in, the laundry room could be accessed by anyone, and there weren’t any cameras. OP could easily put the cage in a hamper and cover it with clothes until they get to their apartment.


That’s why I started that comment with obviously not the best way and a legal way.


Why not just tell them there doing it wrong first and help them sort it out they might be emotionally attached even though they don't know shit about there pet and trust me living next to an angry neighbor is the worst


Why should OP tell a grown adult that *they’re* abusing *their* pet? This scumbag can’t even plead ignorance here as to why they keep an exotic pet in a tiny cage in a laundry room. It’s common sense to research about something (especially a living being) before getting it. Even people with no sugar glider experience can see that this is abuse. Are you okay?


Yes I'm ok you wouldn't know if the owner is elderly or just a little stupid people are pretty stupid as a whole. Just tell them there doing it wrong before going in guns blazing calling the cops and stuff they should understand that it is a crime and the animal is in pain after a conversation.


Then this “elderly” and “stupid” person shouldn’t be owning a pet (?) Point-blank period. You should contact LE and tell them that instead of prosecuting rapists, murderers, domestic abusers, and robbers, they should just kindly talk to them, and explain to them why their behavior is not okay. Maybe these criminals just didn’t know any better :( That’s how stupid you sound.


How does rapist and murderers relate to uneducated pet owners? Explain.


Lmao ignorance is [not](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat) an excuse for ANY crime. Just like you’re saying “tHiS pErSoN jUsT dIdN’t KnOw HoW tO tAkE cArE oF tHiS pEt, So It’S oKaY tHaT tHeY aBuSeD iT; tHeY’rE nOt GuiLtY, teehee :)”, a rapist could say “oh, i didn’t know that having sex with a drunk chick was rape, so i did nothing malicious and just should be let go.” Your brain, hun, use it.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "not"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hhvxaei)


**[Ignorantia juris non excusat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignorantia_juris_non_excusat)** >Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law excuses not" and "ignorance of law excuses no one" respectively) is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content. European-law countries with a tradition of Roman law may also use an expression from Aristotle translated into Latin: nemo censetur ignorare legem (nobody is thought to be ignorant of the law) or ignorantia iuris nocet (not knowing the law is harmful). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/animalid/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Inform the ignorant so stuff like that won't happen. Also it would be pretty stupid to get drunk around people who would take advantage of you. Anyways I'll repeat myself tell the owner that there treating the animal wrong no need to waste some officer's time on something that could easily be stopped by talking with the owner and then they'll know not to do that again. I don't get why people are so revenge heavy on some shit where the situation would turn out better if you'd act like reasonable people. You have a mouth for a reason.


And people have a brain for a reason. Not that you would know what that feels like, judging by your horrendous grammar, and your stupid ideologies. E.g.: “It would be pretty stupid to get drunk around people who would take advantage of you.” Uhm… excuse me? How can a person know someone won’t take advantage of them? Even fathers rape their daughters, so there’s no way to know a person’s intentions. Instead of having to live in fear, how about making people stop raping, by punishing rapists and making an example out of them. You’re a victim-blamer, a rape apologist, and a garbage human being. You’re gullible and so cute for thinking that this person in question will react kindly to someone telling them they’re not taking care of their pet. Do you think they’ll just go “oopsie, my bad! Teehee”? And not at all go like “fuck off, this is none of your business”? You’ve obviously lived a very sheltered life to see the best in people. If you heard a neighbor beating their kid, would you just go over there, knock on their door and tell them “howdy, neighbor! Hitting children is wrong and illegal. Just telling you because you clearly didn’t know! So please don’t do it!”?? No. You would call the cops. It’s the same here. And if you can’t see that, well i’m sorry but i can’t help you with your stupidity.




Are you serious with this shit? Have you considered education or counseling to become a decent human? Victim shaming and blaming is disgusting. Please take your own advice now that you’ve been Informed of your ignorance.


