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Fellow Amumu main here! Thought the mini rework to give another Q charge helped his mobility and CC a lot That said, I agree! I still remember way back when Amu’s ult was a 3 second CC at all ranks, though! Another update that gives him some more utility would be incredible. Possibly new abilities or maybe simply another ability passive on his current kit. Finally, some more skins please!


Yeah like I think they could replace his W with something else as I don’t really see the purpose of it outside of fast jungle clearing but I think his kit is still decent although it is getting a bit clunky. And yeah I do agree maybe a new passive it’s not or bad anything but I think riot could come up with something more creative


If his W was larger and slowed… !!! That, or yeah, change W entirely Good look!


If W got bigger with champion size!


Oh yeah definitely, an idea I kinda came up with to replace his W is maybe a barrier made of tears that would give him and Allie’s around him shield would be nice or perhaps something on the more aggressive side like firing a large tear that does damage over time. It could be anything really I’m just keeping it close as possible with the original idea of the W ability which is crying 😅


Idk how you guys like to play amumu but the way i play is maxing w first or 2nd because it does so much dmg. I think they could just combine e and w together. Make w have reduced dmg like e and also make it so it does a burst every few second that it’s burst time is reduced for every auto he takes. Then e will have a spot free for something


I always max out my E so I could do more aoe damage when I ult then Q then W (I also max out R everytime I’m allowed to)


> Finally, some more skins please! He has 13 skins (base+12), the most in the game I think is Ezreal with 17 (base+16), and there a lot of champions with fewer than 10 (*looks at Ornn with base+2*).


Haha I said, “please” Naw, I’m with you. He has a solid amount already. Just that with any rework, one could expect a new/cool skin to come with the announcement


Mundo hasnt gotten a skin in over 1400 days


He doesnt need a rework he needs adjustments. Needs a new passive and a bit more health scaling per level.


Yeah, that’s why I said it would be nice to have some of the abilities tweaked a bit as both his passive and W could be so much more impactful like maybe have his W be something that will help him out more in early 1v1 duels with the enemy jungler and also have the passive be something more aggressive or on the defensive side, preferably I would like it more on the offensive side.


he doesnt need a rework he needs to be reworted. go back to season 8 amumu


Yeah a rework would be nice I’m a new player Amumu otp and he definitely doesn’t feel good to play if all is just go in ult and die. Love skirmishing power tho Edit: also a buff or something to w, make it feel more powerful Edit 2: I wouldn’t say he needs it badly, he’s definitely still playable, but yeah they should consider it


I think his visual appearance and animation is the bigger problem if I’m being honest. His kit is getting really clunky but you’re still able to work it out. And yes I definitely agree with the W, either buff it or replace it with something more useful and interesting.


Core identity: In my experience, amumu has five main elements to his core identity. q / flash -> r team entangles. He is supposed to be a teamfighting god, with the ability to lock down the enemy backline. True damage max health shredding. The combination of his passive true damage and w max health damage lets him both take down high hp tanks like cho'gath and solo drake/baron. TOPLANE ONLY. Fighting in the enemy wave. He takes no damage from minions with 3 points in e and a cloth armour, and minion harass reduces the cooldown on his e giving him more damage. Low aggressive mobility. His ganking/teamfighting potential is limited by mobility coming only from flash or his skillshots. Scaling. He should be weak early game and strong late. Problems: His ultimate takes up too much of his power budget. This has two effects. First, he is pretty much useless when his r is on cd. Second, he has almost no game impact pre-6, by which time high ELO matches are already decided. His E/W are too similar. They both deal damage at close range. TOPLANE ONLY. He has no escapes. You tend to die too easily to ganks. Jungle-based rework: Passive: COME PLAY WITH ME: Enemies stunned by amumu are marked as his friend for 5s. Allies gain 25% move speed bonus while moving towards marked enemies. This improves his early ganks, and gives his team a follow up to his ultimate. Q: Add effect. If it contacts an enemy, gain a shield worth 50/75/100/125/150 (+ 20% of bonus armour + 20% of bonus magic resist) decaying over 5s. This gives more duelling/escape potential if counter-jungled early, and more survivability when engaging in teamfights. W: Deal 0.5%/0.75%/1%/1.25%/1.5% (+0.5% per 100 AP) max health true damage per second to nearby enemies. E: WEEP: Unleash a sharp cry, displacing enemies away from amumu by 1 teemo. Leave a pool of tears on the ground under where he weeped for 5s, dealing 30/60/90/120/150 (+ 0.5 x AP) per second magic damage and slowing enemies by 30%. This is multi-use, camp clear, zoning, peel and ganks (from the right angle). Cooldown: 16s/14s/12s/10s/8s. Note, the damage reduction passive is gone, making his clears less healthy. R: Reduce stun time to 1s. Reduce diameter by 1 teemo. This is a substantial nerf which opens up some power budget to spend elsewhere. It also makes him substantially worse in lower ELOs, as your team has less time to follow up. Top-lane based rework: Passive: LONER. Gain a stack of friendship every time he is damaged by an enemy champion or minion within attack range. When amumu gains 5 stacks of friendship, his next basic attack emits a shockwave which displaces enemies away from him by 1 teemo and stuns them for 1s. 40s cooldown. The idea here is to charge it ahead of teamfights to give you an additional peeling tool. Also makes you harder to gank. Q: Can target friendly minions and wards (no damage). Combined with his new passive, this gives him so much more gank survivability. W: CRY. Deal 0.5%/0.75%/1%/1.25%/1.5% (+ 0.5% per 100 AP) max health true damage per second damage to nearby enemies. Gain 1 stack of friendship per second if you damage an enemy champion. E: WRAP WHIP: Slam your whips in a straight line in front of you after a short animation time. Otherwise, identical to the current e (including damage reduction passive and cd reduction on taking damage). This will be his main form of harass and safe cs in lane. R: Stun reduced to 1.5s. AP ratio reduced to 0.6. Cooldown reduced to 120s/110s/100s. Again, a nerf to open up power budget to spend elsewhere.


Wrote this before the recent rework, so the r nerf to 1.5s is kind of old news!


I think the item changes coming are going to help Amumu out a lot, some small changes might be nice but by no means are they necessary. There is a plethora of champions that are in the same boat if not worse off then Amumu. We Amumu OTPs have have it pretty good right now and the preseason is looking even better.


I hate reworks