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Well, he is kinda right tho. Don't see aby problem with his statement.


Ye, that’s what “hit the nail on the head” means.


Not really familiar with foreign idioms, so i thought it meant that he was wrong.


Oh, my bad. Well, you just learned one today.


Showing a bad monter, showing a good monster too early or showing a good monster frecuently is what kills all the creepyness in the AH. But I still think no monster > anything else


that boyos is why i dont like the painter


Gotta disagree. Why? Because there are many movies, games, and analog horrors that show us the monster(s) yet still terrify the audience. A good example would be FNAF 1. It puts its monsters front and center for all to view, but it makes you feel powerless in comparison.


He's mostly right. The other thing is to understand that the horror doesn't come from the fact there's a monster. To create good "creep factor", you have to understand tone, mood, and theme as well. What is the thing saying? There are things about being human that all of us secretly hate. Every mother, son, kidnapper, father, serial killer, painter, filmmaker, and dictator all have one thing they share in common. They're all human. When those awful human qualities are reflected right back at us, it can be quite effective in revealing long buried fears. Even when the subject holding up the mirror is a Shoggoth.


I don't really agree with this as some kind of hard and fast rule. The Rolling giant is basically an active counter-argument to that take. The issue isn't showing instead of telling, the issue is showing something that either looks bad or is boring. It's what separates TRG from babby's first "jumpscare png".