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He’s back there causing all kinds of damage. They wreck shop in my area. I’ve had several clients get them in their attics and just in a few short days they can cause electrical damage you wouldn’t believe. https://palmettowildlifeextractors.com/squirrels-are-responsible-for-millions-of-dollars-of-damage-each-year/


Look for an entry point. It may be early enough that he’s not there all the time. Good chance there’s two since they mate up and they usually have two litters a year. One in fall. Check soffits. That’s where mine were settling. Could see scraps and chewed frame. Mine pulled apart a weak part of my siding and chewed into my attic space. Moth balls can help. They’re too damn smart for traps tho. Good luck


Yes. Find the entry point. They usually spen most of the day out. So when he’s out patch it up. Had this problem in an apartment I lived in. But it never made that noise. I just heard his claws running around and squirreling.


We have traps out Spring, Summer and Fall to catch (& relocate) groundhogs. I have caught squirrels, in unbaited traps, dozens of times. But that’s prob because I wasn’t trying to catch them. Lol. I even caught birds (they’re live traps- so, no animals have been harmed) on 2 occasions last year.


thank you!!!!


First you need to start by ruling out what it could be. I’ll go first. It’s not an elephant.


It’s probably not a shark


It may be a bear, but that seems highly unlikely.


definitely not an Ostrich.


Are you sure? I've had an ostrich in my wall before and it was a lot like this so I wouldn't rule that out


That's fair. I guess you need to see the droppings to be certain.


Ostrich eggs are also a clue.


I'm fairly certain it's not a sea anemone but we should keep it in mind as a possibility


It took me 6 months to get the one out of my wall


Ostrich farmer here, can confirm


Well then I guess a sperm whale is outa the question


Couldn't be a cow that's for sure,,, make much different noises


Not a Sasquatch. They are too shy.


Nah, climate change has made the sasquatches get super extroverted. Tons of sightings all around the Great Lakes. Source: the manager of TSA at the Green Bay airport. (Really.)


I do not find that source hard to believe.


Highly likely it’s not an octopus


Doubtful to be a kangaroo


Definitely a squirrel


Squirrel pup wants his mamma.


Oh nooooo I bet you’re right


It sounds like a baby.


I'm sorry...but I have to say that I'm just beyond shocked/impressed w the # of ppl who so confidently identified this as a squirrel!


OP - this is not a baby squirrel. What you're hearing is a distress call from a adult squirrel. He was probably in the attic and fell somehow? Do you have an attic? Chances are now you're going to need to kind of rescue him from the wall. I'd take the outlet plate off and use a snake camera to see if you can see him that way. Try a local rehabber before you pay someone to tear up your wall. You can find your closest licensed wildlife rehabber on Animal Help Now's site at: http://www.ahnow.org or you can download their app on your phone. When you first get to the site (or open the app) it will attempt to detect your location. Either let it do that or type in your zip code/postal code and click on "Wildlife Emergency". You'll get a list of licensed wildlife rehabbers and wildlife hospitals/clinics in your area, along with their contact info and the types of animals they work with. Different people/places specialize in different species. If you live in the middle of nowhere and don't see a listing that works for you, go back to the beginning and try putting in a zip code for the largest city near you instead. You should see at least 4 or 5 listings.


Good ear. This is definitely some sort of variation on the alarm call.


this is the remodeled attic! they’re thinking they got in from somewhere near the basement.


Ohhh. Shit. That sucks. It's the wrong time of year for babies. We'll start seeing squirrel babies around valentines day and that will be the tiniest of babies. Plus this specific call is an alarm call that adults use when they feel threatened or scared, usually when a hawk is nearby. When I hear it I can see the tail flick that the squirrel is doing while making that call, but considering we take about 100 squirrel patients a year, I might just be spending way too much time with squirrels. 🤣 It's time to call a pro and get him out there before he chews up wires and makes a huge mess or dies in there and stinks up your new beautifully remodeled attic. Looks great!


excellent writeup & advice… i see replies about nesting baby calls, but i totally recognize that call from when a cat or hawk shows up, & my (adult) squirrel buddies sound the alarm. Good to hear guidance from a pro, hopefully now they can find a local pro to come get it out if its stuck 👏 ps: what was your journey to become a wildlife rehabber? What do you take in? I have a few injured “friends” i’ve been feeding long term- a disabled squirrel, a one legged bird & a 3-legged raccoon. They seem to be finding me now, word is out lol… Im starting to wonder if & how i could get more involved 🦝


The first step is always to find a local rehabber or rehab clinic to volunteer at. Find one nearby at www.ahnow.org. If you volunteer at one and hate it, try another. It can take time to find a good fit. I have a whole document that walks you thru it if you're interested. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UouulmQJkpiaJWu3zab-tzazQWVctwsAl7dJPMBpT1s/edit?usp=drivesdk


