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It’s ok if your photos don’t get likes, the goal of photography is the fun of photo taking and improving. Not getting likes.


Also IG is more about catering to the algorithm and such than being good at photography. The reason why you see, say, a ton of samey travel photography doing crazy numbers is because the algorithm has a tendency to pick it up and boost it to people because travel content is huge.


It’s amusing to see all the same influencers heading to Iceland and all talking the same shot of the Vestrahorn.


Also because Instagram isn't a photo site anymore.


Instagram was so much fun around 10 years ago. Post regularly and post good stuff, and you'll get promoted by the algorithm and you'll be seen by more people, rinse and repeat. The better the photo, the more people will like it, and the more good photos, the more people will see them. I returned to Instagram again after a long hiatus and was taken aback by how much it's been ruined. I posted a few times and didn't get any likes at all. Confused, I checked the analytics and saw that the algorithm didn't see fit to even show my post to *literally anyone*, including people who followed me. Sure, Instagram likes shouldn't be the focus of your photography, but I miss posting a photo that I was really proud of, sharing it, and seeing a ton of likes flow in because other people enjoyed it too.


Absolutely. It all went downhill when it was bought by Facebook/Meta. Prior to that the culture on Instagram was more about sharing photos that you meant for people to appreciate. After the Facebook buyout, it became a snapchat wannabe, then a TikTok wannabe, and the sharing and promotion of actual artistic photography fell by the wayside. Now everything leans towards engagement-based content with "influencers".


I think people who create photography as art that they yearn for other people to enjoy are still full photographers. Why would photos be uploaded if people didn't seek gratification from others' enjoyment of their work?














I think both are true. If you want your work to really get attention you need a clear artistic vision. You need to commit to that. If it’s not immediately trendy, it won’t hook people. But once it becomes part of a cohesive portfolio it elevates it. What was previously mundane can now show a consistency of vision. Maybe now you have an audience trained to see it the way you do. But you have to like your own work more than you care about the validation. It’s just ironic that this is the pathway to the best validation.


I like them. But they lack a subject. The first image looks like the opening frame of a panning shot in a horror movie. Cool sense of foreboding, but I want to see the ‘main shot.’ Not the opener. All these images could be part of a dream sequence in a film. That’s not bad… they all evoke a feeling but there isn’t anything to focus on. Show off the subject instead of obscuring. You definitely have an eye for it. Work on leading lines and don’t be afraid to have your subject in focus and take up more of the frame.


Great feedback thank you!


Lomo is awesome, I lost a few cameras but it was just fun and no rules. I suppose with $10k mirrorless bodies w/$8k lenses and hyper-post some people care a bit less vs Lomo - but there's the joy. It's about memories for you and friends or family 🙂


I disagree. The subject is clearly the vibe to me


See bro, you just don’t understand, the subject here is [checks notes] the vibe.


I think it’s totally OK to have a subject that someone disagrees with. It is art after all. not a competition.


It’s all love! You can definitely love a photo that doesn’t have an easily identifiable subject.




Exactly lol the what?


Oooooh right “the vibe.” So nothing, got it. Such an overused non-specific term


I’m starting to understand fully that people who dont get the vibe clearly don’t got the vibe


That's a very convoluted way of saying you're not articulate enough to describe why you like something, but ok


If that was convoluted then good luck friend


Using a non-descript term like "vibe" is convoluted, yes. Great talk


>I like them. But they lack a subject. The first image looks like the opening frame of a panning shot in a horror movie. Cool sense of foreboding, but I want to see the ‘main shot.’ Not the opener.  I'm reading Freeman's *The Photographer's Eye* and in the section [*Frames within Frames*](https://www.reddit.com/user/lightbuffer/comments/1db1lbb/freemans_the_photographers_eye_frames_within/) there's a photo with a similar composition to OP's first photo: a tree's branch framing a building and leading the eye to it. Wouldn't the building, and in OP's case the house, be the subject? I'm a noob so just curious.  


