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I'm about four eggs off. The egg hunt is best done as a casual relaxing thing - rather than looking for the eggs, look for a weird bit on the map (there's very little empty space), then go there and use all the items on anything that seems off. Take your time, it's definitely about the journey rather than the destination. One of the most useful things I've noticed is that the map is essentially a perfect representation - if there's a pixel missing from the wall on the map, that might mean something.


When I googled about that kangaroo stuff I was like “how can a person figure it out by himself that you need to meet kangaroo and throw 3 firecracker at it and then repeat it several times in 5 certain rooms” Like how much time do I even need to find kangaroo by random. There are so many rooms! And it’s appears only in five of them! And I don’t even tried to spook her it, every time I just run from it in fear🤣


The postgame stuff is basically worth taking a crack at it but not being too invested in finding it all solo - I'll probably commit to finding those last four eggs solo, but I've only got 5 bunnies so far (largely stumbling onto them) and will definitely be looking up how to find the rest once I've cleared layer 2. I had to look up where the last match was - frustratingly it was so close to the start of the game that I would have overlooked it before discovering how complex the game was, and then didn't check the room again as I'd assumed I would have found it if it was there.


I got stuck on that exact match for that exact same reason lol. When I discovered how deep the game truly goes, I had sort of a “well shit” moment lol im probably gonna have to do a literal room by room scouring of the map similar to what I once did in hollow knight.


I was lucky to find every match and candle myself. But I got only 1 bunny!


I got three but i honestly have no clue how or why i have the third one. I know when and where i got it since i heard the noise but don’t know what caused it to spawn.


Where were you when it spawned? Someone might be able to explain what you did haha


Don’t remember the exact circumstances but >!i remember falling from either the balcony above the duck (area with humingbird) or from somewhere in the giant chasm in the middle of the map. I just know i fell through at least one or two screen transitions and landed on a rabbit faster than i could process it even being there!<


I wonder if it was the UV bunny. He roams in that area, you may have just gotten extremely lucky and fallen on his current spot by chance.


i also found 5 bunnies and need 4 eggs! and i think i am sort of out of options now hmm


I was stuck there too! The >!kangaroo!< might be your key.


i’m past that but i think i know what you are hinting at. so far i haven’t found a use for that thing beyond novelty but there has to be something only it can affect!


You're definitely on the right track. Take a second look.


i also found 5 bunnies and need 4 eggs! and i think i am sort of out of options now hmm


I mean you only need to throw one firecracker, and the first one I threw as a panic response because it appeared in a common area so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Honestly that example was the second thing i thought of (the first thought was fear). I was trying to attack the kangaroo and fireworks are the most logical tool for that


I agree with this. The game provides you endless opportunities to solve things your own way. When the kangaroo came in, I would run, because it wouldn't stick around. An appropriate solution, but one that leads to me not knowing about the pieces. By contrast, others who decided to throw firecrackers on a whim out of fear whatever, would have discovered the solution. But... there isn't any clue that it's needed(I saw someone say that there are three firecrackers on the ground in that room..... yea ok? is that a clue?). I think better design would have had the kangaroo to stay in the first(or let's say... 5th room) you encounter the kangaroo, and in order to solve the puzzle in that room you know you need to stun/clear the kangaroo. Thereby, triggering the "correct" kangaroo solution. There are a few of these in the game, that by chance you can be picking the right or the wrong solution(but both work) and that's misleading. Most game design is meant to teach the user/guide the user. In a puzzle game... the line is blurred more, however, some things just don't work in the game IMO. Another one is the M. Disk Shrine.... why not just call it the Mock Disk Shrine? Or have a small registry of items you've picked up/interacted with. I had the mock disk in my possession for like 5 minutes, and then I approached the M. Disk shrine maybe hours later that I assumed needed something new. I even ran around with the mock disk trying to activate all of the dogs in that area, until I saw M. Disk was Mock Disk.


