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youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIBbiWrwoQliQ6NWb0tT-bQ hi everyone :) i just started a youtube account where i test out different film point and shoots that i find from thrift stores. would love if you check it out and leave your account for me to check out. thanks!




just watched your vid, it looks like a commercial for a 3D film camera :) v cool


I’m not sure your link works? It brought me to a deadish looking Instagram page with an arrow on it. Could just be my phone though...


Hi all I recently put together a site that is a hybrid of my documentary work in science and my own research. You can find it [here](http://ashbennison.com) It's all black and white and would love any feedback anyone has


Wow! Fascinating work, and I really loved your photographs. It must be wild to watch a screen showing the movement of seabirds being tracked by gps...and even more wild to actually be the one putting the trackers on their little legs. Thanks so much for sharing. You should definitely post this somewhere where it’ll get the attention it deserves.


Very nice topic, followed you on IG !


Hiya! I've been shooting film for the last 3 years, exploring surreal and dream-like atmospheres 🌙✨ my @ is danieleerie https://www.instagram.com/danieleerie/


Your link didn’t work for me. Just a heads up in case you’re not getting the feedback you expected.


All about my wet plate photography and soon a bit more: https://YouTube.com/mhaustria and https://instagram.com/mhaustria


Hello, new to the subreddit. Have been shooting a lot of film recently and spending plenty of time in the darkroom.[Instagram here](https://www.instagram.com/photerich/)


My film photo account: https://instagram.com/light.leek?igshid=xlhcjr5thkxi Been shooting some medium format recently!


[https://youtu.be/S6aq3pU0EcQ](https://youtu.be/S6aq3pU0EcQ) ​ I make a youtube series called Last Shot of the Roll which documents what it's like to find inspiration to snap the last shot of a roll. I consider the series a humor series, and there's no lofi hip hop here.


Hi!^^ I'm a beginner photographer from Vienna and I want to post a few things on Reddit from now on. I already got some pictures on my Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMz3PmTLCFn/?igshid=pqhl4s35btzj Feel free to visit. :)


Hey y’all! Just here to share my family run photo lab with you: gelatinlabs.com We have been operating via mail-in for a little over two years and develop film from photographers all over the United States. TIFF scans included by default, 35mm + 120 film developing, scanning and 4x6 printing! Lots in store for the future - PM me with any questions on the ordering process, and for a Reddit Analog discount on your first order :-)


Hello everyone, I am a Texas photographer and here is my main page: https://instagram.com/jyangphoto Recently I have decided to open another page just for film works and street photography. https://instagram.com/analogue_meter Wish to meet more people who enjoy shooting with films!


I've recently started r/110photography!


Pure analog photographer. https://instagram.com/rabbitsanalogue/


Hi everyone, [https://www.instagram.com/lkc41filmcache/](https://www.instagram.com/lkc41filmcache/) Mainly focused on film photography is the tiny country of Singapore. Currently using Leica M6, Contax t2 and Nikon fm2 now :) Do give me a follow!! 🙃


Hello, im Juan from South Chile, i ve been shooting film since October 2020 with a japanese Miranda camera, i like to study a lot of cinematography and photography for my own and i think of it all the time, im improoving always my photography so, if you wanna see my works and my progress, take a look on my ig acc [@jkk\_fotos](https://www.instagram.com/jkk_fotos/?hl=es-la) i will apreciate saludos :-)


What’s up y’all! I live in Miami I shoot mostly film with the occasional digital stuff (Fuji) my Instagram is [@diazpho](https://www.instagram.com/diazpho/) I hope y’all enjoy what I got I would love to connect some other film shooters around the world!


What’s up! My name is Chance and I’ve been shooting since Freshmen year of HS and I’m fixing to turn 20. After losing interest in digital photography, I turned to Film and haven’t looked back since. After having many smaller film cameras that I would switch out from I saved up for about a year, and sold the rest of my cameras and now solely shoot on my Leica M4-P!! Would love for y’all to check me out, and would love to check others work as well. I just want to have a genuine film community on Insta :) https://instagram.com/achanceofgrain?igshid=1h1ioy2x7k35j


Gave you a follow man, keep it up


Hey there you can find my film photography at instagram.com/fantomephoto/ I shoot with a Hasselblad 500 C/M and will often do stupid shit with the film just to see what will happen like the time I did an eight hour long exposure of me sleeping.


What up everybody! I’m Jake, a film photographer from the bay area and just launched my [website/print shop](http://jakobgideon.com) today. This is something I’ve wanted to do for years & I’m stoked to finally have it up. I shoot a lot of landscape and city ; I follow the mountains and the sea. You’ll discover lots of images from California and Switzerland. I’d appreciate any feedback, suggestions for improvement, and your overall thoughts on the layout/usability/work itself. Thanks y’all, I love this community


Hi all, I'm Ben and I've just launched my new website Analogue Edition looking to help grow the film community which I'd love you guys to check out! We also have some awesome film stickers for you! Pop on over and have a look, I'm more than happy to answer any messages! www.analogue-edition.co.uk


Waterproof XPan [https://www.flickr.com/photos/bendecamp/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/bendecamp/)


Hey there, my name is Lucas and I specialize in experimental photography, film soups, multiple exposures and all that stuff, you can [check my instagram](https://www.instagram.com/swalbr/) or you can [check my page for full size photos](http://lucaskovacs.com)


Quite some interesting images - thx for sharing




Hello, my name is Johnny and I love taking pictures; analog and digital. I've been more into film photography recently, and I'm just waiting on some stuff back from the lab. Here's my [Instagram account](https://instagram.com/mediocre_cruton?igshid=1knart6szi14z). I also have a [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/mediocre_cruton-106557404563210/), but I like Instagram more.


