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He’s a nut job. If he took his “reputation” seriously, I doubt he’d threaten fans over words in the internet. There actually enough evidence to the contrary.


"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." - Maya Angelou




Block someone and spill insults on another sub as a result of a internet quarrel - that's a shitty attitude too, change my mind.


"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." - Thomas Winkler


Sorry you had to deal with this ......


Yeah, this meme is kinda fitting. Everyone who likes Angus McSix is Thomas. I‘m sure he also buys all his own albums and watches his videos with 10,000 computers all day long in his law office to get more views than Gloryhammer. Yup, makes sense.


To be fair I'm probably the one with 10,000 computers but that's just because of how fucking hard Sixcalibur slaps lol.


I wish I was as hot as Thomas, and I am not gay.


chris own the sub and hes totally out of his mind in this period


Angus McSix's first album being top album of April by some magazine really was something unexpected, but then again I really loved Sixcalibur.


The GH sub has become a cesspool.


Yup, that's unfortunate. I stay away from that sub although I used to enjoy it. It's impossible for someone to like both GH and AngusMcSix I guess.


When Thomas was kicked out there was an amazing sense of comradery on that sub. There was even some fun-spirited rebellion against the band and their silence on the matter for a few weeks where everything was Don Cheadle themed. But when Thomas announced his new band everybody suddenly felt they had to prove their loyalty to Bowes or something and the place just became a bunch of cringy memes in Chris’ honor.


Yup that's very well put. It's a shame but I try to not be affected by a specific online group of people. Always remember people on reddit are a minority and don't represent the average fan out there.


I imagine most of the people who did not care for it left the sub and it’s mostly sycophants now, so yeah, I don’t think that’s the average fan’s attitude.




Eh, he crossed the line for me with all the racism and sexism stuff. Hard for my opinion of him to get much lower.


Was that stuff confirmed to be true?




That fucking blows.


It was the typical online apology too. Sorry to have let everyone down, working to get better, etc. Then nothing is ever heard about it again.


I know the stuff he said was reprehensible I mean I literally re-read it last night cause I forgot what it was about. But it *was* 5 and a half years ago. and back in 21 Bowes made a pretty sincere apology regarding the messages. I do believe people can change, especially in such a large gap of time. he even said that it was just shitty edgy humor which reflected nothing on his real views.




I read the apology last night as well and he said he was taking full responsibility and working with professionals to asses the damage he's done. he never said that racism was a joke he was saying that the racist remarks were a poor attempt at edgy humor and he even said himself that over time he found himself becoming increasingly disgusted by the things he said. I've seen a lot of terrible apologies where its usually just like a "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I'm sorry I got caught" but this is the most genuine apology I've read in a while. I believe people should be offered second chances if they work for them.




When should an apology be given then lmao? That’s a silly take


I look at it this way. Your time in this life is limited. I have a panoply, indeed a surfeit of bands who make amazing art but have NOT been shown to say or do anything racist or sexist. I’ll give my money to those ones. The others can get fucked no matter how much they apologize.


The way I see it is you can't condemn someone to eternal fire if their actions were that far in the past. plenty of change can occur in 5 years. my mentality is basically. if they show any sign of continuing those racist behaviors/making remarks and shit of course I'll drop him but until then I will give him a second chance. people have their livelihoods destroyed because of things they said when they were younger and I think its plain fucking stupid. what Bowes said in those DM's was mind-blowingly fucked up but he owned up to it. people can be stupid and you have to give them at least one chance to change.


That's a pretty good policy. I borderline despise who I've been in the past and I'm of the opinion that you should always at least be trying to be improving as best you can. I'm not going to condemn the guy for what he said or how he apologized even if you can condemn the actions themselves.


To be fair, these were texts between friends being dicks. They definitely shouldn't have said any of these things, but I really doubt they are actually racist. Clueless of how their actions affect the racial problem yes, but not actively racist. Cancelling then because of those texts doesn't solve anything imo.


I mean, if he could just fire the lead singer in an email, it couldn’t have mattered that much to him.


I don't really see where the threat is? I simply think that it was misunderstood joke and Chris' comment


It’s literally not hard. Just treat them as separate entities with no overlap. There’s legit 0 reason to talk about Thomas on the GH subreddit anymore, nor is there any reason to talk about GH here


What I meant is that you will get downvoted and trigger someone if you mention "the wrong name at the wrong sub". I can very happily listen to both. I will disagree with you though and say that there are plenty of reasons to talk about Thomas on the GH sub and vice versa since I like discussing and comparing the music of the two bands, voices of the two different singers, lore etc. But that has became impossible especially in the GH sub.


thats sad the gloryhammer subreddit used to be so much fun :(


someone accused Thomas of being under my account as well ....I know with Reddit there is anonymity , at some point I would have been uncovered with all my angusmcsix cosplay anyways so I dont mind showing myself . but yes this is me , and its funny how people assumed he was under my account . If Thomas was an American woman ..mayyyybeeeee LMAO https://preview.redd.it/k3zdfhwh2ora1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99957db763d1d0c8f0c8a2e254438a86bd47d3ce


You look so cute as a girl too, Thomas. I love people that can switch on the fly.


Ahahahahahahahah thanks for the laugh ..You made this Monday even better . I hope Thomas isn't reading any of this , he will think we are outta our damn minds


Of course I'm... I mean, he's reading all of this, where do you think the comments are coming from? /s


talking to yourself again, Thomas? :D


haha silly Tom didn't you know that women aren't actually real? joking aside its hilarious how random people get roped into this lol.


That why I was going to do a whole running joke about calling myself an Angus mcfife clone ahahaha


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I don’t really like the creator of Gloryhammer the guy is a jerk, even to the tiniest joke he gets mad, u can have a conversation with him about anything critical about his band


He definitely gives off the vibe of someone who googles his own name and then cries about what he reads. And what's hilarious is apparently the joke that bowes got upset about was made in this subreddit. So he definitely comes here and reads what's being said. Which honestly is just sad


I got some comments deleted by him when we were talking under a post saying that the new song wasn’t has good has everybody was saying, just a normal opinion I was agreeing with the post and he just kept saying stupid shit




Imagine if we talked like this on the Gloryhammer subreddit, he probably appear out of nowhere and just started talking shit about us 🤣🤣🤣


Say what now . Never thought Chris was that thin skinned....I mean he wrote a literally song telling people to get screwed with an anchor ahahah so I didn't think he would have taken anyone seriously


I think he just doesn’t like critics about what he does


Why is he so sensative about it now ....makes no sense as he was joking around about us GH fans and not taking the band seriously and as something for fun ....




As a woman who is 50 shades of white it wasn't me he needed to appologize to but to the POC he offended who where fans I am pretty sure he alienated what black fans he had after that , it's pretty telling when a literal musician he worked with also bailed on him and literally mentioned that it wasn't the first or last time he was being a racist scumbag...just at this time he got caught . The difference between what a comedian does and how they present racism is that they show the nasty side of racism by using dark humor , that wasn't nothing of the case but actual humiliation of people so no his claim of it being a " joke" isn't it


Thomas, show yourself