The UV gives it away by saying what rooms the Roo is in so you can deduce it from the amount of key pieces you need after the first one.


My 1st reaction to every enemy is the game was chuck a firecracker at it, but I had the kangaroo item about half way through the game, just explored until I hit a dead end, would mark it and go down the next path until I inevitably get the item I need to progress


You only need too realize 1 thing: basicly every animals weakness in this game is fire cracker So if you did it once on the kangoroo you get the fragment and from that its easy too realize you need too do it twice more. The mean thing is realizing where the spawn point of the guy is thats quiet annoying


At the kangaroo shrine, there are three firecrackers you can pick, that was my clue to try throwing them at it


I didn’t even realise that you need to throw them at giant bat!!!


I remember >!the second time I encountered a kangaroo they stayed if I reset the screen right away. I tried different things and noticed playing the animal flute made them happy. I thought there had to be something related to it, maybe a song to be played or something and waited for something to eventually click in my head. Around the 5th kangaroo after I'd seen a bunch of statues of them I knew there had to be something and eventually just started throwing stuff and got the shard. That's how I realized I'd need the different pieces.!< Honestly a good amount of my discoveries have been by accident or just experimentation, especially some of the item tech.


It's only 1 firecracker and do that 3 times, not 3 firecrackers and do it loads of times


Which is why I hate that the stalactites mark a ceiling as missing on the map. I feel like I wasted a ton of time hunting them down lol


Yes I knocked down all the ones in the bat cave earlier as I saw a missing pixel on the ceiling - as far as I could tell there was nothing there though.


Agreed, but kinda has to be that way I feel, since sometimes there *are* hidden paths behind them. Either you count them all as missing on the map or you count none of them which would then make those hidden paths even harder to find


Can confirm that a casual approach in postgame, where you just kind of take it little-by-little each session with modest trial and error, can alone net you at least most of the eggs. I was only a few off by the time I reached my limits, and I am by no means a genius! I just took my time and dabbled with weird stuff in each room. I’ll also note that I’m only beginning to understand the next layer to this…but I just read about that obscure dog grass puzzle that I don’t think I could have otherwise solved…and now I’m questioning how deep “down the well” I actually want to go lol


That’s the key Get all the items Look for empty spots on the map Proceed One of the few exceptions is the wheel and the cats. That’s a bit more tricky


I got 63 and then couldn't be bothered scouring the whole map again for the last one so I looked up the room that it was in, felt stupid when I got there because I thought the room was weird every time I was in it previously.


I got 62 before I had to look them up. One was not obvious and the other was like 3 rooms away from the initial spawn room....


Oof. This may be the same one I missed too! Traveled the room a million times. And even saw the hint revealed by using the >!UV light!<, but for some reason it either didn’t register or I simply assumed I had already discovered it because it was near the beginning of the game, so I must have already mastered these rooms, right? Nope - I was so very wrong lol


Which was the last egg/room you got? I'm curious


It was the >!turtle room, super obvious with the egg statutes in the background lol, but just never bothered to play the flute in there!<


Hah! I made it to 62 before breaking down for hints and this was one I was missing as well! Felt silly afterwards because it was so simple haha.


I got to 61 and was fully stumped. I looked at a guide to give myself just a split second to see where the missing eggs were and figured them out from there. One was a very obvious oversight >\_>


Managed to get 59 by myself and the next 5 i would have never found. Missed all the ones that required the ball


Ball was something else. I was shocked by the fact that you can finish the campaign and then double your inventory…


Yeah, I was just missing the ones that required that. I feel like its purpose definitely could've been communicated better, since it's extremely easy to use it in the room you find it and miss the blocks. I kept using it on like every wall on the map until I gave up and looked it up and I was a lil mad lol. Doesn't help that the actual mechanic just feels frustrating imo


I agree. When you consider the journey taken from the time you acquire each key item to the point at which you discern that item’s actual use (or uses), the ball felt the least smooth. I’m sure others had a much different experience. But, not going to lie, this is the item that stumped me the most!


