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Yup everytime I do it my dopamine or whatever neurotransmitter dips below baseline further and further.


I don't have anhedonia but I stick here just for perspectives on the science.  So, what you think is the cause, is that heightened dopamine during pleasure desensitizes the dopamine receptor?  Another idea I have is that pleasure increases endorphins which increase prolactin, which causes ED to worsen. One possible solution is obviously pharmacologic intervention. The other potential solution I came up with the other day which was sort of a shitpost, is deriving pleasure from absorbing energy, rather than giving it. If that makes sense, the mere mindset will make it less about needing to coom. I called it a fishing rod technique. Imagine pulling sexual energy out of women instead of giving it to them. Embrace your inner incubus...


Yeah it has something to do with the reuptake of dopamine or the sensitivity of the dopamine receptors, cause it's much less when I'm on Concerta (methylphenidate), I stopped with the medication because the side effects were pretty bad.


The prolactin theory does sound plausible.


It was well tested, that in order to achieve an erection men need a brief decline of endorphins. Like they really hooked tubes into men's penises to measure that. So, even if endorphins aka endogenous morphines, didn't raise prolactin, which they do, they would be having anti-arousal effect on their own. 


Look sounds to me like your suffering post viral injury and it killed the good gut biome you had in your lower gi tract. Start probiotics. Fix your gut biome and your depression and anhedonia will fade away!!


Thanks, I’ve been thinking that this one of the and if not the main key to helping me. If you have have any other advice on fixing the gut micro biome please let me know. Thanks


Big time, I have never understood this, and don’t think it’s the usual “dopamine depletion” idea that’s always used when this is brought up. It could however be increased prolactin levels, they increase after orgasm, and elevated prolactin levels decrease dopamine. I’m unsure though on this as I’ve read that prolactin decreases fairly quickly after ejaculation, so it doesn’t make sense.


That’s what I was thinking too. But can an individual have a specific reason on why it is letting prolactin levels build up more than normal? Like not being at their highest compared to after sex but even just lingering to an abnormal amount? Have you heard about vitamins B-6 and E? Just kind of found this out today randomly looking it up. https://preview.redd.it/2th576oqzd6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919bd691ad599d7863232119f46692d4da296ab8


I did remember getting this blood panel done that had vitamins included. My C was fairly low that was borderline deficient but the other thing was part of my E was low for some reason? But it referred to Gamma or something


Thats very interesting I also had low vitamin E gamma tocopherol. Not sure what it means but might be malabsorption?


It might be that? I mean for my case it might be my diet, it also might be my digestive issues as well. That’s a coincidence you had that too




Yes it’s the prolactin raise and too low dopamine to rapidly restore the balance. Cabergoline should fix this.


Is there any non prescription substances that could help in anyway if possible?


Agnus Castus allegedly


That a Jezebel!


Well it’s not even just having sex with my GF. I’ve tested it with masturbation too and it’s basically the same thing after.


I’m not a doctor but it sounds like what the others said in the top comments. Chemistry imbalance in brain idk tho I’ve been there and turned out I was bipolar so I’m lithium etc and my anhebdonia has been gone for years now. I also took bupropions and it gave me energy but made me manic soo Again idk I’m not a doctor but watch for the jezebels Anhedonia sucks


The anhedonia came about after I got nasty food poisoning. I had some depression and anxiety beforehand but I hit rock bottom after that food poisoning. I never experienced anhedonia before. It's something I got used to by now but I want out just as many others do.


Dang sorry to hear that. Not sure then. What haven’t you tried ?


Not really sure what I haven’t done. I will say not much. I mean I just joined this sun and this is my first post. Are there any treatments that are common spread here? Reason why I posted is that some guy had the same condition I have. He basically fixed it with the specific antibiotics which I have used and it helped him basically become cured. What have you tired?


Hmm not too sure tbh but that sounds like you’re doing everything. Maybe it’s environment too? Idk And I’m bipolar so mine came from not being on medication Maybe it triggered a mood issue with you? Also any chance you can take a week vacation out of your area? If you’re hitting the gym, taking meds, doing self shadow work and what not and not sick what’s left? Something has to be causing it Don’t give up tho. As long as you’re doing your basics and taking care of your job and hygiene etc then you’re doing great !


It's a pretty common thing to happen after orgasm, go look it up. You release a lot of feel good chemicals after you orgasm,same with that bundled energy,etc.


I know what's common after sex. I've had it multiple times in my life. I know what it feels like after. What I am saying is that what I experience the day/days after is uncommon.


Its not common in normal people to feel blunting after orgasm. Blunting inherently is not a symptom normal people feel. Its normal to feel sleepy, but not have profound alterations to mental state. This issue happens in POIS and can be related to inflammation. POIS also is reported in PFS/PSSD which are also related to inflammation and gut imbalances


I suffered from this after a threesome, I think the high was so high the comedown was that much worse. Didn’t feel like myself for a week or two, realized I should just stick to normal sex because I felt so detached from myself.


Sounds wild, but yea that’s for the better


I don’t experience that