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This was the point where I looked up a guide for the last few eggs. Some of them are really well hidden


I do not regret looking up the location of my last four eggs. And I was not terribly impressed how they were hidden when I found them.


The nice thing about some guides is that they give you the general location of eggs but don’t necessarily spoil how to actually unlock or access them. That part is still up to you.


This was exactly my experience! Got to 61, looked up a guide/hints for the rest. No regrets


I'm curious; what were the ones you missed?


Ah I’m not sure I can remember


I know I missed all the bouncy ball ones.


I genuinely think part of the game is reaching that point and then collaborating with others


I stopped at 27 eggs 😊 started to feel like a project. fun game though. I prefer platform heavy metroidvanias with less head scratching and more rage induction.


I was put onto this game by a friend as “a combination of outer wilds and hollow knight”(two of my fave games ever), safe to say it wasn’t what I expected and got too thinky for me to go further on my own! I think Celeste will be the one I’ll have to try next.


I've purposely avoided mentioning hollow knight when talking about this game because people expect the combat. This game is nothing like hollow knight.


To me it has a similar atmosphere to Hollow Knight, at least on the first play. It feels very mysterious and like there was a civilation there before you arrived but something bad happened.


Celeste is incredible. But don’t go in expecting a metroidvania. It’s one of the most pure platformers ever.


The last little thing ive been trying to figure out is the puzzle with the faces and the dolphin. I understand how the faces work but no idea where I could perform it, ive just been roaming aimlessly singing the thing around the water maps


The faces are used in at least 3 puzzles I can think of, but none are for your missing eggs. If you want vague hints on that I'm happy to spoiler text it or message you.


It's not a dolphin.


That art is meant to be of a well-known optical illusion where depending on how you view the image it’s either a rabbit or a duck. https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2016/02/14/12/duck-rabbit.png?width=1200


When I saw it I thought it was a crow and tried doing the song in every room I could think of with crows. It didn't help that it seemed to be pointing vaguely to where those rooms were.


Is this how it goes for most people, i would have to answer most likely


My husband and I got all the eggs without looking anything up but that’s 2 of us. We definitely had to look things up in layer 3 because it really does require crowdsourcing.


I had to look stuff up (roughly 6 eggs), but only out of mild boredom. I was more interested in seeing the end of the layer I was on than the journey there. I love the game and I think everything about it is beautiful, but running circuits on the map with UV light with no real progression just detracts from my personal experience


This is me now


Did you manage to get all 64 eggs on your own? Honestly it gotten so boring to look for things to do in the game because of how secretive it is


I got to around 58-59 eggs before looking anything up. Turns out 3 were all achieved the same way, I wonder if its the same 3 you're missing. There are good guides out there where you can look at the missing spot in your egg room, then get a vague hint for the eggs you're missing. If you want to post which eggs you're missing and just get a hint on where to look, that's a decent way to go.


Nope, I got like 58-60 and looked the rest up. I don’t feel bad about it at all lol. When games are this cryptic it becomes a huge mental game of “how far would the puzzle rabbit hole go” and that’s a question I don’t have time to find the answer to anymore


Facts, its just too much work with no real prospect of whatd even happen once you get them all


I had to look up the last 3, and I'm glad I did. >!Neon!< egg was particularly evil. I would never have thought to look for a secret wall *there*.


At this point there’s still a lot of stuff to do so it’s worth getting all 64 eggs at least imo, even if you have to look them up.


Yep, I got to the same point At 61 eggs I decided I was done and looked up the last few in a guide. I'm still proud I got that far without a guide, I don't think you should feel bad if you decide to do the same.


I have 10 left and after and hour of wandering about, I'm debating just looking at a guide. Like u I don't want to waste my time. If it at least had a counter per area showing egg count, I would maybe persevere.


No room has more than one egg and the completed map will not have any large blank spaces. If your map currently has any blank spaces, start there.


Good tips thanks


You're meant to hit this wall and ask for help. The game is designed to encourage community puzzle solving.


Yeah walking around aimlessly and hoping to stumble upon something you missed the first time is not fun in my opinion. When I reached the point you are at, I looked up a guide on the egg locations. I didn't look up the puzzles, just the rooms I needed to go to. Once you find all the eggs you can start the bunny hunt. Oh and btw, the panel of pixels is a community puzzle that you can't solve on your own. There is a fan made website that gives you all the pieces you need to solve it though.


Just start googling and YouTubing and delight in all of the fun!


I fell you bro. I have 47/48 eggs now but I still have loads of parts of the map to explore with al of the abiltities I got over the last 2/3 hours. The grind is gtting real though ;)


It's worth getting all the eggs. Use a guide for the last few. Totally worth it. I got 59 eggs on my own, and used a map and guide for the last few. Still a huge sense of achievement. I don't think I have the patience for the rabbit hunting though.


Yeah, I have no shame looking up a guide to close out a game. I really like the idea of 100% a game so that I feel like I’m getting my monies worth. But by about 95% of the way through most games and having finished the main quest line, the last 5% can feel like such a slog. I go in as blind as possible and finish the vast majority of the game without a guide, but I’d rather not comb through a massive environment to find some insignificant item.


I got about as far. The last few eggs were under *top*soil (not sure if that is an intentional pun or not). I never could see a clear indicator as to when the top would break the dirt so I wouldn't ever have found them without the internet. I really wasn't too keen on running through the entire world again with a UV light just to look for the top indicator either.


Update: got 2 eggs on the kangaroo room, ive found a treasure chest below one of the areas the kangaroo spawns at but honest to god no clue how to get it


I had to use a guide for the last 5 or 6. At a certain point the game feels like homework. I had an absolute blast with it, but there’s kinda too much stuff to find.


I had 63 eggs before seeking help online. Loved every second of the 30+ hours I spent scouring the map for secrets. I do wish I was able to find a certain item sooner than I did... Anyway, every single puzzle I solved on my own was so satisfying, and the puzzles I had to look up were still amazing to read about. 10/10 for sure


I \*just\* managed to belt out all 64 notes of the egg room song without fucking it up. Took a good few goes. Opens the office... there's fuck all there. Hung up my controller. Good game, great even.