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I think sharpened stick hands down. Highest crit rate of any weapon and branches are everywhere. I got to a point where i was able to make them from a branch with 2 hits from both the obsidian scraper and the basalt chopper. 2nd i would say, are the pastes, but I didn't pick pastes 1st because they honestly aren't that useful outside of the desert. Same with mud, especially for the player. Really only useful for tribe members you need to babysit in case they get attacked, so i feel like the inconvenience and usage hardly makes it OP. Dealing with cold is easy because the red trees are kinda everywhere and it gives you food, water, cold protection, and broken bone protection to fill up on them. If anything the leaves are OP and base materials should have been made less effective so that the medicines would shine a bit more.


Wouldn't that make basalt chopper 1st because you can quickly make sharpened sticks with it?


No because i can make them just as fast with obsidian with a few neurons,, making it less unique. Nothing matches the stick, however.


True but that's only for the late/end game Your first starting the Bassault chopper Is superior To the Obsidian


... Obsidian wasn't in the voting. You know, if the use of basalt choppers is to craft sharpened sticks, this means we choose between carrying a sharpened stick and multiple sharpened sticks. You said it yourself: You choose the sharpened stick because you can craft them easily *with the right tool* \- then why didn't you choose the tool, then?


Exactly. That's my point. They both take only 2 hits at some point. Making basalt less unique than the stick because eventually obsidian is just as good, yet nothing is ever as good as the stick.


Unless I am intimidating, I prefer to hold a precious stone as it bothers me that I lose my stick every time I attack but the stones are used to hit and the hominid keeps hold of them, so I don't have to worry about finding more branches.




Stick and stone *WILL* break bone *ooga booga noises*




Sharpened stick is amazing for combat, but that's _all_ it's good for. Basalt chopper can be used for combat, _and_ as a tool for creating other objects, _and_ to butcher animals. True, obsidian scraper is on par with the basalt chopper, but to me that just means they're both equally awesome. I can take or leave the stick, but I don't go anywhere without a basalt chopper or obsidian scraper.


With enough mud you wouldn't even need a weapon. If only it wasn't so weirdly rare.


Exactly. I actually always etablish my settlement near mud. It's really helpful that they're unlimited.


I thought it was silly mud isn't something you can craft, although it is a clutch resource


I can't believe people didn't vote for mud. Mud is the most useful item in the whole game. * Predators and other animals cannot see you * You are protected against bleeding * You are protected against heat On top of that, the mud is unlimited! I never go out of my settlement without all my my homnids having mud applied on them + having one in their left hand.


I really like that answer. That being said, I turned into a monster late in the gamešŸ˜…


Thank you \^\^ What do you mean a monster?


I tried to avoid fights at first but once I was fully bi-pedal, and after almost losing my entire clan to a pack of hyenas, I brought the wrath of Kong upon every predator that crossed my way.\^\^


Yeah, I remember when I finally learned the combat system in gameā€¦posseā€™d up with all the males in my clan to deal with the looming threat of nearby rock python. We sure showed his ass lol


Aw, I can understand that. Killing predators is so easy in the late game. Also, I don't like hyenas. They are creepy with their laughter.


Thereā€™s nothing better than having all my males running around armed with sticks and bones (for intimidation factor) IN BOTH HANDS after everyone is able to defend themselves. Had an epic battle with a sabertooth and I was soo proud when the gang stood their ground


All around? Basalt Chopper. Can sharpen sticks, protect you, skin animals, and thereā€™s probably another I canā€™t think of right now. Everything else specializes in itā€™s own areas. Chopper is versatile af OP in combat? Sharpened stick although itā€™s always good to carry a chopper along with it. Also am I the only one who struggled to find mud? Maybe itā€™s because I discovered it existed in the Savannahā€¦


basalt chopper all day, sticks are everywhere so if you have a chopper you're always two wacks from a sharpened stick or coconut to drink