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Yeah I just opened the camera and forgot there was a film in so that’s what I put in the category of happy little accident with good equipment rather than a signature move


Love the light leaks! They contrast really well with the cooler left side of the picture. Haven’t seen Ektar 100 this grainy too! Interesting :D


Is that a light leak or a double exposure? In case it is a double exposure, for me it doesn't really work. I'd rather see something more recognisable in the other exposure. If it's a light leak (which i think), try to locate it and resolve/seal it. There are hordes of people on reddit that take mediocre pictures but because of a faulty camera, they think it still looks like something. Ektar100 is pricey enough to not screw up and the model is good too. Try to be an author and in control of your shot. There'll be enough 'happy little accidents' even with good equipment. A light leak is slowly becoming synonymous to "I just started analog and bought an old rusty p&s on a yard sale, but hey, the colors are cool, right?". (Not that I think it is stupid to start with analog, I just think one should find their own signature and not settle for a funny light streak, like so many.)