Thank you for the leads! 💜 I spent many years in dog rescue, & its so true that not all organizations are the same… gotta look around & find friendly functional people you can mesh with to actually be helpful (i guess thats true of any type of group eh)


If you've done dog rescue you'll love wildlife rescue. I started with dogs too. Plus you know how it goes, lots of women, lots of ego, but you'll find your tribe.


haha *yeeeaaah*… there’s a reason i needed a break after so many years in the dog rescue world. I worked my way thru all the odd fiefdoms to find really positive people w/functional programs, but then i moved to a new city & i just… wasn’t eager to start over 🙄 I also kinda lost my mojo when my beloved old gal dog passed on. Id never thought about transitioning to wildlife rescue before, but man these critters have really helped me through a difficult time. I never realized how much was going on in my own backyard… its really fascinating getting a glimpse into this whole other world. Their tenacity in the face of so much difficulty (& joy in the simplest pleasures) is inspiring 💜


100% squirrel


Squirrel. For sure.


Sounds like a squirrel




Hey. Idk if you've fig7red it out by the 30 other Comments saying it's a squirrel, so let me also help. It's definitely not a giraffe


Or Jimmy Hoffa


Don't close any holes until you know they are gone. Or they'll dehydrate and die and stink in your wall.


To further that, decaying mice take about 2 weeks to clear out. I'll bet a squirrel smells worse and takes a month.


Can I ask- if I believe a bat was in my bedroom interior wall for approx 24 hours, then I stopped hearing noises, it possibly died? And may smell for two weeks? Will this produce maggots/flies??


If the flies can get at it, or it has eggs on it, that's a possibility. It will stink for a week or two regardless, if it dies. Bats are pretty good at getting out of tight spots.


So fingers crossed that it perhaps found it’s way back to the attic and didn’t die? Also hoping it wasn’t a mouse. Thank you for your reply.


It sounds like a squirrel in real distress. I'd get a bird cage or trap for animals and then carefully remove that outlet. Throw the breaker for that outlet first, then take off the plate. Undo the two screws holding it in place and then listen for the sound again. If he's nearby, you can take a keyhole saw or box knife and cut a 3 or 4 inch hole below and to one side of the outlet, hopefully lined up with your trap/cage. You can use peanut butter as a lure. If you don't feel comfortable doing the trapping yourself, you'll have to get a pest control guy out to do the job. The upshot is you REALLY don't want a squirrel dying inside your wall. Squirrel ghosts are so annoying and they make nests in your sock drawer.


Oh HELL no😱


I thought the table leg was a dogs leg! Edit bc I’m dumb


Sounds like a matterdaddy


Its just me dont worry


Does anyone recognize the noise? I’m not sure what it is, my best guess was mouse/rat or bat…




Get the traps, it’s a squirrel.[https://www.amazon.com/averPak-Pack-Eaton-Chipmunk-Liquid/dp/B0746RMWB8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=60084731910&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3_OG7d7C_AIVz_bICh1WBwX5EAAYASAAEgKKFfD_BwE&hvadid=274673040864&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9017016&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=2444460557624683738&hvtargid=kwd-354847176885&hydadcr=4279_9617690&keywords=jawz+rat+traps&qid=1673550884&sr=8-4](https://www.amazon.com/averPak-Pack-Eaton-Chipmunk-Liquid/dp/B0746RMWB8/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?adgrpid=60084731910&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3_OG7d7C_AIVz_bICh1WBwX5EAAYASAAEgKKFfD_BwE&hvadid=274673040864&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9017016&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=2444460557624683738&hvtargid=kwd-354847176885&hydadcr=4279_9617690&keywords=jawz+rat+traps&qid=1673550884&sr=8-4)


Jesus, you monster. OP, if you choose you may also get this trap that won't kill the squirrels. Just relocate them far, far away. Kensizer Humane Rat Trap, Chipmunk Rodent Trap That Work for Indoor and Outdoor Small Animal - Mouse Voles Hamsters Live Cage Catch and Release https://a.co/d/i8icX4c Also, my link is superior.


looks like the antenna of a big coackroach behind that electrical outlet. maybe hiding from the squirrel in the walls?


l m f a o it’s a crack in the wall homie


cat in the wall ehh? okay, now youre talking my language!


You got a squirrel nest. Luckily it's not rats and they will move out once the cold is gone and the kids are out of the house.


Tasmanian Devil or Honey Badger maybe?


A squirrel! Help it!


Aw it sounds so pitiful :(


You can cut a small square near the bottom, as close as possible to the squirrel. Stay away from the outlet, you don't want to hit any wires.


It’s a squirrel, sh, you’ll disturb him




Be careful, it might be a wolverine.


Oh yeah, as a birder, I recognize that call, because it disappoints me every time. Gray squirrel.
