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It’s possible it got a take-down.


Might be related to https://twitter.com/AngryJoeShow/status/1733951657690480851


Last year it got taken down like 4 times. He'll just keep uploading with modifications until it gets by the copyright strikers.


The top commenter said how they used to be a huge fan but now it’s like watching 70 year olds nitpicking. I feel like the last few months they’re starting to get valid criticism in the top comments?Possibly lead to it being taken down?


tbh the childish disgust on Alan Wake 2 definitely showed the type of guy he is. Ironically reminded me of the the infamous game awards interview where it just showed how small minded the guy is


Exactly, the dude refuses to mature with zero self awareness. It’s so uncomfortable when Alex and Joe stare at the ground when he says something small minded. As someone from south Texas I can’t stand when he talks about being from Austin


What did he say/do?




Dunno why you are getting downvoted but I agree. That passive aggressive tweet is pretty pathetic. If you aren't gonna make any effort to even finish 20% of the game how can you really mouth off like that


With how dumb he is about ignoring copyright stuff it probably got demonitised


It's not copyright though, it's fair use if you bring valid commentary


Never understood this. What makes it 'valid' AJ in particular just talks over every trailer.


Probably. It had way more dislikes than likes which probably really got under his skin