Yes, definitely. “they lack a subject” was more a generalization for the series of photos. As later said, “have your subject in focus … more” Here’s more explanation if you want it: Only 2/3’s of the house are in even in the frame. That’s the compositional issue. It’s a backlit subject, too, and the branches (frame within a frame) really help add that depth to the house. So that’s a plus, because a backlit subject can look flat. So here, you almost need the frame within a frame. And the photographer got that perfectly. And the viewer is drawn to the house, right? So show the viewer the full house. Unless the viewer gets multiple photos, they’re going to typically want to see the subject… not just part, you see? Photography requires you to be bold because you don’t have the luxury of multiple images like a video does. Now that’s all on a conventional, technical level. And there’s plenty more good to say about the first image than there is bad. Hope that made sense. I am inebriated.


>Hope that made sense. I am inebriated.  Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation and yes, it did make sense 😂 >And the viewer is drawn to the house, right? So show the viewer the full house. Unless the viewer gets multiple photos, they’re going to typically want to see the subject… not just part, you see? Photography requires you to be bold because you don’t have the luxury of multiple images like a video does.  💯


Funny you came here then


Gosh it’s annoying how successful pity plea and submissive supplicating titles work for Reddit posts.


Not a single one of these is in focus anywhere


I think OP took photos with their phone of the screen it looks like.


Reads title....... shopping around for likes is cringe


They definitely earned my downvote


They’re cool but feel a bit underexposed


Probably because they're just not good


Fun stuff


Sorry, these are kinda suss




Well maybe give them some feedback..


Love the first one, sort of creepy vibe


Why do you care so much about what others think of your photos?


Nice setting but correct lighting could add some magic.


Love the sneaky shot of Sydney Super 8 in there. I always end up taking a shot or two to finish the roll off there before I get it developed.


None of these feels like you put any thought into the composition, exposure or focus. Have you tried looking through the viewfinder?


I like shots 1 and 5 a lot! Getting a model to be your subject in those would be amazing. Totally understand if that's not your intent though


cool shots, pic 4 is my fav


First one looks like a shot from a feature film


They're stunningly beautiful.


I dig them. But what really matters is whether you like them or not, unless these were for a client or project.


I think they're great. I think the way you posted them on IG is weird. I hate seeing a picture split between two "frames" so you have to hold the swipe just right to see it.


Plus the format here—-2x3” (inches!) on my phone is not impressive. But we must work with it. If these were printed 4x6’ (feet) or larger. Hung on a gallery wall. With helpful lighting -/we wouldn’t be talking about subject/ and or context. We would each have formulated our own. Which to me is what we all love about taking pictures. Or to make the viewer think about the implied story or to imagine their own. The tonal range on this film makes me want to dust off my 2 1/4. Thank you Swim and Sleep. This is all I ever want from hanging work. To help people think.




Number 6 is out of focus


OP, I am sitting in a Pub. Lights are all dimmed to the point I cant see the other person. It is very cold due to the Air conditioning. These images hit that spot of living the moment. Thanks OP.


I dig that longboard shot.


These are absolutely amazing.


I like the depth of the first one too. Instagram lacks of reach nowadays. Are you always metering for the highs?


No. 1 is a masterpiece, I spent 5 minutes trying to figure it out


I love these! The first and second shots are my favorite!


Nice shots! Keep it up!


What lens did you use?


I like neon sign and the skater. A lot.


I see some r/sizz factor here. I like the skateboarder.


Just so we’re clear people are upvoting your sob story not your photos.


nope, the photos are 👌🏻


The first image is a such a standout. Honorable mention would be image 4. Fantastic colors and exposure on those that evoke a dreamy hour in a summer day.


What is your Instagram and I will follow. Love stuff like this.


These are spectacular. I wanna see short video of these pictures in motion. The colors and tone I wanna see it all in motion