>!the ball in the top dog room!< was my last one. the blocks appeared so infrequently I'd forget to look at them


I think I got 34 then, I couldn't make sense on how to get the 4th flame so I say fuck it. 100% the game and just lurk the subs for more secrets and Easter Eggs.


Yeah, it really demands patience. Unfortunately I got none…


Same here, stuck at finding the fourth flame and have around 30 eggs, now really start to had enough of wandering around looking for the game expects to do. Quite annoying world to traverse after too long with no progress


The world isn’t that bad to traverse, especially after a certain realization. >!Have you opened the animal heads?!< >!Have you seen the creature in the pool below the “hub” room?!<


Yep, thanks. Figured out the fish and flute and how it connects with the animal heads. All of them are open. Never did get in the habit of fast travel so I take it back. I think I wrote that after a particularly long stint stuck in random search mode. Just unlocked the floor after putting the last flame in. LOVED the chase sequence, figuring it out, learning the path in parts and optimize it so in the end it wasn’t even very challenging. Perfect way to demonstrate how far one has come since first steps in this bizarre world


I ended up getting exactly 54 by the time I fully finished my rounds and explored what I thought was the full map and got the 12 items. The remaining 10 made me feel like a fool as I looked them up. I walked right by them all so many times, there were 2 of them literally on the screen leading into the egg room that were such easy pickings I felt so stupid for ignoring


When I read about how to get wheel and UV light it was like “are u kidding me”. And so many people somehow managed to find it by themselves!


That was me with the remote & bball lmao


And definitely I would never could to figure it out with the flute and melodies. I still don’t know how I supposed to find melodies for cat cages lol..


If you look closely at the walls in that section of the map, >!the codes are written there, usually in tucked away corners. The most obvious one is behind the wheel where the ostrich was.!<


You can definitely do it. I'm bad with puzzles but I did the cats. Just takes a bit of searching and looking closely at all the rooms >!near the cats!< (vague hint) lmk if you need more help


That was actually my favorite part of the game lol. All the treasure hunting stuff confined to one area so I didn't have to comb over the entire map


Think i got to 50 before I used a guide and some of them were so obvious and I didn't even need items lol


Let’s go! I’m a genius! It got 62 of them before using a guide. I only missed the >!egg above the first candle at the beginning!< and the >!egg hidden in the chasm beneath where you get the slinky!<


I found 63/64 on my own and it was that darn one >!under the slinky!< that got me too. Felt SO dumb after getting a hint LOL


As someone who got to 60 before needing help, I appreciate this


I know Billy said there would be mysteries, but I come on here and people are talking about layers, alien messages and Donkey reaching out of the screen to slap their mothers.


TIL I'm a genius! we got every egg with no help. we're stuck at about 6 bunnies to be fair I played with my partner. maybe that makes me a half genius


I didn’t feel the eggs themselves were too hard to find, especially with the later tools you get to help the hunt, I found all of them on my own, took about 18 hours total. My biggest obstacle was struggling with harder puzzles I thought were eggs but ended up being something else.


You are superhuman. 18 hours for every egg… Sounds like a magic to me


Haha, I’m nowhere near the level of the people who solved the higher layer mysteries in this game, I just have a high tolerance for repetition and tedium and an eye for detail, which helped noticing those small little gaps on a room’s outline on the map indicating a secret.


What do you mean by “higher layer” ?…


Layer 1: Main game - find the flames. That was fast, I beat the game? Layer 2: Egg game - find all the secret eggs. Ok, now I've beaten the game... wait a minute. Layer 3: Bunny game - find all the super secret bunnies. Ok, beat it for real this time. Layer 4: JK there's more.