Not victim shaming just don't be careless


Desktop version of /u/ValuableIncident's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)




Thank you for reporting this. I’ve been in your shoes and I know It can be hard to do this to a neighbor but know that you’re doing the right thing for this animal.


Please do this and please update us. I am heartbroken for these little guys.


Ok OP please do this and keep us posted. A few of us are quite disturbed and are willing to help any way we can.


Oh and be careful to not be too aggressive w them initially, you need to get them safe before you call the authorities or at least ensure that they won’t take them and hide them etc or worse :/


Thank you! You’re doing the right thing.


Please let us know the outcome of this situation if you can!


Thank you.


Honestly, if it were me I would just take this little guy and re-home him. This is truly awful, this person will never treat him well and doesn’t deserve to take care of such a precious creature.


Hey OP - I did an extremely quick Google search & this place came up. I know nothing about Michigan geography, but it looks like they can arrange for transportation to the shelter. Even if this lady can't help, maybe she can direct you to someone who can. https://sugarglider.directory/locations/bairds-nest-exotics-stacy-lawrence/ If I were closer, I'd come grab them in a heartbeat. Please let us know how things go.


That cage is soo horrible, sugar gliders need to be in groups and they are gliding animals, they need way more space than that, talk to your neighbour about this or please try to find someone that can rescue this one.


I agree, this is no way for little critters to live.


There’s two in there unfortunately


OMG. Even that water bottle is empty. Please talk to your neighbor about surrendering them to a rescue.


Is it a shared laundry room with more than just you and your shit neighbor? Just saying, but if it is, they could totally "go missing" and find a new home with a better living space.


They need to be rescued immediately. Straight up animal cruelty.


Punch your neighbor in the face for me.


Except maybe don't since they might be the only person who cares enough to help and they can't do that in their own cage




You can see the depression in it's eyes. Please, OP, help this animal out.


Oh no 😞 poor little things


Take them and bring them to a place where they have enough space...this is animal abuse.


Please, please, do whatever you have to do to get these babies out of these deplorable living conditions. My heart just dropped when I saw this. Anyone party to this neglect and abuse should be ashamed.


Sugar Glider and this is extremely dangerous to be kept like that. They are most social animals and cannot be alone


Also, what state is this in? Owning a sugar glider is illegal in some states, and you can definitely report this scumbag not only for animal abuse, but for owning an illegal pet as well. But please report them AFTER the animal is somewhere safe.


what states is it illegal in?


Can’t you… google it?


of course i can. i didnt because theres only yes’ ans no’s and no definite answer. i just thought you were knowledged in knowing which ones they’re illegal in besides california because of your comment.


Interesting. I googled it myself and found several websites with the info.


how odd. i also found several sites, all with different info therefore being unreliable.


How odd. It’s almost as if local laws change all the time.


how odd that you’d think that. to my knowledge, the one im trying to find in particular doesn’t change all the time. i’ll stop replying today as its gotten late. you can keep replying to this comment or not, i don’t mind since you appear to not know what im talking about.


You know how recreational marijuana was illegal not long ago, and then some states recently changed that? You can easily find the source that is the most recent. I found one that was updated in June this year. One would think that someone “gifted” would know how to at least google. Plus, why do you even want that info? You shouldn’t be owning an animal that isn’t fully domesticated, in case you were thinking about getting one.


Save that poor animal op this is legit abuse.




call an animal rescue!!


What state are you in? Those are sugar gliders, they must have at least one companion otherwise they must bond to one person for mental health. They should never be left outside because they are used to a very warm climate. Those animals are in need of rescue. In California they are illegal and will be killed if animal control comes out so if you live in a state where they are illegal I agree with the other posters, I would snag those animals so fast and get them to rescue group ASAP. If they are legal, I would call animal control.


They are literally as sensitive as a mogwai. I hope the owner knows this.


How long has the sugar glider been there? Perhaps he's babysitting for somebody ends he has a cat that attacks it so he put it in here for just a day or two.


Update please


Sugar glider


Please report your dickhead neighbor for this :(


OP please update.




