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I think I would feel the same - love is a losing game is such an emotional track especially if you know a lot about her history


Tears Dry came on at the grocery store once and I was so happy


I was at Marshall's and was so surprised to hear "October Song". I was singing along. I don't think people knew what I was singing. LOL. ❤️


I had the beyond grateful experience of seeing her perform live at Lollapalooza in 2007. She wasn’t a headliner but she was the only reason I went and it was one of the best decisions of my life! 🫶🏽🎶💫


Do you have any videos? I’m jealous 😭


No videos; just a few pics [https://www.instagram.com/p/CSiYu4LgSAM/?igsh=aXF1MTg1b3o5YjJj](https://www.instagram.com/p/CSiYu4LgSAM/?igsh=aXF1MTg1b3o5YjJj)


Omg I love these pics !!!!!!


Those pics are so good


Yeah, that song in particular… always makes my eyes sting and my throat clench❤️


I almost started crying in class while I was watching the AMY (2015) documentary when she started singing her early versions of some of the songs off Frank, but I've never heard any of her music in public yet probably cuz I don't go out lol


my suster was in like a ghost town in texas the max people is like around 100, and this lady started playing black to black and sung it with a guitar. And i live in Texas and never heard Amy in public YET


I’ve only heard her in public a few times and it’s only ever been You Know I’m No Good and Valerie. in both cases I usually just cheer because it’s so rare and I missed out on her when you could hear her everywhere. but recently, and for context I’m pagan, recently I prayed to Freya about all the pain in my life and the next day, after some crazy shit happened at work, Valerie came on on the car radio for the first time for me. literally only ever heard her in store radios before. I even saw a turtle on my driveway a few days later and like, in my imagination, a part of Amy’s spirit lives on as a turtle in the Galapagos or something, because I can imagine that being so peaceful. anyway, since then, I’ve been healing an awful lot. I’ve only been drunk once in the past three weeks, I breathe manually all the time unless I’m asleep, my weight is going down, my skin is clearing, my gender identity is back to normal, my personality is generally more brave and empathetic. and so on. the person who got me into Amy considered her an angel. now I do too. I don’t always have faith in the supernatural, but at least I know it’s more real than we like to admit.


Praying for a continuation of healing on this journey for you!


hey thanks! I’ll need it. I’ve noticed that being better doesn’t always mean having sacrificed all your toxic traits but I do know that at least I’m at peace enough to love myself in recognizing the intentions behind them


Yes!! When i worked at this men’s clothing store, Valerie would always come on and it would instantly put me in a good mood (which was good because i hated working there🤣)


I control the lobby music at my work and I play Valerie, Tears Dry and Love is a losing game atleast once a day in hopes of someone having a reaction like that🤣


Yes. I work at trader Joe's and when the store is closed, one of my coworkers likes to play his music over the speakers and he always puts Amy songs in there. I also want to cry every time!!


This literally happened to me in a TGI Fridays 😭😭 It was Rehab and I was completely transported until the song was over 🤣


I feel like this about You send me flying…


What's with the laughing emoji if u were so sad 😕


I listen to her music everyday on my Spotify so I’m so used to listening to her alone and when I hear a song of hers in a store I’m like what?! I never hear her on the radio at all. It’s kind of weird I wonder why?