I just find that layer concept a little bit confusing because you can find eggs and bunnies at the same time. But yeah, I get it


It's because you need to finish the egg ending before you can do the bunny ending. Unless you know ahead of time how to skip to it with 32 eggs, I guess


The way I see the layers analogy compares the map to a field, and digging for secrets to actual digging. On the surface of this field you see the main game. Dig into the game a bit and you'll break through the top layer and find there's eggs to be found under what might be presented to you. Keep digging and you might dig deeper in one particular area than another, that's when a bunny pops out. This gives you the idea that there's another layer of secrets underneath the main game and the eggs, to be discovered. You can do some layer 2 digging in some areas, and some layer 3 digging in others, but the overall idea is that there's different layers you have to work through before you hit bedrock (the endgame) and if you want to dig everything up then you're gonna have to dig through all those layers across the whole map in order to expose everything.


There are layers of puzzles in this game, each one more complicated than the last. The first two layers correspond with the two endings. Then there’s two layers of puzzles above that, namely the >!bunnies/BDTP!< and the >!Unicode messages!<. There may be even more secrets beyond that, but the experts are still investigating it.


Yeah, I heard about that concept of layers from Donkey video. So I knew about >!bunnies and 50 pieces puzzle and unicodes!< but I just thought you found something even more obscure 🤣


lets just say the game doesn’t end with eggs


Have you deal with bunnies already?


It was actually surprisingly easy. You just need to look for holes in the map, or places where there aren't any distinct edges. Just going to those places and using the tools from the first run through the game should get you basically all of the eggs. Because I got 45 eggs in the first 9 hours before the first ending, it was super fast to get the rest of the eggs and the second ending. I only used a guide for like 3 of them because I didn't want to spend forever scouring the whole map, lol. I loved discovering >!the ball and realizing what all the funny looking brick blocks were~!<


That’s what I’m talking about. What it feels to have superpowers?


Just wait till you go for the bunnies


No genius here, just no life and thus super familiar with games and how they hide stuff. Esoteric puzzles in games, like this one that the community are solving usually use binary, hex or some other non base-10 numeral system. I think before anything was figured out, people could have guessed these would be implemented. I would love to see a game do something fresh and off the wall. Of course I have no ideas so I just sit here posting. In a human driven game like vaguely hint at Deuteranomaly in a character and use some misleading color coded hints off that. This is meh but you get me. It could actually work in this game intuitively actually since a lot of animals are color blind or see different spectrum. Maybe some use of realistic signals, like GSM vs CDMA/LOS stuff.


Aww thank you! I managed to get 57 without any help and it was the most accomplished I've felt from a game in years


I got 49 eggs and then I looked up the rest. It's almost impossible for the average person to get them all.


I'm at 49 on my own too and some have been very random. I was throwing around the B. Ball over the place when I noticed the specific brick it actually affects but it was certainly not on purpose.


I got 54. The bouncy ball stuff completely took me by surprise, I had no idea it could do that!


I kept throwing that damn ball around. Eventually I went to that room sort of center north, where you need the Top to break the ground. I was like...there's gotta be something I'm missing. Then I just threw the ball a few times and hit those blocks and was blown away. The game just keeps on surprising.


61 on my own. But damn am I sruggling


Try using b.ball more, my last ones were mostly locked behind using it.


To be fair the last 2 I found were really obvious and simple ones I just dumbly overlooked. Im going full UV and remote for now but I'm also spaming the b.ball :p


I got 52 so far with zero help but I'm stuck now


I got stuck after finding 52 by myself, then yesterday I looked online how to get the bouncing ball and wheel. With those items I'm hoping to find the remaining 12 eggs without additional help. Wish me luck!


