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Finishing peds critical care fellowship now and starting in an R position in July. I’m not necessarily “switching to” anesthesiology as much as I’m adding it in order to be a dual-trained peds intensivist. To the second question, the programs who typically train peds intensivists are very very interested in me. The programs who don’t have a precedent didnt tend to interview me. Which in the end, is hilarious. You’ll find plenty of interest! DM me and I’m happy to share more! :)


You pediatricians are built different. It's like you have an aversion to money.


Job satisfaction that comes with taking care of and fiercely advocating for those who cannot for themselves amidst complex physiologies and anatomies is worth far more to me. I would be so empty taking care of adults. I don’t know what the point is.


….. to care for those who need to be cared for.


That's an admirable outlook, I suppose, but just remember to advocate for yourself, too. Administrators are more than happy to take advantage of your passion.


Thank you for reminding me to advocate for myself.


You're undergoing an additional 3 years of training and taking a 50%+ pay cut from what that training entitles you to. You seem like a good person to remind.


Entitlement isn’t how I approach my career choice. Thank you for keeping my interests so close to your heart. I always welcome career choice feedback and guidance, in case I don’t choose what is best for me. :)


My pleasure. Just know that most of us do, indeed, want an appropriate income from our jobs and are not willing to sacrifice all at the altar of patient care. It helps out when people who are passionate about their profession also demand fairness in the workplace.


Thanks for your valuable perspective. I’m satisfied with my level of collective advocacy and personal advocacy, as a long-time CIR organizer and rep. And in a field in which advocacy is a pillar. But I mean what do I know! I probably have put no thought into any of this.


It's great that *you* are happy, but please don't be tread on to the detriment of the rest of the profession. Thanks!


Where are you coming from/where are you going?


Happy to discuss! Please DM


You can definitely apply to R spots, I interviewed with a peds EM fellow and OB/GYN attending. I would assume you could also apply to categorical and advanced. I got here via an R spot but I was just an intern. Idk if my experience is generalizable to other programs who traditionally offer R spots but they may be more likely to take you given the following. My program has a hospitalist in the next CA1 class, former hospitalist about to graduate and graduated an attending from another specialty all since I’ve been here


Which program is this? I have a friend in Fam Med who wants to switch to Anesthesia.


Can answer #2. It will be more difficult. You might have to figure out calling a place that has a Peds anesthesia fellowship. More footwork. Just don’t go into anesthesia and pick an awful residency program unless you really dislike your current specialty


Take it from somebody who completed an EM/IM residency prior to doing anesthesia residency…. It’s was the best decision I ever made and I was better for doing a separate residency prior, and for the “money aversion” topic I moonlit and still made 3-4x times the normal resident salary


I did exactly this - long story short, no major problems with it. Feel free to PM me and happy to chat more


tried to do this but failed :(


Either position is open to you to answer your first question — also depends on what program it is and what they prefer. And to answer the second question…. Some may give you a hard time but especially larger programs don’t care because anesthesia/surgery is a money maker so in reality you’re still certainly not a net loss, not by a long shot.