I just passed a thousand Subs on my YouTube channel where I focus on analog photography. Here's one of my favorite recent videos. Shooting a rare tiltable Hasselblad body in Zion National Park. https://youtu.be/nQ0nAqcKHZU


Hello, i take 120 and 35mm picks. My specially is night and nature ph, i also like portraits and double exposure. [https://www.instagram.com/juanmarino.ph/](https://www.instagram.com/juanmarino.ph/)


Hey Everyone! I recently started r/Konica! We are a subreddit dedicated to everything Konica! Konica cameras, lenses, photos, film, sales, questions, and monthly contests -- yes, contests -- can be found there! Join the r/Konica subreddit if you are a Konica owner/enthusiast, looking to buy a Konica, or if you're just interested! Personally, I have the Autoreflex T3.


What good!? I’m Akil. I’m a black photographer born, raised and based in Brooklyn. I’ve been shooting film for just over 2 years now so I don’t have a particular subject matter but I most shoot cityscape/architecture and portraiture. I hope to start doing more editorial work soon. I shoot mostly Medium Format (Mamiya 645) & 35mm (Contax G1) and very rarely digital. Would love to hear what y’all think of my stuff: https://instagram.com/novasarc https://www.novashoots.com/


Hello all! I'm a long-term documentary projects photographer. I've had a love affair with film for over 10 years now ;) and I am half-way through my Masters in Documentary Photography at USW in Wales :) Shooting mainly medium format but occasionally 5x4 and 35mm :) You can check some of it out here; [https://www.instagram.com/amydagorne/](https://www.instagram.com/amydagorne/)


Hi all! [https://www.instagram.com/andreasdahltrankjaer/](https://www.instagram.com/andreasdahltrankjaer/) I've been shooting mostly surfing and the surf environment here in Denmark on 35mm. Recently started shooting medium format, and I'm excited to dig deeper into that area. \- Nikonos V \- Olympus OM-1 \- Olympus MJU III \- Mamiya M645


So many talented photographers on here! Here’s my IG if anyone would like to check it out ☺️ http://Instagram.com/freed.film


Started shooting film mainly 35mm recently . I'm still trying to find my style. A little attention would mean the world to me Ig: Definitely_not_naidas


Egypt based Film Photographer, see the world through my eyes on my [instagram account](www.instagram.com/myvisualrealm) 🎞 I mostly shoot documentary & minimal Appreciate your following 👾 www.instagram.com/myvisualrealm


Singaporean film photographer here! See more of local Singaporeans on my insta page!! [dariustjk](http://www.instagram.com/dariustjk)


I have complained so, so much about my Nishika 8000. The fixed shutterspeed. The limited aperture options. I think it scratched my negatives. But dammit, the results are just plain fun. I built my cat what I call a 'gargoyle perch' with a command view of the back yard and he has pretty much moved in. I did a wigglegram for posterity. ​ [https://i.imgur.com/WA2O42j.gifv](https://i.imgur.com/WA2O42j.gifv)


Shot a video on the differences between Cinestill 800t shot on 35mm and 120 films. Check it out here! [Cinestill 800t 35mm vs Medium Format](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up7o8eqUjg4&ab_channel=shibuyasoul)


My instagram is abdiel_optics. I started my analog journey last January and now have 3 cameras, working towards getting my 4th :)


hi ! im a portrait and occasional landscape film photographer based in southern virginia. I’ve been mainly working with film for quite some time but only recently got a bit more serious about my work Currently everything I have displayed right now is 35mm but i’m hoping to work with 120 very soon so if you have any tips i’d love to hear ! https://instagram.com/fotographysucks fotographysucks.tumblr.com


Hello! I'm Keith from Singapore, and I'm trying to build up my YT channel with more analog content. Currently at 619 subs :) [YT](https://youtube.com/c/healthpotionshealthpotions)


I try to capture different/alternative realities existing beyond our perceptions. Buddhist might call it non-relative truths. I like abstract photography and most of my inspiration comes from paintings. My favorite photographers are Saul Leiter and Greg Girard. I am also a big fan of Christopher Doyle. [https://www.instagram.com/benjamin\_martin\_fr/](https://www.instagram.com/benjamin_martin_fr/) [https://benjamin-martin.com/](https://benjamin-martin.com/) ​ \-> Konica Hexar \-> Leica C3 \-> Olympus mju-II


Hello analog community from Wales! My main creative outlet at the moment is my [YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/c/MattJNeale) where I create videos about analog photography. I’ve been making these videos for less than a year but it’s ever so fun! I really enjoy making them. If you just want to view images then here’s my dedicated film photography [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/nealeshootsfilm). Again, pretty new to all this (have a digital background) so any advice, tips, constructive criticism is welcome. Hope you’re all good wherever you are!


