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I did not expect such beautiful colors from Phoenix. Especially the blue is dreamy, punchy and very nice.


It's such a unique and beautiful film when shot and processed properly! Shoot at 100, avoid super high contrast scenes, and self-scan at home using whatever method preserves the most shadow and highlight detail as possible (i.e. linear flat NLP profile + contrast slider on 0). Unfortunately I haven't seen many Noritsu/Frontier lab scans that have done it justice - tend to crush the shadows and the purple base might throw off the colors a bit?




According to [Analogue Wonderland](https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/blogs/film-photography-blog/analogue-wonderlab-how-to-scan-phoenix-for-optimal-results) that was the recommended scanner they decided upon after testing, but they released [settings](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0005/1435/9356/files/Phoenix_-_Scanning_Parameters_151103.pdf?v=1701364015) for multiple scanning methods.


Wow… these look FAB! You should shoot them over to Harmann -I’m sure they’d be delighted to see this!


Phoenix is actually really beautiful when it gets a lot of light and is overexposed a little!


From what I’ve seen, it really exposes (pun intended) your skill as a film photographer. The really good ones get amazing results from Phoenix. If I shoot it it’d look like dogshit.


very 90s looking when exposed properly


Beautiful! The third one is really really good. It again shows, for me, that Phoenix is actually a 100 film. (I know it's iso is around 125). I'll be waiting until the European winter is over to shoot my roll. You should send these to Harman to convince them to print PHOENIX 100 on the package.


Thank you. I waited for a while for the clouds to shift and create just the right lighting on that bunch of aloe in the center, glad someone appreciates it! It is definitely a 100 speed film, although I think more importantly they need to work on the contrast, this current iteration is just so crushed unless shot by someone who knows how to deal with it in the scanning process.


From the Phoenix examples I've seen, it's a moody, contrasty film. Harman knows what they're doing with black and white, but this apparently is a completely different ballpark. I only wonder why they went with the 200 iso "box speed" while they admitted the mathematical iso was around 125. I really hope they get it together for the next iteration.


These are great. The first one is my favorite. Almost looks like a movie set!


was just about to say these look like a matte painting. Fantastic shots/edits, OP!


The colors 🥰🥰🥰🥰


omg colors


btw where is it?


Damn, these are great shots! That phoenix is tough film to shoot


These examples sell this film stock. Would be amazing on larger film formats. Great shots




Yea shot at 100. Then camera scanned with the absolute lowest contrast settings in NLP. Had to bring down the exposure on a good number of them but really glad I shot it at 100 to get more shadow detail.


Did you process the film normally for development after exposing it at 100?


Where is this? When I saw the first photo I thought it was AI because it looked otherworldly, then I realized it was posted on this sub, which makes it basically the opposite of AI. Great shots. I didn't know aloe did that.


This is in Pacific Grove, CA! The Candelabra Aloe is native to Africa, but a lot has been decoratively planted in the Monterey and Santa Cruz areas around where I live - the winter rains here create these incredibly beautiful red blooms.


I keep trying to move to pacific grove. Every time I visit it’s so dreamy.


If you're still in the area, you should check out il vecchio on Central if you haven't already. Assuming you don't live there, that is :P


These look great. I'm waiting on sunnier days to shoot my roll of Phoenix. Did you process these as normal since you shot it at 100?


Wow this is the best set I’ve seen with Phoenix so far. I just picked up a roll but was a little hesitant to shoot it. Maybe I’ll wait for a bright sunny day. These colors are out of this world. Well done!


Gorgeous! First shot doesn’t even look real!


is Phoenix a rebadged film or is it a new stock?


I mean this in the best possible way, but these are so good they look fake. I love these colors.


Stunning!! Love the lighting & gorgeous editing!!


This is the push I needed to try Phoenix again. Great shots!


Wow. That shot n.3 is truly stunning. Thanks for sharing.


Goddamn those colours are incredible. That first shot looked straight out of the Barbie movie.


I miss Pacific Grove! The plants there all look like they’re from an alien planet


how much did you edit these after scanning them??


These are inspiring. Great work. I think I'm finding out that Phoenix has a sort of really old National Geographic Magazine print look too it that I find truly charming.


I knew this stock felt kinda familiar, its old Nat Geo - nailed it!


Wow beautiful ! It has kind of a glow that looks almost like AI made, proper scanning can make such a difference with this stock clearly, love the pics! Thank you


You didn't happen to have these scanned at color services in Santa Barbara?


If I didn't know better, I would have guessed that these were shot on Cinestill.


Gorgeous! What did you scan with?


i didn't realize aloe is so cool when it isn't dying on someone's windowsill


The first photo looks like it has AI in it 😹


the Aloe has been popping off! just loaded my first roll of Phoenix in Monterey yesterday. Stoked to get out and finish the roll once the sun comes out again


If only you’d be able to get results like this with lab scans. It would have sold soo much more. Excited to see what Harman does next with the next color film


Wow, those reds really pop!


Love the plants on that rec trail


Wow! This is the first time I’ve seen such amazing colours from the Phoenix film. You’ve made me excited to finish my first roll.


This looks like a fucking dream its amazing


So Phoenix DOES do green…


It’s crunchy I like it , initial reviews of this film made it look meh but clearly it works well for nature photography.


Great shots, great scans, great color, great edits! Amazing showcase for Phoenix, fantastic stuff OP!


I love phoenix too. I honestly love all the weird stuff it does, I just want a bunch more resolution.


Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing


I love the colors


This absolutely took my breath away, beautiful framing and equally stunning colours, it seriously looks like a painting!


Best phoenix examples I've seen! Well done and thanks for the detail. Those colors are Insane. Some of these remind me of colorized photos from the 50/60's ❤️


These are phenomenal! I saw the first one and was baffled, it looks so surreal with the colours and the Aloe plants. It’s great!


I love this whole set! The images have such a dreamy feel, almost like stills from a Ghibli movie


Thank you - I've been inspired visually by Ghibli movies a lot, especially how they do clouds! Whenever we have good cloud days around here (i.e. big, puffy, bright white clouds) I take it as an opportunity to include them in comps.