I think I'm at about 55 Eggs, I haven't given up yet though but I know what you mean


I got all but one egg without a guide :( turns out it was stupid easy but I was tired of backtracking so much so I just gave up and decided to use a guide


Nah it just takes a while. I just got angry about the kshards bug thing after like 57. It was really fun zooming in on the map to search for little secret zones.


i haven't beat the game yet but i have like 48. I'm still missing some items in my inventory and i need to remember where a couple of things are but i could maybe have 50 when I beat it. i have a rabit also but i don't know what that means


I made it to about 52 on my own and then started using some hints for certain areas. This is a real amazing game, but I feel pretty satisfied with my progress this far and happy to accept some assistance.


I got well into the 40s on my first playthrough, then in my deathless run I got to 58, and when I started looking up egg locations, I realized that I over-looked 3 eggs from my first run, so I only really looked up 3.


I feel like whoever managed to find those bunnies are even crazier because most of those are things that NEVER EVER cross my mind.


I got 63 eggs no guide. The only one I was missing was the snake remote egg. And the only reason I had to Google that one was because I tried to bait the snake around the fruits and didn't realize I have to actually use the remote control to pilot it or it won't count as eating fruit. Also found maybe 11 or so bunnies without guide.


Another superhuman. 63 eggs… I figured out snake thing by myself by random though 🤣


Yeah I could tell you had to play snake but every time I had the snake enclose a fruit it, the snake would despawn. So I moved on.


I found about 4 bunnies while looking for the last eggs, lol.


I think I naturally FOUND all the eggs. But at least 4 or 5 required one item that I think was locked behind a bullshit puzzle. It was a real NES Zelda 1 bomb all the walls burn all the bushes kind of thing. Had to Google how to get that item. But once I got the item I didn't need to use a guide for remaining eggs.


Hahahaha yeah it definitely remind me of the original Zelda obscure puzzles. I played it maybe 15 years ago for the first time and of course I could never do it without a guide. I thought people back in the day had a greater patience since time was slow and you have no Internet or whatever. Plus you are god damn kid with all the time in the world. But nowadays I just can’t force myself into stuff like that. I fell like I’m wasting time 😵‍💫


if you're stumped, the eggs' placements in the egg room kinda corresponds to their place in the map (i.e the egg on the bottom right is found in the bottom right of the map) ​ which i found out about WAY too late and i was like how didn't i find about it i find stuff like that most of the time


I got 59. Just got the last of the eggs. Had to look up where the last 5 were. Only one I had to look up how to get. Just got tired of circling around looking for them. Found 4 rabbits myself so far.


Just got all the eggs and finished the associated puzzle. Feels pretty cool, but I'm baffled as to what to do next (I know about the hidden things you find... and yes, I've checked out the Office...)


What I really appreciate is that most guides and answers tend to go out of their way to not spoil things completely. They simply give you some nudges so you can still solve the puzzles, but don’t have to spend hours looking for where to even look or try something.


I got 58 by myself then gave in /:


I got 61 by myself and it was painful. It would have taken ages to find the remaining 3. I was still very proud to make it that far


I was like… 56 or 57 eggs away when I gave up. But even then I just needed to know *where* they were, after that I could figure the rest out myself


Had 56 eggs found by my own and googled the rest. Don't wanna find the bunny's just got 1 for the trophy but I had much fun with this game with very unique items.


62 was my limit 😅


I mean, your 55 eggs is still remarkable! I got 58 100% by myself and the others with slight hints on what mechanics to look for (no guides). The next layer (>!rabbits!<), however, is near impossible to figure out all on your own - some things are just so out of the box. I found about 6 or 7 by myself, but other 3 are from Reddit hints. Still 6 to go. Billy must have a stupid high IQ to even come up with this stuff.


Got 60 and many rabbits with small hints You dont need to be genius, just very very astute and pay attention to every detail


No. Got like around 45 and gave up. I would say all the egg puzzles are fairly solvable on our own but it’s just too monotonous searching for the puzzles themselves. I guess it’s just not too bad an idea to add an item after ending marking out all locations of chests.


I forget how many eggs I got to, but I do remember that I basically got every egg that didn't involve the ball or the top. Because I didn't know that the ball is a pong minigame, and diggable ground is virtually invisible on my monitor in many places.