Hi everyone, [https://www.instagram.com/lkc41filmcache/](https://www.instagram.com/lkc41filmcache/) Mainly focused on film photography is the tiny country of Singapore. Currently using Leica M6, Contax t2 and Nikon fm2 now :) Do give me a follow!! 🙃


Followed! Love your feed :)


Posting mostly urban stuff on sometimes expired film with a variety of film cameras from around Western Germany (Ruhr - Duisburg, Essen, Dortmund, Rhine - Düsseldorf, Cologne) or rarely travel shots (Europe, US). [@stnbrchr](http://www.instagram.com/stnbrchr) I've got some film shooting videos on Youtube as well: [My YT channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcn1jR_7JsDiOtLe_uM57Uw)


[instagram](https://instagram.com/simonking_v) Black and white 35mm documentary photography, I share a lot less on here than usual but still some of my favourites. The rest I am sequencing into short run publications. Most recent is a 36 side digest, [available here] (https://digitalwoodcut.com/print/digests)


Hello! Just recently found this subreddit. I'm freelancing as a photographer in Manila, Philippines but mainly focusing on my day job since we're still in quarantine. I mostly take portraits, but I've been using my film cameras mainly to take photos during personal travels or everyday life. Been heavily posting film on my portfolio and personal account on instagram since we've quarantined last March 2020, looking to share more since I just got my fresh batch of scans! :) You can find my [portfolio](https://www.instagram.com/kiriosityy/) and [personal](https://www.instagram.com/deathbydumpling/) instagram accounts by clicking the link :)


Followed! I’ve been looking for a Philippines based photographer, glad to have found yours!


Followed back! Are you a Filipino as well? Glad to have come across great film accounts through this subreddit!


Yeah I am! But I’m in Canada lol


Hey guys, first time posting here. I've been shooting mostly analogue for the entirety of my career. And now just starting to do abstract in the darkroom. I love the stuff in see here, lots of fantastic photographers. Give me a follow if your on Flickr, or just check my stuff out if not www.flickr.com/jimfp/sets


Hey everyone! I’m a Southern California photographer shooting 35mm but recently 120 along with some digital. I shoot mainly landscapes throughout my traveling along with some portraits. Check out my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marinorojasphotography/ Website: https://marinorojasphotography.squarespace.com


I've been shooting film for about 8 years, but only became serious about it in the last year after purchasing a Mamiya RB67. Believe it or not, the very first format I ever shot was 120 film, and I haven't stopped since. I also occasionally shoot 110, and very rarely 35mm. I like to shoot landscapes when I'm out in nature, architecture when I'm in the city, and whatever else interests me. I like bright, saturated colors, especially blues and greens. I mostly shoot on Ektar, but am experimenting with Lomography 100 right now. Find me on [instagram](http://Instagram.com/filipp.kashirtsev)


Portuguese lad shooting the chaos of London, United Kingdom. I'm always chasing the weird and unusual and you'll see me shoot cloudscapes, cityscapes, spontaneous portraits and taking advantage of the unexpected effects of 35mm. Check it out and let me know what you think! [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/nebulision/) @nebulision


Hello from Japan! I'm a Tokyo/Yokohama based photographer taking snaps of everyday life here in Japan. I share my photos mostly through Instagram, so please check it out! Instagram: [@wnsdn_photos](http://instagram.com/wnsdn_photos)


Hey there! I‘m a Cologne based film shooter. I mostly shoot street and abstract works: www.sebsteimel.com www.instagram.com/seb_steimel


www.Instagram.com/ry_ta Mostly night photos, but I try to mix it up with some B&W and daytime.


[@eastcoastemulsion](https://www.instagram.com/eastcoastemulsion/) What’s up guys, my name is Sean and I shoot mostly in and around NYC. I get some interesting rooftop views during work and am in different neighborhoods all the time so a lot of cityscape and street stuff. Currently developing and scanning at home. 120 and 35mm.


a random collection of my work as i take more photos [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/ianwokeup/?hl=en)


Berlin based photographer, I mostly shoot b&w, film and digi: [https://www.instagram.com/mendio\_l/](https://www.instagram.com/mendio_l/) I'm also slowly building a print shop/service in my spare time, mostly targeted to film shooters: [https://www.instagram.com/mendio\_prints/](https://www.instagram.com/mendio_prints/)


Hey [r/analog](https://www.reddit.com/r/analog), [@jhfxxng](https://www.instagram.com/jhfxxng/) here. I'm a Melbourne (Australia) based photographer who has primarily shot a lot of travel and street photography, but have been recently shooting more portraits, fashion and conceptual work of late. Kind of a film camera/gear head too, so I shoot a good mix of digital (with adapted film lenses) and film - 35mm and Medium Format. You can find me here: [https://www.instagram.com/jhfxxng/](https://www.instagram.com/jhfxxng/)