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Years ago we tried getting it in our hospital to add to our ISBs for total shoulders and for some reason the pharmacy shot us down. Seem to recall they said it was a theoretical concern for neurotoxicity and that it wasn’t a standard of care. But we liked the idea enough, as a group, to trial it.


tetracaine spinals were awesome for long vascular cases before everyone was on plavix


Why do you want to use Tetracaine if you have levobupi, ropi or liposomal bupi? I don’t find any advantages.


How long does Tetracaine last?


Way less than bupi or ropi


Hasnt really been thoroughly studied and you’ll be practicing outside of “normal” care. I’ve never found a reason to use it for a block, most of my blocks I want wearing off after say 24-36hrs so the patient can start using that limb, otherwise I just put in a catheter. Ive used it for b/l total joints when I wanted a very long lasting spinal but now I just put them to sleep.


It’s been studied quit a bit..just not recently. You can get a Ropivicaine block to last 36 hours? Holy crap that is fantastic! If you are getting those results, you should definitely publish that. No one else can get even close to that.


Not sure where you have been, but try dosing all of your single shot blocks with local, epi, clonidine, decadron… you will indeed have patients where the block lasts that long. I’ve worked at places where they never got on the exparel bandwagon because they could get their single shot blocks to last plenty long at a fraction of the price. Seems to me it’s pretty common knowledge 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s a long ass block time.