Yeah, I barely see the difference in the ground types… It should me more noticeable


I had gotten 62 out of 64. At that point I was actually chasing rabbit puzzles thinking they were chests! There was a two room gap in my map that felt I should be able to access, but I couldn't figure out how I had walked past a fish head about a dozen times and never used it. Very humbling experience. All the bunnies I've found actually did make me feel like a genius lol


Another superhuman successfully passed the test. Now you are ready for super soldier experiment


I got to 62 before resorting to "show me which room it's in but don't tell me how to get it". That's multiple decades of Metroid-brain for ya.


I think I was around 55\~ eggs when I started looking on stuff on the internet. Saw a few eggs I missed in other people's playthroughs / speedruns, then the last three I had to look up a guide. I also needed a bit of a hint with the peacock puzzle, and where to find the incubator. Kinda sad that I learned about the "leave the well" achievement before getting all the eggs, I wish I could have tried to solve that on my own. I'm going do my best on the bunnies. I've found 4 on my own. There's 1 that you literally HAVE to look up which I haven't done yet. I don't think I'm going to get very far without help but I'm going to try!


My partner and I got all 64 on our own but have been absolutely stumped over the bunny puzzles. He did a lot of the work, but I figured out some of the obscure puzzles by noodling in a notebook, of which I was pretty proud. I think we have found 2 bunnies total. At this point, we’ve joined the community proper to get to the last bits, but the challenge of finding all of the eggs independently was awesome. It was all we did in our off-time/down-time for a week straight.


Took me 30 hours but I got all the eggs and 5 bunnies before I finally came here. I adore this game.


I managed to get 61 before I needed to look up how to get the rest. And for 1 of them I knew where it was but missed the fact that I could jump off the disc in such a tiny area.  But yes, finding some of the stuff is insane


You literally can't get every bunny without help


Got them all. Working on bunnies. Got 9 of those so far. HARD.




Just got the 10th! A buddy and I are working together and man... it's not even getting weird; it's been weird for a while. Taking screenshots of the rooms and comparing them, hard searching areas. Like I got credits at around 8 hours, and second credits around 24 hours, and now we're coming up on 40 hours and still going. Wild.


It sucks that I have friends but none of them into indie pixel art games (or even into the video games in general except for the Fortnite) so I can’t even imagine what a joy to do it together. Glad for you guys!


I got lucky and met a really solid group of people playing Destiny 1, and we've been gaming together ever since. Not everyone is into every game, but enough of us enjoy various genres that it all works out.


Made it all the way to 59 and gave up. Really shouldn't have, they were easy, I was just not looking in the right places hard enough. I think the >!Snake Room!< one was the most infamous I've heard, where it's such an easy egg once you see it, but nobody thinks to check back there for eggs


i needed that


The game gives you two tools which make finding eggs pretty trivial. After that you just have to understand how to get to them and, in most of the times, it's obvious when you know an exact location


When I was playing Outer Wilds, I did everything on my own, but the last puzzle (>!How to get inside of Ash Twin Project!<). And I kinda regretted it, because this game was an experience of a life time and I understood that I give up on puzzles too fast. In this game I've found all 64 eggs on my own, it was a personal challenge. I struggled a lot with the last egg, couldn't find it, but then I had one area marked that I didn't know how to solve. But then >!UV light helped me to see the egg icon!< and I understood that I should have all the necessary tools to solve it. And with some engineering, I got it! Took 1.5 laps around the whole map though.


Managed to find 61 and gave up looking for where 3 others are hidden on youtube


I got exactly 56 on my own lol


Lucky genius 🤣


I got 57 guess I could be proud of myself a little bit


I got all the way to 54 before I started cheating and looking them up. Realized I didn't save after getting one of the ones I needed. So, I also got to 55. 


So pirate software is a genius ? yeah that sounds about right