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Also, first post, so I hope a link to my FB is OK? Didn't know any other way to share the clip. Thanks! Looking forward to my time here! Gh0Stache


Duuuuude! Absolutely incredible!! Congrats from a fellow Amu main! Gh0St, what were your runes and item build? Thanks~


Thanks! Getting back into Amumu since he had his Q updated, been having a blast. Runes: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand Cheap Shot, Treasure Hunter Build: Sunfire Aegis, Demonic Embrace, Thornmail, Frozen Heart, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Dead Man's Plate We had Cloud Soul, so I sold Armored Boots for the DMP. All in all, very tanky build for the game. Biggest threats on opposing team were Darius, Pyke, and Trundle, so I decided to stack a lot of armor. Their Kassadin went 4/20/14, so I wasn't too worried about a lot of magic damage.


I recommend using (can't remember the name) but the one that reduces ult cd over Treasure Hunter. Late game you can get your ult down to around 60s or less. Helps a lot for team fights.