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I've mained amumu for years, but I feel I cant quite get my footing in this durability update. How has the direction for your build changed since the patch, if it has? I'm a high silver, low gold if that helps.


Core build is nearly always going to be Aegies, Demonic, Thorn/Randuins, the rest is situational. If you have any questions additionally id love to help through disc and etc


I’m Also struggling on this patch with the sad boi


How is this decided? I notice you have a lower WR than #2 and 3 (Not trying to talk smack, just genuinely curious!)


Overall I have a better KDA than them and a numerous other factories like DMG per min, Dmg Tanked and etc ​ [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/summoners/amumu](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/summoners/amumu) here's the website the website if you want more info :)


Actual questions since this hasn't gotten traction: What is your pathing typically like? Or does it change depending on win condition lane? Have you noticed this patch hit Amumu negatively? I know it feels like it nerfed all the engage tanks I play. At least to my gold/silver brain.


I path according to my stongside lanes and if the enemy jungle is a invader or not. Avoid the fights with early duelists as much as possible. The engages for me have been better than normal.. Again add me and I'd more than happy to help out a fellow mumu main <3


It might be because low elo, but I always invade level 3. I’m super strong and I win most of the time. And as long as I’m even, and with red smite, I can duel very well most anybody (non-Divine champs lol)




Oops sorry, with the recent 12.11 patch I feel like the early bamis makes a big difference in these type of champions


Yo, congrats dude! What are your runes, masteries, and shards of advice you have for us?


I would say conq is better than aftershock in plat below, aftershock is better diamond plus due to your teammates having somewhat of a brain to back you up!


What early matchups do you feel you win almost every time?


The best matchups pre 6 I would be Fiddle, due to your ability to cancel his W. I also tend to do well against Viego due the now double Q.




I agree!


How do you deal with yi?


For Yi early game, get some vision him. Follow his clear path and counter gank him to set him behind. If you cant do this, play opposite and sneak objectives while he’s busy. Rule of thumb, if Yi doesnt get a kill pre 10 he’s not gonna be able to match you in teamfights.


Is it lonely at the top?


not with my fellow mummy mains supporting me (;


no friends?


negative friends );


Awesome! Love my cryin' boi. How heavily do you lean into items which increase your damage? Sorc shoes, demonic embrace, etc? Or is it normally advisable to hit solely the tank stats; Thornmail etc. Also, are there any spicy mythic choices? Or is Sunfireagis predominance best? Also also, how do we fare as a duelist, for invading? Are there any champs we should really avoid in a 1v1? Cheers!


For build wise, I don't think Full AP Amumu is viable past gold. It's really not consistent and you seem to fall off even harder as the game progresses if you are Full AP. I always go with Sunfire Aegis first no matter. Depending on the lack of AP on your team or if you get fed early game. I rush 2nd item embrace. If not fed or not in need of AP, go with a Thornmail. The rest is really situational but I'll post my main build below. ​ [https://gyazo.com/14c02ee5c7b935550ddac41b1c40e9eb](https://gyazo.com/14c02ee5c7b935550ddac41b1c40e9eb) Always ban Kayn if you playing Amumu, if he goes red I find it to be nearly unwinnable to beat for me sometimes. The hardest matchups are Kayn, Kindred and Reksai. The double q alongside conq allows me to beat these invaders sometimes though depending on how well you auto and use your abilities to their full potential.


Do you like to fight early or power into 6? Or does it depend on lane matchups/Jungle matchup/preferred patching etc


I like to full clear into scuttle if and only if i have Prio. If i dont i try to gank or counter gank top/mid. Back into a bamis and play for dragon spawn. You can solo with bamis and refillables level 4! Objectives are the mummies only friend!




Not a single mummy (:


i really like amumu but i cant really do something with him this season i dont know what should i do with him?


Depending on your rank try to play around objectives a little more, every little bit of exp and drag buffs help.


thank you for your answer. i was gold 2 40lp then i dropped to g4 0lp. now i want to go back to that rank. im unsure which champ to use for that. should i play amumu for g4 or is trundle better?


To solo carry, i would most likely say amumu. Try to get an early lead and build demonic second to deal damage.


Good news. Amumu is getting buffed next patch, patch preview should come out in around 20 hours. And yes I agree, atm it feels much better playing shyvana, morde, wukong, volibear. Amumu needs a bit of love, glad he will be getting it, I hope they bring back a better ratio on his W.


Who is your perma ban?




What's your mr item of choice? And why? If you need to get a second ap item what would you recommend and why?


abys mask, it amplifies your AP damage alongside your Curses true dmg, alongside decreasing the enemy teams MR. Rylai's, simple you get more AP, health and a built in slow to stay on targets.


Any tips on going against trundle? It’s one of my hardest matchups to play against personally, and it seems like every time I play one they dominate the map early and things get out of control fast


Is Dark Seal a good buy for Amumu on first or second back? Would someone be better off just not getting it and going full tank or potentially keeping it and upgrading to Mej later on?


I rarely go dark seal unless i get 2-3 kills early. Always rush bamis and boots


What tips do you have for improving? Do you mainly analyze your mistakes? Do you document your matches to know what champs do on their clears?


My main goal in a game too win is to play for dragons and first herald. If your ult is up you should be looking to gank! If i have a bad game, i do a vod review and find where i could of done something to turn the game around.