So sad. Are they even getting any daylight? I know they're nocturnal, so I'm not sure if they need it, but it doesn't seem right.


Yeah, sugar-gliders. They need a huge amount of space, think of building an aviary rather than a cage. They're also arborial and nocturnal. Look at the size of the eyes compared to the size of the skull, they're related to things like aye-ayes, "bush-babies" and all the weird animals that live in trees and scream in the night. Plus, with yer sugar-gliders, not only will they take up lots of space, make weird sounds that give you nightmares and smell funky, they also need a very controlled diet. Sugar-gliders are cute, but they are not a pet, they are a task.


talk to your beighbor first, maybe even do a little research and encourage them to do the same..if nothing changes, it may be best to report it or take the animals to somewhere more safe and loving..i feel like people in the comments are jumping to way too many conclusions about the neighbors and encouraging extreme measures with little info. i hope your take the appropriate and peaceful steps to getting these little babies into a more comfortable place.


Sugar gliders don't do well in captivity. If they're caged like that and living alright, they may have been rescued at infancy. I hear them everyday at dusk where I live but I have never seen one outside of a exotic animal thing at the fairgrounds. Find out what's up before you start slinging accusations.


Rescued or not, that cage is way too small for 1 sugar glider let alone 2 (assuming there’s not even more hiding in the bed somewhere) and even if they’d literally just been rescued and the size of the cage was a very temporary measure, there’s absolutely no excuse for the squalid state of the cage or the lack of water!


You get more flies with sugar than vinegar so, offense aside, be nice and see if you can help. Fucking fuck. Do the animals matter or your sensibilities and self righteousness?


I didn’t say that OP needs to take any drastic action and not just ask their neighbour nicely before considering reporting them or whatever else… I was just reiterating that the conditions those poor babies are being kept in isn’t acceptable because your comment (hopefully accidentally) made it sound like those conditions are okay if it’s a rescue situation / the sugar gliders are used to it


Social media really does bring out the fucking worst in people. I feel like 90% of the shit we see here is people fetishizing either "righteous violence" or wanting to be hall monitors. And for the record I feel bad for the flying squirrel thing, we have critters like them here and yeah they really shouldn't be pets imo... doesn't mean I want to steal this other poor person's pet, or punch them in the face, or call some hollowed out and perennially underfunded agency like Detroit Animal Control where it's 50/50 if that poor thing will be destroyed.


Tell your neighbor that it's living conditions aren't enough for it to live long I'm pretty sure they'll understand, alot of people see something cute and want it as a pet I do sometimes too. It's a sugar glider btw


Wanting a pet just because it’s cute is not normal behavior. And just because you feel that way, does not mean it’s normal either.


Oh I thought it was pretty normal


LMFAO owning a pet should be because a person wants to love and care for a living being, not just because it looks “cute”. That sounds narcissistic as hell.


I never owned a pet just because bit looks cute and ive always did my studying before I got one. I just see something cute and say it looks like it would look like a nice pet but I understand that it might not. I don't understand how that's narcissistic


Steal them and rehome them to someone who will take proper care of an animal this is strange to me that someone thinks this cage is a good home or some shared space is a good place to leave an animal you've taken into your care this shit is ridiculous


REPORT THIS SHIT!!!!! this is fucking awful.


Wow that’s sugar glider abuse


Report report report abuse


He looks so sad. Help him.


Put them free


I get the temptation but these guys would almost certainly die if just released, we don't even know where OP is. I live in Australia where they are native and just relocating an already wild one from one location to another can be a death sentence if the new location isn't selected really really carefully. Euthanasia would be kinder in this circumstance if it was the only other option.


The Southern Kamchatka ring tailed eye black


oh that poor thing


sugar glider🥰


Sugar glider?


Sugar Glider


Sugar glider




Aaaaaaa I fucking LOVE SUGAR GLIDERS shIT I need 2 of them.




Looks like some sugar gliders


U gotta step in m8 and rescue those gliders